#plus there stink bugs all over my room and I fucking HATE stink bugs
servin-up-surveys · 9 months
survey #185
Are you currently in love? Yep yep.
Are you afraid of stink bugs? Eh, not really, but I can be jumpscared by one, haha. Just in the "oh there's a bug beside me" startle sense.
What is the one room in your house you spend the most time in? The spare bedroom, where my laptop is on a desk.
What do you think of your current president? Real talk, I haven't paid enough attention. I voted for him 'cuz I sure wasn't helping Trump gain ground, over my dead and rotting fucking body, and I know he HAS done at least some positive things, but I know I don't know as much as I should. Politics and understanding them is just so overwhelming - and depressing - to me.
Is there one website you visit regularly, but would never admit to? HAHAHA there are totally people I would NEEEEVER tell I have a Tumblr that isn't my photography one lmfao
Do you own any pets? Yes: a gray and white cat, brown and white chihuahua, and champagne ball python. I want more though, especially a hognose.
Would you rather have no legs or have no arms? No legs. I honestly wouldn't even want to live without arms, I do way too much with them, and loopholes like text-to-speech is something I am oddly super awkward with, like I never do it and I don't quite understand why it's so embarrassing for me to do. I don't do it for simple texts, anything.
Are you afraid of the dentist? Following a deep cleaning that was hell on earth, yes. Plus having two wisdom teeth extracted while conscious.
Have you ever done anything illegal? Yes, I've illegally downloaded a number of things. I once rode in the passenger seat with a driver who was high off weed, and it was one of the scariest moments of my life just because I was afraid to tell her no (me being afraid was no fault of her own, btw, I was just being I-don't-want-to-inconvenience-them me); if caught, we both would've gone to jail.
Do you like McDonald's sweet tea? I hate any and all tea.
Do documentaries bore you? I adore animal docs.
Are you usually happy or sad most of the time? Sad, honestly. At least, more sad than happy.
Does money make you happy? I've spent my entire life in a poor family, something that's gotten worse and worse as I got older, so hypothetically yes, having money in my possession would be a massive contributor to my happiness. Fuck outta here with the "it doesn't buy happiness" bullshit, say that when you get evicted out of your household because you can't pay for a roof over your head and have to rely on friends to house you.
Have you ever had a storage locker? If so, what is/was stored in it? No.
How far away is the nearest capital city? Like 50ish minutes by car.
What was the last movie trailer you watched? Oh I have no idea.
Are you expecting anything in the mail? No.
Have you ever broken any bones in your feet or hands? I broke my wrist as a kid, pretty sure my left one because I think I remember still being able to write.
Do you remember the first house you lived in? No; I wasn't even two (if I remember right) before we moved to the house I really consider my childhood home.
Have you stayed up past 3 in the morning this week? No, I haven't done that in a very long time.
Is there anyone you know by the name of Frank? Yes, that's the name of one of my sisters' husbands.
Are you currently in a smoking environment? No.
Do you ever not speak to someone because you're afraid you'll annoy them? Yes, that's the story of my fucking life.
Have you ever known a guy who caused a lot of drama? Yep, at least two.
Is there anything you're saving up for? I don't have a single dollar to my name, so.
Have you ever punched someone and broke their nose? I've never punched anyone to begin with.
One word to describe your most recent ex? Overdramatic, to list a nicer thing.
Do you like snow? I love snow, but granted, we don't get tons of it here; oftentimes a winter will pass without any.
Can you tie balloons? No; even before I developed tremors, I don't think I was ever good at it.
When was the last time you were at a pet store? It's been a real hot minute. We really only have PetSmart and Petco here, and I hate both of them.
Do you know anyone who is terrified of dogs? Pretty sure yes, or maybe it's just my sister's dog specifically. Their neighbors include a little girl where if she's over to play with the kids, Oakley (very large chocolate lab, wouldn't hurt a fly but VERY overenthusiastic in affection) has to be locked in her cage or else she's hysterical apparently.
What's your favorite horror movie? Probably The Blair Witch Project. Also quite a fan of The Crazies.
What cover do you think is better than the original song? "Hurt" by Johnny Cash, "Sound of Silence" by Disturbed, and Bad Wolves' version of "Zombie."
What's a TV show you have gotten into recently? Girt and I recently finished the first season of 3% and it's pretty good.
What is a food you think is nasty that most people enjoy? Fried chicken is one. Tomatoes seem to be liked a lot on sandwiches of sorts.
Was the last person you hung out with single? My mom is, yeah.
[TW: ABUSE] Have you ever been in an abusive relationship? No.
Do you like drinking diet sodas? Diet sodas are disgusting.
Who was the last person that cried in your presence? Maybe my mom, or a niece or nephew.
What was the last thing someone gave you? For our anniversary, Girt got me a picture of the night sky above my house the date we became a couple, I assume because it's where I asked him out. He always feels bad that his gifts aren't as "thoughtful" as mine (his words) so I thought it was the fucking cutest thing.
Who is the person you often go to for venting? My mom, Girt, or Mazzy and Tez.
Was the last person you kissed male or female? Male.
Who were you with the last time you went swimming? My mom, our family friends Lolita and Summer, and briefly one of Lolita's friends whose name I don't remember.
Do you say “I love you” even when you don’t mean it? Absolutely not. I will say I've said it to like, my mom in a time where I'm angry at her and don't really want to, HOWEVER I know I absolutely still do love her.
Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? I don't think so.
Do you prefer wheat or white bread? Wheat.
What's your opinion on fast food? I absolutely hate how much I enjoy fast food, and I don't quite know why I do other than places I like just have food made in a way I particularly enjoy, I guess. Mom and I don't get it an awful lot though, maybe like once a week, because it's gotten so expensive and it's obviously unhealthy.
Have you ever dated anyone while they were in jail? No.
If you've ever babysat, do you like it? No, I hate it.
Do you get a lot of spiders in your house? Nah.
Name two of your favorite things as a child. Dinosaurs and Pokemon.
Do you own a pillow pet? Uh no I don't think so. If I do, it's in a storage bag somewhere.
Have either of your parents gone to jail? Certainly not that I know of. I suppose it's possible when my dad has drugs in his past, but I feel like I'd know about this.
Do you have OCD (obsessive compulsive disorder)? I do/am medicated for it, though my OCD primarily manifests itself in rumination cycles, a lesser-known "format" of the condition. I don't have ritualistic behaviors and the like that you normally expect.
Do you know a hoarder? Well, I did. I recently learned she died. A former friend's mom also exhibited hoarder-like behavior, but I haven't had anything to do with these people in many years, hell if I know how the witch is.
Do you think homosexuality (anything besides heterosexual) is a choice? Absolutely not. I believe homosexuality and similar orientations are probably mutations, and I say that only because they're so against what science teaches (reproduce reproduce reproduce), but maybe they're even more "normal" than that. What do I know, I sure as hell don't have any degrees in this shit.
Do you have any interesting scar stories? I have one from a pilonidal cyst removal surgery and I really need to start testing how "hey I have an asscrack scar" goes for a conversation starter.
What's a reasonable amount of time before two people get engaged? This varies so, so much? Everyone's different? I will say that like, less than a year sounds very quick for any circumstance I can think up, and even one whole year sounds hasty, but again, this is so unique to different couples.
Do you hate the texture of meatballs? No, I actually love meatballs.
Do you get migraines? I consider myself super fucking lucky that these are very rare for me. I can't imagine dealing with them chronically, just the few occasions I have were hell itself.
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etherealino · 3 years
fake dating, skz.
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ot8 scenario.
content/warning(s): fake dating au, just small scenarios. some are idolverse, some aren’t. swearing, hating on jype, nagging mother. tell me if i missed something!
note: i might do full length fics for each babies. what do u guys think?
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chan. —
the one where he’s being pestered by his best friend to bring a plus one to his best friend’s wedding and it can’t be a random person but someone he’s actually dating.
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minho looks at chan who just whines. “please?” minho says which is unusually gentle than his nagging teasing tone. “it’s been years and i think it’s time for you to finally go back to dating.”
“i will bring someone, i promise.” chan says, smiling lightly. minho could be annoying about this whole dating thing but he knows minho just wants him to be as happy as he was before.
“not just anyone?” minho says and chan nods. “someone you’re dating.”
chan looks up, eyes widening and minho frowns. what the hell does he do? chan knows how determined minho is, he won’t stop. “hyung, jeongin’s on the verge of asking his girlfriend of marrying him and—”
“y/n.” chan cuts him off with the first name that pops in his mind causing minho to raises his eyebrow. “i’m bringing y/n.”
“i said someone you’re—” minho cuts himself off, looking at chan with his eyes widening. he looks behind, seeing you having a conversation with his fiancé probably helping her with something on the wedding as she is showing you a sample from the magazine. minho looks back to chan who looks at him nervously. “hyung?”
“two weeks.” chan lies.
“why didn’t you tell me before?” minho asks and chan shrugs.
“i.. wanted to be sure.” chan says, seeing minho’s shock expression not going away and is probably not going away anytime so soon. “but now, i’m sure.”
“then, i’ll tell my girl that y/n will sit with you.” minho says and chan nods, mumbling a thanks. when minho’s fiancé pulls away from you to go to minho, chan immediately goes to you to explain the mess he has dragged you into.
oh, how frustrated you are going to be. chan could already see it.
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minho. —
the one where you two are roommates and he can’t help but overhear how your mother would always bug you about not having a boyfriend among other things, so he decides to just save your ass because deep down you’re one of the few people in his list who he would do everything for.
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throughout dinner, all minho has ever heard how your mom would pick on the littlest things that you would do and not do. minho was starting to get irritated because clearly, your mother doesn’t know how much of an amazing person you are (but of course, he’d rather go to jail than let you know that). 
as minho cleans on the table, you are still by the door with your mom.
“i didn’t want to bring this up earlier right in front of your roommate because it would be humiliating,” your mother says and minho rolls his eyes. as if she hasn’t humiliated you the whole night. “but do you ever plan on having a boyfriend?”
“mom, i just graduated college. i have a lot of things to focus on, i don’t have the time—”
“well, do it faster. no one is available forever.” 
that was it. minho couldn’t hold it any longer. he just wants your mom to stop and let her know how unbelievably amazing you are. as he puts the table rug down, he loudly says, “my love, can you help me?”
you turn your head to him, looking at him and minho doesn’t do anything but shrug. “y/n, love,” he calls again, walking to you and acting as if he was surprised to see your mother is still there on the doorway. “mrs. y/l/n, i’m sorry. i thought you went off already.”
“are you two together?” your mom slowly asks and your jaw drops, minho placing his hands on your shoulders. “why didn’t you tell me?” she asks and you look at minho.
“we decided to keep it between the two of us for now.” minho says and you let out a noise, eyes widening at minho as you pull away from his hold.
“you could have just told me, you silly girl.” your mom says and you look at her. “alright, i’ll be going. you help your boyfriend with the cleaning. remember the things i told you and bring minho by the house when there’s a gathering if he’s allowed to.”
you blink. “o-okay.” you stutter, leaning forward to kiss your mom on the cheek. minho does the same and your mom smiles. “take care, ma.”
“stay safe, mrs. y/l/n.” minho says and she nods, thanking the two of you as she walks to the elevator. you shut the door, glaring at minho. damn, this is going to be a long night of scolding.
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changbin. —
the one where people think he’s dating an idol and keep insisting that that person is the inspiration behind his songs but in order to not drag that other idol into the mess, he drops the name of his non-idol best friend that nobody’s ever heard of.
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changbin jumps when he hears the door of his room barge open and he sees you glaring down at him. “what. the. hell?” you grit your teeth, fuming at your best friend as you glare at him. changbin whines, knowing how fucked up did he do about the whole situation.
sure, he was thinking about the other idol who he never has exchanged at least one word with but he never though about his best friend. he was.. caught up in the moment.
“y/n, i’m really sorry. i didn’t think this would bring so much chaos.”
“you think?!” 
changbin whines. he may be all buff and strong and one of the most feared in stray kids but when it comes to you, he’ll fold even before you come at him. “y/n, i’m so sorry. i wasn’t thinking. plus, you’re profession is different from us they wouldn’t just..” changbin trails off when he sees you tapping your foot impatiently. right, dispatch could be a big bitch.
“y/n,” changbin calls, standing up from his bed and walking forward to place his hands on your shoulders. “just please, go along with it? just for a few months, i promise. i wil protect you from the reporters, i swear. just.. do this favor for me, please.”
you sigh, brushing your fingers through your hair. you wrap your arms around his torso, pulling him in and changbin returns the hug. “fine.” you say and changbin sigh in relief. “also, go take a bath. you stink.”
changbin laughs, kissing your temple.
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hyunjin. —
the one where the company is being a huge pain in the ass by telling the two of you to pull a public stunt which is fake dating one another.
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“what?” you and hyunjin said in unison. you looked at your manager in disbelief who just shrugs, shaking her head in disagreement as she turns away with a sigh.
“just for a couple of months.” the staff says in a gentle, manipulative tone. “just to get the heat off of the company.”
hyunnjin brushes his hand through his long locks, hiding his frustration even though he knows you feel the same just as he does. you sigh, putting your forehead on your palm as you close your eyes.
“it will help you with your upcoming comeback.” the staff says to you and you visibly scoff, causing your manager to lightly nudge you behind. you groan, looking away. “it will also help you with the votings and streamings.” the staff tells hyunjin and he only looks down, playing with his fingers.
silence takes over, everyone feeling your and hyunjin’s anger to the staff. but after a few minutes, hyunjin speaks up. “how many months?”
silence takes over again and you look at the woman in front of you who sighs. “12 months.” she sheepishly smiles.
“that’s a whole ass year.” you say and she smiles.
“we’ll send dispatch something tomorrow. so just be ready.” she says. “you’re dismissed.” the moment those two words left her lips, you and hyunjin immediately rose up to exit the office. when your manager closes the door, you went straight to the wall, covering your face with your hands as you lean against the wall with a groan leaving your lips.
you feel a hand on your shoulder and you look up to see the tall long haired boy. “hey.” you greet and hyunjin chuckles.
“we’ll get through this.” hyunjin encourages and you smile, holding your fist out.
“yeah, we will.” you said and hyunjin looked at your fist, blinking then back to your eyes.
“i’m going to be your boyfriend tomorrow and you’re giving me a fist bump?” hyunjin deadpans and you laugh, lightly pushing him as he laughs loudly.
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jisung. —
the one where he’s your best friend and someone takes a liking on you but you’re too soft to reject someone so you randomly ask jisung to be your fake boyfriend.
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“what do you want?” jisung says and you pout lightly, looking into his eyes.
“ji..” you softly call and jisung crosses his arms over his chest. “i think.. changbin’s going to confess tomorrow.”
“i need you to swoop in and tell him we’re dating.” you say as you play on chips of his door. jisung’s eyes widen, laughing lightly as he blinks.
“come again?” jisung says and you whine, looking at him. “no!”
“why not?” you ask.
“just say you like me instead of pulling this stunt!” jisung says.
“hey, i don’t!” you say, scrunching your nose as you look down. “i just really don’t want to confront changbin about it and you know me. i’d just end up saying yes and—”
“it’s okay to say no.” jisung says but you only pout looking at him. jisung pinches the bridge of his nose, sighing. “y/n, i swear to god—”
“free cheesecakes as long as this goes on.”
“—you’re the bestest friend ever.”
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felix. —
the one where you’ve been wanting to experience what’s it like to have a boyfriend so felix being the best friend, he lets you have the experience you deserve once you have an actual boyfriend. (got it from here.)
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“lix,” you called and felix turns to you with a smile on his face. “i’m kind, right?”
“yeah,” felix answered. you truly are. whenever felix is in need of your help, you would always be there. and by always, i mean even if you’re about to do something for yourself, you’d put felix first.
“i’m not that dumb, right?” you ask.
“you’re actually really smart, y/n.” felix answers. you are. felix would always ask for your help when he’s having trouble with some subjects. and everytime you two would get into talking and there’s a test that’s to be taken by that day, felix knows you didn’t study. you never study. but how the hell do you still get high scores?
“i’m not that ugly, right?” you asked.
felix looks at you weirdly, eyebrows scrunched together as he shakes his head ‘no’. “everyone finds you extremely attractive, y/n. your beauty is simple, unlike the others.” felix says and you blush lightly, but still you want to continue with your drama.
“then why don’t i have a boyfriend?” you asked and felix just chuckles at you, continuing on doing his work. “hey,” you said with a pout. “i’m serious.”
felix softly smiles at you and places the slate and marker on his chair. “i’ll be your boyfriend,” felix answers and leans in to place a kiss on your forehead. your eyes widens, but felix continues to move as if nothing happened.
still with the soft smile on his face, felix grabs the slate and goes outside to seungmin.
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seungmin. —
the one where you both decide to fake date for the sake of the annual movie fest happening in your university and the genre assigned to you is romance but seungmin, the director and you, the scriptwriter have no experience in that area which makes it hard for the two of you to bring it to life.
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you softly sigh, rereading jisung’s text over and over again. seungmin gazes at you, noticing the expression that he was unable to decipher. “what did jisung say this time?” he asks and you look at him, turning the phone screen to him. seungmin reads the test and he leans on his seat, not removing his eyes on the text.
well, it’s not bad actually.
“what do you think?” seungmin asks and you shrug, softly sighing.
“it’s not a bad idea.” you softly say. “are you alright with it?”
“well, it is a good idea and we could work on it together.” seungmin says and you nod. “so, we’re doing this?”
“i guess?” you say, a bit unsure of it. you look at your wrist watch, seeing the time making you fix your things. “i have class in a few minutes, seung.”
seungmin nods, standing up as he helps you. when you sling your bag on your shoulder, he takes your laptop bag putting it on his shoulder and grabs your books as well. “what are you doing?” you ask.
“what kind of boyfriend lets his girlfriend go to class alone and on top of it, with so much bag as if she’s going to run away from home?” seungmin deadpans and you look at him.
“oh, we start now?” you mumble.
“we only have four weeks to pass the script.” seungmin says and you chuckle, nodding with a sigh.
“gosh, you need to be my boyfriend to help me with carrying my stuff.” you mumble and seungmin looks at you, pulling his tongue out.
jisung: this maybe stupid but also makes sense
jisung: date each other even just until you passed the script
jisung: just so you know what to do and stuff
jisung: just don’t fall in love
jisung: but if you do, please mention me in your wedding vows and speeches
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jeongin. —
the one where he thought it would be a good idea to get his fangirls off his back by telling them he’s dating you in secret.
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jeongin knocks into your apartment, giving you his charming cute smile. you raise your eyebrow, lightly chucking. “what’s up, yang?” you say, looking at him. jeongin gestures with his hands to go inside your apartment and you open your door wide to let him in.
“you know how were the bestest of friends?” jeongin asks, looking at you with his smile that not even a second did it fade.
you look at him. “no, not really.” you deadpan and jeongin sighs, frowning as he looks at you. “what do you need?”
“remember when you mentioned about the girls in uni going crazy about me?” jeongin says and you nod. “i kind of told them that i was dating someone in secret.” jeongin told you and you nod.
“you are?” you ask and jeongin shakes his head. “so you lied just to get them off your back?” you asked and jeongin nodded. “okay, so?”
“they wouldn’t let me go until i tell them who it is.” jeongin said and you nodded. jeongin just stares at you and you raise your eyebrow, not getting where the conversation is going. jeongin slowly tilts his head, staring at you and your eyes widen, hitting his arm. 
“you told them it was me?!” you exclaimed.
jeongin blinks at you. “ow?” he says and you groan.
“i know it wasn’t the smartest decision—”
“the smartest?” you repeat with emphasis because it wasn’t even smarter, it wasn’t smart. it was the dumbest. ever. “jeongin, those girls are oing to—”
“i’ll give you hyunjin hyung’s number after all of this is over.” jeongin cuts you off and you look at him. “it was obvious. he’s just... dense as fuck.”
you sigh, “you pick me up tomorrow at 7.”
“thank you, y/n!” he exclaims, hugging you as he presses your body against his. “thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“alright, go home.” you say and jeongin laughs, pulling away from you. jeongin giggles, kissing your cheek as he exits your apartment to go home.
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make me do it a full length au thanks. lmAO SDHBJHS,, im going to !! tell me if u want to be tagged <3
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muskywolfthings · 5 years
Derek didn’t need money for much, and it wasn’t just because his family was pretty well off, okay? He wasn’t stuck up, or snooty, like Jackson. He didn’t subtly flaunt his wealth like Lydia. He just...was Derek, plain and simple. He didn’t buy much, his mom usually taking care of his clothes, as childish as it sounded. He hated shopping though, so it was a pretty sweet deal. He took Laura’s car to school now that she was taking college classes from home, so she always filled it back up. And come Christmas, his mom gave out a hundred bucks to shop for everyone in the family. Which, in retrospect, was certainly not enough for the twenty plus Hale’s that gathered out in the preserve around that time. But they made it work. Which was all to say, he’d never had to worry about getting a job. He was seventeen, a senior in high school, and he’d never had a job. It had never really embarrassed him, more so made him that much more grateful for the life he was able to live. Until he’d started dating Stiles. Stilinski had always been on his radar, loud and filling up space so obnoxiously it was hard not to notice him. Especially when he flirted with Derek so hard sometimes the other boy contemplated just choking Stiles out on his dick to get some peace. Only sometimes though. Derek wasn’t aggressive by nature. Usually. But that’s all it had ever been, annoying digs at his dick and height, talks of stubble burn between cheeks that made Stiles giggle and Derek blush. But then Stiles had actually asked him out on a date. And Derek...Derek fell really fucking hard in the span of about forty five minutes.
Needless to say, they’d been almost inseparable ever since. Six months of fucking awesome dates, sneaky school and car sex, and overall cuteness between the two. And then Stiles had gone and done it. Ruined everything. Entirely. Derek wasn’t one for dramatics, okay? But Stiles had gotten him a small triskele pendant carved into a shined piece of copper on a necklace for his birthday, and Derek had strong armed him with extra smelly pits that afternoon until he spilled how much it had cost. Derek’s eyes almost bugged out of his damn head, and though Stiles assured him he didn’t mind, and was just happy Derek liked it, Derek felt...weird. Stiles had been working at their local comic shop since he was fifteen, picking up as many shifts as he could before he’d started dating Derek to save for college, and to help out at home. It was his own little heaven on earth, but then Derek had come along, and he’d shifted down to part time. Which meant he’d spent like two paychecks on a gift for Derek, which Derek couldn’t even begin to fathom.
Jump forward two months, and Derek found himself nearing Stiles’ birthday with increasing worry. Wasn’t going to ask his mom for the money, knowing she’d say yes, when Stiles had worked hard to get something that Derek never took off for anything. Derek knew what he wanted to get him: A first edition Batman comic that was on display at his store, that he’d wanted since he first went in at age nine. Derek got nervous just looking at the price tag on that thing whenever he went in on Stiles’ shifts  to keep him company sometimes, but dammit if Stiles didn’t deserve the world. And Derek was going to give it to him! One comic book at a time. Needless to say that all led to the here and now. Two weeks out from Stiles’ birthday, and one paycheck away from his goal. He was so close he could practically taste the plastic covering that damn comic. Too bad the grease in the air from the burger joint he’d gotten hired at was all he could taste at the moment. Beacon Burger, a run down burger joint just on the edge of town, that literally no one ever stopped in. Derek came in three times a week, for a night shift. 8 PM to 4 AM, Fridays, Saturdays, and Wednesdays. It was easy going, but boring as fuck, and due to the time of his shifts Stiles could never stop by. One perk was the free food- when he got hungry he’d whip up something greasy to chow down on- which was resulting in a slight pudge in  his usual hard stomach that was bothering him, but Stiles’ sort of loved it so it wasn’t all bad. He’d find something that was a little more hands on and fun come the summer maybe, but for right now, this was the first place to hire him-Hollister aside, he hadn’t even wanted to go to that interview, but Stiles insisted the pretentious surfer clothing aside, they could have hot sex in the dressing rooms, which was tempting, but the overwhelming smell of teen in that store gave Derek a headache. So Beacon Burger it was. Tapping his fingers on the counter next to register, Derek hummed to himself- flipping through his phone with his free hand, about to text Stiles and see if he was up, when the light indicating a car was coming through the drive through flashed, and he frowned- setting his phone down and lowering his headset mic to his mouth. It was almost one in the morning on a wednesday, who the hell was here? They didn’t have a camera to view the customers at the speaker, so he cleared his throat, before turning his headset mic on and reciting the usual. “Hi welcome to Beacon Burger, my names Derek. What can I get for you tonight?” His voice was soft and monotone, perfect for customers, supposedly, but he made a soft high noise in the back of his throat at the familiar laugh that came through the static in his headset. “Don’t suppose six foot four hunks who didn’t shower after wrestling practice are on the menu?” Stiles called from the window of his jeep, grinning as he imagined Derek’s brows doing that adorable wiggling and dip thing. “What the hell are you doing out right now?” Derek questioned, Amusement palpable in his voice, as he leaned against the counter and smiled. His night a thousand percent better already. “I couldn’t sleep dude, and I’ve got the sickest sweet tooth right now.” Stiles admitted, head on his hands as he spoke into the speaker as if he and Derek were just on the phone. “Uh, we have like, some shakes and shit...don’t know if the cream in the fridge is anything good though, to be honest.” Derek muttered, glancing over at the suspiciously warm fridge of theirs. “Lemme try and find something for you.” He called, before going to move into the kitchen, only to have Stiles’ voice freeze him. “I was thinking some cakes?” He said, innocently enough, and Derek’s brows did indeed do their adorable wiggle, as he looked around himself almost to see if he were somewhere. “We...what the fuck? We don’t have cakes.” He scoffed, shaking his head and moving back to the window, glancing out far enough just to see the bumper of Stiles’ jeep. “Lies, you one thousand percent have cakes dude. Come on, just two, just a taste, to get rid of my craving.” Stiles’ voice dripped with that sound that sent shivers down Derek’s spine, also the crease in his sweaty nuts. His cock giving a throbbing to life slowly in his dirty briefs as he gulped, and recalled a conversation he’d had with Stiles just a few days ago. When he’d refused to stop calling Derek a snack in class, and demanded to eat his ‘cakes’. Glancing around the restaurant to ease his own mind, Derek spent no more than five seconds contemplating what he was about to do, before he locked himself in the kitchen, and adjusted himself behind his apron. He better not get fucking fired for this, or he was going to strangle Stiles. “Come on around, these are on the house.” Derek whispered, clearing his throat and blushing furiously under his week old stubble and Stiles laughed, and the sound of his jeep pulling forward came through his headset. Derek had in fact had wrestling practice before coming into work, and he’d come straight from the school. He hadn’t showered since Monday night, Stiles’ keeping him busy Tuesday night, and practice running late before he had to go in for his shift, he just hadn’t had the time. His balls and bush were crusty with dried cum and spit from Stiles’ expert blowjob skills the night before, and his ass hair was matted and dripping with sweat. Both from practice, and the heat in the kitchen. He knew he smelled fucking atrocious, caught a whiff of it as he slid his shorts down with one hand, and slid the drive through window open all the way with the other. It made him huff a bit, growling under his breath as he took a second to fan the scent up at himself, eyes bleeding yellow for a split second, before he shook it off and hopped up on the windowsill. Fat ass plump and hanging out of the window just as Stiles drove up. The chilly night air blew through his smelly, wet crack and made him break out in goosebumps- just as Stiles parked and leaned out of his window, wasting no time in running his nose along the crack of Derek’s hairy ass, and moaning out brokenly at the ripe scent. “You’re so fucking dirty.” He nearly mewled, Derek grinning despite his blush as he looked back over his shoulder, cock fully hard and dripping piss and precum from his foreskin as he watched Stiles press his face into his ass, face engulfed by Derek’s huge hairy cheeks in a way that made Derek moan just from the image- gripping his cock at the base and stroking up, balls swinging and dripping sweat onto the floor as Stiles found his asshole, and pressed his nosed into the dirty wrinkled pucker. Rubbing it up and down, easing a slight itch Derek had been picking at conspicuously throughout the day. His mouth fell open, and he felt like an animal as he openly drooled onto his apron, cock out and ready to bust already, his ass hanging out of a fucking drive through window as his boyfriend began to eat it. Tongue flicking out once he’d gotten his fill of the stink, and now doing his damn best to lick up every ounce of raunchiness from between Derek’s cheeks. The noises he made- sloppy and wet, mixed with his mouns and snorts for more funk in between jabs of his tongue into Derek;’s dirty asshole drove the bigger boy wild. He was bucking back on Stiles’ face, gripping at the window with one hand so he didn’t fall out and break an arm or something, the other stroking his cock furiously. Wet, snotty noises coming from his soaked foreskin. He was grunting like an animal, fucking himself on Stiles’ tongue as he looked back and did his best to spread his ass on the windowsill, despite the metal beneath digging into his taint hard. “Eat that fucking ass, god your tongue feels so fucking good. Deeper, fucking- deeper! Fuck!” Derek was nearly screaming as Stiles spread him open wide, exposing his ass to anyone who may be around and want a peek, licking all over his hole, before sucking on the wrinkled fleshing and plunging his tongue in so deep Derek tensed uncontrollably. Feeling his own walls clamp down on Stiles’ tongue, dug so deep up his fucking hole Derek was sure any more and he’d tongue fuck his prostate, sent him over the edge so suddenly his vision whited out. His cock bursting hard enough to spray the register and counter with cum- fat balls jumping near the base of his cock as he milked himself for all he was worth, a solid minute and a half of spurting till he was wringing out the last drops into his foreskin and out onto his apron. So fucking tired all of the sudden that he slid back and used Stiles’ face as a rest for his ass and a good chunk of his weight. His boyfriend munching on his hole until the familiar sounds of his own orgasm hit Derek’s ears- glancing back again just in time to watch Stiles’ plump pink cock burst over his steering wheel. Derek smiled lazily, grinding his ass back and wiggling it on Stiles’ face just to be a dick, before hopping down from the counter on shaky legs, listening to Stiles gasp for breath. Clean air, face red, a few streay ass pubes around his mouth, his lips swollen and red, and a dopey smile smack dab in the middle of it all. “You’re a public menace.” Derek laughed, leaning out of the window, ass dripping spit to mingle with the various other bodily fluids on the ground as he brought Stiles into a soft kiss. Woofing under his breath as he drug his nose above it, scenting his own ass. “If I get fired because someone finds out we did this, you’re dead.” He growled, nipping down Stiles’ chin and neck, shaking his head at the eye roll he could nearly hear, before Stiles was nibbling on that special part of his earlobe that made him grip the edges of the window to keep from falling to his knees. “You’d totally still love me.” And dammit if that wasn’t the truth,. Derek though, biting extra hard on Stiles’ shoulder just to hear him shout, before pulling back and shoving his face back into the jeep. “As if.” He huffed, before smiling and winking at Stiles as he started the jeep back up- slumping back in his seat, prepared for a comfortable ride home. “I’ll see you at school in the morning?” He asked, as though there was more than one answer. “Of course. Hope you satisfied your craving. Zero calories too.” Derek grinned, that wolfish thing Stiles’ loved so much. “As if. Take it easy, big guy. Love ya.” Stiles called, before pulling forward. “Love you too.” Derek muttered, taking a deep breath and expelling it dramatically. Fucking Stiles. He should’ve pulled his skinny cute ass out of that jeep and made him lick Derek’s mess. Now he had to clean it up himself. Just great. At least his last two weeks were going to be very, very enjoyable. ((Hello all! I know it’s been a while guys, seriously sorry for being so quiet and not posting literally anything in weeks. Just haven’t been super motivated to write since the whole Tumblr crack down thing. But I got this idea after seeing a particularly raunchy gifset, and tada! It inspired me super quickly and I was actually able to sit down and immediately and...here you have it lol. I hope you guys enjoy! More stories to come, hopefully soon, but no promises :3 ))
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fairy-ganj-mother · 7 years
okay I have weed again but my apartment is disgusting who's gonna come smoke and clean with me!!
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blaurascon-kzk · 5 years
KZK Discord Digest [Week of May 30 - June 7 Pt.1]
SUMMARY: There's a big thing we're doing that I'm gonna split off into its own post so people can directly reference that. Plus this post is gonna be enormous. Pt.2 should be up shortly after this one. It’s been a busy week!
After months of trying to land a rental and a job in VA so they can move, Kat and April have decided, fuck it, they're going - some generous friends will be having them stay there until they're able to find a place of their own. The PODs are already being loaded. Kat will likely not be able to make / release new things for 2-3 weeks while they move and get settled. On top of that, he has to put his cat Ishizu to sleep soon - she's developed kidney failure and the only treatment would involve dialysis and subq fluid injections, so the difficult decision was made to let her go.
To help fund the move, we've put up a lot of our old LEs and plushy avatars, including things like the Darastryx, Mana Machina, and Murk Beast that haven't seen the light of day since their release. The sale will run for a few weeks, minimum. Check it out here: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Okarthel/181/81/50
The Direwolf plushy is still WIP. See below for a sneak peek (with a lot of color) Direwolf freebie devkit is finished, barring documentation and instructions. Paid devkit will be getting a v1.2 update soon as well. No ETA on their release given IRL circumstances, but rest assured they are coming as soon as possible! Direwolf update is still WIP pending the move. We apologize deeply for the massive delay with this, and want to thank you all for your patience.
May 30
Kat05/30/2019 @everyone Another quick teaser for the Eastern Dragon coloring page:  Noodle derg!
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Kat05/30/2019 @everyone Last teaser for today, as this one took me all day to finish, but here's the final result for the Eastern Dragon coloring page. The PSD for it, as well as the Northern will be made available once they are both complete. And a quick reminder, You have until tomorrow night to contribute to my patreon at the 10$ or more level if you want to snag a cool resin crystal! I've got another batch of mail going out in a couple of days to fill recent orders so now's your best chance! https://www.patreon.com/darkecokat
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May 31
Kat05/31/2019 @everyone Amazing how much quicker something goes when you've got less detail to contend with! The Northern and Eastern Dragon pages are done, as per the votes on the most recent Coloring page Poll. You can download all the available pages here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1PfjTfO0M2a47arowNzhXD7MWxEDeNfgI  And here's a preview of the Northern Dragon coloring page! A lone Dragon emerges from its den to greet the emerging spring as the final snowfall starts to melt.
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Kat05/31/2019 @everyone Keeping the productivity train rolling. Decided to pick up the Direwolf plush today to break up the monotony of setting up devkit stuff and arting. Here's a preview of one of the steps of making a 3D model. This color vomit is not just awful to look at. It actually serves a very important purpose. Once I've finished the low poly model, I will bake these colors onto it, and my software will be able to use these very distinct colors as a 'Color ID' Mask. It'll save me a bit of time later setting up all the markings during the final baking/texturing phase. Stay tuned for more updates.
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Kat05/31/2019 @everyone Been a busy day for announcements the last couple of days. Apologies for nuking your notifications. So update on the job situation.
As of this moment, my fiance and I are on the brink of burning one of our last few bridges with no way of going back. Her job has failed time and time again to work with her on scheduling for travel, and through no fault of her own, could be jobless by the end of tomorrow. Monday she flies up north for an interview, and if they don't hire her, we're out of options. She'll be jobless and we'll be stuck in Louisiana for at least the next six months which is far from ideal.
I say this because I need to start looking forward toward new projects. I'd intended to get the Direwolf update out before I started anything new, but this move has already caused so many delays and problems, that things are now piling up and I need to keep my income stable if I have any hope of qualifying for a place on just my income alone.  So I will do my best to get the plush av out, get the freeby dev kit out, then I will be moving forward with production on a new avatar, while simultaneously working on the remaining bug fixes, missing features and general QoL improvements for the Direwolf.
I promised the update, and as usual, I've dropped that ball. For that I am sorry, and I can only hope for your forgiveness and support as my Fiance and I try to transition through this exceptionally difficult time in our lives.
I hate this state. I hate the people here. I hate being alone all the time. This move is supposed to help fix most of that, and putting out new content is the only way I can make that happen. I hope you all understand. Thank you.
Jun 1
KatLast Saturday at 7:08 PM @everyone Update on the devkit progress: The Paid devkit will be getting a 1.2 release to address some minor issues bugging me, but that's not happening just yet. The freeby kits have been finished. Now I'm penning up the documentation and usage instructions. Those should be available once I get back from Dallas.
Speaking of Dallas, I will be gone for Sunday, monday, and tuesday. Its cheaper for us to book a hotel room and stay two nights to wait for her return flight than it is to drive back and forth (a total of 12-15 hours of driving for two round trips to dallas) so I'll be camping out in my hotel room with my switch and laptop xD. Hopefully I will have some good news on monday.
Jun 2
KatLast Sunday at 11:13 AM @everyone so.. I will not be going to dallas, as originally planned. Last night my eldest cat ishizu got very sick. I'm sitting at an emergency clinic right now and wont be home in time to join. So please.. do me a favor, send @AprilsaurusRex words of encouragement for her interview. I'm not able to be there to support her on this trip and its tearing me apart.
KatLast Sunday at 1:07 PM @everyone At home now, waiting on news of the blood test results. Doctors had to sedate her to draw blood because she was fighting back so badly. Normally i'm there to calm her down but the clinic was exceptionally busy and I desperately needed food in my stomach. Total costs are already up around $400 for the IV(sever dehydration from constant vomiting), blood work, and the exam fee. that, compounded with the expenses to book the flights for this interview have taken a bite out of my savings so.. expect some sort of sale or something soon. I'm going to use the unexpected next few days home to focus on work. Thank you all for your support, patience and understanding.
Jun 3
KatLast Monday at 3:01 PM @everyone Going to try to keep this brief today. Lab results came back early yesterday for my cat(I spent all day just.. processing, and... preparing myself for whats coming.).  I've been reviewing her bloodwork and doing my best through research to interpret the results, along with the information provided by my vets. Her kidneys are in bad shape, and the only 'treatment' now is dialysis and weekly subcutaneous injections of fluids to combat dehydration. I can barely give her a syringe of chicken flavored medicine, let alone get her to sit still long enough to give her a shot. They had to mildly sedate her to even draw blood so... I've made the soul crushing decision to.. stabilize her for now, make her comfortable, and set a date. She will be buried next to my other animals.
As for moving... My fiance and I decided 'fuck it'. Job or no, we're leaving. Thanks to some generous friends in the area, we've got a place to stay while we find a place to live or while she looks for a job should the worst happen and Geico fall thru. I've already ordered the pods and i h ave 15 days to load it before city officials fine me for the pods overstaying its welcome. That'll arrive on the 6th so.. basically everything's on hold at this point while I move and prepare myself to say goodbye to my beloved Ishizu. I got her as a freshman in highschool. I'm going to miss her. so much. I dont want to put her to sleep but weekly injections, stress, and constantly being dragged to a vet where its cold and sterile and constantly stinks of fear is not how I want her final days to play out. I didn't come to this conclusion easily, and even now I wish there weer another way.
KatLast Monday at 3:08 PM @everyone All I ask is that when you get home, or if you are home.. give your cats, dogs, brids, lizards, snakes, turtles.. whatever animals you share your love with, please just.. give em a hug for me, ok? Let em know they're loved, even if they dont understand it. Thank you all for your kind words.
KatLast Monday at 9:58 PM @everyone As mentioned before, I've opted to put up a bunch of retired stuff for sale. Some of the stuff was sold recently when our car broke down, but some of it, like the freeby will o drakes, the murk beast, and the mana machina, haven't seen the light of day since their initial release. Also available is the darastryx, the winter hunt freebies (wings, horns, tail, ect), and a bunch of LEs released for the Sergals, Fennecs, Raptors, Central Dragons and Rift Dragons. I hate that I have to do stuff like this but I will have no time over the next 2-3 weeks to produce any new content, and this is my best chance at staying afloat financially while the move happens. Thank you. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Okarthel/181/81/50
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Jun 4
KatLast Tuesday at 11:07 PM @everyone We've been having some major issues with our host, so if you have any issues with a purchase, PLEASE let myself or @Blau know. I will do my best to respond and resolve the issues.
That said, by popular demand I've set up 4 new sets of avatars out that were previously exclusive to preorder or hunt events: This is the LE Fennecs, LE Ferox, LE Kaori, and the Hunt exclusive Rift Dragons. This sale will only go on for a few weeks.
A fond thank you to everyone for their support and kind words. It means the world to me. Ishizu is home with me now, and has spent the majority of today relaxing and resting.  She's yet to eat anything, but she's drank a bit. Hasn't used the restroom yet though which has me really worried.
Jun 5
KatLast Wednesday at 11:08 AM @everyone If you or someone you know has had any issues with deliveries, please drop me a message in SL. I know the alloy was a bit issue (entirely because of a mistake I made), so just drop me a message mk?
KatLast Wednesday at 12:32 PM @everyone If you're wearing a Kirin Alloy and your neck/spine guards attach to your HUD, this is a bug with Firestorm, not the avatar. I've just tested a freshly unpacked copy on the Default viewer and it works just fine for me. So make sure your viewer is up to date, and if it is, send a bug report to the Firestorm devs. Thank you.
0 notes
ranting-24-7 · 5 years
Dear Diary (1-28-18)
It’s been a while.. been wanting to vent and get things out but I was always busy with school, then work, then life in general so I never got around to it. But today was just... gaaahhh!
I mean, overall it was a great day. I enjoyed watching the sag awards with family, I got to see an inspirational scene while watching the Gianni Versace show, enjoyed some good food without going crazy over my calorie count, and got to watch my friend’s dnd campaign for a good portion. It was a good day.
there were some unsettling things for me, and some things that have been bothering me.
So, family critique is one. They always have something to say. Today, it was to do my makeup. Not a big deal. Except, when it’s a constant thing ONLY if we’re going out in a group setting (literally, we only went to the hat and Kmart today. Fucking KMART! Who the hell cares if I’m wearing or not wearing makeup at fucking Kmart?) so of course, I had to put it on. And then my dad said I looked pretty, but got upset when I didn’t get as happy as he expected me to. I’m sorry, but if I didn’t want to put the effort, don’t compliment me. It’s a chore, and I hate it. I only like putting makeup on when I WANT to put it on. Going to work, need it. Going out to dance, fuck yeah! Heading to cvs or for food real quick? I don’t give a fuck. hanging out with my family, fuck no! Why is that? Bc they already know me without the makeup so why do I have to put a fake face on for them?
It came up during dinner that I was upset by that so I made the comment that obviously I look like trash without it since they make such a stink about it. That didn’t go over well.
Another thing is earlier my mom was saying about how I can’t think outside the box, and that I need to just get out of the box. It was really funny, and I didn’t mind. Until she made the comment that only the box, and not the closet. I was having a good time until she said that, and then I was just irritated. She brought it up again later, and it really fucking pissed me off. It’s still been bugging me bc it takes me back to her comment when I was in HS and she found out a lot of my friends were bi so she asked me if I was too. But before I could answer, she cut in and said “bc if you are, I’ll beat you straight.” I’m demi. I don’t give a fuck about gender, it’s about the person and knowing them well. Yeah, sometimes I get very random crushes bc of someone’s aesthetic appeal. but those don’t typically last compared to when I see how they interact with others and then fall for the personality and the PERSON rather than the face.
Anyhow, another thing that upset me is that they were mad that I was closed off to what they want to do with my room. They keep emphasizing that my room is my room and I can do what I want with it. But then they’re not giving me the choice to do what I want. Instead, they’re dictating and governing what is going where, and saying what is going to happen. When I got really mad and tried to just ignore a pointed question, I got called out for being narrow minded. I know I’m stubborn, but I absolutely hate the idea of having a structure meant to hold a tv as a mini closet inside a closet. The closet is fucking tiny as it is. I don’t need to lose even more space to that monstrosity. Mom’s whole point about why I should put it in there is bc then I have more space in my room so it’ll look better. But my room is the fucking storage room. More space in this household means more stuff to store in here. I don’t want my room to be full, but I don’t want it to call attention either. Plus, I’m a hoarder. I’m going to screw it all up anyhow with too much free space.
To top it off, I also don’t have a job and I need to pay back loans starting February. I’m SOL come a few days.
There’s a lot I’ve been wanting to vent, but this is where I cut myself off bc I need to wake up in 4 hrs to make breakfast for the fam.
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