#pmseymour you did this to me
quackdragon · 1 year
Ah my first post, I better make it importa-
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I saw a boulder today
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 3 months
Are you the person who went on a rant over vanilla? I don’t mean that in a mean way, you had some very good points. Also, if you didn’t know, that post broke containment.
that’s me! i did hear about that, my partner let me know when she saw it in a pmseymour video lol
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kierthehecc · 4 years
oh boi
I’m sure blessed to have the cursed being that is Gaud on my feed because I aspired to have that cursed-ness myself. I mean I’m already a chaotic dumbass so
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pingasbingas · 2 years
Never in my life did I think that I would resort to using Tumblr, but here I am. Therefore I am turning this into a callout post for the YouTube Algorithm. F*ck you for giving me PMSeymour content and making me want to use Tumblr. Now I'm actually here and I'm scared and lonely and I don't know what to do. I don't like it but I want to stick around and see what happens and that's the worst part.
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Name: Mom
Pronouns: She/they
Zodiac: Cancer
Height: About 5′10
Time: 8:36 PM
B-day: July 22
Nationality: Caucasian
Fav Band/Group: I don’t have one
Favorite Solo Artist: Annapantsu is one of my favorite
“When did you create your Tumblr?”: No clue
”Last thing you googled?”: Escape rooms
Other blog: Yes, https://thelosthavenmansion.tumblr.com/  This is my oc blog!
“Why you chose your url?”: PMseymour made a tumblr video and he said he was a ‘pandemic’ (He said he was panromantic and demisexual, so a mix of the words). Also I’m just a disaster of a person, but I’ve been called very kind to anyone know talks to me.
“How many blogs are you following?”: 457
“How many followers do you have?”: 375 (I HAVE NO IDEA HOW BUT THANK YOU!!!)
Average hours of sleep: 5 - 6 hours
Instrument: I can’t play anything
Lucky Number: 4
Currently wearing: Blue striped button up and tight jeans
Dream trip: Japan with my bean
Favorite food: Almost anything pasta
Favorite Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGfhbCpW-eM  Currently this song even though people say its the opposite of my personality
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scribble-skull-rat · 4 years
Hey mothers and motherfuckers of this hell site we all love and hate! Here's a fun tip that I won't be soft about!: stop fucking sexualizing people's OCS and saying they asked for it. You're just a fucking creep who won't accept the fact that no matter how much you may love that character sexualizing them when the creator never said it was okay is fucking rude.
"But shes hot-" shut the fuck up. No really, say another fucking word and I'll rip your goddamn dicks off and shove em up so far up your ass you'll be sneezing jizz out your goddamn nose. Take cyana for example, she was created by @pmseymourva. Shes chubby and happy and is an adorable space elf, pmseymour never said "hey guys! Make lewd images of this character I made!". Not even remotely. But you fucks did it anyways, and then you tried to blame him for it.
Cyana, a youtubers adorable oc, was lewed without permission, and when you were asked to stop what did you do? You discarded what he said and did it anyways. When he complained what did you fucks do? You blamed him. You blamed him for making his own oc chubby and cute because you stupid fucks can't even handle the responsibility that comes with having your own fucking house much less the responsibility of not lewding someones character, you sewage drinking basement dwelling cum socks.
So let me say it again for those who were stupid to listen the first fucking time:
A chubby oc or character being lewded isn't the creators fault and isn't okay. You're all just a bunch of neck beard having dorito and mtdew drinking sewage smelling dumb asses who think its okay to sexualize people's personal characters.
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