#pochi's graduation
vtuberconfessions · 6 months
Question abt pochis graduation - are vods and stuff staying up?
I think so, though with Idol's track record for the HE girls that parted amicably they'll probably only stay up for a bit.
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pocharimochi · 11 months
Wait. Spider Lily’s Canon Event?
………why must you do us like this, Pochi?😭
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Wanted to answer both!
Lily’s canon event in Spiderverse AU! Unfortunately involves her losing Luka in her world. From longtime high school to college sweethearts, Luka Ravencroft (this is his name in that universe) was about to propose to his girlfriend after celebrating their college graduation. Unfortunately, a villain attack rendered this happy event null and filled with tragedy. Despite not being a hero in power, Luka was a hero in character, and prevented the death of a professor’s child. However, the injuries gained in the event were far too deep that even if Lily, as Spring Spider, attempted to swing across the city to the nearest hospital, Luka’s now delicate nature would be further aggravated in the trip.
Lily made the choice to stay by his side, despite watching him die in her arms, because he always told her this was the safest place to be for him.
Lily learned about Luka’s marriage proposal by his aunt during his funeral service. He wanted to take the next step in their relationship.
Because of this incident, Lily avoids getting close to anyone romantically, and keeps her distance when people begin to show feelings and wish for a deeper relationship. When she’s not Spring-Spider, she is a High School Therapist. She dropped her promising career as a fashion designer to pursue helping teens with their mental health and find support the best way possible as Luka wanted to provide help to the most misunderstood age demographic.
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maboroshi-no · 10 months
Hamefura Movie Novel Chapter 1 Summary
I am currently reading the light of the novel of the upcoming Hamefura movie and will write summaries as I read.
Chapter 1: The Foreign Merchant Caravan
Katarina Is in the Royal Castle
Katarina is currently walking in the royal castle's garden. She is in high spirits because she has finally graduated from the Academy of Magic.
Today, Geordo has invited Katarina for tea, and she has come alone since Keith had to set out for work with their father this morning. Katarina feels sad that she, Keith, and her friends will start going their own ways. She is also feeling nervous about working at the Ministry of Magic. It will be her first working experience (if she doesn't count her part-time jobs in her past life), and it happens to be at the most prestigious organization in the country.
Pochi Runs Off
Pochi has come out of her shadow and is looking at her. Katarina scolds him for coming out of his own. Pochi suddenly dashes somewhere. Katarina chases after him.
Katarina arrives in a gloomy place on the outskirts of the castle. She has lost sight of Pochi. She sees an opened door and guesses that Pochi must have gone through it. There is a "No Trespassing" sign at the door. She enters nevertheless while hoping that it will be okay as long as she doesn't stay for long.
Inside, there are a lot of dusty art pieces like vases, paintings, and statues. Katarina finally finds Pochi and scolds him for running away. Then she sees a little creature behind Pochi. She asks it where it comes from, and it replies "Piyo". She takes the little bird with her.
Taking the Tea at Geordo's Place
Geordo is puzzled about why a bird would be in the room storing the royal family's art pieces. Mary wonders if it might not be a bird kept in the royal castle's garden since it seems used to people. Alan doesn't think so since he hasn't heard anything like it. Sophia thinks it might be a bird that came from the outside, and Nicol agrees. Maria wonders what species it is. Keith doesn't recognize the species either and wonders if it might be a new species of birds. Katarina asks Geordo if he has any idea about the species of the bird.
Geordo: Well, I wonder… It is indeed intriguing, but what I find most curious is why everyone is here even though you're the only one I have invited for tea.
Katarina is surprised. Since everyone was here when she arrived, she was convinced that he had invited everyone.
Mary happily tells Geordo that she won't let him steal a march on her. The others add that they have also wanted to have tea with Katarina. Geordo is displeased.
Keith scolds Katarina for entering an off-limits place without permission.
Since Katarina doesn't know where to return the bird, she asks it if it wants to go with her. The bird replies "Piyo". As a consequence, Katarina takes the bird back with her to the Claes's house.
??? POV
A man thanks a dying man for having always supported him. He is crying since he is about to lose the first friend he has ever made. 
The dying man tells the other man that even if he is about to lose his soul, he will return to this world with a new one. When he does, he will search for the man again, and if he finds him, he asks the man to become his friend again. The man is taken aback since his friend is serious. He tells him that he will wait for him. The dying man smiles with relief and then dies. The man believed in the last words of his friend and kept waiting for him for a long time.
The man wakes up after having this nostalgic dream. He senses a presence that he has never sensed until now. He rushes outside and hears some flapping sounds. He senses his partner in the bird and is happy that his friend has been reborn.
Though, the man is troubled about what to do now. He should probably report this to "that man" since others can easily feel the presence in the bird and he would be blamed if he doesn't report it right away, causing his precious ones to suffer. But if he reports it, "that man" will ask him to bring it to him. 
The man reluctantly decides to make his report. The bird brushes his head against his cheek as if to comfort him.
Katarina's POV
Piyo and Everyone
It has been a little while since Katarina has taken Piyo back with her.
Piyo is incredibly cute. Keith was initially indifferent about Piyo, but now he dotes on him whenever he is free from work. Millidiana was angry at first since Katarina had brought in yet another weird creature, but now she secretly dotes on Piyo and brings him some feed. The girls, but also the boys, are also fond of Piyo and come see him with treats. Especially Alan: he always makes sure to bring some treats that Piyo might like, so Piyo has started to like him. The girls brush Piyo's feathers, put some tiny ornaments on him, and dotes on him, and Piyo enjoys it.
Since everyone fusses about Piyo, Katarina thinks Pochi might feel lonely. She summons him and pets him. She thinks Pochi is not any less cute than Piyo. She enjoys both Pochi and Piyo's softness.
Katarina and Anne Go Out Shopping in Town
Katarina is suddenly called by Anne. Anne notifies her that her carriage is ready. Katarina makes Pochi return inside her shadow and puts Piyo on her shoulder. Piyo always behaves whenever on her shoulder. Anne brushes the grass off Katarina's dress (because she was playing with her pets) and they depart.
Katarina is going out to town today since her friends have plans and won't come to visit. She will buy the new volume of a romance novel and eat cakes at popular pastry shops. Anne is accompanying her because Keith, Luigi, and Millidiana are worried about her going out alone. Keith even reminded her not to follow strangers even if they give her sweets. Katarina is 17 now. She legally is an adult in Sorcier, she has graduated from the Academy of Magic and she will soon start working. Despite this, everyone seems to treat her like a young child. There are so many overprotective people around her.
Katarina Sees a Foreign Merchant Caravan
Looking out the window of the carriage, Katarina suddenly sees some big tents. She asks Anne what they are. Anne replies that they are most likely a caravan of merchants. Katarina is unfamiliar with them, so Anne explains that they are a group of merchants traveling the country to buy and sell goods, like some kind of moving shops. Katarina is amazed since it is her first time seeing any. It is also a first for Anne.
It seems to be a caravan of foreign merchants. Katarina asks Anne what kind of goods they sell. Anne replies that they sell things like fabrics or gemstones.
Katarina grows curious and asks Anne if they can take a look. Anne refuses since it can be dangerous. Katarina insists and tells her they will just take a little look and go back right away if it feels dangerous. She adds that Piyo also wants to take a look. Piyo chirps in agreement. Anne finally gives in. They will have a little look and go back right away if it feels even a tiny bit dangerous. Katarina thanks Anne. 
Katarina and Anne Visit the Foreign Merchant Caravan
Katarina and Anne have come towards the big tents. There are many people and a lively atmosphere in the air, like a festival. Katarina sees goods spread on carpets and people wearing turbans. It really seems to be a caravan of foreign merchants. Katarina is extremely excited and pulls Anne's hand to the nearest shop tent. Inside, Katarina is amazed by all these goods she has never seen before: vivid fabrics, accessories, and handicrafts.
Katarina gazes at the woodcraft of an animal. She wonders if she should buy it as a souvenir. Piyo flaps his wing when he sees the woodcraft. Katarina moves Piyo next to it. Piyo looks at it silently. The statue seems to represent some sort of bird, but Katarina doesn't recognize it. She asks the merchant what kind of bird it is. The merchant replies it is the guardian deity of his country. Katarina asks him which country he is from. The merchant replies he comes from Mutlaq. Katarina is confused since she doesn't know it. The merchant tells her it is understandable since his country is far away and they mostly have no trade with Sorcier. Katarina wonders why they would expressly go all the way to Sorcier. She is about to ask the merchant, but then she hears some music.
The music comes from foreign musical instruments played on a wooden stage near the tent. Piyo runs towards the music. Katarina chases Piyo but she has a hard time moving through the crowd of people.
Katarina Watches a Dancing Show
Katarina arrives at the stage where the music is played. A veiled girl dressed like a dancer from Arabian Nights appears and starts dancing to the music. Her dance is different from the ones in Sorcier and she moves like a butterfly. Then a tiger appears and joins her dance. After the dance, the dancer and the tiger bow their heads, and the crowd loudly cheers and applauds. Katarina was entranced by the dance.
Katarina Chases Piyo
Katarina suddenly remembers that she was chasing Piyo. She looks hard on the ground and worries about people crushing Piyo under their feet. Then she finally sees Piyo near a tent. She rushes towards it and calls Piyo. Piyo ignores her and enters the tent through a slight opening. Katarina is troubled and wonders if she should ask a merchant for permission to go inside. Then she remembers the tiger from the show and fears Piyo might get eaten. She finally enters the tent using the same opening.
Katarina Meets a Boy
Inside, there are a lot of goods, so Katarina has a hard time searching for Piyo. Then she hears "Piyo" and the voice of a boy amusingly asking Piyo where he came from. The boy wears a turban and carries Piyo in his hand. Katarina shouts in relief since she has finally found Piyo. Hearing her, the boy gets wary and sternly asks her who she is.
Katarina looks at the boy closely. He is an Arabian-style pretty boy.
Katarina explains to the boy that she saw her bird entering the tent and that she entered it too because she feared he might get eaten by the tiger. She apologizes.
The boy's expression softens a bit and he tells her that the tiger over there won't eat anything without his permission. Katarina is startled and finally realizes the presence of the tiger in the room. The tiger gives her a displeased look and goes back to sleep. Katarina feels like the tiger is acting like a cat. The boy mutters that tigers and cats are close species after all. The boy appears to be curt but kind. The tiger seems to be asleep. It feels weird to Katarina to have a big and scary animal sleeping next to her.
Katarina remembers how the tiger acted like a cat when it left the stage led by a person. She asks the boy if he is the one taking care of the tiger. The boy confirms with an expressionless face. Katarina is amazed to see someone who can make a tiger act like a cat. Then she looks at Piyo happily swinging his tail on the boy's hand, without any intention of going back to her. She is shocked to see Piyo so affectionate with someone he has just met while it took her days to get friendly with him. 
Katarina tells the boy that he seems to be loved by animals. She is jealous of him since dogs hate her and other animals don't particularly love her. The boy curtly tells her that it is just that he knows how to handle animals since it is his job. Despite his curt tone, Katarina feels like he is a gentle boy.
Katarina is about to ask the boy what his job is, but then a falcon flies over and sits on the boy's shoulder. When Katarina exclaims how pretty the falcon is, the falcon puffs up its chest. The boy gives the falcon a fond look and pets it. The falcon seems to enjoy it. Both of them seem to understand each other.
Katarina asks the boy what his job is. The boy replies he performs acrobatics with the animals. Katarina remembers the tiger from the show and is amazed that the boy was able to teach it its number. The boy replies that the animals just have a good memory and that he is not that amazing. Katarina still thinks he is. 
Katarina asks the boy if there is also a show with the falcon. The boy replies that today's show was just a teaser and that the real one will be tomorrow. The falcon will come on stage then. Katarina is shocked because the amazing show from earlier was just a teaser. She asks the boy if anyone can watch the show. The boy replies yes. She asks the boy if she can go see it. The boy says she can come if she likes. Katarina is excited and asks the boy for his name. The boy reluctantly tells her his name: Aaqil. Katarina smiles and introduces herself as "Katarina".
Katarina and Aaqil Are Joined by Another Boy 
Aaqil is called from behind by another boy of about his age. The boy is surprised to see Katarina. The boy has a girlish face. The boy asks Aaqil if Katarina is a customer. Aaqil simply tells him she is lost. The boy curiously looks at Katarina.
Katarina explains her circumstances to the boy and apologizes. She extends her hand towards Piyo in Aaqil's hand, but he looks away with a displeased look. Katarina is shocked because she didn't expect Piyo to react like that. Looking at her, the boy lets out a laugh. 
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The boy explains that Aaqil is an animal charmer. Katarina is shocked and wonders if Piyo got charmed. Aaqil sighs and tells her the boy is joking. He puts Piyo back in her hand. Piyo seems displeased, so Katarina wonders if the boy wasn't right after all. Katarina is sad over Piyo being displeased with her.
Qumiit Invites Katarina to Watch Them Rehearse
Aaquil asks the boy, "Qumiit", what he came for. Qumiit has come to notify him that they will start rehearsing for tomorrow. Katarina excitedly asks if the rehearsal is for tomorrow's show. Qumiit is surprised by Katarina's reaction and asks her if she heard about it from Aaqil. Katarina confirms and tells him that Aaqil even told her she could come. Qumiit grins over Aaqil "inviting" her to see the show. Aaqil curtly replies that he only told her to do what she likes. 
Qumiit introduces himself to Katarina and invites her to watch them rehearse. Aaqil disapproves but Qumiit says it is fine.
Katarina is about to accept his offer, but she suddenly remembers about Anne. She explains to Qumiit that she has lost sight of her attendant and asks if she can come back once she has joined with her. Aaqil is surprised that she really happens to be lost. Katarina corrects him: she isn't lost, she has just lost sight of her attendant. Aaqil replies that it is what "lost" means. Katarina pouts. Qumiit smiles while looking at them and tells Katarina to come back once she has joined her attendant. If she tells people that she is Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintance then people will let them in. Katarina thanks him.
Katarina takes back the reluctant Piyo and heads towards the opening she entered from. Aaqil stops her and asks her where she is going. Katarina simply replies she is going back through the opening she entered from. Aaqil sighs and asks her to properly use the exit instead. Qumiit bursts out laughing. Aaqil escorts her to the exit and asks her not to get lost and to properly use the entrance next time.
Katarina runs off to the carriage place in high spirits. She can't wait before she joins with Anne and they watch them rehearse.
Aaqil's POV
When Aaqil is back, Qumiit grinningly asks him if he has properly sent Katarina off. Qumiit is part of the merchant caravan and also Aaqil's childhood friend. Aaqil curtly says yes, annoyed by Qumiit's grin. Qumiit doesn't mind his tone and tells him that he gotta show Katarina his cool sides when she is back. Aaqil shockingly asks him why. Qumiit simply replies that it is because Aaqil obviously likes her. Aaqil starts denying it, but Qumiit ignores him and leaves the room to prepare for the rehearsal.
Aaqil is convinced that Qumiit has the wrong idea. While it is true that he is bad at talking with people, especially women, he could only talk with Katarina because she threw him out of his pace and she is easy to talk to. Though, it is not the time to talk about frivolous things like this. He closes his eyes and searches for a presence. It is coming soon.
Katarina's POV
Katarina Joins With Anne
Katarina has returned to where her carriage is parked and sees Anne with a livid face, waiting for her. Anne couldn't find her despite frantically searching for her and she was about to ask for help at the Claes house. Katarina was close to getting a good scolding from her mother.
Katarina explains to Anne how Piyo ran off and the events after, and how the merchant people have offered to let her watch them rehearse for tomorrow's show. Anne doesn't seem surprised by this turn of events. Katarina is confused.
Katarina and Anne will change their plans and watch the rehearsal of the show. Katarina keeps Piyo inside the shopping basket to prevent him from running off again. Piyo is displeased but complies after Katarina has explained her reasons.
On the Way to the Rehearsal
Katarina is surprised that merchants would give shows. Anne replies that she has never heard about merchants from Sorcier giving shows, so it must be something specific to merchants from Mutlaq.
Anne didn't see the show earlier because she was too far in the back. She is looking forward to the rehearsal. 
Based on the number of people and the variety of goods, this merchant caravan seems to be a large one. While searching for Katarina, Anne heard it was a national merchant caravan. Katarina is surprised about the concept and asks if Sorcier also has one. Anne hasn't heard anything about it and thinks it must be something specific to Mutlaq. It makes sense to Katarina that a national merchant caravan could give shows. Aaqil even said that the show earlier was a teaser, so the real thing must be even more amazing. Katarina can't wait to see it.
Katarina and Anne have arrived at the tent where the rehearsal will take place. Just as Qumiit told her, Katarina tells the old man at the entrance that they are Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintances. The old man lets them in. He asks them with a smile to give them a good advertisement. Katarina is confused. The old man explains that they give shows to attract people and have them see their goods, so it would help if she could advertise the show to the people around her. Katarina tells him she will advertise it to her friends. The old man tells her she should rather invite them to see the show. Katarina says she will. She would actually like to watch the show with her friends since she will hardly be able to see them from now on.
The old man shouts that Aaqil and Qumiit's acquaintances have arrived. A pair of twin children appear. Aaqil and Qumiit have asked them to guide Katarina and Anne to the stage where the rehearsal will take place. The twins look similar but one acts friendly while the other acts unfriendly.
The friendly twin leads the way to the stage while the other stays behind them. Katarina is surprised to see children in the merchant caravan and asks if they are part of it. The friendly twin confirms and adds that the caravan leader picked them up. Katarina is confused about the "picked up" part. The friendly twin explains that they are orphans. Katarina doesn't know what to say since she didn't expect their heavy circumstances. The unfriendly twin tells her there are a lot of orphans in their country. The friendly one adds that the caravan leader is a softhearted person who can't leave people in trouble alone. Katarina wonders if the whole caravan, including Aaqil and Qumiit, consists of people picked up by the caravan leader.
They have reached the place of rehearsal. The friendly twin invites Katarina and Anne to sit on the chairs and wait, then both twins join the other people backstage. The curtain is still down and Katarina hears some noise coming from the stage. Piyo seems like he wants to come out of the basket. Katarina lets him out and puts him on her shoulder. Piyo looks at the stage with sparkling eyes.
The Rehearsal Show
Eventually, Katarina hears the same music as earlier, and the curtains rise. The stage is bigger and there are more people playing music. Katarina feels more entranced than earlier. 
The same veiled dancer girl appears and starts dancing. Veiled child dancers also join her. Then the tiger joins in. Aaqil is quietly standing on the side and exchanges eye contact with the tiger. Katarina is amazed that Aaqil and the tiger seem to understand each other.
The music and the dance stop, and next, a bewitching woman dances with a sword in hand. Katarina feels entranced by her dance.
Then Aaqil comes out with the tiger, the falcon from earlier, and also a snake. He starts his acrobatics show. He makes the tiger jump through a ring, he makes the falcon fly around and drop flower petals. Katarina feels like she is watching a circus show. When Aaqil bows his head after his number, Katarina stands up and claps her hands loudly. Aaqil raises his brows in surprise. Katarina wonders if she might have been too loud. 
Then, at last, the dancer girl comes out again and her beautiful singing voice resounds. 
After the Rehearsal Show
The show was more wonderful than Katarina expected. Even after the curtain dropped, she couldn't help clapping her hand. Anne was also amazed by the show. 
Aaqil walks to them. Katarina can't contain her excitement and tells him about all the emotions she felt during the show. She gushes about how amazing it was, including his number. Aaqil curtly tells her she is too noisy. Katarina insists that she was really moved.
The dancer girl arrives. She has removed her veil and Katarina can see how beautiful she is. Still, she looks familiar. Katarina stares at the girl. The girl can't believe that Katarina still hasn't recognized her and tells her she is Qumiit. Katarina is shocked: she thought she was a boy when they met earlier. Qumiit burst out laughing and tells her he is indeed a boy. He only appears like that on stage. Katarina feels relieved that she wasn't mistaken. Though, no matter how she looks at him, he really looks like a beautiful girl in this costume. She tells him his singing and dancing performances were amazing. Qumiit proudly replies is because he is a genius. 
Qumiit tells her about the other people: the musicians and the sword-dancing girl. This merchant caravan seems full of amazing people. 
Anne apologizes to Qumiit for the trouble Katarina caused earlier. Katarina hurriedly bows her head too. Qumiit replies that Anne is probably the one who has it the hardest and gives her a sympathetic gaze.  
Then Anne clearly expresses her praises regarding the show. Katarina wishes she could have praised the show as clearly. 
Aaqil, the falcon and Piyo
The falcon flies over and sits on Aaqil's shoulder. Aaqil gives it a gentle gaze and pets it. The falcon enjoys the touch. Aaqil always makes such a gentle face when he is with animals. Anne tells Aaqil that the falcon really seems attached to him. Aaqil replies that they have been together ever since it hatched from its egg. Katarina finds such a bond between a human and a bird so beautiful, but Piyo feels displeased and throws a tantrum on Katarina's shoulder, looking like it wants to go over to Aaqil. Katarina asks Piyo if he prefers Aaqil over her. Piyo confirms with a "Piyo". Piyo moves on Aaqil's hand and seems to ask him to pet him. Aaqil kindly does so. Piyo seems satisfied and gives a smug look to the falcon. The falcon acts standoffish as if telling Piyo "There's no way you can get between us". Katarina feels like she is witnessing a love triangle between a human and two birds. Aaqil gives her a puzzled look, so she explains how he and the two birds seem to be in a love triangle. Aaqil replies that there is no such thing. Qumiit bursts out laughing while Anne gives a sorry look. Katarina puffs out her cheek and insists that it really looks like that to her. Looking at her, Aaqil smiles. Katarina is surprised since he has only given her frowns or expressionless looks until now. Katarina thinks to herself that the smiles of Arabian-style pretty boys are so devastating that it doesn't affect only birds. 
Katarina Feels Like She Has Seen Aaqil Before
Katarina has the strange feeling that she has seen Aaqil's face before, long ago. But at the same time, she feels like in that case, she wouldn't have forgotten the face of such a pretty boy. 
Someone from the staff suddenly calls Aaqil and Qumitt to help clean up. Katarina and Anne decide to take their leave. Katarina puts Piyo in the basket despite his reluctance to leave. She tells Aaqil and Qumiit that she will definitely come tomorrow. Upon leaving, Katarina forgets the strange feeling she had about Aaqil.
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floatingcatacombs · 9 months
Compile Hagiography Through Reading the Hyperdimension Neptunia Wiki
12 Days of Aniblogging 2023, Day 4
When I’m really bored on the computer, one of the things I'll occasionally do is explore the Hyperdimension Neptunia wiki. Neptunia is a role-playing series whose main distinction is being centered around moe anthropomorphizations of video game companies and consoles, which fascinates me. These are textbook trashy 6/10 anime RPGs, and release at a pace that suggests both a low budget and a pretty dedicated fanbase. I don’t mean to patronize, though. I’m not above this kind of stuff, I just can’t let a bunch of mid 30-hour JRPGs into my life at this moment in time. Rather, my angle of interest here is the origins of the Neptunia developer, Compile Heart.
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listening and learning
You see, back in the late 80s and early 90s, a company called Compile was one of the greats in Japanese home PC gaming. Most of their early output was shmups for the MSX, although they dabbled in a bit of everything, including running a disc magazine to distribute games. Compile’s first hit was Madou Monogatari in 1990, a numberless first-person dungeon crawler with a focus on voice samples. It features a lovable cast, starring young magician Arle Nadja as she attempts to graduate kindergarten, viscerally decapitate an evil sorcerer, and fend off Satan and the girl who’s down bad for Satan. Plenty of remakes and sequels followed, and eventually Compile struck gold with Puyo Puyo, the platonic ideal of competitive falling-block games. To set it apart from the more faceless puzzle games of the era, they reused the Madou Monogatari cast, resulting in a cutesy aesthetic with occasional lingering bits of fucked-up lore.
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After porting Puyo Puyo and its sequel to everything imaginable, Compile spent their mid-90s rapidly scaling the company, ultimately biting off more than they could chew. This was an era of serious change as developers moved towards 3D, and consumer preferences moved too fast for Compile to adapt. Some high-profile failures like Madou Monogatari Saturn and Puyo Puyo Dungeon sent the company into a fiscal downward spiral, leading frequent business partner Sega to bail them out by buying the rights to Puyo Puyo. Compile got to finish their in-progress work, including the gorgeous yet frustrating Puyo Puyo 4, but the writing was on the wall. Compile declared bankruptcy in 2003 after throwing all of their hopes and dreams into one last little game, Pochi and Nyaa. It’s a puzzle game with simple yet strategic mechanics that feels like something of a return to infancy for the developers. Also, it was released on the Neo-Geo in 2003! If you know anything about arcade hardware, that’s nuts.
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The late 90's pre-rendered backgrounds combined with Sunaho Tobe's character artwork give Puyo Puyo 4 such a special look. Shame it's unplayable unless you're very good at chaining.
So Compile scatters to the winds and a lot of the non-shmup devs regroup at the newly formed Compile Heart, where they eventually hit the jackpot with Hyperdimension Neptunia and crank one of those out per year ad infinitum.
That was a pretty tumultuous history! And Neptunia seems like a way to process this? After all, the protagonist is named after and personifies the Sega Neptune, a cancelled 90’s console. Compile and Sega have intertwined histories and faced a similar trajectory. Rapid success in the early 90s was followed up by bad business decisions later in the decade, leading to a tragic exit from the industry that nobody wanted to see. Hyperdimension Neptunia wants to convey these scars to an audience who weren't necessarily around for it.
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The first Neptunia game opens with the anime girl manifestations of Nintendo, Sony, and Xbox deciding that in order to break the sixth-generation console war stalemate, they need to team up against the one who poses the biggest threat. So, they get together and betray Neptunia, casting her out of the heavens. Obviously, this isn’t how it happened in the real world. The Dreamcast may have been awesome, but Sega was operating at a loss trying to support it, and the release of the all-consuming PS2 spelled doom. But this intro is closer to how it felt to Sega fans. It’s a mythical retelling of the fall, one that slots right in with the endless glowing retrospectives of Sega’s glorious but doomed last breath (My favorite is calling the console a “small, square, white plastic JFK”).
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I’m no industry expert or historian, but I was around to see the Japanese game industry flounder during the PS3 era, when high definition brought with it new expectations and inflated development cycles. Obviously juggernauts like Capcom and Square Enix got out fine, but a lot of smaller studios went under at some point in the past 15 years. Hudson, T&E Soft, ASCII, Clover Studio, Imageepoch. In another world, beloved FromSoft could have fallen to the wayside just as easily.
That’s why Neptunia is really important, I think. It serves as a way to self-mythologize, to keep fragments of these studios alive no matter what happens to them later. It’s a snapshot of all the B-tier Japanese game companies at any given point, written by one such company. When some of them inevitably fold, the Neptunia series will act as one more eulogy. As a huge fan of Compile-era Puyo Puyo, it’s a strange but relieving afterlife to witness. I may never play these games, but I’m grateful for what they do, and it’s a very entertaining series to rummage through the wiki of, especially as someone with a known appreciation of OS-tans.
The second Hyperdimension Neptunia game appears to introduce the Gamindustri Graveyard, a burial ground for defunct game companies. Resting there alongside all the other fallen studios is 1st-Gen Compa, the spirit of Compile. She’s wearing an outfit adorned with Puyos, with ears resembling those of beloved mascot Carbuncle. What is just a random horny anime girl for one person is a loving tribute for another. It’s a meaningful way to send off the old.
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…and so is raising the dead! In October, Compile Heart announced a new Madou Monogatari game, with Sega giving them the rights to use classic Puyo Puyo characters on the project. According to the press release, the development team includes many staff members who were part of the original incarnation of Compile. Hope springs eternal, somehow.
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nekkodiaries · 2 years
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚・. about me.
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hi! i go by nekko but you can also me jian! i'm bi, 23, a virgo, and an infj-t! my pronouns are she/her. some of you may have already picked up on this, but i'm filipino. (forda kinakahiya? chz.)
tmi: i'm also a working student who's about to graduate in a few months. i used to be an architecture student, but i shifted and am now a ba psychology student. i have a cat named pochi, and i call him big boy. you guys can call him big boy chichi too. (⺣ ◡ ⺣)♡
my current ult groups are seventeen, red velvet, exo, and stayc.
this blog is currently dedicated to writing about enhypen, but i might change my mind in the future and write about my other faves.
i'm very shy and terrible at making friends, but just send me an ask or a private message and i'll drown you with my love. 😔❤️ let me know what you want to know and i'll add it here? skljadlkja.
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rinako-bellerose · 2 months
UPDATE (Dev log 2.5):
Hey guys I really just said Id be more frequent with the updates and then disappeared for like 2 months. Unfortunately life's been kicking my ass and idol has been going through uhhhh a lot during the time I've been developing this. Including Pochi and Yuko graduating, idol es's first gen debuting, the adoption generation being announced AND debuting, a teaser trailer for en gen 3, a concerningly long hiatus from Rin concerning THE INCIDENT, and the current dumpster fire that is idol apparently not paying the artists they said they would pay. I still want to make this, however considering both pochi and yuko were both on the list of characters who were originally going to be animatronics in this, I am going to be taking a step back and restructuring what my plans for the game were (aka figuring out who else I'm adding and what their mechanics will be).
Most likely this hiatus is gonna last until en gen 3 debuts (so I can actually see who they are and what their deals are), if they debut at all, but I will not be completely abandoning this project unless idol fucking implodes.
In the meantime while I'm back in the planning phase for fnai, I might hobby dev some simpler and stupider games just to sort of fill the programming void. Expect a Rin Penrose clicker game probably.
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wutlaikalikes · 2 months
しんどい 🖌️
just my thoughts, please scroll past this...
i will be honest, when Vesper & Magni graduated i wasn't sad. i was already a lurker of Vesper's stream before he became a scholar (if you know what i mean), so i knew where to find him. i was able to find Magni because of twitter algorithm. but for Gamma its gonna be a different story…
there are others who was able to share Mel's PL and hear from her after the fact. its a comfort for me to know if they are doing well. i don't care for reasons, i just want to know if they are physically and mentally well. after hearing Rushia cry, it broke my heart. her situation at the time feels unfair. (regardless of the situation now, i'm relieved she's moved forward)
for the Holostars community, most avoids PLs out of respect to the talent. i know the situation is different once they are out, however i'm not sure if its okay to ask.
i really don't care what happened. considering the stories Gamma has told in his hardships before Holostars, it will be a relief to hear if hear if he has moved forward and unto to pursuing new projects and/or goals. it'll be nice to hear that he has a support system beside him. and if they stayed in the content creation sphere, they i'll try to support them again.
there are others who are waiting. waiting for a possible manga with a familiar art style. i remember that pochi-sensei have encouraged Gamma to be a 'vtuber mama' and i would love to meet Gammama's child.
but if there is anything you have to know about me, i can be very impatient. so asking for Gamma's PL, i'm itching to post about it. but i don't want to upset anyone from the community.
so for now patience...
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image source: https://x.com/hizakigamma/status/1801270731088814559
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cahmilo · 2 years
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Proud of You | carlos m.
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pairing: carlos madrigal x fem!reader
genre: fluff
summary: being a graduate student has been the most draining period of youth. you had submissions to do, projects to finish, and even essays to write. having burnout and stress all at once just makes you want to end it all, but luckily for you, you still have one task you've been wanting to achieve, to make carlos madrigal proud of you.
tags: modern high school au, burnt-out reader, mentions of fainting throwing up and academic stress, cursing
note: this is most especially dedicated to @pochi-moochika please ik youre asleep rn but brother pls get well fucking sooner god i miss being chaotic with you *violently sobbing*
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As rewarding as it may be, graduating wasn't easy. In order to reach for the top, one must walk up the stairs of progress that comes with numerous tasks and challenges that determines your will to reach the goal. Unfortunately for someone as chill and nonchalant as you, it was weeks of torture and agony prior to the final celebration. 
You were a good student since little now that you think about it. It was just because of the pace of growing up, adulting, pressure to finish what you can't, they all burdened you. To the point where you procrastinate and easily give up. It has been like this for the past few weeks and now you're paying the price.
Graduation is almost 2 weeks away and you are still yet to pass on some of your pending assignments. 
You groaned in exhaustion as your hands made its way to your face, your elbows resting perpendicularly atop the cluttered desk. It was already 2AM and your emails have been pouring non-stop, teachers asking for your progress and waiting for your response. You didn't have the energy to respond to them with what you still didn't have so you simply ignored them. You shut them out and closed your eyes for a few seconds, taking in at least a minute of rest before you're faced with reality again.
Just as you were about to take in the serenity and peace, you were interrupted by a 'ding' sound. A notification from the discord app. You blinked your eyes and sighed to open your laptop and your eyes almost popped out from your sockets to see who messaged you at this hour.
Carlos Madrigal, one of the school officers and if you were to be honest, the one you're attracted to. 
Carlos: hey,, u need help? with yk other tasks and such
You gulped. You've interacted with Carlos before, despite his cold and intimidating look, he was nice to you. Though he never openly showed you care, there were times when you felt it. Unfortunately his cool but lowkey-kind demeanor made you fall down the rabbit hole and you were down bad. So him messaging you at this hour brought you more energy than the commercial drink set by your table.
You: lmao its aight im good.. i think i can do this
Carlos: Y/N, its 2AM and i saw how many things you still need to do 
Carlos: give me some of the modules you still haven't done
Carlos: i'll answer them
Now if you were to be honest, you hate letting others work for you. You had a thing for your ego and it would falter immediately if you shown any ounce of weakness or failure to someone else. In this scenario though, you were desperate. And as much as you hate having let your crush answer your homework for you, there wasn't any other choice available.
You: fine
You: can you answer them here w me
Carlos: sure
And that was how your night of stress took a 180 degree turn. When you saw Carlos join the discord voice call, your heart paced even faster. As if you were palpitating with caffeine but instead of coffee, it was his voice. The sound of his microphone and audio transmission on his end made his voice even lower and raspier. He sounded like he was tired but every time you insist on letting him go to bed, he would always stay behind to help you. 
And it went on for many days.
Carlos was the only one who was willing enough to help you with your last minute requirements. It lifted a bunch of weight from your shoulders, but not entirely. Every night you and Carlos would be on vc to answer activities together. Lucky for him he finished it a few days ago so it was easy to help you. You on the other hand, felt like you were burdening him but never got the chance to tell him so. 
It went on for a few more days and you were finally done with your lacking projects. Carlos and you got even more closer than before to the point of sleep calling and pet names. You finally got to know more about him during these times of stress. You found out that you two loved horror movies, Carlos would often share his screen to watch a movie with you even. You also found his way of affection quite, unique? He would cover it up with insults and if ever he gets soft, he would instantly claim it as a joke and call it cringe. It was his thing and it made you adore him even more knowing that he genuinely tries.
Tonight was the night before the two of your graduation. Carlos wasn't nervous, he was ready. But you however, you were jittery and nervous, and Carlos can tell. Right now on vc, he made sure that he wants to make you feel better and calm for at least a small amount.
You turned your camera on the same time Carlos turned his. He was on his desk, seeming to be writing something while you were leaning on your right palm, staring at your hands trembling from nervousness.
"You see this shit? It's involuntarily shaking like a damn chihuahua" You trailed off, showing your hand to the camera. Carlos looked at it and slightly widened his eyes.
"You're really nervous huh?"
"Yeah." You put down your hand and looked at the walls of your room. "Sometimes I hate my hands, they always snitch on me when I'm anxious. They also look weird" 
"No they don't." You saw Carlos standing up from his chair to walk off-cam. 
"They do"
"I'll prove you wrong" You heard Carlos' voice from his mic, it seemed like he was far away. 
"And how will you change my mind?"
"I'll hold your hand to let you see how you should love them like I do" 
When Carlos said those words, you almost dropped your head down to the desk. You were taken aback from his bold move and your eyes widened. Impulsively, you muted yourself and hid your face from the camera as you ducked down to your desk and squealed. 
You stayed in that state for a couple of seconds until you heard clattering of objects from Carlos' mic that made you look up. He was on his way back to his chair but he brought along a guitar with him. You unmuted yourself and showed your face back to the camera but it was more red as it used to be. Carlos then asked you a question that made your entire night even more heart fluttering.
"Send me your favorite song, I'll try to sing it"
It was graduation day. You were all dolled up by your family. You wore a pretty dress and your hair was neatly styled ready for pictorials and whatnot. When you arrived at the venue, you haven't seen Carlos yet so you sit on your seat waiting for preparations to take place.
While you were gazing at the decorations for the stage, you felt someone tap your shoulder. You turned back and saw Carlos and instinctively, you threw yourself to his arms. He caught you with ease and embraced you even tighter while chuckling.
"You ready?" Carlos asked as he pulled away from the hug, careful not to mess your hair. When you nodded back to him, he smiled and bid you a temporary goodbye as the program began to start.
Nervousness filled your body. You shivered and your legs were bouncing the more names get called and the more it gets closer to yours. Carlos was in a different class however so he was called first. He looked so good it made you lose all your anxiety in just seconds. The way he walks coolly towards the stage and received his diploma with a half-lidded smirk, it made you swoon. For a second you swore you saw him glance at your eyes and gave you a small wink, making you lose your composure. You covered your face by hiding to the person in front of you.
By the time your turn comes, you almost looked like there was no more blood pumping in your body. It all seemed like a blur as you walked up to the stage, faced the bright light covering the audience and took your diploma. You smiled at the camera and almost ran down the stairs to exit. On the way to your seat you met Carlos and this time, he was the one to storm in your way to give you a tight embrace. 
"I'm so proud of you!" He yelled, combatting the loud speakers and music. You laughed and buried your face in his chest.
"Couldn't have made it this far without you, Carlos" You were about to call yourself insane and delusional when you felt a pair of lips lightly kiss the crown of your head. 
After the ceremony, Carlos insisted he takes you out to celebrate. He takes you out to your favorite restaurant for lunch and decides to spoil you by paying for it all. It made you flattered seeing how he went all the way just to be with you. As much as he tried denying that it was a date, you couldn't help but feel like it was. 
Carlos spent the rest of the afternoon with you. After lunch the realization of your success finally sinks in and it gives you, mixed emotions? You were happy that you managed to graduate but now looking back at it, you did poorly on some of the tasks and you regretted it. You regret how you procrastinated your way to the end of the semester and even brought Carlos into it. He noticed your change in demeanor and insisted he takes you home to rest. 
When you arrived home, you felt weak, drained, tired. It was as if the moments of you suffering in pain has sunk in harder now. The times where you were overworked made you nauseous.
You also had your image to keep, and being weak in front of Carlos wasn't something you wanted to show. As much as you hated letting him see you so unwell and tired, he still insisted he helps you. When you threw-up he held your hair, when you were on the verge of fainting he carried you all the way to your room, and when your head was spinning in pain he scourged through the medicine cabinets to give to you. Soon enough you felt somewhat better, but not too much. 
"Can you stay here?" 
Carlos slowly walked towards the edge of your bed. When he saw that you moved to the side to make space for him, he slowly joined you. 
"Can I hug you?" "You don't have to ask, Y/N"
And just like that, you felt warmth and comfort in his arms. Carlos hugged you gently, whispering soft tunes to soothe your mind. You moved to a more comfortable position and plopped yourself on top of him as you laid your head on his chest, feeling the loud pounding of Carlos' heart. He tried to look away but his eyes were stuck on you. Carlos reached out for a make-up wipe on your bed side table and slowly lifted your head to meet his as he carefully removes your make-up. It didn't take long for you to melt to his touch as the product felt cool on your skin and the weight of the cosmetics making you feel more light and free. 
"You okay now?" Carlos softly whispered, wiping the underside of your eyes. His smile slightly faltered at the sight of your eyebags. 
"A little. I still feel sick, sorry"
"Don't be sorry, you did nothing wrong" 
"I did" You whispered and furrowed your eyebrows. "I got you to do shit for me, I messed up while walking, I- ugh"
"Hey, look at me." Carlos called you, he traces your jaw to make you look at him. 
"I'm proud of you no matter what. I'm always fine helping you and you know that. You suffered through much and I'll still be with you from then on, okay?"
You closed your eyes and face-planted yourself to his chest. You can feel the vibration coming from Carlos lightly chuckling at you. While you were at your spaced out thoughts, you felt fingers make its way to your hand. In the spur of the moment, you felt Carlos intertwine his fingers against yours, his thumb lightly brushing near the back of your palm. You suddenly remembered your old conversation with him about your hands, flustered at the thought of him staying true to his word. His other hand left your hair as it travelled to your temples, gently massaging them. Carlos hummed a small tune in hopes to relax you.
It did. 
It was as if time has slowed down. You were afraid to let this moment end, when you're met with reality and all of the burdens that came along with it. Now, you focused on the present. You were safe and sound in his embrace, and you couldn't ask for a better place to spend eternity in. 
Before you were about to doze off to dreamland, you heard Carlos mumble those words you've been longing to hear ever since. 
"I'm so proud of you, I hope you know that Y/N"
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taglist: @pochi-moochika, @carlosfruitsnacks, @thegirlwiththebangs, @mirabelleza, @carcat-02, @brushofease, @camilos-luna, @ducky-is-dead-inside, @elegantkidfansoul, @moon-cakiie, @ignoremepeople37, @its-mia88, @try-cry-why-try , @justzei, @asockyoulostbeforelaundry, @alexxavicry ++ join here
thumbnail belongs to the artists of purrfect tale
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awfullybadpoetry · 3 years
Why did I stop uploading hamefura content?
the usual. Hyperfixations come and go with time but it's been an honor to contribute to the fandom
Imo the series should've ended after graduation as intended. It feels like the author didn't know what direction to take the story afterwards. The harem of new love interests isn't as appealing since they don't have the long lasting meaningful connections to Katarina that the og cast do, and the og cast themselves don't seem to get much chara development anymore. Lahna is cool tho. Pochi too.
If anyone else also thinks the series went kinda south but thinks that there are recent pieces still worth reading or watching, then feel free to tell me and I might check it out. I do love the casual vibe of this series, so I might pick it up again some time. Who knows?
Thanks for the support. I'm glad I made a few people laugh with my content :)
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azure-wolf-227 · 3 years
Hamefura Prompt: Blinded
This idea involves two one-shots that share the theme of a character being temporarily blinded so another person helps them cope while they heal. It can also be a single story with two parts.
In the first one-shot Gerald is the one blinded, maybe due to an accident or an attack but that’s up to the writer. For whatever reason he can’t be healed immediately so he’ll be blind for a couple of days. Katarina takes it upon herself to help Gerald while he recovers. What follows is a series of fluffy moments between the two of them.
The second one-shot is a sequel of the previous one, with Katarina as the one blinded due to an accident while working at the Ministry. Like with Gerald, her eyes can’t be healed immediately, this time the explanation being that there’s some magic residue in her eyes and they need to wait for it to fade before they heal Katarina. Things are a bit more serious because there’s a chance of Katarina permanently losing her sight (fortunately she does recover).
All of Katarina’s friends help her cope, especially Gerald since he went through something similar. In fact, the fact that he understands prompts Katarina to specifically ask Gerald for help so they spend a lot of time together.
During the course of these two stories, Katarina begins to develop feelings towards Gerald as they spend a lot of time together.
Forgot to add this: There’s some angst with Gerald and Katarina feeling helpless/useless due to the blindness.
Also, since this would be set after they graduated, Katarina would have Pochi who could act as a guide dog for her.
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itsuki-minamy · 3 years
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Translation: Naru-kun Raws: Ridia
Real name: Goto Ren
Terms of address: Goto, Gotti
Birthday: February 12, Aquarius
Blood type: B
Age: 21 (At the beginning of the second season)
Physique: 1.83 cm in height. With a slim body.
Face, hair: Sleepy features. He seems like he is always smiling. Black hair.
Attire: Scepter 4 uniform.
Personal effects: Exclusive saber. Registration name "Pochi"
· He is something very self-taught, natural and strange.
· He laughs, "Fufu".
· Former fourth member of the platoon. The roommate is Akatsuki Hidaka. Seiun shared room 4.
· You're not sure what he's thinking because his words and actions are misaligned.
Member of the special work team in "Scepter 4".
He's a fluffy character, and he's not the type to do it for a good cause, but he suddenly became a member of “Scepter 4,” and he thinks this job suits his sexuality, so he lives all the days.
A mysterious attribute where you can't read most of the thoughts between Enomoto's good friends, Fuse and Hidaka.
He sometimes says strange things in the flow of the conversation.
As a member of "Scepter 4", choose a path that helps Munakata even if he disobeys government orders.
Until he became a member, he was an amateur in battle, but as a member of the clan he showed his ability to awaken and natural sense, and possessed a high level of combat ability.
C (General clan member.)
Mysterious stone statues and wooden statues that he encounters while traveling.
Busy touring trip.
Collection of strange memories and interiors.
What he wears in the bedroom is a t-shirt with strange characters written on it. (Words without context are written, such as "rice scoop" and "triangle rule").
He is tall and has a solid skeleton, but his body is slim.
Although he is lazy, his head turns tightly. Basically he is calm and good at intuition.
He lives like a stream.
After graduating from high school, he was backpacking for a time.
Before being a member of "Scepter 4", he was ordained.
· 1992, Goto Ren is born.
· 2010, Munakata wakes up as the "Blue King".
· 2011, Goto joins “Scepter 4”.
· 2012, he forms a special mission team in "Scepter 4". Goto becomes a member of the special mission team.
The first person is private "Boku" or "Ore" depending on the mood. "Watashi" in public.
He calls him "Captain".
Strange person. He is like a witch who can do anything and is very interesting.
He calls her "Lieutenant".
An effective boss and a beautiful woman. He believes that she is putting herself on the shelf, as there are some things that are a bit natural.
He calls him "Fushimi-san".
Boss. He doesn't notice much about Fushimi's tongue, which will likely make people feel icky or stunted.
He calls them "Akiyama-san", "Benzai-san", "Kamo-san" and "Domyoji-san".
He is currently a colleague of the Special Task Force, but treats them with an attitude towards older people. Domyoji was the direct commander of the Fourth Platoon era, but the distance is close due to Domyoji's friendly nature.
He calls them: "Enomoto", "Fuse" and "Hidaka".
Fourth platoon era friends. They are also friends who can goof around together.
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vtuberconfessions · 6 months
i feel bad for pochi wanmaru's 2.0 model artist, the model was only used for a few months and now pochi is graduating :(
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katarh-mest · 4 years
volume 7 comes out tomorrow
Hey fellow Hamefura fans!  Volume 7 in English gets released tomorrow!  You can pre-order it from Amazon, or whatever other eBook vendor you like.  I don’t know if they are available in physical format yet. 
Despite being reborn into the role of the villainess from an otome game, Katarina has successfully graduated from the Academy of Magic and overcome all of the Catastrophic Bad Ends that awaited her. Now she's working at the Magical Ministry with her friends and her reliable and adorable Dark Familiar, Pochi, at her side! Surely there can be nothing but happy days ahead. Not so fast! Turns out there's a sequel to Fortune Lover, and it takes place at the Ministry! If Katarina returns in the game, does that mean that she could face even worse fates than before?! After already meeting one character from the sequel, Dewey the boy genius, Katarina now has to make sure that she doesn't run afoul of Cyrus, the stoic anti-ladies'-man. And if that wasn't enough to deal with, she now has to search for an ancient magical contract!
Join Katarina once more in the seventh volume of the popular romantic/catastrophic comedy! 
I’ll be using the tags #hamefura spoilers and #hamefura volume 7 if I make any posts about it, so filter those out if you don’t want to be part of the spoiler discussions just yet....
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maboroshi-no · 1 year
Hi, I also heard the news about the upcoming Hamefura movie and I'm so excited to watch it. Though it's a new story, it is also said that the plot will be written by the original author that's why some consider it canon. May I ask what are your thoughts about the movie teaser?
Oh, you're right, it seems like the story will be written by the author! Hmm... I guess we could consider it canon then, but I don't know, for now I can't consider it as canon. I am not sure how we precisely classify something as canon or not. Like, even if the author themselves wrote it, would it be canon if the story of the movie doesn't impact in any way the story of the light novel?
At first glance, it seems to be the kind of story which can be squeezed in the timeline of the canon story, but never mentioned in the later events because the new story has been written later. So unless this story is some kind of prequel that provides some explanation on future events, it might as well be a non-canon story to me.
Regarding my current thoughts on the movie:
If Pochi is here but there is no mention of FL2, I guess the story happens between LN4 and LN6. Katarina probably hasn't had the FL2 dream yet, so I guess it is before graduation. I wonder if Katarina will use dark magic through Pochi in the movie.
I am glad that Raphael and Sora are part of the movie. Based on the timeline, Raphael is supposed to be overworked, but I wish he will leave behind the paperwork and go on adventure with everyone.
I find the presence of traveling performers intriguing. Sophia has mentioned a story about traveling performers during the slumber party, so I wonder if there is a connection. There also were traveling performers in LN10.
I feel like the handsome new character is also the chick since he is not in the cast. If there is magic that enables people to transform into animals, or the opposite, it would interestiing to learn about this new magic and how it fits in the world building.
I don't really expect progress in the romance front, but I expect some cool scenes with the characters, ideally with magic. And I'd like some more swordfighting with Geordo.
Geordo and Keith seems hilarious. And I can't help wondering why they are paired together in the movie visual, while Maria is paired with no one.
Towards the end of the teaser, Geordo had such a shocked / angry face. I can't wait to see why 🤣.
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doushiyou-ka · 4 years
nissy’s blog (oct-dec 2019)
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Q213: When you become a boyfriend or girlfriend, you get these privileges. What privileges? (Moeka)   A: I am good at listening.I can listen to you. Q214: Which do you do if you are told that you can only eat meat or fish? (Risapyon) A:I like sushi. Because I like fish!
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Q215:Do you think you're glad you're Japanese?(hidakako) A:When entering a hot spring. Q216: What is your favorite ice cream flavor? (yudesugitayudetamago) A:Chocolate mint!!
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Q217:What kind of how to cook rice do you like?(wasabi) A:Soft rice. Q218:What is the delicious food eaten recently?(pochi) A:The rice cooked in the earthenware pot was delicious.
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Q219:When you can become a professional athlete, what kind of sporting event do you like?(OKA) A:Volleyball Q220:Which would you like to go to, sushi all-you-can-eat or roast meat all-you-can-eat?(FLOWER3) A:Sushi!
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Q221: Is curry beef? pork? chicken? seafood? (Kanachi.)
A: I like everything, but if I choose it, it ’s chicken.
Q222: Each of you has a brother, but do you think that your face and personality are similar? (Mon) A: There are similar parts and similar parts.
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Q223: Is the pillow when you sleep a hard school? Are you soft? (Punimaru.)
A: Not too hard and not too soft.
Q224: How many can you eat if you go to strawberry picking? (Strawberry)
A: About 20 pieces.
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Q225: What color is the curtain in the living room? (Strawberry) A:I will leave it to your imagination. LOL Because the curtain has a large area I don’t feel tired Is it a color? There is no handle. Earth color is Earth color Speaking of inorganic colors, it's inorganic colors ... This is ○○ color! It ’s not a clickable color. so, is it an eye-friendly color?
Q226: What are you influenced by in your daily life? I read books a lot, so I'm influenced by many books! (Sama-san) A:Also works such as live and movies,Like talking to people,touch and see nature There are things that have been affected.
Conversely, if you try to act or feel while thinking, “Let ’s be affected!” I don’t see anything. Oh, but sometimes it comes to life. LOL At that time.
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Q227: What is your favorite number from 1 to 10? A: There are 10 of 1 in 10 10 has 2 and 5 9 is 3 is 3 1 is followed by a number 2.3.4 ... That's why it's hard to choose the number you like because it feels all to choose one. If the number has a reason or purpose, then think again. It seems logical. I'm sorry.
Q228: What is your favorite kanji among your own characters? A: Great question. I thought about it, but I passed all my kanji and my favorite! Lol If you don't have these four letters, you'll never know who I am!
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Q229: Do you cry soon after graduation? (Dachi Love)
A: There were times when I was crying There were times when I wasn't crying!
Q230: What percentage of the battery charge starts to burn? (Egg)
A: 24%! Lol
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Q231: When do you eat cake strawberries?
A: Yeah, it ’s already in the cake, so it ’s the first time you eat the cake, right?
Q232: If Momotaro, what kind of animals would you like for the three? A: Three demons! You do n’t have to fight! LOL
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Q233: Are you a Japanese confectionery group? Are you a Western confectionery group? (Mamedai Fuku) A: Ah. .. as a result I like both. I can't choose.
Q234: Which of your design or functionality do you focus on when buying things? (Mu-san) A: First look at the design, then Because I choose the function that fits my lifestyle design. Even if it has outstanding functionality If you can't master it Things that have acquired outstanding functionality don't live.
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Q235: What do you order for drinks on an airplane? (Amyyon) A:I often drink tea. Q236: Do you do anything when immersing in the bathtub? (Ayu Nappa) A:It's selfless. Oh, but it feels good I feel the hot water.
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Q237: Do you like email and phone calls to people you like every day? (Puna) A:I do not. lol
Q238: What kind of animal do you think you are like? What do you think is similar? (Puku) A:A dog, right? Lol
Was it different? LOL
I always think I almost never saw my face on an animal basis
I chose them because they are similar or because I like dogs. lol  
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stregacorvina · 4 years
Violet Bouquet
Welcome back to the Tuesday entry! Today I wanna show you a single set that is also part of a mini collection with the same name “Violet Bouquet”.
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There are all the pieces that create the Violet Bouquet collection. I am making only one post for the set and the collection this time because it is made of only few pieces, unfortunately I do not have this lovely fabric anymore - but I have a couple of totebags made with this that I can dismantle to have more.
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I bought this fabric long time ago to make a Lolita skirt for me, I think I still have some picture somewhere.... yes I found them!
This skirt was a set corset + skirt actually, the corset is removable and I did the skirt with some ribbons inserted in the princess seams on the front and on the back to be gathered as a bustle. I used some purple cotton trim and lace to decorate this skirt but I do not have any more left to add to the dolls clothes. It was a really fun skirt to make and I have worn it a lot (I also wear this skirt the day I graduated from the Fashion School), I think it is still somewhere in my parents’ house.
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I used to wear it with my lilac corset, the first corset I ever did. (Sorry if the pictures are really ugly, I was in high school when I sewn these garments so they are more than 15 years old! - also you can see the logo and the frame of my old website, not active anymore)
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Anyway, let’s go back to the Violet Bouquet collection! This collection is made of a corset, a long skirt and two short skirts. The set corset + long skirt started as an historical project as I was using a circa 1600 gown for reference, but then I changed my mind because I did not have enought fabric for all the ruffles :( 
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As you can see I was quite accurate with the corset (except for all the details on the bertha collar), I did the same V shape on the front and tried to replicate as much as I can the sleeves, luckly I had a purple lace that was perfect for this project!
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For the skirt I tried to stay true to the original silhouette but again I did not have so much fabric so I changed the shape a bit: I kept the pleats on the waist but I made them less deep and I decided to do a little train on the back. I used the same lace and three small bows to make the ruffles and the decorations on the back.
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I tried a little shooting with this dress (again on my sofa) to check if the lenght was the one I want and to be sure it didn’t need a petticoat underneath to keep its shape, when I was satisfied I took better pictures against the wall.
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I love sooo much this set and I think it’s perfect for this doll and this wig. It’s by far ma favourite project togheter with She-ra. Do you like it? What do you think? Let me know! You can always find this project in my Etsy shop if you are interest and it can be made in any fabric you like and fort any dolls you like.
Moving on to the rest of the pieces, the two skirts, I made them using a circle skirt pattern that it is also available on Etsy along with the corset pattern.
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The first skirt is a simple circle skirt with three layers of gathered lace and organza, the same you have seen in white on my Belle Cosplay. It closes with a bit of velchro fastener in the back, hidden under a little bow in the same fabric.
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The second skirt is an asymmetrical skirt, longer on the back with a gathered ruffle in the middle made in the same fabric and the same purple lace used on the set on the bottom ruffle. Again, it closes with a bit of velchro fastener in the back, hidden under a little bow in the same fabric.
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And there are some pictures of these skirts with the off-white shirt that I already shown you and the corset of the set.
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I hope you like them and that you like this fabric as much as I do! See you again on Thursday with another dolls collection.
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
Bentornati al post del Martedi! Oggi vi farò vedere un set singolo che fa parte di una mini collezione chiamati entrambi “Violet Bouquet”.
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Questi sono tutti i pezzi che fanno parte della collezione Violet Bouquet. Faccio un post unico per il set e la collezione questa volta perchè è fatta solo di pochi pezzi, purtroppo non ho più questa adorabile stoffa - anche se ho due borse realizzate con lo stesso tessuto che potrei sempre smontare per averne di più.
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Ho comprato questa stoffa tanto tempo fa per farmi una gonna Lolita dovrei ancora avere le foto da qualche parte.... a si le ho trovate!
Questa gonna in realtà è un completo corsetto + gonna, il corsetto è una sorta di cintura removibile e nella gonna ho inserito dei canali nelle cuciture davanti e dietro per far passare all’interno dei nastri di raso da tirare su per arricciare la gonna. Ho usato poi una passamaneria e un pizzo di cotone viola per decoare orli e cuciture, purtroppo però non ne avevo più per usarli anche sugli abiti per le bambole. E’ stata una gonna molto divertente da realizzare e l’ho usata tantissimo (l’ho indossata anche il giorno che mi sono diplomata all’Accademia di Moda) e probabilmente è ancora da qualche parte a casa dei miei genitori.
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La indossavo sorapttutto insieme al mio corsetto lilla, uno dei primi corsetti “seri” che ho realizzato. (Mi spiace le foto sono veramente orribili, ero al liceo quando ho cucito questi abiti...perciò più di 15 anni fa! - inoltre potete vedere il vecchio logo e la grafica che usavo nel mio vecchio sito web, non più attivo ormai)
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Comunque, tornaimo a parlare della collezione Violet Bouquet! Come dicevo questa collezione è costituita da un corsetto + gonna lunga e da due gonne a ruota corte. Il set è iniziato come un progetto storico perchè stavo usando un’immagine di un abito del 1600 circa come ispirazione, poi ho dovuto purtroppo cambiare idea strada facendo perchè non avevo abbastanza stoffa per la gonna e tutte le arricciature :( 
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Come potete vedere ho cercato di rimanere abbastanza fedele nel fare il corsetto (tranne che per tutte le decorazioni sulla scollatura), ho tenuto la forma a V del davanti e anche le maniche sono abbastanza simili, per fortuna avevo un pizzo lilla perfetto per questo abito!
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Per la gonna invece ho cercato di mantenere il più possibile la silhouette originale ma ho dovuto fare alcune modifiche per via della mancanza di stoffa: ho mantenuto le pieghe in vita ma le ho fatte meno profonde e ho deciso di fare un piccolo strascico sul dietro. Ho usato lo stesso pizzo lilla per le balze e ho fatto tre piccoli fiocchetti nello stesso tessuto da mettere sul dietro.
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Ho fatto qualche foto (sempre sul divano) per controllare la lunghezza finale e verificare se fosse necessaria una petticoat per mantenere la forma, dopo aver verificato che l’aspetto era come lo volevo ho fatto delle foto migliori contro il muro.
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Adoro tantissimoooo questo set, credo sia perfetto per questa bambola e questa parrucca. Fin’ora è sicuramente il mio lavoro preferito insieme a She-ra. Che ne pensate? Vi piace? Fatemi sapere! Come sempre trovate questo progetto nel mio negozio Etsy se vi interessa e può essere riprodotto con qualsiasi tessuto e per qualsiasi bambola.
Andando avanti con gli altri pezzi, le due gonne, le ho realizzate usando il cartamodello per gonne a ruota disponibile nel mio negozio, così come il cartamodello per il corsetto.
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La prima gonna è una semplice gonna a ruota con tre balze di organza e pizzo arricciati, lo stesso pizzo che ho usato bianco per il Cosplay di Belle. Dietro si chiude con un pezzetto di velcro sulla cintura, nascosto da un fiocchetto dello stesso tessuto.
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La seconda gonna è una gonna asimmetrica, più lunga dietro, decorata con una balza arricciata di tessuto al centro euna balza arricciata in fondo, decorata con lo stesso pizzo del set. Anche questa, si chiude dietro con un pezzetto di velcro sulla cintura, nascosto da un fiocchetto dello stesso tessuto.
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Ed ecco alcune foto delle gonne indossate, con la camicetta crema che vi ho già mostrato e con il corsetto del set.
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Spero vi piacciano e che troviate la stoffa adorabile come me! I hope you like them and that you like this fabric as much as I do! Ci vediamo Giovedi per parlare di un’altra collezione di abiti per bambole! A presto
Chiara (StregaCorvina)
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