#podcast or somthing up? pokemon? I can have someone talk about Pokemon to me in the backgroudn why would I listen to. music.
sunnydayaoe · 1 year
for weird asks, 31
[31. what type of music keeps you grounded?] ohhh this ones kinda embarrassing. I don't listen to music. Or well, I started listening to some music this year! Becaues my partner likes music, and a teacher I respect told me to listen to the Beetles for homework, so that's the only one I've ever consistently listened to. [if listening like, once a month count as consistent. . .] For grounding though, I don't think I've ever set music on.
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rules: answer these 85 questions and tag 20 people tagged by @euthymiclurker I’m not going to try to tag 20 people, but: @roserado @coolest-guy @horse-boyuhhh i dont feel like tagging anyone else. i got tired after typing 3 urls tfdfgfddhjdhf
what was your last…
1. drink; water
2. phone call; probably years ago when i had to use an office phone to call my mom to come get me from school
3. message sent; “ but i dont want my teeth to hurt more”
4. song you listened to; currently listening to this 
5. time you cried; i almost cried a little today because people i didnt know were trying to talk to me. the last time i think i actually heavily cried was in october last year.
— have you ever…
6. dated someone twice; yes
7. kissed someone and regretted it; nop
8. been cheated on; nop
9. lost someone special; yes
10. been depressed; you know it
11. gotten drunk and thrown up; nop
— favourite colours…
12. lavender
13. black
14. white
— in the last year have you…
15. made new friends; ye
16. fallen out of love; nop
17. laughed until you cried; i do that every time something remotely funny happens
18. found out someone was talking about you; nop
19. met someone who changed you; everyone i know is always changing me
20. found out who your friends are; already knew
21. kissed someone on your Facebook friends list; what’s a facebook?
— general
22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know irl; seriously what is that
23. do you have any pets; 3 dogs
24. do you want to change your name; not my chosen name, but i would like to change my birth name to my chosen name.
25. what did you do for your last birthday; drew a new dnd char and handed out candy
26. what time did you wake up today; 8 am. after going to bed at 3 am. kms.
27. what were you doing at midnight last night; ...you know ;)
28. what’s something you can’t wait for; uhh when i’m not in this shite environment and i can feel happy
29. what’s your favourite animal; cats!!! but also... dogs! 
30. what are you listening to rn; i linked it earlier but a new song just came on so i guess i’ll link this one too
31. have you ever talked to a person named Tom; are toms real?
32. something that’s getting on your nerves; can’t say
33. most visited website; tumblr, I mean come on
34. hair colour; medium brown
35. long or short; medium by girl standards, long by boy standards. it goes down a little past my shoulders.
36. do you have a crush on someone; my bf would have the legal obligation to kill me if i did
37. what do you like about yourself; not many things but i like the way i approach problems
38. want any piercings; afraid of the sharp
39. blood type; the type that carries oxygen and iron
40. nicknames; jules, julieri, jewel, jooli, j-dog(apparently)
41. relationship status; taken for the past year and a half 
42. Sign; scorp
43. pronouns; she
44. fave tv show; does a podcast count as a tv show? if so, the adventure zone balance
45. tattoos; afraid of the sharp
46. right or left handed; right
47. ever had surgery; i had to get my head stitched back together when i was 5 does that count
48. piercings; you asked this earlier go away
49. sport; sports are dumb
50. vacation; i want to see the world
51. trainers; you mean like pokemon?
52. eating; i had food earlier
53. drinking; Woter. 
54. about to watch; idk, something
55. waiting for; didnt you ask me this already
56. want; moni and true happiness
57. get married; i would like to marry my bf if only so that i can have his last name
58. career; need moni. dont need a lot of luxuries. just need to be able to go places. and be happy
— which is better…
59. hugs or kisses; i like the idea of kisses a lot but ive never had one. my bf doesnt really like kisses so i will have to learn how to love hugs
60. lips or eyes; lips are... Very Good.
61. taller or shorter; i saw this ask meme before i just realized this and you’re missing the context that this is supposed to be about your preferences for a partner or somthing. tho i am impartial to height, both tall and short people are cute.
62. older or younger; i feel wrong somehow dating people who are younger than me so i have to say older but not too older
63. nice arms or stomach; where is the appeal in arms everyone knows the stomach is where its at
64. hookups or relationships; relationships
65. troublemaker or hesitant; hesitant I guess
66. kissed a stranger; nop
67. drank hard liquor; nop
68. turned someone down; nop cause i am a dumb bitch. unless i was dating someone, then and only then am i smart enough to turn people down
69. sex on first date; nop
70. broken someone’s heart; yeah and they didnt deserve it 
71. had your heart broken; i think a few times
72. been arrested; nop
73. cried when someone died; nop
74. fallen for a friend; everyone ive ever dated except for one was a good friend beforehand
— do you believe in…
75. yourself; very rarely
76. miracles; not really
77. love at first sight; infatuation at first sight but never true love
78. Santa Claus; nop
79. angels; my bf is one so yah
— misc…
80. eye colour; blue/green
81. best friends name; uhh i cant choose amongst my friends. but some of the people ive stuck around with the longest are Liam and Alexis
82. favourite movie; Pacific Rim bich
83. favourite actor; DAVID TENANT. call me a fuckin cringy superwholock all you want but i used to fuckin love doctor who and David Tenant’s role as the 10th Doctor is seriously my favorite character of all time. I haven’t even seen any of his other roles I just REALLY love the 10th doctor.
84. favourite cartoon; is rick and morty a cartoon? i hate the fanbase but i like the show.
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