#podling Velan
thanatasia · 2 years
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My (very late) 2021 Big Gelfling/Podling Oc Project!
From the top row, left to right:
@rubyonearth Oc, an Denju from _r0b0crazylady on IG, Shiyoon! @jack-toons / @myfanartblogplusshippingtrash (I had to add Shiyoon, the sisters-in-law needed to be together lol) , Delta and Kasari @everadream , and Miethra @tamiry-the-bonobo
From the bottom row, left to right
Velan @smaaenart , Adara from Imapinkwriter on IG, Bora @yellowtribalwolf , Fleur (moi), So’nan @feusus , Pippa hubermanproject on IG and Esmeray @skekheck
Thank you to everyone who took part in this and let me draw your Ocs. If there’s one thing I love most about TDC fandom is the Ocs so many artists and writers come up with. Like, it makes the world of Thra so much more beautiful and lively. Everyone has some really beautifully designed Ocs and I had so much fun drawing them!
I have my 2022 version in the works which should be posted around the holiday season.
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thanatasia · 2 years
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I’m still alive, just busy/exhausted and maybe experiencing burnout(?)
Here’s some IG questions I had done last-ish month that feature Ocs of other artists that have both an IG and Tumblr.
The first is a cute wedding sketch of Zela and Iryn with Fleur as one of the bridesmaids. Both Zela and Iryn belong to @stonewoodsifa
The second is featuring @fiercenaia Oc, Mara who I imagine has a lot of fun talking with Fleur about weapons!
The third is Maeve and @nurloxx Oc Eri. For anyone who doesn’t know, Eri is basically Maeve and Bhihaar’s second daughter lol
The fourth and fifth sketches are of Ocs who belong to @smaaenart , Tasia (Stonegrot childling) and Velan (Podling)
These are always fun to draw for IG and I enjoy sketching out the scenarios so many people create with their questions.
Watch out because I’m about to share some more to make up for not posting in a while lol
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thanatasia · 3 years
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A while ago I answered some IG questions! Here are 2 of them featuring @smaaenart Podling Oc Velan who is Viara’s husband and their twins Kaj and Brin!
Now the Podling family has a fourth member in their daughter Neera. It’s a coincidence that Smaaenart suggested the name Neera because she was my favorite character in Disney’s Dinosaur. I swear that movie was my childhood omg!
Viara is super happy to have the family she’s always wanted and to share that with her father.
The second is on Kiel and Tau sharing a brain cell at the realization that Velan has kids. At the time both are surprised to know someone with kids. Idk if Cha’l and Shiyoon were expecting yet or if Kiel and Sammi had begun adopting. Regardless, Kiel and Tau are the most surprised lol
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thanatasia · 3 years
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Happy New Year to everyone in 2021 (I’m still a few hours short in 2020 lol)
May I introduce to everyone me and @diasart2020 Pod Couple Viara x Velan!!!
Viara has finally found love and they are so cute! My sweet bean found herself a good man Velan belongs to diasart2020 and I can’t wait to share some sketches of these two when I can!
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thanatasia · 3 years
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I wanted to post the second answer that should go with this one but I’ll reblog it when I have the sketch done.
My Podling Oc Viara is I a ship with @diasart2020 Podling Oc Velan and they have twin boys. These two are also a sweet ship!
When Viara is overwhelmed Fleur offers to babysit her friends little ones. And Fleur being the fashionista she is has a outfit for babysitting (it’s just not seen so much in this post lol )
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