anicehat · 7 years
I want the K!!
31: RAGE Kiss
It’s a job gone sour; rotten from within, disloyalty among his ranks. Someone betrayed him, someone dared turn a client against him. He was furious! Foreign curses slipped passed clenched teeth as he paced Serenity’s cargo bay-- a place he’d retreated to, finding sanctuary while he figured out a way to restructure-- to cut the decay from the organization he’d built. 
His gorram life’s work!
How dare his own men turn against him, after all he’d done! 
Anger sat hot in his chest, swelling up with each thought, each suspicion on just who could’ve done it, but his was a world of cutthroats and deceptions; liars and crooks, hired guns for the right amount of coin--
How could he have expected loyalty when the highest bidder ebbs the rest?
An unsettled thought stops him in his tracks; expression shifting from anger to resentment to doubt-- and there, sat a few feet from him, Jayne had quietly let Badger rage while he cleaned his gun. 
Would his ‘loyalty’, too, be bought from him?
Bitterness rises like bile in his stomach; mixing sickly with the anger in his chest. 
“Want me to kill ‘em for you?” The question comes so casually from the mercenary that Badger stalls in his steps, gaze lifting to watch a man gaze down the length of his weapon, discerning any imperfections he might’ve missed in something so routine. 
There’s no hesitation in the offer, no doubt, and though he’s loathed to read more into it, it almost seemed like a favor.
Badger stepped closer to Jayne, focused now on what to do next with his troublesome group of henchmen. “I don’t want t’ kill them, no--” Another step, thoughts tangling up with every awful deed to be done, “I want t’ teach them a lesson. Make sure they know exactly who they’re dealin’ with.” 
Jayne’s set Vera aside in favor of something new, fingers reaching out, smile slowly pulling at the corners of his lips. “Well that-- I reckon I can do that, too.”
Badger can’t help the breath that escapes him; what fool he was for the slim hope of loyalty-- of something more, when here, with strong hands lifting to curl around the nape of his neck, is one paid for services rendered. 
Oh, how greedy he is to want more...
He leans in; sealing those lips against his own though anger still settled in his chest. He bites, tugs, wants, and Jayne responds, taking over a dictated kiss before putting an abrupt end to it.
“Now stop pacin’. You’ll wear a hole in the gorram floor.” 
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@poeticreaver replied to your post “     my #1 reasoning on why I’m adding another muse probably: I’m...”
i had that mindset as well but somehow now i have seven different adam baldwin muses
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normaltothemax · 7 years
look who i found in american dad @poeticpecker @selflessdoctor
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atomiism replied to your post “tb to when i was nice and kind in 2016 and now the only person I...”
LIAR ������
you’re right @poeticpecker ily
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youhavesymphonies · 7 years
@poeticpecker crushed my synthetic heart for a small starter.
Scrap yard. That was the best way to describe the shipping port Walter had wound up in as he tried to get back to earth---he wasn’t quite sure what else he was supposed to do. Intergalactic hitch hiking wasn’t the easiest thing in the universe. Especially for an android. The synthetic watched various people coming and going on all sorts of ships. There was a tall fella passing by, carrying some heavy looking containers. Struggling a bit as it seemed but luckily Walter refrained from pointing it out like that. 
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"Can I give you a hand with those, sir?" Literally a hand. Yet he didn’t need two hands to help.
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anicehat · 7 years
Five times almost caught? aka cmon they ain't secretive at all
The first time:
It’s a quickie— a barely undressed shoved-against-every-possible-surface romp that leaves a trail of destruction in it’s wake. It’s muffled moans and foreign curses pushed past swollen lips in every effort to chase a fleeting high.
They’re pressed against one another here; teeth nipping at a far-too-quick pulse what only draws a moan behind bitten lips. Jayne’s hips rock against him as breath hitches to something devastating: Need.
It’s all but an ache between them, a moment more, hands fumbling to close around this single second’s rush to spill their chosen secret.
But a knock on his door before the barging in of a trusted henchman, has Jayne shoved away to fix what might be disheveled whilst Badger slips into his seat with ease.
They hide their breathlessness, but kiss swollen lips stay kiss swollen, burned by the stubble of a cheek and the sharp tug of teeth, and a henchman knows better than to question his boss’ dealings.
The second time:
He doesn’t offer money, but Jayne looks good knelt down before him— even better with smug lips put to work, a challenge born from Badger’s doubt. There was no way such a brute had any oral skill.
—but oh, is he delightfully mistaken.
There’s earnestness in that sinful mouth, tongue lavishing before lips close around him; a skill learned from years of something else— something darker— something Badger won’t dwell on for the sake of this moment.
His fingers card through Jayne’s hair as hands move from his knees to his length, twisting upward that has Badger’s head lulling back against his leather chair in pure wanton bliss.
Footsteps draw his gaze, but his trophy is hidden behind his desk, unaware of their company until Mal speaks.
Jayne freezes in place, fearful of being found by his captain, in such a compromising position, but Badger’s fingers tighten, blunt nails scratching at Jayne’s scalp, drawing him closer, encouraging the man to continue.
“You wouldn’t happen to know where Jayne is, would ya?” Mal hasn’t noticed, nor would he.
“What? Your pet Neanderthal? Why would I know where he is?” A playful hint of disdain is all he can muster before Jayne retaliates. The nip to such sensitive skin has Badger lurching forward, fingers tightening their hold through short brunette locks.
Mal gives him a look of suspicion and that sinful tongue is soothing over bitten skin, swallowing him down with practiced ease that has Badger pressing a hand against his own lips to stop any noise what might give him away.
He plays the bored business man well, despite the build, despite the way he can’t help, but slowly rock his hips against that smug mouth, and Mal buys it.
“Right, well— You see him—“
“Yes, yes—“ He hides the way his breath hitches— the excitement here from being found out adds to the sensation. “I’ll let the gorram fool know you were looking for him— !!”
The challenge is met, a retaliation for being called a fool, Jayne pursues and works Badger over the edge while Mal stands no more than a few meters away and it takes every effort not to react, not to throw his head back and moan the bloody idiot’s name, but he retains his composure— by pure will alone.
Mal’s suspicion remains a moment more before it’s dismissed— taking his leave, he’s said his peace and once that door clicks shut, Badger melts against his seat.
Jayne moves to stand, leaning back against the desk he’d been so carefully hidden behind, he undoes his belt. “Call me a neanderthal again.” There’s a taunt behind smug lips, swollen and beautiful.
Badger sinks to his knees.
The third time:
He knows it’s a trap, knew it from the moment he’d laid eyes on the message sent to him from the old homestead, but it’s one he can’t ignore.
The details are few, but he’s paying double such a job would be worth, if only to ensure his safety. Can’t get paid in full if the party that does the paying is dead.
Still— it humors him to watch Jayne play the part of annoyed crew mate in front of the merry band of pirates.
It isn’t until the rest of the crew retires to their quarters that Jayne finds Badger in the quiet of the ship.
“You just had to hire us.” There’s displeasure written on Jayne’s face, but Badger leans up— they’re alone, as far as he can tell, no one would know. The kiss he leaves draws a second and a third, hesitation giving way to want before strong arms pull him closer and they settle against a cargo container, hidden away.
“I hired you because I trust you’ll do the job.” He muses as lips explore the rough landscape he’d surprisingly come to adore. Jayne’s eyes close against his ministrations and Badger can’t help but be in awe of it— watching a man of such brute force, look so soft.
Another kiss and then another as clothes begin to fall away between them, mouths exploring without that sense of urgency what seemed to loom over them most days.
He wants to ask; to be taken to Jayne’s room, to be fucked in a place so intimate— but he doesn’t get the chance. Jayne’s fumbling for his clothes, pulling on whatever he can and putting distance between them as quickly as possible with a foreign curse under his breath as River stares, curiously at them both.
“You’re shirt’s on backwards.” Is all she bothers to say from where she laid on the catwalk above.
“Stop spyin’ on people!” There’s a color on Jayne’s cheeks Badger had never seen before, but the man is already leaving him behind as though they weren’t in each others arms a moment before.
He’s left with a feeling in his chest he’d rather not give name to.
Her voice comes out like a song from above, “You should’ve asked him~”
The fourth time:
It’d been a few days of being avoided, which wouldn’t’ve been a problem, if it hadn’t been for the fact that the ship wasn’t as large as it first might’ve seemed.
They’d kept their relationship strictly professional with the usual candor and snark that came with dealing with one another. An apple, offered in peace, and a spiteful bite before the hand off.
He’d watched the way Jayne’s face twisted in disgust— if this were a rouse, Jayne played it all too well.
Badger bid his time, it would only be another week before they’d arrive at his homestead and he’d be too busy to think about having been cooped up and frustrated over a gorram caveman.
But his feet had carried him to Jayne’s room; his hand had lifted and knocked on the metal door and when the man answered, shirtless and sleep-mussed, Badger had shoved him inside, door closing shut behind them.
He leaned up, a want to finish what they’d started before, and he was met with earnest; a man completely different than how he’d seemed, now eagerly welcoming him into his arms.
Badger kissed and bit and pressed Jayne back against the man’s bunk, moving to straddle as clothes were stripped further until skin pressed hot against skin. Strong hands were on his hips, grinding him down for want of friction, of more—
He leaned back, fingertips trailing the flat of Jayne’s stomach before taking them both in his grasp with sure strokes.
Jayne rolled his hips eagerly, gaze settling on the way Badger moved above him before pleasure deigned lull his head back against his bunk with a soft curse. The moan is almost sinful, drawn from that smug mouth and Badger leans down to kiss, to steal it away for himself.
A hand comes up, fingers running through his hair before Jayne’s bulk flips them over and Badger is pressed down against the man’s bunk. Not a moment is spared on any sort of momentary look, no drinking in, no sweet lingering kiss; Jayne’s leaned to the side, fumbling through compartments that might house what he’s looking for and when he finds it— there’s a knock on his door.
“他妈的!” The curse is spat through gritted teeth before he tosses the bottle against the bunk and moves off of Badger to pull on his pants with more curses under his breath. “What?”
“Captain’s calling a meeting in the galley, put on some clothes and head there, I’m gonna get the others.” Zoe's voice is soft, but sure. He recognizes it from where he’s laid out on Jayne’s bunk, still as a statue and just as hard.
There’s hesitation in Jayne’s voice, before he clears his throat, “I’ll get the others, you just head on up.”
They part and Jayne closes the door before turning back.
“Nice save.” A smirk pulls on Badger’s lips as his hips lift just enough to sway, touch-starved cock longing for attention. “What were you going t' do with this?” He holds up the bottle of lube, a challenge on his tongue. “Were you going t' fuck me?”
The growl on Jayne’s lips is all too delicious.
The fifth time:
He’d told them to keep a low profile while they were there. The old homestead was hardly any different than what he remembered, same old primordial ooze that had Inara already turning her nose up at. It was a far cry from Persephone’s wealth and the kingdom he’d established for himself, but here— among the dredges, were his roots.
Mal had offered Jayne to stay by his side while Badger conducted his business, and Jayne kept close like the body guard Badger paid him to be.
He’s tickled by it.
It takes a sort of finesse to get the information he wants, to follow clues without giving too much away— he avoids the people he use to know, listens in on others. Jayne hates it— hates waiting, and there’s something feral about a man itching for a good fight, or a good fuck, that draws Badger in like a moth to a flame.
It takes one mistake, one accidental moment of recognition before fingers are pointed his way and shouts. Guns are drawn and there’s a wild sort of glee in Jayne’s eyes, as they hide away behind an overturned bar table.
“You’re right, they really do hate you.” Jayne keeps his head low as he peers over the table’s lip. Badger tucks into his side, trying not to get shot.
“It’s a relatively big club.” He chides, ducking at the sound of a bullet whizzing past.
“Can’t figure why you’d want to leave a great place like this.” Jayne moves and shoots a man in the chest from over the lip of the table before ducking back down. He cocks his gun and goes for another before a bullet splinters the edge of the table and he falls back.
“Jayne!” Badger reaches for him fearing the worst, but Jayne bats him away.
“I’m fine, just got splintered is all.” Spoken with more annoyance than anything, and Badger can’t measure the amount of relief he feels. But they can’t stay pinned down forever, and Badger tugs Jayne’s attention in the direction they’d need to escape the firefight.
It takes some ducking and crawling and eventually they’re able to run far from the chaos. It isn’t until they’re far enough away that he felt safe enough to slow down and catch their breath—
—and it isn’t until they’ve stopped, that he’s noticed the blood on Jayne’s face.
His heart drops and worry etches it’s way across his features as he lifts his hands to look, hesitant in his touch, the blood is everywhere his lips have been; against a cheek, along his jaw, down the line of his neck.
His heart races with a panic he hadn’t felt in ages, but Jayne’s got a hand on his wrist and an expression of his own: worry muddled with confusion.
“I told ya, I got splintered is all.” Jayne’s voice is soft, reassuring, and Badger’s breath feels punched out of his lungs as he leans up and seals away the taste of copper on Jayne’s lips.
The shout comes distant— Kaylee’s running over to them, “Captain! I found them!"
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sebastian’s sc. –– @poeticreaver
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     “If I don’t eat I get grumpy. Actually, no. Way more than grumpy. What’s the word people are using nowadays? Hangry? I get hangry.”
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ltbroccoli-archive · 7 years
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@poeticpecker I actually own that one! It's called Dark Mirror and it was...sort of strange, but I liked it. And yeah, Reg is Picard's bodyguard and probably the closest of all the crew to being a decent person
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albctrxss-blog · 7 years
@poeticpecker || starter call 
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          “That hat makes you look better -- more approachable.” 
          Meant entirely as a compliment, though River holds her breath still. Jayne wasn’t ever the easiest person to get along with, but she held no fear regarding him. She could take him any day, even with her eyes closed ( a fact she enjoyed reminding him of constantly ). His mind was one she avoided at all costs, but the occasional thing slipped through her barely-able-to-call-defenses, and usually resulted in disgust or occasional contempt. But still, he was a member of the crew, and she would try her hardest to al least be civil on a good day, the bad days she had no control and could maybe shoot him, who knew? 
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blind date sc. –– @poeticpecker
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     “I make a killer stir fry, but I gotta say this one is pretty damn close.”
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poeticpecker replied to your post “poeticpecker replied to your post “im worried because today worked a...”
have i ever been helpful?
i mean u did my theme and helped fix my icon so yeah
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ashesri · 7 years
poeticpecker replied to your post: #kaylee when wash died ayyy @mexhanicisms how...
mel  I  feel  attacked  by  adam
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poeticpecker replied to your post: someone knock sense into me because I’m supposed...
cancel and hang with us. im sure you look fine in whatever you wear but there is no sense in going out when you’re not comfortable
i’m uncomfortable no matter what lmao
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astranxmica · 7 years
👀 !!
seriously, im gonna fail but here we go!!!
the sweetest and saltiest like delicious salted caramel
understands jayne in a way i love but can’t understand
firefly trash
chuck trash
the german bestie i dont deserve
writes better English than me
ships pretty much everyone on the firefly with one another
has a life and priorities and stuff together
puts up with me for unknown reasons
deserves the noble peace prize for it
is a guru of life in general
will probably produce some sort of robot or cure cancer
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anicehat · 7 years
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      “Havin’ myself a good look-- I’ve never seen a caveman up close before.” His touch remains along with the smug smirk on his features. Here, he’s playing with fire-- the rumble of a beast barely kept behind sturdy ribs is enough of a warning. 
      “I find myself quite fascinated, really.”  Another gentle stroke, a finger drawing across the edge of a strong jawline before his touch falls away completely. “It’s no wonder Mal keeps you at his hip.”
@poeticpecker [ *touches* ] 
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