#pogey adventures
necropolaris · 2 years
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More Emerald Rogue screenshots. I forgot how much I loved the scenery in the Hoenn region.
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millipedish · 7 months
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Holy fuck yall
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private-g-shumway · 3 years
Fraggle Friday: “Pilot” (Fraggle Rock BTTR S1E1)
Today is the day us Fraggle fans have waited for. Fraggle Rock: Back To The Rock has finally debuted and we can watch the Fraggles starring in new stories and adventures. Today, for the first Fraggle Friday, I will review the first episode, entitled “Pilot”. I will review all 14 episodes, one each Friday. So, here we go!
“Fraggle Rock! Fraggle Rock! Fraggle Rock!” can be heard in the background. The Fraggle sing “Party In Fraggle Rock”, the incredibly catchy song heard in the second trailer. Is this the theme song? WHAT?
Gobo makes up the word “Ska-Doo”. Boober says it’s not a word. Anyways, Uncle Traveling Matt is going away to explore Outer Space. Gobo drew an image of Uncle Matt and himself as a going away present. We can fairly conclude Mokey did not draw this. 
Wembley wembles over a long streamer and a short streamer. Gobo and Red have to turn him upside-down. “Oh no! He’s wembling!” I’m glad they remembered Wembley having to be turned upside-down in order to stop wembling. Mokey turns zen, and then the mood ends. 
Boober makes an Emergency Kit for Uncle Matt, but it’s basically just laundry stuff.
Red wants to show Uncle Matt her new dive, which will “Knock his socks off”, which made me realize Matt is the only Fraggle we really ever see wearing socks. The dive includes a twist, a chuck, a flip, and a flop. 
Ska-Doo is still not a word. 
“It’s Uncle Matt!” Matt comes in to a royal fanfare, congratulates Gobo for recognizing him, and then trips. 
Our first new Fraggle is Pogey (or Pogy, or Pogi, or whatever). 
Red is about to show Matt her dive, but Matt guides Gobo away to show him something. Red starts stuttering as Matt walks off. She decides to wait and then starts growling.
Matt is about to show Gobo something that will blow his mind. It’s a hole portal to Outer Space! 
Matt urges Gobo to look right into his eyes. They boop noses with each other. “Boop.” Matt wants Gobo to come to Outer Space with him. He says he is brave, but then...
Sprocket’s back! And we see the new Doc! She notices the giant hole in the wall and we discover she is a Grad student. She wants to save the ocean and earn the nickname Dr. Doc. Sprocket wants water, but the water pipes aren’t working. She doesn’t think there’s anything exciting happening on the other side of the hole. 
Pogey screams, “This is so exciting!”. Red groans. Pogey says hi to Red. Red seems done with this dude already. 
Gobo comes in screaming about Sprocket and ruins Red’s dive. She belly flops into a Doozer tower. “Class 5 Belly Flop,” echoes the Doozers. And COTTERPIN! They decide to work extra hard and rebuild the whole thing. It’s like a game of Telephone, as one message comes across as static and the message is now “Work next to Carl and refill the bowl king”. Who’s Carl?
Red’s really, really, really mad at Gobo now, until she realizes Sprocket is a good excuse. Matt decides Gobo shouldn’t come with him to Outer Space because he’s not brave. WELL YOU AIN’T EITHER MATTHEW
Matt falls. He isn’t wearing his backpack. He explains how he lost in our first Postcard-like segment, because he was exploring the Crevice of Solitude. He was terrified, like an ordinary Fraggle. A small creature scared him and his backpack is lost forever. 
“An explorer never goes back.” “Who says that?” “Why, nearly everyone, RED.” *WHEEZE* I’M CRYING BECAUSE OF THAT BEAUTIFUL DELIVERY “Hm.” 
 Gobo is now in his cave because he’s sad Uncle Matt won’t take him to Outer Space with him. He describes Sprocket as “The Most Ferocious Creature In The Known Universe”. Doc describes him as her “Peanut Butter Biscuit Boy” while giving Sprocket belly rubs. 
Red does the most beautiful impression of Uncle Matt ever and I want to thank Karen Prell for making that line so good. Gobo decides to go to the Crevice of Solitude. While he packs, Red tells the others that they have to go with him, and then tells them to following her lead.
“Ahem-Hem-Hem-Ha!” “AHEM-HEM-HEM-HA!” That gave me Darkwing Duck vibes and I love it. Gobo decides to let them go, and, according to Boober’s Dictionary, “Quadruple-Uple” isn’t a word. “Off we Go...Bo!”
The journey begins in the Gorgs’ Garden. Wembley doesn’t understand we Gorgs hate Fraggles and...PA GORG SOUNDS LIKE JERRY NELSON. Ma Gorg’s voice is okay. Pa calls for Junior. He stomps out from the castle so seriously...And then sees a Flutterfly and gets distracted. He sounds just like Richard Hunt, but his voice is just a tad bit higher pitched. 
Red sees leaves and says they look loud and crunchy. Gobo steps on the leaves and catches the attention of Junior. When we see Junior trying to step on the Fraggles, I believe the Fraggles are CGI, and they look so good. Junior catches Mokey, but she decides to “Be The Noodle” and slides out of Junior’s hand. The Flutterfly comes back and Junior is happy.
The Fraggles are now in the presence of the All-Knowing Marjory The Trash Heap. Philo and Gunge have trash cheese and shares some with Wembley. He saves it for later. Marjory looks so good and expressive. “Hmm! Hmmm! HMMM!” Marjory’s advice is to “Dig Deeper”. 
The Fraggles are now in the caves again and they start singing. I believe the song is called “Only Way Home”.
They find the Crevice and the backpack. It is perched on Barely-Balanced Rock, which is a barely-balanced rock. Matt probably named it that. Wembley wembles a bit when Gobo goes up the the rock to retrieve it. He gets the backpack, but it results in a bit of a rockslide. Red looks wonderful with her messed-up pigtails. Marjory’s advice to “Dig Deeper” comes into place. They start digging through rocks and find WATER!
They slide through the water. Red’s lovin’ this and Mokey is the water. The Fraggles all come out into the Fraggle Pond. Red comes out last, whooping and hollering all the way. She does a twist, a tuck, a flip and a flop! WHOOO-HOO!
We get into the connection part of Fraggle Rock right here. The discovery of the water means the Fraggles have new water, the Gorgs’ garden can be watered, the Doozers can have no limit to what they can build (4 SECOND CELEBRATION WHOO), and Doc and Sprocket now have water coming through the pipes. 
Doc and Sprocket love their new home. Matt proceeds to be egotistical and gets scared of his own nephew. He is surprised Gobo had the guts to go to the Crevice of Solitude and get the backpack. He wants Gobo to come to Outer Space with him, but Gobo decides to stay in Fraggle Rock with his friends. Matt decides to explore Outer Space and send back artifacts for Gobo. He says he and his friends and get the artifacts together, but Gobo gets his tail grabbed by Sprocket. Wembley throws the trash cheese from Philo and Gunge at Sprocket. He eats it. Red says Gobo should be the one to get the packages. Matt and Gobo boop noses. Gobo wonders what else is connected, and then the camera pans out to show Planet Earth, and then the actual theme song gets played! *Clap Clap* That’s how this episode ends!
Thoughts On This Episode: This was a great pilot. It takes themes from “Beginnings”, but also does other stuff. It definitely had me engaged. I loved the plot, the characters, the songs, ect. I can tell this is gonna be a really good reboot (better than what most are). 
Rating: So, my rating system on this will be Radishes. There are 5 Radishes, and I’ll rate the episode out of the 5. I wish I could give this one a 5, but there’s something telling me that’s just too high. This episode receives 4 1/2 out of 5 Radishes.
By the way, please don’t spoil any of the episodes for me because I’m watching one a week and I don’t want spoilers. 
See you on the next Fraggle Friday when I review “Red And The Big Jump”!
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necropolaris · 2 years
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Recent pogey screenshots, feat. Charnel. I like taking screenshots of nice scenery and my builds for Emerald Rogue, as inspriation for art later.
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