#oc charnel
necropolaris · 1 year
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I started a nuzlocke of pokemon Liquid Crystal. Here's how we're doing so far.
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saytrrose · 4 months
show,,, oc art
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Random number generator told me to show you Aethelda
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corse-666 · 7 months
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Infernus marines from the charnel guard chapter that I painted. They are ready to roast some heretics.
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laine-975 · 3 months
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Um um um um
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lemon-and-lead · 1 year
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Star Wars OC visual development drawings- from order 66 to when we see Maul again in Rebels is a fifteen year gap. Given that Maul is desperate for connection but doesn't know how to relate to people other than as master+apprentice, I think it's incredibly unlikely that he never tried to take another apprentice during those years.
The Apprentice in question was nine years old during the Jedi purge and escaped by crawling into a ventilation duct. Maul was guided by visions to seek her out, misinterpreting what saw as proof that Ahsoka was alive. Instead, he found Charnel half dead in the gutter. Charnel is not the most brave, athletic or force-attuned, and frankly would not have successfully become a knight if order 66 hadn't happened. However, she's the only force sensitive Maul's been able to find, so he's got no other choice.
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cyclic-laughter · 27 days
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bloodborne oc i've been obsessed with lately -- ephraim , tamer of beasts. more info on him below the cut !!!
[ tried to do an actual image description for these, suggestions would be appreciated , just be courteous =) ]
he's a vileblood of pthumerian descent, orphaned at a young age as his parents were captured by the church and dishonorably killed as per their bigoted agenda—in his later years, he was adopted by queen annalise & her king to be part of her personal knightly entourage, and to defend her in the event of mishaps that happened within cainhurst castle within this same entourage he met one of his closest friends, a man by the name of deirdre—he was not naturally a vileblood, and instead, came from yharnam and swore oath to the cainhurst vilebloods, later being adopted into this personal entourage that ephraim met him in however, being that he was closer to that of yharnam than the vilebloods, deirdre's ability to withstand the old blood was futile compared to the vilebloods (i have a little headcanon that because of the vileblood's blood potency they have a higher tolerance to beasthood than yharnamites do) and, of course, deirdre gave into the call of beasthood, transforming into an unsightly, leucistic beast of bird/canine-like complexion
naturally, the knights of cainhurst believed the only way to save him was to euthanize him. he'd lost his conscience and sanity, had he not? what more would there be to do with him? but ephraim sought differently ephraim used his status and power to prevent the other cainhurst knights from slaughtering him in the belief that he could at least try to return conscienceness to deirdre's beastly form—which, ended up being successful, using bribes of ephraims own potent blood. inevitably, the executioners of the church arrived and the massive vileblood massacre happened. bloodlickers showed up to feed on the corpses and the vilebloods swiftly died out in number just over the course of a few days—however, before the collapse of the bridge from cainhurst to hemwick charnel lane, ephraim and deirdre were able to successfully escape the executioners with their lives, later ending up in yharnam
ephraim is now recognized as the tamer of beasts by the little hunters who recognize his name, especially being identifiable by his albino complexion and the gigantic beast he rides on horseback where-ever necessary
ephraim has corruption rune patterns all around his uniform ! the ribbon around his waist, on his arm guards, and on the guards covering his eyes. theyre a symbol of his faith to cainhurst despite his circumstance.
the white feathered fluff upon his cape is fur he cut off of deirdre to sharpen him up.
his cape is one sided and stays to his left, just like the sets that vileblood descendants and knights wear in the canon (cainhurst set, knights set, maria set)
the flames that burn on some parts of his clothes are representations of his 'flame of ambition' if you would, how he is incredibly durable and persistant, the same qualities that allowed him to save deirdre's life
being a pthumerian, ephraim's eyes are pitch black, and so is the inside of his mouth. his cheek bones are incredibly defined and some parts of his skin are darker than the others, like his cheeks and lips
he wears some laced accessories because that was another large part of cainhurst fashion
the spurs on his boots are to kick deirdre to make him go faster — basically they serve the same function that spurs do with horses, except his are a lot sharper because they gotta get through deirdre's thick fur
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k1ll3r-k4rg0 · 9 months
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18+ ONLY (no minors please!!)
Here's my 2023 October prompts list!! Horror + Gore + Whump type of deal
Can be used for drawing or for writing with any characters, OCs, canon, etc.
Organized so you have two to three days to do each coz I think 30 in a month is super hard. Prompts are meant to be vague/make you think coz I like the idea of seeing everyone's different interpretations.
If you use please tag #k1lltober23 or #k1lltober or tag this blog (@k1ll3r-k4rg0)
Typed prompts and some definitions under the cut coz I did not make this one legible at all. Thank you and have fun!!!!
(Oct 1–2) Crawling Fever
(Oct 3–4) Glint in the Dark
(Oct 5–7) What a Horrible Way to Die
(Oct 8–10) Homicidal Ideation (thoughts and plans of homicide without the act itself)
(Oct 11–13) Headlights
(Oct 14–16) You Should Start Praying
(Oct 17–19) Charnel House (a place associated with violent death)
(Oct 20–22) Hell of Your Own Making
(Oct 23–25) Blurring at the Edges
(Oct 26–28) REVENGE
(Oct 29–31) Dead Friends
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doctorleviathan · 7 months
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Colored a doodle for a Madness Combat OC His names Charnel
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creepy-crowleys · 7 months
wound: How does your OC handle being wounded? Are their wounds mostly physical? Mental? Emotional? What's the worst wound your OC has ever experienced?
oc asks: not-so-nice edition
Physical wounds she tolerates fairly well. She's been been trough a lot at this point, all manners of shot and clawed and blown up and dismembered and so on and so forth. She can take some nasty hits and keep going through pure stubborn refusal to let herself drop until it's safe to do so. Magic helps. She's pretty useless at healing others but her own self-healing abilities can at least keep her going through broken bones or keep severed limbs attached for a little while. The bees take care of the rest.
And it's not like outright killing her accomplishes much. She's kind of used to the whole thing.
So by sheer number, most of her wounds are physical, they just don't stick. The mental and emotional ones do.
All of the Dreamers she's brushed up against have left their marks, but most of have felt distant once she got away from them; like terrible nightmares. There's a suffocating fear, but the specifics become scattered and faded after you wake up. John's never went away. He's always been closer and more intimate. It's easier for him. He was human once. He knows better how to unmake one.
That feeling of drowning, having her memories scattered and rewritten, and her sense of self dissolved has stuck with her like an icy sludge that pools in the back of her skull and seeps down her spine.
Some days she sees dead kids every time she closes her eyes, mass graves, charnel houses, massacre sites. People she killed or failed to save or never had a chance to. They all weigh on her.
She still struggles with the old hurts of being only one of her family still alive - somehow, in spite of everything - and if she really deserves that honor. If she's the family embarrassment, screwed up from the start despite best efforts. If everything she's tied up in is too much to expect anyone to stick around for.
There was a point where a lot of folks on the dash saw her for the monster she saw herself as. A lot of her fears and doubts and self-hatreds were validated. She's been working hard to pull herself out of that hole, but... Maybe if others could see it too, she wasn't entirely wrong. She can't exactly argue against it, because who would ever believe her.
Some of the accusations made and the responses from people she cared for shattered a lot of the confidence and trust she'd been rebuilding. She's gained a lot of it back now, but there's still an ugly wound when it come to how safe she is to be around.
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leorawright · 1 year
Greetings!! I'm here for an oc matchup :) could I maybe get both romantic and platonic?
Name: Bélanger Charnell le Blanc, although he goes by Charnell
Unlabeled + attracted to men (he/him pronouns) 22 years old.
He's French and Chilean, and he speaks English and French.
Personality: Charnell is very sarcastic and doesn't show much emotion. He comes off as rude due to his sheer bluntness and honesty. He dislikes talking with people, typically trying to keep his conversations short and to the point. He's very hesitant with speaking and tries to only have important inputs. He has humor that can easily fly over people's heads, and he loves it. He has a slightly deep voice with a French accent. He also has chronic fatigue syndrome and hates doing alot of physical activity.
Other: He has the ability to see and speak to ghosts. Additionally, they can possess him if he allows it. Charnell has a ghost that follows him around named Odette. They are surprising friendly for a ghost and they possess Charnell alot. Odette does enjoy messing with people and scaring them, and they're sarcastic like Charnell.
He can create sigils that can do alot of things, the most obvious one being the sigil on his cheek. He uses it to prevent ghosts from possessing him without him allowing it. When a ghost possesses him, the ghosts strength and abilities are given to his body and can be used by the ghost. For weapons, he uses a semi-automatic one handed gun, and a sigil he puts on his hand that allows fire to shoot out of it. He also has sigils covering his room in an attempt to prevent severe nightmares, although, he still has them. He's also a smoker, although he's trying to quit. Cigarettes calm him down alot, and with his sigils, he doesn't have to worry about always needing a light.
What Charnell seeks in a friend/partner:
Someone who isn't freaked out by his ghost friend. Odette is very important to him, so he wouldn't be able to get along with someone who hates Odette.
For a friend, he wants someone who's funny and not too much for him. He prefers chill people who he can mess around with.
For a partner, he would want someone who just really loves him. He doesn't open up much, so he needs someone who listens him. He'd love someone who can calm him when he has a severe nightmare, and isn't disturbed by his abilities. He'd especially like it if his partner was friends with Odette.
Apperance: His eye color changes based off if he's possessed by a ghost. Charnell's eye color changes to the ghosts.
And here's his picrew! He's around 5'7 and isn't physically the strongest. Take care!!
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For platonic I pick...
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You want funny? She's got surprisingly good humor and laughs at a lot of jokes especially dark ones
She can be pretty lazy if she's not focused on something so perfect friend to chill with on any day
Prepare to get into three a.m. debates with her
She's fascinated by Odette and the fact that you can ghosts
Please tell her everything about Odette or let Odette tell her she'll listen to every word
For romantic...
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Genji is really patient and understanding after being with Zenyatta for so long
So if you don't want to open up just yet Genji won't push you and he'll even talk more about himself if that makes you more comfortable
When you tell him about ghosts and Odette he's really intrigued so please explain everything
He remembers everything you tell him without fail
He's had nightmares before so he's good at dealing with them and good at comforting you when they happen
When you tell him you're trying to quit smoking he tries his best to help and goes as far to get movie set cigarettes in order to maybe help you
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xjoonchildx · 11 months
Ana! If you had to associate your fics with a perfume and/or smell, what would it be?
anon how much do i love this question 😭 💕 😭
man, did i have to think about this one. i wasn't really sure how to assign a particular scent to each fic but i had very specific ideas of the scents i could see some of my OCs wearing from each fic!
so here are a few and i hope it answers your question 💕
airplane, pt. 2 OC: love and crime by ex idolo
hahah okay i mean clearly i just can't get over the name and how it applies to this particular fic, but honestly the scent could apply to this OC, too. it's a sweet, cake-like blood orange scent but it has some spice to it, too. perfect for this spicy but secretly sweet OC.
last christmas OC: blanche bête by liquid imaginaires
last christmas OC had nothing to lose and she was pulling out all the stops. she knew seokjin was nuts for this fragrance (which is a perfect winter fragrance) and i too, am nuts for this fragrance. ambrette, incense and musk notes. i fell hard the second i put it on. so did seokjin. so did seokjin's pants.
red flag OC: god of fire by stephane humbert lucas 777
this is not a subtle OC and you can be damned sure she would not choose a subtle fragrance. she'd pick something distinct enough to trigger park jimin years and miles later. this scent is wildly sexy with it's notes of lemon and ginger and but the mango is the best part, juicy enough to jimin shudder any time he sees one in the wild.
greedy OC: xtra milk by dedcool
words cannot express my obsession with this scent. the ultimate "your skin but better" but somehow even better than that. seeing as doc would be working with patients and would have to be respectful of people's sensitivities to scents, this would be the perfect option. plus this is a scent i could see yoongi being totally nuts for. the perfect nose-in-the-neck sweetness that seems to emanate from the inside.
kanalia oc: gris charnel by BDK parfumes
oh, how i love this scent. it's what i imagine melancholy smelling like which is why i associate it with kanalia OC. but it's also so lovely and surprising. the fig and tea notes are elegant and refined, but it's also a scent that gets better the longer you wear it and if that's not a metaphor for kanalia OC, i don't know what is. if i could only wear one scent for the rest of my life, this would definitely be a contender.
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necropolaris · 1 year
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More Emerald Rogue screenshots. I forgot how much I loved the scenery in the Hoenn region.
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saytrrose · 4 months
the post where you listed all your stories- what are those about?
Follows Rein and Chloe, two seniors in highschool who accidentally summon a demon and have to find a way to send him back while simultaneously figuring out how they summoned him in the first place, by making sense of Reins mothers old belongings. Envisioned to be a webcomic or animated series.
Matteo, A retired bounty hunter decides to take up one final job, resulting in the elimination of the most important gangs daughter. However, she turns out to be a deaf 6 year old, and for the first time in his life he doesn’t have the heart to kill someone. Instead, he goes on the run with her, protecting her while trying to avoid multiple obstacles. Envisioned to be a webcomic.
Centers around my dnd/fantasy ocs and their travel party! No absolute concrete story yet but all the characters and their backstories are fleshed out. Envisioned to be a webcomic.
Witching Hour-
I seem have forgotten to scratch this one off the list, it was a very old one from years ago and I scrapped 💔 Was envisioned as an animated series.
The Charnel District-
Follows a young boy who lives in a dystopian world full of large eldritch monsters that stalk the last of humanity. He, however, can generate light from his fingertips which is a long since bestowed upon power that keeps the creatures at bay. Light is the only source of safety in this world, and if they flicker then your next best is to hide. Envisioned to be a webcomic.
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littlepataaato · 9 months
OC One piece presentation FR/ENG
FR :
• 𝐍𝐨𝐦 : Morgane
• 𝐀̂𝐠𝐞 : 25 ans               ➥27 ans (après ellipse)
• 𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐬 : Quartier-maître : Morgane veille à la discipline, et à la bonne distribution des vivres et du butin pillé à la fin des expéditions.
                     Maître d'équipage : Le maître d'équipage est le chef d'orchestre du navire, il assure et gère le lien entre l'équipage et le commandement, que ce soit des questions ou des problèmes, l'équipage passe par elle. Lorsque ce sont des faits trop importants, c'est le second (Zoro) qui prend la main pour en discuter avec le capitaine (Luffy). Morgane est en contact permanent avec le second et c'est elle qui est chargé de mettre en oeuvre les ordres de celui-ci. En plus de ce travail déjà conséquent, elle doit organiser les hommes et les divers groupes pour coordonner leurs actions et permettre au navire de bien se porter durant leurs multiples aventures. Elle représente l'équipage donc s'il y a un problème global avec les groupes où les directives des actions, c'est elle qui va trinquer face au capitaine. C'est pourquoi Morgane est assez souvent sévères.
• 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐞 : 1 janvier.
• 𝐓𝐚𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞 : 1m85 (avant l'ellipse)                   ➥ 1m99 (après l'ellipse)
• 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐞𝐬 : ¹⁵⁰˒⁰⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰ ᵇᵉʳʳʸ (anciennement)                     ➥ ⁵⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰ ᵇᵉʳʳʸ
• 𝐀𝐩𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐮𝐝𝐞𝐬 𝐞𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐞𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬 : → Entité Cosmique, Fabuleuse (est un être d'énergie des Gemmes de pouvoirs : espace, esprit, réalité, pouvoir, temps et âme)
→Forces et vitesses
→Comprend et peut écrire dans les langues anciennes (peut lire et écrire en Ponéglyphes)
→Fluide de l'Observation, de l'Armement et possède aussi le fluide Royale.
• 𝐍𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐞 ( ˢᶤ ˡᵉ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒᶰᶰᵃᵍᵉ ᵛᶤᵛᵃᶤᵗ ᵈᵃᶰˢ ˡᵉ ᵐᵒᶰᵈᵉ ʳᵉᵉˡ ) : Anglaise, Royaume-Uni de Hexham.
• 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞.𝐬 : Voir et découvrir le monde.
• 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐞 : →Le bon vin
→La bonne nourriture
→Une île hivernale en automne (pour les couleurs mais aussi pour la météo qui est pas trop froid ni trop chaud, avec un vent doux selon elle)
• 𝐓𝐡𝐞𝐦𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐥𝐞𝐬 : Cerf ➝ la prudence, la royauté et la monarchie, le christ au Moyen-Âge, le cycle vie-mort-renaissance et la résurrection. Ou Lapin ➝ la peur, la renaissance et l'équilibre.
• 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐞𝐮𝐫 : Blanc
• 𝐓𝐫𝐚𝐯𝐚𝐢𝐥 ( ˢᶤ ˡᵉ ᵖᵉʳˢᵒᶰᶰᵃᵍᵉ ᵛᶤᵛᵃᶤᵗ ᵈᵃᶰˢ ˡᵉ ᵐᵒᶰᵈᵉ ʳᵉᵉˡ ) : Actrice.
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Petit plus sur Morgane/reader :
❤ Morgane/reader est non-binaire → Même si elle a un corps féminin, elle se considère comme ni homme, ni femme mais est avant tout une enveloppe charnel d'énergies des Pierres d'Infinités. Oui, tout le monde dans le monde de One piece, voit Morgane comme une femme, mais celle-ci ne se voit pas comme tel. Elle utilise elle ou quant elle parle d'elle même, elle utilise des termes féminin dû a son enveloppe charnel. ↳ Il y'a déjà eu des "Fabuleuse", avec une enveloppe charnel dit d'homme et asexué, qui était très androgyne.
Le drapeau est composé de bandes horizontales jaune, blanche, violet et noire.qui représente :
➝ Le jaune représente les genres qui ne sont pas associé à la binarité, car c'est une couleur qui ne contient ni bleu, ni rose (qui sont les couleurs traditionnellement attribuées aux genres masculin et féminin). Le jaune représente donc l'indépendance de la binarité. ➝ Le blanc représente les personnes qui ont plusieurs ou beaucoup de genres (polygenres) car le blanc est issu du mélange de toutes les couleurs. ➝ Le violet représente les genres situés entre homme et femme, qui sont une combinaison des deux ou qui fluctuent entre les deux, car c'est un mélange de bleu et de rose. ➝ La bande noire représente l'absence de genre (agenre) car le noir est l'absence de lumière.
❤ Morgane/reader est pansexuel →La pansexualité est une orientation sexuelle caractérisant les individus qui peuvent être attirés, sentimentalement ou sexuellement, par un individu peut importe son sexe ou son genre.
➝Le rose se trouve tout en haut du drapeau. Cette couleur représente le spectre féminin et l'attraction pour celle.ux qui se considèrent comme femmes. ➝Quant au bleu, il se trouve en bas du drapeau et représente le spectre masculin et l'attraction pour les hommes. Là encore, il peut aussi désigner les personnes s'identifiant comme hommes. ➝Enfin, le jaune se trouve au milieu du drapeau. Cette couleur désigne l'attirance pour des individus non binaires et du spectres non-binaire et les personnes agenres.
❤ Morgane/reader est vraiment très peu fertile, elle se pense même infertile dû aux fait qu'elle n'est pas humaine → c'est pour ça que dans le chapitre 35 lors de l'arc Davy Back Fight, Elle déclaré que c'est à Nami de faire le travail.
❤ Prime : Morgane/reader, dit "L'Enchanteresse Vermillon" ↳ La première primede Morgane : 150 000 000 berrys, dès qu'elle a 10 ans. ↳ La deuxième prime : 500 000 000, pendant ses aventures sur le Thousand Sunny, la Marine a fait une nouvelle affiche de recherche pour Morgane avec une prime plus élevé, dû a son non respect du contrat de dire la vérité, considéré par le Gouvernement Mondial comme une rébellion. ↳La troisième prime : 750 000 000 berrys, pour les raisons avoir infiltrer et provoqué une émeute général ainsi que l'évasion des prisonniers lors de l'Arc Impel Down. ↳ ...
❤ Si Morgane/reader était dans le monde réelle, elle aurait été polyglotte : anglais (langue native), chinois mandarin, espagnol, arabe et russe (un peu de russe).
❤ Morgane/reader a possède une pièce où elle range ses cahiers où elle note les distributions de vivres et de trésors entre les membres de l'équipage et c'est ici qu'elle range ses cahier où elle note l'organisations de ces nakama et les divers groupes pour coordonner leurs actions et permettre au navire de bien se porter. La porte d'entrée se trouve près de la porte de la chambre des filles et le niveau le plus bas se trouve à la même hauteur que l'aquarium.
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❤ Morgane/reader a un complexe de supériorité qui peut varié en dépendant de la personne qui se trouve en face. Elle se sent supérieur aux mortels. ↳ Au début, on le voit pas forcément parce qu'elle jouait un rôle.
❤ L'une des raisons de la sévérité de Morgane/reader et que son père était trop laxiste. Et quant il l'a abandonné, elle s'est mise à le haïr alors elle s'est mis a devenir une personne sévère pour ne pas lui ressembler.
❤ Morgane/reader dans le monde réelle, aurait commencer les démarches pour adopter une enfant. Elle ne se voit pas forcément mariée à quelqu'un et même si elle était célibataire elle avait envie d'avoir un enfant. C'est pour ça qu'elle va commencer les démarches pour.
❤ Morgane/reader est pesco-végétarienne → c'est une personne qui mange du poisson et des fruits de mer, mais pas de viande. ↳ Ça s'explique par le fait que sur Ishgorion, la viande animal est rare, pas de bétail. Les animaux tel que le mouton, vache, bœuf et autres, sont plus utilisé comme animal de compagnie que de animal pour abattoir. Les habitants se rabattent sur les poissons, fruit de mer et sur les légumes et fruit. ↳ Sanji prépare toujours des plats sans viandes à côtés des plats de viandes pour Morgane/reader. A l'épisode 17, je ne l'ai pas mentionné mais j'aurais dû mais c'était du ragoût au poisson que Sanji avait préparé pour tout le monde.
Name: Morgane
Age: 25 years old ➥27 years (after timeskip)
Ranks: Quartermaster: Morgane ensures discipline and the proper distribution of food and plundered loot at the end of expeditions.
Boatswain: The boatswain is the conductor of the ship, she provides and manages the connection between the crew and command, whether questions or problems, the crew goes through her. When these facts are too important, it is the second (Zoro) who takes the lead to discuss them with the captain (Luffy). Morgane is in permanent contact with the second and it is she who is responsible for implementing the latter's orders. In addition to this already substantial work, she must organize the men and the various groups to coordinate their actions and allow the ship to perform well during their multiple adventures. She represents the crew so if there is an overall problem with the groups or the action directives, she is the one who will raise glasses in front of the captain. This is why Morgane is often severe.
Birthday : January 1.
Height: 1m85 (before the timeskip) ➥ 1m99 (after the timeskip)
Prime : ¹⁵⁰˒⁰⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰ ᵇᵉʳʳʸ (formerly) ➥ ⁵⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰˒⁰⁰⁰ ᵇᵉʳʳʸ
Abilities and skills: → Cosmic, Fabulous Entity (is an energy being of the Gems of powers: space, spirit, reality, power, time and soul)
→Forces and speeds
→Understands and can write in ancient languages (can read and write in Poneglyphs)
→Fluid of Observation, Armament and also has the Royal fluid.
Nationality (if the person lived in the real world): English, United Kingdom of Hexham.
Dreams: See and discover the world.
Preferences: →Good wine
→Good food
→A winter island in autumn (for the colors but also for the weather which is not too cold nor too hot, with a gentle wind according to her)
Animal theme: Deer ➝ prudence, royalty and monarchy, Christ in the Middle Ages, the life-death-rebirth cycle and resurrection. Or Rabbit ➝ fear, rebirth and balance.
Colour : White
Job (if the person lived in the real world): Actress.
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Little more about Morgane/reader:
❤ Morgane/reader is non-binary → Even though she has a female body, she considers herself neither man nor woman but is above all a carnal envelope of energies from the Infinity Stones. Yes, everyone in the world of One Piece sees Morgana as a woman, but she doesn't see herself as one. She uses she or when she speaks of herself, she uses feminine terms due to her carnal envelope. ↳ There have already been "Fabulous", with a so-called male and asexual carnal envelope, which was very androgynous.
The flag is made up of horizontal bands of yellow, white, purple and black which represent:
➝ Yellow represents genders that are not associated with the binary, as it is a color that does not contain blue or pink (which are the colors traditionally assigned to the masculine and feminine genders). Yellow therefore represents the independence of the binary. ➝ White represents people who have several or many genders (polygender) because white comes from the mixture of all colors. ➝ Purple represents the genders between male and female, which are a combination of the two or which fluctuate between the two, as it is a mixture of blue and pink. ➝ The black band represents the absence of gender (agender) because black is the absence of light.
❤ Morgane/reader is pansexual →Pansexuality is a sexual orientation characterizing individuals who can be attracted, romantically or sexually, to an individual regardless of their sex or gender.
➝The pink is at the very top of the flag. This color represents the feminine spectrum and attraction for those who consider themselves women. ➝As for blue, it is at the bottom of the flag and represents the masculine spectrum and attraction to men. Again, it can also refer to people who identify as men. ➝Finally, the yellow is in the middle of the flag. This color denotes attraction to non-binary individuals and the non-binary spectrum and agender people.
❤ Morgane/reader is really very infertile, she even thinks of herself as infertile due to the fact that she is not human → that's why in chapter 35 during the Davy Back Fight arc, she declared that it It's up to Nami to do the work.
❤ Bonus: Morgane/reader, known as “The Vermilion Enchantress” ↳ Morgane's first bonus: 150,000,000 berries, as soon as she is 10 years old. ↳ The second bounty: 500,000,000, during her adventures on the Thousand Sunny, the Navy made a new wanted poster for Morgane with a higher bounty, due to her non-compliance with the contract to tell the truth, considered by the Government Global like a rebellion. ↳The third bounty: 750,000,000 berries, for the reasons of infiltrating and causing a general riot as well as the escape of prisoners during the Impel Down Arc. ↳…
❤ If Morgan/reader was in the real world, she would have been polyglot: English (native language), Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Arabic, and Russian (some Russian).
❤ Morgane/reader has a room where she keeps her notebooks where she notes the distributions of food and treasure between the members of the crew and it is here that she keeps her notebooks where she notes the organizations of these nakama and the various groups to coordinate their actions and allow the ship to run smoothly. The front door is near the girls' bedroom door and the lowest level is the same height as the aquarium.
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❤ Morgane/reader has a superiority complex which can vary depending on the person opposite. She feels superior to mortals. ↳ At first, we don't necessarily see it because she was playing a role.
❤ One of the reasons for Morgane/reader's severity and that her father was too lax. And when he abandoned her, she started to hate him so she started to become a severe person so as not to be like him.
❤ Morgane/reader in the real world would have started the process of adopting a child. She doesn't necessarily see herself married to anyone and even if she was single she wanted to have a child. That's why she's going to start the process.
❤ Morgane/reader is a pesco-vegetarian → she is a person who eats fish and seafood, but no meat. ↳ This is explained by the fact that on Ishgorion, animal meat is rare, not livestock. Animals such as sheep, cows, cattle and others are used more as pets than as slaughter animals. The inhabitants rely on fish, seafood and vegetables and fruit. ↳ Sanji always prepares meat-free dishes alongside meat dishes for Morgane/reader. In episode 17, I didn't mention it but I should have but it was fish stew that Sanji made for everyone.
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cat-appreciator · 11 months
I’ve been thinking some more about the issue of my OC’s characterisation (the problem being that previously she didn’t have much) and I’ve come to the conclusion that the key to her character is destiny. Or possibly not destiny, I don’t know if this culture has a concept of destiny, but … inevitability?
Picture: you’re Arieke Aturin, bastard daughter of the House of Crows, and your earliest memory is of your mother spanking you while telling you that you mustn’t do that again - you absolutely must not use magic again, because people would hurt you for it (they would kill you for it. The massacre of the House of Crows is only a couple of years old at this point). So you don’t. You grow up dreading the magic you were born with.
You’re Arieke Aturin, age six, and sitting on the ridgetop overlooking the village like a stormcloud is the actual physical House of Crows, all grey-green granite and verdigrised copper domes. You know what everyone in the valley knows; that the House of Crows were monstrous tyrants, that the White Crow was the worst of them, that they’re all dead (and good riddance, here’s to the health of His Majesty the Archmage!). Terror, tyranny, and death are your inheritance. The villagers say that blood will tell, and you’ve got witch eyes and the Crow hair, and you think that maybe you’re cursed to become not just a Crow but the Crow.
You’re Arieke Aturin, age ten, and your mother is dead. The begrudging acceptance the villagers extended to her no longer extends to you. You have to leave, but to where? The fortress of the Crows terrifies you, not just because it’s a necromantic charnel pit that kills any bird that flies over its walls but because going there would mean accepting your heritage (literally. You don’t know this yet but the gates will open only to the blood of the Crows).
Go north, where people might not immediately recognise your Crow-dark hair? But the Archmage has his throne in the north, he who slew the White Crow, and while some people say the House of Crows killed themselves in madness after the White Crow’s fall others say that the massacre was done by the Archmage’s left hand, the man they call the Breathstealer. The capital may be a city of endless opportunities but it will not welcome a Crow.
So you hit the road, going anywhere, and you end up in the lands of the House of Salamanders. Where the peasantry see a monster the Salamanders see opportunity; the Crows were powerful magically and politically, and their fortress surely holds many secrets if only you can open the way for them. As the Heir of Crows you might even be a useful pawn in the capital. The Salamanders, like most northern Houses, grow their clan by adoption rather than (as the Crows did) ensorcelling their unborn children in the womb. It’s a simple matter to bring a lost mage into the fold - as a fosterling, not as a true Salamander, because nobody is sure if the House of Crows will open to someone who’s not of the House of Crows even if you have the blood.
(You’re lucky in being taken in by the Salamanders - there are southern Houses who would have used you as a figurehead to restart the White Crow’s war. The Salamanders often remind you how lucky you are.)
The House of Salamanders has expectations of their new ally. You are to learn the proper northern speech, the proper northern magic, the proper northern faith (and this is a problem - as a fosterling you can’t worship the household gods of the Salamanders but there’s no way you could bring yourself to worship the gods of the Crows even if you knew their names. The ancestor-worship of the peasantry is out of the question for a mage of proper breeding - we’re not necromancers here!). You are welcome among the Salamanders not for who you are but what you are; the embodiment of all the riches and spellbooks of the House of Crows.
You’re Arieke Aturin, the House of Crows is your inevitable future, and that terrifies you. You picture your future and you see that fortress, stormcloud-green, looming before you. Every road you take only leads you closer to it. In your nightmares you reach out to touch the gates - and wake, terrified, before they open.
And then there’s Sefira Amirazhadek, a daughter of the House of Salamanders with no magic, no terrible and glorious destiny ahead of her, nothing in her future but an undistinguished arranged marriage, but who, like you, wants to seize her own future; and it seems to you like Sefira can actually do it, her drive and fire can rewrite her fate (and just maybe she can rewrite yours, too). She is bright and glorious and everything you wish you were, and perhaps you let that blind you to her cruelty and vindictiveness.
… huh. I’m not sure if they’re in an actual relationship but Arieke has the biggest damn crush on Sefira. I don’t know if either of them realise it. It’ll depend on which option hurts them more. ];-)
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lemon-and-lead · 1 year
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Friends and such. A selection of doodles of the people in the Crimson Dawn that Charnel cares about. Two OCs, plus one character co-opted from the comics. plus, a couple bonus doodles.
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