#point is dont skip games. or do idk im not your boss
todayisafridaynight · 2 years
I think it's awful that two streamers I really enjoy have been duped into believing 3 is skippable and the worst game in the series. Also that the YK2 substory about the movie director was actually about 3 being bad which is a very common rumor that people believe too easily. Its just so disappointing to see how their chat acts sometimes...
i just got out of the kingdom hearts fandom so the concept of people openly and willingly skipping games is such a weird take for me to hear. even so i think skipping games is just weirdly dismissive of the art of video games: you enjoy this series, so why are you trying to rush through it ? don't you want to take the time to enjoy everything the franchise can offer ?
Y3 does get a pretty bad reputation and i can't exactly blame it tho. mechanically, it is one of the more harder games to play casually but not because it's difficult, it's just that the blocking really is egregious at times coupled with the horrible rate in which you build heat
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125 questions about me
i was tagged by @surreysimmer and @oasisable, lov u guys. the point of the tag is to create a simself w your traits and answer the questions!
i tag: @brndletonbae @vvindenburg and anyone else who hasnt done it yet!
my traits are dog lover, geek and hot-headed!
125 questions below the cut
1. what is your name? taylah
2. what is your nickname? tay
3. birthday? aug 30 1998
4. what is your favorite book series? the illuminae files by amie kaufman and jay kristoff
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? yessss
6. who is your favorite author? neal shusterman
7. what is your favorite radio station? i only use apple music
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? raspberry flavour mhm
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? incredible
10. what is your current favorite song? i literally have no idea
11. what is your favorite word? no clue
12. what was the last song you listened to? i can hear my mother listening to abba downstairs
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch? brooklyn nine nine
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? mr beans holiday
15. do you play video games? yeeee, lately ive been playing detroit become human, the new spiderman game and gta v :-) 
16. what is your biggest fear? CLOWNS
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? im really empathetic 
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? i can be an asshole
9. do you like cats or dogs better? dogs
20. what is your favorite season? winter
21. are you in a relationship? no
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? my dad,,,,,
23. who is your best friend? jacqui + kelsey and also jills + haley
24. what is your eye color? hazel
25. what is your hair color? black
26. who is someone you love? my dog
27. who is someone you trust? see q.23
28. who is someone you think about often? my dad
29. are you currently excited about/for something? christmas
30. what is your biggest obsession? i develop fixations real fast u could ask me my biggest obsession and itll change in 2 days
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? probably zoey-101 or smth like that
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? bold of q.32 to assume i trust people
33. are you superstitious? yeah
34. do you have any unusual phobias? broken glass
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? behind
36. what is your favorite hobby? watch netflix, game, work kkfbcuaajl
37. what was the last book you read? sadie by courtney summers
38. what was the last movie you watched? bohemian rhapsody
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? none
40. what is your favorite animal? dogs, sloths and sharks
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? i cant narrow things down im indecisive
42. what superpower do you wish you had? invisibility
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? when i knock tf out and finally sleep kwbaubfdl but also when im home alone
44. what makes you smile? when someone laughs at my dumb jokes
45. what sports do you play, if any? this is so funny
46. what is your favorite drink? vanilla coke
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? no clue
48. are you afraid of heights? kind of
49. what is your biggest pet peeve? when people dont listen
50. have you ever been to a concert? yeah 
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? no but i want to be
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? hotel manager
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? harry potter lmao
54. what is something you worry about? everything!!!!!
55. are you scared of the dark? not really
56. do you like to sing? like to yes, but i cant sing
57. have you ever skipped school? yes and i skip uni all the time im depressed
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? my bed
59. where would you like to live? anywhere but australia
60. do you have any pets? i have a fifi!! (a dog... she was gonna be in the photos with my simself but her breed isnt in the game so sad)
61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? night owl
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? sunsets
63. do you know how to drive? yes
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? i call them earphones so no clue what the difference is
65. have you ever had braces? no
66. what is your favorite genre of music? literally anything
67. who is your hero? no clue
68. do you read comic books? i read graphic novels but not comic books
69. what makes you the most angry? rude people!!!!!
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? both im not bothered
71. what is your favorite subject in school? rn i love my social science classes
72. do you have any siblings? 4 brothers 2 sisters
73. what was the last thing you bought? gta v
74. how tall are you? 5′4 / 163cm
75. can you cook? yeah
76. what are three things that you love? my friends, my family, my dog
77. what are three things that you hate? stress, rude opinionated people, people who ignore what you say
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? female friends i dont talk to men besides my brother and my boss
79. what is your sexual orientation? lmaoooooooooo no idea atm ha
80. where do you currently live? australia
81. who was the last person you texted? sam
82. when was the last time you cried? the other night larbnlcbadj
83. who is your favorite youtuber? how ridiculous
84. do you like to take selfies? not really
85. what is your favorite app? tumblr
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? pretty good but my mums a taurus so shes stubborn af
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? french
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? everywhere im stuck in the bottom of the globe someone save me
89. what is your favorite number? 7
90. can you juggle? no
91. are you religious? no
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? space!!! but both are interesting tbh
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? no
94. are you allergic to anything? no but im lactose intolerant
95. can you curl your tongue? yes
96. can you wiggle your ears? no
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? no im also stubborn af
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? neither
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? someone, the other day, told me im young with relatively little life experiences and that struggling with myself is okay and to not worry about the future idk this makes no sense with 0 context to what we were talking about but it helped a lot.
100. are you a good liar? depends i can tell my boss im sick and i cant work when im Depressed^tm just fine but i cant lie to a friend
101. what is your hogwarts house? slytherin
102. do you talk to yourself? yes rip
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? bitta both
104. do you keep a journal/diary? i have a priv twitter acc where only 2 people follow me and i act like its my journal so close enough
105. do you believe in second chances? depends on the circumstances
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? turn it in
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? again depends
108. are you ticklish? oh yes
109. have you ever been on a plane? yes
110. do you have any piercings? i have my ears done twice, my helix and my nose
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? cress from tlc
112. do you have any tattoos? no
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? deciding to go to uni
114. do you believe in karma? yeee
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? glasses, contacts freak me out
116. do you want children? no, if i were to have kids id wanna adopt
117. who is the smartest person you know? no idea
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? anything from 2015/2016
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? yes
120. what colour are most of you clothes? black and grey
121. do you like adventures? depends
122. have you ever been on tv? no
123. how old are you? 20
124. what is your favorite movie quote? the gone girl monologue i wont quote it because its a SPOILER but its my fav
125. sweet or savory? sweet
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grawsay · 7 years
ok                         im just gonna say                         im holding you to your promises  every day                         im not gonna be on your ass                         but im not accepting last                       if you dont live up to your word you'll move from second to third                         then the past : im serious though                         even though i didnt do it in a serious way                         i love you from you head to your toe baby
You Na wait stop                         What was my word
me im not gonna keep telling you everyday                         i feel like im the master, you're the puppet                         we're not on the same page                                               and i get lost for words like chelsea Dummett                         everytime i see your face
You Ok can we pause the free styling                         What's my word
me no we can't pause                         when it comes to us there are no laws                         im not the boss so stop telling me to instruct you can you read back our conversation before you overthink and it destructs you                                               i feel like an old record player on repeat                         you asked me some things right before we went to sleep                         that night                         when we had that big fight                         And you brought your A game cause you're the samurai                         alright im done                         but that was fun
you So how's it feel                         Thinking back to the times when to  I was like a snack or maybe a meal                         Now you're steady saying im changing but baby it's just the fantasy becoming real                         And Your not getting all of me n u don't kno how to deal                         So I guess rn now I'll take this opportunity to tell u how I feel all the while hoping I don't keep it too real So now I'm in out of being defensive putting up shields                         Blocking u out                         And every time we fight I b locking u out                         Too often finding myself knocking u out Out of your space of being my girlfriend                         I'm running out of ideas praying to God so he can send                         N I'm never one to follow with the crowd and keep up with the trend                         So I can just cut u off and let this just end                         I'm not sure if this end I will befriend you                         Cuz I rele love that I get to call u my boo                         Kno it's not Thursday but I wanna throw back to when we're just kool N All this fighting got me sick but I'm sure it's not the flu Not on the show with the blue dog but I'm looking for a clue                         You're asking if I care  wondering if it's true                         Got me wondering if u doubt the fact tht I love you And honestly I kno to myself this is just one of them phases                         Back then u were cool now you're hot like the fire when it blazes And now I'm lost in time checking out spaces losing parts of me on some many misplaces Attempting to control time so I could put a switch on the paces noticed tht we showing each other different sides can't recognize each other like we got different faces But I'm sticking around tryna see this thru cuz I got this feeling with u is where my place is
Me You said you WERE a snack?                         You ARE a snack                         I never stopped adoring you so please remember that                         You dont always tell me whats wrong                         but always "hey beautiful" every morn                         And when i get in my feelings i wanna leave this meeting is adjurned                         That's bad on my part                         But things were different in the start ANd now all i see are fallacies   You saying i was living in a fantasy Got me questioning if you and i were meant to be Or if i'm really a priority I dont doubt you love me i doubt our compatibility And it's killing me How things changed so fast Im struggling to stay relevant but for now im last Last on your mind IT wasn't this way in the past Some days you used to miss so much you were skipping class Some nights you called me more than you were grabbing my ass Not saying i dont like that I have no choice but to fight back You dont see that we're drifting and that's a fact i could go and just walk out and say that's a wrap but you're the best i ever had It's just the change and all this locking out that's got me so mad We're supposed to be growing                         I'm tired and it's showing                         But im not giving up as long as the wind is blowing f                         I know im a bit pessimistic                         it's my way of being realistic                         Sometimes i dont understand my own thoughts like it's cryptic                         I wanna see you succeed                         i dont wanna see you without me                         and its looking like that cant coincide coincidentally                         Baby sit down and think a minute                         is the relationship in you or are you in it                         are you all about us or are you all about me?                         Without the two of us what will this relationship be?                         i wanna take care of you and you take care of me cant you see                         i cant always be there phyically                         but i can emotionally                         But you said it takes time to rely                         and i keep having dreams that one of us dies                         one of us is left to cry                         and ask why                         why didnt we give our all when we had time                         : time is a factor yes but time can't stop us                         If time is our transportation then we're missing the bus                         Im not losing trust I have insecurities                         Loving, trusting relying, opening and getting closer should come to us naturally                         and i don't mean immediately                         but once we're losing as the days go by indefinitely                         that makes me question if we will last or if we're meant to be
You You're never last in my mind and thts something u don't see In the past it was just u and me No work no dance all my time was just free And now those things are here and they got me busy Not showing u attention and affection like before to this I admit I'm guilty But I will always love u even tho I'm not Whitney But I keep asking for u to bare with me I told u what was up u said u understood and deep down I was like yippie                         Thinking u were in the same page with me                         But it's clear tht your not                         You get upset and start saying some hurtful shit and ask me why I'm affected like I'n some kind of robot Doing stuff like tht to u is something I could not Now I'm asking where is the patience u claim u got N I ask myself will this work it's clear it might not Tht particular thought in my head is like somebody pointed the gun to my chest and took the shot And the bullet is in there and damn it's hot Everyday is just another day Tryna hold me cool and breeze it through like a palm tree and sway And It seems like my positivity bugs u like a black beetle like my name was lee swae Wait his name is swae lee And yea I find myself wondering too if it's meant to be And u got some kinda of relationship agenda it would seem to me U wanna accomplish certain things with us so we can grow like a tree But baby u need u to understand u just gota let some thing be Cuz what's kool for u to give and do me not be kool to me Cuz regardless of what u see time is a rele rele big deal to me Certain things I can't just pull of thin air⁠⁠⁠⁠ Cuz for those things got come from within me where they're anything but a thin layer U said there's no one stopping me but me But I'm the biggest obstacle they'll ever be So just giving u what u want just like tht isn't so easy And again and again I've asked h to bare with me U say yea but honestly u can't take it and I can tell cuz every time u get a little more cold icee But I'm trying so hard why can't u see Now bare in mind I said it takes time and not tht it can never be So here I am again feeling stupid now asking u to bare with me Trust me we'll grow just u wait and see                         But tell me of something u kno thts worthwhile tht comes easy                         While u think In the mean while I'll ask u to have faith in me                         So yea here I am again asking u to bare with me But honestly if u can't wait for me to be who I am supposed to be I'm not chaining u down so if u want to leave just go free                         Cuz time is of essence and it's just not free cuz often time we can hear ppl say it's money                         And if tht the case I don't wanna rob u                         Cuz I rele don't wanna see us having a court case on some divorce court boo So if it's just too much then u can just do u                         But just kno I do love you
me This is not going to get easier i hope you realize You're going to get busier as time flies responsibilities are going to hit you by surprise If im alrady loosing my place in your life then what would the time ahead lies Im asking that you please hear my cry I dont wanna be with another guy I dont see you as a robot You said you would change your status and up to now you did not Stop making these promises especially if you're not down with it if one thing after a next fails how am i gonna keep believing shit You're right it's not a big deal not changing is wont make us less real but it wouldn't take an hour to let the world know that im your girl though And people start observing The things they said start hurting telling me it cause your window is left open shit had me moping You promised to show me off i guess i was hoping i tried to stop bugging you but im not coping all that bottling up it started showing how am i supposed to bare with you when you're not doing simple things i asked you to do You're of the view that you're supposed to hold back and that's true Im trying to be content and not asking for anything big thing you're acting like im asking you for a ring I know you got more to add to the table than you bring Im your queen not just some fling I keep talking and asking but you're not listening That's making me doubt I always say if you can put your dick in my mouth you can listen without me having to shout and sometimes you get frustrated and shout and idk what that's about i love you but if you keep suggesting i leave i will                         yes i get thoughts but with your suggestions it starts to build                         the last guy that keep suggesting really didnt want me to stay                         and im happy we did this today                         a civil way to say what we have to say                         i really hope we can work all this out                         but if you don't claim me and keep suggesting i leave im out
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