entamewitchlulu · 5 years
Any headcanons or stray throughs about Poisonedappleshipping? I've thought about them a lot lately and am starved for any type of ideas or content
ok lemme see
they never officially became an item, Yuuri just showed up one day and they couldn’t/didn’t bother getting rid of him
Yuuri is the absolute worst houseguest, he will not do a damn single dish but he WILL eat all of your food.  Rin, however, is a Commons girl, and Does Not Deal With This Bullshit. You work alongside everyone else for your share or you get kicked out.  This has become a sort of murderous game between the two of them, as Yuuri tries to find loopholes to not doing work or pretending not to notice and Rin finds ways to threaten/goad Yuuri into doing chores. Yugo does not get involved, they’re both scary like this
After a few terrible arguments, they had to finally agree to a strict schedule of picking movies for movie night.  Yuuri always picks horror movies that will freak Yugo out and get him to cling to him, and then gets offended whenever Yugo clings to Rin instead.  Rin picks action films, which gets her and Yugo super pumped and Yuuri just grumbles and nitpicks at the impossibilities the whole time.  And Yugo, to each of their surprise, likes to pick sappy romcoms, which make him cry and Yuuri and Rin exchange rare looks of solidarity in their reluctance to engage in this sappy shit.
they are not allowed to play super smash brothers as a group anymore
Yugo gets used to Yuuri’s presence much faster than Rin, and after he realizes that he’s not fighting Yuuri for Rin’s affection and that instead they’re just a very weird sort of maybe romantic maybe family now, he ends up somehow becoming the peacekeeper between Yuuri and Rin. he doesn’t understand how this happened either.
Yuuri is not afraid of anything – except riding on a D-Wheel with Rin or Yugo.  He claims they are trying to kill him, and will attempt to walk before he lets either of them drive him anywhere.
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@ygotplusweek Day 5: Dueling
it’s late and it’s not good but whatever have some memes
literally no one is really sure if yuuri’s actually dating them or not, he just kind of moved in without asking and no one made him leave yet
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
For day 4 of the Arc V Rare Pair Week. Prompt "Sleep"
Yugo/Yuri/Rin (I call it Poisonedappleshipping)
In which Yuri offers to babysit Rin and Yugo's kids. And Rin and Yugo offer him something in return.
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
Yuuri likes to invite himself along on Rin and Yugo’s dates
Yugo constantly argues with him and tries to get him to leave but Yuuri is just really good at tripping Yugo up and usually stays
Yugo is just mortified at this turn of events and constantly apologizes to Rin, he tries to lose Yuuri when Yuuri follows him but Yuuri always manages to find them and tag along.
Yugo is also under the impression that Yuuri is trying to steal Rin from him and he becomes very aggressively touchy-feely with Rin when Yuuri’s around and Rin actually kinda likes it so she doesn’t scare Yuuri off right away
anyway Yugo eventually finds out that no, he’s not fighting with Yuuri for Rin, Rin is fighting with Yuuri for Yugo, and Yugo.exe just kind of stops working and he’s like wtf, what have i gotten myself into what is happening
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entamewitchlulu · 7 years
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Arc V Rare Pair Day 5: Surprise
okay I fixed it here was day 5 out of order
three nerds went to a haunted house
also idc i’m calling this poisonappleshipping
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
PoisonedappleShipping, GenesisShipping, ToolShipping, SoulShipping, ScoopShipping, SharkbaitShipping & PrideShipping for the ship asks?
PoisonedappleShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
A good, if rare ship. I think I’ve found like 1, maybe 2 other people who ship it/create content for it.
GenesisShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
ToolShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
SoulShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
This one actually took a bit to grow on me. Mainly because it took a bit for Yubel to grow on me haha. Also I will defend its canoness to the death.
ScoopShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
SharkbaitShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
A+ ship, very cute.
PrideShipping: ew / nonono / maybe / ship it / aww / otp / MY HEART
tbh I‘m just ‘eh’ about this pairing.
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
-A very tiny ship that has like me and maybe two other people in it
-It doesn’t have a ship name and I’m to cowardly to submit PoisonedAppleshipping for fear of the reasoning not being good enough for them to accept it(the ship blog is really picky)
-Rin is absolutely the boss of the relationship keeping her boys in line.
-Yuri getting D-Wheel riding lessons from Yugo and Rin.
-Actual rarepair hell
Send me a ship and I’ll tell you the first 5 things that come to mind when I think about it
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authoratmidnight · 7 years
I'm so glad you wrote some PoisonedAppleShipping! It's one of my top rarepairs. I adore the way you write Yuri and his insecurities - they really give depth to his character. Plus, I'm always glad to see Yugo in fics - feel like he's often ignored.
(Apologies for sending two asks - I'm on mobile and the character limit is short) May I ask how you came up with the names for Yugo & Rin's kids? They are so cute!
I didn’t even know anyone besides me shipped this! :o
But thank you :D (And yeah there does seem to be a lack of Yugo in fics)
As for the names, Tarou came from just browsing baby name sites until something clicked. Saya, I just liked how it sounded (I nicked it from CFV G haha, there’s a minor character named Saya in that show who is a cutie and I like the name).
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authoratmidnight · 8 years
I am slightly bored, and my muse has abandoned me atm. So I’m going to ramble/share headcanons for my two rare pair ships.
Yuri/Ruri (apparently called Concealshipping) and Yugo/Yuri/Rin(which I am calling Poisonedappleshipping until/unless something better comes along).
AU or canon it starts because Yuri ends up living with Yugo and Rin.
Rin will strong arm these idiots into not fighting so she can have peace and quiet-it’s the only way they don’t fight, she intimidates them equally. She will also make sure he earns that trust. Yeah he says he’s changed, but he’s gotta prove it. Canon wise he’d be kept on a short leash till he earns it.
Yugo and Rin were the one who were dating in the first place, but Yuri ends up a sort of, awkward third wheel. Also their backup if the other one can’t make it to something.
‘We have a reservation for two but Rin’s sick and I don’t want to cancel it. Hey Yuri you want to go to dinner?’
‘This coupon/deal ends tonight and Yugo has to work late so I guess it’s gonna be you and me, Yuri.’
Shit like that happens a lot. And Yuri ends up sort of dating them both, at the same time. Leaving him in a very odd situation. Flopped on the couch for movie night is when it all kind of, clicks. And it’s become so routine and stuff that none of them see a point to stopping. ‘Oh I guess we’re a thing now’(Rin’s just like ‘fuck yes I get two cute guys to myself’)
Just the general shenanigans seems amusing to me(esp in an AU where they’re more civil to one another and it’s a lot more domestic). Like Yuri trying to remember her birthday the first year it comes up after they become a trio and trying to figure out what to even get her. Yugo’s getting her new tools so that’s out, and Yuto suggests ‘sexy lingerie’(which earns him a smack from Ruri and Yuri nearly choking on his drink. He never asks gifting advice from him again). Yuri ends up getting her some easy to care for plants to brighten up her work room/garage, and a gift card so she can treat herself and buy her own sexy lingerie(that way she knows it’ll fit and be of a style/colour she’ll like).
Honestly this one fits AU more than canon lol.
But honestly, it would piss Shun off so much, so Ruri would keep doing it (anything to rebel against her over protective brother and just stick it to him).
‘I do what I want Shun!’
They meet because Yuri’s dumb brother(s) (Yuto and/or Yuya) hang out with her dumb brother and it leaves them with nothing to do so they end up getting acquainted and becoming friends. It absolutely started out as a farce just to rile up Shun when Ruri saw how he reacted to them hanging out-Yuri and Shun don’t really get along as it is, so seeing that just grinds his gears.
Yuri’s brothers are just like ‘Do you have a death wish??’
But then it just kept going and both decided it was actually kinda fun and they liked it and somewhere along the line end up an actual couple.
Power Couple. If you think they’re taking shit from anyone you’re wrong.
Also, dating behind Shun’s back. When Ruri finally decides to tell him they’ve been a thing for like, 6 months.
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