#pokemon blazed glazed OC
tamisdava2 · 6 years
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I made aesthetic for my oc Erika Oqro. I used the same pictures few times, but i hope its ok.
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tamisdava2 · 6 years
I guess you are asking me, but i’ll do it for my OC too. Lets start from me1. Your two top fave fictional characters.I really into alot of fandoms, and thats means that i have alot of fav characters so its hardest thing to do. If you would asked me at one specific fandom then i would’ve answered.
2. Fave bookNu i am kinda into Dostoevsky now, that man went deep into alot of things that human have questioned: Morals, existence of god, free will, doubt, faith and many interesting things. And sure he knew how to develop his characters so reader would’ve been attached, AND THEN TURNs THEIR HEARTS INTO DUST! Sure his characters develop better than most of the characters from our modern TV shows, films and etc. I read his Idiot, and it broke my heart. I thought after reading Idiot that it will stay my fav book till the end of my life. But then i started reading his brothers karamazov. And geez that good. I amn’t done reading it, i done its first book and i read half of second so pretty soon i am going to start reading Dostoevsky’s another book.
3.My fav Quote? “growing up isn’t the problem, forgetting is” From little prince’s cartoon.
4.I speak Georgian because i live in Georgia, Russian i learned in kindergarten, i loved it so much that me and my sister still talk in Russian for 2/4 a day, Hebrew in which i speak so-so, 4 years ago i actually spoke better because i had to communicate with my first and only best friend in Israel and we both knew English bad back then, and before i went to Israel i knew Hebrew not so good, teachers were teaching us Hebrew, and my Hebrew wasn’t that good, not because teachers teached bad, but we needed to communicate more to learn using Hebrew better so i did it in Israel, i am trying to learn German by my own, but its hard, atleast i know few words, Thanks to Roblox i started learning English, before Roblox my English was pretty bad, also i hated English because i thought it was too hard, i thought that i would go far with only knowing Russian, with a better English i role played better in Roblox. Even my scary English teacher this year praised me after i retelled the text and i showed her that now i know grammar. And she wrote in journal 10/10. Really, i was very afraid of her, and everyone in my class since the 5th class, so i was shaking seriously shaking, even my classmates noticed it. And i still was shaking with a smile on my face after the lesson.
5.Its hard choice, because me and my sis watched alot animes, before 2010 of course. I guess that i have to vote for Soul Eather then, i and my sis still have good memories from this anime and there is my first fav ship, i cant belive that i started shipping when i was 5-6 years old, or maybe even smaller. The anime has great storyline, humor characters and etc. I amn’t talking about Soul Eater NOT.
6.Fave flower… Oh… Nu i like alot of flowers but i’ll stop on Violet because its very beautiful, also i am into purple.
Erika go!
Me: here catch those questions!
Erika: why the hell i have to answer question of strangers when we dont know if they asked you or me!(they totally asked you)
Me: Answer!
Erika: Ok! Hm, fave fictional characters the first one is Flareon from Eevee’s adventure telltale story and Austyn from my favourite anime.
Favourite book, Bara Frisk’s Sun, she was 20th centuries writer, sadly not very famous. For short in this book: There is begining of 19th centuary after the discovery of Alola region in 1778 started an actual big migration alot people came to Alola because there was peace, and in other regions were… Ehm some historical political moments. But those historical moments are just background most of the time. And those historical facts aren’t very accurate. But in the begining of 19th our protaganist Norbert Eriksen came to Alola to try and start new chapter in his life and etc. From the description it maybe doesn’t seem to be very interesting but this book has pretty deep morals.
So for short favourite quote: Just be whoever you are, no matter what they are talking about you, words are just words.
Erika: English just English, not like there are other “languages”, but i speak Kantoian, Johtoian, Sinnohian and Kalosian because they are similiar to each other, Pronunciation of a words is little bit hard in Kalosian English, but i am doing it somehow.(in the pokemon world letters came from Unown so that can mean that there is only English writing, but there can be different versions of English, yea i know its sounds stupid but its headcanon)
My favourite anime is “the change” In this anime author really used his imagination. So suddenly pokemons start to disappear which causes very serious problems but i dont want to spoil anything. Austyn is from this anime.
My favourite flower is Red flower.
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tamisdava2 · 6 years
PMBG: Begining
Yea i decided to write posts about my pokemon blazed glazed, and the main character is my OC Erika.
My name is Erika Oqro, i am 14 years old, and 4 years ago i shoud have started my pokemon journey, but i am stuck here in this damn school, let me explain. I am daughter of Cornelius Oqro, one the biggest businessmans in Tunod region. And when says no, it means no, so he did it when it came my time to go on the journey. My uncle and mother calmed me down, mostly the children of rich people are getting education in schools and then they are going on pokemon journeys or they aren’t going somewhere at all. 
-Erika tell me how many times we told you to stop punching people! 
-Sorry but they deserved it dad, those stupid, idiot, brainless vegetables.
-What people are going to say Erika?
-They can say whatever they want.
-Why are you such a “i fucking dont care” child?
-Because you didn’t let me go on my journey!?
-How many times can i say no?
-Until you wont say yes?
-Seriously Erika someone like you shouldn’t act like a child?
-Again, they deserved it, and what you waited in this damn school? There are only stupid girls that only think about their appearance and they laught like “booo, look she doesn’t wear fashionable clothes” or those stupid boys that laught about everything, and everyone there are so arrogant that i am already sick. Arceus was so proud when he saw the universe all done, but those mother-
-No swearing!
-Ok, those schmucks are so self-proud that even Arceus wasn’t self-proud when he saw this universe done! 
-Can you stop?!
-I understand that you are teen and you have hormons and etc but can you calm down?!
-NO! Because you think that i amn’t capable of anything! Even at pokemon journey!
-It will be better for you if you wont go on this journey!
-And what will you order me? To rot in that school where i dont even have friends?
-If you would act differently then you would have friends!
-I’ll never be their friends! AND I AM OFFENDED!
And then we heared ring ringing, thats when my mom came in.
-Hey guys i came back-and she sighed out, it was that obvious that we were fighting?-dont tell me that you started it again. 
Few mins later i tried to convice my dad again, but it was without success. Then i went to my mom.
-Hey mom how grandma is doing without grandpa?
-She sniffed-she is doing fine, i think.
-So, you said that dad got pretty good reason to hold me here, atleast in his opinion, maybe you should tell me? I am already big girl.
-I really dont want to do so.
-Come on!
-Ok, calm down, when your father was on his pokemon journey with his brother there was an accident that changed his life, that made him forget about his other pokemons, that turned him into the person that he is today.
-And what it is?
-I dont want to tell you that story Erika, but do you know where your father is going every morning?
-On walk? Oh i already understand about what you try to hint =)
-No, you cant follow him while he is on his walk!
-Ok i’ll ignore the last words that you said and i’ll do what you told me to not do.
-DOOONT! Maybe you should ask your uncle instead?
-... Thats actually a good idea, how i didn’t thought about it yet?
And at that evening i called my uncle.
-Hi uncle Jordon, Sorry if i am distracting you from work.
-Dont worry thats fine, i’ll always have time for my niece.
-I have question.
-About what?
-About why dad doesn’t want to let me on my journey.
-Sorry Erika, i told you, i tried to change his decision, but you know your father as well as i do.
-No, i wanted to ask about the accident that happend to him on his journey.
-He was silent for a good 1 minute- Beighid told you that?
-Yea mom did it.
-Well, when Corny will hear that i told you then he is going to kill me. But i think it is time for you to know about it. Corny doesn’t like to talk about it. We both traveled together as children, but when we would get to another city or town we would split up, we would do different things, he fought gym leaders, while i just looked for special places to take photos, we rarely were together and the new friends we found were different from each other, like us. One day we reached to the palmtree, the 7th gym Corny want to buy some Oran berries and some Medicals that costed back then way more than now. And i decided to look at gym, take some photos, and i saw someone running out from there, boy with our ages, he was covered in blood. He ran straight to me, i was shocked, he told me that it was gym leaders fault, he was so rought in battles that he literally killed every trainers’ pokemons that challenged him. League already knew it, the league dismissed him and they hired new one 6 months ago, but not so long time ago he came back and defeated the new gym leader. They say that the league is sending elite 4 and even champion is coming, they are going to defeat him and put him into jail. The boy told me that he went there, because he thought that he would be able to defeat this bloody killer himself, but he failed, and 3 pokemons got ripped apart by sharp rocks. When i heared everything, i was terrafied, because i knew that Corny was coming there, I ran back to the shop, and told him everything, he said that he already heared about it and he still was about to challenge gym. I told him that he doesn’t even has 1 super-effective type pokemon! He told me that his Typhlosion learned Dynamic punch and no matter what his Typhlosian will be able to defeat those stupid rocks. I screamed and yelled at him. He told me that if i’ll defeat him in pokemon battle then he wont go there, i accepted battle, and lose. My pokemons weren’t for fighting, i rarely made them fight and now i regret it. He went in gym, i went to but medicals so i would try to stop him again. It took some time, there was big row, it took 20 minutes to finally take those medicals and to put my pokemons on their feet. I walked to the enterance. then when your father came out, i immeditly noticed by his eyes, that something bad happend. And i noticed little blood drops on his clothes. His eyes were tearing, i asked him what happend, he just stared into emptiness, shocked and confused. Then there came elite 4 and champion himself. They went in we waited 20 more minutes before they came out, there we heared such a loud noises, rocks were smashing and even some explosions, and here the elite 4 came out they were sure hurted and champion came out his eye was bleeding. Then everyone went inside, when i went inside i saw Corny’s dead Typhlosion. After few days Corny and i went back to home, Conry was depressed, he wasn’t smiling for an entire year. He releasd all his 5 pokemons into wild, he said that he doesn’t want to have any touch with pokemons, he blamed everything on himself. We were only 10 years old back there.
-Oh Arceus...
-Now you know everything. But please can you not talk to your father about it. Now you know where he is going every morning, to Typhloson’s grave, he did it all those years.
All night i searched information about this event in internet, i truly found some shocking photos and many other things. The next morning i woke up early and i followed my father, and it truly was pokemon’s graveyards. I followed him, and we came to the lonely grave. There was written Saif.
-He didn’t even turned around-you followed me all the way huh?
-Dad, i understand it hurts, you lost your starter, you dont want the same for me, but league in nowdays are more safer. Alot of years passed, 39 years, and something like it never ever happend again, and it wont happen ever again. 
So after that, few days later, i got permession from both parents for my pokemon journey, if we would be normal people we would waited for an answer from professor and league for month atleast, but my dad beign my dad changes everything.
-Willow, my daughter deserves the best starters that you can ever have, dont dissaping me Willow.
-Sure, it is will be done mr. Oqro.-and he droped the call.
-You know Erika i heared that Willow brought new starters.
-Yes, from sinnoh region: Turtwig, Chimchar and Piplup. I also heared that he added to the starters Shinx and Riolu from here.
-So are you sure that you’ll buy everything with your own money? I mean 3/4 of your money should be wasted on your pokemon, but because of your needs everything will be reversed. 
-I’ll be totally fine.[Finally i’ll leave this fucking school]
-About your future missed lessons.
-I know, i gotta learn what i missed this year at summer. [that sucks]
-all summer. Lets go in the kitchen.
-and there was standing my mom and uncle with a cake, they screamed-Happy pokemon journey begining!
I was so happy. My pokemon journey is starting, finally.
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tamisdava2 · 6 years
So i have question for your oc Erika, Erika have you lived somewhere else, outside of Tunod region?
Erika: No, generations of my ancestors lived in Tunod region. But we sometimes travel to other regions, mostly when my father has time for it.
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