artful-browniebites · 2 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
Haha just barely answered one of these! Lets see if I can't think of five more I guess.
6 - Baking! It's a little time consuming, but I really like messing around in the kitchen and making something that tastes yummy
7 - Ceramics, both making and looking at them.
8 - Hiking in the mountains. I've learned how to identify some plants, so it becomes like a game :)
9 - Smoothies, which has become my favorite easy meal
10 - Finding a good fic. Tbh, had a hard time finding a good fic to read recently, so it's always so exciting to find one
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ariel-seagull-wings · 11 days
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers :3
1. Eating something I wish to eat;
2. Discovering a new, interesting and enjoyable movie I never seen before;
3. Receiving positive, constructive comments on a fanfic I wrote and shared;
4. Going to the Circus;
5. Reading funny comic strips;
@piterelizabethdevries @thealmightyemprex @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @princesssarisa @professorlehnsherr-almashy
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shankedbyroses · 1 year
Mercy in palette 10.beads?
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My favorite interaction with her is probably, “Mercy, are you ready to dance and groove?” “I never stop!”
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bugging-robot · 2 years
The hunter 🎵
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Be Nice To Me - The Front Bottoms
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Have you tried Playground AI? You have to write prompt in a specific way, also it be good if you use Remove From Image button and write what you want to remove from picture, but you'll learn by looking at how others write their prompts.
It definitely was nerve wrecking for me before I got some good results.
It sounds great. Thank you. 😁
I will try immediately.
Recently I'm using Dream, that's way more advanced than Dello, but you still often get something that still looks like the alternates from Mandela Catalogue
Thanks for the suggestion
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batri-jopa · 1 year
❄️Happy Holidays my dear Mutuals!❄️
[tap a pic for better view👇]
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May you have all the possible holy-jolly and comfy & cozy!
May there be dear friends visiting, joyfull colourful lights twinkling, bells jingling and all the possible good vibes all around!
May all your cold dark winter nights be brighten with a light of hope, may air be filled with scent of your favorite hot beverage, may your thoughts be travelling with a great story book, eyes be enchanted with beautiful ornaments and body be relaxed and comforted under a nice warm blanket!
May also every single day of the upcoming new year be filled with as much of the purring-wagging-chirping-humming happiness as it gets!❤
And may nobody ever be rejected, forgotten or left behind🫂
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princesssarisa · 3 months
Conkiajgharuna, the Little Rag Girl (A Georgian Cinderella)
For @tamisdava2, and for @ariel-seagull-wings, since she's asked me to share the full texts of some of the Cinderella stories I've been reading lately.
THERE was and there was not, there was a miserable peasant. He had a wife and a little daughter. So poor was this peasant that his daughter was called Conkiajgharuna (the little girl in rags).
Some time passed, and his wife died. He was unhappy before, but now a greater misfortune had befallen him. He grieved and grieved, and at last he said to himself: 'I will go and take another wife; she will mind the house, and tend my orphan child.' So he arose and took a second wife, but this wife brought with her a daughter of her own. When this woman came into her husband's house and saw his child, she was angry in heart.
She treated Conkiajgharuna badly. She petted her own daughter, but scolded her stepdaughter, and tried to get rid of her. Every day she gave her a piece of badly-cooked bread, and sent her out to watch the cow, saying: 'Here is a loaf; eat of it, give to every wayfarer, and bring the loaf home whole.' The girl went, and felt very miserable.
Once she was sitting sadly in the field, and began to weep bitterly. The cow listened, and then opened its mouth, and said: 'Why art thou weeping? what troubles thee?' The girl told her sad tale. The cow said: 'In one of my horns is honey, and in the other is butter, which thou canst take if thou wilt, so why be unhappy?' The girl took the butter and the honey, and in a short time she grew plump. When the stepmother noticed this she did not know what to do for rage. She rose, and after that every day she gave her a basket of wool with her; this wool was to be spun and brought home in the evening finished. The stepmother wished to tire the girl out with toil, so that she should grow thin and ugly.
Once when Conkiajgharuna was tending the cow, it ran away on to a roof. The girl pursued it, and wished to drive it back to the road, but she dropped her spindle on the roof. Looking inside she saw an old woman seated, and said to her: 'Good mother, wilt thou give me my spindle?' The old dame replied: 'I am not able, my child, come and take it thyself.' This old woman was a devi.
The girl went in and was lifting up her spindle, when the old dame called out: 'Daughter, daughter, come and look at my head a moment, I am almost eaten up.'
The girl came and looked at her head. She was filled with horror; all the worms in the earth seemed to be crawling there. The little girl stroked her head and removed some, and then said: 'Thou hast a clean head, why should I look at it?' This conduct pleased the old woman very much, and she said: 'When thou goest hence, go along such and such a road, and in a certain place thou wilt see three springs--one white, one black, and one yellow. Pass by the white and black, and put thy head in the yellow and lave it with thy hands.'
The girl did this. She went on her way, and came to the three springs. She passed by the white and black, and bathed her head with her hands in the yellow fountain. When she looked up she saw that her hair was quite golden, and her hands, too, shone like gold. In the evening, when she went home, her stepmother was filled with fury. After this she sent her own daughter with the cow. Perhaps the same good fortune would visit her!
So Conkiajgharuna stayed at home while her stepsister drove out the cow. Once more the cow ran on to the roof. The girl pursued it, and her spindle fell down. She looked in, and, seeing the devi woman, called out: 'Dog of an old woman! here! come and give me my spindle!' The old woman replied: 'I am not able, child, come and take it thyself.' When the girl came near, the old woman said: 'Come, child, and look at my head.' The girl came and looked at her head, and cried out: 'Ugh! what a horrid head thou hast! Thou art a disgusting old woman!' The old woman said: 'I thank thee, my child; when thou goest on thy way thou wilt see a yellow, a white, and a black spring. Pass by the yellow and the white springs, and lave thy head with thy hands in the black one.'
The girl did this. She passed by the yellow and white springs, and bathed her head in the black one. When she looked at herself she was black as a negro, and on her head there was a horn. She cut it off again and again, but it grew larger and larger.
She went home and complained to her mother, who was almost frenzied, but there was no help for it. Her mother said to herself: 'This is all the cow's fault, so it shall be killed.'
This cow knew the future. When it learned that it was to be killed, it went to Conkiajgharuna and said: 'When I am dead, gather my bones together and bury them in the earth. When thou art in trouble come to my grave, and cry aloud: "Bring my steed and my royal robes!"' Conkiajgharuna did exactly as the cow had told her. When it was dead she took its bones and buried them in the earth.
After this, some time passed. One holiday the stepmother took her daughter, and they went to church. She placed a trough in front of Conkiajgharuna, spread a codi (80 lbs.) of millet in the courtyard, and said: 'Before we come home from church fill this trough with tears, and gather up this millet, so that not one grain is left.' Then they went to church.
Conkiajgharuna sat down and began to weep. While she was crying a neighbour came in and said: 'Why art thou in tears? what is the matter?' The little girl told her tale. The woman brought all the brood-hens and chickens, and they picked up every grain of millet, then she put a lump of salt in the trough and poured water over it. 'There, child,' said she, 'these are thy tears! Now go and enjoy thyself.'
Conkiajgharuna then thought of the cow. She went to its grave and called out: 'Bring me my steed and my royal robes!' There appeared at once a horse and beautiful clothes. Conkiajgharuna put on the garments, mounted the horse, and went to the church.
There all the folk began to stare at her. They were amazed at her grandeur. Her stepsister whispered to her mother when she saw her: 'This girl is very much like our Conkiajgharuna!' Her mother smiled scornfully and said: 'Who would give that sun-darkener such robes?'
Conkiajgharuna left the church before any one else; she changed her clothes in time to appear before her stepmother in rags. On the way home, as she was leaping over a stream, in her haste she let her slipper fall in.
A long time passed. Once when the king's horses were drinking water in this stream, they saw the shining slipper, and were so afraid that they would drink no more water. The king was told that there was something shining in the stream, and that the horses were afraid.
The king commanded his divers to find out what it was. They found the golden slipper, and presented it to the king. When he saw it he commanded his viziers, saying: 'Go and seek the owner of this slipper, for I will wed none but her.' His viziers sought the maiden, but they could find no one whom the slipper would fit.
Conkiajgharuna's stepmother heard this, adorned her daughter, and placed her on a throne. Then she went and told the king that she had a daughter whose foot he might look at, it was exactly the model for the shoe. She put Conkiajgharuna in a corner, with a big basket over her. When the king came into the house he sat down on the basket, in order to try on the slipper.
Conkiajgharuna took a needle and pricked the king from under the basket. He jumped up, stinging with pain, and asked the stepmother what she had under the basket. The stepmother replied: '’Tis only a turkey I have there.' The king sat down on the basket again, and Conkiajgharuna again stuck the needle into him. The king jumped up, and cried out: 'Lift the basket, I will see underneath!' The stepmother entreated him, saying: 'Do not blame me, your majesty, it is only a turkey, and it will run away.'
But the king would not listen to her entreaties. He lifted the basket up, and Conkiajgharuna came forth, and said: 'This slipper is mine, and fits me well.' She sat down, and the king found that it was indeed a perfect fit. Conkiajgharuna became the king's wife, and her shameless stepmother was left with a dry throat.
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vanilla0chinchilla · 5 months
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A gift art for @tamisdava2 and her Mokem Series.
Lado and Luba on a picnic You said one of Lado's powers was to store things in his shadow, so that's where he kept the picnic basket, much to Luba's dismay.
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natache · 3 months
✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers 🎶✨️
The thing is I don't actually listen to a lot or almos any music, so I rarely post music related anything, BUT I've been listening a bit more recently (because I can't find any good podcasts)
Thanks for the ask ❤️
So a bad bitch anthem:
A silly song from a cartoon:
Euphoria sound track (so only Labirinth):
A song from Hadestown:
And this song from doja cat, even though i keep hearing the lyrics wrong, but mine are better:
Bonus, this meme of a song that means nothing and sounds shit without context:
It probably sounds bad with context too
Very eclectic...
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thealmightyemprex · 1 year
How Devon became goddess' nemesis?
Devon:How do I put this ?I was the Goddesses assistant . I am a ....Demigod of sorts .I cannot create but...Influence . Now the Goddess mind is limited ,her desires are base more concerned with oceans ,animals, forests and filling her belly
Goddess:He is lying if he says he doesnt eat people
Devon:*Shrug*Well true at my office ,interns do go missing *Licks lips* ....Where was I....Ah yes, she is a primal being of...Nature .I however admire.... ingenuity , the minds of you mortals fascinate me. Even in your primitive state I saw...Potential .My mind is of metal ,it always has been and I saw what you were capable of :Microwaves ,submarines , BOMBS ,HBO !!! I tried to show her-
Goddess :Oh fuck off! This little bastard wanted to poison my planet and take my territory
Devon:I wanted to rule by you,but you had to be an entitled bitch
Goddess:You convinced mankind to burn my sacred forests ,killed my mates, turned my sorcerers against me having them imprision me for centuries!!! Petty asshole
Devon:Oh water under the bridge....Like the river I drowned your queen in-
Goddess:*Turns into a sphinx and roars *
Devon:Oh that touched a nerve *Laughs *
@ariel-seagull-wings @tamisdava2 @amalthea9 @themousefromfantasyland @metropolitan-mutant-of-ark
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ako-kipali · 1 year
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I posted 285 times in 2022
That's 181 more posts than 2021!
92 posts created (32%)
193 posts reblogged (68%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 220 of my posts in 2022
Only 23% of my posts had no tags
#reblog - 112 posts
#my art - 34 posts
#art fight - 19 posts
#artfight - 19 posts
#meiker - 14 posts
#fanart for others - 10 posts
#digital art - 8 posts
#meiker.io - 5 posts
#gif - 4 posts
#dress up game - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 131 characters
#the characetrs wanted to develop this ina  slow burn and i jsut tried to push it further along to reach them just even just kissing
My Top Posts in 2022:
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Attack on DarkQueen_200 Who really deserves more attack based on sheer drive to make as many good attacks as possible, go follow them! https://artfight.net/~DarkPrincess2001
20 notes - Posted August 31, 2022
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Just my pretty boy with stinging nettles
23 notes - Posted May 15, 2022
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The ocs are Oyen(the fire boi) and Anue (the human girl) Their story is complex and I enjoy them and their developments.
25 notes - Posted January 4, 2022
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See the full post
44 notes - Posted September 16, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Happy new year’s y’all, What’s this here you ask? New son? New son.
This is Mo Gin. He is a modern rich boy and knows that he looks especially good in hanfu and will take advantage of that.
60 notes - Posted January 1, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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giugirl743 · 2 years
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i am also making some wizard ocs too while the game i am hyped to have ( https://store.steampowered.com/app/1150530/Wizard_with_a_Gun/ ) doesn’t come for awhile (when it comes i will make the concepts of my wizard ocs from this game more properly); so this dude loves going on rave parties as long they are legalized and safe and is specialized in fire, ice, air, steel and specially thunder, light and dark elemental magic (bedsides other elements like earth, water and psychic and poison but he doesn’t have the mood to use them often unless really necessary) but he also knows non elemental magic as well; when listening to edm/any rave music this enhances his performance in battle and preparing/alchemizing stuff; he loves decorating his trusty magical staff with stickers specially if they are those who are scratch ‘n sniff or glow in the dark ones as well adding different color glowsticks on it to use as charms; of course he also does passive magic spells to improve the party and dancing experience; and his real name is ”Randall”.
he also has a familiar of his own who is his living fun-loving, kind and magic bunny plush doll backpack he named “bunky” and she is really loyal and fateful towards her owner and master she can carry anything inside her compartment thanks to her own magic pocket dimension that only she, her owner or someone who is truly trustworthy and truly is not someone willing to betray/being fake and has no evil inside and her owner himself knows and trust can have access; and of course she also loves coming along her master and owner to the parties!
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ariel-seagull-wings · 5 months
Simpsons: 11, 16 and 12.
@thealmightyemprex @makingboneboy @themousefromfantasyland @the-blue-fairie @professorlehnsherr-almashy @amalthea9
11. Grandpa Abe Simpson/Selma Bouvier
12. Shauna/Bart Simpson
16. Homer contemplating the stars at the end of the episode Homer's Mother is just beautiful
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shankedbyroses · 2 years
Dreamyard palette with White Lady from Hollow Knight :>
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palette found here 
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bugging-robot · 2 years
Monomon for character ask.
favorite thing about them
i like her jellyfish-esque shape
least favorite thing about them
she dies :-(
favorite line
i don’t remember her having a line outside of “it must be done” or something like that so I don’t think that counts
Monomon & Lurien
I’m not much of a shipper and don’t have an answer to either of those
random headcanon
She was fairly neutral and saw the “bigger picture.” She only became a Dreamer because it was what she perceived to be the best way for the world to move on, not because of loyalty to the Pale King. That’s why she was willing to end the Dreams, even if it meant her own death; it was necessary for the time.
unpopular opinion
idk if it’s unpopular but I think it’s funny to say that she just straight-up doesn’t have a face under the mask
song i associate with them
Literally, “Dream” by Christopher Larkin. Putting thought into it? I’ve no clue. Maybe “Kiss From A Rose” by Seal. That song doesn’t make sense and neither do her notes.
favorite picture of them
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The projection sprite pulled from her wiki is Monomon, but Faster™️
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Today is the day the Flash went missing
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@ariel-seagull-wings @thealmightyemprex @mask131 @tamisdava2 @theancientvaleofsoulmaking
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