Angel of God, My Guardian Dear Chapter 14: Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: While speaking at a local school for visually impaired youth, Matt runs into his childhood best friend, with whom he lost touch almost 20 years prior.
Warnings/Tags: Bit of innuendo but nothing really for this chapter.
Word Count: 3k
A/N: Matt was upset with me for a while because he felt like I was neglecting him for Michael Kinsella, but luckily he's forgiven me so I have the next 4 chapters already written!
Hope you all enjoy this new chapter and what's coming soon!
Y/N took a deep breath as she stood outside of Clinton Church. She was meeting with Sister Maggie and was actually more nervous than she had been during her first visit with Matt a month ago. 
While she knew that Sister Bernadette had single-handedly orchestrated her and Matt's forced separation, she had no idea if Sister Maggie eventually knew about it or if she had spent the past 20 years thinking that Y/N had never bothered to write to Matt. Well, I'll never find out by just standing out here.
She walked up the steps and headed down the sidewalk to the small activity center where Sister Maggie had asked to meet, then took another deep breath before going inside. 
Sister Maggie smiled as she spotted Y/N. "Y/N, hi."
Y/N walked over to her. "Hi, Sister Maggie."
Sister Maggie gave Y/N a warm hug. "How are you?"
Y/N couldn't help but smile despite her nervousness. "I'm good. Really good."
Sister Maggie smiled. "I'm glad to hear that. Have a seat and I'll get you some coffee."
"Thanks." Y/N sat at a nearby table. "Sorry I took so long to come visit. Between work stuff and trying to spend as much time with Matt as possible things have been pretty busy."
Sister Maggie nodded. "That's quite alright, my dear."
She began to fiddle with the coffee machine. "So how is Matthew? I don't get to speak to him very often."
Y/N studied Sister Maggie. While Matt definitely did favor his father -- Y/N hadn't been kidding when she had told him that the Murdock genes were strong -- if Y/N looked closely enough, she could see traces of Matt's mother in him too. "He's fine. We actually just got back from visiting my aunt in Florida a couple of days ago."
"Oh, that sounds lovely. Did you have a nice trip?"
"Yeah, it was my aunt's birthday weekend so we all went out for dinner with a bunch of her friends on Saturday, then Matt and I went to the beach after Mass on Sunday while my aunt hosted her pokeno group." Y/N's face heated as she thought about what had occurred after their trip to Islamorada.
"Well that's good." Sister Maggie set a cup of coffee next to Y/N along with some cream and sugar. "You know, I have to admit that I was surprised when Matthew told me that he hadn't spoken to you since you had left St. Agnes."
Y/N winced. Getting straight to the point, I see.  "I tried to keep in contact with Matt after I moved -- I wrote to him for over a year, but Sister Bernadette keep returning my letters before Matt could get them and she had also made sure that my aunt wouldn't allow us to visit each other by convincing her that Matt's and my relationship was… well, less platonic than it actually was back then and that we should be separated quote-unquote 'before he ruined my life'. By the time I found out the truth it was too late -- Matt had already left for college and I had no way of trying to reach him since I didn't know where he had gone." 
She huffed out a breath. "Matt was -- no, is -- the best thing to ever happen to me and I would never have broken his heart like that on purpose."
Sister Maggie nodded. "I know you wouldn't. So, I take it your aunt approves of the relationship now, then?"
Y/N nodded with a smile. "Oh, yeah, Matt said that they talked things out on Monday before we left and that Aunt Ruth apologized to him for believing Sister Bernadette and misjudging him because of it."
Sister Maggie shook her head. "Had I known what Sister Bernadette was plotting I would have spoken to your aunt myself and set the record straight."
She gave Y/N's hand a squeeze. "I could tell from the moment you walked up to Matthew that first day that you two would share something truly special."
Y/N let out a light laugh. "Had me pegged as your possible future daughter-in-law from the beginning, huh?"
Sister Maggie nodded with a small smile. "You have always been like a daughter to me, Y/N, even before you met Matthew, but the moment you took Matthew's hand and said that you would be his friend I knew that you would wind up being someone very important in his life."
She stood. "Actually, I have something to show you. Just a moment."
Y/N waited as Sister Maggie left then returned a few minutes later with a book in her hands.
Sister Maggie handed it to her. "I thought you might like to have this."
Y/N gasped softly as she opened it. It wasn't a book -- it was a photo album full of pictures of herself and Matt over the years they had spent together, from candid photos of them playing and reading together to posed photos of them and the other children who lived at St. Agnes.
She lovingly caressed a picture of her and Matt as teenagers. They were outside in the courtyard at St. Agnes, Y/N's head tilted down towards whatever book they had been reading at the time while Matt's attention was focused on her, a look of absolute adoration on his face. "I never knew he looked at me like that back then."
Sister Maggie gave her a soft smile. "Matthew was so focused on you that I don't think he even knew I was there."
Y/N sighed. "I missed him so much, Sister Maggie. I tried to move on after I realized that I'd probably never see him again, but I never really could, I -- it's always been him. He's it for me."
Sister Maggie shook her head with a soft smile. "Matthew said the same thing about you -- that you were not only his best friend but also his one true love, and no matter how hard he had tried to move on after you left, no one else compared."
Y/N sniffled, her eyes tearing up as the pain of losing Matt for so long hit her all over. "I had asked God for him, you know, a few days before he came to St. Agnes. I prayed and asked God to send me a friend, but I didn't ask for just any friend -- I wanted a best friend, someone He had made just for me, unlike anyone else I had ever met."
Sister Maggie's smile grew wider. "And then Matthew showed up."
Y/N nodded. "I knew immediately that he was the answer to my prayers."
Sister Maggie huffed out a light laugh. "Then it seems like God answered both of our prayers. After Matthew's father died and it was decided that he would come live at St. Agnes, I prayed that he would find solace during his time of grief, solace that I knew I had no right to try to give him. I was so grateful when you offered to be his friend, because I knew then that he would always have someone who would be there for him."
She took Y/N's hand once again. "Thank you for loving my son. "
Y/N nodded. "I do. Very much so."
"And he loves you too." Sister Maggie gave her hand a gentle squeeze. "I want you to know that when the time comes I will be honored to have you as my daughter-in-law."
Y/N leaned over and gave Sister Maggie a hug. "Thank you."
Two hours later, Y/N left Clinton Church well-caffeinated and with a happy smile on her face. 
Sister Maggie sat back and cleared her throat.  "Okay, now, tell me more about what life in Florida was like…"
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She and Sister Maggie had talked and reminisced over several cups of coffee, laughing about some of the antics Y/N and Matt had gotten up to as children and confiding in each other about their worry for Matt while he was out Daredeviling at night.
Y/N was about to order an Uber to take her home when her phone rang.
She grinned at the caller ID and answered it. "Hey, Matty."
"Hi, angel," Matt's smooth voice sounded over the line. "Are you in the neighborhood?"
Y/N huffed out a light laugh as she glanced back at Clinton Church. "Actually, yeah, I'm just leaving from a visit with Sister Maggie. How did you know?"
Matt was quiet for a moment. "I'm at my, uh, my 'other' job and thought I picked up your heartbeat."
Y/N's heart fluttered. "Oh, okay. Yeah, I decided to drop by for a visit after work today and stayed a lot longer than I originally expected."
Matt hummed. "I was thinking about making one more round then calling it an early night if you wanted to come over?"
Y/N grinned. "I'd love to."
"Okay, great. There's a spare key under the mat, so you can just let yourself in and make yourself comfortable. I shouldn't be too long after you."
"Okay. See you soon."
"Love you."
Y/N grinned. "Love you too."
She hung up and headed towards Matt's apartment, letting herself in with the spare key.
She hung the key on the key rack next to the door before putting her purse away, then went to Matt's refrigerator.
She had just poured herself a glass of wine and was putting the bottle back when she heard the door to the roof open and Matt's footsteps descend the stairs. "Matty, sweetheart, do you want something to--"
Her mouth went dry as she turned around. "--Drink."
Seeing photos and video footage of Matt in his Daredevil suit was nothing compared to seeing him wearing it in person. Holy shit.
She swallowed. "Uh--"
Matt's head tilted slightly, a small smirk appearing on his face. "Hello, angel," he said in a low, gravelly voice.
Y/N sucked in a breath. If that's what he looks and sounds like while intimidating criminals every night, I might consider turning to a life of crime. "Hnng--"
Matt slowly stalked towards her, his smirk growing wider. "Like what you see?"
"Mm--" Y/N cleared her throat. "Mmhmm."
She reached out to touch Matt's suit as he stopped in front of her, her fingertips brushing across the material. "I uh, I just realized I've never actually seen you in this."
Matt took his helmet off and set it on the kitchen island, then wrapped his arms around her with a grin. "Well if I had known  that I'd get this kind of reaction out of you I'd have worn it around you sooner."
Y/N huffed out a laugh then brushed some stray hair from Matt's face. "Well if I'd have known you'd be even hotter in it in person than in the photos and video I've seen, I'd have asked you to wear it around me sooner."
She leaned up to press a kiss to his lips. "I'm sure you want to change into something more comfortable though."
Matt nodded. "Yeah, I'm gonna go take a quick shower if you don't mind."
"'Kay. Hungry? I can make us something to eat."
Matt gave Y/N another kiss. "Actually how about takeout tonight? More cuddle time."
Y/N huffed out a light laugh. "Sounds good to me. What are you in the mood for?"
Matt grinned. "Well, if you have to ask…"
Y/N playfully rolled her eyes. "To eat, Matthew."
Matt's grin grew wider. "Yes???"
Y/N swatted his arm. "I mean food!"
Matt chuckled. "How about sushi from that place you love so much? Our usual order plus whatever else you might be in the mood for is fine with me."
Y/N nodded and pulled her phone out of her pocket. "Okay, yeah, that sounds good."
"My wallet is in the island drawer, just grab my bank card out of it to pay for dinner."
"Okay." Y/N watched as Matt picked up his helmet and headed towards his bedroom.
She let out a whistle. "Be sure to thank whoever made your suit for me, Matty, because your ass looks fantastic in it."
Matt chuckled. "I'll be sure to let them know."
Y/N quickly placed their order for dinner while Matt went to go shower before grabbing her glass of wine and heading towards Matt's living room. "Dinner's gonna be about 20 minutes," she called out.
"Okay," Matt called back from the shower. "I'll be out in a bit."
Y/N sat on Matt's sofa and pulled her phone out again.
She glanced towards the bathroom before pulling up Google. Apartments for rent or sale, Hell's Kitchen, NY, she typed.
She pulled up the first search result. She'd have to discuss a budget with Matt, of course, but she wanted to see what sort of apartments were available and how much something like what they were looking for would cost.
Her salary as an experienced librarian wasn't terrible and she knew Matt at least made enough money to keep the firm afloat and to be able to afford to eat, so she figured that between the two of them they should've at least been able to afford rent on a big enough place to raise a couple of kids. 
She was scrolling through possible listings when Matt came out of his bathroom, clad in the gray sweatpants that would be the death of Y/N and a black t-shirt.
He sat next to Y/N on the couch, rubbing his wet hair with a towel. "Whatcha doing?"
Y/N set her phone down on the coffee table. "Looking at real estate listings."
"Mmm." Matt wrapped an arm around her. "Find anything?"
Y/N shook her head as she cuddled against him. "Just getting a feel for what's out there and how much we'd be looking at in rent."
Matt was quiet for a moment. "What do you think about buying a place instead of renting? I mean, we are looking for a forever home, right?"
Y/N shrugged. "I'm not opposed to buying a place at all if we can afford it. We can come up with a budget and a list of wants and must-haves then go from there."
Matt nodded. "How about this weekend? You can come over Friday night and we can spend Saturday working on all that and start looking for places that fit our criteria."
He took a deep breath and pulled a small, plain square box out of his pocket. "And maybe you can use this to let yourself in."
Y/N took the box and opened it to reveal a shiny new key attached to a keychain in the shape of an angel.
She looked up at Matt, a smile spreading over her face. "Matty…"
Matt shyly smiled back at her. "I thought you'd like to have your own key to my apartment."
Y/N threw her arms around Matt in a hug, then gave him a kiss. "I love you, you know that?"
Matt grinned. "I love you too, angel."
Y/N examined the keychain. "This keychain is beautiful, by the way."
Matt smiled. "I got the clerk at the hardware store to help me pick it out while I was getting your key made. They had a couple of different ones, but that one felt the best."
Y/N nodded. "I love it. I'll get a key for my place made for you tomorrow after work, okay?"
Matt shook his head, a slightly guilty look crossing his face. "You don't have to give me a key to your apartment just because I--"
Y/N grabbed his hand. "Hey… Hey no, I want to. I know we spend more time here than at my place since it's bigger and more accessible for you, but I love you and I want you to have equal access to my apartment as well."
Matt nodded and gave her hand a squeeze. "Okay then. Thank you."
Y/N leaned up for a kiss. "So is this a hint that you want me to come over more frequently or is it more of an 'in case of emergency' key?"
Matt bit his lip. "Both? I mean, yeah, it's good for you to have a key in case of an emergency, but I definitely wouldn't mind coming home to find you waiting for me here in my apartment more often."
Y/N hummed. "Would that also mean I'd get to see you in your Daredevil suit again?"
Matt shrugged with a grin. "Well, you could if you'd be here when I got back from patrol at night…"
"Mmm, really?"
Matt nodded, his voice pitching lower but not quite down to the tone he had used earlier. "Mmhmm. And depending on how late it is and if you're still up, you could help me take my suit off?"
Y/N licked her lips, liking where the conversation was going. "Oh, is it difficult to… get off?"
Matt smirked. "Well there's a zipper that's tricky, sometimes you have to… jerk it."
Y/N bit her lip. "Maybe you could also give me a demonstration of your Daredevil voice?"
A deep rumble sounded from Matt's chest. "Oh, I was already planning on it, sweetness. Especially since I can tell how much it turns you on." 
He leaned up to murmur into her ear. "You wanna be my good girl tonight, do what the Devil tells you to do?"
Y/N sucked in a breath, her face flaming. "Uh huh."
"That's my angel." Matt kissed her just below her ear before leaning back, a smirk on his face. "Dinner's here, but maybe we can continue this conversation later?"
Y/N almost said 'fuck dinner' so she could drag Matt off to his bedroom right then, but instead she nodded. "Mmhmm."
She just hoped Matt ate fast tonight.
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braveblackbutterfly · 9 months
Well, Christmas overall wasn't too bad.
I'm glad my mom liked the waffle maker I got her and the pokeno game I got for the whole fam. Dinner was good.
....I just wish l0neliness didn't creep in tonight. But it did.
Hopefully my mood improves tomorrow.
Night Tumblr fam
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ajaygulatinz · 1 day
My latest RateMyAgent review in Pokeno.
#ratemyagent #realestate Barfoot & Thompson Manukau #Gulati #Barfoot_and_Thompson__Manukau Ajay Gulati @highlight
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lettersfromscandi · 4 months
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5 May 2024
Great South Road, Pokeno, New Zealand
Koheroa Road, Mercer, New Zealand
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vijay01 · 4 months
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Bingo Like Games our list of board games similar to bingo has got you covered. From games that resemble the essence of bingo to innovative and creative adaptations, let’s get started! Keno: Another Game Like Bingo, NMBR 9: Board Game Like Bingo, Slingo: Bingo Similar Games, Lotto/Lottery Games: Number Game Similar to Bingo, DIY Bingo: Card Game Like Bingo, Tambola/Housie: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Pokeno: Board Games Similar to Bingo, Raffle Draw Game: Number Game Similar to Bingo,Liar's Dice: Family Games Like Bingo, Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots, Wheel of Fortune Online: Card Game Like Bingo, Scratch Cards: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Lucky Draw: Fun Games Like Bingo, Pachinko: Bingo Like Gambling Game
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les-degustations-ugo · 10 months
🇫🇷❓❓Hello les amoureux du tire-bouchon. Et vous, Connaissez-vous les whiskies de NOUVELLE-ZÉLANDE 🇫🇷❓❓
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🥃Whisky Single Malt Pokeno cuvée Discovery distribué par @whiskiesdumonde 🥃
📌Élaboré intégralement à partir d’orge maltée, cultivée sur l’île sud de la Nouvelle-Zélande
Double distillation lente afin de maximiser le contact avec le cuivre et conférer un maximum de rondeur. Assemblage de whiskies vieillis en fûts de bourbon et en fûts de sherry 📌.
Robe de couleur acajou
Un nez fruité sur des notes de poires, nectarines, cacao en poudre.
En bouche, on a un whisky avec une belle complexité et une belle richesse gustative. Sur des arômes de fruits à noyau, épices (poivre, cannelle), gâteaux au chocolat noir. Une grande longueur en bouche avec une finale sur des notes de fruits secs (amandes et noisettes torréfiées).
📜 En résumé📜:
Un beau single malt très aromatique avec une longueur en bouche de dingue. Un whisky gourmand qui réchauffe le corps et l'esprit, idéal en cette période. J'ai littéralement craqué sur son profil gustatif. Une belle découverte.
🔞« L'abus d'alcool est dangereux pour la santé, à consommer avec modération »🔞 La plupart des
vins ont été dégustés et recrachés. Dégustation non rémunéré.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🗣️Description de la maison @whiskiesdumonde 🗣️
Basé à Mérignac près de Bordeaux, Whiskies du Monde se présente comme un distributeur de spiritueux partenaire capable de répondre aux enjeux de chaque marque et à ceux du marché. Dotée d’une force de frappe commerciale multi-réseaux de distribution mais aussi d’une équipe dévouée à la construction des marques de spiritueux, Whiskies du Monde commercialise plusieurs catégories de spiritueux dont une large sélection de whiskies écossais, japonais, irlandais, indiens, taïwanais, anglais et français. Ces whiskies viennent également se compléter d’une sélection de rhums japonais, dominicains, panaméens, portoricains, qu’ils soient vieux ou épicés mais aussi d’autres catégories de produits comme le gin, la vodka, le porto, le cognac, le mezcal, la cachaça ou les tonics.
Chaque spiritueux est unique, tout comme chaque client, pour cela une attention très particulière est portée à la sélection des spiritueux pour garantir à la fois la qualité et la complémentarité du portefeuille produits. Un portefeuille réfléchi et ajusté de 50 marques environ permettant de se focaliser sur leur développement commercial ainsi que sur la construction de leur image grâce à un accompagnement sur-mesure.
Whiskies du Monde va au-delà de son rôle de distributeur de spiritueux, ayant à cœur de partager les plus beaux savoir-faire avec ses clients ou tout amateur de spiritueux. Pour cela, l’entreprise met les moyens nécessaires au développement d’outils éducatifs pour mieux comprendre et découvrir l’immensité de l’univers spiritueux.
Pour compléter son expertise métier, Whiskies du Monde est également créateur de spiritueux. En 2019, l’entreprise a lancé sa toute première marque de whiskies single malt français : Évadé. Des whiskies cultivés, distillés et vieillis en France, élaborés de façon naturelle et sans aucun additif. De nouvelles créations de spiritueux seront à venir au fil des années.
⏬🇫🇷Français dans les commentaires🇫🇷🇮🇹Italiano nei commenti 🇮🇹⏬
🇬🇧❓❓Hello corkscrew lovers. And you, do you know NEW ZEALAND whiskeys 🇬🇧❓❓
🥃Single Malt Whiskey Pokeno vintage Discovery distributed by @whiskiesdumonde 🥃
📌Made entirely from malted barley, grown on the South Island of New Zealand Slow double distillation to maximize contact with the copper and provide maximum roundness. Blend of whiskeys aged in bourbon barrels and sherry barrels 📌.
Mahogany color dress
A fruity nose with notes of pears, nectarines, cocoa powder.
On the palate, we have a whiskey with beautiful complexity and richness of taste. With aromas of stone fruits, spices (pepper, cinnamon), dark chocolate cakes. Great length on the palate with a finish of notes of dried fruits (almonds and roasted hazelnuts).
📜In summary📜:
A beautiful, very aromatic single malt with a crazy long finish. A gourmet whiskey that warms the body and mind, ideal during this period. I literally fell in love with its taste profile. A great discovery.
🔞“Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health, consume in moderation”🔞Most wines were tasted and spat out. Unpaid tasting.
#lesdegustationsugo #wine #winelover #vino #winetasting #winetime #winelovers #instawine #redwine #winestagram #winery #beer #wineoclock #vin #sommelier #love #vinho #foodporn #winelife #instagood #whitewine #cocktails #drinks #wein #foodie #wineporn #drink
🇬🇧🗣️Description of the house @whiskiesdumonde 🇬🇧🗣️
Based in Mérignac near Bordeaux, Whiskeys du Monde presents itself as a partner spirits distributor capable of meeting the challenges of each brand and those of the market. With a multi-distribution network commercial strike force but also a team devoted to the construction of spirits brands, Whiskeys du Monde markets several categories of spirits including a wide selection of Scotch, Japanese, Irish, Indian, Taiwanese, English and French. These whiskeys are also complemented by a selection of Japanese, Dominican, Panamanian, Puerto Rican rums, whether aged or spicy, but also other categories of products such as gin, vodka, port, cognac, mezcal , cachaça or tonics.
Each spirit is unique, just like each customer, for this very particular attention is paid to the selection of spirits to guarantee both the quality and the complementarity of the product portfolio. A thoughtful and adjusted portfolio of around 50 brands allowing them to focus on their commercial development as well as on the construction of their image thanks to tailor-made support.
Whiskeys du Monde goes beyond its role as a spirits distributor, having at heart to share the finest know-how with its customers or any spirits lover. For this, the company puts the necessary means to the development of educational tools to better understand and discover the immensity of the spirits universe.
To complete its business expertise, Whiskeys du Monde is also a creator of spirits. In 2019, the company launched its very first brand of French single malt whiskies: Évadé. Whiskeys grown, distilled and aged in France, produced naturally and without any additives. New creations of spirits will be coming over the years.
🇮🇹❓❓Ciao amanti dei cavatappi. E tu, conosci i whisky NEOZELANDESI 🇮🇹❓❓
🥃Single Malt Whisky Pokeno vintage Discovery distribuito da @whiskiesdumonde 🥃
📌Prodotto interamente con malto d'orzo, coltivato nell'Isola del Sud della Nuova Zelanda Doppia distillazione lenta per massimizzare il contatto con il rame e fornire la massima rotondità. Miscela di whisky invecchiati in botti di bourbon e botti di sherry 📌.
Abito color mogano
Un naso fruttato con note di pere, nettarine, cacao in polvere.
Al palato, abbiamo un whisky di bella complessità e ricchezza di gusto. Con aromi di drupacee, spezie (pepe, cannella), dolci al cioccolato fondente. Grande persistenza al palato con un finale di note di frutta secca (mandorle e nocciole tostate).
📜In sintesi📜:
Un bellissimo single malt molto aromatico con un finale pazzesco. Un whisky gourmet che scalda il corpo e la mente, ideale in questo periodo. Mi sono letteralmente innamorato del suo profilo gustativo. Una grande scoperta
🔞“L'abuso di alcol è pericoloso per la salute, consumalo con moderazione”🔞Most i vini venivano degustati e sputati. Degustazione non retribuita.
🇮🇹🗣️Descrizione della casa @whiskiesdumonde 🇮🇹🗣️
Con sede a Mérignac vicino a Bordeaux, Whiskys du Monde si presenta come un distributore di alcolici partner in grado di affrontare le sfide di ogni marchio e quelle del mercato. Con una forza d'attacco commerciale di rete multi-distributiva ma anche un team dedicato alla costruzione di marchi di alcolici, Whiskys du Monde commercializza diverse categorie di alcolici tra cui un'ampia selezione di scozzesi, giapponesi, irlandesi, indiani, taiwanesi, inglesi e francesi. Questi whisky sono anche accompagnati da una selezione di rum giapponesi, dominicani, panamensi, portoricani, invecchiati o speziati, ma anche altre categorie di prodotti come gin, vodka, porto, cognac, mezcal, cachaça o tonic.
Ogni distillato è unico, proprio come ogni cliente, per questa particolarissima attenzione è riservata alla selezione dei distillati per garantire sia la qualità che la complementarietà del portafoglio prodotti. Un portafoglio ponderato e adeguato di circa 50 marchi che consente loro di concentrarsi sullo sviluppo commerciale e sulla costruzione della propria immagine grazie a un supporto su misura.
Whiskys du Monde va oltre il suo ruolo di distributore di alcolici, avendo a cuore di condividere il miglior know-how con i suoi clienti o qualsiasi amante degli alcolici. Per questo, l'azienda mette i mezzi necessari allo sviluppo di strumenti educativi per comprendere e scoprire meglio l'immensità dell'universo degli spiriti.
Per completare la sua esperienza commerciale, Whiskys du Monde è anche un creatore di alcolici. Nel 2019, l'azienda ha lanciato il suo primo marchio di whisky single malt francesi: Évadé. Whisky coltivati, distillati e invecchiati in Francia, prodotti naturalmente e senza alcun additivo. Nuove creazioni di spirit arriveranno nel corso degli anni.
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dailykhabar20 · 11 months
ਆਕਲੈਂਡ ਦੇ Pokeno ਦਿਵਾਲੀ ਮੇਲੇ 'ਚ ਲੱਗੀਆਂ ਰੌਣਕਾਂ
ਪੰਜਾਬੀਆਂ ਨੇ ਆਕਲੈਂਡ 'ਚ ਹੀ ਬਣਾਤਾ ਪੰਜਾਬ ਵਾਲਾ ਮਾਹੌਲ
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readingrecap · 1 year
📝 July 2023 Pleasantries Newsletter
The latest Pleasantries newsletter from Elder & Human Services is available to download. Highlights for July include: • Pokeno on Tuesday afternoons. Next class July 11th 1:00pm to 3:00pm. Pokeno® is a game that is a combination of poker and keno, though it is pretty much like playing bingo with standard playing cards. For more information and to sign-up Call 781-942-6794. • Rockport Van Trip –…
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18thfoot · 1 year
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2nd July 1863 - New Zealand. The troopship Elizabeth Ann Bright, reached Auckland, New Zealand with HQ and eight companies of 2nd Battalion, 18th Royal Irish commandedby Colonel Alfred Chapman (pictured). The troops disembarked the following day and Upon landing, they marched to Otahuhu Camp, where they were issued their kit. The men serving in New Zealand were outfitted with blue serge uniforms. During the next week they marched to the Queen’s Redoubt at Pokeno. A Detachment of 200 men under Captain J. Inman was stationed just west of Drury on land owned by Mr. Runciman. Other Detachments were stationed along the newly opened Military Road, in order to protect the passage of both supplies and men.
#18thfoot #royalirishregiment #newzealand #maoriwars
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Coucouuuuu ! J'ai réalisé que nous ne vous avions pas présenté notre magnifique van, surnommé Pokeno, Pokeyes (dans les montées quand on l'encourage encore), Pokenope (quand on a abandonné l'idée qu'il dépasse la vitesse d'une limace arthritique), ou Pokenono (quand vraiment on désespère). Quelle beauté quand même.
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Sinon, ce matin, pendant que Clochette était à la messe (une homélie en anglais, il faut s'accrocher !), j'ai décidé de grimper ça.
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C'était ... Pentu. Il faut entretenir ce fessier de rêve mes amis, que voulez vous !
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La vue de là haut était très sympa : nous sommes arrivées dans la zone du Mont Taranaki, deuxième plus haut sommet de l'île du Nord !
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La légende raconte que le mont Taranaki s'était épris d'une autre montagne, malheureusement destinée à un autre. Ils se sont donc tapés dessus, son ennemi se faisant tout écraser la tête (le sommet est en effet bien cassé) mais remportant le combat. Taranaki fut donc exilé loin de ses copains, ses larmes dédiées à son amour perdu créant la rivière les reliant ... et c'est marrant, puisqu'on peut voir les trois montagnes depuis le sommet ! (Mais trop loin pour que ça rende en photo)
Sinon, on a tenté d'aller voir un pont. Il était en travaux, mais ... On a pu prendre cette splendide photo garantie sans trucage 😇
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On est ensuite parties se balader le long de la côte, mode road trip activé ! Le soleil magnifique a fait un bien fou après ces jours de grisaille ❤️
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On a ensuite fini la journée sur les Dawson Falls, sur le mont Taranaki justement. D'abord, passage obligé par la forêt des gobelins (c'est son nom, je n'y peux rien !)
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On a donc vu de très jolies cascades, avec deux drôles de bestioles devant ...
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La forêt était splendide, la cascade aussi, on est redescendues en température mais ca va avec le décors !
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Et ce soir, on se couche avec cette vue ... C'est chouette quand même la nouvelle Zélande, hein ? 🥰
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Angel of God, My Guardian Dear Chapter 15: Matt
Rating: Explicit (18+, MINORS DNI)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: While speaking at a local school for visually impaired youth, Matt runs into his childhood best friend, with whom he lost touch almost 20 years prior.
Warnings/Tags: Nothing for this chapter.
Word Count: ~1250ish for this chapter
A/N: This is admittedly a filler chapter, so enjoy a double update!
"...Then he said a unicorn appeared and started shitting Skittles everywhere," Foggy said the next morning as he stood in the doorway of Matt's office telling him about a new client.
"Mmm," Matt replied, his mind admittedly elsewhere. 
Foggy sighed. "You're not even paying attention, Matt. Did you just hear anything I just said?" 
Matt grimaced. "I'm sorry, Fog. I've got a lot on my mind."
"Are you okay? You've been acting weird ever since you got back from Florida yesterday." Foggy paused. "Aw, man, your talk with Y/N's aunt didn't go well, did it? I'm sorry, man --"
Matt shook his head with a smile. "Actually, no, that went better than I could've expected. I'm just thinking about some stuff." 
Foggy sat in the client chair in Matt's office. "Well since we're obviously not going to get any work done at the moment and neither of us have any appointments until later, tell me about your trip."
Matt grinned. "Okay."
He told Foggy about how comfortable Aunt Ruth had made him feel from the moment they had arrived and how he had overheard her telling Y/N how happy she was that Y/N had found Matt again, and how genuinely warm and accommodating she had been… and about how not warm and accommodating Mrs. Vaughn had been at Aunt Ruth's birthday dinner. "Needless to say Y/N was still pretty upset after we got home, so she and I sat on the swing out on the back patio."
He smiled at the memory. "She told me about what sort of things she would imagine us doing if I had gotten to visit her in Florida, like walking around her neighborhood and going to the beach, so I figured better late than never and suggested that we go to the beach the next afternoon while Y/N's aunt was hosting her pokeno group, then we talked about the future and I told her in no uncertain terms that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."
"Aww, that's so sweet, man."
Matt grinned. "Then the next morning we went to Mass then to the grocery store to pick up some stuff for a picnic at the beach."
Foggy whistled. "Wow, a romantic beach picnic? I'll have to remember that for a date idea if I'm ever near the ocean."
Matt smiled. "Y/N and I already work so seamlessly together that grocery shopping was a breeze, and in fact we're going to start doing our weekly grocery shopping together."
"Hey, that's great, dude! I know you hated relying on that grocery delivery service."
Matt nodded. "Anyway, we ran into Y/N's old guidance counselor while we were at the store, so Y/N talked with her for a minute then we had to run so we could get back to Ms. Y/L/N's to get everything prepped for our picnic."
He grinned. "Ms. Y/L/N was kind enough to lend Y/N her car for the afternoon so instead of going to one of the local beaches Y/N took me down to this secluded little beach in the Keys."
"Oh wow, that's awesome."
Matt nodded. "She said that the first time she set foot there she knew she wanted to share it with me."
"Aww, that's sweet."
"Anyway, we ate then read for a while, then we put our stuff back in the car and went for a walk down the boardwalk. It was..." Matt smiled at the memory. "Magical. Everything was just so perfect that I wished I could actually see Y/N, just for a few seconds."
Foggy made a sympathetic sound, but said nothing.
Matt sighed. "Anyway, we got on the subject of having kids and how both our apartments are way too small to raise a family, and Y/N mentioned that once her lease was up that she was thinking about moving anyway, so we started talking about looking for a bigger place together."
Foggy clicked his tongue. "Man, it definitely sounds like you had a busy weekend full of important conversations. No wonder you're distracted."
Matt nodded. "Luckily I was also able to talk to Y/N's aunt Monday morning before we left."
"And??? Come on, Matt, I'm dying to know how that went!"
Matt chuckled. "Okay, well, Y/N was still sleeping when I got up but Ms. Y/L/N was in the kitchen making coffee, so I got ready and headed into the kitchen. Ms. Y/L/N offered me some coffee and we made small talk about Y/N's and my trip down to the Keys, then I thanked her for her hospitality over the weekend."
He smiled. "She said it was nice getting to know me after hearing so much about me that wasn't the total bullshit Sister Bernadette had told her, then she apologized for her part in keeping me and Y/N from each other and said that she could tell that I truly love and care about Y/N and that my intentions were sincere, so I told her about my nickname for Y/N and how I've loved her pretty much from the moment I met her… then I asked her for her blessing to marry Y/N."
Foggy gasped. "Way to bury the lede, dude! She did say yes, right?"
Matt chuckled. "Well first she asked me if I knew that Y/N had been engaged once before."
Foggy sucked in a breath. "Oh shit, did you?"
Matt nodded. "Oh yeah, Y/N told me about it at dinner that first day we ran into each other."
"Oh okay, good."
"Anyway, she said that Y/N's ex-fiancé was nice but that she could tell that Y/N wasn't really in love with him." Matt smiled. "And then she said that Y/N's heart had always belonged to me and that she could tell that mine had always belonged to Y/N, so she gave me her blessing."
Foggy made an 'aww' sound. "Dude, that's awesome. Congratulations."
Matt nodded with a grin. "And she also told me not to wait too long to ask Y/N to marry me and that I could call her Aunt Ruth since I should have been her nephew-in-law years ago."
Foggy huffed out a laugh. "I'm so happy for you, man. So when are you going to propose?"
Matt shook his head. "Honestly I almost blurted out a proposal while Y/N and I were at the beach, then again in the middle of the supermarket on Tuesday, then again last night when I got out of the shower and Y/N was looking at real estate listings to get an idea of what's on the market, so I'm definitely not going to wait too long. I do need to get a ring first though."
"I'll be happy to help you pick one out if you want," Foggy said. 
Matt nodded. "Yeah, I'd appreciate that. Thanks."
"No problem, buddy."
Matt bit his lip. "In the meantime, I gave her a key to my place."
Foggy chuckled. "I'm surprised you just didn't ask her to move in with you."
Matt chuckled. "Oh believe me, the only reason I haven't is because Y/N still has like 8 months on her lease."
He sat up. "Okay, now tell me again about our new client. I promise I'll pay attention this time."
Foggy chuckled again. "Okay. So, our client's name is…"
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boozedancing · 2 years
Hunt for the Wilderpeople + Pōkeno New Zealand Single Malt Whisky
No #whisky was left behind on the latest One Show, One Drink #podcast! On this episode, we pair the majestical Hunt for the Wilderpeople by @TaikaWaititi with three #NewZealand Single Malts from Pōkeno Whisky Company. @impexbev @SFilmus @fanduel
https://boozedancing.files.wordpress.com/2023/02/one-show-one-drink-vol.-16-hunt-for-the-wilderpeople-pokeno-new-zealand-single-malt-whisky.mp3 ______________________________ Subscribe to the show: Apple, Spotify, Stitcher, Audible, or Google. Please rate and review the show on your favorite Podcast platform, and if you have any questions or comments, message us here, or send us an email at…
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ajaygulatinz · 4 months
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Another 🤩 #SOLD ✨ By Ajay Gulati - Barfoot & Thompson & Munish Anand-Real Estate Salesperson 💥 Congrats to the Awesome PURCHASERS for 🍾🥂 securing this Property in #POKENO ☺️
Need help to find your #DreamHome or Still Thinking of #Selling : Call Ajay Gulati M: 021 236 2008 Munish Anand 021 023 44880
#AjayGulati #MunishAnand #ClarkRise #Pokeno #GULATI Barfoot & Thompson Manukau #BarfootandThompsonManukau
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theoffingmag · 2 years
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[Image: Black and white photo of a dining room table]
When my grandmother was still alive we always had Sunday dinner at her house. We ate there on holidays as well. She cooked like she went to culinary school. Her cornbread should’ve won awards. Her Thanksgiving should be in somebody’s award-winning soul food cookbook. And she could bake too. Her peach cobbler, sweet potato pie and yellow cake with chocolate frosting were the best part of the occasion. At this time in my life I was too young to sit at the dining room table. The dining room table was for the young adults and grown folk. I sat in the kitchen at the kitchen table until I was about fifteen or sixteen. My grandmother’s dining room table was wooden, long and dark. She used a silky white tablecloth to cover it on holidays, especially Christmas and Thanksgiving. I remember the table always being packed with dishes of food. After dinner, we’d always play Pokeno or Monopoly at the dining room table. Those were some of the best times.
From “Queen of all Spaces” by Ali Black
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vijay01 · 4 months
Bingo Like Games our list of board games similar to bingo has got you covered. From games that resemble the essence of bingo to innovative and creative adaptations, let’s get started! Keno: Another Game Like Bingo, NMBR 9: Board Game Like Bingo, Slingo: Bingo Similar Games, Lotto/Lottery Games: Number Game Similar to Bingo, DIY Bingo: Card Game Like Bingo, Tambola/Housie: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Pokeno: Board Games Similar to Bingo, Raffle Draw Game: Number Game Similar to Bingo,Liar's Dice: Family Games Like Bingo, Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo Bunco: Number Game Similar to Bingo, Micro Robots, Wheel of Fortune Online: Card Game Like Bingo, Scratch Cards: Game Like Bingo with Cards, Lucky Draw: Fun Games Like Bingo, Pachinko: Bingo Like Gambling Game
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kerabeareats · 5 years
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1, 2, 3, or all 3? 🍦 Fact: most of my diet this summer vacation was dessert 😂 Swipe through to check out my favourite serves of the holiday! 1. Jumbo ice cream from Ice cream shop, for their is no complete road trip between Auckland and the south without a cone. How many scoops can you count? $15. 2. Christmas Cracker from @giapokitchen - their new store in Britomart is far more spacious than their original Aotea Square store, their focus is now on the artform of the dessert. $19. 3 Fresh Fruit Ice cream by @tiptopnz - a summer essential available at almost every beach town ice cream shack is the fresh fruit ice cream, consists of classic vanilla pumped through a special mixer with fresh fruit to create this deliciously addictive serve. We recommend mixed berry or strawberry 🍓 $5. — #icecream #icecreamtime #icecreamrolls #icecreamlover #icecreamporn #icecreamcone #icecreamlove #icecreamsundae #icecreamaddict #icecreamlovers #icecreamofinsta #icecreamofinsta #icecreamshop #icecreamcones #pokeno #pokenoicecream #foodporn #foodgram #icecreamislife #dessertporn #dessertsofinstagram #dessertoftheday #dessertpic #softserveicecream #softserve #newzealandvacations #newzealandtrip #newzealandfinds #newzealandtravel #newzealandfood #newzealandsummer (at New Zealand) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QTz1JFVVx/?igshid=1gcay9rys2f00
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