#pokeon gym
danamucci · 2 years
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Latest pokemon commissions n_n
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trustymikh · 4 months
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so the new pokemas update, huh
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pokestudentjune · 4 months
Ooc post, my universe headcanons >:)
A little comment, but a lot of my headcanons honestly stem from @/prof-peach 's account, so feel free to check them out! Literally my biggest inspiration and I've been stalking her pokeon content for well over 5+ years before finally joining rotomblr!
Meat is eaten, but its lab grown. Eating actual pokemon is usually frowned upon in many developed areas, but is still practiced within less developed areas or for cultural reasons.
Speaking of meat, different regions and different towns specialize in developing different meat kinds, and is a prime source of economy. e.g. Unova is the only place that sustainably produces bouffalant meat, whilst other regions often use tauros, miltank, or even camerupt meat.
Grass pokemon are also eaten, but also not really. Theres actual vegetables to be grown and eaten, so not many people go out of their way to try and consume a live grass pokemon.
Its not uncommon for people to eat fruits, leaves, or other products produced by grass type pokemon, but people also eat unfertilized buds or undeveloped cuttings of some grass type pokemon. Plant abortion!
cont. below
Gym challenges are not equal to wild pokemon battles. Theyre of course still very valid ways to develop battling skills, and are not only targetted towards less experienced trainers, but they're within a controleld environment with opponents who are trained to not severely hurt the battler. Wild pokemon often attack with non restricted power and are more unpredictable, which is why its not easy for people who are frequent gym challengers to transition into a ranger position. Ranger life isn't for everyone!
Pokemon are animals, but also not really. All pokemon are sentient, but not all pokemon are versed in human life, and may never fully grasp it even when living amongst them. Trained pokemon pick up on human language over time, but wild pokemon don't always understand.
All pokemon can learn to understand the common human tongue, but not all can learn to speak it. Being able to communicate effectively to humans is often shown within more intelligent psychic type pokemon or pokemon known to exhibit psychic abilities, and even then this communication is through telepathy usually. Other extremely intelligent pokemon have been shown to communicate through typing/writing/drawings, and many people have taught their feline and canine pokemon communication through predetermined buttons.
Different breeds/variants outside of the regional ones exist. There are different breeds of pokemon frequently shown within more domesticated species such as felines, canines, bovines, and equines. Exampes include show bred delcatty to emphasize specific features such as fur length or height, or work-rapidash, bred to be bigger, heavier, and sturdier than your standard wild breed. (Just added this for fun morphology diversity!)
Grass types are probably the pokemon type with the most variants, as plant families are so big. Sometimes, this variation can affect typing as well. For exampe, a pokemon with an aquatic plant gene/variant has a higher chance of exhibiting a water typing. On the other hand, if a pokemon showcased a lily gene/variant, theres a chance that it will exhibit a poison typing, as lillies are generally toxic to people and other pokemon.
Sometimes wild pokemon will simply have slight appearance changes based on the environment they're living in, but not nearly as drastic as regional variants. Sometimes some butterfree exhibit slightly different patterns depending on the area they're found, but not always as drastic as vivillion.
Genetics are always weird though, there can be a bunch of different factors behind how and why a pokemon looks a specific way.
Various drastic size differences exist within pokemon. Pokemon can be very very tiny, and are usually unable to be caught by pokeballs for this reason. Its also morally looked down upon to use them in battle, these tiny guys belong to the environment and local ecosystem.
When it comes to crossbreeding/hybrids, when two different pokemon of the same egg group produce offpsring, there is a 90% chance the offspring will be born true, also known as whatever species the mother is. The offpsring may still exhibit some species traits from the father, such as slight color/tone difference, a particular type resistance, abilities/moves, fur/limb length, etc. Though this is still somewhat uncommon.
Sometimes though, that 10% kicks in, and the offspring appear to be roughly around a 40/50 split between father and mother, of course taking on the primary appearance/species of the mother. This can cause a drastic change in moveset, but also the typing. Sometimes the typing of the parents override's the standard pokemon's type, or the build of the pokemon simply cannot accomodate the usual standard typing.
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liverpool-enjoyer · 1 year
love your "footballers react/in a _____/etc" series!
since i noticed that you're a fellow pokemon enjoyer: footballers and their pokemon types. this can be interpreted as their gym leader types or if they were actually pokeon themselves haha either or <3
oh BESITE. you have no idea what you did to me. it is done n i put my fuckin BACK into it. i fear i may have wrote TOO much.
i jus,,, really like talking about pokemon
this was SO fun n i loved every second of it. thank you sm for your request n also for your sweet compliment, made my day <3
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dancampton · 2 years
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friends and i as pokemon gym leaders and our aces
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xmoonlitxdreamx · 4 years
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More royalty AU doodles?? the traditional doodles are Raihan and Kabu sparring or smth.
also a continuation (?) of that leon/kabu doodle I posted earlier under the cut (suggestive implications, but it’s not steamy or anything)
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roodle-things · 4 years
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Janine & Koga aesthetic for @icicleferjestarryattack I hope you like it!!
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ridermatsu · 5 years
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⚔️🔩⚔️Steel-Type Gym Leaders/Elite Four⚔️🔩⚔️
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tarabako · 5 years
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oops i did it again
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nestlefox · 5 years
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wanted to try a new style
- mid 40's/ female/ pansexual
- Aunt of Raphael/ Sister of Ron/ Mother of Cornelius
-Born in Unova but moved to Galar to fulfill her dream career
- used to be an electric gym leader in Galar (tennis theme) before she got married and had a daughter, Cornelius
-  Whilst being married, she decided to invest her curiosity in the science of electricity
- Begonia created an electrical company that reached all the way towards owning and building the telecom towers to helping you turn on your tv.  Her company had a monopoly on everything electric related (besides pokemon)
- A couple years later, her spouse later died from a freak accident.
- Throughout that portion of Cornelius's childhood, Begonia was absent due to her job.  However, after her s/o's death, she began to grow a better relationship with her daughter.  
- Somehow began to date Chairman Rose after he attempted to buy her company, He still hasn't bought the company, but they're passed that.  He's also a somewhat father figure to Cornelius.  
- Begonia still kept the three pokemon she used to have for her gym team
- Sparky ((electric furfrou lvl 45))  in my AU, furfrous change their type, depending on their hairstyle.  Sparky is highly loyal to his owner and always lay beside her whenever Begonia works
- Peach ((pikachu lvl 47)) Peach is a little bastard.  peach doesn't say much but she does know how to say "fuck" and will say it every time a client enters begonia's office.
- Cheeto ((Electabuzz lvl 49))  Cheeto was Begonia's first and trustworthy pokemon.  She helps around her office and is actually the main source of the power of the company building.  
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crashovalle · 7 years
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The feels AF! Fuck you Ash. I love Misty and Brock. Don't appreciate this style much, but it's so very lovely to see these two on screeen again with their original outfits!!!!
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canadian-buckbeaver · 4 years
The Cookie (Angrily) Crumbles
A Raihan x OC (Sai) story For @saiyurimai or @saiyurimaiandtheden or @saiscavedwellers
Sai really doesn’t mind what Raihan does for his fans.  They adore him as much as she does and he does everything that he can for them.  Takes every picture, signs every piece of paper, can even talk to them and give advice. 
But every once in a while a fan takes it a step too far and Sai finds herself needing to intervene and remind them just who is his number one fan.
Watching Rai again pause for more pictures with his beloved fans, Sai settled against the wall as she waited.  Trying to be patient but failing as she saw more people coming out to greet him.  She sighed, trying to hide her slight insecurity and jealousy.  This was ridiculous.  There was no need to be jealous, this wasn’t anything new or unusual for him.  She knew that she had no right to be annoyed.  She knew what she had been signing up for when she had gotten together with Raihan.  Yes, that Raihan.  The one and only Raihan.  Galar’s Dragon Tamer, gym leader of the Hammerlocke gym.  The most popular gym leader. And the number one most followed Pokegram influencer in all of Galar.
And for that, he needed his rotom by his side twenty-four seven.  No matter the time of day or what was going on.  Hell, the guy was practically married to his rotom.  It was sort of his gimmick.  He was always posting pictures on his Pokegram, to his ClickChat, updating his Pokeon, or doing little videos for his TubeChannel.  His fans had supported him (mentally and financially) through thick and thin, and for that he owed them for where he was today.  In return he had made his fans feel like they were part of his life, his friends.  He would do anything for them. So he signed every scrap of paper, took every picture, visited the hospital and birthday parties when it was possible.  And he was so good with them.
Still, Sai couldn’t help but grumble when she saw a group of fangirls getting a little too close to him.  She couldn’t help it. There were so many good-looking girls out there that would kill to be in her position.  Not to mention the few that had tried to boot her from the position.  None that had been successful but the very fact that they had attempted had turned her off from all fangirls.  “Don’t be jealous, don’t be jealous…” she told herself again, hoping that maybe this time she wouldn’t be.  Take a deep breath, count to ten…
Her eyes narrowed at one particular girl.  This girl had been tossing her hair over her shoulder and trying every game in the book to flirt with him.  The loud, obnoxious laugh and overly large smile.  Her false, over-mascaraed eyelashes fluttering up at him, trying to send a not-so subtle ‘fuck me’ message to the leader.  And then she was continuously trying to feel his biceps through his jacket, or touch his stomach, or press against him.  Never mind that Raihan had removed her hands from him again and again, this girl just never got the hint.  She almost reminded Sai of a Smoochum, or maybe a Jynx with her desperation.
Sai was getting tired of it.  She was standing right here in front of them, and this girl insisted on making an ass of herself. Raihan laughed politely at something she said but his eyes found Sai’s.  He was already mentally wrapping this up and ready to get out of here. Hopefully they could still make their dinner reservation.
But still the girl just did not get the hint!  She had even offered him one of those pocky cookies that he had politely taken, perhaps in the hopes that she would finally leave him alone.  That didn’t work either.
“Raihan, have you ever heard of the pocky game?” the girl sweetly asked him, her eyelashes still fluttering at him.  Sai’s ears perked.  Oh, no… that bitch had gone too far this time.
He had already put one end of the cookie in his mouth when the girl spoke.  “The pocky game? I… I might have.  But I know that there are a couple different ones out there.”  Poor Raihan was giving her another chance to back off.  He hated being rude to people, especially if they were fans.  Sai doubted that this girl would only get the point if he was though.
The girl nodded, playing with the ends of her hair. Sai really hated her.  Especially if she was going to try and pull what Sai thought she was.  “Yes. You and another person slowly eat the pocky from opposite ends, without hands, until you run out of pocky.  I can help show you if you want.”
Raihan’s cheeks had even gone pink.  There was no way that he had misunderstood that.  “That is quite unnecessary…” he started to say, even as the girl had dared to take a single step towards him.
Sai saw red.  Her fists clenched and her body began to shake as her anger began to get the better of her.  This was completely inappropriate and disrespectful that one could do to a close friend, let alone an almost complete stranger.  She was tired of this… waiting in the shadows and background.  No more.
It was time to wrap this up and show the others just who Raihan belonged to.  Pushing herself away from the wall, she stepped up to where Raihan was.  Raihan had just glanced over to her just in time for her to seize the strings of his hoodie and pull him down to her level.  She didn’t give him a moment to prepare. Instead, she bit through the cookie, chewing it quickly before pressing her lips to his.  
Then the world stopped moving.
The world faded to black, the noises around them silencing.  His lips were soft and full, tasting faintly of cookie and the tea that they had had before they had left for the afternoon.  She could smell his cologne and the hair product that he had thrown in his hair earlier that morning.  Sai had thought that she had overstepped, done the wrong thing when he hadn’t responded right away.  But then his lips pressed and pulled against hers, his teeth nipping at her.  His hands found her sides, pulling her closer to him, feeling his tongue slip against hers.  Taking his time with kissing her, showing her how much he needed this.  Yes.  This was the Raihan that she loved and adored.  The one that, despite the people all around them, he could make her feel like this.  Loved, secure and happy.
Crazy fangirls be damned.
When they finally pulled away, the crowd was giggling and clapping, seemingly thrilled with the impromptu show.  Raihan had blinked at the fans and then down at Sai.  “Hopefully you don’t mind this ending up on the Pokegram?” he asked her, showing her the picture that his rotom had caught of them as they had been mid-makeout session.
“Only if you use the hashtag goals.” Sai teased him as she grabbed his hand, pulling him away from the people.  Saving him from the crowd as he gave a bark of laughter.
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beleth · 5 years
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My heres my gym leader sona + an attempt at them in the pokeon style
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sealcdheart · 5 years
Also, just some more food for thought, Phenec City has what they call a Pre Gym. Although it could technically just be a pre entry Challenge to their Colosseum that’s right behind the building consider it never says that I have another theory. It’s a very small building, pretty obviously newly built, and I wonder if it’s their version of trying to introduce the idea of Gym Challenges into the Orre Region. 
I do think that given time the Orre Region would have something like a Gym Challenge but never quite the same. The Region is simply far to small and barren for them to have eight gyms, it has a total of four major cities and that counts what XD added. It’s very clear that Phenec City wants the region to, more or less, clean up their act since compared to the rest of the region the people there are far more civilized and polite. 
Phenec City is basically the type of city you’d see in every other game, Agate Village is out of time stuck in the past (Ironic that Celebi the time Pokeon is there) and Pyrite Town is home of the pirates.
It’s definitely clear that culture got lost in the desert.
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lavaridgexflannery · 3 years
@faithverse​ for the muse: Piers
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The young gym leader from Hoenn, Flannery, had always wanted to visit Galar for several reasons. Not only to visit her Uncle Kabu, but to see one of her musical idols, Piers! She was a huge fan of his music. Or at least the recordings of his music that her Uncle sent her through the mail. And it since she ran out of Heat Badges,she had to special order them from the Hoenn League. The process alone was going to take roughly a month. So, she had to close down the gym for a bit. But, that also meant she’d have the chance to travel! Excited as ever, she booked the first plane to Galar with a few things packed and all of her pokemon right at her side in their balls. Well all but her Houndoom and Growlithe. They were basically her protection. After the long flight, Flannery and her pokemon found their way to Monostoke and booked a room there at one of the hotels. Of course she spent a little bit of time with her Uncle before getting ready for the concert. She didn’t know if Piers was away that there was a fan group online to update fellow fans when one of his concerts would be starting.
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( Made avatar here x   skirt here x   Shoes here x ) But she followed that group with every post like her life depended on it. So now that she had all sorts of make-up and the punk gear on, along with her hair all done up, Flannery was ready to go to the show! She hailed a taxi and flew as close to Spikemuth as they dared to. Then she and her two pokemon got out shortly after Flannery paid for the taxi. The young gym leader was so excited she even ran straight to the town with her pokemon right beside her. Thankfully, when she went to the place of the concert, it was just starting. Flannery and her pokemon had a grand time and even joined singing along with the crowd. But once the concert was over, suddenly..the fire spirited gym leader felt a little nervous to even approach Piers. Noticing this, both of her pokeon kept nudging her to get closer to Piers once most of the crowd was gone. “H-hey! Easy! Don’t rip my skirt you silly doggo!” Flannery huffed as she almost tripped over her own feet but thankfully, was able to stop herself before toppling over her idol...who just so happened to be a few feet from her.
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dreamcoredust · 5 years
The Anistar Dance
[So, I want to honor Mooni (ProtoMoons) in some shape and form (and will be shared to Twitter, tagged and all.), I want to release this fan-canon at long last from a long hiatus Nia x Pokemon AU RP I have, and a lot of my experiences (alone) came from watching the anime and playing the game combined. There are a lot of info that will be hard to explain, so if you need a crunch course, please visit the About page!]
Song suggestion to listen before, during or after reading this drabble: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc_ZdCfmwYE
It was the day Nia and her Pokemon team are ready to perform at the Pokemon Performance and earn her Key. Given the last minute research on the culture behind Anistar City, Nia quickly found a idea and change her plans from a typical idol-like performance to one that would fit with the aesthetic and culture of Anistar. She purchased a robe that was made for dancing, and picks her three Pokemon into her team. Estelle the Meowstic, Lysandre the Delphox and Madoka the Sylveon are the Pokemon buddies Nia picks for her performance. Her traveling companions (DTO, Fuga, Jessica, Clemont and Bonnie) are all cheering for her at their seats with glow sticks ready. There is a certain action they can do with these things in tune to the soundtrack Nia picks for her performance. She really needs all of their love an support.
"... and now, contestant No. 6: Nia and her Meowstic, Delphix and Sylveon!"
The lights were turned off at the stadium to only minimal spotlights for safety reasons. The sound track plays on the background, chating a familiar tune from the Anistar gym and psychics meditation facility. The plot twist? DTO had produced a pretty interesting dubstep-inspired track for the Anistar melody! The projection walls around the stage begin to showcase a animated sequence of the Anistar compass itself with the sunset in the background. It was a breathtaking masterpiece, but the eyes are focusing on the idol-girl and Performer on stage, donning in her kimono-inspired robes. Her hair was done with a elaborate hair accessory and is waving a fan while doing a Geisha-inspired dance. The song itself is really slow yet soothing that you can meditate through it. This is Nia's intention after all, and she will build up her show with pleasure and happiness on her face and in her heart.
What made Nia a interesting trainer is that she is able to use telepathy properly on her Pokemon companions, so her way of "commanding a move" is something like (Champion) Diantha's battle style. Estelle the Meowstic uses Psychic to carry Nia over, and Lysandre the Delphox uses Hex with a mixture of Psychic as well to levitate the fireballs to create a elaborate set up like stairs but without Nia stepping on them. While Nia "climbs the stairs" in mid-air and in sync with the song, Madoka the Sylveon uses Misty Terrian to create the "magic" effect around Nia while she fans and dances on her makeshift "psychic" stage. Estelle levitates up to her height and begun to dance alongside with Nia.
People are amazed. Psychic powers are usually full on limit due to the extensive use of stamina. These Pokemon are all well trained to hold up that long!
Nia "climbs down the stairs" and then telepathy told Madoka to use Moon Blast for the full on "night sparkle" effect. This changes the scenery on the projection to a galaxy backdrop and the spotlights begin to dim to reveal Nia's glow in the dark features! (Using blue light effect from the spotlight!) She and the Pokemon are now stood out in surprising color change: The robes had a purple tint with the stars and moon marks around her outfit glows! Her Pokemon also somehow has their accessories match up to the blue light effect with their own stars/moon clips!
"Whoh!! This is amazing!!!" Bonnie cheered. Everyone who is a Nia fan and had the glow sticks begin to slowly rave around left and right like stars! This was all according to Nia's request to her followers (so far)! The judges are very pleased.
Finally, Nia commands one final move: Dephox uses Fire Spin (which Nia uses the TMs to quickly change their move pool) around her as she spins like a top! Madoka and Estelle in unison uses Dazzling Gleam and Psychock combine to surround the fire spin loop until Nia purposes "breaks" the attacks with her fan to create a harmless yet explosive sparkle effect!
Nia and her team finally bowed to her audience, and the hoards of people cheered in joy, pleasure and delight over their uprising Pokeon Performer and idol!
In secret, Olympia (who was one of the judges) is even impressed with Nia's spectacle!
In NIa’s thoughts, she remembered the first and last encounter with a unique Pokemon Trainer... A peace maker in her description. “... If it weren’t for you and your tips on meditation, I wouldn’t have brainstorm something no Performer has done before. Thank you... NaN.”
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