#pol science is dark purple
mayakimayahai · 5 months
Political science is so dark purple
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bigmilk-13 · 4 months
Introducing my Carmen Sandiego OC's: Part 1
Florian Lafayette-Meadows
CS x Alex Rider AU
They have heterochromia (ironic) so they have different eye colours. One eye is a mix of grey and blue with a dark brown around the outside- while the other is grey mixed with forest green.
Character info-
Black (dyed- he used to have blonde hair) hair with purple highlights, 28 years old, 6'0, he/him and they/them pronouns
V.I.L.E Agent who then leaves and creates their own squad. Their codename was the Purple Guy, since they had purple and black hair, and a bit based on William Afton who was also a conman, trickster and murderer. Also, purple was his signature colour.
gay, asexual and transmasc: has been on T ever since he left CSIS, thanks to V.I L.E. Always knew they were trans- has identified as so ever since he was 11. They also knew they were aroace since 11.
Has a boyfriend- Alex Rider (he's two years younger than him)
At first wanted to be a Lawyer or Attorney but changed their mind and instead got a psychology PhD at Harvard University. He also studied political science, criminology and french but only got another PhD in pol-sci.
Insanely smart- like they are a genius. Has an IQ of around 247 and also has photographic memory- meaning if he reads or see's something, he'll remember it vividly.
Their main skill is being a conman and trickster, not loyal to anyone other than themselves. They're also insanely agile, being so fast that no one could ever catch up to them. Blame his parents for making him run track competitively in school. They were the fastest runner in their school's history and won county championships, becoming one of the fastest kids in Canada. He has insane stamina and quick ass reflexes too.
Mother: Raquel Lafayette (later changed to Meadowes)
French but had some Italian and Spanish in-laws.
Sister: Fleur Lafayette (married a Spanish man)
Brother: Blaise Lafayette (Married an Italian man) (yes he's gay)
27 when she gave birth to Florian
32 when she died
Cause of death: Suicide
Fluent in French, English, Italian and Spanish (she learnt the last two while young- she was really smart too)
Father: Christopher Meadowes
Half Swedish-Half Portuguese (mother was Portuguese and father was Swedish, learnt both languages growing up. Moved to Canada and learnt French and English there)
Brother: August Meadowes
Lived in Canada
CSIS agent
28 when Florian was born
32 when he died
Cause of death: V.I.L.E
Fluent in English, French, Portuguese, Latin and Swedish
Backstory- tw: suicide
Well, let's start of at his birth. Florian Lafayette-Meadows, born Florence Meadowes but changed it legally after to include their mother's name and change it to their chosen name, was always a really fucking smart kid. Knew the ABC's, started saying full sentences, started walking, at a really early age. As he grew up, his parents decided that he will be homeschooled by tutors (they were really rich, but tragic ofc)
At the age of 7, Florian's father died because he was killed by a V.I.L.E operative on a mission to stop a caper. We don't know who it was, and what happened for it to lead to his death. Florian never knew that it was V.I.L.E that killed him.
Fast forward a year, Florian's mother is still heartbroken about her husband's death (they were actually a loving family, would you believe it) and her sister, Fleur, was scared about what might happen to Florian if she continued to be so depressed and sad all the time. She barely payed attention to him and just stayed in bed the entire day and cried. She lost her job and everything was falling apart. So Fleur called Blaise, who was living in Italy, and asked him to take Florian, basically adopt him, while she helps her sister get better.
Unfortunately, Raquel doesn't get better and on Florian's 8th birthday hangs herself in the bathroom, tired of it all, just wanting to see Chris again.
Florian doesn't celebrate their birthday anymore after that, in fact, they dread the day and use it as the only day were they can relax, break down, and just cry.
Fast forward, Florian's 11 years old. Using the good old internet they finally find out why they've been feeling as if they were a male the whole time. Looking at everything from the male perspective, dressing masculine, and even cutting their hair to look more like a boy.
They were transgender.
During this time, they were still living in Italy with Blaise and his husband, Raphael. They told him about the LGBT community and kept him educated on all that kind of stuff. Pretty wholesome. But ofc it doesn't last long-
At age 14, turns out CSIS wanted Florian to join them as an teen spy to help with missions that required smaller people. I mean- big ass buff agents wouldn't be able to infiltrate through vents but smaller and younger also buff agents can, right?
And his father was basically training him up for joining CSIS his whole life so in the end he accepted their offer and decided to join, maybe not officially but on contract. They'll use him when necessary.
Florian worked for them till he was -- before being sent undercover to V.I.L.E. They made it look like he stole a hard-drive filled with classified information and used it to their advantage.
He sent it to an important, high classed black-market auction and got an invite as a auctioneer. That's when he met V.I.L.E, who was trying to buy the drive. He bid against them, undercover, to try get them to pay more, and in the end got around £3 million.
Countess Cleo, who was there at the time bidding for the drive, realised that she had been tricked and instead of being angry, invited Florian to join V.I.L.E, to which they gladly accepted. When he joined, Carmen was doing her do-over year and they basically became "enemies at first sight". He was 14 years older than her.
After a year, V.I.L.E wanted them to apply for university, since he was by far their smartest, strongest and most skilled student (broke all the records that Black Sheep set) so they wanted them to have a PhD, which lasted 4 years.
Got into Harvard at --, then got bachelor's in criminology and french. At age --, decided to go for two PhD's in pol-sci and psych, which lasted 4 years. So at --, officially came back to V.I.L.E and worked for two years against his mortal enemy, Carmen Sandiego...
Who then told him that V.I.L.E killed his dad...
Yupppp, your "family" didn't tell you they killed your biological dad so your mortal enemy did. It was like this whole dramatic scene, where Florian had a mental breakdown and left V.I.L.E without saying a word, and disappeared of the face of the Earth.
After a few months, no one can find them, not even Team Red, not even V.I.L.E. Until they contact Carmen and send her a secret address. Turns out that it's a hidden manor, in the middle of nowhere in Austria. Carmen went and everything was explained, this was Florian's home and they had a new team now, called Team Purple, because that was his signature colour. It was similar to Team Red, just definitely filled with older people and a bit more organised. They all lived in the manor together and it seemed like the Purple Guy finally had found a family. Carmen and Florian sorted out their indifferences and became great friends, Florian saying that if she ever needed help, a place to stay or some manpower, that he, his team and the manor was always available for her use.
*Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown starts playing*
Anyyywhooo, welcome to the end!If you've read this far, you deserve a cookie (🍪) and a pat on the back because HOLY SHIT THIS TOOK A WHILE (legit like two weeks). Thank you so much for reading Florian's backstory and I'm sorry if stuff isn't written coherently cos this is NOT BETA READ. I tried making this as realistic as possible, eventhough this dude is essentially a genius. Anyway I won't bore you with my writing anymore, be ready for part 2 and 3- part 2 being my main oc who has her own account btw @official-florence-meadowes
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