#poly kataow
zeddison headcanons because i want them both and i need them back neow
they're both queer (not really a niche headcanon but i'm putting it)
it took zed many months to get over the dog imitation habit
(ignoring the queer headcanon for a sec) addison is the biggest ally to ever ally. like one of those obnoxious allies but it works for her
^full on rainbow cake and celebration when literally anyone comes out, but she'll also be lowkey if requested
they are "me? obsessed with you? yes, yes i am" personified (about each other, ofc)
addison was zed's anchor when it came time to learn how to control his zombie state (similar to kipo and her anchor from kataow)
addison knows enough of the zombie language to have conversations but struggles with pronunciation (i'm slightly projecting with this one i fear)
they're literally always holding hands or linking their arms/pinkies (literally canon)
addison lets zoey dress her up and do her hair, especially after she got her true alien hair
^zed has a whole album of pictures of addison after zoey's makeovers (simply just because he loves them both so much, literally only like 3 were taken for funny reasons)
zed has dyscalculia but thought that it was just a zombie brain issue for the longest time (yes, he's canonically top of his class. yes, i'm giving him dyscalculia. both can be true)
^once he figured out what he had, he had to be practically begged by addison and his friends to ask for accommodations
addison is insanely touch-starved but presents herself like she's not (i definitely feel like dale and missy weren't the most physically affectionate parents, and i assume that angie (her most touchy relative) died when addison was young)
addison is closer to eliza and bonzo than zed is to bree (this is pretty much supported by a handful of scenes in the movies but whatever)
^don't get it confused, zed and bree are still very friendly to each other, as she is addison's best friend and bonzo's girlfriend
addison's baked dessert of choice is muffins, especially fruit muffins
^zed hates the sensation of cooked fruit (we're projecting again) but he eats them anyway to make addison happy
^once addison finds out he doesn't like cooked fruit, she then feels really bad for giving him so many muffins to taste-test and recruits zoey and bonzo instead
zed is greek (at least on his dad's side, due to the "-polis")
zed ends up pursuing a career that does not require more years of school due to his gifted-kid burnout (we all know he has it) being so bad
^addison most likely pursued something in the hospitality industry, became a politician like her mom (but like an actually good one), or became a defense lawyer
^i also feel like addison's the breadwinner of their relationship (not that that matters in the slightest just a thought)
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Mod Frog A.U: Ties and Tears
(Takes place in the a.u where your a human Mod Frog)
Dragonfly riding couldn't be that hard could it? Staring at the tied up bug you knew it was less intelligent than the frogs but still intelligent enough to make some sort of deal. I mean your pretty sure it understood words after all the Mod Frogs were always commanding these things.
Hopefully the food you brought could appease it enough to convince the bug to give you a ride. You needed to get somewhere. FAST.
Looking around and seeing the station was empty you sneak out of the bushes. Approaching the dragonfly it buzzes looking at you as you walk towards it. Making an angry noise you hold out some bread and wait. The insect makes a chittering noise before snatching it from your hands beggining to chew. Coming closer as it eats the food you pet it's head to keep it calm.
"Hey. Hi. I'm not sure you can understand me but your pretty smart. Ummmm so look... I just gave you some food." The dragonfly buzzes it angrily and you swallow. Holding out a bag of berries you jiggle it in the dragonflies face. "Look see? I'm a friend. I'll give you some more if I untie you and you take me where I need to go. Deal?" You ask softly. You continue petting it's head and it pauses before buzzing loudly leaning into your touch.
The dragonfly pulls away and hums staring at the pouch before nodding it's head. Relieved you nod back.
"I'll take that as a yes." Getting on the saddle you cut the rope fully expecting to take off and get to where you need to go. However a tongue wraps around your waist before you can take off. "NO!" Struggling against the Mod frog the dragonfly takes off and with it your chance of meeting the Timber Cats for a trade that could give you rations for months.
Damn it!!! You are not going to that crazy monkey's castle. You've worked too hard to just be traded like some bag of potatoes.
Screeching you turn cutting the tongue with your knife. You sliced the tongue enough to make the frog feel pain and for there to be some blood but not enough to cut it off.
You were resourceful not cruel.
"Hey!" Snapping it's tongue back you take off hand clutching your knife as your breathing becomes ragged. Your hearts pounding at the close capture and your panicked but as you run someone tackles you. Strong arms wrap around you and the Mod frog wrestles you to the ground.
"Get off!" You screech rolling around as they keep you close. Crying out as you drop your knife you wiggle and kick.
"Ugh you again?" They demand and you pause seeing a large toad straddling you. Wait wasn't this Jamack? This mute had been after you for months with his friends! Struggling harder he chuckled keeping your pinned. Growling in frustration he chuckles lookinv you over. "How many times have you escaped?" He questions.
Groaning you get a hand free and push him back forcing him off you. Feeling his grip loosen you break away and take off. If you could just get into the forest you could loose him. Feeling his tongue wrap around you, you scream.
"Let go!" Struggling, for once your luck ran out as you feel a hard knock to your head and your lights go out.
"Hey stay focused!" Snapping out of your trance you shake your head.
That was months ago. You'd been living as an honory Mod Frog since then and funny enough the one who caught you was the one in charge of you know. As you patrolled the skies with Jamack and the others you smiled steering away from the tree you were about to hit. Your dragonfly buzzes at you and you give them a good scratch apologizing for the almost crash.
"Nah!" Harris laughs. "Let them crash their dragonfly it'd be funny." Snorting at his playfulness and insane jest you pull on your dragonflies reins making the insect fly up towards the others.
"Sorry got distracted. Can't beleive this is my last flight as a rookie! I pass probation tonight and get my own tie and everything. You won't be my boss anymore Jamack." You state smirking. Doing a twirl you smile hanging upside down as you look at your friends. You reach your hand out feeling the clouds skim under your hands.
Jamack rolls his eyes adjusting his tie as he stares at you. Probably making sure you don't fall and break your neck. Squinting from this angle upside down he was kinda cute with his grumpy face. He fiddled with his tie and he glared at you.
"Yeah well I'll be glad to get rid of you." He huffs looking away. Flipping back around you huff. He was so mean sometimes. You knew he didn't mean it but still.
"Jamack." Harris states. "They'll still be in our group. They're not going anywhere." He reminded the toad. Snickering Jamack huffs making you laugh. Holding out your hand to congratulate him on the sick burn Harris highfives you as he passed.
Jamack croaked emabrassed looking away as he continued fiddling with his tie.
"I... I KNEW THAT!" Jamack snapped as Harris began laughing widly. Kwat snorts and looking at her she nods at you with her tiny smile. You beam knowing she's proud.
"We better hurry back. Don't wanna be late. Rookie." Jamack hits your shoulder gently and looking at him he nods at you. Sitting up in your saddle feeling giddy you tighten your hands on the reigns before racing forward. Hair flying behind you the wind whistles in your ear as you soar over trees.
"RACE YA THERE!" You challenge and you hear dragonfly wing beats as they chase after you. Smiling you lean forward diving forward with your dragonfly to the lake.
Nervously you swallow. Standing in front of everyone was more nerve wracking than you thought it'd be. Looking around you pause seeing Jamack, Harris, and Kwat in the front row. Jamack was watching you closely arms crossed but smile on his face meanwhile Harris was waving like crazy to get your attention. Kwat rolled her eyes gently smacking the treefrog before nodding at you.
Staring out at the crowd you couldn't beleive you were here. Your not sure how you went from being a prisoner to being one of them but your here now. Clenching your hands to keep them from shaking you turn when you hear fly wings. You look into Mrs. Satori's eyes and she tilts her head. Coming up to you she puts a finger under your chin looking at your face. Grunting the flies go backwards and she hums looking you up and down. Finally she gives you a kurt nod. You sigh thanking Jamack and Kwat for the suit tips as you wanted to look your sharpest when you got your tie.
Beaming as she takes the tie from a box and presents it to you your in awe. Staring at it then you she gives you a small smile.
"(Y/N) (L/N)." Standing at attention as Miss Santori ropes the plain tie around your neck she doesn't tie it yet. Humming thoughtfully she touches your shoulders. "Never in my time running this territory would I think a human would be where you are." She hums. "You have gone above and beyond for the Mod Frogs. Again and again you've proven your loyalty after your capture. You've trudged through mud filled trenches to get supplies. You've taught tadpoles to swim. You've gone out of your way to keep others safe during your patrols, and you have shown exactly where you stand when it came to you or us. Every time you picked the Mod Frogs. Every time. You could have escaped. You could have hurt us from the inside but instead you stand here today with this tie." Turning you around she hops off her flies and stands in front of you so all the Mod Frogs can see. Bending down she nods at you. "You've done good kid. You've done good." Looping the tie and tying it she blinks at you taking her hands off it. The black tie looked like everyone elses and there wasn't nothing special to it but as you wore it you felt pride. "Wear this tie proudly. For you (Y/N) have earned your place among us. And you have earned your tie. Welcome to the Mod frogs." The crowd erupts into applause and as you step off stage Harris tackles you in a hug.
"MOD FROG MOD FROG MOD FROG!" He chants picking you up and you laugh as he spins you around. After he places you down you turn towards Kwat and Jamack. Jamack sniffles and you swear he's crying a bit.
"Jamack you okay?"
"Shut up somethings in my eye." He states frustratedly rubbing them. Your about to tease him but Kwat envelops you in a hug before you can get a jab in.
"Hahaha your one of us now kid!" She yells. Nodding excitedly you squeak as she picks you up placing you on her shoudlers.
"Come on. We got something planned. Let's go." Jamack states walking away as he fiddles with his tie. Kwat hums chuckling under her breath and following after him you swing your feet feeling ecstatic.
You were one of them.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Imagine Being in a Polymorphous relationship with Lio and Song
~ Your a scientist in the burrow. You met Lio and Song in school but never really clicked with them. Emilia and you were close and they never got along with her. You kind of had a small crush on them but it went away as time went on and they got together. They were perfect for eachother and you doubt they wanted you...
~ Years later and your one of the top scientists in the burrow. You Song Lio and Emilia are at the top but Emilias in charge. Emilia thought they were hiding something and knowing you used to be decent friends put you on the Hugo project to spy. You think she's being paranoid but say nothing as you monitor Hugos success rate. So far no mutations or signs of intelligence that surpass normal expectations but you keep Emilia updated so she feels more secure about the project.
~ Slowly as you continue working with them you begin to fall in love with Song and Lio again. You know it's wrong and that their both married to each other and have happy lives together but you feel a pang in your heart knowing that you'll never be apart of that relationship. Lios just so kind and silly. He's very caring and you find yourself blushing when he offers to help carry something a little to heavy for you or asks to help you on your reports. And Song. Songs so strong but also gentle. The way she takes care of Hugo and is always so passionate about her work never fails to fluster you.
~ Soon you come to see Hugo as your baby. As the project continues you make jokes to yourself and Hugo about how Song Lio and you are rasing him and that makes you all a couple. He's a very sweet mandril and although he hasn't shown that he's mutated yet he's obviously a smart monkey.
~ Your feelings get more intense and one day you privately tell Hugo about it. You know he can't understand you and Song and Lio have the day off so it's just you and him. You sway him on your hip and tell him all about your feelings towards them. How strong Song is, how kind Lio is and how smart both of them are. He simply coos and you smile.
~ Later that week you notice Lio and Song being more affectionate around you. A hug that lasts a second longer than usual, Lio being very eager to help you and getting very close, Song complimenting your work. You're getting very flustered from all the attention and aren't sure how to respond.
~ Sometime that week they take you aside and admit that they have feelings for you. It's a dream come true and that night you have your first date in their house.
~ You all chat for hours about your favorite subjects as you have wine. You talk about poetry, the stars, your dreams and hopes for the future. You share your first kiss with them and your relationship slowly starts building.
~ It's been a couple months and it's an accident. You were never supposed to know that Hugo could talk but one day while your cleaning up the lab you sneeze and you hear a distinct bless you. Turning you only see Hugo. Your about to brush it off when you sneeze again and watch him say bless you. You pause. He pauses. Then he starts crying.
~ Once you calm Hugo down he explains how he's been able to talk and understand you for awhile. He told you how he told Song and Lio about the feelings you had for them. You're embarassed you blabbered on like that in front of him but he admits they've done the same thing. He asks you not to tell Song Lio or Emilia however. You want to ask him why but you pause. Emilia was... intense and Hugo was just a kid. An intelligent and very sweet kid.
"I won't tell if you don't."
He smiles and hugs your leg close. You two become closer after that.
~ You do however tell Song and Lio you know about Hugo. You don't want to start your relationship off by lying to them and you don't want Hugo to feel like he's caused a problem. You explain you won't tell Emilia. She may be your friend but they're your partners and they come first now.
~ A week later and you've moved in with them. Hugos abilities are kept a secret but your relationship isn't. Emilia isn't too happy but she accepts it's your choice and wishes you well.
~ Your relationship is sweet and caring as you all love each other and Hugo very much. It's full of late nights reading to eachother while cuddling, serenading each other, cooking together in the kitchen, brainstorming book ideas, writing reports, doing expeirments, and taking care of Hugo. It's a calm and gentle life but soon Emilia will catch on and things won't be as good as they are...
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krazy-kipo · 3 years
Reader making valentine gifts for the mob frogs.........
As you cut your finger on paper you hiss sucking at it. The things you did for love. Finishing up your wrapping not entirely happy with it but more than giddy at the gift you smile. You can't believe how lucky you were to find an uncrushed box of chocolate. You hum holding the green heart you made close hoping they'd like it.
"What do have there?" Harris questions. Stuffing the gift behind a pillow panicked you lean backwards and smile innocently.
"Nothing!" You state keeping your body over the gift to keep it a surprise.
"... Uh huh. Talk to me when you decide to be less weird." Nodding as your cheeks turn red he chuckles at how flustered you are. He tilts his head watching as Kwat and Jamack walk in. Than stops as they look at the both of you confused.
"Oh what did you do now? Humans are so fragile." Speed walking over to you Kwat grabs your bleeding finger. "Jamack get the kit." She orders. As Jamack leaves he grumbles something out of frustration making you blush.
"Oh I didn't even notice that!" Harris said before bending down to observe the bleed. "What did you do?" He demands putting his hand under Kwats to get a better look. The cut stung a bit sure, but it wasn't the worst scratch you'd ever gotten.
"Well actually I ummmm..." Trying to think of how to give them the present Jamack runs back in with medical supplies. Ready to bandage you, you pull your hand away. "It's a scratch don't waste medicine on me or worry about it. We need to talk about something else anyways." You hum and they all stiffen.
The Mod frogs stare at you concerned and deciding it's time to change the subject you reach behind your back and pull out the surprise gift.
"Happy Valentines?" You question with a smile as the frogs give you blank looks. Finally a breath of relief is let out by all of them as they begin laughing. Getting a smack on the leg from Kwat and a kiss on the head from Harris as Jamack keeps laughing you blink confused. Did they not like it?
"That was the worst way ever to phrase your giving us a gift. I thought it was a breakup." Jamack teases and your blush deepens as Kwat takes the candy looking over the green heart box.
"Thank you love that was very sweet of you." Harris states giving you another smooch.
"Hey quit hogging them for yourself." Kwat states making Jamack chuckle harder. As they began to bicker over who your favorite is and who gets to give you a gift in return first you smile sucking on your bleeding finger.
This Valentine's was perfect.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Being a Human Mod Frog
~ You've evaded them for months. They don't know how. They don't like it. But soon it becomes a kind of game. Harris, Kwat, Jamack, even Mrs. Sartori want to catch you first. All the Mod frogs think your this huge prize and try to set up traps and take watch to find you. The Mod Frogs love a challenge and you are defiently a challenge.
~ The longer that you steal and the longer these small heists go on the less you become less a nuisance and more of a regular occurrence they come to expect and sometimes even enjoy. You don't steal anything super valuable and you actually start swapping things out. You take food but you leave shiny crystals or you steal a weapon but leave something of value.
~ At first they believe your a mute cause your so damn smart and they begin making bets and theorizing. A ton of them think your a wild frog while others think your a cat or something else but as time goes on they realize you may not be a mute.
~ It's Jamack who finally catches you and he's smug until he realizes your a human. Confused toad. You end up cutting yourself out of the net and trying to book it but he tongue knabs you and he knocks you out.
~ When you wake up Harris is guarding you with Kwat as Jamack speaks to the boss. He's greeted by a lot of loud curses and struggling as you try and untie the ropes knots.
~ Harris begins laughing. You get your hands free and tackling him you start choking him before Kwat pulls your screaming and kicking form off. Harris is blushing as he rubs his neck. You went ape shit and for a non mute it was kinda hot...
~You're in raggy clothing but your hair and face look clean. You clearly take care of yourself well and your very fit. Harris and Kwat gotta admit your a cute human.
~ Jamack comes back ready to take you to Scarlemagne and you look PISSED. Jamack is actually kind of impressed. For montha you evaded the Mod Frogs. The MOD FROGS. That doesn't happen when their actively pursing you. Especially a human.
~ You try and cut a deal. You've seen what Scarlemagne does to humans and it's not good. You have a mind, a soul, and you want to continue to use them not just be some puppet for a mad monkeys amusement.
~ You ask to see Mrs. Sartori talk to her herself and make a case. Kwat and Harris are unsure since Kwat is holding you back from escaping. Jamack doesn't like the idea but Mrs. Sartori hears you.
"What can a human offer ME?"
"Well I did steal for you for months. Pointers for one. Experience for another."
~ You get a laugh for that one. After explaining your use, Mrs. Sartori goes what the hell? You're pretty useful and Scarlemagne has enough humans maybe it'd be fun to have a pet. So on a trial bias you join the Mod frogs. You know your kept on close watch so you don't try and escape. You could but there's no point. You do your job you get food, shelter, hell even your own fancy suit. You're set and see no reason why you shouldn't stay as long as your welcome.
~ Your job consists of stealing from other territories without being traced back to the frogs, scavenging and finding things they need, and telling the Mod frogs where you've sighted humans for them to go finish the job. You quickly get a small name for yourself in the Mod frog ganag and the Mod Frogs come to except you as one of their depsite you not being a frog or toad.
~ Jamack is kind of your boss for awhile. He's in charge of you since he caught you type of deal. Mrs. Sartori is surprisingly netrual about you and doesn't seem to have intentions of turning you in. Once Jamack realizes your staying and it wasn't just empty words you were using to escape little by little he grows attached.
~ He teaches you to ride a dragondly. As a Mod frog it's their main way of transportation so you'll need to learn. He tries not to think of how good your arms feel around him as you cling to him or how your excited smile makes him croak and blush embarassed. He almost looses his composure when you get a chance to drive because you like it fast and fun. You race over the water dragging your hand through the water laughing the entire time. Jamack realizes his may have caught ugh... feelings and God help him because now he looks at you and his heart goes soft.
~ You have this way about you Jamack loves. Sassy so you can keep up with his sharp wit but you listen when you need too and really take his advice and suggestions to heart. You follow orders really well and he sees your dedication and talent. You remind him of him and something about that makes it harder to repress his feelings.
~ After being a Mod frog a few weeks and going on missions for him he realizes hard and fast oh no he LIKES you. It's all over when you notice his ties crooked and you untie it and retie it adjusting it for him. His face goes all red and the simple but sweet act leaves you cemented as a potential partner in his brain. He struggles with these feeling but he knows he'd take a hit for you because you would do the same for him. He's not chasing off these feelings any time soon.
~ Jamack gets teased relentlessly about his crush on the human but in all honestly a lot of the Mod frogs really like you too they just don't know how to tell you. Jamack gets pretty jealous but he keeps his composure. He may get red faced and huffy when someone mentions his affections for the humans but if he flips the script they react the same way. You just have that effect on people.
~ Harris loves you. From your first meeting to actually joining the Mod frogs he's very friendly and open towards you. Something about seeing you go batshit feral after coming to think of you as a restrained and stealthy thief flipped a switch in his brain and he admires your strength and passion. You're very talented and are proud of your accomplishments. That confidence makes you so beautiful.
~ He loves your sass just as much as Jamack and loves throwing playful insults because you toss them right with a smile and laugh. Nothing about you is mean or cold and it's so refreshing. The Mod Frogs scream hostile vibes but you, your kind and true to yourself unafraid to show affection or give compliments. You say something about his stripes on his back and neck once being pretty and his heart nearly explodes. Just you're very genuine and kind and Harris, he's not used to that.
~ He loves privately sparring with you and hates when Jamack or Kwat come in and ruin it. It becomes a tiny tension in the group as they all want you but are too stubborn to admit it. It doesn't help that you are completely oblivious too their intentions since you don't understand how they court.
~ Kwat is more reserved with her emotions than the boys. She's pretty cold so it can be hard to know what she's thinking but really she's just nervous to talk too you. You're so cool and unapologetically kind and your tie is always crooked yet you always fix their ties when their crooked because you know how much it means to them.
~ All in all these frogs are a mess. They can not handle you and how kind and sweet and smart you are. Your good at your job, passionate about what you do, and dedicated to the frogs because they gave you a chance and a home. The Mod frogs accpeted you and in turn you accepted them. You don't know that Jamack, Harris, and Kwat like you but someday soon you will.
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