#polyphemous moth caterpillar
frenchifries · 2 years
boss: alright, time to leave the playground. come on everyone. kids: *squatting in a circle on the ground* boss: what is everyone looking at? it's time to go. francesca, help me gather everyone please. me: *has already joined the squatting circle because there's a cool caterpillar*
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donswildlife-blog · 7 years
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monarch butterfly recently emerged monarch caterpillar oblong-winged katydid polyphemous moth caterpillar polyphemous moth praying mantis twelve-spotted skimmer dragonfly walking stick
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malaesthetic · 6 years
okay I’ve been having a lot of mini-dreams lately
a grotesque, horrifying woodpecker chick that was essentially just an adult woodpecker but without feathers... just watched it peck at a tree for a bit.
found two caterpillars, put them each in their own tank. one of them looked like a monarch caterpillar and it immediately went into its chrysalis, and I was like “should be in their for about a week” and then it came out right away (like w/i 45 dream-minutes) and it was a polyphemous moth. I went to go look up what they eat, and when I checked on the other tank along the way, the caterpillar in there had chrysalis-ed and turned into... a little brownish-red bird? and was trying to eat our gecko.
also I woke up from this one, looked over, and thought that the lamp I recently moved to my bedroom was an old man leaning over me... Not Good
my adviser told me to write an abstract for something. not interesting except it was so vivid that I had to ask him about it next time I saw him.
my new glasses came and my roommate told me they looked terrible.
a group of us grad students were trying to study plants for a big exam, but I lost the notes. somebody said she thought she saw them in the weird office on the far side of the building, and it was usually unlocked... but this time it wasn’t, so we broke in and didn’t even find the notes.
I was sitting in a chair, and my Grandma was sitting across from me, but really close. Her hair was longer than I’ve ever seen it, and she was urgently telling me important things. I wish I remembered any of them.
I was in some kind of group therapy setting with my roommate and a couple other people, led by my actual therapist. She brought something up and I started crying and my roommate kept trying to get me to tell him what was wrong, but I couldn’t say anything.
A friend from home was at NDSU for some reason, and also this other woman we went to high school with, and they were complaining about student loan debt. The rando was saying how she can’t go back to school because it costs $500 an hour. I was like “oh that sucks, my master’s is free...”
There was another one with that same friend from high school, but I don’t recall the details.
These are built up from like, a good while. There are others that I’ve forgotten to write down.
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donswildlife-blog · 7 years
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You may remember this huge moth, which I emailed recently. Well I found the larva. This occurred at Skunk's Misery on the same day that the walking stick found me. I thought they would make an odd couple.
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