ghost-in-the-hall · 4 months
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) - Part VIII
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Welcome back to part 8 of Fall For Me! A strange dream, reader goes to camp, and more sweet moments with the eepy Bois this chapter! Thank you so much for reading, if you'd like to be added/removed from the tag list please let me know!
WARNINGS: Brief mention on hunting practices NOT PROOFREAD
Part VII - Part IX
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link! ~ Tip Jar!
When you woke up your head felt like it was in a fog, the edges of your vision slightly blurry as you looked around the room. Your bare feet dropped to the floor, you shivered as you stood from your bed, it was a lot colder in here than you remember it being. You paused at your doorway, something wasn't right. Despite the fact you had crossed the entire expanse of your bedroom there wasn't a single creaking floorboard or footstep to be heard. You look back at your bed only to find your body still laying there. “What the hell?” You mutter softly to yourself. You walk over to your still sleeping form, your shoulders rising and falling with every even breath as you lie motionless beneath the covers.
“Don't worry, you'll be able to re enter your body when we're done here.” You jumped at the sudden voice that seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere at the same time. Its tone is both a whisper and a deafening howl, the sound high pitched and somehow also impossibly low.
“God?” You ask with a confused expression.
The voice laughs, “I guess you could say that.” The silence that surrounded you was deafening as the voice faded out, it was so quiet you could hear your blood rushing in your ears, no ambient sound existed in whatever plane you had been snatched into. “Trust in Vessel, he’ll show you the way.”
You shot up in bed with a sharp gasp, your lungs burning like you had been holding your breath. Your alarm was blaring on your night stand, 8 in the morning, you had an hour until you opened. You got out of bed, listening carefully for the sound of your footsteps against the floor to make sure you really had returned from wherever the hell you had gone in your dreams. “I'm going crazy, I'm actually losing my mind.” You argue with your reflection in the mirror. “Some mysterious voice coming from my subconscious about trusting Vessel, of course I trust him. But what the hell is the way he's supposed to be showing me?” You decided to drop it for now with an annoyed groan, flying through your morning routine and jogging downstairs just as 9 o'clock rolled around. The day flew by, the steady stream of customers helping to distract you from the weird dream you had. You were just about to lock the door when the all too familiar pickup truck pulled into the lot. You smiled, pushing the door open and leaning against it as you waited to see just who had stopped by to visit tonight. You were a bit surprised to see II jump out of the cab unaccompanied, usually when he was sent to make supply runs he always had one of the others in tow. He strides over to you, reaching out to pull you into an embrace the moment you were close enough.
“I have a question for you.” He states softly once he pulls back, his hands still resting comfortably on your waist.
“And what might that be?” You smile, subconsciously leaning into him.
“Would you be comfortable coming back to camp with me?” You paused the moment the question fell from his lips. “Vessel already knows I'm inviting you, he's the one that brought it up in fact.” II chuckles, knowing exactly where your mind had wandered.
“I would love to.” He waits patiently for you to lock up, his hand slipping into yours, giving it a gentle squeeze as the two of you chat idly on your way back to the truck. You slid across the worn leather bench seat, II hopping behind the wheel not long after. He wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning in to press a clothed kiss to your cheek.
“Are you warm enough?” You nod, letting your head fall to rest against his shoulder as he starts driving. His thumb languidly trailed back and forth across your shoulder, every so often he would glance down at you to see if you were still awake. You wound down endless back roads, slowly pushing your way down paths that had long since been forgotten until the group had ventured this far out into the woods. II attempted to dodge raised roots and potholes without much success, the makeshift road being filled with craters that rattled the pair of you around in the cab. You were thankful when the dirt path finally smoothed out, the trees opening up to reveal a large clearing with four cabins evenly spaced out around the circle. You recognized minimal details of it from the pictures you had seen in the paper. The cabin opposite the entrance was surrounded by flower beds of various sizes and states of growth, some containing a painter's palette of wildflowers, others filled with various crops that seemed to be growing very successfully. “That's IV’s cabin.” II must've noticed your impressed stare. “I will warn you though, if you compliment him on his gardening it will make him really flustered, so do with that information what you will.” He chuckles.
“Do you all have different jobs?” You ask curiously, II nods his confirmation.
“IV is the main one in charge of produce. III’s a fairly decent hunter, that's where we get the majority of the meat we eat. I’m in charge of the finances.” He lists off everyone's role around the camp. “And Vessel… well he's our spiritual advisor for a lack of a better term.” He chuckles. He pulls the truck up alongside a cabin that was more set back from the rest, it's dark wood almost blending in with the treeline.  “He’s in the middle of something, I'll take you to IV.” He smiles at you. He motions for you to wait, jogging around the front of the truck to open your door for you. He bows his head slightly as he offers his hand, you can't help but laugh softly at his actions.
“What a gentleman.” You grin at him.
“For you, only the best.” He winks. Your hand slips into his, his skin cool against yours. His eyes stay locked on your form as you hop down from the truck, the moment your feet hit the ground he's tugging you into his side, wanting to keep you as close as possible. “I'd like to be able to spend some time alone with you later, if that's alright.” The corners of your mouth quirk up in a smile at the slight nervousness you picked up in his voice. You glance up at him, pulling your bottom lip between your teeth before pushing yourself up to place a kiss to his cheek.
“I'd love to.” You whisper in his ear with a coy smile. Your attention was stolen by IV calling your name from across the clearing. II places a hand against the small of your back, gently nudging you in his direction. You meet him in the middle, giggling as he flings his arms around you and spins you in a hug.
“I missed you.” His eyes crinkle as he smiles, you found your cheeks growing warmth at the genuine joy in his voice.
“You did?” You ask softly.
“Yeah.” Goosebumps rise on your skin as you feel him gently knead at the softness of your waist. His eyes nervously dart from yours, tracing over a pattern he had found in the grass as he sucks in a deep breath. “I, um, I didn't get to say everything I wanted to you the other day.” You waited patiently for him to continue, seeing how nervous he was about choosing exactly the right words was honestly endearing in your eyes. “Do you think we could sit down and talk?”
“Of course we can, wherever you like.” You smile softly at him. He hesitantly removed his hand from your waist, carefully taking your hand and studying your reaction to make sure he wasn't doing too much too quickly. He led you to his cabin, shutting the door behind him and watching you with delight as you looked around curiously at all the small knick knacks and trinkets he had littered around the small space. His heart races when his eyes meet yours, he would never get tired of seeing the way your whole face lit up when you smiled.
“I want you to know that I really like you.” He blurts out, unable to stop the confession from coming out. “I might not be as experienced as the others, and I might take things slowly, but that's just because I don't want to mess this up.” His bright blue eyes scan over your features as he waits for you to respond.
“IV, I'm not worried about moving too slow or too fast, or whether or not you're experienced. I think you're very sweet, handsome, fun,” every compliment was punctuated with you taking another step closer to him. “I like you too, I want to see where things go, and I'm very excited to see how we get there.” He breathes out a relieved chuckle.
“I just don't want you to think that I'm not as interested as the others.” His arms slide around your waist, your instinctually slipping over his shoulders as he pulls you into him. His fingers ghost over your cheek, you lean into his touch, allowing him to carefully cradle your face in his hand. “You're so beautiful, every moment I've gotten to spend with you has been nothing short of amazing.” Your cheeks grow warm as he continues his assault of compliments. He seemed relieved to have gotten that off his chest, the usual playful glimmer returning to his expression.
“Well, I look forward to spending more time with you.” His gaze dropped to your lips for a moment before he hesitantly pulled away. He clears his throat, his eyes trailing to the window.
“Did you get to see the garden at all?” He asks, a slight nervous tremor in his voice.
“A little, but I'd love to see it up close. You have a very impressive green thumb IV.” He taps the toe of his boot against the cabin floor.
“It's nothing special.” He rebuttals bashfully. “But, it's definitely a lot better than what we started out with.” He starts to head towards the door, your hand slipping effortlessly into his as you trailed after him. He brought you to the edge of the flowerbeds, wrapping an arm around your shoulder to keep you close to his side as he pointed to all the various different types of produce and flowers he was growing, slipping in small fun facts every so often.
“I don't know how you can say this isn't anything special IV, this is incredible. You've really done an amazing job.” He froze, swallowing thickly as he looked down at you.
“Thank you, love.” He says softly. A soft smile finds its way to your lips as you watch his eyes slowly trace over your features. “Can I take you on a date sometime?” You can't help but giggle at the question.
“I would love that.” You feel him squeeze your waist, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he returns your smile. You both jumped slightly as someone shouted from across the field. II had III in tow, the taller man dropping off his pack of hunting supplies before quickly making his way over to you. IV leans down, placing a kiss to the top of your head before stepping away. You smiled as III approached, your heart immediately pounding in your chest at the sight of the streaks of sweat that had broken down his black body paint. You were unable to stop your gaze from raking across his exposed torso. Your cheeks grew warm as your eyes snapped back up to meet his, immediately noticing the playful glimmer in his expression. You nearly stumbled backwards as III’s long strides quickly landed him right in front of you, a strong hand landing on your waist to steady you as he caught your chin between his fingers with the other. Your eyes dart to anywhere but his, trying your best to hide your flustered state.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.” He chuckles. “How are you beautiful?” You manage to squeak out a ‘good’ in response. III leans down, the fabric of his mask soft against your skin as he presses a kiss to your forehead. “Have you shown her around at all?” He asked IV, his hand still lingering on your waist as he pulled away.
“Just a bit of the garden.” IV responds.
“Think we should give her the grand tour?” II suggests.
“I don’t see why not.” IV immediately perks up at the idea. You reach out, taking hold of IV’s hand, giving him a coy smile as you cuddle up to his side.
“Well, lead the way boys.” II and III share an amused look over IV’s surprised expression. It takes him a moment before he finally relaxes, giving your hand a gentle squeeze before he brings your knuckles to his lips.
It had been less than a year since they had arrived in town and the progress they had already made at their camp was nothing short of incredible. IV had grown a whole storehouse of crops, all of which were expertly preserved in order to maintain the four of them easily throughout the winter and early spring. You learned that he was hoping to learn how to make preserves out of the vast amounts of berries in the area. III showed you some of his easier to navigate hunting trails, explaining that he only hunts as needed and how important to him it is to use the entire animal whenever possible. The four of you wandered down trails, each of them pointing out spots where they would like to go to read or play music. “We should plan a day to hike out to the lake.” IV suggests.
“Maybe next summer, it’s a little too cold for that now.” II responds. “I definitely think we should at some point though, I really think you’d like it there.” You smile as III places a kiss to the top of your head, his presence at your side immediately being replaced by II who wrapped his arm around your shoulders as you continued walking. You had noticed how the three of them almost seemed to be taking turns being next to you, the thought alone was enough to make butterflies erupt in your stomach.
“I was wondering where you all went.” Your heart immediately began to race at the sound of Vessel’s voice. You turn to find him leaning in the doorway of his cabin, “love, would it be alright if I stole you for a second?” He nods for you to follow him inside his cabin.You swallow thickly, feeling nervous despite the fact you knew you had to reason to worry. You’re snapped from your thoughts by II pressing a kiss to your cheek.
“I’ll go start dinner while you’re in there.” He gives you a gentle nudge in Vessel’s direction, prompting you forward. He towered over you from his position leaning in the doorway, offering you his hand once you were in reach and guiding you inside. The inside of his cabin was simple; a small wooden desk with a chair sat in front of the window, a perfectly made bed with black sheets sat against the opposite wall, the large piece of furniture the focal point of the room. Across the room from where you stood you noticed a bookshelf tucked into the corner, the shelves filled with journals, textbooks, and various decks of cards. You could feel Vessel studying you, he watched your body language carefully, trying to gauge exactly how you were feeling in this very moment.
You jumped as he suddenly shut the door, a soft chuckle escaping him at the sight. “There’s no need to be so tense, love.” He steps up to your side, trailing a finger along the edge of your jaw as he leans down close to your ear. “I’m not that scary, am I?” He purrs, sending a shiver down your spine.
“I’m just a little on edge today, I guess.” You laugh softly.
“And why’s that?” He keeps you close to him as he moves. Settling himself on the edge of his bed, his hands coming comfortably to rest on the curve of your waist as he holds you in front of him. You feel his fingers gently push into you, moving you closer to him without much effort. The front of your thighs presses against the edge of his plush mattress, Vessel’s long legs caging you in on either side. You still had to look up slightly to be face to face with him, knowing you had met his eyes behind the slits of his mask as your heart began to pound in your chest.
“I have a feeling you already know the answer to that.” Your voice trembled as you spoke.
“Smart girl,” he praises, “I see you’re putting the pieces together quickly.” He ponders over what to say for a moment, carefully selecting each word in his mind. “He spoke to you last night, didn’t he?”
“Vessel, what was that?” You answered his question with your own.
“That was Sleep.” He states simply. A bewildered expression formed on your face, Vessel continued speaking before you had a chance to ask any questions. “I for the life of me can’t figure out how to even begin telling you about Sleep.” He admits with a bashful chuckle. “I hate to keep you in the dark, but can I please ask you to wait just a little while longer?” The booming voice echoed in the back of your mind. ‘Trust in Vessel, he’ll show you the way.’ 
“I trust you.” Your voice comes out barely above a whisper.
“When the time is right I’ll tell you everything, you have my word.” He promises, his hand gently cupping your cheek, his thumb trailing slowly across your skin. The cool material of his mask comes to rest against your forehead. He just held you for a moment, both of you relaxing into the comfortable silence that surrounded you. “I shouldn’t keep you too long, the others will throw a fit.” He says quietly, both of you dissolving into soft laughter.
“Vessel,” he hums in response to you saying his name.
“What is it, love?”
“I really enjoyed our time together the other night.” He froze, seeming almost dumbfounded by the words that had left your mouth.
“You did?” His response comes out timidly, as if he was dancing around those two simple words, worried it was the wrong thing to say. “Maybe… Maybe we could do something like that again sometime then.”
“I’d like that.” You smile softly at him.
Your fingers remained linked with his as he led you across the clearing, the other three members of the group working quickly to make sure everything was set up by the time you reached the table. You were handed a plate of something you didn’t recognize, but it tasted good. Your night became a blur of stolen kisses on your cheeks and laughter that easily bubbled up from your chest. “I believe II had something planned for the two of you tonight.” Vessel suddenly chimes in. “I think we should probably give them some privacy, boys.” He suggests with a patient smile. They each say their respective goodbye’s; IV pressing a chaste kiss to your cheek, telling you he’ll see you soon before darting off to his cabin, III pulls you flush against him, lifting his mask just enough to capture your lips with his own. He mumbles a quiet ‘goodnight’ against your lips, his hand lingering on the curve of your waist as he pulls away. You turned to face Vessel, he held out his hand for you to take. “I’ll walk you.” It didn’t take you long to see that II had snuck off to set up a fire, a log pulled the perfect distance away from the flames to sit on. “It looks like you’re in for a nice evening.” You could feel his eyes studying you from behind his mask. “It’s a shame we have to part ways.”
“We still have a couple minutes.” Your eyes dart down to his lips momentarily.
“It almost sounds like you don’t want me to leave.” He responds with a lopsided grin.
“I don’t.” Vessel presses a knuckle below your chin, tilting your face up to allow him the chance to study your features closely.
“Trust me love, if I had it my way I already would have stolen you for myself.” He chuckles, his thumb swiping over your bottom lip. “We’ll have our time… I’ll make sure of it.” He whispers. He cradles your face gently in his hand, his eyes wandering over your features in silence for another moment before he speaks again. “II, make sure she gets home safely.” You hadn’t noticed until Vessel had startled him that II had wandered back in your direction. “Have a good night, beautiful.” A pair of warm lips press against your forehead, and just like before, as quickly as he was there he was gone. A sense of longing ached deep in your chest, one that was quickly pushed down as II’s hands came to rest on your waist. He gently turns you to face him, hand cupping your cheek as his lips ghost over yours. Your eyes flutter shut, your racing thoughts coming to a screeching halt as you let the kiss consume you.
“I’ve been waiting all day to do that.” II mumbles against your lips with a soft chuckle. Heavy, warm fabric is draped across your shoulders, your fingers instinctually reach up to rub along the edge of the thick denim jacket. “I wanted to make sure you were warm enough. It’s a nice night, but it still gets pretty cold out here.” You found yourself cuddled into his side, the campfire keeping you comfortable despite the chill in the air. II excitedly pointed out every constellation he recognized, filling your mind with tales of adventure, the bravest heroes, the most passionate of love stories. “Right there, that’s Andromeda. She’s famous for nearly being eaten by a sea monster because her mother tried to say she was more beautiful than the sea nymphs.” You can’t help but laugh slightly at the absurd story.
“Well, what do you think?” II gives you a curious glance. “Was she prettier than the sea nymphs?”
“She definitely wasn’t as pretty as you.” You stuttered out a shocked sound in response, your cheeks immediately growing warm. “You’re really bad at accepting compliments.” He points out bluntly, a hint of a smile in his tone.
“I’m just not really used to getting them I guess.” You admit with a bashful chuckle.
“You’re unfortunately going to have to get used to that then.” He glances down at you, his bright blue eyes meeting yours and freezing you in place. “You’re beautiful, I’m not about to let you forget that.”
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amourtoken · 4 months
Here's a thought for u that just got beamed into my brain by an evil unknown force anyway none of you saw this pretend it isn't real
Sleep Token is collectively into free use. Like they've all come to this silent agreement with eachother involving you.
They're used to using you wherever, whenever, however.
You could be on iv's lap, grinding against him and whining for some help but he's scrolling his phone on the couch next to Vessel who doesn't mind, in fact he has a hand reached over and is gently caressing your thighs as if nothing is happening.
Youre settled on your knees between ii's legs at the edge of the bed while iii is taking a nap on the other side. He knows what you're up to but doesn't mind the company. If he were awake he'd probably join you two.
Vessel has on more than one occasion settled next to you on the couch so you were between him and iii and pulled you into his lap so iii could eat you out properly. None of it was planned but it's a team effort whenever they wanna play with you.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 month
Upcoming Fics!!
Hello hello!! It is time for another update! Let's see what we got cookin' today! What are you most excited to see?
Right Beside You (Vessel x Fem! Reader) FLUFF request - Vessel brings Reader a gift from camp, she invites him inside only for the storm, that was projected to hit later that day, rolls in even earlier than she had expected. Vessel attempts to comfort her all while the pair struggle to not get flustered in their close proximity. Cuteness ensues.
Troubled Waters (Iceburg x Fem! Reader) FLUFF/SMUT - thank you to @lunar-cherries for the name, oh my god it was eating me alive not knowing what to title this - Reader returns home to Water7 after years of spending her life at sea in order to try and run from the pain of her past. Upon arriving back on the island she quickly runs into Iceburg, who she had hoped to apologize to after all this time. After being reunited Reader quickly realized that Iceburg is the same man that she has called one of her best friends and that she was still as madly in love with him as the day she left.
Alone With You (William Afton x Fem! Reader) pt. 3 - @ruh--roh-raggy - much to Will and Henry's dismay, Reader gets reacquainted with an old familiar face from Freddy's. Sara, sensing her husband was hiding something about what had happened in the restaurant the day prior, decides to swing by. Noticing how she's staring at Will like a love sick puppy, offers to take Reader out on a girls day, and to offer her a supportive nudge into Will's arms. Fluff and silliness ensue as Will and Henry scramble to try and figure out just what the hell the two women are up to.
Fall For Me (Poly! Sleep Token x Fem! Reader) pt. 10 - After a stressful visit from an unexpected visitor, Reader and the boys try to think of a way to be less intimidating to the town. Famer IV makes a come back, lots of big strong Eepy's coming this chapter, more details to come...
Sweet Tooth (Dentist! Steve Raglan x Fem! Reader) request - @ruh--roh-raggy not going to turn into a smut but definitely going to be very suggestive!! I just gotta say, I love this idea and I'm sorry it's taken me so long to getting around to working on this! What if Steve Raglan was your dentist? More details to come...
Untitled Dave Miller Smut - @ruh--roh-raggy - Dave's nasty, he's gross, he might be a vampire? Pretty much porn no plot. Again thank you @yellowbunnydreams for her feral Dave, chewing on him like a squeaky toy while I write this.
The Baptism (Charles Greywolf x Fem! Reader) SMUT - The third installment of The Sacrilege Series! Upon deciding to fully become a member of the Church, Reader has to be baptized. Father Charles, sensing her anxiety over having so many eyes on her, offers to help alleviate her nerves however he can. The pair find themselves alone in the ceremonial pool where Reader confesses her feelings for Charles, feeling guilty about falling in love with her mentor.
My first original story! - More details to come as I am going to make a poll about this, please vote! I would love to know which one you would like to see first!
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amourtoken · 4 months
So ultimately Sleep Token threesome pairings won the poll *however* I don't think yall would mind polytoken either so there's gonna be a bit of that strewn about through here
*nsfw below the cut, MDNI*
CW: threesomes, some aggressive behaviors, dom/sub dynamics, gross eepy men, breeding, raw sex (don't be like me), oral (both recieving), DP, light bondage, cum play, primal play if u squint, anal and general filth
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to start off, here's my personal favorite three way pairings with them:
♡ this one is a LOT.
♡ they're both insanely possessive and touchy, dominant headspaces cloud their brain and all they can piece together is you're theirs and theirs only. Theirs to care for, spoil, fold in half and pump full of cum, just theirs.
♡ when these two are sharing you, you don't have to lift a finger. They're here to make you feel good! They get off on watching you get off.
♡ Vessel typically takes a leading position in every aspect of his life, this is no different. Although iv is very dominant himself, he'll follow the lead started by Ves and share his thoughts on occasion. Sometimes they have full conversations about what they'd like to do to you while you're inches away, and they just carry on as though you're not in the room.
♡ Vessel loves having you cuddled against him while iv plays with your body like he owns it. He'll hold you in his lap, praise you profusely and manipulate your body in whichever way would benefit iv the most. He's also not against restraining you while iv overstimulates you to hell and back, reprimanding you for squirming.
♡ iv adores this dynamic, sees it as a great opportunity to spend time with both his best friend and love of his life. A little unconventional I guess but it doesn't matter. When you're sat on Vessel's lap, legs hooked over his arms to give iv perfect access to your pussy? Nothing else matters.
♡ these two take their mf time. They'll touch every single square centimeter of you before getting to the actual sex. They want to unravel you, get you whining for friction and complaining impatiently so they can make you eat your words. You'll tolerate an hour of feather light teasing to be folded into a mating press and crying the next minute. Vessel is usually the first to give in cause he just can't help himself.
♡ I said the other was a lot, it's nothing compared to this ok
♡ Vessel takes the main dominant role here, maintaining control over both you and iii. He fucking thrivessss in this pairing.
♡ there's so many possibilities here but Ves can't help but enjoy watching his two subs put a show on for him. He'll sit back and instruct the two of you on what acts he'd like to see. It's almost a sort of foreplay to him even though it's actual play to you both in the moment.
♡ sometimes he's instructing you to suck iii's cock and will make you stick your tongue out to prove you swallowed all his cum, other times he's critiquing iii's movements while he's eating you out from your place on Vessel's lap. it's not very often he lets iii outright fuck you but sometimes if he really wants a show, it's like letting a rabid dog off a leash once he tells iii he's allowed. He'll almost tackle you to throw your legs over his shoulders and start a messy rhythm, groaning loudly cause you feel so good around his achingly hard cock.
♡ if Vessel isn't looking for theatrics, he's gonna play with both of you. His favorite thing in the world is having you both play with his cock at the same time. Whether it's both of you running your tongues up and down his length or one focusing on the tip while the other massages his balls he doesn't care he's just happy to recieve the attention. He's fucking gross, and really enjoys watching you and iii make out after he cums either in one of your mouths or all over both of your faces. He'll stare in admiration at you both.
♡ Vessel has absolutely made iii eat you out after he's filled you with his cum js
♡ tbh this might be the most lol
♡ this pairing makes you feel like you're being hunted for sport (and ultimately, they feel like you're a little prey animal)
♡ they'll stand over you, nearly stalking you like a literal predator. It makes your knees weak and your head spin. There's not as much chatter as there is between iv and Vessel here, it's mostly straight to the point. Due to this, it's a little less coordinated but much more primal and messy.
♡ ii is more insensitive in this group since iv makes up for it.
♡ there have been many occasions where you're laying on top of iv, with ii above you, and both are teasing the head of their cock against your pussy and seeing who's gonna fit inside you first. With great effort, they both will. Sometimes one will take your ass and one will focus on your pussy but they can't help but enjoy a challenge on occasion. ii is so fucking thick it's definitely just that.
♡ sex toys lol these two loveee playing with you like a literal doll, just tolerating everything they put you through. Iv will have your hands tied behind your back and a vibrator held against your clit while ii is working a set of anal beads in and out of you. You're drooling and whining and they're just watching your brain melt above you.
♡ hope you're ready to be the most exhausted you've ever been lol
♡ typically, there's an almost pre arranged order of positions here. Vessel gets to choose first, it's not like they necessarily had a conversation about it but everyone happily falls in line behind him.
♡ by this I mean Ves is gonna fill you up first. The others can figure it out from there.
♡ while Vessel is fucking you, your head is leaned off the edge of the bed, perfect for iv to fill your throat. Vessel loves reaching up and resting his hand against your throat so he can feel iv stretching you out.
♡ while they're going at it, ii and iii are enjoying your hands. It's a little uncoordinated but feels nice regardless. If there's room, iii is for sure teasing your nipples and leaving dark ass hickeys anywhere he can reach. ii would for sure reach between you and Ves to play with your clit, making you twitch and whine pathetically.
♡ ii might also try and join iv, the two of them taking short turns fucking your throat or both of them rubbing the tips of their cocks against your tongue, making a huge sticky mess of your pretty face.
♡ they'll trade off positions until you're so spent you literally can't hold your head up, which is fine, they can do it for you. You're in for a long ass night either way but they're gonna take care of you <3
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amourtoken · 4 months
Meant to post this earlier but I'll probably do a part 2 eventually.
Some ST visuals I think remind me of the boys <3
*nsfw links below the cut, MDNI*
(Some hard kinks in the captions of the posts so be wary, the captions aren't rlly why I added them tho tbh I barely read them ever I'm here here for the vids)
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His favorite position
Belly bulge cause he's fucking huge
He loves picking you up and showing off the size difference
Variation of his favorite position
When I say he's huge this is what I mean
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Big headlock fan
Another fave position of his
He'll let you get off but he's gonna be in control
MESSY (spit warning)
He likes throwing you around cause he can
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You both get off :)
He wants you to know how much he loves you during
He fucking loves when you jack him off
Thigh fucking's #1 fan
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Mirror sex is his shit
Plays with you like a literal toy
More mirrors
This just fucking SCREAMS iv to me
Loves feeling himself through your throat
Violent ass pairing lol (iv and ii)
SOBBING pls do this to him :(((( (iii)
This is iii coded
Polytoken + petplay kinda
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