#pontius…my beloved…..
peejsocks · 2 years
On the uncommon forms of affection (where the reader gave rocks/bit for affection) you didnt include Chris, what would mans think of it?
the absolute shame that just washed over me because I FORGOT CHRIS i knew i was forgetting someone nooo 😭
here’s what anon is referring to
it sucks because he would be by far the sweetest about it
his delicious little laugh (you know the one that rumbles from deep within his chest) would reverberate off the walls the first time you surprised him with an unconventional gift
if you’re comfortable, he would squeeze you from behind for just a second, his head resting on your shoulder and a big smile on his face when he showed it to kosick’s camera
biting him would earn a toddler-esque “ouch”. he’s not exactly a fan, saying you’re “slobbering all over” him, but he takes it
once you noticed him wearing a piece of a rock that you found broken in half around his neck, you’d start trying to find pretty items in nature for him. like shells, feathers, pebbles, pine cones. even dead cacti arms once.
he would find ways to put them on necklaces or bracelets all the time, and if he couldn’t they would just go in his pockets :)
one time during a red carpet he dared you to put your hand in his suit pocket, and you were surprised to find the first rock you ever gave him
he’s a sweet guy and i am so sorry i forgot him i love him so much 😖
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scoopdi-woop · 1 year
I'm finally watching Wildboyz
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sourastronaut · 2 years
everyday i check the chris pontius tag just to remind myself what it’s all really about
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needle-noggins · 1 year
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clearly i'm in an analysis mood so i'll share my thoughts on the GHG scene in Trimax Volume 2, mostly Legato, that crazy son of a bitch.
First, there's something to be said about his wild Iron Lung set up. On my first read I thought it was more of a punishment from Knives for threatening Vash, but I guess it's also because his body is physically broken? And/or a way to curb his power? Either way, Legato is the definition of "jokes on you, I'm into that shit" because he's so extremely broken (in every sense of the word). There's a definite link between Legato's trauma and the fucked up little guy he is now but I don't know shit about shit so would not consider myself qualified to discuss it further. Please read madnessmadness's trigun bdsm post as a supplemental.
ok, this next panel made me gasp. It's not a needle-noggins analysis without religious symbolism, so here you go!
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Vash is literally hanging upside down, arms splayed out on an upside down cross, when Legato talks about him. Like, okay pontius pilate!! I think Vash is upside down for two reasons, the obvious being that the reader can tell that Legato is talking about killing Vash (cool abstract blood splatter too, which kinda messes with the cross form and makes it less obvious) (but i see you nightow, you can't escape my catholic eyes). The second, is, well, the way that Peter was crucified - not right-side-up like good ol' Jesus. The story goes that Peter requested to be crucified upside down because he didn't deserve to die the same way as Jesus. Trigun muddles so many biblical references all at once that a direct correlation can't be made at any given time, but I think we can interpret this here as Vash being unworthy/not the savior in Legato's mind (to him that's Knives, ofc).
An upside-down crucifix now is also a satanic symbol, just like. Inverting Christianity. Obvious "these are the bad guys". But I think that's a much more common symbol in western culture than to Japanese so I'm not gonna read into that too much.
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nothing to add here other than Midvalley is lowkey fine (like if Wolfwood got his shit together) and here we can see the internal conflict of the GHG. Nobody's doin' it like Legato's doin' it, and I wish Midvalley pulled that trigger (it's not his place though, but damn it sure would save Vash a lot of trouble).
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Bring back Knives' bodycon bdsm dress, Stampede!!!
"engrave the futility of his cause into his every bone" jfc, Knives. I've said it earlier but Knives's attempt to show Vash "the true nature of [humanity]" backfires so hard because instead he just shows Vash the nature of his own being, the terrifying weapon that he is (cough fifth moon). Vash doesn't blame people at all for how they see him, because baby boy has absolutely zero self-esteem and far too much compassion. Meanwhile, Knives is still a proud, burnt out gifted kid who is terrified at his heart and he's going to make it everyone else's problem. Knives understands his brother so little that he doesn't see that his plan is just going to make Vash fight him harder. Knives is too blinded by his fear and disdain for humanity to even consider it. Zero compassion. Fantastic way to highlight the overarching themes of the story. (/hand-wavy "you get it, right?" motion)
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Someone please get Legato a napkin and explain to him that Knives is not God. Something something horrible deeds being done in the name of God's "will"; Trimax is both showing us space Jesus as our beloved self-sacrificing protagonist while also warning us against blind faith in a vengeful God, etc etc. It's my Trigun book club analysis and I get to choose the biblical symbolism to fit the way I hate modern Christianity!
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69bitterbeingz · 6 months
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DISCLAIMER: This is a reupload from my prev account! best to follow the fic through ao3 [linked below] to avoid any future issues PAIRINGS - johnny knoxville, bam margera, steve-o, chris pontius, ryan dunn x female reader WARNINGS - swearing, drinking, a little suggestive
ao3 version
In the end you didn’t make it to the bar, and apparently that was a controversial decision.
You didn’t actually remember when you passed out last night, but you woke up on your sofa at 11am, disoriented and exhausted. This had to be the earliest you’ve woken up in months , must have knocked out early because of the blow to your head. Through the bleary just-woke-up haze, you heard activity coming from your kitchen, making your ears perk. Someone was in your kitchen? You sure as hell didn’t bring anyone back from that shoot yesterday…
“Mila…?” You guessed.
“Nah, Dan.”
Yay, not an intruder! Your bones creaked miserably as you went from the sofa to the kitchen, but you always feel like that first thing in the morning. Dan was your drummer and a friend from secondary school - long black hair, odd braids twisted into his locks here and there. His hazel eyes always looked sunken, like he never caught a wink of sleep, but his slightly tanned skin hid it well. Like any metal artist, he had countless piercings and tattoos - you were always jealous of his coin slot mod in his ear, but never had the balls to get it done, even when he offered to give you one himself. Despite his appearance, Dan was incredibly gentle and soft spoken, but people always thought him some kind of tough guy . Maybe his stature didn’t help. At this moment in time, Dan was waiting for his tea to steep.
“I would’ve made you a coffee, but I didn’t think you’d be awake for another few hours.” He excused himself, his geordie accent especially thick [or maybe it just felt that way after a week of not seeing him]. You shrugged, rubbing your eye with the heel of your palm.
“Don’t worry ‘bout it, I’ll just go get one later.” You leaned against the counter, looking around for his partner. “Where’s Mila?”
“He went to bed as soon as we got back, you know what he’s like.”
Mila, lead guitar, Dan’s beloved [ick][just kidding]. Since Dan is a couple years older than you, he actually finished university, unlike you, which is where he met Mila. Mila was more of a pretty boy, blonde hair pulled back into a short spiky ponytail, with deep brown eyes and a permanent scowl. He was a little taller than Dan, covered in scars and homemade tattoos & piercings. It seems like every night of drinking he comes back with a new one of the three - you tell him he’s shit at all of them, but he’s nothing if not stubborn. Guess he’s a little like you in terms of his brash personality and ‘ fuck you I can totally do it’ attitude. Dan’s even offered to give the guy self defense lessons, but he’s too proud to take them. Idiot. 
“By the way–” Dan’s voice snapped you out of your thoughts. “Your phone was ringing earlier, few times really. Dunno who’s trying to get hold of you but you should probably ring back.”
Before you could forget, you scurried back into the living room and picked up your flip-phone, checking your missed calls. Two from the same guy, one from last night and one this morning - Chris. Did you remember to text him? You sucked the air through your teeth, probably not. You hit redial and fell back onto the sofa; as Chris picked up, Dan shuffled in the room to nose into your conversation.
“Hey, just woke up.”
“ Morning, just checking in. How’s the head?”
“Good, no complaints.” You leaned forward, rubbing your forehead. “Look, sorry I didn’t turn up to the bar last night.”
“ You abandoned us, I was hoping you’d show up.” You could hear his puppy dog eyes. “ Bam said you were wussing out, but he forgot about it a few beers in. I think he’s bitter you ditched him.”
You scoffed, a little unamused, a little flattered. “Brat. Whatever, I wasn’t gonna drink in case it killed my brain. I stand by that decision.”
“ If your head’s better then come out tonight! C’mooooon, you owe us for last night!” 
The anxious side of you wanted you to be cautious, maybe not go out for a few more nights just to make sure you don’t do any lasting damage. But where’s the fun in that?
“Alright fine, you’ve convinced me.”
“ Yes!! Awesome, I’ll text you the address for the place, we’ll meet at 7! We should go clubbing after, too.”
“Sure, 7pm, got it.”
“ Okay okay, I gotta go but I’ll see you tonight!”
He hung up pretty immediately after that, and putting your phone back down was Dan’s cue.
“...Have I missed something? You don’t have friends.”
“What about you guys? And Valo?” You defended, but he wasn’t convinced. 
“So who was that…? Did you actually put yourself out there?”
“Fine…” You fiddled with your hands. “I went to Ville’s show a couple weeks back, and he had one of his friends backstage, a guy called Bam.”
As soon as you said Bam’s name, Dan’s attention was grabbed.
“Bam Margera?”
You raised an eyebrow. “You know the guy?”
“Yeah, he was in those CKY tapes I showed you ages ago!”
“Oh…” You trailed off. “...I thought I recognised him from that new MTV show.”
“Go on!”
“Fine, anyway, we drank all night, went clubbing, got kicked out and a little beat up, then told me to come to the Jackass set. Did that yesterday and met like… 5 other guys. Even Tony was there.” You looked up at the ceiling as you tried to remember the name of the other guy you met. “I met the director too… Tremaine I think.”
Dan’s jaw damn near dropped .
“Jeff Tremaine? Big Brother Jeff Tremaine? Bloody hell if I knew that stupid show had Tremaine behind it I would’ve watched it.”
You raised your eyebrow. “Y’know, I don’t remember you being such a skater boy mega fan? I thought you were just super into the magazines.”
“Eh…” Dan sheepishly looked down at his mug of tea, drumming his fingers over the porcelain. “...Mila’s a bit of a skater boy.”
“Mila’s whatever the fuck he thinks is cool that week. He’s a chameleon.” You tossed your phone aside and kicked up your legs to recline on the sofa. “Last I checked he was a 'true punk', his words.” Dan didn’t respond, just switched on the TV and started flicking through channels. The mindless slog of the day had begun, much earlier than you were used to.
“So which of those five guys called you?” He kept the conversation going since clearly your brain hadn't started functioning properly yet. You grinned as Bunny’s face popped into your head.
“Guy called Chris Pontius, he’s sweet, likes dressing in little bikinis. He invited me out to a bar, so… guess that’s what I’m doing tonight.”
Dan smiled at you, eventually settling on Comedy Central and taking a sip of his tea. “It’s good to see you getting out the house, y’know? Glad you made some friends.”
You scoffed, hanging your head over the arm of the sofa. “Man, way to make me sound fuckin’ pathetic. Thanks mum.”
“What are you gonna do for the next 9 hours?”
Christ. 9 fucking hours? No way were you waiting that long. With a huff, you swung your legs off of the sofa to stand up, pocketing your phone on the way. 
“Shower, then I’m sleeping for 8 more hours.”
⋅───⊱༺ ♰ ༻⊰───⋅
You were mostly kidding about sleeping that long, but lo and behold, 8 hours later you woke up to your cell phone ringing. Hazy and bleary eyed, you patted around for the little device lost in the sea of your duvet. Lucky for whoever was bothering you, you found it before it rang out.
“Unh, hello…?”
“ Did you just wake up? It’s fuckin’ 7pm.”
“ Get your ass out of bed, we’re picking you up. Where do you live?”
“...Uh, my mother told me not to give my address to strange men.”
“ Haha, c’mon already we’re already driving.”
“Fine, fine.”
As you relayed your address, you could hear general commotion in the background, the incessant snickering of mischievous daredevils. He hung up pretty immediately after, leaving you to get your shit together in time for their arrival. At least you had the good mind to shower before you knocked out, cut down your prep time by a solid hour. By the time the doorbell was ringing, you only just finished getting ready. You gave yourself a once over in the mirror - an old black slip dress with lace trim, ripped-to-shit fishnets, chunky demonias and a red leather jacket. To top it off, you had a silver ring on every finger [you remember Dan once said they were like knuckle dusters]. It was about time you left, if those assholes keep jamming the doorbell like that it’d break. Mila and Dan were cuddled up on the sofa when you ran down the stairs, almost tripping and eating shit when you stepped on your wedge platform wrong. They both waved you off as you ran for the door.
“Have fun.”
“Be back before 11, young lady!”
“Fuck off, Mila.” You yelled back, throwing open the door to see Bam about to spam the bell again. You grabbed his wrist before he got the chance. “Don’t.”
“Nice to see you, sleeping beauty. Let’s go.” 
Bam dragged you out of your driveway to the beat up Toyota Tacoma parked on the street, Chris waving at you from the driver seat. He stuck his head out the rolled down window to greet you with a goofy smile. “Wow, you look exhausted, your head still good?” 
In response, you smiled and knocked on the side of your head. “Good as it’ll ever be.”
“Awesome! Go on, get in!” But as soon as the back seat door swung open, you noticed a problem.
“Uh. Chris there’s only space for three back here.”
“No way, you can totally get four in.” Steve-O insisted, but you doubted it, it wasn’t exactly the biggest car in the world. Sensing your resistance, Bam clapped a hand on your shoulder.
“Guess somebody’s gotta sit on somebody else’s lap.”
His suggestion triggered everyone to start giggling like shitty teenagers, but like hell were you agreeing to what he was thinking of. Wordlessly, you pushed Bam aside and sat next to Steve. At first, Bam seemed confused, but he caught on when you patted your thighs.
“Get your ass in here, Margera.”
And that had them cackling . Johnny was holding his stomach in the front seat like it was the funniest shit ever, but he didn’t have the privilege of seeing Bam fidget and blush. You get why they pick on each other now, it was kinda fun to watch someone squirm. 
“Seriously?” He whined, and you nodded with a smirk. Defeated, hesitant and knowing he’d never hear the end of it, he climbed in and perched in your lap, having to uncomfortably crane his head to accommodate the low ceiling. “I can’t believe this shit.”
Bam had just a second to react before Ryan snapped a picture on a throwaway kodak.
“Dude, come on!” Bam hissed, but you bumped your leg up to get him to shut up.
“It was your idea, Bammy.” The childish name you gave him didn’t help the red on his cheeks, though there wasn’t much he could really do other than hope the ride passed quickly. You screwed your nose up as you took note of the car’s smell.
“Aw Christ, it fuckin’ stinks in here.” You complained, and Johnny snickered.
“Probably Chris’ jockstraps in the back.”
“His–!” You kicked the back of Chris’ seat, making him laugh. “Why the fuck do you keep your jockstraps in here?”
Chris tried to explain through his giggles, “I fucking live here, man!”
“You live in your car…? Guess the smell makes sense then.”
Mercifully, the ride to the bar was pretty quick, though a lot more eventful than it should be. As fun as these guys are, you’re not sure you ever want to be in an enclosed space with them ever again. Bam was first out [can’t imagine why he was so desperate to get out], followed by the rest of you. The bar they had chosen looked like a pretty hole-in-the-wall place, kinda seedy, but you could get behind that. The music was so loud you could hear it from outside, thank god they were playing something good. As you followed the group in, an arm suddenly threw itself around your shoulders and drew you into a tall body.
“You ever been here before?” Johnny asked, raising his voice so he had a chance of being heard over the music. You shook your head, and he smiled. “Don’t worry, you’ll get acquainted real soon.” For whatever reason, the way he said that sent a shiver down your spine, and when he left your side to join the others at the bar you felt… disappointed. Dammit, stop thinking like that, you barely met this guy. You shook the feeling away and joined them as well, taking a seat on the other side of Chris as they ordered a round of tequila shots. He was quick to replace Johnny, throwing his arm over you and pulling you in close.
“You guys don’t start easy, huh?” You asked, the shots already set down in front of the six of you with a bowl of lime wedges and a salt shaker. Chris snorted, squeezing your shoulder.
“We started hours ago. C’mon, set up.” He offered you the salt shaker, so you smiled and licked the side of your hand. On went the salt, then you passed it down the line; once Ryan was done at the end of that line, everyone raised their shot glass, and you fumbled to follow along. 
“ Prost! ” Steve-O cheered, then down the hatch. You all followed suit, quickly sucking the lime after as you cringed at the tequila taste. You never liked spirits all that much - you couldn’t get over that perfume taste - but hell, you’ll drink whatever’s set in front of you. Again, Chris ended up leaning against you, a dopey grin on his face.
“You’re one of us now, [Y/n].” There was a boyish giddiness in his voice that made you smile, and you glanced back at the others, Bam already smacking Dunn’s arm for god knows what. There was an air of comradery among them, one you didn’t quite feel at the shoot yesterday, but you definitely felt it now. It was infectious, too, encouraging you to flag down the bartender.
“Can I get six kamikazes?” The bartender nodded, quick to set up the shots. Johnny playfully punched your shoulder, stealing away your attention.
“Ain’t that sweet? Buying a round for a buncha guys you just met?”
“Actually they’re for me.” 
Johnny barked out a laugh, while Bam booed and said something along the lines of ‘fucking alcoholic’. Six more shots in your hands, and Johnny nudged you with a look. Was it your turn to cheers? You only knew one interesting one. So, you raised your shot glass, the others following like before, and with a tilt of your glass you called:
“ Payehali! ”
Down the hatch. Kamikazes are way easier to stomach. Steve-O leaned forward to look past Johnny. “What does that mean?”
“God knows, some Russian guy taught me that a couple years back.”
“I should remember that for the next time Dimitry comes out with us.” Johnny commented, some murmurs of agreement as you guessed that was yet another man you’re yet to meet. Things continued in that fashion: a round of shots, somebody gets to show off some cool cheers, rinse and repeat. After 5 rounds, the group started to splinter - some took an interest in darts, some in pool - for now, you were trying to aim a dart while your head felt full of cotton.
“Just throw it already!” Bam called out, beer bottle rim pressed to his lips. You scowled, waving him off.
“ Shuddup! I’m seein’ double here…”
“Already?! Christ, you’re a fucking lightweight.”
“You can’t talk.” Johnny cut in, cracking a smile when Bam glared at him.
“What’re you talking about?? I’m not a goddamn lightweight.”
“You’re just as drunk as her. Look, you’re wobbling like a fawn fresh out the womb.” He cackled as he pushed Bam’s shoulder, enough to throw him off balance. All the background noise seemed to blend together as you focused all your brain power on that goddamn dart board. One eye closed and tongue poking out the side of your mouth, you decided fuck it and just tossed it. The dart lodged itself in the cork near the bottom, but you victoriously fist bumped nonetheless.
“What’re you celebrating for?” Bam asked, stumbling forward and practically crashing into your shoulder. Rolling your eyes, you jabbed his shoulder.
“It hit the board, didn’t it?” 
“Yeah, unlike the last 5 darts.”
“So? a win’s a win.”
Bam downed the rest of his beer and plucked out the dart from the board. “Watch ‘n learn.”
Meanwhile, Johnny was more interested in watching you than Bam, leaning against a table with a beer in hand. You stood back with him, shoulders nearly brushing, and he smiled down at you.
“You seem comfortable.”
“Huh? Oh, yeah. I mean ’m half pissed so…” You glanced at up at him then back at your glass, swirling the liquid.
“Just mentioning it, you seemed a little stand-offish yesterday, nice to see you loosen up.”
“Hard not to with a gin and tonic.”
Johnny nodded, took a swig then set down his bottle. “You know you put on a great show yesterday. I was a li’l concerned when you took that hit, you had this crazed look in your eye. Still surprised you got back up with no helmet.” Ohhh yeah, the ramp. You still remembered the buzz in your chest as you stared up at the sky, blood pumping like never before. You shrugged, sipping your drink.
“I don’t know, adrenaline felt pretty cool, plus I wanted to show up Margera.” You clumsily motioned to Bam with your glass, spilling some of your drink over the side. On cue, he yelled ‘fuck!’, the dart just missing the board.
“I win, loser buys me a drink.” Johnny grinned. “[Y/n], that’s you.”
“Fuck this, gonna go find Ryan.” With that, Bam was gone. Johnny followed you to the bar where the conversation continued.
“We got some great footage - the wipeout, the way you bombed into the lake.” He laughed as he thought back on it, grabbing his new beer. For a moment, you were too focused on his smile to pay attention to what he was saying. “By the way, Jeff wanted to ask if we could put it in the show, but you disappeared.”
You raised your eyebrows. “Oh… sure, I don’ care.”
“I didn’t think you would.” 
Usually, the booze would make it much easier for you to talk by this point, but somehow Johnny still made you nervous. What about him made you so nervous…? 
“You should come by more often, ‘specially if you pull more shit like that. Impulse is welcome ‘round here.” Maybe it was the drink making your hearing weird, but you swear his southern drawl was a lot thicker 6 drinks deep. Then you realised that he was inviting you back to set, maybe even accepting you into his crazy little group. Though a part of you was apprehensive, a lot more of you was excited, like you had accomplished something. When did you suddenly get so hung up on someone else's approval? You’ve never really been one to want to be included… you guess the drink makes you vulnerable. Or at least you preferred that excuse.
“Fuck it, I’m down! I’ll do anything if it’s fun.” You chuckled to yourself, and knocked back the rest of your drink. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” He got up from his stool, nudging your shoulder with his cold bottle. “‘M going for a piss.”
And off he goes; like hell you were waiting around on your own. You scanned the bar for any of the other familiar faces, then spotted Chris and Steve-O at the pool table. Unsteady on your feet, you abandoned the bar and crossed over to the dingy corner as Steve-O polished the end of his pool cue.
“[Y/n]!” Chris greeted, pulling you in with an arm around your shoulders. “Play a game with us!”
“You any good at pool?” Steve-O asked, and you shrugged.
“Good enough, here.” He handed you the long cue, almost smacking you across the face with it. Ryan ended up joining the game on Chris’ side, but somehow you and Steve-O won, despite you barely remembering the rules and confusing them with snooker rules half the time. You and Steve whooped, clinking your beer bottles and basking in the glory.
“Fuck darts, I’m playing pool for the rest of my life!”
Steve-O pointed at the guys on the other side of the table, slamming back their drinks like their lives depended on it. “Loser shoves the cue up his ass.”
Ryan immediately left, while Chris giggled and twirled his hair. “Maybe if you take me out to dinner first!”
“Chris, I’ll give you five bucks if you do it.” You were only half joking.
“Five bucks?”
“Yeah, for the whole thing.”
“ The–” Chris was howling at just the idea of it. “The whole thing? Up my ass?”
“C’mon Chris, I’ve seen you take more.” Steve-O couldn’t stop grinning like a maniac, and soon it was suggested another round was gotten in before the next game. Then another, and another. Eventually, you never did get around to another game. You lost count of how many drinks later it was, but everyone got kicked out for unruly conduct - it was either because Bam was trying to pick a fight with a random drunk or because Chris dropped his pants to get started on that pool cue. Either way, you arguing with security didn’t help anyone’s case. At least they didn’t care enough to take your beers, that would be tragic.
“ Fuckin’ asshole .” You hissed under your breath, and Bam pushed you.
“You’ve gotta stop fucking doing that.”
“Whatever, let’s just go clubbing! It was getting boring anyway.” Everyone seemed to agree with Pontius, and despite barely seeing straight, you thought it was a great idea too. You all paraded down the street, loudly singing a Johnny Cash song, generally being a public nuisance. Somebody stumbled into you, and next thing you know, Ryan was next to you. 
"You really kicked our asses at pool, huh?"
"I don't know how, swear that was a total flook, didn't know what I was fuckin' doing." You chuckled to yourself as you raised your beer to your lips, then realised you'd already drank it all so dropped it on the pavement. "Barely saw you for most of the night."
"Yeah, Bam needs a lotta attention." The blonde looked you up and down, then nodded his head towards Bam down the front of the group. "Y'know he doesn't shut up about you?"
You raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"
"Honestly it's fuckin' annoying. Makes me think I'm missing out or something."
Without thinking, you blurted out, "Gimme your number 'n I can keep you clued in." Ryan was clearly taken aback - after all, kind of forward for someone he just met - but you barely noticed, to wasted to pick up on pretty much anything at this point. He seemed to hesitate, but ultimately held out his hand for you to hand your phone over.
"...Alright, what the hell."
It was quick; luckily, he was marginally less drunk than the rest of them, so small buttons weren't really an issue at that time. When he handed back the device, you gave him a wide grin, like you'd tricked him into something. With that, he nodded at you and went ahead to join his best friend. You toyed with the weight of your phone in your hand, watching the charms jostle - still smiling like an idiot. Three down.
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redhatmeg · 3 months
I've just watched My Last Day and it got me thinking...
When it comes to movies about Passion of the Christ, I've seen some that look at crucifiction and subsequent resurrection from points of different people in the New Testament.
I remember one straight-to-DVD movie that was from Doubting Thomas's perspective, where Apostle Thomas was looking for the body of Jesus in various places. In the Scripture he was the one that said he won't believe in resurection until he will see Christ alive and he will put his finger in Christ's wounds. Now, in this movie Thomas was presented as a grieving man, who believed that someone stole the body of his beloved Master, so he was desperately looking for Him, and when in the end he comes back to the rest of Apostles, he finally see Jesus alive and well. In this very moment Thomas is happy, shocked, but also ashamed, because he spent whole this time looking for the dead body of his Master.
(Actually, I would like to find this movie. I quite liked it.)
There was also an older movie (from 1961) about Barabbas. We see how Barabbas is pardoned instead of Christ, how he witnesses the crucifiction and the supernatural events that come with it, and how he later lives his life. At some point he gets captured and even meets a Christian man, who doesn't like him (to put it mildly) once he learns who Barabbas really is. Over time Barabbas learns from this man about Christ and even tries to follow His teachings, but finds it hard. I remember that one element of this movie bothered me - the fact that they used cross as the symbol of Christianity, while it should have been a fish... but I guess it worked more for the overall theme of Barabbas living with the knowledge that a Good Man died instead of him, a mere bandit.
Fairly recently (about four years ago, I think) I was able to watch Risen, which is about Roman soldier Clavius who is tasked by Pontius Pilate to find what happened to Jesus's body. So for the most part of the movie Clavius is investigating Jesus's disciples (including Mary Magdalene) and how Christ was perceived by various people - both believers and skeptics. From Clavius's perspective everything supernatural that was happening, has a rational explenation, but seeing how Jesus affected others, makes the soldier curious. And really, the best scene in this whole movie is when Clavius finally meets Jesus and realizes who stands before him.
Finally, My Last Day is from the perspective of one of two thieves that were crucified alongside with Jesus - the one that shows up in Gospel of Luke, admits that Jesus didn't do anything wrong and asks Him to speak for him to the Father so Jesus says: "You will be with Me in Heaven today." In this movie we are treated to the two very contrasting flashbacks - one with Jesus speaking about taxes (which showcases that Christ didn't do anything bad, He only spoke of things some people didn't like), and one of the thief's crime where he actually killed the man he wanted to rob. The thief knows he's guilty and he knows he's going to die, but Jesus seems to receive harsher punishment, since He's flogged before taking the cross. While others are mocking Jesus in His moment of agony and death, the thief speaks for Him: "We are rightfully receiving punishment, but He is innocent." And we see later that the thief gets to Heaven for his faith and willingness of redemption.
Frankly, these are all very interesting takes on one event.
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stormyoceans · 3 months
top 5 books/top 5 snacks :D
OH THESE ARE SO NICE!!!!!! not sure if i was meant to answer both of them but I have the time to do it so. here we go!!!!
TOP 5 BOOKS (in no particular order)
emma by jane austen. EMMA WOODHOUSE MY SWEET DARLING CONTRADICTORY MOST BELOVED CHILD!!!!! she’s spoiled, she’s well-intenioned, she’s bright, she’s unobservant, she’s ridiculous, she’s witty, she’s shockingly thoughtless, she’s the most attractive young woman in town!!!!!! for its sharp-eyed, diverting take on people and society and for the vivid and wonderful creation of emma woodhouse, this is actually my favorite austen’s novels!!!!
the master and margarita by mikhail bulgakov. i picked this book up from my sister’s library in my late teens and i’ve been haunted by bulgakov's tale and by all the spirits, demons, ghosts, and apparitions he was somehow able to conjure in it ever since. it’s fantastical and modernist, sensual and absurdist, a love story and a social satire. it has pontius pilate struggling with his guilt. literally couldn’t ask for more.
the name of the rose by umberto eco. im unfortunately so compelled by medieval illuminations, monastic communities, gripping mysteries, and linguistic crafts that i always end up forgiving eco for giving me a headache with his complicated and dense prose when im faced with such a riveting narrative.
maurice by e.m. forster. admittedly i may be a little bit biased here, but this was the first piece of queer literature i was ever exposed to and it’s dear to my heart in ways i can hardly explain. the way forster describes evening primroses somehow always leaves me breathless too, and his statement that he would not have bothered to write unless he could give his hero a happy ending also majorly influenced me in my approach to fiction.
grimm’s fairy tales. it was so hard to pick the last book to put in this list and i feel like there are other ones who could be more deserving of this place, but the fairy tales they collected have been my companions during my many hours of lying awake at night because of my insomnia. they also started my deep love for folklore so i feel like I had to give them a spot in this.
im actually not a big snack person, i tend to have my 3 meals per day and that’s about it, but if im hungry and i want a little treat i always go for:
nuts. peanuts, hazelnuts, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, cashews, literally if you give me any kind of nuts you will find me hoarding and munching them in a corner like a damn squirrel.
pan di stelle. all cookies are very hard for me to resist, but these ones are my all time favorite, an absolute comfort food, and impossible to resist. if you have these out, i WILL snack on them.
taralli. this is getting a bit too italian specific but, well, food is pretty much the only good thing we have here so ;;;;;; anyway if you can get your hands on these breadstick-like bundles of joy i highly recommend them. especially the red pepper variety. JUST [CHEF’S KISS]
chips sticks. i think that’s how they’re called?? anyway these little fuckers will trick you into thinking you haven’t eaten a lot of them and then suddenly you’ve reached the bottom of the bag. you can’t even regret your choices because they’re so damn delicious.
…..can ice cream be considered a snack? because that’s pretty much the one thing i consistently eat out of my three main meals during summer ;;;;;;
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I posted 2,591 times in 2022
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Longest Tag: 128 characters
#but yeah i was just thinking like why only post about like two interest’s when i can just do whatever the fuck i want on my blog
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he’s calling you about your cars extended warranty (and to listen to cky)
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god, knoxville in 3x5 😩❤️
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basic cable tv star vs hollywood movie star
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AN INHALER?!? he’s so stupid i love him
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bills-bible-basics · 2 months
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WORLDLINESS -- KJV (King James Version) Bible Verse List Visit https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/ to see more. "No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Matthew 6:24, KJV "No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon." Luke 16:13, KJV "If ye were of the world, the world would love his own: but because ye are not of the world, but I have chosen you out of the world, therefore the world hateth you." John 15:19, KJV "I have given them thy word; and the world hath hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil." John 17:14-15, KJV "Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence." John 18:36, KJV "And they that use this world, as not abusing it: for the fashion of this world passeth away." 1 Corinthians 7:31, KJV "While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18, KJV "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you," 2 Corinthians 6:17, KJV "That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world;" Philippians 2:15, KJV "If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God. Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:1-2, KJV "But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. But they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the root of all evil: which while some coveted after, they have erred from the faith, and pierced themselves through with many sorrows. But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness. Fight the good fight of faith, lay hold on eternal life, whereunto thou art also called, and hast professed a good profession before many witnesses. I give thee charge in the sight of God, who quickeneth all things, and before Christ Jesus, who before Pontius Pilate witnessed a good confession; That thou keep this commandment without spot, unrebukeable, until the appearing of our Lord Jesus Christ:" 1 Timothy 6:6-14, KJV "No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life; that he may please him who hath chosen him to be a soldier." 2 Timothy 2:4, KJV "These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth. For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country. And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned. But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city." Hebrews 11:13-16, KJV "Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God." James 4:4, KJV "Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless." 2 Peter 3:14, KJV "Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." 1 John 2:15-16, KJV Please also refer to the KJV Bible Verse List called "Materialism", which you can find at the following URL: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse482.html Please also refer to the KJV Bible Verse List called "Snare of Riches", which you can find at the following URL: https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/verse063.html If you would like more info regarding the origin of these KJV Bible verse lists, go to https://www.billkochman.com/VerseLists/. Thank-you! https://www.billkochman.com/Blog/index.php/worldliness-kjv-king-james-version-bible-verse-list/?feed_id=154803&WORLDLINESS%20--%20KJV%20%28King%20James%20Version%29%20Bible%20Verse%20List
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peejsocks · 2 years
Can I request a wedding day fic with chris pls and thank
a/n: you can request anything any time pjclapp my beloved <33 i hope you like this and im sorry it took me so long
disclaimers/tags: smut at the end. minors dni. female reader.
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"Oh, I knew you were gonna do this!"
The exasperation in your voice is only slightly sincere. Of course your husband to be would sneak into your room and get a look at the gown before the appropriate time.
Trying to hide behind the furniture, your hands grip the white fabric to lift the hem as Chris chases you around the small space. The ceremony was seconds away from starting, sisters and aunts leaving you alone for the first time in the day to wait for your dad to come up. And here he was, your fiancé. Knocking make up brushes off the vanity and ignoring every sacred rule of a wedding.
God, you wouldn't have him any other way.
Finally achieving his goal to grab you, Pontius pulls you in front of the tall mirror, standing right behind you. Both of you take each other in.
Finally achieving his goal to grab you, Pontius pulls you in front of the tall mirror, standing right behind you. Both of you take each other in.
Finally achieving his goal to grab you, Pontius pulls you in front of the tall mirror, standing right behind you. Both of you take each other in.
His hair is tightly braided, exactly how you like. The suit is standard for a groom, black and sharp. You're glad to see the rewards of nagging him about using chapstick for the past few weeks, and he smells incredibly nice.
"You look bland." The brashness in your voice doesn't match the fondness in your eyes. He knows that.
"Perfect, right? You shine brighter that way. Just how I planned." Thin hairs in your neck stand up as the sound of his low voice reaches your ears, a short distance to cover as his head rests on your shoulder. Chris' hands run down the smooth fabric covering your middle. "You look too beautiful to be real. Or mine."
Wonderful as always, your fiancé made no suggestions (or demands) about your dress. He'd like whatever, as long as he could take it off you with ease. However, you made a case for at least discussing what style and details were prettiest.
Part of your relationship was built on how well you could balance each other's personalities (your best friend is definitely bringing that up in her speech). With that, it's obvious that you could find the perfect dress together rather than apart.
No lace or patterns. Off white. Cleavage was enthusiastically agreed on. Tight upper half and tea-length.
There was no need for anything extravagant, as long as both of you liked it. When you picked it, there was hardly any doubt in your mind that Chris would love it. Now, in his embrace as green orbits grow in admiration, you're happy to have gone with your gut.
"Not yours yet." Wide smile breaking through the playful facade, it's hard to keep tears from falling way before time. "Help me with my shoes?"
The old burgundy arm chair squeaks against the hardwood floor of your childhood bedroom. Having a wedding in your parents' backyard is exactly what you would've expected. Cheaper, less stressful (except for your poor mother who took care of most arrangements) and a terrible decision in the eyes of your judgemental sisters. Your father was happy to see one of his daughters take after him, uninterested in flashiness and glamour, despite marrying a famous person.
"Tell me the proposal story again." Chris says, in a familiar position on one knee, as he adjusts the heel on your foot. His eyes are glossy.
"The way we told everybody else or the real one?"
Sighing dramatically, the bare skin of your back makes contact with the rough texture of the backrest after he answers, "real".
"Where to start? Oh, thank you aunt Betty for suggesting 'at the beginning', but I must apologize. The version we gave you is not correct. Ready for the real story?" Your theatrics are amusing to your groom, wrinkly smiling eyes focused on putting on the other shoe. This joke has been run to the ground between you, but if the grin in front of you is telling any signs, it will continue on through your marriage.
"So, one early morning, two A.M. to be exact, I get a call." Imitating a Californian accent now, you continue. "'Hey, yeah, I have something to tell you. I'm coming home, talk to you soon.' And the bastard hangs up. Unsurprisingly, I can't go back to sleep. All the time I'm thinking I'm being told I was cheated on, he found forgiveness in some cult leader he met in the trip and he's breaking up with me. Anything is possible with Wildboyz."
Chris is sitting back on his heels, hands massaging your calves, quietly watching you light up a cigarette.
"I hear the van park outside at five forty-three. Earlier than I expected. By now, I've distractedly burned three pancakes and it's still dark outside. The front door is already open to disperse the smoke, and I walk through it extremely nervous, shaking even. Just to find him- you. Beat up bouquet of sunflowers getting drenched under the summer rain, on one knee, a dainty black box holding the most beautiful silver ring extended in front of a crying Chris Pontius."
Carefully butting out the cigarrette on the chipped windowsill, you feel soft lips plant kisses just under your knee.
"The possibility of a regretful boyfriend trying to right his wrongs with a proposal was still in the back of my head. But turns out, on his way home, the idiot simply saw a happy family at the airport and thought of us. Just like that, he was struck with an incomparable urge to start the rest of our lives, really start it. Breathtaking words were confessed, too good to share with the rest of the world. No, that's ours." Shattering the set up, you finish. "Not unlike this story, it's just for us."
Chris' nose is trailing up dangerously under your skirt, gently nibbling on the inside of your thighs, when you grab his face and lift it up. Looking into his eyes, pecking the tip of his nose probably a second longer than necessary, you say "Shortly, my love."
When he leaves, your almost husband almost takes down your father, who was getting ready to knock on the door. Restrained smiles are exhanged when Chris says sorry, fleeing before the disapproving look can choke him out of air.
"Do not tell your mother he saw you in the dress before the officiating."
"I won't if you don't."
Honeymoon destinations were tricky to pick for someone who's husband has visited many cool corners of the world. Long discussions happened for you to arrive at 'anywhere beachy and relaxing that you didn't hate when you went'. So the tickets were bought for a place in the coast of Italy.
After a long afternoon of eating, drinking and caring for friends or relatives who had a little too much, it was finally okay for you to leave.
Everyone cheered as Chris' van drove away with the obscenely decorated "just married" sign. The ceremony was fantastic, the after party even more so. It was all beautiful and romantic and so much fun. A huge success.
No doubt your guests were still having the time of their lives, laughing loudly (a family trait) completely unaware that the happy couple had made a tiny pit stop just a few kilometers ahead.
You hadn't lied, when his head was in between your legs and you told him there was only a short amount of time to wait.
This was always the plan, to take a shortcut which conveniently allowed for a parked car to go unnoticed just off the side of the road. Surely it was no more comfortable than the hotel room waiting for you.
Your veil was hanging off the rolled up window parallel to your husband's suit jacket while the two of you fooled around in the back like teenagers.
The thin straps have completely rolled down your arms, the top half of your dress crumpled around your waist as eager lips enveloped your uncovered breasts, marks being left behind.
His braid is nearly completely undone from your tugging. Your skirt is bent so you can see his hard cock redden.
"Mrs. Pontius, your tits are terrific."
Realizing you were stuck with this for hopefully the rest of your time, you giggle and hit back. "Shut up and show me what I married you for."
Chris slides into you unceremoniously. His pants are pulled down to his ankles, the heels of your shoes dig into his back and you can hear the fragile fabric of your lace panties struggle to keep together when they are stretched to the side repeatedly by your husband's thrusts.
Your foreheads are touching, the back of your head bumping against the side of the van with the force of your movement. Chris admits, "You know this isn't gonna last long."
"Who cares, we have all the time in the world."
You pull his face down so he can swallow your moan, silently begging for him to move. He does, completely out and then in again. One of his hands wraps around the back of your neck while the other holds you by the hip, angling your body so you can take him fully without getting hurt by wiplash.
"Chris, oh my god- just, keep going" His thumb is caressing your skin, the hair in your body is standing up. That warm knot in your stomach is daring to loosen. "I love you so much, please don't stop"
Teeth bite the side of your jaw. "Louder. I'm your husband, I don't want you to be embarrassed in front of me. Scream louder."
Rolling your hips, the sound of flesh hitting flesh is stronger, and so are your noises. Strangled but carefree, wanton. There was no other man that could get you in this state, and he was yours now more than ever.
Brows furrowed, you know it's about to hit you, so you dig carefully manicured nails into the flesh of his buttcheeks. "Let go, I know you want to. I know you love how deep I am right now. Just let go."
Chris pushes that extra inch, perfectly synched with a roll of your own, and when you feel his balls hit the side of your thighs, you do as he asked.
The ringing in your ears blocks out how loud you got for him, but it was clearly enough to drive your husband into climax right after.
It's hard to catch your breath when you're blissfuly laughing, bodies flushed together and still connected inside.
The moonlight is shining through the window, past your long forgotten veil. You're thankful for it, because it allows a better sight of your husband's relentlessly pink cheeks and rosy nose as he stares up at the car's ceiling.
You're laying next to him, dress discarded, nipples rubbing against the fabric of his unbuttoned white shirt now draping your body. He's completely bare, of course.
His mumbling rudely interrups your staring. You're not sure he meant to say anything out loud. "Funny, huh? How, like, tomorrow we'll be at the airport together, tripping over our bags because we'll probably be late. Fumbling with our passports. Excited for some time off together. And then in two weeks, we'll be super tired and probably sunburnt. Leaning on each other barely awake, carrying a bunch of new bags with gifts we bought during the trip. Like the family I saw at the airport that day."
Mouth open, you don't know what to say to that. It's so genuine, honest glee in his face at the idea of being your family and vise versa. Chest tight, you mumble back, "Come here."
He rolls back on top of you, and you kiss him deeply, holding his hand and squeezing so hard you crack one of his knuckles. Laughing, your teeth clash just a little, lips still attached.
With whispered I love yous, Chris kisses your body, eventually reaching your underwear and finally pulling it all the way down.
Shivering against his shirt that you're still wearing, and smells of him, your hands move to gently free his locks out of the braid completely.
When he sucks your clit, your abdominal muscles contract in pleasure and you sigh.
Eyes closed, pushing your hips up into your husband's face, you can feel the brightness of the moon reflecting off your bodies.
How lucky you are, to love and be loved like this.
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mainstracker · 2 years
Trine 2 part 1
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Trine 2 part 1 how to#
Trine 2 part 1 Pc#
Today we climb out of the flying machine wreckage and start our trek through the Cloudy Isles.
Trine 2 part 1 Pc#
We're playing through the PC platformer/puzzler 'Trine 2: The Complete Story', with special guests Rayeste and Arcaidius from the CoffeeCraft server. Trine 2 picks up the story when the Trine is rediscovered and transports Amadeus the wizard, Zoya the thief, and Pontius the knight to an unknown world where their progress is overlooked by a mysterious figure referred to as The Witch. It's time for Episode 045 of Games Revisited Season 07. It is up to the band of heroes to resolve the situation before the prince’s magical turmoil consumes the world in its shadows. With Terry Wilton, Kevin Howarth, Brian Bowles, Victoria Kruger. in the horoscope are houses 2, 5, 8 and 11 Uranus Trine Vertex Jupiter will be. 1 guide Online/Offline Single Player Cooperative. Part 2 of the Trine Enchanted Edition stream with MaoMao Slime This time Mao unlocks her true powers of making boxes to solve all the her probelmsFind me h. 2012 The Endless Hunger of Part One Jupiter in the Signs As Beth.
Trine 2 part 1 how to#
Discover the mysterious Prince Selius, a troubled young wizard whose dark dreams have materialized to wreak havoc in reality. How to unlock the This Wasnt the Plan achievement in Trine 2: The Complete Story: Make a bubble sink. The newest entry to the best-selling adventure series, Trine 4: The Nightmare Prince, returns to Trine’s beloved 2.5D roots. Submit your maps for everyone to play and enjoy Learn More. Through the first three titles, the protagonists come to discover, understand, and seek to control the powers bestowed upon them by Trine. 'Steam Train' Trine 2: How About Boxes - PART 1 (TV Episode 2013) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. with your values and interests unit 2 microeconomics lesson 1 activity 10 answer key celtic woman members 2022 With natal Venus trining your ascendant. Modify or create entirely new maps for Trine 2 with the Frozenbyte Editor. Bound to a mysterious artifact called Trine, the three unlikely heroes use their unique skills to battle the undead, navigate treacherous environments, and solve challenging physics-based puzzles across a collection of perilous quests in this best-selling adventure series. place of the radical Mars and in sinister trine to my cluster of planets. Orion stars players 24 7.Join Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and Zoya the Thief on a journey across a forsaken and ruined kingdom. Jupiter itself was ruler of the 1 2th and the 8th, which agreed very well with.
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fidei · 2 years
You have Jesus Christ within you
From St Ignatius of Antioch's letter to the Magnesians
Let us not fail to be moved by his goodness, for if he were ever to imitate the way we behave ourselves, we would be truly lost. Now that we are his disciples let us learn to lead Christian lives. Whoever does not take the name of Christian does not belong to God. Put aside the old worn-out leaven which has grown old and sour, and turn to the new leaven, which is Jesus Christ. Be preserved by the salt of Christ so that you do not decay; for it is by your odour that you will be judged. It is monstrous to talk of Jesus Christ and to practise Judaism. For the Christian faith does not look to Judaism, but Judaism looks to Christianity, in which everyone who believes in God has been brought together.
  Now I say this, beloved, not because I know that there are any of you that are thus, but because I wish to warn you, though I am less than you, not to fall into the snare of vain doctrine. Be convinced of the birth and passion and resurrection which took place at the time of the procuratorship of Pontius Pilate; for these things were truly and certainly done by Jesus Christ, our hope, from which God grant that none of you be turned aside.
  My desire is to enjoy every happiness in you, if only I can be found worthy. Even though I am in chains and you are not, I am still unfit to be compared to you. I know that you are free from pride, for you have Jesus Christ in yourselves. Even when I praise you, you are not proud but embarrassed. As Scripture says, The righteous man is his own accuser.
  Do your utmost to stand firm in the precepts of the Lord and the Apostles, so that you may prosper in all that you do in the flesh and in the spirit, in faith and love, in the Son and the Father and the Spirit, at the beginning and at the end, together with your revered bishop and with your clergy (that beautifully woven spiritual crown) and with the godly deacons. Be subject to the bishop and to one another, even as Jesus Christ was subject to the Father, and the Apostles were subject to Christ and to the Father, so that there may be complete unity of both flesh and spirit.
  I have kept my exhortation brief because I know how God fills you. Remember me in your prayers, so that I may win through to God, and remember the Church in Syria, of which I am not worthy to be called a member. For I need your united prayers and love in God so that the Church in Syria may draw refreshment from the dew of your Church.
  I am writing this from Smyrna and the Ephesians here send you their greeting. They, like you, are here for the glory of God and have in all things given me comfort, as has Polycarp, the bishop of the Smyrnaeans. The other Churches also greet you in honour of Jesus Christ.
  Farewell. See that there is a godly unity among you and an unhesitating spirit; for this is Jesus Christ.
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lizardrosen · 2 years
I was tagged by @eirenical
Last song: In the Middle by Dodie
Last movie: like eirenical, if a bootleg of a musical counts, then it's a boot of Jesus Christ Superstar in 2013, with all Hungarian actors (Pontius Pilate was unfairly hot!!) Thank you to @all-mimsy for joining me! If that doesn't count then my last movie was... a film of Jesus Christ Superstar from 2000
Currently watching: I'm technically in the middle of the Globe Theater Julius Caesar, and also technically in the middle of the National Theater Live King Lear, both of which have Luke Thompson in them, my beloved boy with the gorgeous smile. However, what I'm about to be watching in the immediate future is... a bootleg of Jesus Christ Superstar from Salerno, Italy in 2016.
Currently reading: I just finished a book called One for the Murphys, by Linda Mullaly Hunt, which is about a girl who ends up living with a foster family after an event puts her and her mother in the hospital and is determined to hate it, but grows to care for them, and then her life is rearranged again unexpectedly. Before that it was SisterSong, by Lucy Holland, which is about a British king and his three children, defending against the Saxons and featuring bigender Merlin and a very cool magic system. I loved it a lot and will be reading it again.
Currently listening to: A playlist I found called "songs to worship dionysus to" but before that it was a playlist i made called "Move While You Still See Me," about how Judas and Mary Magdalene are foils.
Current obsession: I can't imagine what I'm obsessed with currently, it's a mystery.
If you've been tagged above or would just like to do this, than consider yourself tagged!
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charliekellysbitch · 2 years
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He’s the handsomest mans in his weird film noir nazi dream in Haggard
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ckygetsjobs · 2 years
No thoughts just Chris 
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feelinb · 2 years
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↳ chris pontius aka bunny the lifeguard ☆ ˎˊ˗
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