#poor angry chihuahua he can't help it
asmolfolk · 1 year
Buddha x F!Reader
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Thank you for your ask, it was fun doing it! ^^ Hope you enjoy it.
Buddha x Small F!Reader.
For Buddha, it doesn’t matter your appearences. If you are taller, smaller, fem, male or anything else... What matters to him is your personality. So with that out of the way, he is in love with you immediatly.  Don’t get him wrong, he just loves the way you aren’t scared of other gods and that you don’t let the fact that you are human affect that. You know your limits and you put respect on yourself, because of that, a lot of gods actually respect you - not as Buddha’s S/O but as you.  You would be probably one of the few humans that the gods actually like. I could see Heracles, Ares, Aphrodite and even Shiva really liking you and even asking you to spend a day with them.
Anyone that he doesn’t let you to be around?
Zeus and Thor.
 To be honest, I could see Buddha making you keep distance from Zeus - That old rag loves womans like you and Buddha doesn’t want him to try ‘to seduce you’ [Not that he doesn’t believe on your strenght... But wanting or not, Zeus is Zeus.]  And also - Thor. Thor never holds back, it doesn’t matter if it is a human, god, demihuman, his parents - It doesn’t matter to him, he just want a good fight. Because of that, Buddha tries to not make you and him join in fights. Aside from them, he doesn’t care at all if you are friends or try getting closer to others gods, he trust you and knows that - except Zeus and Odin - you could probably live after picking a fight with them.
Is there anything different on your relationship?
I know what I said, but... He can't help it - He will always be teasing you. He really don't care about your appearence, he thinks your beautiful in everything, any shape... But- The fact that you remind him of those chihuahuas are simply... Too funny for him. He is always picking you up, holding you close and then - he would bite your cheeks or kiss you - before he lets you down. He calls you by sweet names [Like literally, he would call you by candy, cupcakes and others sweets that are small.] He will always make things difficult for you - putting things in higher places just to pick you up and 'help you' get the thing. Of course, if you don't like those 'pranks', he will stop it. His way of showing his affection is teasing and annoying you- He always make it up for you on the end, he is always there for you, listening to your concerns and stopping anything that is clearly not fun anymore for you. He cares about you deeply and would start to show his affection with praises and physical touch, sometimes he teases you - but not about your height. If you tease him back, you better run - he will catch you and just tickle you to death-
How does he treat you in general?
He is no gentleman, he is a teasing idiot that loves to piss you off. He loves to see you fighting and would always encourage you to fight against him, after all - he loves to see you so concentrated and even so angry. He thinks it's hot. He loves when you ask him for things, he loves to get them for you - of course, he will tease you.
"Cupcake... You couldn't get that? Oh, poor you- Being small sure has it's ups and downs."
He loves to hold you, it makes him realize how small you actually are compared to him... He loves to feel your body by anymeans. Being a god, sure has it's perks... And being with you is probably one of the best things that could have happen to him.
Those are one of the many 'nights' where you would be the small spoon, being hugged by the one and only Buddha. He was with a calm expression on his face, but he was far from that... His heart was racing... They wanted to kill the humanity - he knows that you wouldn't like it... He knows that you would pick up a fight. That's why he decided to do that for you, he wouldn't let you risk your precious time with that... That's why he let you in Olympus, because he never wanted to lose you. It was selfish of him to prefer dying than having to see you die? He doesn't care if it was. He needs you alive... He needs you happy... And if fighting against the gods is what you want - then, he shall do it. He was in absolute love with you - How couldn't he do something like that for you? He would transform the world for you, he would build castles for you... He doesn't care what's needed... He just wants you to feel loved, safe... He doesn't want you to get hurt anymore... You already hurted yourself too much. "Buddha...? Are you still awake...?" You said, grunning a bit as you felt his hug get tighter a bit... What happened to wake you up. "Are you okay?" "It's... Okay, cupcake... I- I will explain to you later, from now - just rest... Hypnos is trying his best to make you sleep well." He said, Hypnos was a chill dude that you and Buddha could get along with... But even with the mention of him and even with the calm tone that Buddha was using, you knew something was wrong. "You can tell me... You know, I won't judge you or say something bad..." "It's nothing like that- It's... Just the gods, Bru-chan told me about something... And... I will tell you that later, you need to rest." He repeated and you knew that you wouldn't get any other info from him... At least, he would tell you before going to the Ragnarok... Right?
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dum1s-writings · 2 years
The Demon Bro's reaction to you dropping your date plans for helping Luke.
I have no idea. It just seems like something that would happen, especially with my MC.
No specific gender.
No pronouns used.
He'd be hurt but understanding. There's been a time or two where he's dropped plans with you for Diavolo or his brother's. Just be sure to make it up to him, through staying in his room for the night or making his favorite dinner.
Upset and it takes him a while to get over it. He is your first man after all. Why do you want to be around some yippy chihuahua anyways? Just promise you'll remember the next date and not leave him stranded.
Do I need to say? Give him a good month and perhaps binge a few games and anime with him. Who are we kidding? He's gonna bring it up a year later. Please never do something like that ever again. His poor Ruri-chan pillow can't hold any more tears.
He's angry but willing to forgive, provided the next date is a cat cafe. Like he understands that Luke is a young angel but that still doesn't stop him from being pissed. He's waited so long for this date after all....be sure to put on the cat ears too.
My overdramatic boy. He'll whine about it for a few days. Expect him to ignore you during RAD, lunch, dinner.... basically until you make it up to him. I recommend a whole day dedicated just to him. Be sure it lasts through the night too. You don't want to deal with a sad Asmo after all, right?
Probably the only one who gets over it within the hour. Little Luke needs a bit more care and attention, even if he denies it. Plus seeing you so willing to care for kids just makes him soft. He's such a family demon. He might actually join you and make a date out of it.
He's the baby brother. He's used to people dropping plans for him not the other way around. Good luck with being his designated pillow for a month...for every nap ever. Actually make that a year. He's willing to shorten the time if you carry him to and from classes though....maybe.
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sgtcalhouns · 1 month
Tell Me How
I guess it's good to get it off my chest Guess I can't believe I haven't yet You know I got my own convictions And they're stronger than any addiction And no one's winning
Tell me how to feel about you now Tell me how to feel about you now Oh, let me know Do I suffocate or let go?
hello!! the next installment of the Fresh Start au has finally arrived. to remind you where we left off, Felix found out that Tamora never actually wanted to break up with him and was lying when she told him otherwise. he threw a fit, kicked a trash can, got drunk, threw another fit, accidentally revealed some emotions neither of them was prepared to deal with, and threw up. and that's what you missed on glee.
now, he's returned home and has to figure out how to deal with everything that just happened. some bro time will probably help. enjoy!
“The nerve of that woman!”
Gene’s familiar voice echoed across the lobby, and Ralph shook his head out of pity for whatever poor soul was the subject of his nagging. Standing behind the front desk of their apartment building, his expression dropped when he saw Felix coming toward him with Gene yapping at his heels. The sight reminded him of an angry chihuahua attempting to be intimidating, and he could tell that Felix was doing his best to tune it out.
“I thought we were finally free of her, but no, she has the nerve to show up and suggest that I’m the reason you’re upset,” he sputtered.
“Alright, Gene, I think that’s enough,” Felix murmured as they approached. Ralph could tell this had been going on for quite a while—his friend looked exhausted.
“Honestly, I don’t know what you ever saw in her,” Gene continued, completely ignoring Felix’s quiet plea. “She’s a bad influence, and she always has been! You should’ve never—“
“I said that’s enough,” Felix snapped.
Gene fell silent, stunned that Felix would ever dare to speak to him that way. The discomfort between them was immediately suffocating, and Ralph decided to step in before it became unbearable.
“Hey, Felix!” he said, doing his best to disregard the awkward energy in the room. “We got some parts delivered while you were gone, can you come take a look?”
The handyman nodded, the stiffness in his body beginning to relax as he walked away from Gene. Ralph ushered him into the office behind the front desk, paying their boss no mind as he skittered away with a hmph! They both sighed with relief once it was just the two of them.
“Thanks, Ralph,” Felix said as they sat at the small table in the room. “I don’t know how much longer I could’ve handled that.”
“That was rough,” he agreed. “What’s his deal?”
Thinking back on his trip, Felix realized just how much Ralph had missed. It felt as though he had lived an entire lifetime since the last time they had seen each other. He didn’t know how much Tamora had disclosed to Ralph about what had happened between them—there were still parts of it he couldn’t remember himself. Taking a deep breath, he finally formed an answer.
“When you called Tamora, I was at the bar with Gene,” Felix said. “He saw her when she came to check on me.”
Ralph winced. Gene had never thought highly of Tamora, and he had never been afraid to voice that opinion. Loudly. And while the handyman tried to give their boss the benefit of the doubt, Ralph had always been bothered by his callous disregard for Felix’s feelings on the matter.
Adding alcohol to the mix sounded like a sure fire way to turn a toxic dynamic into a downright explosive one. Ralph couldn’t think of a single good reason his friend would ever choose to spend his time drinking with Gene. But before he could question it, Felix explained himself.
“Tamora and I had an argument. I was confused and upset, I felt like my world had been turned upside down and I just wanted to be alone,” he said. “But Gene showed up at my door wantin’ to do something together and he didn’t give me much of a choice.”
“And if you’re stuck with Gene, you might as well drink,” Ralph suggested. Despite himself, Felix chuckled.
“I thought it would help,” he said with a self-deprecating laugh. “I don’t even remember drinking very much, but suddenly I was so drunk. I can’t remember the last time I was so far gone.”
Ralph joined his friend in his laughter, but he didn’t miss the sadness in his eyes.
“In that case, I’m glad you butt-dialed me.”
“Me, too,” he agreed. “Tamora… she really came to my rescue that night. I was fighting her every step of the way, but she made sure I got back to my room safe and sound.”
“Sounds like a rough night.”
“It certainly was,” Felix agreed. “I don’t remember much from the bar, but I imagine Tamora wasn’t too happy with Gene for letting me drink so much.”
“So that’s what’s got his panties in a twist,” Ralph said.
Felix nodded, and the pair fell into a companionable silence. Ralph took a moment to look his friend over; above the shadowy circles beneath his eyes was a faraway expression, like his mind was elsewhere. Although he had never been able to grow a full beard, there was a visible shadow of stubble across his jawline—it must have been several days since he last shaved. Ralph couldn’t help but worry about whether he had been taking care of himself.
“How are you holding up?” Ralph asked. “That all sounds a little…out of character.”
Unable to hold back, a bitter laugh escaped Felix’s throat.
“You don’t even know the half of it, brother.”
Scrubbing his hands over his face, he considered just how out of character his behavior had been. He had kicked a trash can in a fit of anger, had thrown more than one tantrum, had gone out with Gene and gotten so drunk he couldn’t walk without assistance… These decisions felt like they had been made and carried out by someone else, they were so far removed from the version of himself he knew.
“You probably remember that when Tamora ended our relationship, she told me it was what she wanted. This weekend, I found out that wasn’t the truth,” he explained with a sigh. “I was so upset, I—I just couldn’t think straight. I felt like I was going crazy. I can’t believe some of the things I did, the things I said…”
Ralph’s heart sank. He knew firsthand how hard the breakup had been on Felix; he had talked his friend out of begging Tamora for another chance on more than one occasion, reminding him that their separation was what she wanted. To find out that wasn’t true had to be devastating. No wonder he was so out of sorts.
Unsure what to say, he gave his friend what he hoped was a comforting pat on the back.
“I had made my peace with how things ended, but it turns out things didn’t end the way I thought they did,” he replied with an incredulous shake of his head. “Now I don’t know how to feel about any of it.”
“I’m sorry, Felix. That’s tough.”
It was quiet between them for a long moment. When Felix broke the silence with a snort, it startled his companion. Ralph eyed him questioningly as he broke into a fit of giggles. Maybe he really had gone crazy.
“I was so angry after talking to Tamora that I—“ Felix cut himself off with his own laughter. “I kicked a trash can out on the street.”
Ralph couldn’t quite find the humor in it the way Felix had, but the corners of his mouth turned upward against his will as he shot his friend an incredulous look.
“I put everything I had into that kick, only to find—to find…”
Another fit of giggles forced him to trail off in the middle of speaking. Whatever he was trying to explain was so funny to him that he couldn’t even find the words to describe it without laughing. Finally, he managed to speak through his laughter.
“It was wrought iron. Knocked me right to—to the ground.”
His voice was distorted by the strain of his laughter, and the squeaky delivery in addition to the visual he had just supplied finally got a chortle out of Ralph. Before long, the pair was doubled over, tears rolling down their cheeks as they broke down in hysterics. It took several tries to calm themselves down; each time they tried, the mental image of Felix knocking himself to the ground replayed in one of their minds, and they would rile each other right back up.
With each minute that passed, the handyman felt a bit more weight lift from his shoulders. He had been so ashamed of his behavior, but now he was finally able to see how ridiculous it truly was. It was ugly and messy, but he had finally allowed himself to freely express things he had been holding inside for years. There was no need to place such a heavy burden on himself—this wasn’t the end of the world.
“Oh, I needed that,” he sighed, wiping his eyes on his shirt sleeve.
“Good,” Ralph replied through a final few chuckles. “Oh man, I can’t believe I missed that.”
Another detail that he hadn’t yet revealed occurred to Felix.
“Tamora can describe it for you. She saw the whole thing.”
“Oh my god.”
They both chuckled, though the erratic energy that had been fueling their mirth had waned somewhat. As the pair caught their breath, Ralph eyed his friend with concern.
“Hey,” he began, hesitant to voice his thoughts. “Are you okay? Seriously.”
Felix took a moment to consider his answer. For the first time in days, he truly felt like things might be alright.
“Yeah,” he answered quietly.
Ralph didn't look convinced.
“At first I was so miserable…it felt like I had ruined everything. And everything is still a mess, but..." he trailed off, a refreshing sense of calm about him. "But now I think everything just might be okay.”
“Good,” Ralph said. “You know you can always talk to me, right?”
“I know,” Felix replied with a soft smile. “Thanks, Ralph. This really helped.”
“I’m glad to hear it.”
His expression shifted to something conspiratorial as he spoke again. “Now we can plan how we’re getting revenge on Gene for getting you so drunk.”
“You’re on your own there, brother. I want no part in that.”
“No offense, buddy, but you’re not the first person I’d go to for help plotting revenge.”
“Then who…?”
Ralph stood from the table and pulled his cell phone from his pocket.
“After everything she witnessed this weekend, I’m sure Tamora's willing to help me think of something.”
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rollingsins · 1 year
Hi babes!
"Of course. Why wouldn't there be?" I'm still SO salty and embarrassed about there being two Ghostfaces and me not even thinking about that possibility. Ugh.
Well... Rs nonchalance is completely justified. Wes was Tara's friend. Richie was a stinky bag of shit. Sooo... he deserved death.
"She’s still in there when you arrive. " Lol I don't think Tara could have gone anywhere. Not even that little psycho pookie bear can break out of jail.
Awww I love how strong Tara is. Picking R up and kissing her like her life depends on it. BUT LEAVE SAM ALONE!! She did it FOR YOU. And it was Rs idea anyway. ...oop there it is. Question is, will the trouble R is in come out in the bedroom or... 👀
😂 poor Sam has to deal with these two horny fuckers. She deserves an award for that, honestly.
TARA SHUT THE FUCK UP! SAM DIDNT KNOW!! I swear I will fight Tara if she doesn't leave Sam alone. She feels guilty enough already and doesn't need her angry chihuahua sister to go off on her. I'm a full blown Sam stan now, so Tara better watch out!
Ha, Tara really is a puddle in Rs hand. "Tara, show some empathy. Yes honey baby love darling of course I will. Anything for you sweetie." That's basically their relationship.
I reread All Hers completely the last few weeks and I'm still convinced it's Judy. I can't sink any lower or lose any more of my dignity and pride because I let myself be fooled by Richie, so if it is nit Judy, I'm all good 🤷🏻‍♀️
Ooh, is Sam suspecting Tara now?? 👀
Tara. Sam lied to get your murderous ass out of jail for a crime you DID commit. So maybe let the small lie slide and focus on catching the other Ghostface 🙄
Sam is just so over these two idiots. I love it!
The PowerPoint!!!! Mindy, if you show me yours I'll show you mine. Mine is only 4 slides long but I'm sure it could be helpful.
Liv 🤦🏻‍♀️ How does that girl even survive? She has absolutely no clue what's going on, ever. I don't know if I should laugh at what she's saying or shake my head.
MINDY!!! NO. SHUT UP. Say it with me: 👏 SAM 👏 IS 👏 NOT 👏 GHOSTFACE 👏
Oh boy. If Wes wasn't dead already, Tara would immediately go hunt him down. ...damn. possessive, rage filled Tara is SO hot. Toxicity aside, she's just so incredibly sexy and dominant.
😂 not Tara kicking everyone out so bluntly to soend some time with R alone. Probably sex. I love that girl so much, I swear
Wow. The Rage in action really can be quite scary. But also still hot. I would like more of that... Sue me, okay.
Tara would win gold in many things. Sex, murdering people, being a rage filled chihuahua, tearing down Liv...
"Micro strap and carrot cock" I gasped and laughed at the same time. I have no clue how you can come up with these amazing one liners and insults 😂
Nooo poor Sam 😭 She really deserves a nice long quiet spa vacation when all of this is over. Having to deal with these two horn dogs must be so aggravating.
...I volunteer as tribute to help Sam relax and make sure she gets some!
Ghostface can wait. But I can't to figure out who it is! Judy. It must be her. Wes is dead. Liv is way too goofy and dumb. Chad is way too nice and sweet. Mindy is too small and not crazy enough. Sam is Bae. Who is left? JUDY HICKS.
That was fantastic as always!
Hey boo! You’ve got your detective hat on, guess you’ll just have to wait and see 😉
You and Mindy for sure need to swap PowerPoints 😂😭
Gold star for Sam today for dealing with so much damn bullshit
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