#poor precious minshan
daily-suyao · 1 month
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jin-zixun · 4 months
ok so i just got to rewatch the last two episodes of cql today and like.
in mdzs they gotta like be holding back su she the whole time, like kicking him to the ground to keep him away from jin guangyao and like cql!sms is just not about that life he's just. chilling. just watching in the background like "oh damn xiyao divorce? xiyao divorce imminent?? That could be good for me!" like he doesn't even get to die protecting jgy heroically. I mean, i mean he does die protecting jgy but the vibes are not the same. like he does die because he's trying to protect jgy but there's not quite the same sense that he is actively choosing to die protecting jgy right til the end. he just kinda dies.
10/10 choice to have him clearly suffering trauma flashbacks when he gets held hostage though. And still being like "don't worry about me"? What a fucking amazing man. 11/10. 12/10.
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ibijau · 3 years
Post-canon NHS/LXC and dark XIYAO prompt: There is no Guanyin Temple scene. NHS plan fails completely. Thankfully, his identity is never revealed. JGY remains chief cultivator. He is paranoid and rules the cultivation world with an iron fist. LXC is taken as a trophy to Carp Tower and is heavily guarded. JGY desperately tries to dual-cultivate the Jin Sect's new heir. LXC finds ways to send his former lover NHS secret messages. NHS, possibly with Wangji and WWX tries again to take JGY down.
warning for implied sexual abuse (doesn't go in any details and it is just vaguely mentioned by the characters)
This much has to be said about Jin Guangyao, he is skilled at turning people's heads around. He accuses Lan Xichen of being the one who killed Nie Mingjue, of having hidden it for years, of now mounting a conspiracy against poor Jin Guangyao so his crime will never be revealed... and his arguments and the proof he brings are powerful enough that for a brief moment, even Lan Wangji finds himself doubting his brother.
The doubt doesn't last, because Lan Wangji knows his brother, knows such a plot would go against his entire character, but that he doubted at all marks Jin Guangyao as someone to be cautious of. So when Lan Qiren decides that they will not fight these accusations, Lan Wangji reluctantly agrees, knowing the time to strike back hasn't come yet.
With Lan Xichen dead, it is so much harder to defend his character. And the manner of his death is damning: he was killed by Su Minshan, who protected Jin Guangyao when his sworn brother, seeing that his public accusations weren't hitting their mark, lost patience and decided to murder the man he'd once called his friend. There were witnesses to this. Jin witnesses for the most, but still people of good enough reputation that it is not easy to challenge their word.
The body, destroyed in that terrible fight, has not been returned to the Lan sect, though they have petitioned for it many times. Jin Guangyao eventually admits that his former friend's corpse carried such lingering rage that it had to be burned, lest it turn into something monstrous. Even those ashes he won't return to Lan Xichen's family. He gives no reason. He doesn't need to.
Reputation is a precious thing and Gusu Lan, after such a blow, rapidly loses its own. In the aftermath of this tragedy, most families who'd sent their children to be taught by Lan Qiren come to take their sons back. The year after, nobody sends their sons to be educated by the sect of a vicious murderer, by a man who allowed his own nephew to become such a monster. Even within Gusu Lan, a number of disciples simply leave, many of them joining instead Moling Su whose sect leader suffered so unfairly from the oppression of Gusu Lan.
Lan Qiren, now sect leader (Lan Wangji refused the title, knowing himself too well), takes all this in stride and maintains their old ways. It is hardly the first scandal that Gusu Lan has known, he reminds those who worry about the future of their sect. It will not be the last either. Just as they endured before, they will endure now.
Their calm toward this situation enrages Wei Wuxian sometimes, who now lives in the Cloud Recesses, the only safe place for him to hide, where he shares first Lan Wangji's house, and then eventually his bed as well, once a few things get discussed. Wei Wuxian, who saw Nie Mingjue's memories, who knows how he was murdered, is in turn furious or exhausted to see that the cultivation world likes an easy villain to hate more than it likes the truth. But it's not like Wei Wuxian can testify to what he's seen, when he is still hated by most, and they never found again Nie Mingjue's head to prove the truth.
Jin Guangyao has won, for now.
But Lan Wangji is patient, and his love runs deep. He knows that his brother wasn't the man people now claim him to have been, just as he once knew this about Wei Wuxian (more, even, because while Wei Wuxian did spill blood for the sake of honour and loyalty, Lan Xichen did not murder Nie Mingjue).
Lan Wangji is patient, and will someday bring the truth to light.
So he waits. A year passes. Two year. Three years. Gusu Lan's power continues to wan. Jin Guangyao continues to guide the cultivation world with benevolent politeness. He is looking to marry, people say, though it pains him to replace his beloved wife. They also say it doesn't pain him so much that he doesn't have a concubine, a woman whose beauty is so great that none may see her, because to see her is to love her. They say he'd marry her if she weren't barren, if he weren't so eager to have a son again.
People gossip as they always did.
And Lan Wangji waits.
He doesn't know what he is waiting for until one day Nie Huaisang comes to the Cloud Recesses, wanting to chat with Wei Wuxian.
Their first instinct is to deny such a request. Lan Wangji has never had a very high opinion of Nie Huaisang to begin with, but that was before the fool swallowed all of Jin Guangyao's lies in a heartbeat and never questioning those supposed revelations about Lan Xichen's character. That is only made worse by Lan Wangji's long held suspicion that Nie Huaisang for Lan Xichen were anything but platonic, that attempts at flirtation had been made, attempts which did not leave Lan Xichen unaffected. To have loved someone only to turn against them at the first sign of trouble is not someone Lan Wangji understands. Meanwhile, Wei Wuxian is to this day greatly annoyed that the man he once called a friend won't even push others to look for Nie Mingjue's body, which has been lost again.
But if there is one thing at which Nie Huaisang excels, it is making himself so pitiful that others will grant him more of his time than he rightfully deserves.
Except... no, that's unfair, both to him and to themselves, Lan Wangji thinks as they lead Nie Huaisang inside the Jingshi and offer him tea. There's something off about Nie Huaisang today. He is chatting and whining and pouting as he always does, blabbering something about issues that he doesn't want to bother his dear San-ge with, and how he doesn't know how he'll get out of trouble this time, how hard everything is, and... and it's the same as always, but Nie Huaisang's gaze keeps darting around, and even once they're inside, away from prying eyes.
“I didn't realise your house was so isolated from the rest of the Cloud Recesses!” he exclaims. “At least you're not bothered by neighbours, right?”
“Sometimes Lan Qiren complains that we're too noisy,” Wei Wuxian replies with a smirk. “But we usually have to make a real effort for that.”
Nie Huaisang startles like a nervous rabbit and blushes. “Ah, I can imagine... And anyway, with your reputation, Wei-xiong, I don't suppose this house gets a lot of visitors.”
“Get to the point, Nie-zongzhu.”
“Not until we've placed some silencing talismans around this room,” Nie Huaisang says with a nervous giggles, opening his fan with a flourish. “It's a mess, it's really a mess, if it gets discovered... Wei-xiong, Hanguang-Jun, my reputation is already so bad, I won't survive at all this gets spread!” he exclaims, and even spills a few tears for good measures. “Please, you're the only one who can help, it's really so awful, I'm so lost!”
Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian exchange a look. This too is so close to simply being Nie Huaisang's usual theatrics, but there's an edge to it that doesn't feel right. It's in the way he holds his fan too tightly, the nervous line at the corner of his mouth, and how his voice goes a touch higher than it normally does.
This is only confirmed when, the instant the silencing talismans activate, Nie Huaisang's attitude changes and he collapses on the sofa, looking exhausted rather than miserable.
“I really can't do this alone,” he says, closing his fan and hiding his face in his hands. “I thought I could, but this has been getting out of control. And I... well, you two are about the only people I can involve in this. It directly concerns you after all.”
Again, Lan Wangji and Wei Wuxian exchange a look. Nie Huaisang notices, and grimaces.
“Right I guess I'd better get started on confessing my role in this,” he sighs. “Let's start with the beginning: I've known that Jin Guangyao killed Da-ge since... well, pretty much since Da-ge died.”
He pauses, takes a deep breath, and checks the effect that first revelation had on his audience. Lan Wangji is surprised, definitely, but Wei Wuxian seems mostly entertained.
“I've been gathering proof against San-ge for years now,” Nie Huaisang continues. “I wasn't planning on striking just yet, but I stumbled upon Mo Xuanyu who was planning a revenge of his own, and I thought I'd use that to my advantage. I encouraged him to bring you back, Wei-xiong, because I thought at the very least you might hold a few grudges against the cultivation world and wish them harm, which would provide a distraction while Hanguang-Jun, brought forth by unexplainable chaos, quietly investigated the matter of Da-ge's arm.” He grimaces again, before reopening his fan to hide behind. “Obviously my plan failed to take into account a few things, such as the possibility that the two of you would team up, or that Jin Guangyao would... well, that he would do pretty much everything he did.”
That does sound like a very shoddy plan, especially for something that took a decade to prepare. So much time wasted, and for what results?
“Xionzhang died by your fault,” Lan Wangji realises, glaring with cold fury at Nie Huaisang who shivers and shakes his head.
“No!” he cries out. “No, that's... see, this is why I'm here. This is why I had to continue hiding! Huan-ge is... I mean, Zewu-Jun is alive!”
“Nie-xiong, that's a bold thing to lie about,” Wei Wuxian warns, gently taking Lan Wangji's hand in silent comfort. “People saw him die.”
“And yet there was no body!” Nie Huaisang exclaims, jumping to his feet and closing his fan so he can wave it toward Wei Wuxian. “Besides, do you think a man like Su Minshan could ever best Er-ge? Even a wounded or unbalance Er-ge? A lone ant would have better chances of killing a tiger!”
Without meaning too, Lan Wangji nods, while his hand tightens on Wei Wuxian's. It is something that has always puzzled him. His brother, though reputed gentle and kind, is still a hero of the Sunshot Campaign, and a man who could once spar with the fearsome Nie Mingjue without breaking a sweat. These two became friends because they were equals in strength as they were in nobility of spirit. Someone like Lan Xichen could not have lost to a man like Su Minshan, not unless there was trickery involved.
But with this having been orchestrated by Jin Guangyao, trickery is on par with the course.
“If all you've got is some suspicions...” Wei Wuxian starts saying, but again Nie Huaisang shakes his head.
“I know he's alive,” Nie Huaisang insists. “I've seen him, I've talked to him, we've...” he stops, and closes his eyes for a second, as if overcome with emotion. His hand clenches on his fan. He takes one shaky breath, then another, but can't seem to calm himself down. When he opens his eyes again they're shining with barely contained tears, and he speaks his voice is wavering. “He is alive. I've seen him just last week.”
“Where?” Lan Wangji asks.
“Where indeed? In Jin Guangyao's secret chambre, of course,” Nie Huaisang replies. “He's being held there as...” he pauses again, gritting his teeth before forcing himself to relax. “Surely you've heard about San-ge's mysterious concubine, this person so beautiful that he doesn't allow anyone to see her, not even servants, for fear she will be stolen from him? Well, he's got every reason to fear what would happen if someone discovered what he's hiding in his little love nest.”
Wei Wuxian lets out a pained cry, which Lan Wangji realises is his fault for crushing his husband's hand.
The idea of his brother alive, kept against his will, used against his will, and for several years, is unbearable.
“How is he keeping Zewu-Jun prisoner?” Wei Wuxian asks, massaging his hand. “Like you've said, he's an exceptional man, and certainly a much stronger cultivator than Lianfang-Zun.”
“As I understand, it's a mix of several things,” Nie Huaisang says. “Blackmail, mostly: San-ge has threatened to turn the cultivation world against Hanguang-Jun for his involvement with you, Wei-xiong. And Huan-ge... Zewu-Jun believes it, because he's heavily drugged. We've never been able to speak very long whenever I've seen him, but I think San-ge convinced him that he really is to blame for Da-ge's death, and that he deserves to be held prisoner and... punished.”
“How long have you known?” Lan Wangji asks, fury piercing through his voice.
He doesn't like the way Nie Huaisang hesitates, the way he shivers before falling back on the sofa, nor how he hides again behind his fan and looks away.
“How long?” Lan Wangji insists.
“I started suspecting it was like this pretty soon after the whole affair unfolded,” Nie Huaisang whispers. “But I couldn't make sure, it was too dangerous... I couldn't reveal myself. San-ge would have killed me too, and I couldn't risk that until he no longer saw enemies in every moving shadows. But then, about six months ago, an opportunity presented itself and I was able to see Lan Xichen.”
Six months. For six months, someone has known that Lan Wangji's brother was alive, that he was held against his will, that he was suffering, and did nothing.
“It was very brief,” Nie Huaisang says, guessing his thoughts. “So brief I wasn't sure at first... I thought it might have been Su Minshan, until I found out later that he was in a different part of the country at that time. And it took weeks of waiting for another chance to emerge! But two months ago, I was able to properly meet with him, to speak with him even. I was so shaken that I didn't fully realise... and he's the one who told me that I shouldn't involve you,” Nie Huaisang explains. “I didn't understand at the time. I was just so relieved to see him alive, I didn't really understand the cost at which that came to be. Not until I saw him again, last week. And I realised that... that something had to be done.”
“So you came to see us,” Wei Wuxian says. “And I suppose you have a plan, hm?”
With a nervous chuckle, Nie Huaisang shook his head. “A plan? Wei-xiong, I'm never planning for anything again in my life, not if I can help it! Haven't you seen what a mess I made already?”
“Then what...”
“I'm just offering my knowledge,” Nie Huaisang hurriedly says, fanning himself with quick, nervous movements. “Everything I've learned about Jin Guangyao, everything I know about Jinlin Tai. And if you want me to help, I'll do it of course. To rescue Er-ge, to avenge Da-ge... I'm not afraid of putting myself in danger, if there's a real chance of success!”
Whatever anger Lan Wangji feels against the man who has caused his brother to suffer for three years and known about it for half a year, gets appeased a little by the sight of Nie Huaisang's own anger and determination. If he is faking his resolve to help rescue Lan Xichen, then he is an excellent actor indeed.
Actually, Nie Huaisang must be a born comedian, if he survived this long and fooled even Jin Guangyao for well over a decade. This could be just a ruse, but...
But Lan Wangji will take the risk and trust Nie Huaisang, if that's the way to set his brother free and make justice triumph.
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daily-suyao · 3 months
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daily-suyao · 2 months
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daily-suyao · 3 months
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