#poor sweet trusting bambi of a woman
randomfoggytiger · 1 year
How the Ghosts Stole Christmas In-Depth (Part IV): Scully Out-Denies Lyda's Tricks
Now it’s Scully’s turn to get terrified. 
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Lyda nonchalantly pops through the door and scares Scully out of her wits-- so much so that it takes a longer time than usual for her to unclip and wield her gun; and, for the sheer fun of it, the ghostess decides to screams her lungs out as well (partly as a cackling release but also to sell the “I’m a human and you’re in MY house” disguise.)  
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Lyda then plays into the other woman's sympathy, pleading with her not to pull out the gun that Scully is still scrabbling for. 
Gun out, some courage seeps through with the adrenaline-- but not much: Scully’s hands are shaking, her voice wavers between commanding and begging, and she’s “a little on edge.” Scully brings up Mulder, explaining they’d been separated in the house.  
“Ah, the gangly fella with the, uh…” Lyda maps out the nose bridge area with her hand, “...distinguished profile.”
“You’ve seen him?!”
“With you--” Lyda smiles, widely. “--in the foyer. I thought he was a ghost, too.” 
“Oh,” Scully exhales, “that was you.” 
SO, she had seen Lyda from the corner of her eye-- or, more conveniently, heard her walking about upstairs-- then denied, denied, denied. 
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“I’m sorry,” Scully apologizes, exhaling, before rolling her shoulders back and collecting herself. “I didn’t mean to scare you. I, uh… it’s just that we found bodies.” 
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Unusually out of her element, the demeanor of Special Agent has yet to return; and Lyda takes this opportunity to confuse her guest further by denying that there are any bodies. With no proof, Scully is out of evidence and full of self-doubt and befuddlement. 
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“You look like you saw a ghost,” Lyda has the cheek to say. Then she slips into spinning her web of half-truth, half-lie: "There are ghosts in this house, y’know.”
Scully is so frazzled all she’s left with is short-circuitry and fear. …And it immediately turns into deep suspicion fueled by that oft repeated mantra of Mulder’s she’s taken to heart: trust no one. 
“...Who are you?” 
“I live here, thank you very much.” 
Scully believes: her hands are shaking, her quiver is back, her body is angled toward the threat while backing away from it. She believes but she still won’t admit.
She follows close on Lyda’s dismissive heels, raising her gun still higher-- 
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before BOLTING to the door to try to rip it open once more. 
“I think the ghosts have been playing tricks on you,” Lyda snarks.
But the door is locked-- and that’s tangible, so something corporeal must have locked it. With that rationality some more of Scully's courage rekindles.  “I don’t believe in ghosts,” she counters, voice stronger.
(“Oh well-- there's plenty of room in that cold, dark place for liars, Scully," Boggs had once said.)
The door works… to reveal a brick wall of her own. 
What I love about the brick walls is that they are twofold: they do represent Mulder’s and Scully’s own walls, but also as a manipulative device of the ghosts-- make those walls seem unbreakable to tear down their guests’ spirits in anguish and despair. The immovable, unchangeable barrier that will forever keep them from happiness in this mortal coil… leading them directly into the sweet embrace and release of death. 
...most likely to forever pick fights with Maurice and Lyda while trapped in their house. 
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Denial’s gone now, and the gun is back. Scully’s ready to square up. 
“Where’s my partner?” 
Lyda sidesteps the question: “He believes in ghosts?”
“Yeah,” Scully unflinchingly responds. 
“You poor child. You must have an awfully small life, spending your Christmas Eve with him-- running around and chasing things you don’t even believe in.” 
Well that’s a perspective that Scully does and doesn’t hold: yes, Mulder’s single mindedness can be infuriating at times… but does she come across that way to him? It hits on that old, nagging insecurity: Phoebe Green and Bambi Berenbaum and Diana Fowley (and eventually Karin Berquist) can feed his theories and take her place and sneer at her skepticism; and Mulder will cling to their validation because he feels (she thinks) rejected by her. 
Does he feel rejected by her?  
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Again: Mulder’s walls are his insecurity and terror that Scully will pack up and leave him one day; and Scully’s are that Mulder would be satisfied to rot in stagnation in his molding basement, rooting her down with him (an interesting foretelling of the episode Field Trip.) 
Her fear and equal confusion are twisted up with her warring belief and disbelief, too muddled for her to sift and resort her quaking emotions. 
“I can see it in your face, the fear," Lyda continues, "the conflicted yearnings. The subconscious desire to find fulfillment through another.” 
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That part is true: Jack Willis to a degree, Mulder most definitely, and even more definitely Daniel Waterston. Scully eventually gravitates to Daniel because she feels unneeded by Mulder-- those doubts bleeding through since S1 into Never Again and into Milagro and finally concluding in All Things-- and her dutiful personality wants to be someone’s right hand man and the only twinkle in their eye. Mulder, for all his affectionate nature, forgets that Scully needs a moment after she loses her sister (talking about fate), her dog (moving on to his request), her rudder in the work (shuffling off to Graceland and giving her the wrong space) her Christmas Eve, and eventually her weekend. He almost loses her to men who need her to fix them-- Ed Jerse’s messed up life and crummy bar, Waterson’s damaged heart and broken relationships-- who have a way of crushing her rationality under the thumb of passion through obligation, who want to take the steering wheel of her life and turn it in their directions. It’s not until All Things that Scully realizes what Melissa meant by “life’s… just a path”: it’s one with a destination only you-- she-- can choose; and it causes her to fully take control of the reigns of her life and be at peace with her hands-off man Mulder. 
It took Scully forever to start a relationship with Mulder-- whether that’s The Unnatural or Millennium or All Things-- because she was ingrained in her habits, waiting for him to take control. But Mulder’s no Eddie van Blundht (no Ed Jerse, no Daniel Waterston); and they both realized it would take a miracle for him to do what his shapeshifter-self did. So: Scully, miraculously healed from cancer, reached out for another miracle… and Mulder completely missed it. This shifted her back into Starbuck mode; which led to her quiet reticence of S5 and her self-blame in FTF and her hints and thwarted hopes in S6. The relationship stagnated until Mulder got a clue-- in The Unnatural-- and it shifted irrevocably from there (for me, their relationship will-they-won't-they was resolved; for others it's Millennium or All Things.) 
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“--Intimacy through codependency,” Lyda finishes. 
“Maybe you repress the truth about why you’re really here: pretending it’s out of duty or loyalty, unable to admit your dirty little secret.”
And here is where Madame Ghostess makes a false step-- that little lie buried in a pile of truth: “You’re only joy in life is proving him wrong.”  
This is her mind game: give so much information that one tiny, misplaced little detail will bug someone into believing it rather than discrediting the whole. The trick is to overwhelm the victim, flood out the nuance, and throw the most convenient safety line their way. One that just so happens to be beneficial to two cranky old ghosts.  
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Unfortunately for the ghost's ploy, Scully's denial is bone-deep.
“You don’t know me!” Scully indignantly pushes back. 
Lyda, divining that the trick won't work because of this victim's intensely and stubbornly entrenched refusal to bend to any will but her own, changes tactics. She resolves to scare Scully to death, 
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crush her dreams by manipulating her implicit trust in her partner, and pit her against Mulder, culminating in the mutual homicide of two scared, lonely people. As Lyda states tells Maurice: "Now who is filled with hopelessness and futility on Halloween? Christmas comes but once a year."
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The only way to take Mulder and Scully down is to destroy them together. 
Thank you for reading~
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thanflowers · 2 years
i do think elspeth would be a relatively easy target for the duckling tbh. like she’s just so sad and lonely for her first few years at the little palace, any notice she gets from her seniors at all shocks and delights her, even if she doesn’t understand where it’s coming from. plus she’s just so grateful to have a safe place to learn and master her abilities, if the duckling himself paid her any mind it would floor her. she even looks up to him, in a way. so yeah. her loyalty isn’t difficult to win. 
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lailyn · 3 years
Could I ask for an IronStrangeFrost drabble of sick or whumpee Loki with the reproductive system please? 👀❤️
Here ya go, my lovelies!
Immaterial Love
Summary: Stephen and Tony bicker over the cost of a cheeseburger. The actual price? More than they can afford.
TW: Mpreg Loki
Somewhere in Manhattan…
“I think we should get the Beebop Ferrari Baby Buggy.”
Stephen made a face. “Ferraris are overrated.”
“Yeah, wait till Lamborghini makes strollers and then we’ll talk.”
“If we’re going designer, why aren’t we getting actual designer strollers? Silver Cross has some really nice ones, even if they cost more than my annual stipend.”
“While we’re on the subject, how much is your stipend? You never told me.”
“You never asked.”
A smooth voice suddenly spoke up from behind. “Ten thousand dollars.”
Stephen’s eyes bulged at Loki; Tony’s at Stephen. “How did you know that?” “That’s all? For the whole year?”
Loki shrugged. “That’s how much an average Silver Cross pram costs. I needed only to work backwards.”
Tony looked like he was about to cry so Stephen boldly grabbed him around the shoulders. “Hey, hey. It’s okay. I don’t mind.”
Tony shook his head furiously. “I don’t care. I’m giving you my black card.”
Stephen wrinkled his nose at the obscenely generous gesture. “Materialism is unsustainable by nature. Why do you think I wear the same outfit all the time?”
He then turned to Loki. “And what are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be at home resting?”
“I’ve rested enough. I am hungry. I want a cheeseburger.”
Stephen still looked doubtful. “You were vomiting quite a lot this morning. You sure you’re up to eating something so greasy?”
Loki only gazed at his husband coolly and said nothing.
“Aaand it’s a cheeseburger you shall have, darling!” Tony forgot all about his empathising with Stephen and his poor pittance. “What are you doing?” he hissed.
“It’s only going to make him sick!” Stephen hissed back.
“Then let him be sick! You can always stick an IV in him if it gets too bad, can’t you?”
“There’s a difference between indulging and being stupid and careless.”
Loki cleared his throat. “You do know I can hear every single word you say, don’t you?”
“That was kind of the point,” Stephen said. He was willing to bear the brunt of Loki’s wrath if Tony wouldn’t. “You are carrying our child.”
Loki’s eyes began to well.
“Stephen…” Tony moaned.
But Stephen would not budge. “Just trust me on this, okay? Let’s get something else. Anything you want.”
“I do not want anything else,” Loki said so tightly there was no mistaking the wobbling of his lips.
“He’ll get a salad for side. No fries.” Tony’s frantic gaze vacillated between his two fuming husbands. “Deal?”
Stephen pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes in frustration. Bad feeling aside, he wished his husbands could take his words at face value and stop arguing with him. “I am telling you it is a bad idea.”
“Fuck this.” Tony threw his hands up and strode across the street to get to the McDonalds at the end of the block -
“Tony, look out!”
Tyres screeched. A woman screamed.
One second Tony was jaywalking, the next he was flying.
Oh, fantastic. I’m finally gonna be a dad. Now I have to be dead.
“Tony!” Someone shouted.
“Huh?” He lifted his head off the sidewalk. “Whuzzat?”
He tried to rise but someone’s arm was slung across his back. He recognised from the weight that it was Loki’s.
“Are you alright, Anthony?” Loki asked tersely, still breathless from the hard landing.
Horns blared. The sounds of heavy running.
“Tony, you idiot!” Stephen hollered. “What were you thinking?”
“You...pushed me out of the way?” Tony asked numbly. He pawed Loki up and down from head to toe. “Are you okay? Is the baby okay?”
“It’s fine, it’s fine…” Loki walked his elbows and knees across the concrete and tried to push himself up before Stephen caught him by the elbow.
“Easy.” Stephen looked him over anxiously. “Are you hurt?”
Loki shook his head. “I am unharmed.”
Overwhelmed with relief, Stephen exhaled shakily. “All this over a cheeseburger.”
Tony’s face burned. “I’m sorry. I am so, so sorry.”
“It’s fine,” Loki stressed. “Stop fussing.”
Stephen shook his head before pressing fierce kisses to the sides of Loki and Tony’s heads, one after the other. “Come on. I’m buying.”
Tony opened his mouth to protest, but Stephen cut him off. “No fries, right? I’m sure I can afford that much.”
A short while later, they were sitting at a table and staring at the food in front of them silently.
After his close brush with death, Tony found his appetite completely nonexistent. He grinned weakly. “I’m suddenly not very hungry.”
“Well, I am.” With a roll of his eyes, Stephen picked up his fork and began attacking the salad Loki was never going to eat. He paused in the middle of bringing a cherry tomato to his mouth upon noticing the wince on Loki’s face. “Loki? You alright?”
Roused from his daydream, Tony looked up in alarm as Loki slowly rose to his feet, a hand pressed to his stomach. “Bambi, what is it?”
“I need to go to the washroom,” Loki mumbled. “Excuse me.”
But before he could take the first step, he swayed right where he stood and his eyes rolled back in his head.
“Shit - ” Stephen leapt out of his seat and caught his husband on the way down. He laid Loki on the floor. “Loki!”
“Stephen,” Tony called out suddenly.
Stephen followed the line of Tony’s horrified gaze, and his face drained of all colour at the sight of blood pooling on the plastic chair, a stark red against the unforgiving yellow.
A shaky hand grabbed the front of Stephen’s robe.
“Stephen.” Loki was as white as a sheet. “I don’t feel very well.”
“You’re going to be okay.” Stephen fumbled with his sling ring. “Tony, take him. Loki, stay awake!”
But the pain in his stomach was too great, and Loki gladly succumbed to the beckoning darkness.
Stark Tower
“Hey. Welcome back.”
Waking up to Stephen’s handsome visage staring down at him was always fantastic, except that he was not on his bed, and his entire shoulder was wet.
It took Loki a few seconds for his vision to adjust to the bright lights over his head. “What happened?”
“You don’t remember?”
Loki closed his eyes. He remembered the screeching of tyres. The smell of burning rubber.
“Was I in an accident?” he mumbled. That must be it. It would explain why he felt like he had been trampled by a bilgesnipe.
Tony’s body shook harder and Loki frowned; the jostling was unnecessary and sending jolts of pain deep inside his belly.  
“Why is Tony crying like a - ” Loki’s eyes flew open and he gasped. “Baby!”
“Is the baby alright?” He begged. “Stephen, tell me!”
“Shhh, you’re both fine,” Stephen soothed, stroking Loki’s still-flat stomach. “You just had a minor placental bleed from the fall. I’ve arrested the bleeding and done the scan and everything. You’re fine. The baby’s fine.”
“Oh, thank the Norns…” Loki flung an arm across his eyes. His other hand reached for Tony’s head. “Anthony…”
Loki’s fingers sifted through Tony’s hair gently. “Tony, stop. You’re ruining my shirt.”
“I’ll buy you a new one,” Tony mumbled, his voice muffled by emotions and fabric. “I’m a stupid idiot.”
Loki craned forward to kiss the top of Tony’s head. “You’re my stupid idiot.”
“Our stupid idiot,” Stephen corrected, smiling fondly at his two idiots. “Now will you both listen to me from now on?”
“Yes,” Tony immediately said.
“Only until the baby’s born,” Loki said at the same time. “Deal?”
Stephen sighed.
You win some, you lose some.
He bent down to give the more stubborn of his two husbands a kiss steeped in gratitude and relief. “Deal.”
His maddening anxiety finally assuaged by the sweetness of the kiss, Stephen straightened and leaned his body forward across the bed. “Tony, are you going to cry all day or are you going to get up here and kiss me?”
“No, Sir. Yes, Sir!”
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bamby0304 · 5 years
Her Saviours- Ch.18
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Series Masterlist
Summary: During an odd case, the Winchesters came across Y/N, a scared young Omega girl who had been used as a lure for a nest of vampires. After rescuing her from the monsters, John and his sons took her in knowing she was in no state to live among ordinary people. But three Alphas and one Omega is a mixture bound for disaster.
Warnings: Explicit language. ABO dynamics. Angst. Violence. Dry humping. Almost smut, plenty of cock blocking.
You had to sit out the talk with the owner of a local auto repair shop. The place used to be owned by the current owner and John, which was why Sam and Dean were talking to him without you. Considering they were pretending to be cops, it was easier to have you stay out of it.
It wasn’t that Omega’s couldn’t be cops, it was more the fact that it was very rare.
Sitting in Baby, away from the view of the auto shop just in case anyone recognised the car, you were staring at your phone. You wanted to call John.
There was no point, though, and you knew it. The guy hadn’t answered his phone for months, why would he now?
“Hey,” Dean tapped the roof of the car, making you jump. Normally he’d laugh that off, but the case had him feeling all kinds of things, which had him instantly looking at you with guilt. “Sorry.”
“It’s okay,” You assured him, climbing out of the car. “So… what’d he say?”
“Dad use to see a psychic.”
“John? Psychic?” You couldn’t believe it.
“Yeah, I know.” Dean nodded. “I’m as surprised as you, but it’s a lead.”
“So where’s Sam?”
Turning, Dean gestured to a nearby phone booth. “Come on.” Grabbing your hand, he started towards his brother.
Once you were close enough, Sam started to read from the phonebook he was flicking through. “All right, so there are a few psychics and palm readers in town. There’s someone named El Divino. There’s, uh,” he chuckled lightly, “there’s the Mysterious Mister Fortinsky. Uh, Missouri Moseley-”
Dean cut him off suddenly. “Wait, wait. Missouri Moseley?”
Turning away from the book, Sam frowned at his brother, confused. “What?”
“That’s a psychic?” Dean asked.
“Uh, yeah.” Sam shrugged. “Yeah, I guess so.”
Letting go of your hand, Dean turned and jogged back to the car. You and Sam shared an equally confused look before you started towards his brother. Before you got to him, however, Dean was already coming back for you.
In his hands he held John’s journal..
“Here, look at this.” He opened the journal up to the first page and handed it to Sam. “First page, first sentence, read that.”
“‘I went to Missouri and I learned the truth.’”
“I always thought he meant the state.”
You were on edge. Sitting between the brothers in the waiting room of Missouri’s office… you were on edge. There was just something about the place. A smell that made you feel all tingly…
Your leg was jumping up and down. It hadn’t stopped since you took your seat.
“Okay.” Dean suddenly grabbed your knee to stop your leg from jiggling. “What is your problem?”
Words wouldn’t form. All you could do was stare at his hand on your leg. There was a heat under his palm that was radiating throughout your body. The tingling intensified, centring around your core.
“Dean,” you whimpered, looking up to meet his gaze.
His eyes went wide as if realising what was wrong.
“Are you… are you going into heat?” Sam asked behind you. His voice was low so as not to disturb Missouri and her client in the next room. But the lowness of his voice served a second purpose… it also increased your arousal.
“Sammy.” You leaned back against him.
Out of instinct, he leaned in ever so slightly and breathed against your shoulder. “Fuck.”
Dean’s grip on your knee tightened as he moved in closer...
“All right, there!”
Missouri’s voice snapped the three of you out of whatever was happening, making you all spring apart just in time as her and her client walked around the corner.
“Don’t you worry ‘bout a thing. Your wife is crazy about you,” she assured the man. He gave her a thankful smile before walking out. As soon as he was gone and the door was closed, she sighed and shook her head. “Poor bastard. His woman is cold-bangin’ the gardener.”
“Why didn’t you tell him?” Dean asked, voice a little shaky from discomfort.
“People don’t come here for the truth. They come for good news,” she noted, starting towards her office. When none of you moved, she gestured for you to follow. “Well? Sam, Dean and Y/N, come on already, I ain’t got all day.”
While the brothers hesitated, you stood on shaking legs and followed the Beta into her office. When you walked in, however, you came to a stop and nearly toppled over.
“Whoa!” Sam was right there, catching you before you could fall.
As he pulled you to his chest, you leaned into him, seeking out his warmth, comfort, security and touch. You felt dizzy, and hot. Flushed. Tingly. You felt…
“Fuck… what’s happening?”
Dean came up to stand in front of you, waiting until you opened your eyes enough to meet his gaze. Reaching out, he pressed a hand to your forehead and left it there for a second before pulling it away. Then, he took a deep breath to prepare himself, and then he leaned in and sniffed at your neck.
“Dean?” Sam asked expectantly, waiting for an explanation.
“She’s not in heat,” Dean noted, pulling back.
“I’m not?” Even you were surprised.
“Here, drink this.” Missouri stepped up to the three of you then, offering you a steaming cup of tea.
The sweet smell of peppermint hit your senses almost immediately. Taking the cup from her hands, you gingerly brought it to your lips and took a sip. It didn’t do much, but it distracted you enough.
“Well, lemme look at ya.” Missouri stepped up to Dean and Sam, laughing lightly. “Oh, you boys grew up handsome.” She pointed a finger at Dean. “And you were one goofy-lookin’ kid, too.”
Despite whatever was going on in you, you couldn’t help but smile at Dean. You hadn’t known him when he was a kid, but he was good looking when you first met him and he’d only gotten better with age.
Missouri’s words had Sam grinning at his glaring brother.
Turning her attention to Sam, her smile faltered as she grabbed his hand. “Oh, honey… I’m sorry about your girlfriend.”
Your gaze dropped as Dean stepped a little closer to you, placing his hand on your back.
“And your father,” Missouri went on. “He’s missin’?”
“How’d you know all that?” Sam asked.
“Well, you were just thinkin’ it just now,” she explained.
Dean’s hand slipped from your back as he stepped closer to her. “Well, where is he? Is he okay?”
“I don’t know.”
“Don’t know? Well, you’re supposed to be a psychic, right?”
Her face turned scolding. “Boy, you see me sawin’ some bony tramp in half? You think I’m a magician? I may be able to read thoughts and sense energies in a room, but I can’t just pull facts out of thin air.” Shaking her head at him, she turned to you. “Come on, dear, let’s sit you down.” Taking your arm, she gently guided you over to one of the to lounges in the room.
Following, the brothers waited until you were sitting before they took the spots on either side of you. They stayed close, but also tried to keep some distance between you. It was clear something was happening, and the last thing you needed was this thing triggering your heat.
As Dean sat, Missouri snapped at him. “Boy, you put your foot on my coffee table, I’m ‘a whack you with a spoon!”
“I didn’t do anything!”
“But you were thinkin’ about it,” she countered.
“Okay. So, our dad, when did you first meet him?” Sam asked, getting back on track.
“He came for a reading. A few days after the fire. I just told him what was really out there in the dark. I guess you could say… I drew back the curtains for him.”
“What about the fire? Do you know about what killed our mum?” Dean asked.
“A little. Your daddy took me to your house. He was hopin’ I could sense the echoes, the fingerprints of this thing.”
“And could you?” Sam presed.
Missouri simply shook her head.
“What was it?”
“I don’t know. Oh, but it was evil.” She looked to both of the boys with sympathetic eyes. “So…you think somethin’ is back in that house?”
Sam gave a firm nod. “Definitely.”
“I don’t understand.”
“I haven’t been back inside, but I’ve been keepin’ an eye on the place, and it’s been quiet,” she explained, answering Sam’s question. “No sudden deaths, no freak accidents. Why is it actin’ up now?”
“I don’t know. But Dad going missing and Jessica dying and now this house all happening at once... it just feels like something’s starting,” Sam noted.
“That’s a comforting thought,” Dean mumbled sarcastically.
You had to agree with Dean… all of this was making you feel very uneasy.
“Having you there… it might help. She’s an Omega, you’re an Omega… you might be able to help her trust the boys,” Missouri noted as the four of you stood on her porch.
Looking to the brothers, you hesitated before turning back to her and shaking your head. “I can’t. I… I don’t feel well. And I don’t want to distract anyone. Having me there might make things worse, too.”
There was a moment of hesitation. You could feel the brothers, you knew they wanted to argue, but they knew you were right. Something was going on with you, and whatever it was, it could easily distract both Winchesters.
“Okay then.” Missouri gave a short nod. “You can stay here. The spare bedroom is upstairs, the first door on the left. Rest up, dear. We’ll be back before you know it.”
As she started towards Baby, Sam turned to you. “Call us if you need anything. We’ll come running,” he assured you.
“I know.” Stepping closer to him, you pressed a kiss to his cheek.
The two of you tensed, pausing. His scent and yours lingered, tempting you into doing more than giving a simple peck.
Before either of you could do something you might regret later, you pulled away and turned to Dean. “You gonna be okay?”
“I should be the one asking you that.”
Chuckling, you shrugged. “I’ll be fine.”
“You better be.” Unlike with his brother, Dean gave in to the temptation of your scent and pressed his lips to yours.
Gripping the back of your head, he held you close, deepening the kiss until your knees were buckling.
Tearing his lips away from yours, Dean looked down at you. “Stay safe.”
“You too.”
With that, he stepped back and gave Sam’s arm a tap. With one last smile from the younger brother, you then watched as they walked away, heading over to join Missouri by Baby. You stood there and watched as they got in the car, not moving until they drove off and disappeared.
Once alone, you headed back inside and made sure to lock every door and window. As soon as you were certain you were alone, you dragged yourself upstairs and into the spare room before collapsing onto the bed.
Whatever was going on with you, was only getting worse.
You were dreaming… at least you felt like you were dreaming. Everything was hazy. There was a scent surrounding you that felt so familiar, it made your mouth water.
But you couldn’t figure out what the scent was. There were too many scented candles in the room. Too many overpowering smells. Try as you might, you couldn’t name the delicious taste in your mouth.
“Hey sweetheart.” The rough voice made your skin tingle in all the right ways.
Humming, you rolled onto your back. Your body moved on its own, spreading your legs for the voice.
The haziness of your dream made it hard to discern details. Everything felt like it was on the cusp of reality. You felt flushed, dizzy, confused… it was difficult to focus.
You felt the bed dip before gentle lips ghosted along your neck. “Miss you, sweetheart.”
Moaning, your wrapped your arms around the man in your dreams, pulling him closer. “Touch me. Please.”
“Wish I could, baby,” they groaned against you. “But you’re not thinking straight… and the boys… leaving them, coming back for you, taking you… I wish I could, but they’d never forgive me.”
Frowning in your sleep, you shook your head. “No one has to know. Just touch me.”
The bed shifted again as the man of your dreams pulled back. “I want to, sweetheart… but I can’t. I just… I can’t.”
You listened as they walked away. When you heard the sound of a door clicking shut, you suddenly sat upright in bed, eyes on the closed door.
Was… was that…? That was a dream… right?
Most of you was certain it was. It hadn’t felt real enough to not be a dream. Everything had been too hazy, and there was no lingering scent of whoever it might’ve been.
But there was a tiny bit of you that had doubts. Some part that questioned the tingling feeling deep in your stomach… that felt a little too real for a dream...
A hand gently rocked you, pulling you from your sleep once more. Eyes fluttering open, you found Dean sitting on the edge of the bed.
“Hey.” He smiled down at you. “How you feeling?”
Swallowing thickly, you rested your hand on his. His eyes followed your movement, understanding you right away despite the fact you hadn’t actually said anything.
“How’s the case going?”
“We’ve got a plan,” he explained. “Sam and Missouri are downstairs, working on some stuff that’s supposed to get rid of the poltergeist and ghost.”
“Poltergeist and ghost?”
Nodding, he shifted on the spot. “Yeah… but… I don’t wanna talk about it.”
“Can you smell that?” he asked suddenly, looking around the room.
“Smell what?”
Frowning, his eyes darted around as if he was trying to find the source of whatever he could smell. “It… it smells a little like Alpha in here.”
Giving the air a sniff, you shook your head. “I don’t smell anything other than you and the candles.”
Still, he didn’t stop looking around. Whatever he could sense was getting on his nerves. It clearly didn’t sit right with him. Probably had to do with the fact it was an Alpha scent around the Omega he was kind of seeing.
“Dean.” Reaching up, you cupped his cheek and turned his head until he was looking down at you.
As soon as your eyes met, he moved. Leaning down, he captured your lips with his. You melted into the touch.
Shifting once more, he moved until he was kneeling on the bed, leaning over you. Your hand slid around to his hair, your fingers gliding through to tug on the strands as you pulled him closer. He lowered himself down until he was between your thighs and his body was pressed against yours. You could feel the heat of his skin against you as he surrounded you completely.
You could feel more than just that… you could feel him growing hard as he began grinding against you.
Pulling your lips from his, you moaned. “Dean…”
He turned to suck on your neck as he continued to rock against you. “Want you.”
“Mmm.” Dragging your legs up against him, you wrapped them around his hips. “Yes. Please. Dean.”
Groaning into the crook of your neck, Dean slid his hand between your bodies and began working on undoing your jeans.
“You two better stop that right now!” Missouri yelled from the other side of the door. “There is a family that needs our help. And I do not need the smell of you two staining my sheets! Let the poor girl go, Dean.”
Grunting out of frustration, Dean pulled away harshly and dropped to the bed beside you. “Goddamn cock block,” he muttered.
“I heard that, boy!”
The Winchesters and Missouri had gone back to Jenny’s house to deal with the spirits. You’d stayed back, again, although this time you regretted it. It seemed the longer you stayed at Missouri’s the more you felt… weird.
Something in her house was making your skin go all tingly, and the fact you couldn’t figure out what it was, was frustrating the hell out of you.
It didn’t take too long before Dean sent you a message to let you know they were done, though. They were gone for maybe an hour, a little bit more. You weren’t sure, but you didn’t care. You were just relieved the case was over… that meant you could move on.
Driving Missouri’s car down the road, nearing Jenny’s place, you found Sam waiting for you out the front. Parking by the pathway, you slid out of the car as he headed towards you.
“How’d it go?”
He shrugged. “It was touch a go for a moment, but we managed.”
When he finally stopped in front of you, you spotted the darkening mark on his neck. “Sam!” Stepping closer, you reached up on your toes to get a better look. “What the hell happened?”
As your hands went out to check him over, he caught your wrists. “I’m okay,” he assured you, smiling as he led you back down from your toes. “Dean saved the day.”
“You sure?”
“I’m sure.” He nodded, giving your wrists a squeeze. “What about you? You feeling better?”
“A little, yeah,” you admitted. “I think I just needed some fresh air or something.”
“Good.” He gave a tight smile.
It suddenly occurred to you that you had no idea how Sam would react if you actually got your heat. You had no idea how he was going to cope during your next one. During the last one you had, you two hadn’t been on great terms. Now, however, things were complicated.
He’d been flirting more. He’d been getting closer. He’d been touching you more. Part of you wanted to believe he was falling back into old habits. The rest of you couldn’t believe he’d get over Jess so quickly.
“Come on.” He turned his hand and intertwined his fingers with yours. “Let’s go help Dean clean up, and then let’s get out of here.”
You did not get out of there.
Later that night you found yourself huddled against one of the back doors of the Impala, while Sam and Dean watched the house across the street. Apparently Sam did not feel like the case was actually over.
“All right, so, tell me again, what are we still doin’ here?” Dean asked, not for the first time.
“I don’t know. I just…I still have a bad feeling,” Sam explained.
“Why? Missouri did her whole Zelda Rubenstein thing, the house should be clean, it should be over,” Dean countered.
Normally you’d agree with him, but this case had changed things. Now you knew about Sam, you knew what he could do and what he’d been going through. It might’ve tested Dean’s trust and belief in his brother, but for you? Seeing that everything Sam had predicted was true, you trusted him more than ever.
Sam shrugged. “Yeah, well, probably. But I just wanna make sure, that’s all.”
“Yeah, well, problem is I could be sleeping in a bed with my girl right now,” Dean grunted, sliding down to get more comfortable in his seat. Leaning his head, back against the seat, he closed his eyes.
“Dean.” Sam hit his brother in the chest. “Look, Dean!”
Turning to the house, you felt your stomach drop as you spotted Jenny in window, banging her fists against the glass as she screamed.
“You grab the kids, I’ll get Jenny,” Dean ordered as the brothers jumped out of the car.
You didn’t hesitate. Within seconds you were throwing yourself out of the car and running across the street, praying you’d get to the family in time.
Dean was going after Jenny, Sam was headed for Ritchie, and you were rushing for Sari’s room. As you threw the little girl’s door open, you came to a stop.
Sari was sitting up in bed, cry and screaming as she started at the thing standing in the middle of the room. The thing on fire.
Running into the room, you reached out for Sari. “Come on, sweetheart! I got you!”
With tears streaming down her face, Sari threw herself at you. Clutching her to your chest, holding her head in the crook of your neck, you moved as quickly as possible, dodging the thing on fire as it slowly moved closer to you.
Once in the hallway, you squealed as you almost bumped into Sam.
“Let’s go!” Grabbing your hand with his free one, he dragged you through the house and towards the front door.
As you neared the exit, Sam put Ritchie down so the little boy could run into his mum’s arms. Dean and Jenny were outside, frantically waiting for the rest of you. With Sam a step behind, Sari still in your arms, and Ritchie running ahead, you burst out of the house… only to have the door slam shut behind you.
Turning on your heels, your eyes went wide as you realised Sam hadn’t made it out.
“Sam!” you screamed.
Wriggling out of your grasp, Sari ran to her mum and brother while you started pounding your fist on the door.
“Y/N, move!” Dean ordered as he came charging up the porch steps.
You managed to jump out of the way just in time before Dean swung an axe into the door.
Heart pounding hard and fast in your chest, you found it hard to breathe as you watched Dean break down the door. It splintered and chipped under the weight of each hit until finally one of the panels broke away from the rest.
“Sam!” Dean called into the house as he continued to swing the axe.
It didn’t take too much longer before there was a big enough hole in the door for you to slip through.
As Dean pulled the axe away, you moved as quickly as you could and ducked into the house.
Ignoring Dean, you ran. Feet slamming against the floorboards, you moved faster than you’d ever moved before. Even with your lungs burning, you didn’t stop until you threw yourself into the kitchen.
Sam was pressed against the wall, struggling as whatever held him squeezed him at the same time.
His eyes darted to you, and instantly filled with fear. “Y/N! Run!”
Before you could get closer, or run away, you were suddenly thrown against the wall as well. Your head collided with the heavy wooden kitchen cupboards. The crack that followed the collision echoed in your heart as a sharp pain throbbed from the point of impact, and throughout your head.
Slowly your vision began to blur, and then everything went black.
Groaning, you winced as you lifted your head from whatever you’d been resting on.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Sam’s voice was gentle as he tried to ease you back down.
“Sam?” you croaked, cracking your eyes open to look up at him.
The two of you were in the back of the Impala. Dean was driving in the front, while you were laying across the backseat, your head in Sam’s lap.
His fingers stilled from where they’d been stroking your hair soothingly. “Hey.” He cracked a smile. “How you feeling?”
“Like I got knocked out by a poltergeist,” you groaned, pushing yourself to sit up.
Not wanting you to hurt yourself, Sam guided you up and helped you turn so you could lean against the back of the seat. Once he was sure you would be okay, he let you go.
“What happened?”
Neither of them answered right away. You watched them both as they shot each other quick glances. It didn’t take a genius to know whatever went down had been big.
“The thing that was in Sari’s room...” Sam started. “It was our mum.”
Your eyes went wide. “M-Mary?”
“Yeah.” He nodded, looking down at his lap. “She sacrificed herself to kill the poltergeist.”
“So… she saved you?”
“She saved all of us,” Dean countered. “That poltergeist had you, too. And mum… mum didn’t want it to just let go of us… she…”
“She mentioned you,” Sam explained, finishing the sentence Dean couldn’t. “She called you our Omega, Y/N… she called you family.”
328 notes · View notes
thecardsimagine · 5 years
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Thanks for coming back to specify! I am glad you like them so much and I hope you can enjoy the scenario! Sorry it took so long!
Usually, Asra was an example of a partner. He would offer up everything he could, from fun to affection, to protection and security. There was nothing one could wish for in a relationship with him, and yet, it was all just a well-played game of hide-and-seek. Because underneath the shimmering times, laid hard work and patience.
And his s/o was to test his virtue many times.
Admittedly, he could not help being like he was after all that happened. No matter how every confession and every time she trusted him sent him right over the moon, some disquieting feelings always stayed behind. He really tried to be understanding and trusting, but he would catch himself always having an eye out for whatever could happen around them and their relationship.
The bread seller was one of them. Selasi was one of their oldest friend, both of them so close to him, he was practically their second family. And yet, when the apprentice looked at him with these big, round Bambi-eyes, Asra couldn’t help but wish it was him instead that she looked at like this. It was an ugly, burning sting of jealousy and he did not like it.
Even after all this time, he still feared her leaving. Not because he had any right to tell her what to do, just because he was afraid he could not follow her. For his taste, her laugh was just a little too sweet, the ‘Thank you!’ a little too proper and her gaze lingered for a little too long. And his response was an unmistakable glare at poor Selasi that made the baker back up a little from Asra’s s/o. 
It was an awkward, curt goodbye as the two made their way down the market street, the MC’s eyes sheepishly glancing at his stern expression. “You okay?” she asked, brushing her hand against his arm. With an inward sigh, he turned to look at her, giving her one of his best smiles. “With you? Always!” he replied chipper. It took her a moment to believe, scanning his face for a sign of falsehood, before she accepted his words, linking their arms together.
The sudden appearance of the young soap seller, caught both of them off-guard, the young lady practically jumping into their face. Instinctively, Asra had pulled his s/o behind, holding her hand tightly, but the defensive stance soon disappeared as the seller explained herself, holding out soap to the two of them.
“No, we don’t really need soap, thank y-” Asra tried to mend the situation, smiling at her nicely but waving off the offer, only to get promptly interrupted.
“We have a new kind with raspberries!” There was a second of silence as Asra thought, only for his expression to turn serious as he considered buying something. “Raspberry, huh? Can I see?” Without minding his s/o much, he let go of her hand, following the soap-seller to her stall to inspect the product, letting himself be talked into it.
Well, no matter how much he continuously blamed himself for being overprotective and jealous, he still lacked the perspective of his s/o. It was not a comfortable feeling to have another woman coo around Asra, especially if she had more cleavage than fabric to cover it and got up close to him, just a little too much.
Of course, his s/o knew she was just trying to sell stuff. Especially with Asra’s gaze strictly on the bar of soap in his hand, she was aware that he was not interested in the seller at all. And yet, she couldn’t help but walk up to him, bumping her bum into his from the side to gain his attention. “Let’s go, yeah?” she asked in a whisper, brows furrowed and wrinkles on her forehead.
Asra needed a second to catch on to her uncomfortableness, but he nodded, placing down the bar of soap and telling the disappointed seller that he’d think about it and come back another time. They walked away, arm in arm, with his s/o shooting glares like daggers back over her shoulder as the lady of the soap stand yelled after them to come back soon.
“What’s wrong?” Asra asked after a while of watching his s/o pout. She wasn’t sure if she was more frustrated about the selling methods of the soap lady or her own jealousy, but it didn’t feel good. “Nothing...” she muttered, avoiding his eyes that laid on her. “You can’t just tell me it’s nothing and look like someone stole your bread, [Name],” he remarked, and with a sigh, she realized he was right.
“I just didn’t like that lady from the soap stall...”
“Oh, so you were jealous?” Asra teased, and even without looking at him, she could hear the smirk on his face.
“Not at all!” she pouted, defending herself even though both of them knew he was right. “Oh, [Name]...” Chuckling lightly, Asra leaned towards her, kissing her temples. “You know you are the only one for me.”
Her pout was turned into a giddy blush on her cheeks, even though she still refused to look at him, only squeezing her body closer due to their linked arms. “But I must say...” he sighed, blissfully so. Surprisingly, Asra felt pretty good hearing this from his s/o, and though he maybe should feel bad, he couldn’t help taking a mental note of that.
“It’s kind of exciting when you get jealous too,” he whispered into her ear, giving her a confident wink when she finally looked up at him in surprise.
89 notes · View notes
ain-t-bovvered · 6 years
14x16 Commentary
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Special episode where a bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
Hello and welcome:
@purpleskiesandcherrypies  (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
       * MASTERLIST of season 14 commentary * 
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14x16 : Don’t go into the Woods
Giulia: Them gay vibs
Nat: Sam
Giulia: And poor baby sam
Zee: No not Sam like that again
Nat: I like that it's focused on Sam
J:  I’m me again 
Giulia: I like Jack with powers!
* turns snake to ash *  
Giulia: Not like that!
Zee: Holy shit
Nat: I feel different now
Zee: Stronger
Nat: Ew
[Melodic Whistling ]
Giulia: Benny is that u babeh ?
Zee: Yeah. They ded
Kat: Of course they are
Guy: It was nothing. Just the wind.
Girl : Okay, that -- that wasn't the wind.
-she smart
Nat: Notice that in every movie the guy says that it's nothing?
- That tells a lot about men’s priorities. Creepy whistling in a desert park at night? that pussy tho.
Guy: Dad?
Barbara: Hi, sheriff
-Y I K E S
Giulia: But also….Come on let them have some back seat bingo
Zee: Guys are dumb. Think with the downstairs head
Nat: Why are you going away girl?
Kat: Because she’s dumb
Nat: Yeah. i would back out of that bathroom
Nat: i mean. Ew
Giulia: I would burn my hands in holy fire to sanitize them
Barbara: Oh, God.
Kat: Oh hell no
Zee: Every place is a bathroom IS SHE SITTING??
Nat: I would rather pee outside of the bathroom.
Kat: And she’s clearly sitting
Nat: she fucking is
Kat: Disgusting
Giulia: No woman would sit on that. THAT SO INACCURATE, who wrote that ep? *goes look at it* MEN, of course , a woman would never have wrote that girl sitting on that filth.
Giulia: Fuck that’s creepy
Giulia: Ba ba ba
Kat: So glad I stayed up to the middle of the night to watch this 🙄
Giulia: Ba barbara ann
Nat: stop giuls lol
Kat: Taaaake my hhhaaannnnndddd
Nat: So she ded
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Nat: sweet hope you can sleep
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Giulia: Aw look at that, the bunker looks so dark and empty. I hate it now.
D: Morning sunshine! What you looking at?
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Zee: This man is huge
Nat: Porn? Nip slips?
-sex tapes??
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S: The Internet is more than just naked people. You do know that, right?
Zee: Naked people
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D: Not my internet
Giulia: Not OUR internet. ( oh shit let me censor the nip word before tumblr freaks out)
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bla bla bla, girl, bla bla bite marks,animal attack. bla bla bla our kind of thing.
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Kat: Mah boys
D: I know you wanted to take some time...
Giulia: ‘I’m gOoD’ 
S: Honestly, I-I'm good.
D: ( u full of crap) All right. Well, let's hit it.
S: You got it. I'll grab Cass.
D: Mm. He actually left. Early this morning.
Giulia: *barely keeping in a squeal*  I’m not gonna go there
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...I went there
D: I don't know. Something about being cooped up in the bunker for a few weeks. We all need to stretch our legs. I get it.
Zee: What’s wrong with Deans hair?
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Nat: thank god i'm not the only one who notices. Thought it was just me
D: Uh...I don't want Jack on this.
D: His powers have gotten us in trouble in the past -- the security guard.
Dean is actually so right right now, but still....Jack alone?...mmm don’t like that
Kat: Look at the baby bean studying
J: Did you know Article 246 of the Haitian criminal code115  officially makes it against the law116 to turn a human into a zombie?
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D: Good
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Nat: Pre King hair
Kat: Too much gel?
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Giulia: Lots of wax I think, gel would be too shiny
J: And...you don't want me to come?
D: We don't want to leave the bunker empty. In case, uh, Mom or...some of the other Hunters call and need help, so... this place is long overdue for a restock. So, uh, your mission, should you choose to accept -- made you a list.
Look how uncomfortable Sam is. 
No ones lies like a Winchester lies.
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Nat: My mission is shopping
Zee: Beer again
S:  Twice? D:  Yeah.
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Nat: Will he get beer tho?
Kat: Is it your list?
Nat: He's only 2 years old
Zee: He got my shopping list
Kat: True
Zee: Shut up
D: We’ll be in touch. ( let yeeeeet the fuck out )
Sheriff: I don’t see how this is FBI business
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Giulia: Sheriff’s right tho
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Zee: That close up. Thank you
Nat processing Dean’s hair :
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Nat: Not liking that hair
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Kat: It’s weird
S: You know, do you mind if we take a look at the body?
Sheriff:  Do I have a choice?
-that sheriff has 0 fucks
D: Not really.
Dean has 0---> ∞  fucks
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Giulia: AHAHAH
Nat: Seriously?
S: How long you been doing this?
Zee: Cat like reflexes
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Kat: Lolol he jumpy
Nat: yeah of course lol
Nat: He scares easy he's getting old
-Another still of Dean’s hair for Nat
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Giulia: Jack so rigid tho
Kat: Hey it’s an improvement over season 4
Nat: groans
Zee: The kids again
Giulia: Ugh them again
Why in the fuck there the Ghostfacers tune . NO. Also weren’t they like...broken up or something
E: The ghostfacers are cool
- eeeh
Giulia: Bambi lol
Nat: Bambi
Zee: Bamby
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Kat: Why they forcing these kids on us?
Stacy: Are you lost?
- Lol like a puppy, I can see that, oh wait ....
Giulia: OMG
Ghostfacers : Winchesters still suck ass, though
Nat: Ghostfacers
E: Are they (Sam and Dean) fighting ghosts?
J ( with the worst neutral tone ever) : What’s a ghost?
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J: I don't like to lie.Like when you have to burp, but you can't burp.
Zee: It makes my stomach hurt
Nat: you can't burp
Nat: Dean should teach him
Zee: That among other things
Stacy walks closer with a smirk
Nat: What are these kids?
Kat: Apparently not
Stacy: Not anymore. [shows keys]
OH THANK GOD, I thought they wanted to break in or something. I don’t trust them.
I literally couldn’t care less about the sheriff and his son sorry, byee
Giulia: I’m sorry but am I ahead of yall ?
Kat: Idk are you?
Zee: Where are you ?
Nat: lol yeah, don't know?
Kat: I’m in the store
Nat: they're in the store
Zee: 12:13
Giulia: Yeah I’m a bit ahead
Nat: Zeta is ahead
Zee: I am?
Max: I mean, living with a bunch of dudes. Their whole place must smell like beer, Kleenex, and Old Spice.
Nat&Kat:  Old spice 🤣
- I can live with that, I don’t give a shit.
Zee: Zombies are real?
J: Well, no. Not really. It's kind of disappointing.  But there are other monsters.
Nat: Jack, don't tell them!!
J: Rugaru *chuckles* That’s a funny name. Yeah
Zee&Nat: Will you be my best friend ??
Max: Do you ever, like, hang out?
J: Well, we have movie nights on Tuesdays Dean usually picks. I've seen "Lost Boys" like 36 times.
Max: I mean with kids your own age.
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Nat: but 36 times?
- Eh it’s Dean what did you expect 
Nat: oh god
Giulia: I’m two
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Giulia: I don’t like him hang out with them
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Nat: #leavejackalone2k19 #STAYAWAYFROMJACK2K19
Giulia: No but wait , maybe being with kids will help him, now that he doesn’t have a soul
Max: Well, we're going to the Stoke place tomorrow, if you wanna chill. It's this old farmhouse outside of town. No one goes there.
Nat: I'll rip your lungs out if you hurt him
J: I think I’d like that
Kat: NO
Zee: Remove your spine and hit you with it
S: Kohonta.
D: Gesundheit.
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Nat: I can't get over the hair
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Kat: sweet mortal flesh lol
D: You think this is our Hot Lips?
S: I mean, according to the lore, Kohonta get so starving, they spit up stomach acid.
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Kat: Stop staring at it
Nat: tHe HaiR
Zee: Focus Nat
Kat: Stop it
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Giulia: I can’t
Kat: So many dead people
Giulia: Everytime there is whistling I just want to see Benny
Nat: iT's JuSt ThE WiNd
Giulia: Well that’s fucked up
Nat: That's not creepy
Zee: Now you run
Giulia: Who the fuck fall and stay down?!
Nat: Well, yeah THAT is. Really? saliva?
Wow the weather was shit that day of shooting. Did they get sick ?
Giulia: I feel like the sheriff knows something
Kat: Kinda seems like it
Nat: He probably experienced it again
Zee: They always do
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Nat: Sam's hair is good wet though
Zee: Sam wet is good
Kat: Sam looks good wet
Giulia: He does
Sheriff: Look, I don't care if you guys are the FBI. Nobody goes in those woods without my say-so.
Giulia: Sheriff is getting on my nerves
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Nat: I can't even focus, the damn hair
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D: Well, we should probably do what he says.
S: Oh, yeah. Definitely.
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Giulia: Awe they are cute
Nat: Third wheeling his way on the kitchen table
Zee: Is pussy block a thing? Like cock block?
E: If you two are going to kiss, can you go to the other room? I'm trying to work here.
Elliot is Sam
Giulia: NO
Kat: Oh Jack 🤦🏼‍♀
Nat: "Yeah, you invited me"
J: I like The Who.
Giulia & Kat: THE WHO
Giulia: Jack your Dean is showing
Stacy: Who?
-Oh shut up everybody knows who The Who are
Max: Oh, my aunt listens to them. They're...old.
J:  Well, Dean says any music made after 1979 "sucks ass."
Nat&Zee: Sucks ass
Max:  That's because Dean is also old.
Giulia: ... [with Misha tone when is done with Jared in the bloopers] Max is cancelled.
J: unless they've possessed a human. Then, they can look like me or you...or anybody.
Zee: He’s creeping them out.
Giulia: He’s gonna freak them out
Kat: He’s gonna scare the shit outta these kids
E: And you've seen one before?
J: I’ve killed one
Kat: What if they are possessed
Giulia: If I so hear one of them saying “let’s call a demon” imma throw tables
Max: [Chuckles] Yeah? How?
Giulia: Listen MAX IS TROUBLE
Kat: They all are
Zee: Demon killing 101
Nat: Baby Bean
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Nat: I'm glad it's dark and I don't see them hair
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Nat: oops, there they are
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Zee: Sam squint
Kat: The damn sheriff
Nat: What is wrong with that sheriff
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Giulia: ok but the sheriff sneaking to the Winchester tho.Like...badass
Nat: LiAR
Kat: Knew that was coming
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Giulia: There we go
Always remember Jo and her shotgun tho
Kat: That’s my boy
Nat: Jack, baby, just go home, alright?
Zee: Jack baby. Stop doing that
Giulia: Don t fucking use the powers
Nat: NO
Kat: Oh shit he’s gonna use magic
Zee: No no
Giulia: Mmm don t like that
Zee: Yeah. He’s fucking anakin
Giulia: Don t like that
Nat: Jack, if you don't listen to me I can not help you
Giulia: The brunette is the only smart one
Kat: He’s gonna lose control and stab someone
Nat: Yep
Giulia:  “The brunette is the only smart one” I WAS WRONG
Kat: Oh shit
Zee: Crap
Kat: Knew that was coming
Giulia: ok but honestly she went right through it
Nat: Jack baby, why don't you listen?
Giulia: He right she moved
Zee: Can’t he fix her?
Nat: They calling 911
Nat: He can't…..Oh he can
Giulia: Ok but FUCK STACY. Bitch could have stayed put
Zee: Look at him.
Nat: But like, does he still have a soul at all
Giulia: Who fucking go running around when someone is making a blade floating
Kat: Jack shouldn’t have been using his powers
E: I don't know... what you are. But stay away.
Giulia: Oh my heart hurts
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Nat: Yeah, like, didn't they teach the kids not to do that? right?
Zee: Common sense
Giulia: Ok but I mean...she could have turned around. She just went like ...to him
Kat: Yup he’s going dark side
Nat: She wanted to stop him
Giulia: Again...she run into the damn blade
Nat look at this!
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Zee: The way Dean says “thing” is my new sexuality
Nat: Doomed to roam the woods and whistling pfffffff
Giulia: Keeps the folks away Yeah how that ever worked
D: Like I said, we hunt these things.
Sheriff : What do you mean?
S: Kohonta, werewolves, demons.
Sheriff: Those are real?
D: Oh, yeah. Yeah. And we kill 'em.
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Nat: That smirk
Zee: The smirk. THE SMIRK
Nat: Almost make me forget the hair
Zee: What hair?
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Sheriff: Just the two of you?
S: We know what we're doing.
Sheriff wants to tell people.
Giulia: Put them on you tube.Yeah that sounds fun
S: It doesn't work like that. Even when they know how to fight,
Zee: People die People still die
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Giulia: Like..kids in spn are dumb as dirt. See...?
Nat: Dumb kid 2.0
Giulia: Dumb as dirt
Zee: Silver blade through the heart.
Giulia: Always silver blade of course
Zee: That works for a lot of things
Giulia: That’s not the meat he’s looking for
Kat: He wants the other other white meat
Nat: Every time I hear the whistling I think that the Saviours are here but then I realize that it's not The Walking Dead
Giulia: Like yeeeeah where u at NEGAN BB
Nat: my body is ready
Giulia: Mine too
Zee: Don’t go there ffs
Giulia: I wanna go right there
Nat: Raining = Wet hair.Wet boys
Giulia: Wow fuck that thing
Nat: lol how Dean carried him out with his bowlegged squat
Giulia: Nat! People are dying!
Nat: Oh give me a break
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Zee: I was just thinking of that
D: You don't like that, huh?
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Giulia: COME ON
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D: That was like full-on "Raiders."
Nat: Yeah like ew
Nat: What is this EP even
Zee: Green goo
Giulia: that’s me when I’ll meet Misha
Awe Sammy is worried about that dumb kid 
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Have some hair again Nat
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Giulia: I don t trust that wound on him tho
Kat: Thinking the same thing
S: He's your son. He deserves the truth.
Nat: Babies in Baby
D: Do what we always do.
Nat&Giulia: When in doubt...lie
Giulia: When in doubt bacon
Nat: when in doubt...eat
Zee: When in doubt , beer
Zee: Can I sit in the back seat ?
Giulia: Can I sit on him?
Zee: He wouldn’t be able to drive bitch
Giulia: He would don t worry
S: And do you think you really took care of it the right way?
D: Jack said he was fine.
Dean...he’s two
S: And when we were kids, how many times did we tell Dad that we were fine just to make him happy?
Nat: So will they go all Dad on Jack?
Giulia: I fucking hope so
J: How was the Hunt?
D:  Oh. Uh...disgusting.
J: I got the supplies. Except for the beer.
Dean like....THE FUCK BRO. you had one job.
J: I didn't have ID.
D: You have tons of IDs.
J:  They're fake.
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Dean’s like.... he’s your son.
S: Jack... listen bla bla bla bla bla bla 
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Meanwhile , Dean is having an existential crisis
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Zee: Tons of ids
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Nat: They're fake
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Giulia: We want to talk to you about your powers. That looks like THAT TALK
Nat: Will he tell them?
Zee: One of them at least
Nat: #worried dads
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D: we didn't want you coming along because we didn't want you using them.
S: Not yet. Not for now.
D: Before you go all X-Men. It was crappy of us not to tell you. You know, we were trying to be nice. 'Cause we care about you. But because we care about you, you deserve the truth.
S: You understand that?
Zee: He didn’t say it
Kat: He’s not gonna
S: I mean, anything happen while we were gone?
Kat: Oh he’s so going darkside
Giulia: fuck it
Nat: learned it from the best
Giulia: He’s a Winchester
Zee: Fuck Shit
Kat: Dun dun dun
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I’m with Dean on this... Imma get some beer. 
[ post episode]
Giulia: PROMO
Zee: Me neither
Kat: Ugh Nick and Anael? gagging noises
Zee: Well that left me a bittersweet taste in my mouth
Giulia: I like anael tho. She looks after herself, doing her thing, work it. yas gurl get it.
Zee: Such a kind spirit
Giulia: Look that was probably him with Donny ok? And I like Donny
Kat: To me, she doesn’t add anything. I don’t hate on her, just don’t know why she has to be on the show 🤷🏼‍♀
Giulia: Well that’s why she isn’t in it that much
Nat: i will watch the promo later. but what anael?
Giulia: Cas told her he needs to talk to god
Nat: but like i don’t get it? who plays god now?
Kat: No one? We don’t see him
Giulia: Ok but ...angels guys! We need more angels that are not dicks
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Giulia: scoffs
Nat: and why should anael know since she left heaven. if anything naomi should know
Giulia: But would naomi say shit to castiel without something back? And honestly ....that bitch made swiss cheese of his brain, I doubt he want to spend time with her
Nat: anael sure doesn’t have a great rep in heaven either
Giulia: Neither does Cas
Nat: fuck I’m late
Kat: Go work.
Kat: Get that money
Zee: Bring home the bacon
Giulia: Kick ass
Zee: Take names
Zee: Well that was a pleasure ladies. As always.
Giulia: Yas. Gonna go for a run now
Kat: Burn my calories for me please
Zee: Go to sleep babe
Giulia: Also ...yay I won't spend a lot on the commentary 🙌🏻
Zee: whispers I’ll need a couple of gifs. For... science. Ya know
Kat: The smirk
Giulia: I’ll make so many Dean’s hair gif just for @Nat
Zee: That’s plain wrong
Kat: Good, she’ll love that
Giulia: chuckles right?
Zee: That hair was all kinds of wrong
Nat: NO
Giulia: Too late
And y’all? did you hate those hair as much as we did? 
@wayward-angelgirl @destiel-honeypie     @mariekoukie6661     @dragontamerm      @closetspngirl   @rainflowermoon    @mattiecat      @bunnybaby121115  @aliaitee2   @jacks-word-of-the-day     @4evamc       @dammitsammy     @legendary-destiel   @winchesterprincessbride    @destielhoneybee    @castiellover20   @jacks-word-of-the-day  @ravenhg @evvvissticante  @legendary-destiel  @dustythewind 
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