#poorni speaks tvd
nikkiruncks · 4 months
Gonna say this again, but Caroline's growth, imo, is overhyped as fuck.
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Are there any good Stefan rps (preferably under 18) that ship stebekah and klefan
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
Yeah no way in hell am I going back into the tvd fandom haha. But I will be writing Bonnie and Tyler fics and keeping up with stuff about them.
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
I’m out of the tvd fandom basically, but I will never turn down a request to gif forwood. Literally ANY scene of them I will gif if I get a request. Well, except the one where Caroline tells Tyler to get over her fucking his mother killer or to get out of her life haha. Makes me as mad as the scene where Elena tells Bonnie that she’s a walking reminder of all the horrible things that happened to her.
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nikkiruncks · 9 months
Wondering for a fic, but was it mentioned why Bonnie wasn’t there in the first three episodes?
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
People comparing the “Erase it all. Erase every memory.” and “I wouldn’t erase any memory of you.” as if both Salvatores weren’t shitty in those scenes 🙄
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nikkiruncks · 2 months
Long rant
Thinking about tvd again randomly and how in s1-3, Stefan's arc was really good. He admits that he made a lot of mistakes in the past, but he wants to grow and he makes the effort. While he is still very morally questionable (stalking Elena, making her think she hadn’t seen things she actually had, and a lot of the shit he does in s3), for the most part he seems to be a good guy.
But by s4 and beyond, he becomes this victim blaming, hypocritical asshole. Like when Damon hides that blood sharing is naked cuddling and gets off on Elena feeding on him, Stefan is more upset about the fact that she went to Damon. Even though Elena was vulnerable and starving and Damon took advantage of that, and Stefan knew that.
Also the fact that he gets mad at Elena for sleeping with Damon, knowing that she’s sired and that she can only do what makes Damon happy. Then sleeps with a woman who murdered her (I loved Stebekah’s hookup, but in this context, it’s pretty shitty how Stefan blames Elena for being raped and he sleeps with a Rebekah, who killed her).
Plus I think he did end up making a rape joke and being like “why don’t you tell her to calm down Damon? I think you managed to use that sire bond pretty well” or whatever.
Don’t even get me started on s5-8. But by s7, I didn’t rlly care about him. Only Bonnie and Tyler.
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nikkiruncks · 11 months
I don’t want to go back to the tvd fandom or write any more fic but I just can’t let go of Bonnie :(
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
I love Caroline, but I can see her as Team Edward. It’s basically canon that she is anyways.
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
Times like this is when I miss the tvdu fandom and miss making fun of the shitty ass writers of the show.
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
A part of me wants to go back into the tvd fandom because it was a truly fun time and I made so many amazing friends, but at the same time, the writing and everything makes me SO mad.
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nikkiruncks · 5 months
It’s decided. I will be writing a S1 au Stelena/Bamon fic. With Elena and Bonnie being the main characters in the story.
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nikkiruncks · 7 months
Thinking about how I abandoned my one year of forwood piece last year and didn’t finish it 😭
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nikkiruncks · 8 months
I’m not a huge delena if anyone doesn’t already know, but the fics are actually really good imo. At least the au ones that don’t follow canon.
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nikkiruncks · 9 months
I can however do a Midnight Rain/Daylight mashup for Matt/Caroline/Tyler
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nikkiruncks · 1 year
Not going into the Tyler tag anymore
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