#i love her but post s2 she becomes more and more insufferable
nikkiruncks · 4 months
Gonna say this again, but Caroline's growth, imo, is overhyped as fuck.
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thesunfyre4446 · 10 days
I really don’t understand people’s need to find reasons to not like Rhaenyra. What is there to like about her? She’s the most insufferable, boring and annoying main character I’ve ever seen. I really couldn’t care less about her having harwin strongs children. Like who cares??? Her relationship with harwin was also boring her character never does anything!
People like her because she’s the “rightful heir” also doesn’t make sense to me. Ok, she’s the queen. She’s still a horrible main character and I’m falling asleep everytime she’s on my screen. Her only line in s2 is I’m my dad’s heir.
I feel like the discussion regarding her character is only focused on her having bastards/ her being the rightful heir / why she shouldn’t be the queen because there is nothing else to talk about. She’s not a good or interesting character in any way.
lmao yeah i'm not the biggest rhaenyra fan either anon. (i actually really liked the way young!rhaenyra was written)
the whole concept of liking characters because "it's the right thing to do" or disliking them because "they are bad people" is just brainrot imo. i've seen someone says "i like TG characters more but i'm TB because rhaenyra is the rightful heir" which i think is absolutely ridiculous because that's not how i watch the show. i don't care about the actual succussion i'm going to root for the characters i love.
i do agree that 95% of the rhaenyra post i see are about why she should \ shouldn't be queen (bastards, succussion etc. etc.) and hardly any posts discussing her as a character. but the show hardly explores rhaenyra as a character. she has so much potential to be a great character but it's wasted in an attempt to whitewash her character & make a daenaerys parallel. rhaenyra the character is disregarded by the show itself, so the discussion around her makes sense to me.
the show's refuses to explore her flaws & letting her have any to begin with! she only becomes "book rhaenyra" when the plot needs her to and then those moments are conveniently forgotten by the narrative & the characters (like rhaenyra saying aemond should be tortured, rhaenys suspecting rhaenyra's involvement in laenor's death, marrying daemon on laena's funeral, starving the people of KL, how she treated rhaena...) all of those moment could've been used to create a more interesting well-rounded character but instead are "forgotten". (alicent's character also suffers from that problem)
so when we get to s2 rhaenyra is literally not allowed to do anything. she can't want to go to war because that's bad, she's not allowed to want revenge because that's bad, she needs to have a "moral & just" motivation for wanting the throne because her wanting the throne just because it was promised is not noble enough. all she can do is just walk around dragonstone saying "what would you have me do" & in ep 7 her "arc" feels weird and out-of-character.
emma darcy is great actor!! i love them!
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chuckaf · 4 years
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Chuck Fic Rec List: Updated
So my fic rec post was in my notifs again the other day, and I noticed a while back that the formatting on the post has gotten all messed up and it’s also had like three reblog additions to it anyway meaning there are three versions out there lol. so, I wanted to do another list of chuck fic recs! I’ll keep the other one up still, so I’m not gonna repeat every fic here, just some I really recommend. I’m also adding the fic summaries, which I didn’t on the old post, and some more of my own opinions so, buckle up for a long post!
Chuck Versus the Steampunk Chronicles | Steampunk.Chuckster
1896. A world powered by steam, where humans and machines coexist, and airships are the fashionable mode of transport. The US Empire's deepest and darkest secrets arrive at Chuck Bartowski's doorstep. Have they fallen into the wrong hands? Or will the inventor prove his mettle, even while he's forced to hide from the very people he's protecting? AU, ongoing chronicle, Charah.
A genuinely incredible AU story, with an entire crafted world and universe, so detailed it frequently blows my mind. There is heart and family and infuriatingly brilliant slow-burn, plus a buttload of danger and super fun historical/steampunk action. Oh how I LOVE it.
Chuck vs the Charade | somedeepmystery
When computer nerd Chuck Bartowski returns home to an empty apartment and a dead girlfriend he finds himself embroiled in a deadly game of espionage and deceit. Everyone around him is playing a part to get what they want and when he starts falling for the new woman in his life, he can't help but wonder if he can trust her or if she's the one he should fear the most.
An action and twist-filled AU based on the movie Charade, which is just such a brilliant fic concept I absolutely adored it from the start.
Two Sides of the Same Coin | dettiot
When you're a spy, there's all kinds of occupational hazards when you work with another spy. For Sarah Walker, though, one mission becomes a life-changing experience. Because working with Charles Carmichael leads to protecting Chuck Bartowski.
The first time I read this fic my mind was just blown to its genius. Such a brilliant interpretation of what the Intersect and its concepts set up in the show could be, and ooooof the Chuck/Sarah interactions, my HEART. Related to it, its companion piece:
A Flip of the Coin | dettiot
What made Charles Carmichael agree to become Chuck Bartowski? Well, to start, it wasn't as much of a change as you'd think. A companion to the early chapters of Two Sides of the Same Coin from Carmichael's perspective.
Chuck vs The Butterfly Effect | n7agentbartowski
Chuck Bartowski is a normal guy who just hit rock bottom. No girlfriend, no career and no super computer stuck inside his head. It isn't until Chuck meets a gorgeous stranger on the beach that he begins to think his life is about to change for the better. An AU Chuck fic without the Intersect. "Change one thing and it changes everything."
I said it on the OG post, but this story has one of my top 5 Chuck/Sarah fic meetings. So funny, so... very Chuck. The story is a little angsty overall, but a great read.
Chuck vs the Rogue Spy | Crumby
When a rogue spy from Chuck Bartowski's past shows up to help him during his first solo mission, Chuck hopes that he'll finally find out what happened to Sarah Walker. Post-S2 AU.
There’s a lot of Season 3 fix-it fics out there, which I don’t usually read bc I actually love season 3 lol, but this one’s a good one! A twisty deviation from canon, but still feels really true to character.
Chuck Versus the Nerds Rewrite | Steampunk.Chuckster and David Carner
What happens when two nerds talk endless hours about their favorite TV show? A new take on the show you know, but with the flair, twists, and turns you've come to expect from Steampunk . Chuckster and david . carner. Somewhat canon. Charah.
As the summary says, a different take on the show, which honestly makes a couple changes I would too, but also adds a bunch of fun twists and plots that make it totally new and fresh. Seeing Chuck and Sarah’s thoughts in the more canon sections is just delicious, too.
The Trapped Assassin | SarahsSupplyCloset
After a mission goes awry, the CIA's most lethal assassin is ordered to take vacation while her superiors figure out what to do with her. But when she meets a disarming tourist, their immediate connection only adds to her disillusionment with the agency and her career. Will he be enough for her to finally take the plunge and leave the only life she's ever known? Charah AU
A warning for the very justified M rating if you don’t like that sort of thing, but this is definitely a plot-heavy fic, too. A really neat Sarah-heavy AU, with a whole lotta Chuck/Sarah fancy French vacationy goodness.
Chuck vs the Second Chance | malamoo
AU from mid-season 2 and onwards. Chuck and Sarah part ways only to be reunited years later. COMPLETE.
Literal, crying-at-my-screen angst. Not even a super happy ending. But a brilliantly written, part-reflective/flashback fic, exploring what would’ve happened if Chuck and Sarah’s relationship really was an assignment all along-- and the aftermath. It’s heartbreaking. But if you want a little heartbreak, this is your fic.
Ready at Your Hand | dettiot
In the reign of Queen Elizabeth I, a Catholic plot against the queen comes to the attention of spymaster Sir Francis Walsingham. To protect Elizabeth, he develops an unusual plan: hide the passing of intelligence between two agents by a false romance. When Lady Sarah Walker and Chuck Carmichael meet, though, their pretend flirtation becomes much more.
I love Chuck fic for the very reason that it’s inspired such adventurous and totally unique AUs. Here’s some Elizabethan fake-dating Chuck and Sarah! They have to be so Proper, it’s like that hand moment from Pride and Prejudice but Elizabethan and times a billion. The pining!!
Sarah Versus Getting Married | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker is getting married. Canon. Charah.
I’d recommend all of SC’s fics if I had the room, and I’m already recommending a ton sksks but most of my fic recs are AUs, and this one isn’t! It’s canon, and covers some of in the gap in 4x24, with Sarah just before the wedding itself. Super sweet, heart-tugging, brilliant.
A Chuckmas Carol | Mikki13
A new twist to Dickens' beloved "A Christmas Carol". When Sarah begins to shut out the world around her, three spirits come to show her the error of her ways. Season 3 AU.
Another Season 3 AU, this one written pre-series so it definitely doesn’t fit to canon, but it’s still wonderfully rich in character depth and angst and it also made me cry. Plus, festive!
Chuck Versus Thin Ice | Steampunk.Chuckster
On the doorstep of the Olympics, top American curler Sarah Walker has lost her mixed doubles partner and her boyfriend in one fell swoop. Her coaches throw newbie Team U.S.A. curler Chuck Bartowski onto her team and thrust them into the Olympics, hanging America's curling hopes on two people who only have a short amount of time to learn to trust one another. Charah AU.
Do you like curling? Or the Winter Olympics? It doesn’t really matter because somehow this fic made me extremely invested in both of those things, as well as Chuck and Sarah and them being INSUFFERABLE. Catch me now knowing a ton about curling thanks to this fic.
Walker’s Eleven | Moonlight Pilot
Not the same plot as the movie. Sarah Walker never got out of the con game or became a spy, and now she's on her final con. What happens when true love and betrayal get added to the mix? Twists, turns, and Jeffster!
Con!Sarah always interests me, and this fic is full of her. Lotta con plot, lotta Chuck and Sarah.
The Detective and the Tech Guy | thecharleses
Sarah Walker is a Pinkerton detective. Chuck Bartowski is an electronics genius. They wouldn't have met except for a case of mistaken identity and murder. Will the detective and the tech guy solve the mystery, distracted by the riddle in their own hearts? An homage to The Thin Man film series. Formerly co-written by Steampunk . Chuckster and dettiot, now ONLY Steampunk . Chuckster.
Everyone in this fic is so damn cool. There are so many martinis. But also great heart and family and like, standing up for who you love, and later also Chuck with Baby Clara content which frankly the show robbed us of. Also, PI!Sarah!!!
Gravity | Poetic4U
AU. Sarah makes a decision that altered her life forever.
This is just a one-shot, which many of these stories are not, so a good one if you don’t fancy a big read! Just because it’s short, though, doesn’t mean it’s lacking; a really awesome what-if AU, and heavy on the Chuck and Sarah.
A Yuletie Tale | Steampunk.Chuckster
Sarah Walker was dumped the day before Christmas Eve, and her Plus One at her work’s annual Christmas Eve Soiree is now officially a Plus Zero. Her best friend Ellie Bartowski has a solution to her problem, and Sarah finds she isn’t quite as sure about it as Ellie is. AU Christmas Charah.
I’m particularly in love with this fic because, instead of beginning with a meet-cute, it involves Chuck and Sarah already two years into a friendship-- Sarah is Ellie’s best friend. And she’s been crushing harrrd on Ellie’s brother. Also Chuck is in a tux. It’s pretty.
Set, Spike, Dive! | Frea O’Scanlin
Chuck never expected to even make it to the Olympics. Everything is working against him: he's too tall for a diver, too inexperienced for a medal, too much of a wildcard to really make his mark. But an unexpected meeting at the airport, some intriguing new friends, and a whirlwind romance on the sand just might set up London 2012 as the time of Chuck Bartowski's life.
A London 2012 AU, because why not. This is just a fun Olympic-y ride!
OTP (One True Pairing) Prompts | David Carner
A series of Prompts I found online about different times and places in Chuck and Sarah's life. Mostly AU, mostly one-shots. I assume mostly fluff, but I might get deep. I doubt it, it's me. Charah...ALWAYS (It says complete, but if an idea strikes me...)
If you’re not so into long stories, this fic is perfect. Individual set-ups and stories, all Chuck and Sarah, and all super cute. You could dip in and out and just pick a scenario you enjoy.
Chuck vs The Frontier | ninjaVanish
AU: Chuck was enjoying a simple life as a 19th century watchmaker until an encounter with a beautiful Secret Service agent thrust him into a world of intrigue and adventure he never wanted. But then, with Agent Walker around, it can't be all bad, can it?
This fic gets props for being historically-set but still including the Intersect. Again, a historical AU, so the pining!! the need to be Proper!!! But besides all that, there’s a lot of action fun as well.
Chuck Versus The Crosswalk: Remastered | WvonB
Will a last minute mission help our two favorite characters finally get together? This is the remastered version of my first story.
The original version of this fic is on my first list; this is the updated version! It’s not a complete AU, instead a story that diverges from canon, so if you’re more into canon characters and setting than a new AU scenario, this is a great fic for that.
Little Girls, Paper Wreaths, and Choc Chip Cookies | DanaPAH
Very AU: Sarah Walker is a single mother whose Christmas spirit needs a boost after a tough divorce. She isn't quite ready to go looking for romance, but her little daughter's affection for their new neighbor may lure it right to her doorstep, anyway.
An incredibly sweet AU one-shot where Chuck and Sarah are new neighbours, and Sarah has a super cute little girl. So much sweetness and love and hope. I love this fic so much it literally led me to write my own neighbour-kid-AU, so, not to toot my own horn but I’ll link it here anyway.
May Your Walls Know Joy | halfachance
Looking for a fresh start after some tough times, Sarah and her three-year-old daughter move to LA. When they meet a sweet curly-haired nerd who lives next door, though, Sarah realizes they might just find more happiness than they'd ever imagined, if only her past doesn't catch up to her first. AU.
It’s what the summary says; if you wanna read, feel free!
Chuck vs the Sound of Music | quistie64
AU. Chuck, nerd extraordinaire, is a man with seven children and Sarah must protect them all from Fulcrum's evil designs. Warning: there will be singing.
I mean. Not much mystery as to the concept with that title and summary lol, but this is a super fun, soft ride with a lotta sweetness, and yes, singing.
Just Two People | David Carner
Meet Sarah Walker PhD, Psychologist, specializing in personality traits. Meet Chuck Bartowski, man who has left THE electronic company of 2020. When Burton Consultants tries to figure out what is wrong with the morale of Orion Industries, what happens when a guy named Chuck meets a woman named Sarah. I'll give you a hint, it's me writing.
David’s done something pretty special with this fic. It’s Chuck and Sarah centric, but very much an ensemble piece, too, with a lot of Team Bartowski and other familiar faces throughout.
Chuck Versus the Con Game | Steampunk.Chuckster
AU. Chuck and Sarah are partners in the con game. It's an existence wrought with danger and violence. Every day could be their last. Every mission could be the end of the line.
This is where I freak out SC and declare this fic the reason I ever got hooked on Chuck fic and then wrote Chuck fic, and the reason I still love it today but. that is true lol. Just so. so good. It’s also written with the chapters out of chronological order, which is super fun from a reading perspective. But con!Sarah AND con!Chuck?? Best. The kind of fic you will be thinking about for days (if not, y’know, years).
As you can tell by the repeats, I highly recommend just about anything by Steampunk.Chuckster, dettiot, or David Carner, but there are a TON of amazing Chuck fics and authors out there. I’ve never known a writing community so wildly creative-- there are so many unique AUs and canon explorations and story concepts that this show has manifested, and it’s all so much fun.
Most of the Chuck fic community is still over on FFN rather than AO3, so if any of these whet your appetite, feel free to have a browse there for more stories. I’m sure you’ll find something great. Personally, all the incredible writing there has also led me to write a buttload; I’m at halfachance on FFN, so if you see any of my stuff or wanna chat fic, feel free to message me there or here.
Happy reading, folks!
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dathen · 5 years
TMA 151 liveblog dump
Because early access episodes are torture when you can’t yell about everything so I just dumped it all in one place to post later I HAVE A LOT OF FEELINGS
- oh he sounds INSUFFERABLE no wonder he gets along with peter lukas
- I hate that my homeschooler representation is peter fucking lukas. i'm suing rusty quill for defamation.
- ...tries not to think too hard about 'homeschooler becomes avatar of the Lonely' that hits too close to home and I refUSE for pETER FUCKING LUKAS to be relatable in any way
- "I think our time here has value even if it's temporary" I don't remember the exact quote BUT! MARTIN!!!! YOU ARE PRECIOUS!!!!!!  
- He's so stubbornly refusing to let himself become desensitized and cynical despite all the horribleness!!  He's mouthing off at these centuries-old avatars of fear and cruelty because he refuses to feel people aren't valuable!!  an ICON AND A HERO
- "how do you feel about rollercoasters >:3c"   "neutral."  "you're no fun"  MARTIN 'SMORGASBORD FOR THE FEARS' BLACKWOOD JUST FUKIN SHUTTING DOWN PEOPLE TOYING WITH HIM
- martin was kind of hot this episode okay I said it, fite me
- That conversation with basira :((((  wow it's nice to hear from her when she's not talking to jon bc those conversations always feel like sending my soul through a shredder and this was a lot more what she was like in s2-3.  
- okay I got stabbed my jonmartin feelings several times this ep like when basira mentioned he'd been hiding tapes for jon I was just //CLUTCHES HEART//
- Jon being the #1 Trust Martin Advocate to the team without knowing he plans to sacrifice himself....I am a Fucking Mess
- Martin asking Basira to keep this all a secret from Jon hurts more than ever but for once it makes sense :( if he thinks he's not going to survive saving the world, he knows Jonathan "I'm Not Losing You Too Even If You Hate Me" Sims is going to go absolutely batshit trying to stop him
- MARTIN ASKING BASIRA HOW JON IS IN THE EXACT SAME TONE AS JON ASKED ABOUT HIM this poor lady having to deal with both sides of these pining trainwrecks I am laughing but also crying
- The Jon & Martin parallels compilation just gonna keep getting longer and longer
- "Hungry, but he's holding it together" is the most glowing assessment we've heard of Jon from another person this season and it's sad that I'm so thrilled by it
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kylosrehn · 5 years
Pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions, don’t cheat. Tag 10 (or however many) people.
I was tagged by the lovely @handsomestarlord
1. Good Girls
2. Orphan Black
3. Agents of Shield
4. Money Heist/La Casa de Papel
5. Humans
1. Who is your favourite character in 2?
Beth Childs. lol. And even though she dies literally within the first few minutes of the pilot episode I’ve always loved her, loved filling in the gaps, theorizing about her past and whether or not she’s secretly still alive or whatever. And then S4 gave us Beth flashbacks and it felt so rewarding and satisfying, like the writers acknowledged how important she was to the show and recognized that a lot of people do love her and want to know more about her, so that was nice. Also, Sarah Manning. I mean, c’mon. She’s awesome.
2. Who is your least favourite character in 1?
Boomer. He’s vile. Wish they’d just let him die.
3. What is your favourite episode of 4?
I don’t really know... Either 1.01 because it sets the whole thing up or 1.13 because of the famous “Bella Ciao” scene and the cliffhanger “oh shit they’re done for” ending. 
4. What is your favourite season of 5?
I liked both Season 1 and Season 2, but I’m gonna go with Season 2.
5. Who is your favourite couple in 3?
Skye and Ward (Skyeward)
6. Who is your favourite couple in 2?
Sarah and Paul
7. What is your favourite episode of 1?
1.03. The whole thing with going across the border to Canada was cool, I loved that we got a look at Rio’s money laundering business, it introduced me to a great song, and it was the de facto beginning of Beth/Rio. 
8. What is your favourite episode of 5?
2.04, because of that whole Astrid/Niska trial scene. It’s so heart-wrenching and it’s one of my favourite scenes of the entire series. The dialogue is so beautiful. 
“And all this from a brief affair?”
“Sometimes a person just touches you.”
9. What is your favourite season of 2?
Season 1. I binge-watched it in one day and I instantly fell in love with the show. It’s got humor, action, romance. Each episode ends on a mini-cliffhanger that just makes you click onto the next episode asap because you have to know what will happen next. Plus, I have so many fond memories of that time in fandom. 
10. How long have you watched 1?
I started watching it during the hiatus (December, I think?) between S1 and S2, then watched S2 as it was airing (March - May.) 
11. How did you become interested in 3?
My best friend recommended it to me back in...2014 I believe. She started shipping Skyeward and encouraged me to watch the show, too - for their dynamic, if nothing else - and I ended up really enjoying it. And then a lot of shit happened that ultimately led me to drop the show completely. 
12. Who is your favourite actor in 4?
Oh gosh, I don’t really know, Maybe  Álvaro Morte? I love his portrayal of The Professor. He’s incredibly intelligent and astute but so nerdy and dorky at the same time. lol.
13. Which do you prefer, 1, 2, or 5?
I’ll be honest, my interest kinda started waning after a while, but still I have to say Orphan Black, because the concept is fascinating, the score is fantastic, and Tatiana’s acting is insanely good. 
14. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3 ?
Hard to say. AoS just has more episodes overall, but I haven’t seen anything post-6.06 because honestly that episode just made me feel sick, disappointed and angry and completely turned me off the show. lol. I’ve seen all episodes of Good Girls, but there’s just less of them overall. 
15. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Raquel Murillo, I guess.
16. Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work?
I’d like to see it, yeah. I feel like La Casa would work best with S1 AoS because of the whole spy thing. Maybe someone from SHIELD going undercover as a member of The Professor’s team?
17. Pair two characters in 1 who would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple? Ngl, Annie/Rio could be kinda interesting. I’m not sure it’d work, but I know it has a small fanbase. 
18. Overall, which show has the better storyline, 3 or 5? 5. AoS dropped the ball after S4. It doesn’t resemble the show it once was - the show I fell in love with - at all anymore. The writing is lazy, formulaic and repetitive, the plot is riddled with plot holes and inconsistencies, the new characters are forgettable at best and insufferable and underdeveloped at worst, and it’s kind of obvious that at this point the writers are more interested in throwing in things for the sake of fan service and doing things they feel are “cool” rather than telling a good story. 
19. Which has the better theme music, 2 or 4?
That’s a hard one because honestly, I love both, but argh, I’m gonna go with My Life is Going On from La Casa de Papel.
I’m tagging: @captianstevens, @thomas-holl, @onlystony, @iwillmissyoutoni, @ilosttrackofthings and @secondchaircellist
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occidentaltourist · 5 years
1. Same anon w/ no tumblr acc: thanks for replying & all the others too. I’m really not the one for spreading negative vibes, i think I was just really disappointed w/ how insufferably hypocrite Clark has become in Smallville considering I’ve been crushing over him for years lol. But enough of that, let’s talk about supercorp: Ohhh (more of a sad one) I mean it’s really nice & most importantly good Katie McG that She gets to star in a new show but I was sooo looking forward to Lena being in the
Hi there, friend! Thank you for your ask. :) I’m going to put the rest of your lovely comments under the cut.
For Kara and Lena, I talked about the Clois parallels a bit yesterday, which I agree certainly are there, in some episodes more than others. The last one definitely was one of them!
Regarding Katie’s new project, I honestly don’t think it will affect her role as Lena or time on Supergirl. It is a six-episode series - what we might call a miniseries in the US - that doesn’t include elaborate special effects. It has been in pre-production a while, and she flew to Melbourne as soon as SG S4 wrapped to start shooting. It sounds to me like there is enough time for Katie to finish that series and be back in Vancouver for their June S5 start.  Per Abbie Cornish, the release date for the Australian project is 2020, so there will be time during any SG hiatus for Katie to do any post-production stuff, if needed.
Having said that: it would surprise me if there’s a big role for Lena, or any at all, in the crossover - even if she does know the super secret by then. I wrote about this in some detail previously so I won’t belabor the point, but the Arrowverse crossovers have typically included very little involvement from the SG cast outside of Kara (and Alex, to an extent). I don’t expect that to change this year, because it’s going to be even more massive, potentially involving all 5 shows (including Batwoman) - and the Big Fuss will be about Oliver and Arrow coming to an end. I hope I’m wrong, since it sounds like Crisis is a big deal for the character of Kara, too. Team SG and Lena should be part of it.
2. S5 Crossover. I mean just imagine all the headcanons of her being hurt but still loving Kara - platonically of course lol - and worrying about her safety. Out favorite platonic idiot sweethearts not talking but still ready to give their life for each other. And i was convinced as soon as Lena knows, they’re gonna put her in the crossover!!! I mean duh that’s a must. In S2 i was still thinking that CW was just teasing w/ the sizzling chemistry of the actresses which I’m convinced was not
3. planned, otherwise there won’t be KaraMel. I mean Mel & Chris are obv cute, since they r engaged but supercorp ist just even better & sizzling, there’s no other word for it. Anyway but since the latest eps I’m slowly contemplating the idea of Kara & Lena really getting seriously romantic. Is it offensive to say that Kelly & Alex feels a bit forced (writing)? The best chem was till w/ Sam imo. Returning to K&L: the amounts of romantic tropes the writers put them in, that’s insane. Can’t count
4. I get the heart eyes, they can pass as platonic friendly, and the (belly burger) lunch dates, friends really do that. But the homage to Superman “I must have passed out” w/ skewed glasses THAT ladies & gentlemen is just mean. It is blatantly romantic since Clark & Lois are the DC’s ICONIC OTP. The almost reveal, which is also cries suspiciously Superman, Lena’s cry when she saw the explosion & then their hug afterwards. THAT is the love interests after near death “I’m so glad you’re alive”
5. hug TROPE. Lena’s black vest, white shirt - that’s what Lois wore in every SM film/show. Who is always the last person to know about the hero’s secret identity by finding out on their own & getting hurt & angry? their love interest! the sometimes ridiculous triangle w/ secret identity? The list of tropes can go on & on. It’s just w/ Kara & Lena there’s the Romeo & Juliet element w/ all the aforementioned romantic tropes which makes their relationship even more complex & more appealing &
6. interesting. Its just w/ all the great potential these two characters have I really don’t want to see it getting wasted which is probably the reason of my „anxiety“. That would REALLY be another great loss. i needed to „write“ that out
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mari-chai · 6 years
MIRACULOUS LADYBUG SEASON 2 EPISODE 13: Zombizou (A Slightly In-Depth Commentary/Review)
Ok so I loved this episode because on the surface, it was so cute and pure. But when you look at it deeper you'd notice that the plot is really beginning to thicken.
NOTE: I really appreciate it if y'all would take the time to freak out with me and read what I have to say. But this post contains spoilers. Proceed with that in mind.
Here are some things I noticed and loved:
1. You can try to resist an akuma???
Miss Bustier has become one of my favorite background characters. She was the first to get akumatized because she was protecting Marinette. She's so pure that she actually tried to resist an akuma. My heart clenched.
Honestly, before the episode aired, I was wondering why and how Miss Bustier was akumatized. And why kisses? I was wondering whether she had problems in the love department, but why take it out on her class?
So to say I freaked when I realized that Gabe had intended to akumatize Marinette, is an understatement. AND THIS WORRIES ME because of what it can entail for the future. Will one of the miraculous wielders fall victim to Hawkmoth? (Maybe this is how Queen Bee becomes Queen Wasp??? Oh No)
if either Adrien or Marinette become akumatized in the future, i will freak so hard Gabriel Agreste would feel it break the fourth wall
Even before S2 started, we've been informed that Chloe's going to be given a miraculous. And up to this day, we can only speculate why the fuck.
And in Despair Bear, we've been shown that Chloe can actually shape up and make an effort to be a better person (she just has to dig really deep).
Today, in Zombizou, we're given another glimpse at Chloe's softness. Sure, in the beginning 'til around 3/4 of the episode, she remained to be insufferable, but she actually started to come thru when she told Ladybug she'd be out of her hair.
She actually really came thru when she told Miss Bustier her thoughts the truth, and during the shot of them hugging. Here we can see a vulnerable Chloe who has probably, most of her life, put a pretentious guise over her feelings to protect herself, which she probably earned from her mother. (She also came thru when she finally sacrificed herself to save Ladybug)
I honestly expect more character development in Chloe before her family arc.
tl;dr: Chloe kinda came thru and is probably slowly showing us why she deserves a miraculous
4. The 110% trust everyone has on Ladybug
( I really wanna talk about how our ships came thru here but maybe in another post??? )
I honestly felt my heart clench for Mari/LB when she saw that all of her classmates, up to her partner Chat Noir, had willingly sacrificed themselves without a second doubt for Ladybug to save the day.
It was cute and aww-worthy when most of the class did it, but when Chat Noir spoke to LB before he was completely engulfed by Zombiezou's powers I cracked, I quaked, I was deceased.
Hear me out: since S1, we all know that Chat Noir has been putting himself in harm's way for LB. Since they wouldn't be able to fix everything (or even defeat the akuma) when she would be affected by the akuma's magic. But what I noticed was that it was in this episode that Chat had the time to tell LB that, "No, it's okay. I'm okay. You got this. We got you. Only you can fully stop this. So let us put ourselves on the line, so you can finish all of this." (Of course this is totally non-verbatim, but this was what the moment felt like to me?)
Marinette's friends/classmates (and Chat Noir) sacrificing themselves without a second doubt made my heart clench because of the magnitude of it all. They trust Marinette so much, and maybe I was just seeing things, but I could feel the pressure Mari/LB was put through, especially when she punched the door to the elevator after Nino didn't go with them because Alya was zombified. (She punched the door? Girl, I felt that through the fourth wall)
Marinette, the girl who doubted herself a lot, had to witness all of her friends, and her partner, throw themselves in the line of fire, and there's nothing else she could do about it but push through and defeat the akuma alone.
and again, my heart clenched.
tl;dr: Marinette is amazing. Her friends/classmates are amazing. I cry for her I'm not gonna lie
p.s. my heart clenched extra when nino refused to go with them because alya got zombified
5. Marinette Character Development
Not a long commentary here, but I loved how she tried to give Chloe another chance, and not go off at her when everybody else had put themselves in danger just to save Chloe, the root of their problem.
Normally, Mari would let her feelings get ahead of her and passionately fight for what she believed in. But this time, she was shown to be more mature.
To sum up my thoughts: Zombizou was cute but plot thickening as well, and Marinette is amazing. Most fanfic tropes are becoming canon I'm living. Also, where was Nathanael :-(
Thank you for listening to my Ted Talk™
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sanoiro · 6 years
Lucifer 3x22 - Meta Post A: On Doubt, Fear and Expectations.
Before I begin I would like to mention my viewing experience of the episode. I knew that this episode would be a very unconventional one hence why the S&S post was so difficult.  It was not a great episode for sure but it gave us some information we needed.  What it also did was to raise a sandstorm in order to blind and confuse us with only two more episodes remaining in S3. 
Questions were raised such as, Is Marcus really mortal and in love with Chloe? I sincerely doubt he truly is. If this episode told us anything, it was about how fears act out and how we tend to beautify an idea and then turn it into an expectation. 
So let’s begin slowly here... 
Part 1: Doubt 
Let’s assume for a moment that Lucifer’s vulnerability and Marcus’ Mark loss are caused by two very different causes. Not love. I still believe that Lucifer’s vulnerability is caused by Chloe’s feelings but I have come to suspect that perhaps Marcus Mark loss is not. 
Why? Because I see a connection between the wings and the mark. 
I have mentioned it before but I never gave it enough importance.  What if Chloe in 2x18 was the reason Lucifer’s wings returned? The reason would be in this case that she trusted him and forgave him at the end of the episode. 
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What if Marcus Mark is gone because Chloe trusts him and yes once again she acted as a redeemer. That can also be extended to Amenadie or/and Charlotte if we think about it but we will know for sure in 3x23. 
Therefore the fact that Chloe has doubts in 3x22 does not affect Marcus Mark in my opinion her trust and forgiveness does. Additionally, I would also like to add that something smells fishy here. Who would give so much money for a tattoo if that’s what it was in the envelope and not the ring? Again we will know for sure soon... In this part I leave you the exchange between Marcus and Maze: 
Maze: If Decker loves you then the Mark should be gone unless she is having second thoughts about you.
Marcus: Well that’s not ent- (Entirely what? Wrong? Yep!)
Part 2: Fear
Let’s talk about fear. As Linda said in 3x21, what are you so afraid of? Lucifer seems to always retract his realisations after an episode because he seems to be afraid of the answers. Funny how he actually nudged Dan to finally admit his feelings for Charlotte but himself took a step back in 3x22. 
In 3x22 - All Hands On Decker, we see a Lucifer going through Chloe’s mind but he focuses only on the details that her job has pushed forward and nothing else. We do know that Lucifer can and has seen beyond that in 2x11. But the problem here is that Lucifer in this episode projects his issue on identity and the loss of it on Chloe. 
What is also important to connect in this episode is the Driver’s everything, Chloe’s and of course what Lucifer believes it is... As he says to Fredrick in the beginning while trying to imitate Chloe, 
 Lucifer: Not yet, but my job means everything to me.
Lucifer has not yet grasped what everything is in someone’s life. 
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Near the end of the episode, Dan reveals why Lucifer calls Chloe, Detective. Dan accuses Lucifer of seeing Chloe only as her job and nothing else while Lucifer contradicts him with the fact that he thinks that calling her Detective is endearing... 
Indeed it is because of Lucifer that title carries a noble meaning of justice and rightness. He sees Chloe as the ultimate definition of the word so for him it is endearing but at the same time we learn something more and he does as well. 
Your profession does not define your whole identity. Okay, so several if not all industrial sociologists would oppose that thought but in Lucifer’s case, that’s a vital understanding. 
His lack of Devil Face and his wings were the sign of his loss of identity. In S2 when Mum asks him why he works with the LAPD he comes to a conclusion that he doesn’t necessarily like punishing people but he is good at it.  He sees being the Devil as his job and his job is irreversibly tied to who he is, meaning his identity. 
Considering all the above Lucifer comes to a realisation which is that Chloe is not only her job hence why he probably calls her Chloe in 3x24 (perhaps as part of an experiment?). It is also why I believe that in 3x24 he will accept his wings because, in a very interesting move from the writers, no matter of your work or body parts your identity is you and only you can define it (see 3x01).
So an identity cannot be imposed and that is what leads us to Chloe’s part. That of the expectations. 
Part 3: Expectations
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Chloe in this episode seems for the most part of it uncomfortable with the idea of marriage. Or at least how quickly everything moves. What we also learn is that Chloe married Dan at the courthouse and was back at work after the ceremony. 
An anon on Monday asked me more or less if the 2x05 Dan admission he had skipped the wedding plans in order to watch the Body Bag movie was a plot hole. To answer you, no I don’t believe it was. Courthouse weddings also require some planning, minimal but they are still there. 
1) What interests me more though in this episode and which will get us in this section, a bit further away from Chloe, is Marcus’ insistence to marry her... Why did Marcus wanted to marry her? I have a mini-theory which basically goes like this: 
Chloe never wed Dan in a church or had the divine blessing so we can assume that for God that marriage was void. Same can be said about Lucifer’s wedding with Candy. Lucifer’s and Candy’s wedding certificate says in join in lawful wedlock, not a holy one which would have been the case if they had been married by a minister and not an officiant (see 3x07). Still, Lucifer seems a bit too conscious about the meaning of wedlock. So I wonder if a religious wedding holds a deeper meaning in this story. 
2) What I cannot stop thinking about as well is Lucifer’s 54th wait no... 55th reason of Chloe saying yes. Drugs or as Lucifer explained, she was under the influence. And what if she was EUI aka Engaged Under the Influence?
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Now I plead you to not forget what happened in 3x02. That brainwashing act was not a random thing. Moreover, Trixie was at a sleepover date that night and Marcus went to check on her??? Seriously now? 
What kind of child - Trixie in particular- would ever want to leave a sleepover. Not to mention that the sleepover was in the next house. So was Trixie manipulated somehow? I wouldn’t be surprised if she was or just found herself at her house the next morning without ny memory of what had happened if she was conscious of course to remember... 
3) Finally, Lucifer was really good at delivering the problem with desires:
Lucifer: Well, maybe it's what she thinks she wants, but does she know what she truly desires? 'Cause few do unless I help them. And unfortunately, I can't do that with her.
Chloe cannot be affected by Lucifer’s mojo but Marcus was. Marcus was supposed to be at least a difficult case but it took Lucifer only a second or so although the willingness of the participant might have something to do with that. But what if Marcus was immune to the mojo as well but he can affect Chloe with his powers if he has any that is? We know that Amenadiel was able to make her freeze in time so Marcus’ manipulation might be running deeper than we think. 
-End of Interlude-
Now back to Chloe. 
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In 3x22 we see that Chloe can be open and have fun when she feels safe like she did in 2x04, 2x12 and 3x06. Throughout the episode, she took advantage of the bachelorette party in order to let loose and was shown as a more carefree person but the talk with the bus driver shows us the bittersweet truth.
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First, the driver was an excellent addition to the episode and acted obviously as a Deus ex machina which was brilliant as none of the characters had to spill the beans. We have time for that, meaning other characters telling Chloe their observations like Ella did with Marcus to Maze, 
We are at this point of the story that the most important thing for me it was that Chloe reached the decision to split from Marcus on her own. No persuasion or manipulation just her and her thoughts something that had to be done in order for the audience but also for Chloe herself to realise that she makes her own decisions in this life/series. 
Now about Chloe’s words on the bus.
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Well, it just it all happened so fast, and everyone's wondering why I said yes, and I-I'm wondering the same thing myself.
As we said sometimes decisions are not logical and as Lucifer said to Dan sometimes what we truly desire is not apparent to us from the very start. 
I don't know, m-maybe I thought that marrying a a safe, steady guy would somehow change me into a different person,
This episode reminded me a lot of 3x08 but in reverse.
 Chloe was trying to be something more and yet she believed that by marrying a guy who was stable like her father was, she would probably become the fun one in the relationship. Deep inside her, Chloe is not her work and she knows it but that’s how she is treated. As the boring, strict Detective and perhaps, just perhaps she wanted to free herself from that assumption that even Lucifer carried for the most part. 
Yet we see in 3x22 that although Lucifer and Chloe are the exact opposites on how they live their daily lives they are also carrying a very important piece of sobriety (Lucifer) and spontaneousness (Chloe) on different levels which might not always be obvious to the other person but it acts like the glue they need. 
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In 3x22 Lucifer realised that he can be like Chloe and understood what that meant.
 It meant that he was basically insufferable as a partner but that he also carried something in him that was very much alike to Chloe. At the same time, Chloe having her night of fun understands that being wild is not based on the comparison you get to have with your life partner or how you will define your life through them as the strict or fun type in the relationship. You are just yourself and let the relationship balance these qualities. Much like she has done in her partnership with Lucifer. 
That’s what happens at the very end of the episode. 
Lucifer sees that Chloe is not wearing a ring anymore so he backs off on telling her what he realised about himself, herself and their partnership but I’m sure it will come out soon enough. 
Why though?
Because he knows as she does now that no matter how absurd this partnership is for some reason it works. Their differences make them stronger and no, they do not drive them apart but closer. He can be more considerate but at the end of the day, his aloofness is her strength while her seriousness is his. They hold just enough of each other’s qualities to come close and rotate perfectly around each other but have enough differences in order to not collide.  
Her last line though was the most confusing one: 
that-that maybe this new, spontaneous me would-would somehow inspire the the person that I still am. 
I can translate this as I needed a change to make me feel more like myself again. The problem with that though is that there was no balance. As the driver says she has been married for 17 years and 
 He's my everything. Hopefully, your guy is, too.
At this point, we see Chloe sigh and shake her head. 
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The problem with Chloe and her relationships both with Dan and Marcus was that she was seeking the steady guy who could make her happy. Unfortunately, there was nothing to challenge her anymore in both cases. 
Dan had his job so when she decided to go on with the divorce it hurt her as you remember in 2x01 but also gave her space to feel free and move on again. Dan and Chloe were meant to be friends and parents and thankfully he was a good guy. Marcus once again has the same vibe. Sturdy, responsible, a man who can help me walk but the problem is that Chloe needs to fly. 
Remember that she left her house with her child because her husband was not there and she could not trust him after S1. 
She leaves Marcus because regardless of what we saw in 3x20 it was herself that was wounded and the idea that she wasn’t worth it. I have come to believe that her breaking down in 3x20 it was mostly because of what Lucifer did in 2x14 than what Marcus said and did in 3x20. 
When Marcus in 3x22 tells her that this is about him and her, Chloe stops him and says that is why he cannot marry him. Why? Because it’s about her and Lucifer. Marcus was a rebound a pleasant and honest mistake but after the bus she knows there is not her and him. There is only her and Lucifer on every imaginable level. 
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Lucifer as we have seen always had an ability to leave an echo lingering behind for her no matter what he did, where he disappeared to. So no matter the drugs, the women, the absurd unreliable self he showed her in S2 and S3 she fell for him. 
Not just that but as we see in 3x22 her gut is correct. Lucifer deep down, he cares, he can solve a case, he can be responsible and he deserves her trust so when the driver of the bus tells her she hopes that Chloe’s fiance is also everything for her, Chloe realises that’s not true. Her everything is Lucifer and as @isk12-blog said noticed the next scene from the bus? Lucifer...
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The only person she has followed through Hell and back again is Lucifer and she knows he has done the same thing for her no matter his immaturity. In 3x23 I believe we will see their relationship taking a turn because both know they have gone too far. And finally this... The last scene of 3x22. 
Chloe plays with her ringless finger. There are no tears but an afterthought of the decision she has made. She has not broken down over losing Marcus as she did in 3x20 because as I’ve said, before the incident in 3x20 and as it is explained by Chloe to Ella in 3x21, corresponds directly with Lucifer’s actions in the past, not Marcus’ harsh words.
So we have Chloe at her desk and Lucifer comes to tell her most probably that he has learned that he has not been a good partner but the fact that she no longer has her ring changes everything. It’s not that she is unattached again it’s the fact that Lucifer understands that there is also something more into their partnership than what he saw in his mock-staged one with Dan. 
Like with Linda and the discussion, after  Reese shot Lucifer in 3x07, Chloe in 3x22 shows Lucifer instead that she is with him because he showed her who he really is. Yes, he can be more considerate and I believe that he will be in the next episodes but something in his true character has Chloe trust him even more. 
You see when you are somebody’s everything it’s not about the good qualities and the immaculate manners nor how adorable someone is because he scratches off the burned side of his toast. 
Everything means that for some reason the good and the bad make a person lovable. What you know and you don't know as well and so you take the risk to love everything about that person and that happens unwittingly! With Marcus, Chloe can’t see or feel that everything and so she has her answer. 
It’s not about eternity or stability anymore, it’s about loving the unexpected as much as the expected. The greatest achievements and the greatest mistakes so yes, if 3x24 gives us the reveal then Chloe needed this episode to realise that everything about Lucifer and her feelings, was all about.
As we draw closer to the end of this post, did you notice how she invites him as her partner again? Or how she is so open in their partnership? 
Sometimes everything is not attainable but something out of it might be so Chloe once again gets back at Lucifer’s side knowing that he might never be perfect or ready for a relationship. When she says “right” that’s when she decides to just go with the flow once more and that word weights as much as her words in 3x20, “We both know that’s not true!”
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 Finally, I loved how she decided to start stealing the small moments once again with Lucifer... The romantic drives...
Lucifer: Shall we take my car? Chloe: Yes.  Lucifer: That’s what I’m talking about!
I hope you enjoyed this meta... I fell in love with the characters once more while writing it. Have a nice week and forgive any moodiness. I cannot be perfect, never claimed to be. 
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tearsofwonder · 3 years
Unpopular opinion: Dawson isn’t as bad as people make him out to be. Don’t get me wrong, he’s insufferable in the earlier seasons, especially towards the end of S3 but he isn’t the “villain” of the show, as some claim. I saw an article headlined: “Dawson Leery Walked so You’s Joe Goldberg Could Run Run.” The article draws comparisons between Dawson and Joe Goldberg, a serial killer who abuses and kills women.
The writer states Joey should be with Pacey because (unlike Dawson) Pacey didn't "stalk off in a huff when she danced one song with someone else at prom", conveniently overlooking something Pacey does at prom in S4 (I don’t want to spoil things for you). I rarely defend Dawson but “stalking off in a huff” is definitely better than what Pacey does. This is coming from someone who prefers Pacey/Joey to Dawson/Joey.
Many people purposefully misinterpret Dawson’s actions because they don’t like the Dawson/Joey ship. They also ignore the fact that Joey also treats Dawson like he belongs to her.
Joey never is as controlling as S3 Dawson, nevertheless she’s still extremely possessive. In S2 she tells Jen:
“Look, you want our relationship to change, Jen? Then stop encroaching on what's mine. I mean, you systematically continue to recast yourself in my role. I mean, everytime I turn around I'm being replaced by you in some form, and then, you're fain, shocked, and surprised when I resent you for it.”
Joey also yells at Dawson when he befriends Nicky and gets jealous when he attempts to kiss Kate at a party.
I think it’s become very common to hate on “nice guys.” When scrolling through ‘How I Met Your Mother’ tags, I saw posts hating on Ted because he’s a “misogynistic nice guy” but no one seemed to care that Barney lied to women to get them to sleep with him, treated them like dirt, secretly filmed them without their consent, made fun of fat women, etc. Both Barney and Ted are trash but the character of Ted seemed to receive most of the hate. The Gilmore Girls fandom is the same. All of Rory’s boyfriends are trash but Dean gets disproportionately hated by the fandom because he’s a “nice guy.” I don’t even like Dean but S1 Dean was a better bf to Rory than Jess ever was.
My very unpopular opinion is that I actually like Dawson and he's one of my favourites. For me, he's supposed to be this naive, privileged and self-centered character and we're supposed to watch him grow up over the show. Even in S3 (prior to Longest Day) he was growing. He apologised to Jen for his awful reaction in S1, he was becoming more chill and more loosened up and had to deal with how he's no longer this 'special' film maker which was interesting and wish the writers focused on that instead of forcing him into the love triangle. It's one of the reasons I wished Nikki stayed on the show, she has similarities to bond with him but also enough differences to challenge him and help him mature and grow. I definitely understand why people dislike Dawson and find him insufferable but it doesn't bother me. The only time it really bothered me was at his birthday in S2 where he insults Pacey. I get that he was feeling lost and was jealous that Pacey is doing better with his life but he never apologised for it. At least he acknowledges by the end that while Andie influenced him, Pacey was the one who took charge of his life and changed it for the better
And I agree with Joey being possessive. Dawson was right when he pointed out he can't be friends with a girl without Joey getting mad. She even says her feelings for Dawson were in past tense earlier in S3 so her getting mad at Dawson drinking a shot and wanting to kiss someone was crazy. Then again she got mad in S2 at the idea of him having sex with Jen when she was literally dating the guy she lowkey dumped him for😭
And HIMYM is one of my favourites and I love Ted too😭 Him, Barney and Lily would be my top 3 (Lily also gets a lot of hate from the fandom too).
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zalrb · 4 years
I've been rewatching DC too and have a few UOs I could never confess off anon so I'm very thankful for your blog! 1. Most people think S3 is the best, but that's when the show starts going downhill for me. 2. I love S1/S2 Joey and think she's deliberately written as too flawed to be a Mary Sue. 3. Until S3, I like Dawson overall. 4. I ship Joey/Dawson in S1 and S2. I believed their "soulmate" connection. I hate myself ;) 5. (*whispers*) I love Pacey/Joey more as bantering frenemies than lovers.
Ooh it will be fun if my blog becomes a DC UO confessional.
1. I agree that I’m not a big fan of season 3 - what the fuck was Eve?? And I’ll see this UO and raise an UO, I’m on season 5 right now and I actually don’t think it’s terrible (it’s not great either), it’s just less dramatic than seasons 3 and 4.
2. Yeah seasons 1 and 2 Joey was kind of like, the poor girl across the creek who had a chip on her shoulder and figuring things out and dealing with being secretly-but-not-so-secretly in love with her best friend and I get that, like I thought that she could come across as outwardly unreasonable because she didn’t communicate but I could get that too, it was just like Joey, relax. As the seasons go on, I don’t dislike her but I also feel like sometimes she can give it a rest, they do bring up her tendency to judge things quickly but I’m not really sure if she ever moves away from that, kind of like how they call attention to Dawson being self-absorbed but Dawson never grows from that either.
3. Like I’ve mentioned before, I think Dawson is insufferable but not in a way that actually makes him viscerally aggravating to me and granted, I’m still fairly at the beginning of season 5 but I actually don’t find him as insufferable this season as I did in the past. And actually, I think him and Jen are kinda cute.
4. PHEW THIS ONE. OK I’m, like, of two minds about this because I do think James and Katie had chemistry, I legitimately think people let how they feel about Dawson and how they feel about PJ cloud their judgement about the DJ chemistry - I’m not talking dynamic, I’m not talking about writing, I’m talking about just Joey and Dawson onscreen and they do the connection well in that way, like this for instance, I believe there is a relief here at being back together, that small exhale, that smile
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that being said, I do think the dialogue inflates the soulmate connection because while we are given scenes like the playfighting and the make-belief in the closet and going to visit her dad in prison, we’re not really given anything to indicate a link between them that’s supposed to be that profound. that I-don’t-know-where-you-begin-and-where-I-end, my-life-is-your-life, to do something like that, like you need to back that up and I don’t think they do that other than the fact that when someone else enters their lives, the other gets possessive. I mentioned before that because the fandom loves PJ they harp on the way Dawson reacted to their relationship and how he acted like Joey was his but Joey reacted to Jen exactly the same way in season 1 and even in season 2  even when she [Joey] had dumped him
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like an article said that Joey was framed as being Dawson’s and then her relationship with Pacey firmly put agency in her court, which is true, but I think Dawson is framed as being Joey’s just as much.
It’s just kind of like ... why, though? For what? In order for this level of possessiveness to make sense, in order for Dawson and Joey to spend the first half of season 5 being like are you ready to let go, in order for Dawson to claim that Pacey getting with his soulmate nearly ended his life, the connection needed to be more than Dawson ranting about his life and Joey responding to it, like I sort of mentioned in another post, the two of them have the chemistry to physically portray an ease that comes with history,
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but they needed scenes like be an angstier Donna and Eric
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that being said, I liked their season 2 happy moments *shrugs*
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5. Oooooooh the biggest UO of them all! I mean Pandie has clearly become my DC OTP so now I’m always going to be like it should’ve been Pandie! But I don’t mind  PJ as lovers because I think we get some really great scenes and I think we get some great chemistry but I definitely see their flaws a lot more clearly than I did before and I definitely don’t romanticize their relationship in season 4 the way I did when I was younger.
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