#pops' name here is sugiyama shinkichi which i ripped off another fanfic
number1villainstan · 2 years
No one really knows where Chisaki Kai came from. One day he didn't exist to the Hassaikai, the next he was trailing after Sugiyama, taking in everything with those too-intelligent gold eyes of his. When the upper brass asks Sugiyama where the kid came from, he always says that he found him outside, a street kid in need of a home, but his eyes are unsure, his voice not quite committing to the scripted answer coming from his mouth. Members of the Hassaikai will come up to Chisaki himself, meaning to ask him about his origins, but one look from him and the words shrivel up in their mouths and the intent flees their mind. Even Kurono Hari who used to be someone else but no one can remember who doesn't know where he comes from.
But really, that's only a piece of the puzzle that is Chisaki Kai, and one of the more normal ones too. He could easily be escaped from an orphanage, or a child kicked out of his own home. But that wouldn't explain the other things, the times that someone saw Chisaki talking to empty air in a language that no one could understand, the way that Chisaki can never be found if he doesn't want to be found. It doesn't explain how Sugiyama has barely aged a day since Chisaki came to the compound. The men he's brought in are also pieces of the puzzle, even as some of them try to figure it out themselves. Some of them joke about how their boss is an alien, or a demigod.
"Do you think he'd listen if I prayed to him?" Setsuno says once, only half-joking.
"Do you want him to take it seriously?" Nemoto replies, not joking at all.
Setsuno doesn't joke about it after that.
What's scarier still is that the strangeness seems to be spreading. Sometimes Kurono will tilt his head just so and his eyes catch the light in a way that makes them seem not human. Irinaka no longer has a limit on how long he can remain in a body that's not his original. Nemoto is perhaps the strangest of them who is not Chisaki, but he was strange from the start, murmuring about things incomprehensible to a normal mortal mind. Setsuno once took a bullet that should have hit his heart and killed him. He's fine now.
They say that Chisaki's aim is to bring back the Hassaikai, to pay back his debt to Sugiyama. My question is, when does it stop?
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