#portable sanitiser
This is my last post before I head off on my ten-day minimal-internet tidalpunk adventure (expect pics when I return!) so I thought I’d make a nice long list-type thing for all you solarpunks before I go.
Now, this might not seem very cheerful compared to my other topics - certainly all the people I’ve brought this up with irl have acted like I’m being alarmist and depressing, but I don’t see it that way. I view it as being prepared and maximising your ability to keep yourself and your community safe, which is after all what solarpunk is all about!
So without further ado, here is my *extremely idealised* suggestion for an emergency kit list to help you cope with increasingly frequent and severe extreme weather events. The goal is that with the supplies in this bag you could either shelter safely in place or get up and go, and be well supplied in either case to care for yourself and share with those in need. In fact, in both scenarios you would hopefully be able to temporarily ‘start from scratch’ in terms of infrastructure should the frameworks of society around you no longer be reliable. I based mine off suggestions by climate scientist Kendra Pierre-Louis (you can check out her advice on the ‘Unnatural Disasters’ episode of the How To Save A Planet Podcast), but yours might look subtly different depending on who you are, what you can afford/carry, and where you live.
Emergency kit list:
-Big hiking rucksack, to keep everything in
-Sleeping bag
-A small portable tent and camping stove
-A penknife or multi tool
-Matches or a lighter
-Kindling or firestarters - I use wood wool balls held together with wax
-Torch (with up to date batteries!)
-Non-perishable or long-life foods, such as protein bars, rice cakes/breadsticks/crackers, dried fruit, bagged nuts/seeds, crisps, tinned soup, pot noodles
-A seedbomb of edible plants (you can get some for slightly excessive prices here in the UK, otherwise they can be made fairly easily by combining clay, straw, paper or flour with the desired seeds)
-Two large water bottles (600-650ml) and a water bladder
-A water purifier (preferably one capable of filtering out both natural pathogens like bacteria and viruses and synthetic pollutants like heavy metals and PFAS)
-A collapsible bucket
-A first aid kit, including plasters, bandages, sterile wipes, hand sanitiser, latex gloves, antiseptic/disinfectant, (K)N95 masks to filter out particulates (whether ash or pathogens), painkillers, antihistamines, rehydration sachets, anti-emetics and anti-diarrhoeals, steroid creams, aloe vera gel, iodine tablets in case of radiation, and any medication you regularly take (including epipens and inhalers if needed)
-A pair of goggles to protect your eyes from air pollution such as smog, wildfire smoke, etc
-Toothpaste tablets and a spare toothbrush
-Period supplies (pack these even if you don’t get periods - someone you run into might need them)
-A solar charger
-A satellite phone
-A mechanical handheld fan, with working batteries, to keep you cool in extreme heat
-A magnetic heat belt for extra warmth
-A change of clothes, including a sun hat, a scarf, woolly hat and gloves for extreme cold, and waterproofs (plus an umbrella!) for wet conditions
-Pliers or secateurs for cutting through dense debris or vegetation
-Some strong, climbing-grade rope
-A trowel (for planting and digging up but also for burying…waste 😅 - a long-term wild camping scenario isn’t infeasible here)
-Your passport and any other documents (marriage certificate, adoption papers, savings bonds if you’re like a hundred years old) that you might need if fleeing your country becomes a necessity
-As much cash as you are comfortable withdrawing/leaving lying around your house/carrying with you in an emergency
-A personal locator beacon is a radio-transmitter that signals your location to emergency services via satellite. These tend to have a 24-hour battery life, so if you foresee being in any way ‘stranded’ for longer then a useful trick is to switch it on for one hour each day, and then turn it off again. This not only saves power but shows emergency services that there is conscious intention involved, proving you’re still alive and lucid
-Some things to keep your spirits up, like a chocolate bar and your favourite/funniest book
-It’s worth having a sturdy pair of hiking boots for if you have to pick up the bag and go
Obviously this list is super extra, a bunch of these things are prohibitively expensive, and some items would need periodic replacement if a long time passed without the necessity of using the emergency kit. You could also likely build a fairly functional emergency kit with only a fraction of these supplies, I’m just trying to anticipate every eventuality here.
It’s up to you whether you think the investment is worth it - it’s a big outlay for a possible zero return. Personally I think it’s at least somewhat worth it as extreme weather is only going to happen more often and have more serious consequences, and preparedness turns what could be a disaster into an inconvenience, often saving money in the long run. But it will depend on the relative likelihood of severe weather events in your local area. It’s also worth saying that these work for ostensibly non-climate related problems, from a power cut in your town to an authoritarian coup in your government to your house falling down! It isn’t just for wildfires or tornadoes.
Over the next few months I’m hoping to slowly build up the aspects of the kit that are affordable and accessible to me, with the aim of being able to keep myself safe and aid my neighbours should disaster strike.
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idontknowreallywhy · 11 months
Estera Ch 5 - Lesson
(Prologue, Ch 1, Ch 2, Ch 3, Ch 4)
Have I finally got them out of the cave?
Will there be drama when they get to the surface?
Only one way to find out :)
“Et tu, Brute?!”
“Then fall, Caesar” Estera muttered as a reflex. It always drove her crazy when the line was unfinished.
“Liberty! Freedom! Tyranny is dead!”
Her head snapped up in surprise to see him grinning. Well! She hadn’t expected him to actually know it. Laughing, she gestured behind him.
“If I promise not to stab you, can I have a quick look? I am a qualified first aider, maybe I can help?”
He backed into the wall.
“Honestly, it’s fine, just a little scratch and a bruise I can get it sorted when we are out.”
“It would be a good opportunity to demonstrate some of the lessons the children have learned in class? And it would keep their minds off other things.”
Right on cue, Sam appeared at her side with an eager expression and the smaller, more portable first aid kit she’d stowed in her rucksack just in case. If only she’d brought the large one.
“Oh wow that’s a big kit… you like to be prepared huh?”
She snorted derisively and beckoned him forward. There was a pause. She raised an eyebrow and waited.
His shoulders sagged and he walked towards her with a wry smile and a whispered “I am never going to live this down.”
Having checked there were definitely no hitherto hidden exits he could take advantage of, he reluctantly sat down where she indicated and allowed her to step behind him, hoping it she wouldn’t pass out again. The rock had clearly nicked a couple of enthusiastic vessels because the sticky sensation had crept all the way down to the small of his back and it probably looked way more dramatic than it was. He plastered on a reassuring smile for the kids but none were looking at him because they were all crowded around a large bottle of hand sanitiser. Wait, what? Little Alex had a gleam in his eye as he scrubbed up to the elbows like a surgeon preparing for a transplant.
The smile became a little fixed. He wasn’t sure he had consented to a team approach.
The teacher was explaining something and had their rapt attention. He let himself be carried along by her voice too, it had a musical quality to it that was soothing. Lucky that, for someone who worked with little kids. He drifted a little then jumped as her face appeared over his left shoulder and he suddenly realised she’d been talking directly to him.
“Can I cut your suit? It’s got a little mangled.”
“Oh. It’s already quite damaged I’m afraid…”
He shook himself.
“Sorry, I mean you won’t be able to… Here, use this.” He palmed the micro laser cutter from his baldric. “Um… maybe don’t give that to the kids.”
He winced as he felt the air on his back. Fortunately it was only the one pair of hands that proceeded to clean the wound, the small ones had paired off and were enthusiastically swabbing each other instead. Her hands were cooler than Virgil’s, but had a similar level of confidence… He forced himself to relax.
Suddenly, the eager mini-medics all crowded round, watching intently. Then retreated like a wave and started covering each other in steri strips.
“Right, should we use warm or cold for bruising, everyone?”
“COOOOOOLD” came the unanimous reply.
She reappeared over his shoulder, accompanied by the cracking of instant cold packs. “I’m going pop a couple of these over your ribs then tape your suit up to hold them in place. I think it would be best to put your arm in a sling to reduce the chance of you pulling the shoulder wound open again.”
For the sake of being a good example to the children he agreed. That was the only reason. Nothing to do with the power of the teacher voice. He sighed… “Yes, Miss”.
A little hand slipped into his and he looked down at Alex who was looking back at him earnestly.
“It’s ok for rescuers to need rescuing sometimes isn’t it, Mr Scott?”
He was saved from finding an appropriate response by his brother breaking through the wall.
There had been a LOT of hugging and relieved tears. The rescuer who introduced himself as Virgil had finally gathered the parents to give them some quick advice on symptoms of dust inhalation and when they should seek assistance. Meanwhile the blue-eyed one, Scott that was it, was left-handedly signing the kids’ tattered worksheets and distributing tiny die-cast thunderbird models to many squeals of delight. She chuckled to herself as Alex excitedly snatched a model of the red rocket ship before reconsidering and replacing it with the silver and blue one, gazing adoringly at his new favourite-person-in-the-whole-world.
With any luck, much of the trauma of the situation the children had experienced would be overshadowed by the wonder of meeting their heroes. As she watched the injured man pulling funny faces and offering high fives she realised that was entirely deliberate on their part.
She really should find out more about them. The kids, apparently, had encyclopaedic knowledge and it would be best if she could keep up with what was going to be the primary topic of conversation for the foreseeable. They might not forgive her ignorance as quickly as with the plesiosaurs.
It wasn’t that she had deliberately ignored the Thunderbirds’ existence, hard to do that when they were all over the press (and she had to keep confiscating the trading cards until the end of the school day). Scott certainly seemed a bit familiar so she must have seen a press conference or something at some stage. But, well, she’d generally tried to shield herself a little from constant news of disaster and destruction that she could do little to fix. She threw herself into small scale things. She tried not to get overwhelmed by a world determined to drown her in that same sense of helplessness she’d battled against as her country collapsed around her, as she’d stared into the horrified eyes of a soul who knew he was about to die...
Ahhhh, she shook herself, that was the third time today he’d slipped through her defences. She really had to practice her exercises more. Screwing up her face then relaxing it into a pleasant smile she began to approach the group of parents who were beginning to disperse after their medical debriefing.
And got hijacked by two EMTs keen to ask her about her fainting fit in the cave. One of the children must have tattled on her.
She smiled politely, assured them confidently that she had no head injury but suffered from mild claustrophobia and that plus the shock of everything was probably all it was. Feeling it would be hypocritical to refuse, she allowed them to check her vitals and make some notes while she finally looked up and took in the bizarre scene around her. Her eyes drifted past the gleaming silver rocket towards the huge green cargo ship she’d heard so much about. Plenty of room for pockets indeed… she stifled a laugh and her gaze settled on the two international rescue operatives sat on the side of the ramp leading into the ship. The second man had seemed nice, if somewhat harried and oddly concerned about his colleague.
Beyond the temporary floodlights the sun was beginning to set, the sky was clear and the early stars were visible. She was struck by how close she had come to not seeing them again and felt a wave of gratitude for the second chance.
Third, actually.
She looked up the stars and wished she could have thanked the person who’d given her the second.
And then gasped, she had nearly done it again! They were about to leave and she hadn’t actually managed to find the time to express her thanks. She extricated herself from the attentions of the EMTs and hurried over to the two men in blue, running through a few potential phrases in her mind. They’d probably heard it all before.
“Excuse me, I’m sorry to bother you again”
Scott half looked up from where he was perched on a boulder and smiled distractedly while his colleague fussed over him with a medi-scanner. Without his helmet on he looked older than she was expecting, maybe early 40s, a hint of grey shot through the chestnut at his temples and the shadows under his eyes and cheekbones made her wonder just how many “long days” the guy had experienced recently. There was a deep sense of tiredness about him.
“I didn’t want to let you go without properly thanking you for all your help down there” she unthinkingly stuck out her right hand, realising too slowly that he wasn’t going to be able to take it.
Before she could withdraw it he’d reached out with his left hand, twisted his wrist to grasp her right and shook it awkwardly.
“Well thank you for patching me up, you left this little guy with not a lot to do.”
There was a huff behind him prompting another grin which this time reached his eyes as he looked up at her. Blue… vivid, unmistakable blue, sparkled with amusement and a spike of adrenaline hit her like a train.
It was him.
He was still holding her hand but hers was numb and she couldn’t feel it. The ground she was standing on tilted suddenly and she tried to hold on tighter to steady herself but her muscles wouldn’t respond
And she was going to fall.
And she heard him scream.
But he was still smiling and hadn’t noticed the world was collapsing. His eyes held a question.
“Thank you for rescuing me” her voice cracked
“Virgil, please, it’s alright. Look it’s just a bit of bruising and a few cuts which you’ll note are already expertly dressed.”
His brother scowled at the scanner which, for once, was backing up Scott’s assertion that he was fine.
Virgil’s litany of grumbling was interrupted by the reappearance of the teacher.
She was younger than he’d thought, probably early 30s, and he was amused to see that amongst the dusty strands of dark brown hair that had fallen from the practical knot at the back of her neck was a lock of bright blue. A little rebellious streak perhaps?
He gave her a tiny wink along with the backwards handshake and wondered how hard Virgil would kick him if he asked for her number.
The blood drained from her face as their eyes met. Huh, not the usual reaction to his attempts to flirt, he noted wryly, maybe he was losing his touch.
Wait, what did she mean “Again”? He frowned in confusion. When had they…?
The sense of unease rushed back into his bones and brought all of its howling friends.
The smell of rust, the taste of blood, a decade of phantoms.
Without conscious thought he was on his feet and had dragged his arm from the sling to grab her by the shoulders as he studied her face… it couldn’t be…
She visibly flinched but lifted her chin to hold his gaze.
Realising his mistake he hurriedly released her and tried to find words, any words… but none would come. His lips moved soundlessly as he stared. It couldn’t be, could it?
“Miss Hermaszewska, mummy says have you got my inhaler?”
She blinked and turned to follow the child who tugged at her sleeve.
Virgil had him by the good arm and was leading him back towards the ships, his concerned voice rumbling questions Scott couldn’t focus on right now. He tried to follow her and his brother’s grip tightened, restraining him. Fury and panic raged through his veins. He snarled and shook the unrelenting hands off violently, spinning to face the aggressor before the shocked face of his brother snapped him back to the present and his heart plummeted.
He ran for his ship and One was in the air before the seat had fully retracted.
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violetsandshrikes · 4 months
your hairbrush article was so helpful how often do you do that? Is there anything else like that you do?
Sorry for sitting on this ask for like a week, I wanted to make sure I answered it properly!
I usually soak my hairbrush as per the article once a month, and give it a quick clean + remove hair every week (using shampoo + running water and let it air dry), but my hair is super thick and gets oily so you can alter that depending on what works for you/also the quality of your brush because overdoing it can damage longevity.
Honestly, little cleaning and care things like that usually take a while to pick up and add to your schedule, so adding on at a time over a longer period is usually the best way to incorporate them! Plus you learn things from other people or experience that you never considered.
I also:
• Soak things like tweezers, tongue scraper, razors, etc weekly in a hot soak with chlorhexidine + rinse with running water and dry (also this is a good time to clean out any containers you might keep things like toothbrushes in)
• Either soak or machine wash things like body brushes, exfoliators etc with either chlorhexidine or disinfectant + let air dry
• Clean piercings weekly, soak and clean as per above
• Soak water bottle in hot water and soap weekly + rinse + let air dry
• Every few months I make a point of deep cleaning shoes (sometimes I do this more in-depth and/or more frequently especially if I’ve been on conservation land or I’m limiting contamination from animal habitats)
• Clean out my purse/bags weekly (anything like wrappers and receipts removed) + make sure I have hand sanitiser + make sure I have things stocked I keep in my bag (Panadol, ibuprofen, a few masks, some pads/tampons, protein bar, small portable battery)
• I will also try to at least weekly wipe down my wallet/phone/keys/etc with antibacterial wipes
• Monthly soak of sports bras (+ any other clothes you tend to sweat in) with hot water and soap + rinse + wash as normal
• Wipe down with hot water/soap any bottles I keep in the shower (+ sometimes a small amount of bleach after) to keep nasty residues to forming, even ones I can’t see
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kingkatsuki · 5 months
Inspired by those trends where you show people what's inside their purse I'm curious what's inside yours Jo, or if you don't normally carry a purse what is ALWAYS on your person no matter what? And if ya wanna add some Bakujo in there, what's one thing you make Bakugou carry for you or he makes you carry for him 👀
Omg I’m gonna come into your askbox after and ask you because I’m very curious too!
But my bag usually has my phone, portable charger, lipstick, carmex, mints, hand sanitiser, keys (with my bottle opener keychain!), bank card, headphones.
And omg you know those days where you just don’t wanna carry a handbag? And your outfit doesn’t have pockets if it’s a cute dress or leggings etc, I would always be giving Bakugou my lipstick and phone to carry because I’ve got nowhere to put them. And he always huffs and complains that he doesn’t “wanna carry your shit” but he always does it🥺 and he doesn’t get grumpy when I ask for my lipstick to top up, or my phone to check messages.
But whenever I have my bag he’s always giving me stuff to hold, and it’s like sir! You always complain when I do it but you do the same thing😭😂 when his jeans are extra tight he always gives me his chapstick or lip balm pot to hold, and I always end up holding the case for his headphones too.
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notachaconne · 3 months
I got a "Free Mum Hugs" t-shirt and went to the Pride parade. I'd never been before.
I had a small bag with water, sun cream, cereal bars, tissues, hand sanitiser, and wet wipes, and a pocket full of about 16 crochet hearts as portable hugs for people to take home.
I think it went pretty well. I wandered around Soho Square at about 12:30, looking at the stalls, and a young man and his friend approached me for hugs. "Ooo, can I have a hug?" "Course you can." It was his birthday. "Happy Birthday!". The friend nearly burst into tears. I gave them both hugs and crochet hearts. "I needed that," "That's made my day!".
I walked to the parade route, and stood there for half an hour until someone (who needed a hug and doesn't speak to her Mum any more) kindly made space for me at the front, then I stood there doing my best "proud Mum" vibe till about quarter past five.
Every few floats, someone came to me out of the parade, much to the confusion and admiration of my neighbours until I showed them the shirt. (The group of gay men who were beside me for an hour and a half or so were a tiny bit jealous). All sorts of looks and gender presentations. Anyone who didn't run away too fast got a crochet heart to take home.
After about 5pm there were a lot of local government and commercial floats, with hardly anyone just walking, and I decided my "proud Mum" vibes were probably degrading through tiredness. I found a Pret with seating, washed up with the wet wipes and sanitiser, ate a sandwich, then went home.
I feel like the people who needed it really, really appreciated it, and said so. A no-strings hug and a "proud of you!" from a total stranger who looks Mum-shaped can mean a lot, because that's how humans work.
I would have liked to hug one of the young men in the crowd across the road: he was blinking so fast, for so long, and none of his friends noticed.
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tomorrowillbeyou · 1 year
Good afternoon tomorrowillbeyou nation my stupid fucking phones charging port broke so i have to use a shitty wireless charger and because its a stupid ass new fangled phone the charging port is also the headphones port and i can't listen to music and ihave an hour and a half train journey both ways today and the misophonia is so bad this morning that i hit myself in the head with hand sanitiser in the street because i heard someone cough and it really hurt so basically i need to kill myself . but luckily i found an ancient ipod with a shattered screen but unluckily it's out of battery and i have to leave in 20 minutes but luckily i have a portable charger . so hopefully that's the end of that
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paddedpuppygirlboy · 2 years
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.•° ✿ °•.
What's in my diaper bag?
I'd like to preface this by saying, I don't have incontinence, I just occasionally have accidents / and or wear for fun! :D this will reflect that, so if you take inspiration, adjust as needed !
- 2 nappies / 2 pullups
- cloth nappy (this is a proper nappy for older people, so it's a tad large on me!)
- mini talc / baby powder!
- baby balm, it's like lotion but a lot thicker of consistency! You only need a little and it works a tad better for me :)
- wipes, (I'm in Scotland so I use lupilu brand)
- hand sanitiser! I have a panda one that's sugar "candy" scented from Home Bargains!
- some toys! I like my sensory kneedoh, wiggle slug, bluey and sylvanian families figures
- a big bingo board book, it's heaven in baby space honestly, pretty pictures and kiddo proof
- sea horses NUK bottle
- sea horse sippy cup (sea a theme? XD)
- bingo and seal plushie!
- colouring book w pencils / crayons
- typically a snack! like hard boiled sweets, lollipops, mini chocolates
- and ofc the grownup stuff, like keys, wallet, phone, portable charger, shark week stuff, earbuds ect :)
°•. ✿ .•°
What's in your diaper bag?
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heroin-antiheroine · 2 years
So I've smoked heroin and I use fentynal also blues and other opiates but I've fully already made up my mind about wanting to start shooting up heroin also. I understand the risks and all that and it's been hard to find anyone willing to kinda give me tips on what to expect and how to cook it and safety tips while slamming it. Do you have any advice and any methods or tips you'd recommend (other then not slamming it ) please
sure, i have no desire to talk anyone out of slamming bc i'd be a hypocrite anyway. your mind's made up, may as well do it safely. this is gonna be long btw, i have a lot of advice & harm reduction is something i'm passionate about. sorry if this is a bit late btw. i don’t check tumblr mega often. but i reckon it will help someone even if you found advice elsewhere. 
list of things you need to bang up: gear (obv lol), sterile needles (you can get completes or detachables), sterile spoons, alcohol swabs, filters or cotton, citric acid/vit c if you’re using european/no.3 heroin (& i think black tar, however it would be best to ask someone who uses that), clean water (cold tap water is fine. they say boiled & cooled is the best but i just use clean cold tap water. bottled water is less good), a lighter (to cook), paper towel (to press on the wound after injecting), a plaster (to cover the wound). 
here are some extra things that i use: milligram scales (so i can ensure a safe dosage every time), magazine (to use as a clean surface), hand sanitiser (washing your hands is best but you may be unable to do that), clean scissors (to cut the filter, don’t rip them), a mini portable heater (heat brings out your veins), another glass of water (to drink to bring out your veins. i drink out of a pink cup & use a blue cap to bang up with, so i don’t confuse them), a pack of sweets (sometimes you need to eat sugar to get a hit lol).
just a disclaimer: i’m english so i get european/no.3 heroin. this differs to american ecp/no.4 in that you have to cook it with citric acid/vit c. here are my step by step instructions to banging up: get clean water in both cups, weigh out my portion of heroin in a sterile spoon, unwrap a sterile needle, use that to get 3 units of water from the cup, pour into the spoon. then i add the vit c & cook it until it’s mostly dissolved with some brown bits floating on top (those brown bits are the cuts. the gear normally looks like piss lol). if you’re using ecp you won’t need to cook it. you will with tar though (edit: not necessarily actually, see the comments on this post). then get a filter, cut it widthways or don’t at all. i dunk mine in water to preserve as much gear as possible (otherwise it just eats it). drop it in the spoon, then use a needle to suck it up through the top. 
then you’re ready to bang up. i sit in front of a heater & drink the pink cup water to make my veins pop out. you can find a vein by pressing lightly on your skin. they feel kinda springy. since you’re a new user, you’ll probably be able to see some. don’t slap it, that can make it retract. i use my nails as a marker to know where to inject (like stabbing myself with my nail either side of the vein). you’re supposed to insert the needle at ~30 degree angle. you probably won’t know what that looks like, i don’t, but i have this trick for finding it. position the needle at a 90 degree angle perpendicular to your vein. then halve it by moving the needle down. now you have a 45 degree angle. now you need to take a 3rd off & then you’ll have ~30 degree angle. this doesn’t always work but it’s certainly very helpful. 
insert the needle FACING TOWARDS the heart. this is always the case unless you’re banging up in your neck or something, which i highly do not advise. for your arms, legs etc, the needle should be facing upward. i have never banged up in my shoulders etc & i wouldn’t. your arms will be fine for now. you want to learn how to hold the needle with one hand & become ambidextrous with it. i might include a pic after this with me holding it. i basically pinch my thumb & ring fingers together around the syringe. i use my index & middle fingers to hold the plunger & pull back then my index finger to press down. i use my little finger to stabilise the syringe. 
when i’m injecting in my feet/legs etc, i still only use 1 hand. i have seen people use both...i have no idea why. it just gets messy. you want to be an anchor. you want to insert the needle slowly & then after injecting, pull it out extremely slowly at exactly the same angle you inserted it. otherwise you will bruise. i use my right hand to inject in my feet & my left hand to pull the skin to stabilise the vein. then after i inject anywhere, i immediately grab paper towel & press down hard on the wound for multiple minutes. then i cover it with a plaster. 
i’m not sure if you’re female like me, but it can be hard to get a vein. women naturally have more fat & different types of fat than men. my arms are pretty thin but i still have fat in certain areas & it means the veins can roll. i often get around this by pressing my arms into my legs to hold them in place. some areas (like the backs of your arms) are extremely difficult to get & i don’t recommend them at first (i still struggle after 5 years of daily banging up). if you have a friend or partner that uses, you can ask them to hold the skin in place. don’t let them bang up for you though...their technique could be dangerous or harmful. & also, if you always let them do it & you get addicted, they might be out & you won’t be able to get well. you should learn to do it yourself in a safe way if you’re gonna do it. 
avoiding arteries: once again, this can depend on body type. they say the arteries are much deeper, but i can see them on my skin. they can really catch you out. i’m not gonna tell you about different types/colours of blood bc it can vary by person & by vein/artery. however what i notice about arteries is the blood shoots up the side of the needle extremely fast. if you try injecting, you’ll feel a bit of pressure. this is telling you to stop. if you still continue, you’ll most likely feel an awful electric saw style pain. it is like a shock to the system. if you feel this, immediately take the needle out & press down with paper towel on the site. it should be fine, but if it doesn’t stop bleeding, seek medical attention. HOWEVER not all arteries are painful. i have made this mistake. 2 of mine on each forearm are not. this just means no matter where you are, inject slowly. you will feel the gear. if you do not, you’ll see the site start to blister. hopefully this can save you a trip to a&e. 
missing: sometimes you’ll slip out of a vein & you’ll miss. you’ll feel pain, it’ll be a sort of blunt pain not like an electric saw. pull back again...oh woops you’re out. DON’T dig around trying to find it again. that can rly hurt your veins. just pull back & try somewhere else. if you get it again on the way back, you can try again. just don’t dig. if you miss, you might see a lump under your skin. if you’re only using gear, not crack/coke, you’ll be fine. put a plaster & hot compress on it. take care of it & use a medicated cream. if you’re snow/speedballing, you’re at risk of an abcess. i can’t help you too much there bc i’ve never snowballed. 
using with someone else: you should have separate everything! do not share water, spoons, filters, swabs, definitely not needles. colour coded needles are very useful but if your needle exchange doesn’t do them, then you can mark them with pen or sit in different areas of the room. sit in the same room/area just so you can be ready with naloxone if you need it. naloxone should be given out through any needle exchange. you can get injection ones & nasal spray ones. they have instructions with them & you should go through a small training thing in order to use it. 
finally, needle gauges. i use 29g all over. it’s the smallest complete they offer. this is bc i have small veins. men may use 27g, which is a slightly larger gauge (the numbers go backwards). at our needle exchange, they don’t make detachables smaller than 27g. so i don’t use detachables. you’ll wanna go with 27 or 29 for arm veins, or 29 or 30/31 (if they do them) for hands & feet. apparently you should use a different longer needle for your femoral vein. i do not use it so i can’t tell you which one it is & i highly recommend not using your femoral. i’ve known people that have lost legs from hitting the artery there. 
be safe, be clean, be careful. it’s kinda my motto. i’ve been banging up for 5 years, never had an abcess, infection or overdose (touch wood lol). do it yourself so you can do it right. & just don’t be an idiot & bang up with flavoured water or crack rocks that have been in gauze or use lemon juice instead of vit c (can make you go blind) or share needles. these are all things ppl i know do. i feel like you have to go out of your way to be unsafe. but i feel for you if you don’t have a good needle exchange near you. i would advise not banging up at all if this is the case. 
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buzzkillzine · 1 year
I didn't get a chance to write yesterday because I went and saw Regurgitator which was great fun. Drove a couple of hours to the big city to see them (the downside of living outside of a big city is you have to travel there to go to fun stuff) but when we arrived I wasn't sure of the venues policy on bags. So I just took the essentials in my pockets (wallet, phone, keys, earplugs, mints, sanitiser and mask) and went and watched the show. But it made me think about what I carry around all the time in my bag.
So, here is a 'what's in my bag / every day carry / things I haul around every day and then wonder why my bag is always heavy' post.
First of all the main bit of what I carry is my life stuff.
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This is a little pouch thing for my pens. This attaches to the cover of my journal, which is only a week old at this point. I like to put a different sticker on the front so I can tell which is the front easily (currently a Resignators Sticker, great band, check em out) and also it gives my brain a rough timeline of what I journal from what sticker was on the front.
I have a travel journal which I'm currently using to put ideas for stuff in. Just little notes, bits, quotes, sentences, story ideas, random words that I like and whatever else. I am using the pens and pecils for that stuff, which get stored inside.
There is then a 2023 diary to attempt to keep myself organised, or at least know what I'm going to be late for.
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Then there's the other stuff in the main bit of the bag. Normally whatever books I'm currently reading, my Switch and DS. This is my entertainment. Currently halfway through the Mark Lanegan autobiography, and have Giovannis Room there in case I want to read something else. I normally have multiple books on the go at once because my brain won't let me focus on one thing for too long. I've already been up and down 3 times while trying to write this post.
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This is the stuff that's in the two pockets on my bag. Phone charger, headphones, pocket knife (I use it to cut open cardboard boxes at work), a comb that looks like a flick knife (actually very practical because my previous plastic pocket combs get broken and this is a handy way to keep it clean and safe. Plus it has a bottle opener), a mask, some spare pocket notebooks, spare pens, earplugs and some lip balm, paw paw stuff and a Vicks Inhaler. Oh and some mints of some kind.
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This is the stuff I carry on me in my pockets. Wallet, keys on a chain cos without the chain I'm always fucking losing them, notebook and pen, watch/fitness tracker and a phone that isn't pictured because it's doing the picturing.
And finally
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The bag. This one is from @ironfoxtypewriters It's actually big enough to hold a small portable typewriter and I do use it for that as well. I just leave my switch, ds and books at home so they don't distract me.
So yeah. That's what I carry around all the time.
Hope that's interesting.
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strengervinay · 8 days
Kareri Lake Trek: A Guide to Food, Water, and More!
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The Kareri Lake trek is a captivating journey that takes you through the majestic Dhauladhar mountain range in Himachal Pradesh. Known for its clear water and pristine surroundings, Kareri Lake is a hidden gem, offering trekkers a serene escape into nature. The trek begins from Kareri Village, and along the way, you'll encounter lush forests, alpine grasslands, and the tranquil beauty of the lake. Before embarking on this adventure, it’s essential to pack wisely. 
Here’s a comprehensive guide to help you prepare for the trek and ensure you have everything you need for a safe and enjoyable experience.
Things to Carry
Water Bottle
Hydration is key during any trek, especially one like Kareri Lake where you'll be trekking for long hours. Carry at least a 2-litre bottle, and consider bringing a portable water purifier or purification tablets to refill your water along the trail. While the Kareri Lake location offers fresh streams, it’s always wise to be cautious about the water you consume.
Snacks and Energy Bars
As you trek towards Kareri Lake Himachal Pradesh, your body will need a constant energy boost. Pack some high-calorie snacks like nuts, energy bars, trail mix, or dry fruits. These are lightweight and can be eaten on the go, helping to keep your energy levels up during the more challenging parts of the trek.
Appropriate Clothing
The weather at Kareri Lake can be unpredictable, ranging from warm during the day to freezing cold at night. Pack thermal wear, a good quality jacket, and warm socks to stay comfortable. Layering your clothing is crucial as it allows you to adjust according to the fluctuating temperatures.
Comfortable Footwear
The Kareri Lake trek has a varied terrain that includes rocky paths and steep ascents. A sturdy pair of trekking shoes with a good grip is essential. Make sure your shoes are broken in before the trek to avoid blisters and discomfort. You can also bring a pair of lightweight sandals for use around the campsite.
A comfortable, durable backpack is one of the most important things you’ll carry. Ensure it has enough space for your essentials but is not too bulky to hinder your movement. Look for backpacks with rain covers, as mountain weather can change quickly, and you wouldn’t want your belongings to get wet.
Nights in Kareri Lake Himachal Pradesh can be pitch dark, especially if you're camping. A flashlight or headlamp with extra batteries is essential for navigating the campsite or for early morning treks. A headlamp keeps your hands free and is more convenient for nighttime activities.
Sunscreen and Sunglasses
While it may be cold at high altitudes, the sun’s rays are still strong. Protect your skin from sunburn with a high-SPF sunscreen, and wear sunglasses to shield your eyes from the glare of the snow and water.
First Aid Kit
Trekking through the Dharamshala Kareri Lake route can be physically demanding. Pack a first aid kit with essentials like band-aids, antiseptic creams, pain relievers, and any prescription medications you may need. Altitude sickness can affect some trekkers, so it’s good to have Diamox or similar medication on hand.
Comfortable Sleeping Gear
If you’re camping, make sure to bring a warm sleeping bag rated for low temperatures. The nights near Kareri Lake can be extremely cold, often dropping below freezing. A lightweight sleeping mat will add an extra layer of insulation from the ground.
Personal Care Items
Don’t forget toiletries such as biodegradable soap, toilet paper, and wet wipes. The cold weather can make it challenging to maintain hygiene, so having wipes and hand sanitisers is crucial. Also, pack a towel and a small mirror if needed.
Reusable Utensils
Many trekking packages, including those at Kareri Lake, provide meals, but it's always a good idea to carry your own reusable utensils like a spoon, fork, and cup. This helps reduce plastic waste and ensures you have what you need during meal times.
Rain Gear
Even if the forecast looks clear, always pack a rain jacket or poncho. Mountain weather can be highly unpredictable, and staying dry is important for maintaining body heat and preventing hypothermia.
Power Bank
While the beauty of the Kareri Lake location may make you want to disconnect from technology, having a power bank to charge your phone or camera is useful. You'll want to capture the stunning views and stay connected in case of emergencies.
Trekking Pole
A trekking pole can be a lifesaver on the steep and rocky parts of the Kareri Lake trek. It helps with balance and reduces strain on your knees during both ascents and descents.
By packing these essentials, you’ll be well-prepared for your adventure to Kareri Lake. This pristine trek offers an unmatched opportunity to connect with nature, and being fully equipped will ensure that you enjoy every moment of the journey. Stay hydrated, keep yourself fueled with energy-rich snacks, and immerse yourself in the breathtaking beauty that this hidden Himalayan gem has to offer!
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portabletoiletsa · 28 days
Why Portable Toilets Are Essential For Outdoor Weddings
 Outdoor weddings are all about embracing the beauty of nature while creating unforgettable memories. But let’s face it—no one wants to be caught in a less-than-ideal situation when nature calls. 
If you’re planning an outdoor wedding, portable toilets aren’t just a convenience—they’re essential to making your special day smooth and stress-free. Let’s dive into why portable toilets Adelaide is a must-have for your big day.
The Unexpected Joys of Outdoor Celebrations
Imagine this: You're surrounded by lush greenery, your guests enjoy the serene ambience, and everything seems perfect. But when someone needs a bathroom break, the nearest facility is miles away or non-existent. 
That's where portable toilets Adelaide comes into play. They ensure that your guests remain comfortable, allowing them to enjoy the celebration without any worries fully.
Comfort and Convenience for All Guests
Outdoor venues can sometimes lack the facilities required to accommodate many guests. Providing portable toilets Adelaide ensures that everyone, from elderly family members to young children, has access to clean and convenient restrooms. 
These units are designed to be user-friendly and accessible, making your event enjoyable for all attendees.
Hygiene Matters: A Clean Experience
One of the biggest concerns at any event is cleanliness. Traditional restrooms can be a gamble outdoors, especially if they're not regularly maintained. Portable toilets Adelaide comes with modern features that prioritise hygiene. 
With hand sanitiser dispensers, flushing capabilities, and regular servicing, these portable units offer cleanliness that traditional options may not provide. Your guests will appreciate the extra attention to their comfort and health.
Seamless Integration with Your Wedding Theme
Gone are the days of drab, basic portable restrooms. Today’s portable toilets Adelaide comes in various styles and designs that can complement your wedding theme. 
Whether you're going for a rustic, vintage, or modern look, you can find units that blend seamlessly with your décor. This way, you maintain the aesthetic of your wedding while ensuring functionality.
Easy Setup and Maintenance
Setting up for an outdoor wedding can be a logistical challenge. The last thing you need is a complicated restroom situation. portable toilets Adelaide are designed to be easily set up and maintained. 
Most rental companies offer delivery, setup, and regular cleaning services throughout your event. This means you can focus on enjoying your special day without worrying about the details.
A Sustainable Choice
In today’s eco-conscious world, sustainability is a significant factor in event planning. Many portable toilets in Adelaide are built with environmentally friendly practices in mind. 
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They use biodegradable products and efficient waste management systems that minimise their environmental impact. 
Choosing these modern units supports your guests' comfort and aligns with your commitment to sustainability.
Cost-Effective Solutions
Planning a wedding can be expensive, and every cost adds up. However, portable toilets Adelaide is a cost-effective solution offering high value. 
Considering the convenience, comfort, and hygiene they provide, the investment is well worth it. They are a small expense compared to the overall budget but significantly affect your guests' experience.
In Conclusion: Elevate Your Outdoor Wedding
Choosing portable toilets Adelaide for your outdoor wedding enhances the overall experience for your guests. 
From ensuring comfort and cleanliness to seamlessly integrating with your wedding theme, these units are essential to making your celebration memorable. 
So, when planning your big day, don’t overlook the importance of these unsung heroes of outdoor events. 
With the right portable facilities, you can focus on what truly matters: celebrating love and creating lifelong memories.
Remember, a well-planned wedding is a joyful experience for everyone involved, and portable toilets Adelaide is a key ingredient in making that happen.
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wowwipes · 29 days
The ultimate Guide to choosing right wipes dispenser for your Gym, Office or Workspace
When it comes to maintaining cleanliness and promoting hygiene in your gym or office, choosing the right wipes dispenser is key. With various options available, it's essential to understand the features and benefits to make an informed decision. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore the different types of WOW Wipes' Wipes dispensers, and their role in enhancing hygiene in your space.
Types of Wipes Dispensers
Wall Mounted Dispensers
WOW Wipes Silicone Nozzle Dispenser is a popular choice for gym owners and businesses alike. This dispenser can be conveniently and strategically placed on walls, making wipes easily accessible for users to grab and sanitise surfaces effortlessly. Featuring a modern, tough, and sleek design with a silicone dispensing nozzle, our Wall Mounted Silicone Nozzle wipes dispenser is easy to install, affordable, and simple to replace if necessary. This dispenser comes in a matte black and white design, so you can choose the option that best suits your space!
Standing Dispenser
Standing dispensers are another fantastic option, particularly in areas that have limited wall space. They are low- maintenance with minimal moving parts and designed to withstand frequent use. WOW Wipes standing wipes dispensers are constructed from high quality stainless steel, meaning they are durable, high quality and built to last. With freestanding versatility, they can be strategically placed in various locations within your gym or workplace for maximum accessibility and convenience. Another major plus is the integrated waste bin which helps to declutter your space. Our Standing Wipes Dispensers come in a sleek range of powder coated Matte Black, Gunmetal Grey and raw Stainless Steel so there is an option to complement and enhance any gym, office, or industrial space. Bench / Desk Top Dispenser
Bench / Desk Wipes Dispensers are ideal for work spaces, including reception desks and bench tops in gyms, offices, schools, homes, and industrial spaces. WOW Wipes' minimalistic bench/desk top wipes dispenser is understated enough to suit any modern decor while tough enough to handle more unforgiving environments. Offering maximum versatility, this dispenser can easily be moved location. It is compact and lightweight, yet still constructed with durable materials to withstand daily use and offer a convenient solution for quick and easy wipes access. These Wipes Dispensers come in raw Stainless Steel and Matte Black powder coated Stainless Steel. Check out our range here and get yours today!
Bucket Dispenser
Bucket wipe dispensers are perfect for integrating into regular cleaning routines. The WOW Wipes Bucket Dispenser is portable, reusable, resealable, and super convenient. It provides easy access to antibacterial wipes whenever and wherever you need them, and is ideal for both indoors or outdoors. Straightforward installation coupled with WOW Wipes large bulk rolls, you're assured a reliable, efficient, and versatile cleaning solution at your fingertips. Keep a handy bucket nearby, and you'll be well-prepared to tackle any cleaning task seamlessly as part of your gym, office, school, or industrial workplace cleaning routine. Check out our Bucket Dispenser here to discover more about how this system seamlessly integrates into your cleaning regimen.
Promoting Hygiene with Wipes Dispensers
Wipes dispensers play a crucial role in promoting hygiene by providing a convenient and accessible way for individuals to access wipes and sanitise surfaces. Whether in a gym setting where members can wipe down equipment after use or in corporate offices to maintain a clean workspace, having strategically placed dispensers encourages regular cleaning habits and reduces the spread of germs and bacteria. Choosing the right wipes dispenser for your gym or office is essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. Consider factors such as durability, ease of use, and placement to ensure you select the best option for your space. With the right dispenser in the right place, you can promote hygiene practices and create
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innopack · 2 months
Disposable Cups: Convenience Meets Environmental Responsibility
In our fast-paced world, convenience is often a top priority. This is particularly true in the food and beverage industry, where the need for quick, efficient service has led to the widespread use of disposable cups. 
From bustling coffee shops to busy office buildings, disposable coffee cups are ubiquitous. However, as environmental awareness grows, the role of disposable cups is being scrutinised, leading to innovations and discussions about sustainability.
The Convenience of Disposable Cups
Disposable cups offer undeniable convenience. They are lightweight, portable, and ideal for on-the-go lifestyles. For businesses, disposable cups simplify operations, as they eliminate the need for washing and sanitising reusable cups. This is particularly advantageous in high-traffic settings where speed and efficiency are crucial.
In the era of COVID-19, disposable cups have also played a significant role in maintaining hygiene and safety. By providing a single-use option, they help minimise the risk of cross-contamination, offering peace of mind to both consumers and staff.
The Environmental Impact
Despite their convenience, traditional disposable cups have a substantial environmental footprint. Most disposable cups are made from paper lined with plastic or polystyrene, making them difficult to recycle. According to a report by the World Economic Forum, an estimated 16 billion disposable coffee cups are used globally each year, contributing to massive amounts of waste.
The production process of custom napkins Australia also has environmental implications. Manufacturing paper cups requires significant amounts of water and energy, and the plastic lining is derived from fossil fuels. When disposable cups end up in landfills, the plastic components can take hundreds of years to decompose, releasing harmful chemicals into the environment.
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Innovations in Sustainable Disposable Cups
In response to growing environmental concerns, the industry is making strides towards more sustainable solutions. Here are some notable innovations:
Compostable Cups: Made from plant-based materials like cornstarch or sugarcane, compostable cups can break down in industrial composting facilities. These cups offer a promising alternative to traditional plastic-lined cups.
Recyclable Paper Cups: Some manufacturers are developing paper cups with water-based or plant-based linings that can be easily recycled. This innovation simplifies the recycling process and reduces waste.
Reusable Cup Programs: Many coffee shops and businesses are encouraging the use of reusable cups by offering discounts to customers who bring their own. Some establishments have even introduced programs where customers can borrow and return reusable cups.
Edible Cups: A more novel approach, edible cups are made from ingredients like wafer or cookie dough. These cups not only eliminate waste but also add an extra treat to the beverage experience.
The Role of Businesses and Consumers
The shift towards more sustainable disposable coffee cups requires collaboration between businesses and consumers. For businesses, this means investing in sustainable alternatives and educating customers about their benefits. It also involves rethinking supply chains and partnerships to prioritise environmentally friendly options.
Consumers, on the other hand, can make a significant impact through their choices. By opting for reusable cups or supporting businesses that use sustainable disposables, consumers can drive demand for eco-friendly products. Simple actions, such as bringing a reusable cup or properly disposing of compostable cups, contribute to a larger movement towards sustainability.
Regulatory Measures
Governments and regulatory bodies also play a crucial role in promoting sustainable practices. Some cities and countries have implemented bans or taxes on single-use plastics, including disposable cups. These measures not only reduce waste but also encourage innovation and the adoption of sustainable alternatives.
For instance, the custom napkins Australia Single-Use Plastics Directive aims to reduce the impact of certain plastic products on the environment. Similarly, several U.S. states and cities have introduced legislation to limit the use of disposable cups and promote recycling.
The Future of Disposable Cups
The future of disposable cups lies in balancing convenience with environmental responsibility. As technology advances and awareness grows, we can expect to see continued innovation in this area. The development of new materials and improved recycling methods will play a pivotal role in shaping the future of disposable cups.
Ultimately, the goal is to create a system where the convenience of disposable cups does not come at the expense of the environment. By embracing sustainable practices and making conscious choices, we can enjoy the benefits of disposable cups while minimising their impact on our planet.
Final Words
Disposable cups have become an integral part of modern life, offering convenience and practicality. However, their environmental impact cannot be ignored. Through innovation, responsible business practices, and informed consumer choices, we can move towards a more sustainable future. The evolution of disposable coffee cups is a testament to our ability to adapt and find solutions that benefit both people and the planet.
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brazenskies · 2 months
The Best Pleasure Toys for Men From Beginners to Experts
Discover the best pleasure toys for men, catering to all levels from beginners to experts. These top-rated toys include prostate massagers, strokers, and vibrating rings, designed to enhance pleasure and satisfaction. With advanced features and high-quality materials, these toys offer tailored experiences to meet various preferences and needs. Whether you're exploring new sensations or seeking intense stimulation, these toys promise a gratifying and enjoyable journey for every man.
Pleasure Toys for Men Beginner-Friendly Strokers for Easy Exploration
For those new to pleasure toys for men, beginner-friendly strokers are an excellent starting point. These toys mimic the sensation of a real partner and come in various textures and materials to provide different experiences. Many strokers feature ergonomic designs for ease of use and are often made from soft, body-safe materials. They offer a straightforward way to explore new sensations and can help build confidence in using sex toys.
Prostate Massagers for Advanced Stimulation of Pleasure Toys for Men
For more experienced users, prostate massagers offer advanced stimulation and deeper pleasure. Designed to target the prostate gland, these pleasure toys for men provide intense, targeted sensations that can lead to powerful orgasms. High-quality prostate massagers come with features such as adjustable settings and curved designs to reach the prostate effectively. These toys are ideal for those seeking to enhance their sexual experiences and explore new forms of pleasure.
Vibrating Rings for Enhanced Performance of Pleasure Toys for Men
Vibrating rings are a popular choice among pleasure toys for men for their dual functionality. These rings fit around the base of the penis, providing support and increasing stamina while delivering vibrations to both partners. The added vibrations can enhance pleasure and improve performance, making them ideal for both solo play and partnered experiences. Many vibrating rings come with adjustable settings to customise the intensity and rhythm of the vibrations.
High-Tech Masturbators for a Realistic Experience in Pleasure Toys for Men
High-tech masturbators represent a sophisticated category within pleasure toys for men. These devices often feature advanced technologies, such as automatic thrusting, rotating, or suction functions, to simulate a realistic sexual experience. Some high-tech masturbators come with app connectivity, allowing users to control the toy remotely or sync it with adult content. These features offer an immersive and customised experience, catering to those who seek high-end pleasure.
Durable and Easy-to-Clean Silicone Toys of Pleasure Toys for Men
Durability and hygiene are key considerations when choosing pleasure toys for men. Silicone toys are a top choice due to their body-safe properties, non-porous nature, and ease of cleaning. High-quality silicone pleasure toys are built to last and provide a safe and comfortable experience. They are often designed to be compatible with various lubricants and can be easily sanitised after use, making them a practical and reliable option.
Penis Extenders for Increased Size and Stimulation of Pleasure Toys for Men
Penis extenders are designed to enhance size and stimulation, offering an added dimension to pleasure toys for men. These devices can help improve girth and length while providing additional stimulation during intercourse. Made from flexible and body-safe materials, penis extenders come in various designs and sizes to cater to individual preferences. They can be used for both enhancing solo play and increasing pleasure in partnered activities.
Travel-Friendly Options for On-the-Go Pleasure of Comfortable Toys for Men
For men who travel frequently, compact and travel-friendly pleasure toys are essential. These pleasure toys for men are designed to be discreet and portable, making it easy to enjoy pleasure on the go. Options include foldable masturbators, travel-sized lubricants, and discreet storage cases. These travel-friendly toys ensure that pleasure can be maintained regardless of location, offering convenience and satisfaction wherever you are.
The best pleasure toys for men, ranging from beginner-friendly strokers to advanced prostate massagers and high-tech masturbators, cater to various preferences and experience levels. Whether seeking to explore new sensations, enhance performance, or enjoy high-end features, there’s a perfect toy to meet every need. Investing in high-quality, durable, and easy-to-clean toys ensures a gratifying experience and enhances overall sexual satisfaction.
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travel-with-bihari · 3 months
Top 10 Must-Have Items for Your Kheerganga Trek Packing List
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Answer a question for me: “Is Kheerganga trek difficult?” Many of you would say no because many beginners and seasonal trekkers take up this trek. They complete it successfully and have full enjoyment without any problems.
So do you know their secret, which makes the Kheerganga Trek very easy for them? Factors like trek distance, trail conditions, and best time matter, but these factors are something we can’t control.
Then there must be something that they have done from their side, a special preparation. Well, it's nothing big, but just the right packing. Yes, if you carry all the essentials required for the trek, you can complete it without issue.
So if you wish to know about the list of items you need to pack, simply read the article and get your answers.
What to Pack for Your Kheerganga Trek:
Once you have decided to go on the Kheerganga Trek, You must pack your proper backpack, right? So here are 10 must-have items that you must not miss.
1. Sturdy Trekking Shoes:
A good pair of trekking shoes is crucial, as the total kheerganga trek km is 24 and the route is terrain. Opt for shoes that provide excellent grip and ankle support and are waterproof. Breaking them in before the trek is advisable to avoid blisters.
2. Backpack with Rain Cover:
Choose a comfortable and lightweight backpack with sufficient capacity to carry your essentials. Ensure it has padded shoulder straps and a waist belt for better weight distribution. A rain cover is a must to protect your belongings from sudden downpours.
3. Clothing Layers:
The weather in the mountains can be unpredictable, so layering is key. Pack:
Base Layer: moisture-wicking thermal wear.
Middle Layer: Insulating fleece jacket or sweater.
Outer Layer: waterproof and windproof jacket.
4. Water Bottle and Hydration System:
Staying hydrated is crucial during the trek. Carry a durable water bottle or a hydration bladder. Consider bringing water purification tablets or a portable filter, as natural water sources may not always be safe to drink.
5. Snacks and Energy Bars:
The Kheerganga trek difficulty is easy to moderate, which means you need a good amount of energy to complete the trek. Keep your energy levels up with nutritious snacks like nuts, dry fruits, chocolate bars, and energy bars. 
6. First Aid Kit:
A compact first-aid kit is essential for any trek. Include:
Band-aids, gauze, and adhesive tape.
Antiseptic wipes and ointments.
Painkillers and anti-inflammatory medication.
Any personal medications you might need.
Sunscreen and lip balm with SPF.
7. Trekking Pole:
The Kheerganga elevation is around 10,006.50 ft, so make sure to have a trekking pole. They are incredibly helpful for maintaining balance and reducing strain on your knees, especially during steep ascents and descents. Look for collapsible poles that are easy to pack.
8. Headlamp or Flashlight:
A reliable headlamp or flashlight is vital, especially if you plan to start early or return late. Ensure you have extra batteries or a rechargeable option.
9. Sleeping Bag and Mat:
While there are campsites along the way, having your own sleeping bag ensures you stay warm and comfortable at night. A lightweight sleeping mat can add extra comfort and insulation from the ground.
10. Personal Hygiene Items:
Pack the following to maintain hygiene during your trek:
Biodegradable wet wipes and hand sanitiser.
Toothbrush and toothpaste.
Quick-dry towel.
Pack Your Bags:
Now, when you have completed reading the article, Know that you are aware of the ten special items that you need to pack for the Kheerganga Trek. So hurry up, pack your bags, and enjoy exploring this beautiful trek.
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The Do’s and Don'ts for Enjoying Your Spa Experience
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Are you prepared to indulge in the ultimate relaxation experience with your hot tub or swim spa? Before you immerse yourself in the soothing warmth, it's essential to understand the dos and don'ts for maximising your enjoyment and ensuring the longevity of your investment. By adhering to these guidelines, you can make the most out of your spa experience while avoiding common pitfalls. Let's delve into the do’s and don'ts to ensure you have a safe, relaxing, and rejuvenating time in your hot tub or swim spa.
The Do’s while Enjoying a Swim Spa:
1. Follow Proper Maintenance Procedures:
Regular maintenance is key to keeping your hot tub or swim spa in pristine condition. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for water treatment, cleaning, and filter maintenance. Invest in quality products for sanitisation and balancing the pH levels to ensure a safe and hygienic environment for soaking.
2. Keep the Water Clean:
Maintain proper water chemistry by testing it regularly and adjusting the levels as needed. Clean the filters regularly to remove debris and prevent clogging. Consider investing in a self-cleaning hot tub or swim spa for added convenience and peace of mind.
3. Practice Safety Measures:
Safety should always be a priority when using your spa. Always supervise children and non-swimmers, and never leave them unattended in or around the water. Install safety covers and barriers to prevent accidents, and familiarise yourself with emergency procedures.
4. Limit Soaking Time:
While it may be tempting to spend hours soaking in your spa, it's important to limit your sessions to avoid dehydration and overheating. Aim for 15-30 minute sessions, with breaks in between to cool down and hydrate.
5. Enjoy the Benefits of Hydrotherapy:
Take advantage of the therapeutic benefits of hydrotherapy by incorporating massage jets and adjustable settings into your spa experience. Experiment with different massage techniques and water temperatures to soothe sore muscles, improve circulation, and promote relaxation.
The Don'ts while Enjoying A Swim Spa:
1. Overlook Regular Maintenance:
Neglecting regular maintenance can lead to water contamination, equipment malfunction, and costly repairs. Avoid the temptation to skip routine tasks such as cleaning the filters or testing the water chemistry, as it can compromise the performance and longevity of your spa.
2. Use Harsh Chemicals:
While it's essential to maintain clean water, avoid using harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin or damage the spa components. Opt for gentle, spa-safe products that are specifically formulated for hot tubs and swim spas.
3. Ignore Warning Signs:
Pay attention to any unusual sounds, smells, or changes in the water quality, as they could indicate underlying issues with your spa. Addressing problems promptly can prevent further damage and ensure uninterrupted enjoyment of your spa.
4. Overheat the Water:
Avoid setting the water temperature too high, as it can lead to discomfort, dehydration, and even heat exhaustion. Keep the temperature between 100-104°F (37-40°C) for a relaxing and safe spa experience
5. Neglect Safety Precautions:
Don't compromise on safety measures, such as installing fencing, covers, and alarms, to prevent accidents and injuries. Educate yourself and your family members on proper spa etiquette and emergency procedures to minimise risks.
In conclusion, by following these do’s and don'ts, you can enjoy a safe, relaxing, and rejuvenating spa experience for years to come. Remember to prioritise maintenance, safety, and proper usage to make the most out of your investment in a hot tub or swim spa. Whether you're in search of top hot tub brands, self-cleaning hot tubs, swim spa dealers, or a sauna for sale in the UK, trust The Hot Tub and Swim Spa Company to meet your needs. As a leading London swimming pool company, they offer a wide range of premium-quality products, including portable spas and hot tubs, gazebo options, and accessories. Explore their collection today and elevate your relaxation experience at home.
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