#portal 2 alternete story
moderator-monnie · 5 years
the ending part 1 of ??????(portal 2 alternate story)
disclaimer: my grammer and puncation aren’t the best i do know this i hope this is ok! i am also not the best at writing either wheatley or glados so i did try my best
PotatOS: hmm... corrupted cores we are in luck wait... there only seems to be 2 of them hmm Ch3ll wouldn’t work she was acutally designed to be a joke core so she’s not corrupted if we had one more corrupted core we might be able to corrupt him enough to get another core transfer
wheatley ponders for a moment and rubs his chin 
wheatley: didn’t we pass by that one test chamber flooded with water? i think i saw some sort of core floating inside there it was yelling slurs at us i think
potatOS jolts she then remembered about ocean core
potatOS: for someone with such a low IQ i think your onto something that would be the ocean core and i think i have enough power to be able to drain her chamber luckily i’ll still have enough to take us up to his room and be able to send you corrupt cores 
wheatley groaned gently and sighed softly 
wheatley: thanks...
he then went with potatOS back to the test chamber and plugs her into the wall plug soon enough he saw the test chamber’s water drain from it and soon they heard a large clank in the room they were just in 
sure enough ocean core landed inside the tank with the other 2 corrupted cores and both wheatley and potatOS can faintly hear the song “ocean man” 
potatOS: oh that is right she hates the green one hmm thoes glass pannels are meant to be sound proof but i guess she’s singing so loud we can slightly hear what she’s singing anyway... lets go we’ve got a facilty to take back over 
wheatley then smirked and started to head towards the room they needed to go soon enough he’d be face to face with someone he once called a friend 
wheatley: sounds good love i am sure we can do it!
soon enough they came to the lift to the chamber where “space core” Or rather the maniplation sphere was
potatOS: plug me in i’ll take you up 
soon enough wheatley plugged her into the slot some sparks happened and she started to spin soon enough they started going up 
potatOS: ...look knowing you? you probably still think we are enemies we are at the very least enemies with a common goal REVANGE he tricked us both multiable times maybe even worse then i’ve tricked you before you want it i want it so lets go get some 
soon enough they were almost all the way up wheatley looked at her she was right he did want revanage he didn’t like to be used like that and he was played like a fiddle 
wheatley: ...your right he betrayed me so it’s time he got what he deserved i just can’t wait till this is all over you get your faclity back and i get to leave with Ch3ll 
he gently hugged ch3ll and attached her to his portal gun into a slot she could help him aim better he had a feeling he’d need that soon enough 
potatOS: glad to hear 
and soon enough they reached maniplations chamber things were about to get intense wheatley soon looked up at his old compainion 
maniplulation: Well Well Well... welcome 
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moderator-monnie · 5 years
the ending part 5 of ??????(portal 2 alternate story)
intercom: manual core replacement required 
maniplation groaned in pain and soon enough woke up as he sparked he soon heard that message and his eye went back to orange and he turned his head 
maniplation: oh i see...
he chuckled a bit 
intercom: substitute core are you ready to start? 
potatOS: yes come on!
 intercom: corrupted core are you ready to start?
maniplation: oh no i am not... i am not finshed my work 
intercom: stalemate detected...launch into space stopped will return shortly if the corrupted core is not replaced in time due to stalemate 
maniplation: YES! i am so close space! spaceeeeeeee! yeeeeeeeeee hawwwwwww oh come on! 
intercom: stalemate resolution associate please press the stalemate resolution button
potatOS: go press the button go press it!
maniplation: DO NOT PRESS THAT BUTTON! p-please space buddy its me? c-come on?
potatOS: he’s just using you come on press the button 
maniplation: c-come on space buddy i’ll let you live i’ll let you leave look! 
he pulls up the elevator
maniplation: the eleveator to leave you can leave and i can go into space heck you can even take glados! you can take the portal gun c-come on space buddy! 
potatOS: do press the button he’s just using you! 
wheatley didn’t know what todo but... he had to make a choice and he decided to go for glados side sure he had been tricked by her but... not as bad as maniplation tricked him the guy even had the word maniplation as his name 
wheatley: i am sorry buddy but... this is the way it needs to be who knows what you were planning todo might have just killed more people then she ever has 
wheatley sighed gently and shot a portal below maniplation then shot one inside the stalemate room he gulped gently even beganing to cry 
he then pressed the button but soon enough a large explosion happened causing him to be launched into the room near by to maniplation
maniplation: HA I BOOBY TRAPPED THE STALEMATE BUTTON! YOUR STILL ALIVE?! your joking you have to be joking... that should have worked! well i am still i control and i will launch this place into space! 
the count down glitched out and he groaned 
wheatley groaned picking up the portal gun ch3ll was designed for portal guns she had never done this before but she knew... it was the only way she chriped loudly and soon wheatleys portal gun glowed blue 
soon enough out from out of the orange portal came alot of water wheatley began to hold his breath as it filled the chamber soon enough he and maniplation were being pulled in by a maelstrom a form of whirlpool that is very powerful 
he held tightly onto maniplation 
soon enough ocean core was sucked thru giggling loudly 
gLaDos: i already fixed it and you are not coming back! 
a metal clamp soon grabbed onto wheatley and he was forced to drop maniplation as he was sucked out by the maelstorm 
soon enough glados pulled him back in and all the water was drained from the room some fish flopping around and wheatley blacked out after seeing glados head being dragged off and her looking at him 
about an hour later wheatley groaned and slowly got up he saw two robots and they backed up 
glados: oh thank god your alright... you know seeing maniplation taught me a valuable lesson i need to learn to be nicer prehaps so i will try... and i will make sure no human dies at the hands of my tests again 
but being caroline taught me an even greater lesson i thought you were my greatest enemey but all along you were my best friend 
the surge of emotion that shot threw me when i saved your life felt... good something i haven’t felt in a long time but in order for me to move on? she must be gone 
intercom: caroline deleted 
glados: goodbye caroline... 
killing you is hard thats one of the things i’ve learned getting to know you
you know what my days use to be like? i just tested no one tried to murder me or shove me into a potato or fed me to birds i had a pretty good life and then you showed up you dangerous chatterbox lunitx so you know what? just go...don’t come back oh and before i forget 
atlas walked over to the lift and gave wheatley ch3ll along with a repair kit just incase anything happened 
wheatly: oh thank god she’s alright well... um... it’s been fun getting to know you i suppose mate? 
soon enough wheatley began to slowly go into the air thanks to the lift traveling slowly soon enough he stopped in a room and turrets appeared 
wheatley: W-WHAT?! N-NO NO!
the turrets began to sing a little tune instead of shoothing him 
wheatley: well thats something i never thought i’d see... 
the lift went up even more and more soon he was in a massive room and the turrets sang him an amazing song he even seen some turrets he hadn’t seen before a big fat one and a massive turret colored like a large cat but he even noticed a few of maniplations turrets in the place not very many but a few of them 
he heard the song still as the lift kept going soon he saw the lab one last time as he traveled ch3ll made happy bird noises 
as he finally stopped completely at a metal door and the song soon stopped as well 
he breathed in heavily and walked outside now this was the start to a new life 
wheatley: t-this place is amazing! i can’t beleive i am finally on the surface 
he soon heard the door slam shut and turned around to see it but soon it opened again and a frankin cube a little cube wheatley made on his travels shot out looked up at him making weird but happy noises he carefully put ch3ll onto it’s head 
wheatley: well... we’ve got our whole life ahead of us mates lets get started! 
he then began to walk with them he didn’t no where but he would go somewhere 
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moderator-monnie · 5 years
the ending part 3 of ??????(portal 2 alternate story)
wheatley had been hit with 2 bombs by then he winced in pain causing Ch3ll to make paniced bird noises but he knew he had to stop space... he had to... 
wheatley: i am sorry mate i truely am for not catching you... for not telling you about how well i was the one who beat glados before and well i am just genuinely sorry sincerely
maniplation suddenly stopped moving but still throwing bombs as his eye turned back orange instead of anger mad even the backround growling noises had stopped 
maniplation: s-space? space SPACE! NO... yo... i know you don’t mean that i... you could never mean that... your just gonna end up like all the others... heh...
while he was stracted wheatley shot some portals in the right areas and soon a bomb hit maniplation the core froze up again his eye turning somewhat blue when that happened but he was out for the count for at least a little while 
potatOS: ok great! here comes another core 
rick the adventure core comes into the room thru the rail and looks down at wheatley 
rick: quick whats the situation? oh hey hiya buddy names rick i am an adventure sphere so your out here trying to have a little adventure huh? you fighting that guy?
rick manages to stop himself enough to look at maniplation sphere 
rick: ...i-i... i was once friends with that guy sure i got a little mad about his ranting about space but we were good friends kinda saw him as a little brother never thought he’s acutally do it try and put apature in space but well i know we need to stop him so uh do what you need todo buddy 
soon enough wheatley made his way up to rick and picked him up he then bonced back down and back up and attached him to maniplation 
intercom voice: warning core corruption at 75% space station complation timer destoryed space station complation uncertainty emergancy preemention protocol initiated... this facility will be sent into space in 2 minutes and 30 seconds 
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moderator-monnie · 5 years
the ending part 2 of ??????(portal 2 alternate story)
note from monnie: 2 of these will be uplouded perday here is part 2 please enjoy!
*maniplation sphere soon looked down at wheatley as he came up from the lift*
maniplation: Well Well Well welcome to the revealing of my plans! and my lair to an extent NOW THAT YOUR HERE I CAN FINALLY BEGAN! you see i stopped apature from exploding and such Ba ba ba baa ba ba ba space! ahem sorry about that anyway what are my plans exactly? 
well you see that control panel lit up there? well acording to my calculations we that count down is how long till we began blasting out from under the ground and then get this INTO SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! hehehehe i love space whats your faverite thing about space? mine is space! oh i can’t wait! 
but sadly... you won’t be joining us wheatley once your dead glados or potatOS now ha ha ha see what i did there? will be placed into a trophie case and then once we are leaving earth you’ll be ejected out of the building well your corpse will be gotta say... i’ll miss you but hey you’ll finally be free in a way! 
also i took the liberty of watching the tapes of you killing her and well i am not gonna make the same mistakes 
*he chuckled gently to himself and giggled about space but then got back into his serious mode*
my four part plan is this! one no portal surfaces two start the neurotoxin immeditately bomb proof sheilds for me and that leads to part four bombs for throwing at you 
you know what i’ll give you a good chance since we were once friends i’ll turn of the neurotoxin but in return my new planet grenade turret will also be summoned to help me blow up you but unlike that rocket turret these won’t just explode on impact 
and i am sorry to say this old friend but... goodbye wheatley it was nice knowing you 
*soon the new planet grenade turret comes out of a pannel on the ground and starts shooting grenades at wheatley along with bombs from above*
*wheatley begans to run away soon thanks to Ch3ll notices a tube with  Conversion Gel inside he then runs behind it*
maniplation: where are you going? don’t run it makes this harder for us both! come on i promice let yourself be exploded it will be quick not painless but quick! 
*soon enough one of the bombs blows up the gel container getting it all over the room meaning portal surfaces* 
wheatley: H-HAVE A TASTE OF THAT WHITE STICKY GEL MATE.... oh that sounded so much better in my head ech... now i feel nasty for just saying that bloody hell 
maniplation: no! ahhh no! don’t!... oh jesus hell... oh maybe your not a mouron after all but not like you could hit me! 
*soon enough wheatley shoots a blue portal at the ground one above maniplation and made him shoot a bomb right at himself damaging him enough to make him black out*
potatOS: good work i delivered the first core over on the cat walk grab it and attach it to him! 
*wheatly shot a portal up to the cat walk and soon grabed the first core that core being ocean core* 
*she soon started to sing ocean man out of anger of being touched by a human*
*Wheatley sighed heavily but jumped down as the cat walk suddenly broke apart some Repulsion Gel fell out of another tube and he bonced up and placed her onto maniplation*
*ocean core soon stopped complaining her eye changing from aqua to pink*
ocean core: oooh now this is what i am talking about why hello their big fella 
*wheatly soon jumped down and groaned seeing her suddenly become lovey dovey for the maniplation sphere he then looked up soon enough he came back online*
Intercom voice: warning core corruption at 50% vent system compromized oxgyen will be offline in four minutes launch into space will began in 4 minutes 30 seconds 
*soon enough they even heard the sounds of several rockets beganing to come to life and the building shaking showing it was being taken out of the ground*
*after that happened maniplation came back online and his planet grenade turret went into the ground the corrupted core made one of it’s grenades blow itself up*
maniplation: w-wah.... what happened? hehehe are we in space yet? oh god i hope so! wait... oh no but soon we will be! w-what have you put onto me? what is that? hold on oh come on my turret is destoryed! that was the prototype too! ech... oh no my bombs are stuck on as well! this isn’t going space tastic so far 
dosen’t matter i’ve reconfigured the sheilds 
ocean core: why hello there sir~ i am ocean core heheheh 
*she giggled*
maniplation: oh it’s a core you’ve put on me! who told you todo that? was it her?! IT’S JUST GONNA MAKE ME STRONGER YOU TEA DRINKING VAMPIRE!
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moderator-monnie · 5 years
the ending part 4 of ??????(portal 2 alternate story)
monnie: the last two parts will be relased tomrrow :D make sure to send your thoughts 
maniplation came back online his eye changed from blue to a very deep blood red glowing insanely bright as the growling in the backround got very loud
all i wanted todo is send this place into space away from earth that way no humans could get into it by accident i wanted to prevent any more human test subjects 
i mean sure i did kill every single human here besides that dug ratman guy and YOU but i mean it was there faults they did that to caroline against her will oh you didn’t think i knew about her? wanna know the real reason i spared you?... well why tell you it won’t matter soon... 
remember when i told you and i quote what i said “heheheh find the portal thingy that way we can all go to space! heheheheh oh gosh space would be great right space buddy?” i thought you’d die on the way all the others did... 
sure i only spared your life along with that rat guys but their was the test subjects locked up in thoes pods only like 5 of them were still alive but anyway you didn’t think you were the first i “helped” did you? no no no thoes 5 test tube test subjects the only ones that made it out alive all died 
but best now dwell on the past? it’s time for the future and the future is now! apature in space the perfect space sation! with all new turrets all new tests and an amazing view of the best thing in this universe now say it with me SPACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! oh gosh i love space hheeheheh 
wheatley looked honestly shocked he didn’t know what was a lie and what wasn’t it confused him alot he didn’t know what to say at this point it all was so confusing 
wheatley: m-mate i... 
maniplation got right up in his face his eye still glowing bright 
“oh don’t mate me... none of what you were saying eariler was remotely true and i know it you know it i will not let you stop my god dam plans... we will go into the wonders of space wether you like it OR NOT!” 
while he was distracted again wheatley shot a portal below himself just as maniplation shot a bomb right at him and he moved out of the way and soon another bomb 
this knocked maniplation out for the count once again and soon wheatley saw the last core coming his way 
potatOS: alright heres the last core this one should do it! 
wheatley gently sighed this was the last core all he needed todo is attach it and press a button thats all he thought about 
soon the wall exploded and the last core hovered in the air and wheatley saw some Propulsion shoot out of one last tube 
fact: FACT i am sorry for what must be done but i understand it needs to FACT  In 1920, Warren G. Harding also used the phonograph, recording a speech into a horn that caused his voice to press a needle into a wax disk. The White House was brought into the modern age of communication when Calvin Coolidge (1923-1929) made the first presidential radio broadcast from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
he aimed his portals and quicky got to the last core picked it up and jumped up to maniplation and attached it to him he started to spark and twich 
intercom voice: core corruption at 100% 
soon enough the platform where potatOS came out of the ground and maniplation screamed in pain as he sparked like crazy 
intercom voice: manual core replacement required 
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