quidqen · 5 years
★ ━ ( shlomit malka, eh, any ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into ELISHEVA BLOOM. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY TWO YEAR OLD’s birthday was on 09/08 and how the last time i saw her, ELI was CREATIVE, GENEROUS & PERSISTENT, but could also be WITHDRAWN, JEALOUS, & PETTY. anyway, she has been living in THE NORTHWEST DISTRICT for FOUR YEARS & currently works as a CASHIER.
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So here I am, back again, to present y'all with a mess, better known as Elisheva or simply Eli (pronounced like elly)
First thing as it's the most important, Eli is rather ambivalent towards gender, she doesn't identify with any existing label but also doesn't really have much issue at all with people gendering her however they choose.
I'm using she/her and vague language where easy but feminine language when not as that's what most commonly ends up being used by people she's talked to about gender stuff, the only thing she really has a preference on is that people pick language to use and then stick with it.
Eli was born at a US military base in Israel, her father being an officer stationed there and her mother being from the area, her first move came when she was only two months old.
She moved around regularly throughout childhood as her father was moved from base to base, spending most of her childhood outside the United States, though there were some periods where they were in the States.
She never got much attention from her parents, her dad was busy with his job and was rarely ever home, and her mom, to help with the social issues involved in moving around a lot got really involved with an MLM, putting most of her time not dedicated to housekeeping to that rather than Eli.
Eli herself though struggled with her lack of a consistent friend group and never managed to find a real way to cope with it, ending up giving up on friends entirely by ten, what was the point of making friends if she was simply going to have to start over in a year or two? 
Plus often, while there were other children of American solders around the base she often didn’t speak the same language as the other children around her in other countries, never having time to pick up much more than the basics.
Eventually she did settle down though, returning to the States to attend college at Portland State where she majored in music, focusing on composition, and minored in art history, mostly for the simple reason that by her final semester she only needed to take two more classes to be able to to get the minor so she decided why not?
She struggled settling down in Portland though having lived such a transient life before then, she had wanted to settle down for a while now, hating the constant moves of her childhood, but by eighteen she had become so used to it that she never really felt quite stable, as if she had to be ready to lose everything she had set up there to a move like when she was younger.
Her parents paid for her expenses while she was in college, allowing her to focus on school and her personal music without having to work and at first she had thought this would mean that she could create her music and be successful either while right out of school or before even graduating.
She released her first album, a French house/nu-disco album called Golden Nights, on YouTube at nineteen, then a second called Cherry at twenty, and finally a third called Boundless at twenty-one, none of which have gotten much attention outside of from her friends and family despite her best efforts to advertise.
Still unable to make any sort of living on her music by the time she graduated from college she got a job at a small used bookstore about a block from her apartment to be able to start supporting herself, putting in the absolute bare minimum effort so she can focus on working on her next album and trying to figure out what she’s been doing wrong.
I’m blanking on anything else to say so
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stellabrady · 5 years
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★ ━ ( jodie comer, female, her/she ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into CHLOE PELTIER. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-FIVE birthday was on OCTOBER 31TH and how the last time i saw him, CHLOE was POLITE, OPEN MINDED & LIVELY, but could also be NEUROTIC, RECKLESS, & MOODY. anyway, he has been living in DOWNTOWN for A WEEK & currently works as an ACTRESS & MODEL.
Hi everyone, I’m Mia and this is my trash daughter Chloe.
Here are a few things about her: 
She’s New Yorker, the little sister of @mercedesxpeltier. 
She always modeling as a child and acted.
She never wanted to follow the military career of her parents.
When she was a teenager she made a teenage show that was popular nationally.
When the show ended, she made a few short movies here and there. But finding a job in her area wasn’t that easy.
She was a bit depressed when her agent emails her an audition to a new tv show. 
Chloe got the role, as one of the leading actors and this show got a worldwide audience. Won award because of her character.
Due to this role, she was receiving more proposal for moves and other jobs.
Now she had to move to Portland to film the second season of her tv show, and be close of her sister.
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jchanbakes-blog · 5 years
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★ ━ ( harry shum jr., cis male, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into JACOB CHAN. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD’S birthday was on 06/20 and how the last time i saw him, JACOB was INDEPENDENT, KIND-HEARTED & RESILIENT, but could also be WITHDRAWN, PESSIMISTIC, & SELF-DEPRECATING. anyway, he has been living in THE NORTHWEST DISTRICT for FIFTEEN YEARS & currently works as an INTERNET FAMOUS PASTRY CHEF. 
hello everyone! my name is celine, i just turned 22 today LOL, and i’m really excited to join this rp! feel free to message me anytime to plot!
full bio under the cut ---
(tw: some homophobia/biphobia, mental illness)
jacob chan is the resident pastry chef at frida’s food and foliage, a chinese/american bakery and cafe. he’s one of my muses from my indie rp and one of my more developed muses! i rly love writing him and i’m excited to be writing him w/ y’all
(tw: abuse, homophobia) born and raised in san francisco, california, jacob is the youngest of the chan family. he has not had the best upbringing. being the second youngest of four, he’s been constantly belittled, compared to, and neglected from his siblings and parents alike. it’s even worse when his older siblings are traditionally successful scientists and lawyers and he could barely get through school. shortly after graduating high school, jacob was outed as bi and his parents cut him off completely
with just a few suitcases with him, 18-year-old jacob set off north away from san francisco and found himself in portland, oregon. he meant to stay just for a year and move onto seattle, a bigger city, but he found his place in the northwest district and he couldn’t just leave, because of frida khan.
halfway into his first year, he runs into a family friend, frida khan, the owner of the bakery he works at. after finding out his situation, frida takes him in with open arms, being the supportive parental figure that jacob deserved. he worked as a dishwasher for the bakery, slowly learning how to cook and bake, being taught by frida and all of her chef friends who make the food for the cafe.
he remembers the first time he successfully baked a pie, crust a perfect golden brown and the apple filling bursting with sweetness and spice. he remembers how he felt that day, how validated and joyful he felt at creating something so delicious out of just a few ingredients. and he knew right then and there, baking was his passion. slowly but surely, he becomes a really good baker, graduating from the culinary school, le cordon bleu and finally becoming the bakery’s resident pastry chef, doing both catering and custom orders.
years into his work as a pastry chef, one of the younger bakery employees decides to put the bakery in the social media spotlight, setting up a youtube channel and instagram. and, of course, people are drawn to pretty pastries, so it’s no surprise that jacob (a master in making his food look beautiful) becomes the face of the bakery
think of this bakery as the bon appetit channel. they’ve skyrocketed in views because of the cute pastries jacob likes to make, and pretty much the entire internet is in love with him. he currently has 200k followers on instagram and a passionate fanbase that loves everything he makes.
jacob is really content with where he is in his life, having found a pseudo family in the bakery and becoming successful and pretty well-off.
he still has lingering trauma and issues from the past in the form of abandonment issues and depression. during bad mental health days, he can be incredibly closed off, self-deprecating and self-critical as well. working through this has been hard, but he’s learned how to reach out for help over the years
regardless of the past, jacob still has a huge heart. it may be a little hard to earn his trust and affection, but once you do, you’ll never find a more loyal friend than him.
he chooses his words carefully, but he does work a lot and do a lot of all nighters because of procrastination. and when he’s tired, he ends up saying the first thing on his mind, leading to hilarious results.
he is also openly and proudly bisexual. a reason why he doesn’t mind being the face of an internet famous bakery is that he can also reach out to other lgbt kids of color who might be in the same place he was when he was in high school. seeing heartfelt comments on social media towards him always makes him cry because if he can help at least one person out, then he’s happy about that.
also, for a baker, he’s incredibly clumsy? there’s a whole compilation on youtube of him being clumsy and he freaks out every time someone shows it to him
if you go to the bakery just even just like once a month he’ll remember your face. he loves his regulars so much and will always be willing to have a friendly chat with you!
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paicaim-blog · 5 years
introducing :
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★ ━ ( david tennant, cis male, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into PAISLEY CAIMBEUL. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the FORTY-THREE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on 01/11 and how the last time i saw him, PAISLEY was EXCITABLE, PASSIONATE & DEEPLY LOYAL, but could also be DISTRACTED, SCATTER BRAINED, & ALWAYS LOST. anyway, he has been living in DOWNTOWN for TWO MONTHS & currently works as a UNIVERSITY ENGLISH PROFESSOR.
hello!!!! before i go on about pai for just a little while, i’m bentley and every 1000 years or so i crawl out from the bowels of the earth and join an rp. i work nightshift at a hotel and i’m a uni student. i love shakespeare and the proclaimers and that’s how we got paisley. pls talk to me i am lonely.
pai smarts!!!
who: paisley caimbeul (pai, caim, fool). what: english professor. shakespeare enthusiast. where: glasgow, scotland, uk. when: forty-three as of january 11th.
Today is an excellent day for you, Capricorn. You will discover many opportunities. You would do well to work with others by tuning into your sensitive nature and chiming in to the energy of the group. Your grounding and stability are exactly what are needed to give order to the fluctuating, indecisive minds you’re working with.
As a timid boy in the rainy city of Glasgow, there wasn’t much to do for Paisley besides read and think about what he was going to read next. The idea of going out and causing trouble like the rest of the younger crowd in his area of the city seemed so far fetched that one might even consider it something preposterous.
Instead, he kept to himself and read every book in his parents house, then went out on his own to find another.
He did this not only because he didn’t particularly like to spend time with others, or go outside, or do anything else – but because he was home schooled up until he reached upper levels, and he didn’t start making real acquaintances until then, either.
With good marks and a few good friends by the end of his upper level education, his timidness had run out and he was ready to take on university.
Which he did, for 10 years. Bachelors, Masters, and PhD later, he was ready to take on even more schooling – this time in front of the classroom, rather than behind a desk.
And he thought there was probably nowhere better to go than to another gloomy area of the world – something about the greenness of the Pacific Northwest really called to him, and he’d never been to America before so it seemed like something… exciting.
Now he teaches English and spends a lot of time grading mediocre papers. He also does some tutoring, just because he’s a nice guy.
Likes: cold coffee (not iced coffee, but coffee that has sat out for too long and grown cold), the smell of freshly printed books, writing with really sharp pencils, poking cats on the toes.
Dislikes: hot weather, the great outdoors, large bodies of water, the name “Gerald”.
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misterdeveraux · 5 years
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★ ━ ( harry styles, cismale, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into RYAN DEVERAUX. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY FOUR YEAR OLD’s birthday was on JANUARY 22ND and how the last time i saw him, RYAN was CREATIVE, ENERGETIC & PASSIONATE, but could also be STUBBORN, IMPATIENT, & CARELESS. anyway, he has been living in ST JOHNS for EIGHT YEARS & currently works as a FREELANCE ARTIST.
                 Hey hey hey hey hey! I’m Bard and I’m totally psyched to be here! I’m bringing you two boys who are both brand new muses! To not waste too much time, I’m gonna keep these descriptions pretty brief and just touch on the important information, but if you wanna know anything more, feel free to ask!
- Ryan Deveraux certainly walks to the beat of his own drum. He doesn’t live the most conventional of lifestyles, but that’s just how he likes it.
- He grew up in a well off family, with a father who was a banker and a mother who was a lawyer. He was expected to be just as bright as they were, and he certainly was, but not at all in the way they had anticipated. From a very early age, Ryan showed himself capable of picking up creative skills very quickly. He had a profound interest in all art forms, and in creative expression of self.
- When he was a teenager, Ryan was enrolled at a private boarding school. He quickly found himself getting into trouble, due to his tendency to leave classes when he found himself bored in them, and, quite often, to skip school altogether. Ryan found school to be extremely limiting, and had absolutely no patience for the things he didn’t enjoy. All he wanted out of life was to be an artist, and he saw no value in school, because he didn’t see it as helping him get what he wanted. This behavior led to him getting expelled from the school when he was 16 years old, and after he got expelled, his parents refused to take him back into their house, leading him to end up homeless.
- Never returning to school, Ryan decided to hitch hike to Portland, where he would start living his life according to the path he saw in front of him. In Portland he began to work as a freelance artist, working in many different mediums, including visual art, theatre, music, and writing.
- Ryan has been living in Portland for eight years now, and has developed a reputation as an artist. He barely scrapes the surface to get by and survive based on how much money he makes from his art, just enough to feed himself and pay rent semi-regularly at his St John Apartment, but his name is well known in the artistic communities. He’s completely happy with life just the way he’s living it, and has no intentions of changing it any time soon, if ever. He has this idea for the ideal life, and as far as he’s concerned, he’s already on that path. He sees no need to improve on anything except his own work.
- Personality: Ryan is a deeply creative, and passionate individual. He lives to create his many different forms of art pretty much exclusively. Ryan feels assured in the life that he leads, and has no desire to change it, or do anything that makes him unhappy. He’s energetic and lively, and this all makes him a lot of fun to be around. While all of this passion and zest for the life he leads is one of the best things about him, it’s also one of the worst, because it causes him to lack any patience for anything outside of the things he finds interesting. If he finds something boring, he’s quick to walk away from it, much like he did with school. This lifestyle he leads has also led to many problems with his personal relationships, because he only seems to care about the things that he considers important. Ex girlfriends have left because they felt they weren’t high enough on his priorities, or else they realized that there was a good chance he was never going to change or progress past the way he is now, and has been for the past several years of his life. He hasn’t had any super serious relationships anyways; he prefers the life of keeping things casual and not being tied down.
That’s it for now. Hit me up if you have any questions, or if you wanna plot with this crazy animal! I’m excited to see what kind of things he gets up to.
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crystalyangx · 5 years
★ ━ ( wong kahei, female, she/her ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into CRYSTAL YANG. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-TWO-YEAR-OLD’S birthday was on 4/20 and how the last time i saw her, CRYSTAL was WITTY, ARTISTIC & INDEPENDENT, but could also be DISILLUSIONED, SNARKY, & ALOOF. anyway, she has been living in RICHMOND for HER WHOLE LIFE & currently works as a FLOOR GUARD AT A ROLLERSKATING RINK.
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hi, this is celine, who also plays jacob chan ( @jchanbakes ), here to introduce everyone to my art hoe lesbian daughter!!
Crystal Yang is born and raised in Portland. She has two older siblings who are 8+ years older than her: Cassandra Yang and Michael Yang.
Her entire family is all over the world: Cassie and Michael have their own lives and families in other parts of the country while her parents moved back to China to take care of her extended family. Crystal decided to stay in Portland to pursue her education and also, she really doesn’t have anywhere else to go and doesn’t really plan on leaving Portland anytime soon.
Crystal is someone who is very artistic. She currently attends school at the Pacific Northwest College of Art where she’s majoring in illustration. Ideally, she would love her art to be published into a comic or a children’s book, but as of now, she’s just taking commissions on Tumblr or just going out into the city and sketching what’s in front of her
Speaking of Tumblr and her being artistic, everything she owns, from her apartment decorations to the clothes she wears, looks like it’s straight out of an aesthetic Tumblr moodboard. Her small one bedroom apartment in Richmond is littered with cute little trinkets and has really nice mood lighting, everyone is always so impressed when they visit her place.
To support herself, she also works as a floor guard at her local rollerskating rink where she’s in charge of watching over the skaters in the rink, making sure everyone’s following the rules and that one one gets hurt.
She’s a lesbian! She knew she liked girls at an early age and she really didn’t have any issues telling everyone because she grew up in a pretty open-minded environment
She has a cat named Bao who she loves with her entire heart. He used to be a stray who would follow her home and be so affectionate towards her, once she found out he had no chip, she took him in and now they’re a cute little family!
Living alone since 18 and not achieving the things that your younger self set out for you kinda makes her a little disillusioned with life. Most of the days just end up blurring into one another and she’s just looking to make it through the day.
Because of this, she can be pretty aloof and cynical, or just incredibly spaced out.
Despite this, she’s actually a great person to be around! If you happen to befriend her, you can expect some witty and hilarious commentary about the things she sees on a daily basis (especially considering how weird Portland is).
She loves Internet memes and shitposts and won’t be above spamming you with them lol
The easiest way to her heart is through food. She may only be 5′2″ but she can inhale so much food
She’s also a lowkey stoner. She doesn’t really mention it, but she does love smoking a bowl and walking around Downtown or the Northwest District. She thinks it’s amusing that her birthday is on 4/20
She channels her stress by dying her hair
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j-katz-blog1 · 5 years
★ ━ ( alex turner, cis male, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into JACOB KATZMAN. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the THIRTY TWO YEAR OLD’s birthday was on JANUARY NINTH and how the last time i saw him, JAKE was AMBITIOUS, DISCIPLINED & PERSISTENT, but could also be PESSIMISTIC, CONDESCENDING, & UNRELENTING. anyway, he has been living in RICHMOND for ONE MONTH & currently works as a CAMPAIGN FIELD DIRECTOR.
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yeah... it’s me... mor... again... wes and max are nice so i needed someone MEAN. enter... jake katzman...
first thing’s first: he’s from brooklyn, new york. he’s got the painfully stereotypical accent to prove it (and it only gets worse the drunker he gets).
the only people who call him ‘jacob’ are his parents, people who are angry with him, and the occasional  older person in a professional setting. aside from that, it’s jake all day every day. he even introduces himself as jake.
harvard alumnus (b.a., no graduate school for this mans). his concentration was government (namely, political science), and he graduated with honors. that’s right, he’s smart-smart. even though he walks, talks, and looks like a big ol dumbass.
capricorn KING.
100% has some dumb shit in his tinder bio like ‘your mom would love me’.
... 100% has a tinder profile. 
jake takes his job very seriously. when he’s on the job, it’s a no bullshit zone. and if someone on his team can’t handle it, they’re getting the boot--zero hesitation. he’s made numerous interns cry. but that’s just politics, baby!
never stays in one place longer than a year (at least consistently, he tends to revisit places he’s enjoyed in the past). he jumps place to place to help out campaigns all over the country. 
that being said, this isn’t his first time in portland. his first time was four years ago. he revisited last year. and now he’s here to put a new mayor in office. 
over the years, jake has taken on a number of roles within numerous campaigning teams. it’s all part of his long-term goal to become a presidential campaign manager. 
drinks his coffee black like a psycho.
SUPER competitive. he hates losing. it puts him in a long-lasting bitter ass mood that no one can escape.
registered democrat. he leans more towards liberal ideals. has a lot of opinions on republicans. don’t ask him. don’t let him get into that.
okay... now that you got through all that, here’s some connection ideas if you’re interested in plotting!
ex-girlfriend: i’m thinkin... he had a gf during his time in portland last time he was here--they eventually had to break things off because jake wasn’t fully committed/ready to settle. was probably... messy.
recent tinder dates/hookups gone wrong: jake likes to LIE a lot so it’d be fun for all of that to catch up with him lmao. 
former/current employees: the people who work for jake are volunteers, typically. so... random people in the community, college students, etc. also? maybe an assistant. 
friends: people who he met when he was in portland, or any other city he was working in at the time. 
neighbors: people who also live in richmond! i’m fine with good terms or bad terms tbh. good terms i imagine they get along really well, the type of basis where they can knock on each other’s doors and be welcomed in. and for bad terms? i imagine... it’s some stupid ass rivalry where they fight for parking... or are like. loud on purpose to bother the other. 
i’m also open to anything y’all might think of!
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shawnieporter · 5 years
Hey y’all, neicy here. Back at it again with another character lmao. This lil sweet potato is Lashawn (or shawn or shawnie). She’s the literal embodiment of hbic. I’m open to plots and connections hmu!
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★ ━ ( Meagan Good, female, she/her ) ━ ★ the other day i ran intoLASHAWN PORTER. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the THIRTY THREE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on 10/28 and how the last time i saw her, SHAWN was INTELLIGENT, SENSUAL &PERSUASIVE, but could also be MANIPULATIVE, BOSSY, & STUBBORN. anyway, pronoun has been living in KING for TEN YEARS & currently works as a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR. 
Shawn grew up outside of Portland with her dad and little brother. 
Moved to Portland when she was 18 to attend college. Majored in forensics science with a minor in biology.
She worked with a investigative firm fresh out of college for a couple years before she broke away to do her own thing
Was in a relationship for six years with her ex boyfriend. He wouldn’t commit so she left him.
She is a triple Scorpio (God help her).
Shawn’s a little shy when you first meet her, and being friendly is NOT her first reaction.
The mouth on this girl is ridiculous. Gets her in trouble a lot.
Has an all black Boston Terrier named Sullivan
Loooooves shoes
She really wants kids and a family but she’s sort of a traditional kind of gal and wants to get married BUT shes also so tired of guys and their bullshit so shes really untrusting when it comes to relationships
Really into the exclusive online dating thinf rn because for some reason sis thinks thats a good idea
shes the mom friend
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quidqen · 5 years
★ ━ ( femita ayanbeku, cis female, she/her ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into MARIE BALOGUN. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-THREE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on OCTOBER 23RD and how the last time i saw her, MANON was DEDICATED, INTELLIGENT & SELF-ASSURED, but could also be AVOIDANT, RUMINATIVE, & PRIVATE. anyway, she has been living in KING for ONE YEAR & currently works as a BALLERINA & CHOREOGRAPHER.
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alright, I’m back at it again after a quick snack to bring you manon here! warning for mentions of: homophobia, biphobia, racism, cancer, abortion, and shitty but not quite abusive partners
Manon was also born in a small town, growing up near the on the French side of the Swiss border as the child of immigrants from Switzerland who were themselves the children of immigrants from Nigeria, as the youngest of two children.
At a year old she was diagnosed with a very aggressive osteosarcoma on both her tibia and her fibula, her doctors tried to resect the tumor but were never quite able to get it to go away so after three surgeries her parents decided to ask that the part of her leg with the tumor simply be amputated, and they were finally able to get her cancer free since it never managed to spread beyond that region.
Manon’s parents were both disabled, her mom being near stone deaf and her father having a hereditary condition called hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies and the two of them were very active in the disability community in the region so Manon grew up with a great amount of confidence and pride about her disability, along with a great desire to prove herself in areas that people thought her incapable.
From a young age she would run regularly with her mom, with an understanding teacher and learning how to both run and walk with a prosthesis she learned quickly and easily.
At five she decided she wanted to be a dancer, seeing it as a challenge, she was talked into starting with tap, which she found far easier than what she wanted and eventually at eight she started to learn ballet.
She struggled with early classes, having little control over her foot and ankle, at least for what ballet required, but finally when she reached pointe and was fitted for a special leg for pointe work she started to excel, and started choreographing her own routines that were fully pointe, something that required some creativity and effort as she had the same limits as any other dancer with one leg, but that was made possible with the one she was missing.
At fifteen she and her family left their home town to move to Paris so that Manon could train and learn at a higher level than her small town offered, eventually being hired both as a dancer and choreographer at the Bolshoi Ballet in Moscow, Russia, moving again, this time with her boyfriend at the time, Sacha, who she had met in Paris.
It was about a year after the move that Manon began questioning her sexuality, eventually asking Sacha if they could open up their relationship so that she could explore, something he was more than happy to do, viewing it as her suggesting they start having threesomes.
She was careful about who she trusted and  where she went during this period, being a public figure in Russia.
It was during that time that she met her current girlfriend, initially coming out as bisexual shortly after meeting her and falling completely head over heals for her.
She eventually moved in with Sacha and Manon, and being willing to invite Sacha in for threesomes initially everything seemed to be very happy with the three of them, but as she started to see more of Manon and Sacha’s relationship, and just Sacha as a person, she began to distance herself more and more from Sacha, which started causing problems for him.
Short break here for something else that happened in the middle of all the “hey your boyfriend’s kinda a dick and you don’t seem to like him much” drama.
Near the end of 2017 she found out she was pregnant, apparently at some point within the past little while their birth control had failed and no one had noticed.
She never told anyone, and she still has no idea if it was the right choice or not, but she ended up having an abortion.
Her relationship with Sacha being where it was right now, not really feeling entirely safe in the country she was living in, and the hours her job required she knew that even though she did want children, and she did want this child specifically, now wasn’t the right time. 
She wishes it was, but it just wasn’t.
And back to everything else.
Eventually after talking to her a lot Manon ended up breaking up with Sacha, though still considering herself polyamorous despite the way it had all gone with Sacha, along with still identifying as bi, assuming that their relationship wasn’t working simply because Sacha wasn’t a good person.
With things in Russia starting to get worse the two decided to leave the country, moving to be near her sister and her wife in Portland, Manon starting to work at the Oregon Ballet Theatre.
Manon ended up with another boyfriend shortly after the move, the relationship only lasting a few months though as it became apparent to her that as nice as he was and as much as she did like him she just wasn’t into him, or really men in general, and she ended up coming out as a lesbian, this time publicly since she felt safer doing it now that she was living in Portland and already knew she had the support of her family since her sister already did.
Having grown up in a very white town, and then even once she had moved into more diverse big cities having spent most of her time around other ballerinas who were mostly white she loves now living in King where she’s surrounded by mostly other black people and not constantly feeling like a complete outsider.
Right now along with her work as a ballerina she also does a lot of work to help support young black ballerinas, knowing that if she doesn’t help support them then no one else probably will, and not wanting them to have to fight as hard to get anywhere as she did.
I think that’s everything I wanted to talk about, this is way too long too so it’s probably going to have to be.
Her about page is here
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ndlynch · 5 years
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★ ━ ( ansel elgort, cismale, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into NICHOLAS LYNCH. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY THREE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on OCTOBER 31ST and how the last time i saw him, NICK was KNOWLEDGEABLE, THOUGHTFUL & GENTLE, but could also be SHELTERED, RESERVED, & SELF CONSCIOUS. anyway, he has been living in DOWNTOWN for TWO YEARS & currently works as an OWNER OF A BOOKSTORE AND CAFE. 
Time for child number 2!
- Nicholas grew up loving books. His parents nurtured that love by buying him as many books as he could read. Before long, he picked up a pen and began writing stories of his own.
- Never particularly good at being social due to being quite awkward and self conscious, while most people spend their time in high school making memories with their friends, Nicholas spent his working on his writing. He dedicated himself to completing the writing of a novel before he finished high school, and he actually ended up completing two; the first two in what was supposed to be a series called The Cosmic Chronicles (Which I’ve based on the real life album called Vide Noir by Lord Huron). He sent the first book, Following The Emerald Star away to a publisher, not really expecting anything, but remarkably, the book was published, and at 19 years old, Nicholas was on the best sellers list.
- Wasting no time, Nicholas immediately sent in the second book, Beyond The End of The Universe, to the same publisher a mere two months after the release of the first one, and it was also published. But while the first book was beloved by readers across the country and had become an instant hit, the second book brought about a nasty turn of events. As it would turn out, Nicholas killed off a character early in the second book who had ended up being a fan favorite to the readers of the first book, and they did not take to this fictional death well at all. Nicholas and his family began receiving threatening and demeaning letters, and he couldn’t go out in public in his home town without being scorned and booed. 
- Crushed by how the world had turned against him because of his creative decisions, Nicholas disappeared from his home town without telling anyone where he was going except for his parents. After giving some to his parents, he took the rest of the money he’d made from his books, and bought himself a storefront in downtown Portland, before donating the rest to various charities. He now lives a very lowkey life, working at his own bookstore, which also has a small cafe space in the front that he’s yet to do much with (He’ll be looking to hire someone to basically run that part of the shop while he looks after the books in the back) He continues to write, but after everything that happened, he’s too afraid to share it with anyone. He’s just grateful that his books were published under the name N.D Lynch, meaning that most people don’t make the connection between him and the books he’s so greatly trying to forget. 
Personality: Nicholas is a quiet, thoughtful and gentle person. He’s awkward, though not to the point of not being able to carry a conversation. His biggest issue lies in his lack of confidence in himself; something that has, unfortunately, only gotten worse since everything happened with the release of his second novel. He still receives letters (forwarded to him from the home of his parents) and emails nearly every day, many of them asking him to continue the series, but he doesn’t open any of them, too afraid to find harsh words in them. Because of his lack of self esteem, he feels like he doesn’t have a lot to offer people, and it makes him reserved and a bit guarded. He’d like to say a lot more than he generally does, but his fear that people won’t want to hear it holds him back more often than not.
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wesvdk-blog · 5 years
★ ━ ( keanu reeves, male, he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into WESLEY VANDERKAMP. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the FIFTY FIVE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on FEBRUARY 11TH and how the last time i saw him, WES was ASSERTIVE, ECCENTRIC & ALTRUISTIC, but could also be UNPREDICTABLE, DETACHED, & SCATTERBRAINED. anyway, he has been living in THE NORTHWEST DISTRICT for FIVE YEARS & currently works as a RECORD PRODUCER/MANAGER.
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hey y’all, it’s me--mor ( max’s mun ) back at it again with another madman because i’ve never known how to limit myself to just one. let’s pick this man apart:
aquarius legend. 
tends to deal in extremes--which makes him look like the most dramatic man alive. which honestly? yeah...
always talking about ‘vibes’, ‘energy’, and sometimes ‘chakras’. like, we get it dude! you do yoga.
loves having company. he’ll invite people over just for the hell of it--often times creating some bullshit excuse to celebrate. 
he’s been active in the music industry since he was a teenager (i.e. the early 80′s) back when he was a roadie for a variety of different bands. because of the abundance of knowledge he’s always had for music/musical equipment, it didn’t take long for his title to shift from ‘roadie’ to ‘producer’ when some heavy hitters in the industry decided to take a chance on him. from there, managing bands/artists became an important part of his title as well. 
wes is originally from san francisco, california. he’s spent a good chunk of his time in los angeles + new york, but always finds a way to circle back to portland one way or another. he can’t get over the charm the city exudes. 
he’s got two kids ( asher vanderkamp, 16 + viola vanderkamp, 12 ) and an ex wife who live in los angeles. occasionally, his kids will come up to visit--but for the most part, they live with their mother. 
a master of the ‘organized mess’. his work space is always terribly cluttered, bu someway somehow he knows where everything is. 
collector of lifestyle books. he practically hands them out whenever anyone comes over and tells him one bit of information about themselves. sometimes it’s hard to tell if it’s an insult or not.
always saying the weirdest shit but it makes perfect sense to him. asking him to elaborate won’t make what he’s said any clearer. 
has a collection of different recording studios all in different cities. however, the one he frequents most is the one in his home. if he likes an artist enough, he’ll invite them to record there.
wes has an absolutely massive list of all the instruments he knows how to play--he’s a bit of a show off in that regard. 
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elimorris · 5 years
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★ ━ ( grant gustin, cis male , he/him ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into  ELIJAH ROBERT MORRIS  and  GOOD DAY  by  DNCE  got stuck in my head immediately after. it’s funny that song reminded me of the  THIRTY YEAR OLD, because i was just thinking about how their birthday was on  JANUARY 1ST  and how they’ve been living in  RICHMOND  for  EIGHT MONTHS  and working as a  VOICE ACTOR, WRITER FOR ADULT SWIM, & STAND-UP COMEDIAN  in all the time i’ve known him,  ELI,  has always seemed to be  DEEPLY CARING,  OPEN-MINDED and  LIVELY,  but did you know he could also be  PETTY, CHILDISH, and  NEEDY? 
This is Elijah. He goes by Eli or Dickwad, whichever one you feel first. I’m kidding call him Eli. He’s a chill guy, very charismatic… definitely used to be a drug dealer in college, he has since stopped that. Now he’s just a guy who has weed n the form of edibles for medical purposes which is legal in Portland and sometimes his own Adderall, that he has for his ADHD. But point is if you’re in his house don’t eat any candy without checking with him first, cause you’ll probs end up high af.
He has a twin brother named Matthew. They’re close. He moved to Portland to reign in his younger half-sister Jenni, they’re not as close. Eli and Matthew’s parents ran a meth lab up and both exposed to it until they turned three and their dad went to jail for armed robbery and alleged attempt at murder cause that was ya know a smart thing to do so their mom made the one respocible decision she's ever made with them and dropped baby Eli and baby Matthew off with their Dad’s adopted sister, Jessica, and she became their guardian and raised them along with her own son Christopher.
It was only about a week with their aunt and a ton of crying that she took them to the hospital after a bit and they discovered Eli and Matthew were in detox from the meth that had been in their systems. Miraculously Matthew ended up fine. Eli on the other hand developed a heart condition and has always had a lot of health issues and surgeries ever since. So to say his relationship with his parents is kind of fucked up is an understatement tbh.
so aside from that, quick things about Elijah.
He’s a Florida boy straight outta Miami and for sometime Jacksonville. Go Gators.
Has a slight southern accent that he represses literally as much as possible cause he kinda hates it tbh.
Liberal as fuck.
Feminist as fuck.
Jewish as fuck.
Bisexual as fuck.
Was once in a polyamorous relationship with 2 dudes.
Clearly, that didn’t work out cause he’s single.
He's attracted to chaos in people.
Very rare that he actually dates someone who's "normal" usually dates crazy people or people with oddities.
Has stories like being stabbed by a girl he was dating after finding out she was a furry. another girl bringing a dead fish with it's own fish coffin on their first date. a girl who put a used tampon in his coffee when he tried to break up with her, ect.
Kind of vain.
& an idiot.
cracks lame jokes.
Very loyal.
Great listener to people he feels are worth listening to otherwise, BYE.
Is a dick for no reason when he feels like it.
likes to fuck with people
and fuck people
Once a hoe, Always a hoe.
He’s a smartass, but lbr who isn’t right?
Sarcastic. again who isn’t?
Went to Princeton.
Speaks 6 languages
Fluent in English, Italian, Hebrew, & French.
Knows enough Spanish & German to understand it when someone is speaking it, but can just get by in a conversation.
Childish as fuck.
Petty as fuck.
Competitive as fuck.
Stand-Up Comedian
His jokes are based mostly on his life and the crazy people he has dated and the many many odd jobs he's had but is always respectful. Never talks shit about women in his act ever. has only ever once in his life called a woman a bitch and it’s because she screwed him over in a terrible terrible way.
Voice actor for Cartoon Network & a writer for a few Adult Swim shows.
I think that’s it.
Yup, that’s it.
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caspcrjn-blog · 5 years
hello!! i’m jala (she/her) and i play this tired budling, casper! i live in the gmt +8 (which i know, who tf even lives in this timezone) but i’m v used to it by now and know the timings well lol. under the cut is some information i have on casper but hmu/im me if u wanna plot or like this post and i’ll come to you.
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★ ━ ( sooyoung park, female, she/her ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into CASPER JEON. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-FIVE YEAR OLD’s birthday was on MARCH 23RD and how the last time i saw her, CASPER was PERCEPTIVE, LAID BACK, & WARM, but could also be WITHDRAWN, BLUNT, & RETICENT. anyway, she has been living in RICHMOND for TWO YEARS & currently works as a BARISTA, PART-TIME NANNY & FREELANCE ARTIST.
tw: anxiety issues
casper hails from san francisco and is from a pretty well off family. she grew up with private schools and tutors, and with the crushing expectation to be the perfect daughter (and possible heir). which really, she quickly realized was not what she was made for.
but it didn’t stop the pressure from getting to her and very early on she was being sent to therapists and psychiatrists. anxiety has always been an issue for her and though she’d been able to hold out - skipping a grade, being a very good student - she hit an all time low around her second last year of university.
so even though she barely scraped by with her degree, she decided that she couldn’t deal with all this anymore and just moved away from california once she graduated having had disconnected herself from her family during college. (she can’t ever really not talk to them forever tbh they’re still occasionally in touch, even if she doesn’t talk to her dad at all)
the first year of her going around she mostly just went about around the west coast with some work at different coffee shops (with some part time experience in uni) and her art. but!  after unexpectedly finding a comfortable place in portland, she ended up staying for much longer than she’d ever anticipated to, and suddenly she’d been there for over two years.
she just recently (in the past 5-6 months?) got a proper apartment in richmond after staying with her friend for the past year and a half and is pretty content. she mostly gets around town on her bike or public transport - she has a driving license but... doesn’t... use it...
casper is quiet, and is really good at being unnoticed. her main job at random order makes it easier too since she’s the person most people see but don’t actually know at all. she’s pretty laid back and warm, but often gets super anxious if anything isn’t right in her books.
funnily enough she prefers tea over coffee, even if she makes good coffee.
the nanny-ing thing came about a year into being in portland after a friend’s friend needed help and apparently she did really well that she’s gotten some acclaim as a nanny. she does it semi-regularly, and is surprisingly (to herself) good with kids, especially older ones. 
she doesn’t leave the house unless she has to, or has work. she’s really good at holing herself up and closing herself off - art is really her main way of expressing herself.
but dig a little deeper and you’ll see she’s a HUGE geek. she loves nerd culture, and gaming, and it’s reflected in her art. it’s what kept her going all her life under a pretty oppressive family. 
she’s super observant and perceptive so she knows a lot of things, without it being spelled out to her. she likes being in the know without actually being involved in anything exciting. she can get a little too honest for most people's tastes, but she just never likes to sugarcoat things.
she’s gotten good at managing her anxiety, and stopped medication awhile ago, but she has her moments. 
casper is still a little bit of an enigma to most people - barely leaving her home unless she has to, disappearing whenever she’s not needed - but it’s not much of a problem. she’s found a little pocket of comfort in the city and doesn’t seem to have any plans to leave anytime soon. at the end of the day, she’s just a tired grandpa trying to get through life.
as for connections! i’d expect she’d know a number of people after two years - as acquaintances especially if they know her as the random order barista but other than that i have some specific ideas that could fit for some people! but i'm open to anything
her portland friend that she lived with for a year and a half! casper would’ve been a pretty good couch roommate if anything - she’s quiet and will find places to be if they need her to not be there for a few hours. i’d imagine they’d known each other online beforehand (she is a child of the internet!) or were university friends or were friends of friends? maybe they moved to portland at the same time? if anything, they became very close and this person is one of the reasons why she eventually stayed in portland.
parents of kids she nannies. they could’ve known each other beforehand but i’d expect her to have good relationships with them if she has good relationships with their kid. she doesn’t do daily nanny-ing but a weekly thing could be possible?
her apartment neighbors! any relationship is fine, but considering casper spends a lot of her free time at home they’d see her quite a bit. 
as mentioned before, she’s a big big nerd cultre enthusiast so i’d expect she spends some time out in excalibur comics esp since she probably likes the vibe there and it’s in her neighborhood. so maybe even she’d have a dnd group she plays semi-regularly with? if not, just generally people in that community that she’s found some kinship with? maybe a good friends she’s found.
people who consider her their ‘barista’ and know her by name! one or two of them could end up being real friends to her?
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bashmiddleton · 5 years
★ ━ ( Noah Centineo, male, he/his ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into Bash Middleton. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY TWO YEAO OLD’s birthday was on 04/09 and how the last time i saw pronoun, Bash was CHARASMATIC, RELIABLE & EASY GOING, but could also be STUBBORN, SPOILED, & WORKAHOLIC. anyway, he has been living in NEWBERG for ALL HIS LIFE & currently works as a BARTENDER/MIXOLOGIST.
Bash was adopted at birth and grew up with two moms that taught him how to respect woman. 
He didn’t have siblings, but he did have a girl the same age as him living next door, Tiffany. 
The two grew up together and started dating at 16.
They’re still together now.
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★ ━ ( keiynan lonsdale, genderfluid, he/they ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into KEATON EMERSON LOCKWOOD. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-FOUR YEAR OLD’s birthday was on JULY 8TH and how the last time i saw them, KEATON was KIND-HEARTED, INTUITIVE & RELIABLE, but could also be HESITANT, VULNERABLE, & ANXIOUS. anyway, he has been living in KING for EIGHT MONTHS & currently works as a GRADUATE STUDENT & ASSISTANT LIBRARIAN.
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Hello everyone! I’m Ollie and this is my cinnamon roll, Keaton. I’m super excited to be a part of this roleplay and can’t wait to plot with all of you. Keaton is a totally new muse for me so they aren’t as fleshed-out to me as they could be, but I’ll drop a bit of info below. Please feel free to hit me up to plot! (I’m off to bed soon but I’ll get back to you tomorrow.)
tw: anxiety
Basic Info:
Keaton was born and raised in Chicago, but moved to Portland in fall of 2018 to pursue a graduate degree in library & information science.
Had an average childhood but was bullied due to being awkward and a bit nerdy. Led to social anxiety and self-esteem issues which aren’t fully resolved.
Went to college at University of Chicago, graduated with a bachelor of arts in English and minors in African American studies and gender studies.
Came out as pansexual in high school and genderfluid in university.
Currently lives in a tiny studio apartment in King with his pet guinea pig, Carlton.
Works as an assistant librarian at Northwest Library and can often be found there whether working or studying.
Prefers to bike everywhere and uses public transit otherwise.
Tightly-strung and recently diagnosed with social anxiety and generalized anxiety. 
Takes time to open up to people and even longer to trust them, but is a loyal pal once a friendship is established.
Loves music, reading, writing, playing video games, biking, and trying new restaurants around the city.
Still a bit lost in the city and finding his footing in a place that isn’t the city they grew up in. They’re a bit homesick at times.
Connection Possibilities:
Regulars who visit the library from time to time.
Neighbors who live in the same apartment building.
Any friends honestly cuz Keaton needs to be brought out of their shell.
A crush on either side of the equation because why not.
Other students from the university who they could have run into.
Pals who are into the same things Keaton is (video games, biking, etc).
Pretty much open to anything so feel free to hit me up!
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ssaraialvarez · 5 years
★ ━ ( francia raisa, female, she/her ) ━ ★ the other day i ran into SARAI ALVAREZ. it’s funny because i was just thinking about how the TWENTY-FIVEYEAR OLD’s birthday was on AUGUST 3RD and how the last time i saw her, SARAI was SMART, PASSIONATE & HEADSTRONG, but could also beBOSSY, EGOTISTICAL, & IMPATIENT. anyway, she has been living in KINGfor THREE YEARS & currently works as an EXOTIC DANCER & STUDENT. 
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shaboom hey y’all i’m neicy i’m from ny but i’m country as hell and this lil hussy is my alter ego sarai (sar-rye). she’s been here for a while so i’d love to make connects. hmu if you wanna plot *mwah*.
- Sarai is literally the type of girl Drake writes songs about lmaooo
- she grew up in Houston, Texas, her family is from Puerto Rico. They weren’t dirt poor, but each of her parents had to work two jobs to support her, her three older brothers, and her grandma. Her childhood was pretty chill and she lived in a majority Latinx and Black community. (slight trigger) she was sexualized at a very early age because she developed her “grown” features a lot quicker than the other girls in her neighborhood. Her brothers were constantly fighting men who made inappropriate comments about her. 
- her family tried their hardest to shadow her from the attention of older men, and even slut shamed her quite a bit for things that were completely out of her control, but that just caused Sarai to have a better understanding of her sexuality. she used the fact that men would do just about anything for her just to be in her presence as an advantage. 
- she had several “sugar daddies” in her teenage years, men who would give her money just for a little bit of her time.
- when she went off to college, she developed a romantic relationship with one of her professors. he was different from the sugar daddies she had in the past, she had actual feelings for him. he took care of her when her family couldn’t, even paid off her late tuition payments and bills. by junior year, sarai was in love with him, and when he asked her to drop out and move to Portland with him she didn’t second guess it. 
- after the move, he changed. he became more controlling and aggressive with her, and she was not the type of woman to give second chances, so one weekend when he went out of town, she packed up her stuff and moved across town, cutting all contact with him off. 
-  despite being in a strange city, she landed on her feet. she started working at a strip club as a bottle girl, and a couple months later started dancing. the money was enough for her to pay bills and even enroll back into school.
wanted connections:
we’re opposites but it works (best friend)
fellow club dancer (best friend)
neighbors: like and dislike
classmates: like and dislike
sugar daddy/ benefactor
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