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Excited to see the book cover of my new book #Dented my second volume of poems after #EternalPollutionofaDentedMind. It will be my 10th published book but like all my work I keep it underground. I guess if one person reads one of my poems, sees a piece of my art or hears some of my music and it moves them or impacts them in a small way that's enough for me. The most important thing is to keep creating, fuck followers, fuck money, fuck fame I say just keep making the shit. Well that's what I believe. Book launch will be at @Bricklane bookshop in October in London #dented #mentalhealthwriting #chipminkaclassics #poetry #writing #portraitsofmadness #pigmentexplosion #sanchitaislam
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Been spending the whole day from dawn to dusk chasing the sky, the light, the clouds in Brussels and Stockholm. Totally mesmerised by the dance of light. Totally impossible to capture but making a whole series of video paintings for Open Gallery that deal with transience, beauty, the mystery of the vast open skies. This obsession started long ago where I have chased light all over the world and my fascination remains undiminished. The sky mimics the fluctuations of the mind, the weather is always guaranteed to change just like our moods #opengallery #skies #light #clouds #mood #videoart #pigmentexplosion #sanchitaislam #portraitsofmadness
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