#portuguese has a lot of curse words so why not use them 24/7?!?!?!
that-random-citizen · 3 years
Writeblr Intro
Apparently I haven't done one of these yet so here we go
About me
Hey! I'm a person who writes and has too many projects unfinished. Let's be friends!
So, what can I say about me?
This is my side blog dedicated to writing. I go by L. and I'm 21 years old. I'm Portuguese and my pronouns are she/her. INTP?? Let's just get to it
You inspired me to write this intro. Yes, you. I really like reading about all of you and your stories, makes all my writing process less lonely because now I know there's a bunch of other people out there... who also struggle to write...
Let's struggle together, my friends!
I started writing stories a long time ago but only in 2019 I finished one completely. And after that, I started trying not to give up on my projects after only 3 chapters. It's been a challenge!
Although a lot of my WIPs feature romance, I have no idea why. I like a lot of stuff. So I tend to write a lot of stuff. This stuff that I'm talking about are the genres. Yes, I'm good with words. I love mystery, thriller, comedy, fantasy, I don't really remember much more but yeah, you got the idea...
I'm very character driven so I tend to focus a lot on my characters when writing. That's the reason why I excuse my excessive amount of daydreaming instead of putting my thoughts on paper. I'm just developing the idea! It needs to reach its final form... And so, I can't really move on if I don't know my characters like the back of my hand and that's why it's been 7 years on that one WIP (introduced a little down below)
I reblog a lot of memes and writing advice that I like. I also like reblogging your WIPs because they're all so good and you guys have amazing ideas and beautiful layouts. I wish I could read all your stories! I may try to up my game and add some mood boards when I introduce my characters. I don't usually write in English so I'm not sure about posting excerpts but I'll be keeping my WIPs updated in terms of how they are doing and character wise. I can also talk about random ideas and new WIPs that cross my mind. It's an infinite number of possibilities. And that's why I don't gamble.
I'm quite random and so I have a hard time focusing on one thing for to long. And that, my dudes, brings us to a very high number of unfinished WIPs that I can't keep track of. Here's the list:
I have to many to count (27). These are the ones I'm trying to focus on right now:
The 4 Elements
It's been 7 years!
Basically I came up with this story because my brother asked me to write it and I was trying to make him more interested in reading books so I decided I was going to write something he wanted to read. Uh, that's a long and confusing sentence... if only I had editing skills!
Anyways, then it became this big conversation topic between us and I developed it a lot over that summer. And in the past years. It also has some clichés that I see a lot on TV that I'm not that fond of and so I decided to give them a little twist with this book
It's a superhero story!? And is my longest running project (I guess)
It's a series of 4 books from which I have a good grasp of what I want to write but one of the main characters is still a mystery to me so... I'm struggling!
Like, what is her motivation? I can't really find her voice, she's the "leader" and the only one who carries a braincell in the entire series and yet... What is her conflict in the story? I guess we have to wait another 7 years to find out...
Found family trope because that's my reason to live
A lot of chaotic energy
Four idiots who can control the elements
A lot of backstory
Some bad guys
It's a fantasy book. Or a sci-fi? I'm not sure
I'm going to write the second draft of the first book by this summer... hopefully
Reverse Fairytale
I don't know what to say about this one
I like taking clichés and reversing them somehow so I guess this is it
There's a princess trapped in a tower, a bunch of knights, a bunch of witches and a kingdom to overthrow
Very soft, very sapphic
There are only women loving women and an ace boy who has a pet dragon
Fantasy. There are a lot of fairy tale books involved
It's also romance and... why do I do this to myself?
Even the subplot is a romance - it's about a mermaid and a pirate and a curse but that's a spoiler so let's move on
Helena's Trial
This one I just want to get the outline done
I really liked this idea but I forgot to write it down and now I'm going through it to get it back
Another thing about me: I have terrible memory
It's about this angel and this devil who realize that they were guarding the same person - Helena
And in this universe, there can only be one guardian for each human depending on the fate that is given to someone as they are born
If you're destined to do good things you get a guardian angel
If the big boss says you're going to be evil, you get a devil to guard you and you have to be evil, no chance of changing back your destiny
Another corrupt system that it's getting overthrown
Helena has both an angel and a devil guarding her so they have to realize her destiny fast because she's destined to die in 24 hours, on her wedding day
The angel and the devil knew each other before they died and so it's a little awkward
It's a little enemies to lovers in that area
There are also cupids and a big Goddess who wants revenge
There's a screenplay...
So I'm trying something here but I'm still not sure.
I have about 100,000 words of backstory and that isn't even over yet and I'm trying to write a TV series screenplay.
I literally don't know why
It's a comedy so I had a really great time getting to make my characters be complete idiots but I have no idea how to write this and it's been a ride...
That's about it. I'm having new character ideas but I don't want to get myself wrapped around them yet. But my next big thing is going to be a horror novel (with chaotic energy and some idiocy, the only things that are a constant in my works) so if you have any tips, let me know. I tend to write in every genre. I thrive for it actually. I think it's a good experience to figure out what I truly enjoy and the things I wouldn't want to touch with a 10-foot pole
Anyways, feel free to interact, I'll be making an effort to be more active about my WIPs and post more about them here. Maybe it's the little push I need to focus on them and actually finishing one for a change. You can drop a message anytime, let's be friends and writing buddies!
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