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It鈥檚 time to get rid of these 5 words which are not healthy for you. And they are 1. I Hope 2. I Wish 3. But 4. Should/Would/Could 5. If These words negate what we are positive about. Let鈥檚 say, I would love to be a successful person BUT! Sense the energy of these words. The energy of these words is very low and not so good. You tend to use these words to show and reflect an impossibility of something you desire to achieve. Listen to yourself and note down when you use these words. Check, were being positive about something or desiring for something. And due to these words you totally made it sound like a difficulty or impossible. Have fun! Cheers . . . Follow @therohanaroteshow #positive #positiveproductivelifestyle #positiveday #positivehiphop #positivepushproductions #Positivemindhub #positivelypositive #PositiveViberations #positivewords #positivegestures #positiveomens #positivethinkingdoctor #positivemuzik #positiveperiod #positiveeye #positivestate #positivepsychology #positiveactions #positivelyentertaining #positivepplonly #positiveblogger #positiveeyes #positivegram #positiveflow #positivethinks #positivevibractions #positivemoods #PositiveNation #positivepaisley #PositiveVybe (at Pune, Maharashtra) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-wOBkknRgh/?igshid=1fxb3zr34b74p
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isaiahgringo 5 years
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I would love to see @christomlin in concert someday. Really love his music 馃幎. I actually cried when the song #AmazingGrace was playing in every funeral I've ever been to in my family. Cause that song gets me every single time. I even sang it in karaoke; three times. Not in a row, though. Just other times. God; I know I never ask you for anything. But I want you to rise me up to the sky so I can rise up to the Lord and become a Christian; #IWillRise to the Heart of Worship. I believe in You; it's time You believe in ME!!! #music #sing #karaoke #God #Christian @starmaker_app #starmaker #christomlin #song #singer #performer #songwriter @klovephilly #klovephilly #klovephillyisamazing @kloveradio #kloveradio #positivelyentertaining #klove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx9S3QBg4YN/?igshid=php8pweupigz
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archieprincess 5 years
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I would love to see @christomlin in concert someday. Really love his music 馃幎. I actually cried when the song #AmazingGrace was playing in every funeral I've ever been to in my family. Cause that song gets me every single time. I even sang it in karaoke; three times. Not in a row, though. Just other times. God; I know I never ask you for anything. But I want you to rise me up to the sky so I can rise up to the Lord and become a Christian; #IWillRise to the Heart of Worship. I believe in You; it's time You believe in ME!!! #music #sing #karaoke #God #Christian @starmaker_app #starmaker #christomlin #song #singer #performer #songwriter @klovephilly #klovephilly #klovephillyisamazing @kloveradio #kloveradio #positivelyentertaining #klove https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx89gqlALCc/?igshid=9acd9o5ietpl
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archieprincess 5 years
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I've always loved this song #HereIAmToWorship by @mwsmithofficial. I love singing songs that has to do with being a Christian/Catholic/Atheists. This kind of music puts me in a good mood. I listen to this music all the time. Absolutely amazing. It is the Heart of Worship that keeps us together. In the Word of God. God is in all of us. God loves You. He is the healer. God heals your heart and pain. He hears your prayers at night and day. Don't ever take God for granted. Love your music @kloveradio @klovephilly #kloveradio #PositivelyEntertaining #klove https://www.instagram.com/p/BwQTBKhBXIQ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=5j8ntd1h82hd
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isaiahgringo 5 years
@davidarchie singing along with @themercyme in his car #carpoolkaraoke #greater #davidarchuleta鉂も樅 @kloveradio @klovephilly #positivelyentertaining #klove #klovephilly #kloveradio #klovephillyisamazing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx62qd7gULj/?igshid=rhx9je5f8ack
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archieprincess 5 years
@davidarchie singing along with @themercyme in his car #carpoolkaraoke #greater #davidarchuleta鉂も樅 @kloveradio @klovephilly #positivelyentertaining #klove #klovephilly #kloveradio #klovephillyisamazing https://www.instagram.com/p/Bx5lUH0nnDy/?igshid=kevikwx21jug
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archieprincess 6 years
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@davidarchie jammin' to music @dannygokey @kloveradio #hopeinfrontofme #positivelyentertaining #kloveradio #christianmusic
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