positivitylane112 · 1 year
Warnings : None. YANDERE . Suggestive themes. Injury [?].
Word Count : 2.6k[2668]
Pairing: PAY [Pro Athlete Yandere] x Undercover [not really] Female Athlete Reader
Author’s Note: It's me again :) I am here today to share with you 1 of my SCENARIOS THAT I DAYDREAM ABOUT ON THE DAILY.[I feel like spoiling you today😻] each of them is gonna be separate because like I said , I don’t think I can control myself with how much I write and I may end up writing a whole novel. So before I end up doing that I’ll just write one and post it and then the next and so on. [look at me already going off script and writing everything] ALSO THESE ARE ALL SURROUNDING PRO ATHLETE YANDERE. He’s my favorite yandere 🥹❤️ [HE’S REALLY SUBMISSIVE AND BREEDABLE IN THIS ONE] Send some feedback !!! I would love to hear what you think 🥰 but one of scenarios I think about the most is bandaging him up when he gets hurt. This is also with Athletic Reader as well. Also MASSIVE shout out to @bxnnybtch for so much of the inspiration behind this wonderful character and this piece. Love you ❤️
Let’s say that one unfortunate day , you didn’t show up to his match , [as usual]. He’s heavily distracted by the loss of your presence that he’s just not focusing well. His mind is just not on the game and he doesn’t really feel like playing either. Until one of the other team’s teammates starts acting up. Trying his best to rouse him by physically hurting him as much as possible. It started off with just slight shoves and jams at first, but then he got his hands and feet involved.
Yandere doesn’t wish to fight back because he doesn’t think that it’s worth it. He doesn’t want to bicker and argue like little children so he tries not to fight back as much. To be honest he just wants to finish the match as soon as possible to go and find you. His whole day goes by without seeing you and every second of that day he wants nothing more than to bask in your presence and to delve into your arms as you run your hands through his hair and whisper sweet nothings into his ear. Every minute of his day that isn’t spent with you is a minute wasted. He does it for you , you know ? Working hard , playing as well as he can , just so you can see and be proud of him. Cheer him on , wear his number on your back , and praise him for how well he played.
But alas , he’s soon snapped out of his daydream as the other team’s teammate , the one which has been bugging him the entirety of the afternoon , comes by and *BOOM* [lmao 💀] bangs into him really hard [fucking hell ☠️]. Now he’s getting upset. He gets up as quickly as possible and starts to get back at him. Shoving him hard and cussing him out [maybe he could’ve just beat the living shit outta him there and just gotten rid of all his pent up anger , or maybe he’s just tired and wants to go home.]
Either way, he doesn’t seem to notice the steady stream of blood that was coming out of a gash across his kneecap to his calf. And the slight headache he had alongside a slowly growing ache on his lower thigh above his cut [on the kneecap] and the torn lip he had from constantly biting it in worry. Before he could though , coaches and medics run up to him and crowd his vision. Followed by a few cameramen who shove cameras in his face trying to get the best shot of his injury as possible. All of it being too much , overwhelming him. He wants nothing more than to shove them aside and to just walk out of this gymnasium and to watch you practice. Just to see you smile and hear you laugh with your friends [NOT HIM] but he couldn’t care. Just seeing you would be medicine enough for him.
But unfortunately he wasn’t able to do that as he was led into the medical room where a nurse came by and patched up his knee. Before giving him Advil for his headache. He listens as her steps grow more distant and sighs in relief. He just wanted to be alone in that moment [more preferably alone with you but you know , that wasn’t really on the menu so he had to improvise] He grabs his pillow and wraps his arms around it as he nuzzles into it. He would do anything to replace that pillow with you. He’s been craving your presence ALL day.
After a few minutes he decided to get back up , and limped out towards the now empty field. Oh no. The nurse forgot to bandage the bruise that was quickly forming on his thigh. Forgetting the pain of it , he walked out towards the side of the field and sat down on the bench. He knew you would be confused if he wasn’t there , and that you would get lost trying to locate him in the big headquarters of the field/stadium. And plus this was y’all’s destined meeting place. you always met here. He counted down the minutes as he waited for you to bust open the door and to greet him with the love and attention he missed today. He hears the doors open and he hears your frantic breaths and your out of breath-ness as you spill out apologies of being late AGAIN.
You speed walk over as you continue to ramble on about how you didn’t notice the time , how you had somewhere important to be [🤭😝] , and that you wouldn’t be late again. As you walk though , your steps grow slower and your mouth shuts as you pull your eyes away from the ground and look up at him with a confused look on your face. Normally he’s the one running towards YOU when he hears the doors opening. Giving you a massive hug as he squeezes you and tries to make up for all the lost time , rambling about how the game went , and how he missed you.
So how is it that today he’s sitting on a bench just short of a couple feet away from you watching your every move intently with a solemn look on his face ? Why is he just sitting there , eyebrows scrunched , eyes wide , lips pursed, and hair tousled ? You do a once over. Eyes trailing from his soft face to his firm chest and wide shoulders to his waist and v-line and down to his shoe clad feet. And that’s when you see it. The bandage on his knee. You rush to sit beside him . Your voice immediately grows softer and your touch is 100x more gentle as you pull him into a hug , one hand softly rubbing his back and the other on the back of his head. You can feel something went wrong as he clings to you , hands fisting your t-shirt holding you close. Almost worried that you would pull away.
“What happened?” You whisper softly.
“I don’t wanna talk about it” he replies.
So you don’t. It’s as simple as that. You try to move so that you both could be in a more comfortable position. Because you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable, seeing that he was kinda hunched over and into you and you sat straight and to the side. You put your hand on his knee as you tried to move him closer to you. That’s when you hear a sharp hiss coming out of his mouth. You IMMEDIATELY stop what you’re doing and pull him away so he can look at you. Frown on his lips and eyes glazed over. Apologies quietly slipping out of your mouth as you move him into a sitting position with his back leaning on the back of the bench. [it’s one of those park benches] You walk in front of him and crouch down inspecting his injury. You see the bandage. White with a spill of red in the middle , indicating that the wound had bled , meaning it was serious. Right where his athletic shorts ended , you could see a sliver of red underneath.
You looked up at him and with the MOST attention you could muster and said “can I …?” Indicating that you wanted to lift the shorts up just a tiny bit to inspect his swollen bruise.
Till now he hadn’t said a single word , just quietly taking in your presence that he had been denied of this whole day . He replies “m hm” nodding his head as well in the softest way he could. You could’ve sworn your heart burst out of your chest right then and there. You slowly and softly shuffle his shorts up a few inches and you immediately see the angry purple bruise which was swollen and looked like it needed medical attention urgently. You look up at him with a worried expression on your face, just to see that he had been observing you this whole time tilting his head to the side in confusion. You softly talk him through the injury and explain to him that you needed to put something on it. Or it would just get worse. He silently nods along with what you have to say.
“I’m gonna need to patch this up ok ?” You say.
“M hm” comes his reply
You reach over and grab your bag. You pull out a tube of ointment and look up at him one more time to take in his expression. He’s looking down at you with his bottom lip in his teeth and eyebrows furrowed expecting the pain. You squeeze some balm onto your left hand and put the tube back down.
“Here you can just squeeze my hand as tight as you need whenever you feel too much pain” you tell him as you hold his left [our right] hand in your right hand. He eagerly intertwines your hands together as he looks down at you with a patient expression. You look back down and start to slowly apply the ointment on the outer edges of the bruise first. He hisses when you start and squeezes your hand. As he tries to stay quiet he hears you gently utter praises for him. Making him feel warm and tingly inside. Soft praises like , ‘ you’re doing so well ! ’ or ‘ so good for me ’ But as you start moving towards the main part of the bruise he starts to bite down on his lip.
Enough to draw blood.
You finish it up by putting a bandage over it , just so that the ointment doesn’t get everywhere. And wait…
Wait a second.
Did he just hear you say ‘good boy’ ? It was so small that he’s not even sure if you noticed it fall out of your mouth . He turns his face up to the night sky for a quick second. You can’t see him like this. His mouth runs dry and his brain turns to mush. His jaw is slack and his breaths are coming out in short , fast pants. He tries to collect himself as he looks back down at you , a bead of sweat trailing down the right side of his face and a slight red hue covering his cheeks. You make eye contact with him as you kiss over the top of his bandage.
His breath hitches. It felt like a split second , your lips skimmed the top of his bandage and quickly moved away. But it felt like heaven. His knees went weak. And he felt so embarrassed that he just wanted to bury his head in your shoulder to escape your attentive gaze. You quickly got up and leaned down so you could inspect his face. Your hands on either side of his face , pulling him closer to you so could inspect his lip. Chills ran up his spine. Why couldn't you cup his face like this all the time ? And maybe leave a few kisses here and there ? He deserves it , don’t ya think ?
“Oh noo :( what’s this?” You ask as you see the tiny bit of blood that had managed to escape from his lips when he bit there a few moments before.
Something clicked in his mind as he felt your thumb slowly graze alongside his bottom lip. Eyes fluttering close , lips parting. Effectively making him shudder in desperation. He had to make it look worse than it was so that maybe just maybe you would . . . He gives his all into trying to make himself more miserable so you would shower him in all your affection and touch. He makes his eyes water and his lips tremble.
“Oh no :('' you reply. You thought it over. Really thought it over. Should you …?
His thoughts are interrupted when he feels your lips on his. Giving him a small peck. His eyes roll to the back of his head as he leans into you. His hands are clenching around the edge of the bench and he’s shuffling closer to the edge , putting you closer to him , in between his legs. He feels you pull away.
He wanted that to last longer :(
You quickly reanalyze your movements. You put your supplies back in your bag , too flustered to look at him. While he’s just sitting there literally looking like this ‘😵‍💫’ emoji , head foggy , whole body shivering and his body sweating. Just sitting there unable to move as he licks his lips. He can taste your fruity lip balm. He’s going crazy. What do you mean ‘going?’ He already was crazy, now he’s just addicted. He wants more , he can’t get enough. After all that love you just showed him [it HAS to be love. That wasn’t anything else besides love] he’s not sure if he can even spend the night away from you.
Meanwhile you’re going crazy wondering ‘why tf would I do that?’ as you zip up your backpack and snap him out of his daze. You tell him that it was late at night and that it was time to go. He seems very closed off. You think. Did I do something wrong 😥? You wonder.
“Here just lean on me” you tell him as you put his left arm around your shoulders and place your right arm around his waist and help him walk out the gymnasium and into your car. You turn on the radio to escape from the awkward silence of the quiet car. You drive him to his house pulling up to park your car in front of his driveway. You open the door for him and help him back again , this time into his house. As you take off his shoes and help him get into his bed , you tuck him in before saying ‘goodnight’ and shutting his bedroom door and then his house door.
Wait, why are you leaving? He thinks as he sees you walk out of his house and back into your car from his bedroom window. No wait , he doesn’t want you to leave. He doesn’t want you away from him anymore. But he can’t do anything about it because sleep takes over as soon as his head touches the pillow. He had a hard day. He needed the rest.
On the other hand , you’re in the shower just rethinking everything you did. You knew he had a little bit of a crush on you but WHY WOULD YOU KISS HIM ?! Even if it was a harmless peck ?! You didn’t want to lead him on , especially when you didn’t really think of him in that way. You just stayed in the shower another half hour as you thought about how you were going to face him tomorrow.
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lena-scribbles · 2 years
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ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ! ᴊᴇᴀʟᴏᴜs! ᴇᴅᴅɪᴇ ᴍᴜɴsᴏɴ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
A/N: As requested by @positivitylane112 here's jealous Eddie! I...uh, it came out as a whole different thing (mix of a short story and HC's) and I'm not- sure if I like it myself so... Um, hope you like it...😵‍💫
Oh, and if you'd like to you could visit my Wattpad:
Anyway, drink water, love ya, sugar! 💖✨
F/N- Friends Name
Jealous Eddie is a clingy Eddie. What, did you expect him to just accept the fact that now you talk with some shit-head more than with him? You have a great sense of humor there, sweetie...
He's not gonna leave you alone- well, only when you go to the bathroom. Every break he spends keeping eye on you, just around the corner. But outside school?... It's only worse. You go to buy some groceries? How unexpecting, he's here too! Sooo... How about you two talk about that one "friend" of yours and how it looks like they're trying to take his place?
Not now...?
Alright, okay. It's alright. You two are still friends, you can talk whenever you would like to.
Have you decided to go to the nearest park? Expect him to be few meters away, just sitting casually while you shift uncomfortably in place wondering why do you feel these goosebumps all of a sudden.
In cases like you walking home when its already dark he's insecure. Really insecure. Wait, don't tell him you don't even have anything you could defend yourself with when there could be creepy weirdos waiting in the dark. It's like saying "I'm all alone- please kill me!". But thanks to you, now he's got an argument as to why he follows you at night. If something were to happen, he could help!
If something happens he's kind of frightened at first, but quickly reminds himself that he promised not to run away from trouble. Especially when you were in that trouble.
Sooo... He's your hero now, right? You're gonna forget about that fake excuse of a friend, and be with him only, right? He saved you, even though he was frightened himself, he helped! You ARE grateful, aren't you?
... "Thank you"...? That's all? What about "You are the best, Eddie. I could never replace you"? And "I love you so so much, please be mine"??... Maybe you just needed time to calm down. It WAS a scary situation after all. It's okay, take as much time as you need, he'll gladly wait til you recover and come to your senses, running straight into his arms.
But if nothing happens and you safely get to your place he's more than relieved. Actually, he's so happy that in a mere minute, you can hear loud and clear knocking. Just when you opened your front door did Eddie felt embarassed. It's pretty late, and he's just standing here, not knowing what to do nor say himself.
"Uh... Hii Y/N??" He says. "Hi, um, what are you doing here Eddie? Do you need something?"
Fuck. You got him. Think, think, think...!
"Sorry to disturb you at this hour but... Would you like to play instead of Dustin? I-I mean he's sick and you know... And we have uh... We don't have a player in his place..." He said while toying with his fingers. "Oh, I'm sorry Eddie. I don't think I'm good at this game. Really, sorry..." You shifted your gaze down, finding weird interest in something in his pocket.
Eddie sweated a little, nervous as to what were you looking at. Did his penknife was sticking out...?
"You sure? Um, it- it's alright, heheh, so uhh... I've gotta go now, um... Have a good night?" He responded timidly. "...bye." with that your short conversation ended. His hands wandered straight to his pocket, trying to find the source of your interest. Nothing beside a small, dark bottle was here. What the hell were you looking at...?
It wasn't long until Eddie found a perfect place to observe you from and hopong to add something new in his notes about what you do.
Nothing interesting... Supper, tv, bathroom, bed... Wait... Who are you talking with?... You're giggling?? Okay, calm down Eddie, maybe it's just her parents or something... "Stop it, F/N. You're making me blush."
Alright, what the fuck. He was taking so much time and effort in keeping you safe, happy... and you still decided to talk with that... That fake-ass-so-called "friend" of yours. They had nothing that he could give you. Were you really just slowly replacing him?... No. He's not gonna let you. Not so easily.
Next days in school were a constant attention from Eddie, with him walking beside you, holding you by putting his arm around your schoulder or just simply keeping your eyes away from everything that might get you an excuse as to why you have to go somewhere so suddenly.
Don't be surprised when he starts asking you if you want to hang out with him. Don't get me wrong, he's not gonna end on only one question when you say "no". You're gonna hear that question at least 17 times a day until you finally say "Okay, okay, just stop".
Even tho you two were practically inseparable, he still felt that weird tingling on his neck. Like he still didn't have that final puzzle...
"Hey..." He asked. "Yeah?" "You're not gonna talk with that "friend" of yours anymore, right?" Eddie looked at you expecting response right away.
But that didn't happen.
You looked at his sitting- not even an nich away from you- form. Your stares locked in an uncomfortable silence. He repeated, slower than before "Right?".
"Eddie, honestly, what the fuck?" That was... Unexpected? "What do you mean, Y/N?" Shifting in place, he turned to you fully. You rolled your eyes a little, huffed quietly and said "You're acting weird. Like you're...jealous?"
Eddie looked at you dumbfounded. Coming back to his senses he asked "Me? Jealous?" chuckling he continued "I'm not-". You grabbed his schoulder, pushing it a little "Get a hold of yourself. You think I didn't notice? Eddie, don't hate me for this but I'm slowly moving on, we're not kids anymore."
...what? No, no, no, no. You're... Moving on? Moving on from what? From him?... It was because of F/N, right?
"... Is it because of F/N?" You responded immadietly "No, it's-" "Please, enlighten me, in what case are they better than me? You're acting as if you take them for a role model!" He questioned in a raised tone. "They're not better!" You sighted softly- "Eddie, listen. F/N didn't say a word about me moving on from you, in fact, they-" "Oh, so you're listening to them now, huh?" He said pretentiously, grabbing both of your schoulders- "What, are you guys dating or something? Should I prepare to be your bridesmaid?" His words made your blood boil more and more with every second- "So what if I do, huh?!" He stood up quickly and pushed you back, making you flinch "Ouch-!". "I was there when you needed help, I was the shoulder you could cry on, it was me who kept you happy, and safe and... And I'm the one who deserves something in return!" You could see the little tears that formed in his eyes. "Eddie..."
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herrera2k · 1 year
@positivitylane112 omg i messed up but I’m working on it I’m just a lazy twat
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positivitylane112 · 1 year
ℋello loves !!! A bit about me , I am an April taurus. She/Her. Birthday is 4/26. I am 5’2 ½ ft. tall ! I am a brown POC 🇮🇳 [Person of Color]. ਖਾਸ ਤੌਰ 'ਤੇ ਮੈਂ ਪੰਜਾਬੀ ਹਾਂ [yes i used google translate for this , but I am currently still learning]I love reading and writing! [of course I do , why would I be here ? Sorry that was kinda stupid ☠] ← I do that a lot. [put my own personal thoughts & commentary in brackets] I apologize for that beforehand 😅 I find myself doing that a lot in any of my writing. But I will try to limit myself as much as possible. I also love rainy weather , and hot chocolate !!🚩PINEAPPLE DOESN’T BELONG ON PIZZA, get that shit off of there 👊🚩I also hate peas . I hate them thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis much. Matar [peas] belong in the gutter. One more thing , I have MDD [Maladaptive Daydream Disorder]. And I use fanfictions as an escapism method. But anyways, I cannot wait to meet you and write things for you. [lemme spoil u bbg 😘 😝]
☙rules & regulations:
♥I will write fluff , smut , angst & yandere 🤭
♥Drabbles are around 800-1k words , full fics can be anywhere from 1k-3k-5k
♥ Hate will not be tolerated on this blog, if you do not like my content then block me lmao
☙who i will write for:
♥Marvel : Steve Rogers , Bucky Barnes , Loki , Thor , Clint , Natasha Romanoff , Tony Stark , Sam Wilson , T’challa , Shuri , Kukulkan [anyone else you may wish] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
♥Star Wars : Anakin Skywalker , Obi-wan Kenobi , Luke Skywalker , Han Solo , Abedala , Princess Leia [anyone else you may think of] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
♥Lord of the Rings / Fellowship of the Ring : Legolas , Thranduil , Aragorn , Haldir , Elrond , Lindir [anyone else you may think of] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for 🚩
♥Footballers[Soccer Players] : Anyone and Everyone baby 🇵🇹🇲🇽🇫🇷🇦🇷🇧🇷🇪🇸🇭🇷🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 [god I have THE BIGGEST hyperfixation on them rn😚😆] 💚SEND REQUESTS PLSSSS 💚
♥DBH/Detroit Become Human : Connor , Markus , Hank , Ralph [he´s so underrated , god😭] Kiara [anyone else you may want] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for 🚩
♥Resident Evil : Leon Kennedy , Chris , [anyone else you may want] 🚩Not Currently in the Mood for Writing for🚩
☙yandere oc´s :
Yandere pro Athlete [🤭] : ♥Bandaging him when he gets hurt
♥Him getting jealous over your fans [Athlete reader]
♥Finding out you play a sport[Athlete reader]
💚 Send Requests for him pleaseeeee 😭 💚
Yandere Model : ♥Introduction/drabble
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lena-after-dark · 2 years
Request List
Henry Creel + "Why are you running? I did this for you!" (For anon)
Nathan Wallace + "If I don't keep an eye on you, who knows what will happen?" (For anon)
Dana Scully + "Tell me how much you love me." (For eternetei)
Namor dealing with a darling who's run away from him. (For anon)
Candyman + "N-no, no, no, shhh, you're okay. I would never hurt you." (For borg-queer)
Namor + “You have no idea how far I’m willing to go for you.” (For ourjovialpoetrystudent)
Namor + “I feel sick every time you talk about someone who isn’t me.” Look at the full request, me. (For positivitylane112)
Baby Firefly x Fem!Reader Yandere HCs (For mommymilks)
Jennifer Check x Fem!Reader Yandere HCs SFW + NSFW(For mommymilks)
Josh Lambert kidnaps reader again, and they think it's Parker but it isn't (For anon)
Namor + "Did you sleep well? ...I know, I saw." (For anon)
Wanda + "Why are you running? I did this for you!” (For anon)
Namor using the siren ability (NSFW) (For anon)
Reader being used as a sacrifice to Namor, but instead of killing her he falls in love and becomes possessive (For anon)
Marilyn Thornhill x teacher!reader + V - Venus flytrap (deceit): “Afraid of what you’re seeing now, sweetheart?” (For anon)
Marilyn Thornhill x fem!reader + "Don't complain now - you did this to yourself." (For anon)
Larissa Weems x male!reader + “If you won’t take care of yourself I will be forced to do it for you.” (For judge-m0rt1s)
M'Baku x fem!reader smut - M'Baku sees Avenger reader and decides that she will be his queen. (For anon)
Namor x retired Avenger fem!reader - Namor decides that y/n is his soulmate and she will be his, no matter what. (For anon)
Kusuriuri x cat hybrid reader - Daffodil + G1 and W1 feat. noncon (For cassanderasblog)
Possessed!Josh x fem!reader - reader is sent by Carl to use the sedative, and in turn reader gets slightly sedated. NSFW, dubcon. (For miracleslifewithart)
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