#post called Grumpy About The State of the Ceramics
chiropteracupola · 11 months
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kawaiikichi · 5 years
I Like You a Latte (Kagehina)
Hey, you guys! It’s kawaiikichi with a Kagehina one-shot that I’ve had sitting in my notes for a while now. It was actually posted on Fanfic Amino as part of a weekend challenge. I figured I’d return to it, polish it up a bit, and post it here. Plus, there’s a voice at the back of my head that won’t stop nagging me to do so until I actually do it XD
I hope you guys like it!
Title: I Like You a Latte
AU Prompt: "I write a bad pick up line on your cup every time I am your barista" AU
Summary: A chance meeting between a grumpy barista and a cheery ceramics student leads to some budding feelings and a whole lot of cheesy pick-up lines.
One-Shot Notes: Kageyama works as a barista; Hinata is a ceramics student and also attends the same university as Kageyama; 543.96 yen is equivalent to $5 and 1631.97 yen is equivalent to $15; there is also a sequel to this, but it’s still being worked on
One-shot is under the cut!
Kageyama never believed in love at first sight.
That is, until he saw a gorgeous orange-haired boy step into Café Karasuno one Thursday morning.
His hair was a touch unruly, but it still looked cute and his large brown eyes had a sparkle to them. He had a thin build and he looked to be at least five foot four.
Kageyama felt like he had been struck by cupid’s bow. How could a boy look this cute?
Kageyama looked to see the boy standing before him at the counter.
"I've been telling you my order for a while now. Do you usually tune your customers out?" he asked.
Kageyama let out an annoyed 'tch'.
The image he began to create of him shattered.
"Are you usually this loud and obnoxious?" he asked, earning a glare from him.
"What?! Do you want to fight?!" the boy snapped.
"Give me your order! I don't have all day, you know!" Kageyama bit out.
"The day just started," the boy narrowed his eyes at Kageyama’s name tag, "Bakageyama!" he shot back.
"Baka...?!" Kageyama shot him a threatening glare as he heard a loud shout from behind.
"Stop bickering with the customers! You're going to scare them away!"
Kageyama shot a look at his manager, Ukai, before groaning, turning back to see that a triumphant smirk had spread across the boy's face.
He really wanted to punch that smirk off his face, but he would really like to keep his job.
"So," he forced a smile on his face, "what was your order again?" he asked, trying to mask how irritated he was with him.
With the way the boy was eyeing him, Kageyama could tell that he was doing a terrible job.
"Hm...you know, I was thinking of getting the peppermint mocha, but now I changed my mind." the boy stated.
"Why the heck would you change your mind?!" Kageyama asked.
"Well, if I changed my mind, then I changed my mind! Simple!" the boy replied.
"Gosh, just give me your damn order already!" Kageyama snapped.
"Goodness gracious, you stupid Bakageyama!" the boy looked at the menu board. "Give me your hazelnut espresso, then!" he snapped.
"Okay, okay, pipe down already!" Kageyama shot back.
The boy pouted.
"How rude..." he grumbled.
The pout on the boy’s face looked so cute that it made Kageyama's heart race and made him forget that he was insulted once again.
"Okay. Your total is going to be 543.96 yen." he said.
"Okay~" the boy declared as he pulled out his wallet from his jeans pocket and he took out some change.
Kageyama took the change from him as he spoke.
"Name?" he asked.
"Hinata." the boy replied.
"Okay. Well, here is your receipt. Your drink will be ready in a bit." Kageyama said, printing off his receipt and handing it to Hinata.
"Okay!" Hinata replied before skipping over to a booth.
Kageyama let out an exasperated sigh as he grabbed for a cup, quickly wrote down Hinata’s name along with what drink he ordered and he began to make his drink. As he brewed his coffee, the door opened and three people stepped in.
The shortest one out of the three looked over at the booth where Hinata was seated and let out a shout.
"Ah! Shouyou!"
"Nishinoya!" Hinata declared as he jumped out of the booth and ran up to the guy who was known as Nishinoya.
They launched themselves into an animated conversation as they made their way over to the booth Hinata was at with the other two people following after them. They sat down in the booth as Nishinoya jabbed at Hinata's side, causing Hinata to let out a loud burst of laughter.
Kageyama resisted the urge to go over there and tell them to shut up as he put a lid on the cup. As he worked, he couldn't help but look back over at him, watching how his eyes sparkled at something that a guy with blond and black hair was showing him.
His eyes are so huge, he thought to himself.
He quickly grabbed for a Sharpie and wrote something down on the other side of the cup and he rested the cup on the counter.
"Hinata!" he called out.
"I'm coming!" Hinata replied as he hopped out of the booth and he skipped over to the counter.
"Is this mine?" he asked.
"Whose coffee would this be, then, idiot?" Kageyama asked.
"Geez, how rude!" Hinata snatched the cup up. "I hope you get cursed by some evil spirit!" he shouted before marching back over to the booth he was at.
Kageyama arched a brow at Hinata's statement.
"Cursed by an evil spirit...?" he snorted. "Like that would scare me..." he muttered.
He watched as Hinata turned his cup and stared at it. Then, his cheeks flushed a bright red. He watched Kageyama with wide eyes, his jaw slightly agape.
"What, what, what?! What is it?!" Nishinoya asked as he snatched the cup from Hinata's grasp and he looked at it.
Kageyama was tempted to groan. From one glance at him, he could tell that this Nishinoya guy was nosy. As soon as Nishinoya opened his mouth, Kageyama knew what he was about to do: read the pick up line that he wrote on the cup for Hinata.
"Do you have a map? I'm getting lost in your eyes." Nishinoya burst into laughter. "Hinata, you just got hit on by the barista!" he exclaimed.
"N-Nishinoya...!" Hinata whined as the guy with blond and black hair took the cup from Nishinoya and he read the pick up line to himself.
"This is way too cheesy." he commented.
"Kenma...! Not you, too!" Hinata complained as he grabbed for the cup and gulped down nearly half of the espresso with a huff.
Kageyama went to assist another customer as he heard Ukai's voice behind him.
"I'm sure you could've come up with a better pick up line than that."
Kageyama finished taking the next customer's order as he let out a sigh.
Today was going to be a long day.
As the weeks went by, Kageyama got to know more and more about Hinata.
Hinata was also a freshman like himself at Karasuno College, which was where he was attending, as well. Hinata was currently studying ceramics and was also on the college's volleyball team as the team's middle blocker.
Kageyama had wanted to continue playing volleyball in college, but because he screwed up his knee during his last high school match, he had no choice but to give that up.
At least volleyball was something that the two of them had in common.
The pick up lines that he kept writing on Hinata's cups also got more cheesy (his coworker and friend Suga would tease him for how cheesy they were and would try to embarrass him in front of Hinata).
Kageyama began to make a peppermint mocha for Hinata as he felt someone nudge his hip lightly. He looked over to see Suga watching him with a devious smile on his face.
"I don't like that look on your face." he commented.
Suga let out a laugh.
"Aw, come on! Are you afraid I'll embarrass you again?" he asked.
"Exactly that." Kageyama replied.
"Well, I won't bother you...much." Suga replied as he went to help a customer.
Kageyama rolled his eyes at Suga's attitude.
If there was one thing that Sugawara Koushi liked doing more than being with Daichi, it was embarrassing Kageyama, especially during moments like these. He had known that Kageyama harbored feelings for Hinata since day one and believed that constantly teasing him about it and reading the pick up line that he had selected for Hinata's cup each day aloud was his top priority.
Heck, Kageyama would consider it Suga's goal in life.
He finished drizzling some hot fudge syrup over the whip cream and he wrote down Hinata's name and drink order as Suga looked over his shoulder.
"Hm..." he watched as Kageyama looked at the list of pick up lines that he was looking at. "I suggest you do the fifth one." he suggested, pointing at the fifth one on the list.
"Where?" Kageyama asked as he read the one that Suga was pointing at.
Are you a parking ticket? Because you've got fine written all over you.
Kageyama's cheeks went bright red.
"Hell no!" he roared, turning on his heel to see Suga laughing, a hand over his stomach.
"Aw, why not? It would drive the point home, you know." Suga said.
Kageyama glared daggers at his friend.
"No, it would not!" Kageyama snapped as he heard Hinata let out a shout.
"Bakageyama! Are you done with my drink yet?!" he called out.
"Of course not, you dumbass!" Kageyama snapped.
"Oh, Kageyama, you are such a terrible liar." Suga looked over at Hinata. "He's almost done! He's just trying to figure out what—" Kageyama slammed a hand over Suga's mouth before he could say anything else.
He swore that with that angelic look on his face, nobody would guess that Suga was actually the devil incarnate.
"Be quiet!" he shouted as Suga took Kageyama's hand off of his mouth.
Hinata arched a brow before hopping up from the booth he was in and he made his way over to the counter.
"Hm? What is it?" he asked.
"It's nothing at all, dumbass!" Kageyama quickly wrote something down on Hinata's cup and he handed it to him. "Take your drink and leave me alone." he said.
"Bakageyama, you totally need to work on changing your mood." Hinata suggested.
"It's Kageyama, you idiot! KA-GE-YA-MA!" Kageyama spelled out for Hinata before reaching over and flicking his forehead.
"Owie!" Hinata whined, his hand flying up to where Kageyama flicked him. He shot him that cute pout that made Kageyama blush before marching back over to the booth.
He watched Hinata take a sip of his mocha as he looked at his cup. He then sputtered, nearly choking on his drink as his cheeks reddened to the point where he looked like a tomato.
"Which one did you put this time?" Suga asked.
Kageyama sighed before pointing at a line on the paper. Suga peeked over Kageyama's shoulder and looked at it.
If you were ground coffee, you'd be espresso because you're so fine.
Suga doubled over with laughter as Kageyama's cheeks took on a rosy red color.
"It's not funny!" he roared.
Suga's laughter subsided after a few minutes, swiping at a tear as he spoke.
"Okay, okay, it's not funny. But, on a serious note," Suga watched him with a serious look on his face, "why not just confess to Hinata already?" he asked.
"No." Kageyama replied almost immediately.
"And why not?" Suga asked.
"Because one, we've only known each other for a month and two, I don't even know if he likes me that way or not!" Kageyama pointed out.
"You won't know that unless you ask him yourself. Who knows, he might like you back." Suga said.
"What makes you think that?" Kageyama asked.
"You know how I'm in the same ceramics program as him, right? Whenever he'd get some spare time, he'd start talking about you." Suga said.
This new information piqued Kageyama's interest.
"What does he say about me?" he asked.
"He says that you have a terrible attitude," Suga watched how Kageyama glowered at him, "but you are also kind. He feels happy whenever you write those pick up lines for him and his heart flutters whenever you stare at him. He has fun each time you guys talk about volleyball and he really likes getting to know you." Suga explained.
Kageyama stared at Suga for a long while, rendered speechless by his words.
"Look, just give it a try, okay? Who knows, it may go in your favor." Suga suggested.
Kageyama huffed out a sigh as he looked over at Hinata. Their eyes met for a split second before Hinata went back to drinking his mocha, his cheeks still flushed a bright red.
"I'll think about it."
"So, what are you going to order this time?" Kageyama asked Hinata one Saturday afternoon.
"I'll take a peppermint mocha, Nishinoya will have a decaf coffee, Kenma will have a caramel espresso, and Kuroo will also have a decaf coffee!" Hinata chirped.
"Okay, so that'll be 1631.97 yen." Kageyama said.
"Okay!" Hinata declared as he took out his debit card and swiped it, typing in his pin. Kageyama printed off his receipt and he handed it to Hinata.
"Here’s your card back. Your order will be ready shortly." Kageyama said.
"Alright, Kageyama!" Hinata chirped before heading over to the booth that he usually occupied with Nishinoya, Kenma, and Kuroo.
Kageyama's heart raced at the way his name rolled off of Hinata's tongue. He quickly shook that feeling off as he reached for four cups and he began to brew two decaf coffees. As those were brewing, he wrote Hinata and Kenma's names on their cups. He looked at Hinata's cup, sighing.
After three days of debating whether or not to confess to Hinata, he decided to just do it. If he got rejected, then he got rejected. He could move on and stay friends with Hinata if he would allow it.
He finished brewing the two decaf coffees and he started on Kenma and Hinata's drinks. He finished brewing them moments later and he added whip cream along with a hot fudge drizzle on Hinata's mocha. He took a deep breath as he uncapped his Sharpie.
He looked over his shoulder to see Suga giving him a thumbs up and mouthing out a "you can so do this."
He stared at Hinata's cup before writing down his confession on the cup.
"Ooooh, let me see what you put." Suga said as he looked at the cup.
Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte.
Suga grinned.
"That's perfect, even if it is just a touch bit cheesy." he said.
He then winked at Kageyama.
"Good luck!" he chirped before going to help a customer at the pastry display case.
Kageyama sighed before putting the four cups into a four cup holder tray and he put it on the counter.
"Hinata!" he called out.
Well, here it is. The moment of truth, he thought to himself as Hinata bounded over to the counter.
Hinata picked up the tray and smiled.
"Thanks!" he chirped before going back over to the booth.
He distributed the drinks out to everyone and they began to drink, talking and laughing about various things. Nishinoya then pointed the line out on Hinata's cup and Hinata looked at it. Kageyama watched as Hinata's cheeks went red, a hand flying over his mouth. He then looked at Kageyama, causing Kageyama to quickly look away and tend to a customer.
Shit. I hope I didn’t react weirdly, he thought to himself as he took down the customer's order.
He went over to the display case as took out a raspberry scone. He handed it to the woman who ordered it and she walked off as he heard a loud shout.
"Oi, Kageyama!"
"What now—" he felt Hinata grab for his shirt and he yanked him towards him. And then, he felt a pair of lips press against his own.
Hinata's lips felt so soft and warm that it made Kageyama felt like he was floating on cloud nine. The taste of peppermint and chocolate was so intoxicating that Kageyama had to restrain himself from poking his tongue out and licking at Hinata's lips to taste more of it.
Hinata pulled away from the kiss moments later. Kageyama watched him in surprise as Hinata beamed up at him.
"I like you a latte, too!" he chirped.
Almost instantly, Kageyama's cheeks turned as red as a stop light. Hinata couldn't help but giggle as he poked at Kageyama's cheek.
"So, if you'd like, then I'll be willing to be your boyfriend." he said.
Kageyama just couldn't handle it anymore. He was just so damn cute with those flushed cheeks, purses lips, and huge, doe-like eyes that he couldn't help it.
Kageyama leaned back over the counter and pressed a kiss to Hinata's cheek. Hinata's eyes went wide as Kageyama spoke.
"O-Of course I'd date you!" he diverted his gaze. "Why wouldn't I...?" he stammered out.
Hinata blinked his eyes twice before speaking.
"Okay!" he then looked at him. "Ah, could you possibly make me a vanilla espresso?" he asked.
"Sure." Kageyama replied as he reached for a cup and he began to make Hinata's drink. He finished it a couple of minutes, wrote on it, and handed it to Hinata.
"It's on the house. Don't tell Ukai I did that." he said.
"Okay, I won't." he looked at his cup. "Hm, I wonder what kind of pick up line you wrote on here this time..." he muttered as he read what Kageyama wrote.
What he had written down this time made Hinata blush all the way up to his ears.
I love you, Hinata Shouyou.
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itsworn · 6 years
Pro Touring 1969 Camaro With All The Trimmings
Ed Borges has always loved fast cars and early on had been a Formula 1 crazy. His family left Portugal in 1969 to come to the United States, clearly expecting that it was the way to a better future. They weren’t wrong. When he came to America “we got a TV set where I could watch racing on the Wide World of Sports.”
Time cranked on and this go-fast proclivity was soon manifested in Eddie Marine, his first company. Time continued to crank on and when things began to turn up a bit in 1994, he bought a ’71 Mustang Mach 1 and made it his mule. He gradually restored it and when he kicked off Eddie Motorsports in 2009, it was the first one to assume his billet trim bits and silvery wisdom. His thinking was pure; create a production bolt-on part that looked like a custom one-off part, the likes of which the car-building elite would include with pride. It was Ed’s vision to make that part accessible, affordable, and easy to install.
“It wasn’t until I started Eddie Motorsports that I really got into hot rods. Being in the industry and going to Goodguys shows and SEMA, I started to see what guys were building. Seeing our parts on so many high-end builds got me excited,” Ed said.
“I wanted to build an iconic muscle car to showcase our products and I’ve always loved ’69 Camaros. I had purchased a really nice ’67 for the project but my heart just wasn’t in it for that car. I couldn’t get motivated. For the ’69, I hired a local guy to do the body and initial assembly but that didn’t work out so well. Bob Frontino was the one who straightened it up and really got all of the fit and finish and details right. Right now, he’s working on his sixth build for me. I’d put his work up against anybody’s.”
Ed spent a couple of years ripping through lists on the Internet for a decent roller that wouldn’t need a ton of metalwork. He never got a solid hit. In his mind, he reluctantly revisited the ’67 … for a moment or two, until somebody made him a fat offer and he sold it. Quite by accident, an old neighbor of his had a ’69 and wanted to sell it. Ed jumped on it the next day. He said that he probably paid too much, but the body was in great shape.
Though he didn’t know it, the ’69 would be his cherry-buster. “The biggest challenge was enduring the amount of time it took to complete the thing,” he said. “I had never done a body-off restoration. I’m not the most patient person, so I was biding my time and watching the project crawl along. It drove me nuts. When things aren’t progressing the way I think they should, I dive in and make it happen. It’s ironic. The biggest disappointments I initially had with the car were that the original builder was impatient and hadn’t taken the time to finish things correctly,” he quipped. The Camaro gut-punched him, slowed him and showed him that there is no way to move along a custom build until it is the time.
Once separated from the clean body shell, the ’rails got what was coming to them. The frame was sodablasted and then another one of Eddie’s tactical arms called Fusioncoat applied the matte-black sealing paint. Though the Camaro was envisioned as a showcase car and happens to have a Pro Touring aura, it isn’t necessarily one and doesn’t require all the roughest and toughest high-profile equipment that usually attends those cars. Ed just used what made sense to his budget and his sensibilities.
Regardless, he had set up the chassis with drop spindles, put a Pro Touring clip on it, adjustable coilovers, bigger bars, four-piston discs at each point, and then illuminated the silhouette with modular wheels and gummy rubber. When it came to motivation, Ed could have easily bypassed hard-core and settled on a crate engine or some such. No. Bragging rights ruled, said he had to have a Dart SHP small-block turning forged components sucking sustenance through Holley heads. And just when you thought he might convert it to electronic fuel delivery he didn’t, and posted a traditional Holley 750 on the pinnacle instead. Output is 450 lb-ft, just about perfect for energizing the 3,200-pound Camaro’s power-to-weight ratio.
For all his business-like demeanor, Ed’s a comfort creature, too. He wouldn’t do without air conditioning or stereophonic sound. Raul Ledesma put him the seat. He and his Auto Trim shop in Ontario, California, have been making grumpy people happy for decades, like they came in wearing a burlap suit and went out in an old flannel shirt and worn-soft Levis.
The entire point of the exercise was active participation, not mindless cruising or reclining-with-a-cocktail mentality. Ed likes to rev the engine, drop the clutch, and go through the gears just like the rest of us. And like the rest of us, Ed likes to drive, but this isn’t about going long haul or anything like it. For him, it’s tooling local, checking the scene, and making mental notes; wherever he’d be going he wouldn’t need an overdriven top gear, much less a sixth one. He went no further than a five-speed capable of 600 lb-ft.
So, beyond the hyperbole and the rhetoric, Ed really has created a maintainable idea that will still be pertinent years from 2018. It’s his palette piece and one that he will keep replenishing as his scope continues to expand. Not many of us can say that. CHP
Tech Check
Owner: Ed Borges, Rancho Cucamonga, California
Vehicle: 1969 Camaro
Type: Dart Machinery SHP cylinder block
Displacement: 372 ci
Compression Ratio: 9.9:1
Bore: 4.125 inches
Stroke: 3.480 inches
Cylinder Heads: Holley, steel 2.02/1.60 valves, 68cc combustion chambers
Rotating Assembly: Forged steel crankshaft, forged I-beam connecting rods w/ 3/8-inch bolts, hypereutectic pistons w/ full-floating pins, Clevite bearings, Hastings moly ring packs
Valvetrain: Comp aluminum 1.7:1 roller rockers, pushrods, and springs
Camshaft: Comp Extreme Energy 294 hydraulic (0.540/0.562-inch lift; 242/248-deg. duration at 0.050), Eddie Motorsports billet aluminum rocker covers
Induction: Holley intake manifold and 750-cfm carburetor, Eddie Motorsports 14-inch aluminum billet air cleaner
Ignition: PerTronix Ignitor III and 8mm primary wires
Exhaust: Doug’s shorty headers, 1 5/8-inch primaries, ceramic coated, Flowmaster U-Fit 3-inch dual pipe kit and 40 series mufflers
Ancillaries: Edelbrock water pump, Derale fans, AutoRad aluminum radiator w/ aluminum core support, Powermaster 170-amp alternator, Eddie Motorsports S-Drive Plus eight-rib serpentine accessory drive and engine dress-up parts
Machine Work: Dart Machinery (short-block); Westech Performance (Mira Loma, CA)
Built By: Short-block by Dart Machinery; cylinder head prep, camshaft install, and dyno test by Westech Performance
Output (at the crank): 480 hp at 5,400 rpm, 450 lb-ft at 4,800 rpm
Transmission: TREMEC TKO600 five-speed, American Powertrain billet steel flywheel, 11-inch American Powertrain Science Friction clutch assembly w/ ceramic disc
Rear Axle: GM 12-bolt, Auburn Gear limited-slip differential, 3.73:1 gears, stock axles, American Powertrain driveshaft
Front Suspension: Speedtech 2-inch drop spindles, Speedtech Pro Touring clip, Viking adjustable coilover shocks w/ Classic Performance Products springs, CPP 1-inch antisway bar
Rear Suspension: Viking adjustable coilover shocks w/ CPP springs, CPP 7/8-inch antisway bar
Brakes: Wilwood 12-inch rotors, four-piston calipers, front and rear; Wilwood master cylinder
Wheels & Tires
Wheels: Boze Victory 18×8 front, 18×10 rear
Tires: Nitto NT555 245/40 front, 285/35 rear
Upholstery: Raul’s Auto Trim (Ontario, CA)
Material: Vinyl/suede
Seats: TMI Sport R Pro-Series
Steering: Unisteer rack, Eddie Motorsports Racer billet wheel
Shifter: American Powertrain Revolution mechanism w/ Eddie Motorsports billet aluminum stick
Dash: Stock w/ National Parts Depot Naugahyde, Eddie Motorsports billet dash insert
Instrumentation: AutoMeter American Muscle
Audio: Kenwood Excelon KDX-X300 head unit, 6×9-inch rear speakers
HVAC: Classic Auto Air
Bodywork: Paul Smoot, PSI Auto Body (Ontario, CA)
Paint By: Paul Smoot
Paint: PPG Cyber Gray Metallic w/ Glamour clearcoat
Hood: Classic Industries 2-inch cowl steel
Grille: Camaro Central Retrofit RS
Bumpers: Classic Industries
The post Pro Touring 1969 Camaro With All The Trimmings appeared first on Hot Rod Network.
from Hot Rod Network https://www.hotrod.com/articles/pro-touring-1969-camaro-trimmings/ via IFTTT
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