#post earthquake cat grooming.
witchycoraline · 6 years
status: open location: hermosa county animal shelter
“C’mere, slug,” she said, pulling the smokey colored cat back to her lap. “You gotta look pretty if you want some old crow to take you home one of these days.” Coraline sat crisscross in the middle of the small room, brushing this conniving cat’s long, somewhat matted fur. “Of course, I’d take you home just like this,” she mused, running her fingers along the slowly smoothing coat. “But, you know Mrs. B hates cats.” Something in her said red flag, something louder said IGNORE IT. Coraline was half-cat herself, she figured. She seemed to occupy the same wavelength as these sneaky, slinky little guys: their eyes and tails alert, their little legs always poised to run. Coraline knew about running.
The cat relaxed in her lap, succumbing to the kneading motions supplied by Coraline’s brush and fingers. “Maybe you can be my psychic’s assistant,” she whispered. “What kind of witch doesn’t have a cat?” The handful of other cats in this small room continued on ignoring them. They slept like the dead on cat towers in the corner, they investigated their food bowls like they were considering the threat of poison.
Something opened the glass door then, and her psychic’s assistant went bounding for the exit. She couldn’t blame him, but there was someone she could blame. “What are you, some kind of vigilante whose idea of justice is letting cats loose in an overcrowded and understaffed animal shelter?” Of course, the rest of the cats had only ignored the door and the gray blob running toward it. Still, Coraline had spent the better part of the hour trying to brush this cat’s hair, and as soon as she’d managed to keep him still - voilà. “You better have a good reason,” she said, standing from her spot in the center of the room, and stepping forward in attempt to grab the cat back.
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dear-space-cadet · 5 years
character questions for sio <3
hi! I was talking about my WIP with @baconkat02 and decided to do character questions for all the sio characters. it took me about two hours to finish the first one (and I cut some questions out!) so expect these to come very slowly. anyway,
character questions: Andy
Name: Andreas
Nickname: Andy
Reason for name: there was an earthquake on the day his mom found out she was pregnant with him — so technically he’s named after the San Andreas Fault Line. I chose his name as a character because I used to have a song called San Andreas
Birthday: January 14th
Age: 23
Gender: male
Place of birth: a small town in California
Places lived since: he moved to the east coast for school
Number of siblings: Andy has two younger sisters
Relationship with family (close? estranged?): they are very close
Happiest memory: this is really funny because he doesn’t have any! but if he did, it would be going to Argentina to visit Valencia’s family. when she shows Andy a photo from the trip, he stares at it for hours and eventually puts it on the bulletin board in his room. he wants to remember.
Height: 5’11
Weight: before the brain injury around 170lb but now about 130lb
Build: usually pretty average but he lost a lot of weight in the hospital
Nationality: American but his heritage is from Slovakia
Disabilities (physical or mental, including mental illnesses): Andy has most of the symptoms associated with moderate brain injuries, but most notably, he has an incredibly slow long term memory (it can take him weeks to remember an event) and a severely impaired short term memory.
Complexion (freckles, acne, skin tone, birth marks): Andy has very very pale skin after his brain injury and it makes him look much more sick than he needs to look
Hair color: reddish brown
Usual hair style: he doesn’t really know to do anything with his hair but Valencia fixes it up for him when they go out
Eye color: pale blue
Glasses? Contacts?: no
Style of dress/typical outfit(s): he likes funky patterned shirts but has been sticking to just hoodies for now
Typical style of shoes: usually cool sneakers like Vans or something
Health (is this person usually sick? or very resilient?): he can get sick easily but that doesn’t happen often
Grooming (does she/he wear makeup? shower daily? wear only clean clothes? pluck her eyebrows?): before his brain injury, Andy was always very clean and put together, but after, he can’t remember to take care of himself. he still stays clean because Valencia helps him and eventually he remembers to take care of himself
Jewelry? Tattoos? Piercings?: none
Accent?: usually he just has a plain American accent but when he came back from the hospital in St Petersburg he developed a slight Russian accent and it is very, very cute
Unique mannerisms/physical habits (bites nails, talks with hands, taps feet when restless): he balls up his hands when he gets excited
Athletic?: no
Level of self esteem: Andy is very frustrated with himself so he has a low level of self esteem
Gifts/talents: Andy is a very good listener and will always know how to help his friends. he loves making people happy
Shortcomings: to be completely honest not knowing what’s going on around you 95% of the time is a pretty big shortcoming
Style of speech (loud, mumbler, articulate, etc.): post-brain injury, Andy’s speech is so slurred and mixed up that it’s difficult to understand him.
"Left brain” or “right brain” thinker?: definitely right brain
Artistic?: VERY!! he loves drawing and painting.
Mathematical?: kind of
Makes decisions based mostly on emotions, or on logic?: a mix of both
Cautious or daring?: cautious
Most sensitive about/vulnerable to: comments about his disability
Optimist or pessimist?: optimist but it’s been hard to tell lately
Extrovert or introvert?: introvert
Level of comfort with technology: he’s quite comfortable! technology actually helps him a bit, for example, having all of his contacts organized helps him learn names
Current marital/relationship status: single :P
Sexual orientation: I really don’t know... probably straight tbh
Past relationships: he dated a girl in high school and has had on and off feelings for Valencia since then
Story of first kiss (if any—if not, how does he/she want it to happen?): well actually he can’t remember it
A social person? (popular, loner, some close friends, makes friends and then quickly drops them): before his brain injury he was very social but after he is more withdrawn and doesn’t like socializing
Most comfortable around (person): Matt
Oldest friend: Valencia
How does he/she think others perceive him/her?: he assumes that no one thinks of him as a person anymore
How do others actually perceive him/her?: no one really minds his disabilities but they do baby him often
Profession: Andy wants to be a journalist or work for a news station
Past occupations: record store employee, temporary bassist in The Satellites after Spence sustained a wrist injury
Passions: art, writing
(Every character—no matter how minor—should always have secrets!)
Phobias: Andy has an irrational fear of having to fight his clone
Life goals: Andy’s life goal is to recover from his brain injury as much as he can
Dreams: Andy wants to be perfectly happy and healthy and doing what he wants to do
Greatest fears: Andy’s greatest fear is that he will never get better.
Most ashamed of: Andy is most ashamed of his physical and mental state after his brain injury, especially his lack of ability to speak and take care of himself
Most embarrassing thing ever to happen to him/her: he gets embarrassed whenever he needs help — which is most of the time. he can’t do most of the things he used to be able to do
Secret skills: Andy is incredibly good at origami even after his brain injury. it’s like his muscle weakness switches off and BOOM origami crane. but he can’t pick up a spoon
Crimes committed (and was he/she caught? charged?): none
What he/she most wants to change about his/her current life: Andy wants to recover and return to how he was before his brain injury. that’s really his main concern and he’s always so frustrated because he can’t change anything right now
What he/she most wants to change about his/her physical appearance: he just wants to look happy and healthy again
Night owl or early bird?: night owl for sure. Andy is a big fan of movie nights when Valencia and her friends re-introduce him to his favorite movies and TV shows to see if he can remember anything from them (he can!!)
Light or heavy sleeper?: light. he is woken up very easily
Favorite food: orange juice!!!
Least favorite food: Mac and cheese. he had it every day for months while Valencia was trying to figure out something that would fix his memory. luckily he asked if they could have something else for dinner one night and that’s how Valencia realized he was beginning to remember
Coffee or tea?: coffee
Crunchy or smooth peanut butter?: smooth
Lefty or righty?: righty
Favorite color: green
Cusser?: no
Smoker? Drinker? Drug user?: no
Biggest regret: I don’t really think he has any
Pets?: a white cat named Lux
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Links 8/8/19
Digital Elixir Links 8/8/19
Earthquake caught on ��cat cam’ BBC
Meet ‘Squawkzilla,’ the massive prehistoric parrot scientists say terrorized other birds Washington Post (Kevin W)
The ‘warspeak’ permeating everyday language puts us all in the trenches The Conversation
Earth’s last magnetic field reversal took far longer than once thought PhysOrg (David L)
“Qutrit” Experiments Are a First in Quantum Teleportation Scientific American (David L)
Battery-Powered Ships Next Up In Battle To Tackle Emissions Bloomberg
Too many female doctors go part-time or stop working — why that’s a big problem MarketWatch (resilc)
Article 370: Pakistan to Downgrade Diplomatic Ties With India The Wire (J-LS)
Britain’s luxury property market remains under pressure as million-dollar homes sell at a bargain https://t.co/asX5T8wHsb
— Bloomberg (@business) August 8, 2019
Boris Johnson pledges £250m for NHS artificial intelligence Guardian. Kevin W: “After the fiascos of IT and the health system in my own state, I can say that they would be better spending the money on nurse and increasing bed numbers instead. IT here is just a subsidy dumpster.”
These Are The Foods You Might Not Be Able To Buy In A No-Deal Brexit Britain Huffington Post
Charles Lister is promoting the leader of al-Qaeda in Syria as Che Guevara-like in an effort to have Hayat Tahrir al-Sham’s (rebranded AQ) designation as a terrorist organization lifted.
Who in 2001 could’ve imagined that al-Qaeda would have a lobbyist in Washington DC in 2019? pic.twitter.com/GetXm6EmKQ
— Dan Cohen (@dancohen3000) August 7, 2019
Iran is reportedly jamming ship GPS navigation systems to get them to wander into Iranian waters Business Insider (David L)
Dead Aircraft Carrier: What If Iran Sunk a Navy Carrier? National Interest
US Empire Tightens Sanctions On Venezuela And Manning Caitlin Johnstone (UserFriendly)
Big Brother is Watching You Watch
A new lawsuit accuses Apple of violating user’s privacy by allegedly allowing Siri to record without consent Business Insider (David L)
Skype, Slack, Other Electron-Based Apps Can Be Easily Backdoored ars technica
Oops! Twitter ‘sorry’ for sharing user data with advertisers without permission. What’s new? RT (Kevin W)
How AT&T Insiders Were Bribed to ‘Unlock’ Millions of Phones Wired (David L)
Microsoft contractors reportedly listen in on Skype call recordings, often from their own homes Business Insider (David L)
Imperial Collapse Watch
National Guard general who avoided combat in every war since Vietnam retires Duffle Blog
Trump Transition
Trump’s trip to Dayton and El Paso marked by protests, attacks on critics The Hill
Trump turns day of grieving for El Paso and Dayton shooting victims into day of grievances NBC (furzy)
Trump Says There Are Some Very Bad People on Both Sides Atlantic
Iraqi man dies after Trump administration deports him Politico (Kevin W)
Did Russian Interference Affect the 2016 Election Results? Larry J. Sabato’s Crystal Ball. UserFriendly: “Nail in the Russiagate coffin.”
Health Care
A diabetic groom-to-be died after switching to $25 over-the-counter insulin to cut costs. His prescribed insulin cost nearly $1,200. Business Insider (Kevin W)
Covering a @BernieSanders town hall on housing in Northridge
First 3 people told their stories and broke down crying in a room of several hundred. Haven’t seen this on the trail. Bernie told the first person that his folks would get her # and work to help her today. pic.twitter.com/yUT6kDLWQi
— Zohreen (@Zohreen) August 6, 2019
How Elizabeth Warren plans to reboot the farm economy Politico (resilc)
Kamala Harris Has Tulsi Gabbard Arrested Beet Press. UserFriendly: “Better than The Onion.”
California Scrubs Kamala Harris AG Records From Its Website PJMedia (furzy). Anyone could put in a Public Records Act request and the records would have to be provided…but one wonders what stalling tactics they might try.
L’affaire Epstein
Billionaire Leslie Wexner Says Jeffrey Epstein Misappropriated ‘Vast Sums’ From Him Wall Street Journal
The Emerging Republican Majority, 50 Years Later Atlantic
Kansas’ Long Road to Recovery After Years of Severe Budget Cuts Governing
Pacific Standard too:
Really bummed as hell that @GOVERNING is closing down. What a tragedy
— Jeff Stein (@JStein_WaPo) August 8, 2019
Trump quietly used regulations to expand gun access Politico (resilc)
No Terrorist Is A ‘Lone Wolf’ FiveThirtyEight
Black Injustice Tipping Point
Texas police apologise for horseback officers leading black man by rope BBC (resilc)
The Oil Giants Might Finally Pay for Pulling the Biggest Hoax of All Esquire (David L)
How Economists’ Faith in Markets Broke America Atlantic
US yield curve sends strongest recession warning since 2007 Financial Times. Don’t forget the saying: “An inverted yield curve predicted nine of the last five recessions.”
Review: ‘Transaction Man’ and ‘The Economists’ Hour’ Atlantic (UserFriendly)
Why Trade Tariffs and Currency Devaluation Are a Dead End American Conservative (resilc)
Asset Managers With $74 Trillion Are Perched on Brink of Crisis Bloomberg. Important. Wish I had time to write this up. This is a development sorely to be wished since secondary market securities trading is the part of the financial services industry which is the biggest drag on productive activity.
Class Warfare
What the Fight Over Means Testing Is Really About American Prospect
Cities again see more overdose deaths than country towns Associated Press (UserFriendly)
A Scene from “Operation Clean Sweep” in Boston: Crushed Wheelchairs
Even Fixing Wisconsin’s Foxconn Deal Won’t Fix It, Says State-Requested Report The Verge
Antidote du jour. From the Pleasant Lake e-mail, courtesy Lawrence R:
Monarch caterpillar munching on milkweed seed pod. As you probably know, milkweed sap is sticky and very toxic. It doesn’t take much to kill a cow or horse! Yet this is the caterpillar’s primary host plant. Herbivorous insects are very good at detoxifying or sequestering plant chemicals that are there to deter consumption. Little wonder that they quickly evolve resistance to most the the chemicals we invent to kill or deter them from our crops and gardens!
And a bonus. Even though this is a long video by YouTube standards for this genre, it’s become popular in a short period of time. I was particularly taken by the Japanese-ness: the emphasis on the sadness of the cat, the selflessness of the vet, who took pride in her work, and the open sentimentality of the man who rescued her.
See yesterday’s Links and Antidote du Jour here.
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Links 8/8/19
from WordPress https://ift.tt/31pqlvy via IFTTT
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iamnotaprepper · 7 years
Preparing With Pets
Planning With Pets
Let’s be honest: Our culture is weird about pets, and I say this as a devoted animal lover and the owner of several rescue animals.  When talking about emergency preparedness, there are definitely people who will tell you to forget about your pets.  However, in 2016 Americans spent $28.23 billion on food, $14.71 billion on supplies and medicine, $15.95 billion on vet care, and $5.76 billion on grooming and boarding.  That’s in addition to the $2.1 billion we spent on purchasing animals.  So it’s safe to say that collectively, we love our pets, and are willing to go a long way to keep them happy and healthy.
               Even so, it’s important to recognize that you- and only you- are responsible for your pets in the event of an emergency. With human children, it’s safe to assume that rescue organizations, neighbors, and strangers will do what they can to save them.  Don’t make the same assumptions for your pets.  In rescue operations, no organization (NET, Red Cross, National Guard, etc) will endanger or sacrifice human lives to rescue animals.  I think my dog is better company than most people, but even I can admit that it’s the correct policy.
               You need to figure out what you’re willing to do for your pets.  A lot of this stuff is pretty easy- keep some extra pet food and water with your emergency supplies.  Like anything else with prepping for an earthquake, you can really go all out and invest a lot of time, money, and effort to make sure your pets are still living the sweet life after a disaster.  It’s a personal decision.  Generally, these are things I think are important for disaster preparedness regarding pets: 1) Reconnecting with your pet after a disaster
2) What you need for evacuation vs hunkering down
3) Emergency kits for pets
None of this is especially complicated, right?  Obviously, every pet has different needs.  I only really know about cats and dogs, but if you’ve got birds/reptiles/rodents I’m sure you can extrapolate and figure out what you need.  The ASPCA has good general information on pet preparedness, including an app.  The Humane Society has even better guidelines, including more on living in your home with pets after a disaster.
Finding your pets after a disaster
               Your pet is not going to be aware of your emergency plan.  No matter how often the dog and I practice duck and cover, she never seems to take it very seriously.  On top of that, animals are going to be as scared and stressed out as they’ve ever been. They will likely not cooperate with what you want them to do (honestly, my cats won’t cooperate at the best of times). I don’t know of any way to prep for this in terms of training, so my plan is to play it by ear and do the best that I can do.
               If there’s a major earthquake and your house is compromised, DO NOT ENTER YOUR HOME TO FIND YOUR PETS.  I could say something reasonable about not risking your life for your pet, but instead I’ll say something even more reasonable and realistic: if you get injured trying to “rescue” your pet, there will be nobody to help your pet if they find their own way out.  Not all the dangers of a home are immediately visible after an earthquake and aftershocks are an almost-certainty, so reentering your home should only be done with forethought and caution (more on this in the next post).  It’s also extremely likely that your pets escaped from the house if they were at all able and have taken off as fast as four legs can carry them.  Which brings me to my next point:
               MICROCHIP YOUR PETS.  Collars get torn, tags fall off, in general shit happens.  A microchip is like a diamond for your pet- it’s forever. If your pet runs off during an earthquake and winds up at a shelter or other pet-friendly facility, they’ll be scanning for microchips.  Your odds of getting your pet back are infinitely better if they can connect your pet to your contact information, even if you can’t get into touch immediately (if, say, phones are down).  I think this is the most important thing you can for emergency preparedness with pets.
               If your pet disappears after a disaster, you’ll need to do the same things you would do if they dashed off on a normal day. Check out the neighborhood, leave out food and water, and call the local shelters.  It’ll be even more difficult than normal because your pet will be extremely stressed out, but there’s nothing to be done about that.
Evacuation vs Hunkering Down
In a slightly better disaster scenario, evacuation won’t be necessary.  You’ll be able to live on your property, potentially in your home, although likely without power, gas, or running water.  
-          This scenario is way easier on everyone, animals included.  With familiar surroundings and slightly more normal routine, most pets will do fine.  Your cats can use their regular litter, dogs can sleep on their dog beds, cats can sleep wherever the hell they want because that’s what they do anyway.
-          Planning for this is pretty easy.  Keep more of everything on hand.  By now, you’ve selected a place to store your gear that’s most likely to be accessible after an earthquake (not your basement!).  Keep your pet supplies- food, water, litter, leashes, poop bags, etc – where you keep your own stuff.
In the second worse-case scenario after a disaster (the actual worst-case scenario is if you’re dead), your home will be destroyed, on fire, flooded, or otherwise completely uninhabitable and you have to evacuate.  This could mean evacuation to a nearby shelter, or further away to outside the region.  Either way, you’re going to need to be prepared to travel with your pets and live with them in close proximity with other people and animals.
-          This means that dogs need leashes and cats need crates.  Small dogs might do well with crates as well, but there’s a size limit on this because you’re going to need to be able to transport the crate and your animal.  I have trouble imagining even the most mellow cat doing okay on a leash in an evacuation scenario, but you know your pets better than I do so decide accordingly.  Like everything else in your 3-day evacuation kit, you should be able to carry what you need.  
-          If your dog has the potential to be aggressive in highly stressful situations, I’d recommend a muzzle.  I know they’re not popular, but nobody- and I mean nobody- is going to have the patience for a dog that bites a kid in an overcrowded shelter.
Emergency Kits for Pets
Planning for the pets is exactly the same as planning for the people in your family.  Whatever you need day-to-day with your animals, keep a small stockpile.  Here are the things I’ve been able to think of, although I’m sure there’s lots more I haven’t gotten to yet:
-          Food: In case of a scenario where we’re living on our property, we keep an extra bulk bag of cat food and dog food in the garage with our emergency supplies.  When we buy a new bag, we rotate the older bag into use and put the new bag in the garage.
o   In case of evacuation, I’ve been saving those sample packets of pet food that seem to show up at all kinds of events.  They are easy to shove into a bag and take with us.  In a pinch, the dog will eat whatever we’re eating.  The cats are a bit trickier.  Case in point: the dog scarfed down the People-Suet I opened from our evacuation kits, but the cats gave me the cat equivalent of the finger.
-          Water: Same as for people.  Make sure you’ve got some extra set aside, so there will be plenty for you, your family, and your pets.
-          Leash and poop bags: Keep extras in your kit.
-          Litter: In case of evacuation, you’re going to need to think about this for the cats if you plan to take them with you.  This is going to be way easier for a car-evacuation scenario than a walking-evacuation scenario.  Our cats definitely prefer their fancy enclosed litter box, but they’ll use an aluminum pan from the dollar store with some litter in it in a pinch.
-          Crate: We’ve got one crate we can shove both the cats into.  Our cats get along fine, so that’s not a problem.  Mileage will vary depending on your animals.  We don’t have a crate for the dog, since she’s got the leash to keep her close by.
-          Meds, if your pets take regular medication: Keep extras in your emergency gear.  Just like the food (or people meds), rotate out when you get a new batch.  This is way easier than for pets than people, because you’re generally not dealing with insurance companies.  You just have to shell out a bit more once and then you’re all set.  If your pet takes a controlled substance (like my dog’s arthritis medication), just talk to your vet about helping you out with the prescription so you can have an extra few weeks on hand.  
 Pretty easy, right? Here are two additional things that I came across:
Pet first aid.  This is beyond my preparedness ability right now.  Maybe I’ll get around to it eventually, but it’s not my highest priority. I also have no idea if there’s some kind of certification agency for pet first aid, the way that the Red Cross offer CPR and [people] first aid.  DoveLewis offers free classes that require signup ahead of time.  I know nothing about this group but they also offer classes in the Portland area.
Rescue Alert Stickers.  The ASPCA offers these free window stickers that are supposed to alert rescue people that there are pets inside that might need rescuing.  Honestly, I’m not sure what this is supposed to do.  After a major earthquake, we’re going to have so little manpower [peoplepower?  It is 2017, after all] and so much ground to cover in terms for search-and-rescue.  I’m not sure how it’s all going to play out, but I don’t see myself charging into buildings to save animals that may or may not be inside. I’m not sure what kind of information they’re supposed to provide for other types of disaster scenarios.  Maybe other people can fill me in on this. Anyway, they’re free so I ordered one for our house.
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toldnews-blog · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/technology/entertainment/vows-the-writer-anne-lamott-gets-to-the-happily-ever-after-part/
Vows: The Writer Anne Lamott Gets to the Happily-Ever-After Part
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The writer Anne Lamott recently sat in the living room of her Fairfax, Calif., house, wearing her signature dreadlocks, a loose cotton shirt and baggy jeans (skinny jeans are definitely not her style). At 65, she was about to get married for the first time.
When asked why she stayed single so long, she replied that she was shy and introverted and hated leaving the house, particularly for parties.
“If I go to a party, I become a Roz Chast character with my arms hanging at my sides and I feel like I’m developing a tic,” said Ms. Lamott, who has published 18 memoirs and novels, many about being a recovering alcoholic, single mother, incessant worrier and late-in-life churchgoer.
Yet in recent years, she found herself admitting to friends and fans (otherwise known as “Annieholics”) that a good marriage was the one thing she wanted but had not achieved. So she joined OurTime, a matchmaking site for people over 50, and forced herself to go on dates and make small talk. “Then, I saw this really handsome, soulful guy on OurTime and he was like me,” she said. “He was hard-core left wing, an intellectual, spiritual seeker.”
His name was Neal Allen, and she contacted him in August 2016. He promptly wrote back: “You rejected me already!”
He reminded her that they had exchanged messages on the site a few months earlier, but she had stopped communicating with him after learning he was allergic to cats (she sleeps with hers, which could also explain why she hadn’t found a partner sooner). Mr. Allen, 63, had left his job as a vice president for marketing at the McKesson Corporation in San Francisco to become a writer. He lived alone in a house in the woods in Lagunitas, Calif., and he had a wide range of interests that included Plato, bluegrass music, the New Testament and Vipassana meditation. He sounded much cooler than she remembered. “I said, ‘Take me back! Take me back!’” she said.
On Aug. 30, 2016, they met for coffee at the Two Bird Cafe in San Geronimo, halfway between their homes. “My first impression was that he was so handsome and I loved his nose,” she said.” We were just jamming. Life, God, books, movies. Life, God, books, movies.”
Mr. Allen, who was divorced twice and has four children, loved her “casual prettiness, “trippy dreads,” “kissable lips” and willingness to tell him everything, absolutely everything, about herself. “That kind of openness, it was like being sucked into a spider web,” he said.
The coffee date was followed, she said, by a “period of not only being in love but being sickeningly in love, it being like a mental illness.”
They spent every day together. They had long, heart-to-heart talks on her secondhand couch about things like how to approach death more mindfully or mistakes they’d made in the past as parents and as lovers. They took daily walks, either on the many trails that cover Mount Tamalpais, or up and down the aisles of Good Earth, a health food emporium in Fairfax, where they invariably bought too much chocolate. He said the only downside of falling in love with Ms. Lamott was that he gained 17 pounds in the first six months.
In some ways, they are opposites. She is afraid of almost everything, whereas he’s afraid of almost nothing. “It never occurs to me that anything will go wrong,” he said. Whenever she got overly anxious about a deadline, or climate change, or whether that shaking sensation was an earthquake, Mr. Allen made a cheese omelet for her. “Neal cooks, he cleans and yet he’s still a man’s man,” said Annette Lopez-Lamott, Ms. Lamott’s sister-in-law. “He respects women and that was very important to Annie who’s very power to the people, women’s rights.”
Crucially, Mr. Neal said, they got each other’s jokes “95 to 98 percent” of the time. “I have never, ever spent time with somebody as funny, as brilliantly funny,” he said. “Living with Annie is like being in a comedy sketch.”
Seven months after their first date, they bought a dilapidated house on a narrow, hidden lane in Fairfax. Now renovated, the house is airy and uncluttered inside, like a sentence with all the extra words removed. Ms. Lamott has her first new couch (all the others have been hand-me-downs) where she and Mr. Allen spend their evenings watching the news on television, dissecting the news, eating dinner and bingeing on dark Scandinavian movies, which they both love. “The level of brown bear-like comfort we find in each other is just amazing,” she said.
There’s also a renovated barn behind the house where her son, Sam Lamott, 29, and grandson, Jax Lamott, 9, live part time. When asked if everyone gets along, Ms. Lamott said, “It’s kind of like a wedding where there are all these disparate elements and you just hope there’s enough love and compromise that everything will work out fine, and most of the time it does.”
On Aug. 30, 2018, exactly two years after their first date, Mr. Allen pressed the pause button while they watching the United States Open and proposed.
They were married April 13 at Deer Park Villa, an events space near their house, in a redwood grove with Christmas lights swooping between the trees. The 150 guests were asked to “dress happily” and the Grateful Dead song, “Ripple,” played through speakers as the wedding party, ranging in ages from 9 to 80-plus, entered the grove in no particular order and at no particular pace. There was the sense that anybody could have joined them if they wanted to.
The tall bridegroom towered over everyone, looking somewhat like a basketball player in a black suit, while the bride wore a calf-length white dress she bought on eBay, Mary Jane shoes and a furry white cardigan.
The ceremony reflected the couple’s idiosyncratic patchwork of spiritual and political interests. The officiant, the Rev. William Rankin, an Episcopal minister and a founder of the Global AIDS Interfaith Alliance, read a passage from the benediction at Barack Obama’s 2009 inauguration, pushing for racial equality, global peace and turning tractors into tanks. Jack Kornfield, a Buddhist meditation teacher, presented the couple with his version of a “ring,” a Tibetan singing bowl and a wooden mallet. He suggested they tap the bowl and listen to its ring whenever they had a “How did I get into this feeling?” mood as husband and wife.
The Rev. Tom Weston, a Jesuit priest, also stood with the couple. He didn’t speak much, but he did exude a kind of fatherly benevolence, as he does in some of the bride’s memoirs.
Sam Lamott, the man of honor, read an E.E. Cummings poem; and Marina Allen, a daughter of the groom, sang “Let Me,” a sweet, quirky love song she wrote for the couple.
The bride and bridegroom each took out a piece of paper, and their reading glasses, and recited the vows they had written. Hers were neither writerly nor weighty. She just made a few simple observations like, “Your love has given me permission to be softer, wilder and more real.” His were also spare, mere brush strokes of promises and intentions. “I’d very much like to continue our exploration of love indefinitely,” he said politely, as if he were asking her to dance. The couple have a light touch with everything, especially each other. Out in public, friends said, she’ll just barely hold on to his belt loop, or his sleeve.
They left the grove to the Van Morrison song, “Into the Mystic.” Meg Lundstrom, a longtime friend of the bridegroom, said afterward, “I’ve been telling my friends that the smartest person I know is marrying the kindest person I know but I don’t know which is which.”
Everyone gathered inside the “villa,” a rustic house next to the grove, for dinner at long tables that were decorated with pink paper runners and colorful leis. It looked like a child’s birthday party.
Laura Neely catered the dinner, along with her staff of mostly middle-age women who called themselves “the old gangster catering crew.” Ms. Neely said she particularly admired Ms. Lamott for not leaping into marriage, until now. “Getting married now is the best thing ever because that’s for sure going to be your toe-tag husband,” she said.
Now that Ms. Lamott has found her lifelong partner, does she have any advice for those who might still be looking? “If you’re paying attention and making your own life as beautiful and rich and fun as it can be, you might just attract someone who’s doing the same thing,” she said. “You can give up on tracking someone down with your butterfly net.”
A natural cheerleader, especially for underdogs, she also posted this on her Facebook page: “Never give up, no matter how things look or how long they take. Don’t quit before the miracle.”
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funnycutcats · 6 years
Ancient Egyptian Cats
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Ancient Egyptian Cats
No one knows exactly when cats were first domesticated but some of our earliest recorded instances of feline domestication come from ancient Egypt cats. Cats probably started out as useful servants, protecting the household from pests, but in Egypt, they graduated into the role of pampered companions. Many Egyptian statues show sleek, well-groomed cats, often adorned with elaborate jewelry. As the civilization along the Nile evolved, so did the role of the cat. Cats became associated with a number of gods and goddesses, particularly Bastet. With its status in association with the deities, the cat began to be worshipped also. The murder of a cat was a capital offense, and cats were mummified at death. Domestication On the island of Cyprus, in the Mediterranean Sea, archaeologists have found the bones of cats, mice, and humans jumbled together in sites that date to around 6,000 BC. Because all three species appear on the island at the same time, scientists have concluded that the humans likely brought the other two with them. The free-loading mice probably stowed away on the boats, riding along in stored grain or other supplies, and it seems likely the settlers brought the cats with them for the express purpose of controlling those same mice. No one knows exactly when people began to domesticate animals, but no doubt it happened some time, and possibly a very long time, before that first verifiable instance on Cyprus. Young animals have always held considerable appeal for humans, so it's not hard to imagine that early hunters might have found orphaned offspring of the ancestors of today's housecats and taken them home to raise. Since young animals tend to bond with whoever is providing the food, domestication wouldn't be far behind. It's also possible that some varieties of wildcat may have hung around human settlements to share in the food available, and gradually were accepted and even fed, as they demonstrated their usefulness in helping to hunt small animals, protecting stores from vermin, and discouraging snakes. Onto Egypt and cat One of the most highly developed civilizations of the pre-Christian era hugged the Nile river basin of northwest Africa. Because the Nile flooded, regularly and reliably, leaving behind highly fertile soil, the residents of that area had the unprecedented luxury of being able to produce food in quantities well beyond basic subsistence level. The excess could support people working in nonfood-producing endeavors and eventually led them to development of a class system where wealth and power began to concentrate in certain families. By 2000 BC, the ancient Egyptians had domesticated a variety of animals, including not just the useful cattle and pigs, but cats, dogs, monkeys, and some birds, as well. Initially, the animals probably remained outdoors but were fed and cared for by people in return for the practical services they could offer. The dogs were hunters and shepherds. The cats, no doubt, earned their keep by eliminating vermin. From Pet to Prima Donna
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Ancient Egyptian Cats Within a few hundred years, Egyptian cats had moved beyond being just useful servants and were firmly established as companion animals, sharing house and hearth, especially in richer families. The New Kingdom, which began around 1550 BC, was a time of great wealth and power. Domesticated pets became common in households that could afford them. Considerable evidence shows that some cats, at least, had a pretty soft time of it. Some of the things those wealthy Egyptians had resources for were writing, painting and carving. Since they liked to create elaborately decorated tombs, they have left us extensive documentation of their history, politics and daily lives, and cats feature largely in that record. A variety of tomb paintings and carvings feature scenes involving people and their pets, especially dogs and cats. Cats are shown in both semi-realistic and satirical poses. In Thebes, archaeologists have discovered a number of tomb-reliefs depicting cats crouched or sitting beneath chairs. Other images include some very plump cats, a cat eating a fish, a cat hunting with its master and grasping a goose in its paws, and many studies of cats just sitting in repose. A number of statuary pieces of cats survive, and they tend to show sleek, well-groomed, well-fed felines, frequently adorned with elaborate jewelry, including nose rings, earrings, collars, and pectoral plates. So far as anyone can tell, cats rarely had personal names but were most often called by the onomatopoeic generic name, Miu. Becoming a God No written records tell us exactly when or how cats became associated with the Egyptian deities, but it seems not to have taken very long (in historical terms, at least; perhaps around 500 years). Two goddesses, in particular, became associated with cats: Sekhmet, a lion-headed goddess, and Bastet, a cat goddess. They were, at times, considered twins and earlier images of Bastet show her also as having the head of a lion, though later she would always have a cat's head. Although both goddesses were associated with the sun, Sekhmet was always considered the fiercer of the two, being linked to the strong destructive heat of the desert rays, while Bastet represented the nurturing, life-giving aspect of solar warmth. Cats' earliest association with the deities of ancient Egypt probably began with Isis, but the link was cemented in Bastet, the daughter of Isis and Osiris. Because Egyptian deities had a confusing tendency to develop, overlap, fade into each other, or become associated with different ideas in different places, both Isis and Osiris were variously sun, moon or earth deities, and Sekhmet and Bastet sometimes seem interchangeable, depending on time and location. In her capacity as a sun-goddess, Bastet also represented fertility, motherhood, and beauty. Bastet generally is depicted as a woman with the head of a cat, including long, sharply pointed ears. She wears a long, clingy gown and frequently carries a basket, an aegis (a small shield, sometimes bearing the head of a lion) and/or a sistrum (a kind of rattle or a musical instrument). The basket may have kittens in it, the sistrum frequently has cats carved on it, and kittens may be gamboling about the goddess's feet. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Animals were never officially considered deities themselves, but they were often believed to be the embodiment of a deity, a role the cat served for Bastet (also known as Bast or Pasht). The distinction was difficult for the public to grasp, and the worship of cats became common. A bronze figure shows an Egyptian priest kneeling in worship before a very large cat wearing a great deal of gold jewelry. Archaeological exploration has turned up numerous amulets of bronze, ivory, terra cotta, and lapis lazuli, among other materials, made in the form of a cat or bearing the image of a cat. Bubastis and the Festival The cult of Bastet and the concomitant worship of cats reached its height around 950 BC when Bastet began to take precedence over other Egyptian gods and goddesses. The main temple and center of worship of Bastet were at the city of Bubastis on the Nile delta. The Greek historian Herodotus sometimes called the "Father of History" for his attempts to create an unprecedented written historical record, visited Bubastis and the temple of Bastet around 450 BC. His accounts provide a vivid description of the temple and the annual festival held there at the time. Excavations at Bubastis (now known as Tell Bastra) near the modern industrial city of Zagazig, have tended to confirm Herodotus's accounts of the area. Bastet's temple is described as a magnificent red granite building, built in the form of a square. Walls carved with elaborate figures surrounded the sacred enclosure, a grove of huge trees, at the center of which stood a statue of Bastet. Sacred cats lived inside the shrine and were ritually fed. The location of the temple is still clear today, but unfortunately, it appears that the main building was destroyed in antiquity, possibly by either an earthquake or foreign invasion. Centuries' worth of the debris of later occupation has mostly buried the ruins, and excavation of the area has also involved untangling masses of huge stone blocks fallen on each other. The results have justified the effort, as archaeologists have uncovered magnificent pieces of monumental statuary, smaller scale carvings, and other fabulous works of art, hinting at the overwhelming sight the temple must have been in its prime. Little is known of the rituals of the temple, but Herodotus gives a detailed account of the annual festival, describing it as the most important and popular of the "sacred assemblies." Thousands of people evidently made a pilgrimage to Bubastis for the festival, often traveling by boat along the Nile. (As many as 700,000, according to Herodotus, who has long been suspected of occasionally exaggerating for effect.) Along the way, and on their arrival, the pilgrims celebrated with music, singing, dancing, sacrifice, and consumption of large quantities of wine. Post Death Experiences As a sacred animal, the death of a cat was serious business. When a household cat died, its Egyptian owners would shave their eyebrows in mourning and take the body to an embalmer for preservation. Entire graveyards devoted to cats have been found along the Nile, and elaborately wrapped, mummified cats show up regularly in tombs. Of course, cats weren't alone in being accorded this honor, as the mummified remains of other animals, including birds, dogs, baboons, and crocodiles, attest. But the cats seem to have had a special place in the hearts of the people. Egyptians took the connection of cats with the goddess so seriously that the murder of a cat was a capital offense. A Roman soldier who killed a cat was promptly lynched by the outraged locals. Their neighbors noticed the Egyptians' reverence for cats, and at least one group, the Persians, are rumored to have taken advantage of it. The story goes that at one time when they lay siege to an Egyptian fort, the Persian king ordered his troops to throw live cats over the walls. The unnerved Egyptians reportedly then allowed the city to be captured by the invaders rather than risk injury to the sacred animals. Postscript: Turnaround
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Ancient Egyptian Cats Perhaps the saddest irony of the importance and stature of cats in the days of ancient Egypt was contained in a CNN report from Gayle Young in Cairo, Egypt, on May 18, 1996. These days, according to the report, rampant poverty has meant that few Egyptians keep pets of any sort, and as a result, the cats of present-day Cairo are mostly homeless and forage in garbage dumps and the crowded streets of the city, begging for handouts and scrounging a meager living. It's a sad come-down for an animal that used to be draped in gold and jewels and even venerated as a god. But their plight also illustrates one of the cat's most basic attributes. Whether considered a god or garbage-picker, the cat is a survivor. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || ).push({}); Follow us on : Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest Read the full article
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petsupplyandmore · 6 years
Prime Locations to Go to in California with Your Canine
With panorama extending from scenic ocean views to mountain panoramas and the beautiful redwood forests, California has a unprecedented vary of topography to its identify. This comes with many alternatives and selections for the individuals in California to exit and luxuriate in probably the most of this magical state. California can be a pet lover’s delight the place guidelines and laws make the state a secure group for domesticated animals to thrive with the human inhabitants. The gorgeous climate, pet-friendly inns, and seashores that welcome canine makes the sunny state of California a pet lover’s paradise. So, if you happen to’re planning a vacation together with your Fido or just reside within the state, here’s a listing of the highest locations in California the place you and your buddy can have the time of your lives and create reminiscences.
Rosie’s Canine Seaside, Santa Monica, CA
I’m positive, as somebody who resides in California, particularly in Santa Monica, you have to have been to Rosie’s canine seaside together with your canine, and if not, you have to have heard of it. Rosie’s canine seaside is SaMo’s solely shoreline the place canine have full entry to run round freely with out their leash. Rosie’s has somewhat historical past behind its identify. It was named after a bulldog, Rosie who impressed her house owners to guide an initiative for allocating a bit of the seaside to canine so they may run round unleashed. Ever since Rosie’s turn into each canine’s paradise the place you’ll find canine of each form, dimension, and breed operating round, digging within the sand and splashing the salt water that hits the shoreline. It’s stretched throughout an space of three acres and has ample area for one canine per proprietor to soak below the solar. Your pooch must be vaccinated, tagged and below management. Timings: 6 a.m to eight p.m
Huntington Canine Seaside, Santa Monica, CA
The Huntington canine seaside runs parallel to the Pacific Ocean freeway, simply south of Los Angeles. The seaside is saved clear always for the canine to run round safely on the sand. It’s free for the general public to go on a morning stroll or run with their canine. You’ll discover individuals from throughout the area and nation hitting the seaside through the annual Corgi Con or the Corgi Seaside Day which takes place thrice a 12 months. The occasion witnesses hundreds of Corgis in costumes competing in numerous contests and occasions that place. Meals vans that promote canine treats and stalls with Corgi merch and dog-friendly tattoos is a standard website through the meetup. Now think about your Corgi dressed up in a elaborate outfit and operating on the seaside along with his fellow Corgi associates Timings: 5 a.m to 10 p.m
Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles has an enormous coronary heart the place it graciously accommodates everybody. The town of Hollywood has greater than 25 pet-friendly eating places that salons which are devoted to your pets. The town even has pet vogue boutiques the place you’ll be able to splurge on designer outfits on your canine. The elitist Beverly Hills space has high-end inns which are made particularly for canine and the others welcome canine with the human visitor. Climbing is one other enjoyable spring break exercise LA has a dozen of actually wonderful hikes the place you’ll be able to your buddy can enterprise alongside and have some journey collectively. Here’s a listing of trails you’ll be able to select from: Runyan Canyon/ Trebek Open House, LA Betty B. Dearing Path, Santa Monica Remember that these trails require your canine to be on a leash always. Be sure to have the appropriate kind of collar, leash, and harness on your canine whereas taking him on a trek.
Coronado Island, San Deigo, CA
Golden sandy seashores, pristine blue water and canine operating on the seaside, that is an summary of Coronado Island which is each canine lover’s paradise and residential to 2 Naval bases in San Diego. Coronado is unquestionably the prettiest off the leash canine seashores of the county and has loads of actions on your canine. You’ll discover eating places that fortunately welcome your canine with out of doors seating association, bakeries that promote pupcakes for canine and inns and pubs that arrange Yappy hours all through the week. Take your pooch to the Coronado Canine Seaside the place the canine are allowed to play off the leash. Nonetheless, be sure that to learn the indicators of the part the place off the leash canine are allowed and carry the leash with you always.
Mendocino County, CA
Mendocino is located in northern California. It’s a coastal group that’s well-known for its cliffside trails the place you and your fido can trek together with beautiful seashores of the Mendocino Headland State Park to offer a scenic view. This eco-friendly county was the primary within the US to ban GMOs (Genetically modified organisms). Mendocino might be probably the most dog-friendly group within the States. It has resorts, Air BnBs, and lodges that even supply blankets and towels on your canine. Yow will discover domestically cooked natural meals and treats on your canine, and they’re handled like household. Wine tasting together with your pooch on the wineries is one other exercise that you need to add to your listing if you happen to go to Mendocino county which is miles from north of San Francisco. To search out out extra, try fidonfeline.blogpost.com
Carmel by the Sea, CA
Girls, gents and pooches, a spherical of applause for the nation’s number one rated dog-friendly cities, that is Carmel By The Sea, a small seaside metropolis fortunately positioned at California’s Montreal peninsula. The town welcomes your pet like no different place in America. The inns, eating places, seashores, trails all have a spot of their coronary heart and property reserved on your pet. You’ll discover water bowls, and canine treats arrange in every single place within the neighborhood of the city. About thirty inns and inns have VIP remedies like spa, massages, salons and grooming amenities for canine. The town actually lays down the pink carpet on your pooches and welcomes them with open arms. You’ll discover canine frolicking round with out anybody making a comment or threatening your canine. The canine are allowed to be off the leash on the seaside, and you’ll even store with canine with shops offering water bowls and canine treats.
Mayflower Canine Park, CA
  The Mayflower Canine Park runs parallel to the Colorado River and has a listing of actions put in for you and your pet to relish from. You may camp together with your pooch or just spend a day and go fishing with him. The realm has amenities on your canine besides there aren’t any bogs to clean up. The park has massive lights put in on the operating tracks for the canine so you’ll be able to take him through the evening time as nicely. There are separate penned areas allotted to massive and small canine with one a grass patch and the opposite a mud patch. Be sure to carry your individual disposable luggage however simply in case you overlook, there are many doggie luggage accessible within the park. It’s an excellent place for an outing or a Sunday brunch picnic with your loved ones and play fetch together with your Fido.
Dolores Park, San Francisco, CA
The Dolores Park was initially a refugee camp arrange in 1905 for individuals who had misplaced their houses in a calamitous earthquake and hearth that shook town of San Francisco. That’s historical past now, and the park serves as a group hub for the locals to arrange weekend barbeques, picnics and canine operating off the leash amidst all of the insanity. The gorgeous San Francisco skyline is clearly seen from the park like no different place within the metropolis and is unquestionably a spectacle you shouldn’t miss out on through the sundown hours. You may anticipate a variety of canine operating all throughout the proximity of the park so in case your canine is an aggressive one, ensure you have on a leash always. The park is a big expanse of lush inexperienced grass and affords no trails for mountain climbing or lengthy walks. Be sure to carry your individual disposable bag, however simply in case you don’t, there are luggage accessible within the posts that the park has positioned all through the park.
California is has a variety of dog-friendly spots and cities the place you and your pet can hop onto a brand new journey each weekend. From lovely sunsets on the Pasadena, the magnificent seashores all through the west coast to trails that can lead you and your canine to the by no means earlier than seen locations within the hills, you possibly can create countless reminiscences for a lifetime and like they are saying,
“If they will’t do it in California, it could possibly’t be performed anyplace.”
– Taylor Cadwell
Creator bio: Aishwarya Sen is a Literature graduate from India. She has two lovely Shih Tzus and a rescued American bobtail cat. Whereas not engaged on new tasks and concepts for pet consciousness on her weblog Fido & Feline you’ll discover her touring throughout the Himalayas or spending time together with her pets.
from Pet Supply and More http://petsupplyandmore.com/index.php/2019/03/19/prime-locations-to-go-to-in-california-with-your-canine/
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juliadgaddis · 7 years
Seven Kitten Updates in One Post!
Our generous adopters have sent SO many updates, and I've got a big batch of them to share today. First up, Kenneth Wiggins. Here's the young fellow below: And here's the update! Kenneth is doing well. I guess he's 6 years old now, but he still acts like a kitten. He's definitely got more energy than his people. He can play with a feather toy for hours. I get bored long before he does. He's still the most affectionate cat I've ever had. He loves to do this thing at night where he comes and lays on my chest. After a minute or two of some scritches, he rolls over to lay next to me between my body and arm with his head on my shoulder and goes right to sleep. And as far as sleeping... he sleeps like the dead. I've actually had to nudge him a few times to make sure he wasn't dead, although that was back in the beginning. Funny story. Just after he came to live with us in 2011, he injured himself trying to jump on a barstool chair to get up and see what our other cat was eating. We weren't used to the way he slept then, so when he did his "sleeping so hard an earthquake wouldn't wake him" thing, we thought he was really hurt. So there we are at 3am rushing him to the emergency vet. It was nothing too bad, just a sprained leg. We spent $400 on a late night vet visit because he sleeps heavy and without a care in the world. That's one expensive nap! Happy 10 years of IBKC! -- Larry   ______________   Next up, an update on Alvie Pettibone (now Julius) and Beezus Medley (now Josie.) Hi Laurie!  Couple pictures to show how nothing has changed with Julius. His happy place is perched right on my shoulder. He sleeps ON me every night. Josie is a BIG girl and Julius loves her to bits. She has really become a cover diver lately and loves to be pampered and petted. Together, they are quite a comedy act--hiding, chasing, wrestling, sneaking up on each other, and those snuggly moments of mutual grooming are adorable. They are my furry little joys and I enjoy spoiling them both. The picture of them together was from this spring when I was trying to get some work done. They are watching their favorite bird/squirrel video. Heehee Kristen
____________ Here's Clement! Hi Laurie, Here is Ignatius, aka Clement Anderson-Erickson, in his favorite place, our backyard. He is a happy, healthy 7-year-old fellow who loves belly rubs and drinking water from a running faucet. He does not like water on his toes, though! He thanks you and Charlene for caring for him during his young kitten months!
Above, the glorious Spooner kittens.  Below, a big batch of pictures of the Spooners today from their mama, Roxanne.
______________ And here we have the adorable Ralphie and Clive Loudermilk! Hi Laurie, Just wanted everyone to see how big and handsome the Boyz have become. Clive is still my gentle giant and Ralphie is his punky little bro. The ying and the yang. Clive loves paleo food, fetching schrunchie hair bands and following his brother around. Ralphie is a carb freak, loves to carry a felt ball wherever he goes. He is always into mischief including burrowing into any bag or blanket. He chases his big brother and is too rough but, the bond is unbreakable between them. We adore them and they would like to know how their siblings are? Congratulations on all you do! Pandora Thank you, everyone,  for all of these fabulous updates!  We've got more to come tomorrow -- I think I can squeeze the last of them into one big post.  See you then! from The Itty Bitty Kitty Committee http://www.theittybittykittycommittee.com/2017/08/seven-kitten-updates-in-one-post.html
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Home News US Home Sport UK Showbiz US Showbiz Australia Home Femail Health Sci & Tech Video Money Travel Discount Codes Login | Join now Desktop site Femail Share this articleFacebook Twitter e-mail SMS WhatsApp How can I cure rhinitis? By Dr Rosemary Leonard 00:00 BST 09 Oct 1993, updated 09:09 BST 24 Apr 2002 Facebook Twitter e-mail SMS WhatsApp 0 comments In allergic rhinitis, the lining of the nose becomes inflamed in response to breathing in certain substances, known as allergens. Often, as in your case, the throat is affected too. The most common allergens to cause rhinitis are pollens, which lead to the classic symptoms of hayfever in spring and early summer. Some unlucky people, though, like you, get rhinitis all the year round - a condition known as perennial rhinitis. The most common allergens that provoke perennial rhinitis are house dust mites, animal fur, feathers and mould spores (which, incidentally, are the also the most common causes of asthma). Skin prick testing can help to identify the worst culprits, so ask your doctor if this could be arranged for you. Meanwhile, replace pillows and duvets that contain feathers with ones filled with polyester, cover your mattress with a special anti-allergic cover, and don't let furry animals in your bedroom, or any rooms where there are soft furnishings. The best treatments for allergic rhinitis are steroid nasal sprays, such as Beconase or Flixonase, which help prevent the allergic response responsible for the inflammation. They must be used regularly, every day, for best effect, and you may have to continue with treatment for years. Anti-histamine tablets can help too - it's worth trying different brands to find which ones suits you best, then get a large supply on prescription from your GP. The most specific treatment for allergic rhinitis is immunotherapy. This involves repeated injections of a tiny amount of allergen, with the aim of desensitising your immune system. This type of treatment is only carried out in specialist clinics, as it can cause a sudden, severe allergic reaction. However, if your symptoms are severe, it would be worthwhile asking your GP for a referral. Facebook Twitter e-mail SMS WhatsApp 0 comments Home Showbiz Femail Sport NEXT STORIES1/30 A real cat burglar! Viral video captures cheeky feline's hilarious reaction after being caught red-handed with a piece of stolen fish -... 'If you value your life keep the f*** out of Islam': Loose Women star Saira Khan receives death threat after posting Instagram... 'I don't need a house': US woman sells all her possessions and converts a van into a home to avoid paying expensive rent (and... Queen Maxima is all smiles at a homeless centre in The Netherlands as she steps out for the first time since her father... What does your clutter say about YOU? It all depends where you hide your hoard, says an intriguing new book Are these the most GENIUS hacks ever? 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Or are you only tweeting about black events?': Stormzy... The colourised pictures show a soviet soldier victoriously hoisting a flag over the city of Stalingrad, German troops of the 6th Army making their move into the suburbs of Stalingrad, in 1942. The 6th Army was a field army unit of the German Wehrmacht during World War Two. The 6th Army is still widely remembered for its destruction by the Red Army at the Battle of Stalingrad in the winter of 1942 and 43. It is also infamous for the war crimes, such as the massacre of more than 30,000 Jews at Babi Yar, it committed under the command of Field Marshal Walther von Reichenau during Operation Barbarossa in 1941 Battle of Stalingrad in colour, 75 years on: Striking images show the first female fighter pilot to strike down... An aerial view of the scene where the body was found at Flamefest in Royal Tunbridge Wells Death at the sex festival: Police arrest man found with class A drugs at a 'kink rave' after a middle-aged... 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Get all the latest fashion news and more in our Android app 'He said I should walk away from him': Emily MacDonagh addresses husband Peter Andre's battle with anxiety... as she admits the singer had told her to leave Check them out! Tallia Storm puts on a leggy display in a tiny mini skirt as she dons matching gingham with younger brother Johnnie Double trouble Carine Roitfeldís CR Fashion Book reveals its 11th edition issue featuring four covers with Lily-Rose Depp and Lara Stone, shot by Steven Klein, and Alek Wek and Cara Taylor, shot by Mario Sorrenti. In tandem, never before seen image of Prince, shot by Steven Klein, graces the cover of CR Menís Issue 5. I wanted to see if you would be interested in including an image or item from the issue. The pages are filled with incredible people- Natalie Portman, Justin Theroux, Rami Malek, Jasmine Sanders, Bonner Bolton and more. Press release and high-res images attached and below-please let me know if you need additional. Look forward to hearing from you. PHOTO CREDITS CR FASHION BOOK 11 Link to hi-res cover + images: Lily-Rose Depp and Lara Stone (Photographer: Steven Klein) https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/FkrT0snLT6 Link to hi-res covers: Alek Wek and Cara Taylor (Photographer: Mario Sorrenti) https://spaces.hightail.com/receive/f3da9ynuY3 PHOTO CREDITS CR MENíS BOOK ISSUE 5 Photog 'I turned 18, so I was ready to up the ante': Johnny Depp's daughter Lily-Rose reveals she was thrilled to be 'a little more sexy' for CR magazine 4 Sisters Took The Same Photo For 40 Years And It’s So Sad Thirsty Scoop by Taboola Sponsored Link She's her rock! 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New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/the-american-health-care-acts-prosperity-gospel/
The American Health Care Act's Prosperity Gospel
That interview turned into one of this stunner as it’s precisely what Republicans aren’t meant to mention about their fitness-care bill. Most Republicans paint their guide for the AHCA in phrases of the deficiencies of Obamacare, the problems low-income humans face obtaining low-cost fitness-care, or a perceived incapability of u . S . To pay for the extensive advantages of the program.
When pressed, notwithstanding the proof otherwise, birthday party leaders like Speaker Paul Ryan get away PowerPoint to argue that their plan will simply help low-income people and those with pre-existing situations. Even provisions which might be manifestly extra rooted in an ethical background, like help for paintings necessities in Medicaid, are painted as portions with a purpose to make the entire law better and gain the lives of everybody worried.
But at the same time as Brooks’s comments stray from Republican speaking factors, they will help provide an explanation for each the inner common sense of the American Health Care Act and one of the main elements to the political appeal of Trumpism.
The AHCA, even via conservative suppose-tank calculations, will go away many low-income and ill people without coverage they are able to have enough money and does so even because it makes health care work better for healthy people. Brooks’s explanation, and his near association of morality and fitness, with the concept that “correct lives” produce desirable health, is just a recasting of the prosperity gospel.
What’s a spiritual philosophy basically pioneered through rich televangelists and megachurches were given to do with pre-existing conditions and Medicaid reform? The beliefs of a few evangelicals connecting wealth to God’s choose have become intertwined with faith healing, and both rose to new heights in the television era at the backs of men like Oral Roberts. While it became a part of the cults of persona across the generation of Pat Robertsons and Peter Popoff’s that followed Roberts’s lead, faith recuperation was additionally undeniably a coverage declaration. It as a minimum partially rejected the position of science in public health and advocated a view that faith, distinctive feature, and good works will be enough to secure recuperation. And although the furthest extremes of the prosperity gospel often convey to mind church scandals, thousand-dollar fits, and parish helicopters, the simple idea that a healthful life turned into also a sign of favor healthy right in with the gospel’s protection of riches. Health is wealth.
The American Dream and Eugene O’Neill
The gift takes a look at tries to scrutinize Eugene O’Neill’s The Iceman Cometh and Long Day’s Journey into Night. Here, the essential evaluate is based on “The American Dream” as a country wide fable; it’s miles the parable of success or a fulfilled life for all Americans. The theoretical framework is based totally on the thoughts of some critics inclusive of Lewis, Carpenter, and Pradhan on “The American Dream”.
This look at follows a historical angle and states that “The American Dream” has been with Americans from the beginning of the records of America. And later indicates that this precise dream has turned to be a myth for centuries.
For this research, first, a complete study is performed in the history of America as well as on the ideas such as “The American Dream” and “American fantasy”. Then, the factors of “The American Dream” are traced on The Iceman Cometh and Long Day’s Journey into Night. Next, those factors are considered as the inaccessible table. Totally, it’s far shown that how O’Neill depicts “The American Dream” in his performs.
When O’Neill started to write down performs, inside the American drama there was an unreasonable reputation of materialism and traditional values, and the presentation of lifestyles and person changed into hackneyed. O’Neill’s plays from the primary monitor better and truer expertise of man and his existence. Tilak Raghukul (1975) believes that:
From the beginning O’Neill saw lifestyles as something not to be smartly arranged in a have a look at, however as terrifying, marvelous and often quite horrible, a thing corresponding to the twister, an earthquake or a devastating heart (p.20).
O’Neill considers the mythical characters which have come to America and have been looking for their desires and a fulfilled lifestyles. He writes about forty plays that most of them are about an American family. O’Neill started and ended his dramatic career in realism. All his critical plays depict a sad imaginative and prescient of America. Some dozen violent deaths and over two dozen nonviolent deaths, as well as causes of insanity in his drama, are an indication of the consistency of his tragic vision. H. Clark Barrelt (1947) says:
When America changed into close to victory in World War II, O’Neill told his countrymen I’m occurring the principle that the USA, instead of being the most a hit country in the international, is the greatest failure (p.152).
The Meaning Of Quality In Health Care
The system of receiving health care services at the ideal time in the best manner and to get the first-rate possible final results is described as satisfactory health care.
Six attributes of fitness care high-quality
• Safety – Care must now not harm any affected person. • Patient-focused – Individual needs should be looked after whilst imparting care. • Timely – Care should be furnished exactly on time. • Effective – Care must be based totally on proof. • Efficient – Wastage of time ought to be decreased. • Equitable – Equal care must be furnished to each affected person.
What is high-quality health care?
The meaning of first-class fitness care isn’t always the same for anybody. According to a few sufferers, pleasant care is to consult a physician, to get proper remedy from the staffs of a clinic and to have a health practitioner who can spend much time with the patient. But all this stuff are secondary. Clinical first-rate of care is the maximum crucial factor because greater lives can be saved by imparting proof-based and excessive fine care.
Does high-quality equal protection?
Yes, fine equals protection. The exceptional of care is to be advanced with the aid of the health care providers because it is able to keep more lives of the patients.
How is fitness care quality measured?
Outcome indicators and system signs are the two ways of measuring satisfactory of care. Timelines and baseline practices are measured via manner indicators. Complication costs, mortality quotes and infection quotes are measured with the aid of outcome indicators.
These signs can be checked out by means of the consumer to evaluate the hospitals. National accreditations, recognitions, and country of the medical institution have to also be looked at via you to degree nice.
How to Take Care of Pets
  In contemporary busy and self-focused international, while nobody has any time for everybody else, pets in our homes make for the nice pals and partners we can ever hope to have! The joy and enthusiasm that my pet dog greets me with after I attain home at the ease of a long and hard workday at once lift my spirits and any tiredness I bring back with me vanishes into thin air. Pets are loyal, trustworthy, unconditional and spontaneous in their love and gain us in several ways.
In go back, it’s miles crucial for us to make sure we care for our pets too inside the pleasant way viable.
Here are some key approaches wherein you could make certain you are being a responsible puppy owner and carer!
Space: Pets need to have a place this is safe, dry, clean and relaxed. While considering on the selection of our pets ould carefully bear in mind space it’s going to require for the aquarium for our fish, corner for our cat or dog or cage for the lovebirds we so wish to have! If an entire room is an excessive amount of to consider, a clean and demarcated boundary can be created on your furry pal.
Diet: According to the puppy that you personal, you must try to make certain they’re fed a balanced and nutritious weight-reduction plan. Every species and breed, in turn, has ingredients which are permissible and people that may cause more harm than good. Make positive you take a look at with the vet and most effective feed your pet the right sort of meals and appropriate quantities. Just as meals desires to be cautiously monitored, so to you must make sure that your pet has adequate and clean consuming water available.
Exercise: All pets need their area so one can flex their muscle groups and spread their wings. Pets like puppies need to be taken for a scheduled stroll frequently. Pet birds ought to have sufficient room of their cages now not to experience cramped. And each day exercising routine will ensure your pets are wholesome and happy
Medical Attention: Regular checkups with the veterinarian will make certain that your puppy is hale and healthy and could assist to diagnose any illnesses well earlier. Vaccinations have to take delivery of in a well timed and disciplined manner.
Cleanliness: All pets have cleanliness and hygiene desires. Pets like puppies and cats should be bathed regularly and groomed to hold their fur, hair, nails and skin nicely cared for. The vicinity your pets are housed in must be wiped clean and washed each day to preserve the surroundings easy and pest unfastened. Make certain also to keep your pet free of parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms. Fish bowls or aquarium water desires to be modified appropriately in a timely style.
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