#postin this just for a laugh btw
devilhunters · 9 months
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puer-aurea · 10 months
Etho's session 5 trauma
this literally just fanfiction that i felt like writing bc im obsessed w weeping angel etho. all
which, btw, if you decide to read my fic Gods are Obsessive on wattpad when i start postin it (which should be soon? i hope, i just finished the build for Safe Haven so i can move on to the builds for it then start writing) weeping angel etho will be a big thing when it gets to that point
all platonic btw!!
Etho knows he doesn't have to worry about it anymore. Well, he tells everyone he knows. Most of the other players haven't picked up on it, but Cleo and Grian notice the panic in his eyes and his frantic movements to shift into a less compromising position when someone looks in his direction.
Etho knows he's not a weeping angel anymore. But he can't help the anxiety when he feels eyes on him. He prepares for his joints to lock up like the stone statue the watchers made him into for that task. And then, when they don't, he has the shameful moment of rememberance that he passes off with a nervous laugh.
Grian picked up on the panic first, but both him and Cleo noticed how Etho felt embarrassed about forgetting he didn't have to worry anymore. Neither of them chose to mention it, they knew he was dealing with enough shame (though, they wouldn't say it's shame and they're pretty sure the other players would agree).
The other players haven't noticed the aftermath of Etho's task, but they're not around him much anyway.
Cleo always warns him when she's entering a room, subtly reminding he's not a weeping angel. Grian mostly keeps his eyes off Etho, only looking if it's an emergency.
Etho feels bad they have to walk on egg shells around him but he can't help it. Of course the watchers had to give the person who was figuratively stone cold the task that would literally make him stone. And of course it left everlasting effects. This anxiety ridden person wasn't him.
"Hey, Etho?" Cleo's voice came from downstairs.
"What's up?" Etho could hear the creaking of the stairs and he quickly shifted into a comfortable position at the enchanting table.
"Grian's tired after the warden-wither battle and asked for cuddles."
He could feel her eyes on him and he expected his joints to turn to stone.
"Etho, honey, you're not a weeping angel anymore." She places her hand on his shoulder.
He felt his muscles relax and he let out a breath.
"Yeah, I know. You don't have to remind me."
"I'm pretty sure we do." Cleo and Etho jumped at the new voice as Grian rounded the corner.
"Jeez, Grian. Don't scare us like that!" Cleo laughed.
"It wasn't intentional. Well, it might have been. I'm going to Bdubs' bed. Why don't we have any other beds?" Grian walked off into Bdubs room.
"We put all our beds in the bed shrine and didn't think about ourselves." Cleo followed behind him.
Etho watched them walk away, staying by the enchanting table.
"Come on, Etho! I know you're tired after being chased by the warden. The bed's big enough for the three of us." Cleo called for him.
He let out a small laugh and headed into Bdubs' room for a very much needed nap. He'd be dealing with the weeping angel trauma for a while, but at least his roommates and friends were there to help him cope.
why does this feel poorly written? im bad at dialogue
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mulcibere · 7 years
whats good, @worldfathered​ / @telekidd​ / @blvescreen​ / @sbyirw​ ?  you ugly piece of shit.
you don’t know me, but i sure as hell know you. i’m making this post because you’ve repeatedly been transphobic and either react w/aggression or flat out ignore us when we come to you. not to mention your whole fiasco w the eatin disorders thing that’ll be covered under the cut. :)
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first of all, you got a trans verse. what the fuck is up with that?
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+ proof that your trans tag exists:
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you know, surprisingly enough, my life as a trans man isnt glamorous or much different from a cis person’s. i live, i laugh, i act like a mess sometimes, i feel emotions, i try new things. only difference? i don’t agree w/what i was assigned w/ at birth and im struggling w it. do you know how difficult it is for the trans community when ppl like you do shit like this? do you know how many fucking times ive had ppl come to me TELLING ME im followin a damn trend bc of bull shit like this? make your character trans or dont. don’t make a whole verse for it. it’s not that hard to do. and why are you changing your whole fc? do you really need a whole new fuckin faceclaim for a trans character? lol trans verses are transphobic. the fact that you felt the need to make a whole separate verse for your muse to be trans makes my head fuckin hurt. here’s a post that nicely sums up WHY these sorts of verses are transphobic.
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and if this was all you got from people contacting you about this issue, you really havent been listenin to us and tryna cooperate and work things out as calmly as we have been. but hey, we’re just bein big and evil, huh? my bad.
btw, if you’re genderfluid, you’re trans! you makin a separate verse for your muse to be trans even though your muse is CANONICALLY GENDERFUILD is transphobic, regardless of if you’re trans or not. you’re saying non binary people aren’t trans and are excluding them. and i got sent in a screencap of someone discussing this and it words exactly what im trying to say perfectly:
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in case you delete anythin, we got this handy dandy link: https://web.archive.org/web/20180304230604/http://bittenkid.co.vu/post/165345023694/you-have-a-trans-verse
and someone DID come to you today, and i’ll give you points, you were civil about it.
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but honestly, you even respondin, much less in a civil way is surprising as fuck to me, seeing as when people approach you and you give no response:
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when you do respond when people approach you, react like this. real mature, huh? “special snow flake triggered ass” are you fuckin serious? is this how you react to people approaching you in a calm manner? speaking out over those you upset and callin them “special snowflakes?” if you honestly respond to conflict and concern like this, i really do pray for you and how you fair in real life situations.
and again.
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calling trans people and others special snowflakes. for being upset with you and trying to speak with you about it.
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and again. with the aggression. you surely see a reoccurring theme here, don’t you? i sure do.
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and this as well. “hating this website” for people coming to you and tryna tell you what you did was wrong is just so mean, right?
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and again with “triggered”, aka, people trying to discuss things with you and you actin completely unreasonable and painting us as the bad guys for bein genuinely hurt and trying to seek reconciliation. even with a video attached!
if you delete that post, i got it uploaded real nice here as well! https://www.dropbox.com/s/pd47gs3l1s4s7ct/video.mov?dl=0
we had someone message you politely askin for an apology for usin these terms and reactin how you have and you know what you did? blocked em.
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so tell me, why is it that when we come to you politely, wantin to talk things out like adults in IMs, you always respond w/ calling us special snowflakes, triggered jokes (making fun of and slandering people w/ trauma, may i add! as someone with diagnosed trauma, im not down with the triggered jokes), postin about us, blocking us, and being aggressive? doesn’t seem very reasonable, does it? and yet we’re the ones bein unreasonable for being genuinely upset? bummer.
and another thing is that you’ve been pretty fishy with eating disorders and mental health as well. wanna explain that?
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n then youve obviously been postin concernin enough stuff to get someone to contact you abt it, and you react like this?
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you continually reply with aggression.
 listen sans, im a forgivin dude. i believe in redemption. i believe people can be a better person if they wanna be. so all im literally askin is for you to listen to us. cooperate with us. stop calling us names and acting aggressive when we try approaching you about this. don’t continually try and shut us down we we try and try and try to talk with you about this.
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for the record, we arent harassing you. we’ve been coming to you as calmly and as civil as we possibly can. but you responding with aggression and calling us special snowflakes or not even respondin at all is why we’re done puttin up w/you. we’re done bein treated as doormats n bein walked over like one by you lol. you wanna know why we havent contact you when it happens? because you respond like this. just open your heart and listen to what people gotta say, man.
i really am praying for you and i hope that one day you change your heart enough to open up.
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