gigifluidcat · 3 months
All offensiveness and albeism aside, anyone else think using "Autistic" as an insult is so fucking corny?
Like you can just tell that back in 2010s Middle School they saw their favorite YouTuber use it and they've never grown out of throwing it around since.
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As someone that LOVES Harry Potter and, I am Dutch, actually learned English from reading them(I read them in Dutch then in English) as well as developing a love for reading in general, I genuinely don't get why she started to bash trans people. She is talented and was so loved by everyone, she had successful books, movies, a theme park, a game like ???
Doesn't she know a lot of her fans are 'weird' kids that related to her weird kid characters like Harry, Ron, Hermione, Luna, Neville and even the older ones like Snape or Remus?
And that these 'weird' kids also include trans kids who are now adults
Like... it's so sad. I'm not trans, I'm a female autistic, but it's similar to Benedict Cumberbatch playing all these great autistic-coded characters and then going and comparing autistic kids to monsters in that one interview
Like??? You benefit from portraying outsiders but then hate on REAL outsiders
It's so messed up to me
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lilliaace · 2 months
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Hey you albeit piece of shit. @redacted-system-blog
In case y'all need a fucking lesson - BLIND PEOPLE USE THE INTERNET TOO.
What does this mean and how does it apply to you? Let's use "t0 lov3 bein9 a cro\/\/"
How does a screen reader read this?
"T zero l o v three b e I n nine a c r o backward slash forward slash backward slash forward slash".
It's not understandable.
To someone who can see this with their eyes on the screen, yes, we can roughly see it as "to love being a crow". But to a screen reader? What the big piece of text reads.
Your typing quirk is anti blind people or anyone who needs to use a screen reader.
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kodoandsangha · 8 months
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[alt id] A man is leaning over a railing while a road and trees are behind him.
Verbiage says I bring a sort of traumatized vibe to the fam that the family who traumatized me don't really like
[end alt]
I'm officially NC with the fam. I have tried to make it work. I have only been met with attempted manipulation, gaslighting, anger and outright lies.
I am hurt and saddened. I've spent a lifetime of therapy attempting to learn skills that would be helpful in dealing with them only to have things progressively worsen rather than improve.
My mother, while claiming to understand my bisexuality, could not deviate from the thought of me being in a relationship with my best friend, despite me repeatedly telling her we're platonic.
She never came to terms with my neurodivergent co-morbidities despite me showing her the paperwork. No. Her response was to treat me like an outcast, something lesser because of it.
So, I'm entering the stages of grief where there's not denial or anger, but there's not quite acceptance either. Part of my brain feels like if I just gave it one more chance, things would be different. But I get that's the mindset of someone who has been abused. They don't change.
So, my midlife crisis is apparently learning to how to walk alone without family support of any kind and trying to learn how to build a found family that is proud of my accomplishments, supportive and periodically checks in on me to make sure I'm doing ok.
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dougielombax · 7 months
I’ve been noticing that a lot of TERFs and radfems are also extremely ableist.
Not just towards the physically disabled but also those who are neurodivergent.
I’m hardly surprised tbh but it’s a deeply troubling thing regardless.
Of course. Their already existing transphobic bigotry is deeply troubling too.
But still.
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cray-cray-anime · 1 year
One thing I hate hearing when people talk about disabled adults is smth along
"They're actually a child on the inside"
Ignoring that scientifically can't be a "kid" on the inside. Like trying to compare them being disabled to being a child. It's just so patronising to disabled people and such a wrong way to think about children.
Whether it's neurological or physical or both, being disabled adult will never be the same as being a kid.
One needs support because they're still growing, the other needs support because they literally physically/mentally cannot.
Heck, even this infantilising disabled ppl happens where they talk and act like they're a little kid.
Help them unesscarily when they didn't even asked. Or stopping them from doing things they're capable of doing. Or talking slowly and loudly or not even bothering to talk to them and talk abt them like they're not there.
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High-functioning is legit such a stupid term. People would describe me as high-functioning autistic, and I am literally one of the most dysfunctional people ever. It's just because I'm smart and polite that they say I'm "high-functioning".
Hm.... Where's my ableism alarm?
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burning-thistles-bt · 2 years
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hchollym · 2 years
What are your thoughts on all the deaths in deathly hallows?
Short Version: I hate them, thanks. 👎
Long Version: Get ready for a rant...
I get that JKR wanted to show the cruelty of war and how innocents suffer. However, her choice of characters that suffered was suspicious and problematic (to put it mildly).
Remus = A werewolf (which JKR said was a metaphor for HIV/AIDS)
Tonks = A Metamorphmagus (a pretty obvious example of a nonbinary character, whether JKR admits it or not)
Dobby = A house-elf (which quite literally represents slaves, and he died protecting the white savior of the book)
Lavender = A traditionally feminine woman (who JKR made sure was repeatedly insulted for that throughout the books)
Alastor Moody = A disabled character (who likely had a mental illness as well)
Severus = The character who grew up in a household with a low socioeconomic status & was abused as a child
Don't get me wrong; I fully understand that marginalized people do tend to suffer more during times of crisis (like war), but it was highly unnecessary in this setting.
JKR claims to have killed off Remus & Tonks so that Teddy would be an orphan and the story would come full circle, but that's BS. She only added Tonk's pregnancy into Book 7 for that reason, and she could have easily made Fleur pregnant instead.
The readers had a strong connection to Bill & Fleur (after seeing their engagement and wedding), and they would have represented the tragedy & randomness of war - these were two young, talented, powerful people (who are still not immune to death) who were well-loved and had their whole lives ahead of them. This also would have killed off one of the Weasleys (which JKR was determined to do).
She also could have stayed with her original idea to kill off Arthur & Molly instead. They could have died during the battle (also representing the randomness of war & effectively killing two of the Weasleys), and if Molly died protecting Ginny from Bellatrix, then the books would have come full circle from Lily dying to protect Harry (since a mother's sacrifice was a huge focus in the series). It also would have given Harry & Ginny yet another thing to bond over.
But no, she chose Remus & Tonks instead - one of which was a character that had suffered (physically and emotionally) for most of his life, yet when he finally had the chance at happiness, he was killed. That's not a satisfying end to his character arc; it's cruel.
I understand some of her choices (like Fred), whether I like them or not, but I also hate the way she killed them off. Percy literally just reconnected with his family, and JKR made it so that he has to live the rest of his life riddled with survivor's guilt, blaming himself because he feels like Fred died because Percy distracted him.
Some people find this scene in the books to be "touching" because Percy made Fred laugh, so at least they had one last good moment before Fred died smiling, but I totally disagree. Percy will always be traumatized by this (way more than if Fred had died when he wasn't around Percy). On top of that, there's no way that the thought didn't at least cross George's mind (and probably others) that it was Percy's fault & should have been him instead (which Percy likely agrees with).
Percy was being punished for his past choices, and having a character grow and apologize for their mistakes just to make them suffer mentally for the rest of their life is also not a satisfying ending to their arc; yet again, it's just cruel.
The point is that some characters needed to die (that's a commentary on war), but it didn't need to be - and shouldn't have been - the ones that JKR chose.
Thanks for the ask! 😊
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puraiuddo · 2 years
Hey disabled folks! Here’s your reminder to advocate for yourselves no matter how difficult!
18 months after being fired from a job where I was treated horribly and my requests for disability accommodations were ignored, leading to a severe deterioration of my condition (horrific pain, multiple emergency room visits, countless doctor’s appointments, and 4 months of twice-a-week physical therapy)...
11 months after filing a disability discrimination complaint with the state government...
And 10 full months of continuous back-and-forth legalese where I was forced to drudge up evidence of how I was mistreated, listen to the company’s various attempts to character-assassinate me, and spend quite a few nights wondering if it was all worth it...
I finally got the ruling of PROBABLE CAUSE, which moves my case to a settlement or a public hearing.
And now the wretched, ableist scumbag who trampled all over my rights and health for over a month has been caught red-handed and is now officially responsible for her company forking out thousands of dollars to me and/or dragging its name through the mud in a public forum.
Let me tell you: VICTORY IS SWEET and worth every minute of the battle to get there.
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saybiwithme · 1 year
Extremely baffled by someone on tik tok saying that disabled people should be cured to not inconvenience others and then saying it’s ‘compassionate’ like no it isn’t??? Fuck right off.
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Ok hot take but lack of sunglasses on pi crew and lack of wheelchairs is low-key albiest
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milly-the-devil · 2 years
I hate when I’m reading or watching a story that ends up defining characters by their humanity. You know some dehumanization and ableism is right around the corner and I fucking hate it. 
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simplegenius042 · 2 months
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kodoandsangha · 1 year
"You seem normal on here, for what it's worth"
Internet conversation.
Talking about how I had a really rough day yesterday with my autism and ADHD.
I wasn't communicating effectively, was having difficulty processing. It's left me emotional today - small menty b territory.
I mentioned it in a public forum. Someone actually replied the heading to me.
I can't even. Suddenly, I'm not normal for disclosing? What the fuck dude?
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