#posting a couple of my warm and fuzzy geraskier fics because i'm having feelings hope that's cool
doyouyearn · 1 year
Geralt's Jaskier
A Modern AU Valentine's thing I wrote last year.
Summary: Jaskier loves any excuse to give gifts and make a fuss about his loved ones. Geralt calls corporate cash-grab Hallmark holidays as he sees them.
Maybe this year, Jaskier decides, he should just act like Valentine’s Day is just a regular Tuesday, no gifts, no fancy dinners, nothing.
T for language and very very lightly implied sex.
Jaskier adored Geralt, and made it clear every chance he got. Whether it was calling out a quiet “Bye, love you, have a good day at work” when he left for the café at the crack of dawn every morning, while Geralt was still snoozing, or complimenting how good his boyfriend looked in those button downs when he finally made it home from the office in the evenings. Jaskier was smitten, and expressing that was instinctive for him, as easy as inhaling and exhaling.
He could hardly say the same thing about Geralt.
He knew Geralt loved him, of course - there’s no way they’d still be sharing an apartment if he didn’t. Geralt wouldn’t let him hold his hand and kiss him on the cheek in public if he didn’t love Jaskier too, wouldn’t let him call him his boyfriend or go on nice dinner dates with him every now and then, either. He just…was more of the strong and silent type. It drove Jaskier crazy sometimes, but he could live with it. It made shopping for gifts a nightmare, though. Aside from a polite “thank you,” he had hardly acknowledged the birthday gifts and “hey I saw this while I was out and thought you might like it”-type trinkets Jaskier had gotten him in the past. Even the Lord of The Rings figurines he’d gotten for Geralt after they’d marathoned the movies one weekend - with a surprising amount of commentary from Geralt to inform his purchases - didn’t get more than a little smile.
Maybe that just had to be enough for Jaskier. He could live with it. Full text on AO3
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doyouyearn · 1 year
A Constant Star
A very soft Geraskier S2E7 fix-it fic.
2686 words, rated T. There is technically questionable consent on a kiss, but it goes by quickly and is well-received so. Just a heads up.
In which the rescue mission to Cintra leads to Geralt really considering that question Jaskier likes to ask: Is this what pleases you?
Geralt had never, ever apologized to Jaskier. 
Not when he'd punched him in the gut the first time they met, not when he'd insulted his singing, and certainly not when he'd basically told him to fuck off, out by Caingorn.
He didn't even apologize after finding Jaskier again all those months later in the jail cell. No apologies, just an "I need your help" that would have made the old version of himself giddy with pride, or maybe even swoon a little.
Still…it had fucking worked.
Even after all of the pain and embarrassment and anger Geralt had caused him, Jaskier was so fucking whipped for the fucking witcher. He realized it before he'd even left the jail cell, but agreed to help anyway. What was he supposed to do, say no to Geralt?
Full text on AO3
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