#posts by Mod Eli / Eleven
theireternalhappiness · 10 months
Tumblr media
"i told you to stay in bed didn't i?" a smile on her face. " it got cold…come back to bed." she mumbled at the crook of her wife's neck. "i'm cooking you soup so we can get rid of that nasty cold of yours. now get back to bed before our son drags you there himself" she says as she glances towards her son who was urged by his sister to get their mom back to bed.
if you dont want me at my 🤮 💀 🦠, then you dont deserve me at my 💖 💫 💄 ✨ 👁️ 👄 👁️ ✨ 💅
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Hello, and welcome to the Blog!
The place where practically all MakoRukkha content on Tumblr started! (i checked the MakoRukkha tag, theres literally nothing there, we are literally the only ones writing for it goddamn—)
My friend and I literally came up with this crackship on Discord and, after large amounts of time going insane about it there, decided to go "fuck it, we ball" and made a Tumblr for it!
This is a place for the two of us to brainrot about the ship and hope that you come to enjoy and brainrot with us as well! We make content when we can, be it art or writing, and generally just do it for funsies. This is quite literally just a crackship that we made with no lore backing or evidence (unless were fucking delusional and the dendro + electro reaction DOES have lore backing because wtf thats so weird and sus, also khaenriah is possibly underneath sumeru so tHERES A CHANCE MAKO CAME TO SUMERU TO HELP RUKKHA—)
We're very normal about this ship.
If you ever feel shy about sending in asks about our AUs and the ship, please don't be! I get it, it's incredibly nerve wracking to send asks and the stuff like that. We won't get sick of it, we promise! We'd love to have some attention and interaction with the community, especially about this ship because honestly, it just feels like the two of us in our little gremlin corner AHAHA— We won't get sick of it, and it won't come off as annoying or demanding because with the amount of shilling I'm doing right now, I'm pretty sure that I'm the demanding one AHAHA—
Please do note that we attend to this blog on our own time, so it may take some time for posts to be made, and asks and the like to be answered by either one of us, so please be patient with us!
Anyways, we hope that you enjoy your time here, be nice and respectful in the asks, subs, and comments, and have a wonderful day!
Intro by Mod Nic / Wynn
Updated as frequently as needed :))
Confused about our stuff? Click here to get yourself familiar with it!
Main Tags / AUs:
Makoto adopts Scara / Modern AU
Makoto Lives / Alive AU
Specific Tags:
Art Tags:
Art by Mod Eli / Eleven
Art by Nic / Wynn
Art by Both Mods / Collab
Mod Tags:
posts by Mod Eli / Eleven
posts by Mod Nic / Wynn
posts by Both Mods / Collab
answered by Mod Eli / Eleven
answered by Mod Nic / Wynn
answered by both Mods / Collab
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