#posts made by qroier probably
apollos-boyfriend · 1 year
i want to kiss bobby on his little forehead however i fear he would take it as an opportunity to headbutt me
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malichev · 11 months
I saw some posts about QRoier saying that QCellbit is not Bobby's father, and I think I want to present my point of view. The problem, from my point of view, is not even the discussion of cultural differences, because this information is correct, but...it is that it was not necessary to say that at that time. It was Bobby's farewell, he was happy to have his family together. Generally, family status doesn't matter in death. It wasn't a moment of competition, it wasn't about who has the right to the child, it was just… a family farewell. QCellbit technically runs in the family, I guess. And hearing that at that specific moment must have made him feel out of place, like he shouldn't be there. Now, this will be marked on QCellbit, because he respects people's limits a lot, so he probably won't call Bobby his son anymore, maybe outside the RP because he considers Bobby his son in his heart, but not inside the server. Not in front of others. Because he doesn't want to offend qJaiden and qRoier. So that's the sad thing.
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unmotivated-student · 10 months
Hey, take what I say with a grain of salt
It's not an analysis, it's more like my point of view, you may not agree with everything and that's perfectly fine :D ♡ [feel free to give your opinion in this post].
qRoier has been through so much [pain, loss, betrayal] and the emotional scars continue to accumulate.
He lost his son [Bobby died in his care], he lost Tilin and Juanaflipa too, also during purgatory he had to do horrible things like kill and hurt people who were important to him, all this in the hope of being able to save the eggs or at least some of them.
But in the end, he lost everyone who had cared about him [qFoolish, qJaiden, qCellbit... to mention a few but qCellbit being one of the "losses" that have the most weight in the current state of qRoier] and they could only save a single egg, it couldn't even have been one chosen by the winning team, it was a random choice by a roulette wheel making the whole purgatory thing feel even more pointless.
He left purgatory feeling alone and also with the feeling of having been used just for entertainment by the eye guy.
qRoier lost everything without gaining anything and that's the worst...
No, scratch that, one of the worst things for him may be that with the return of the eggs he's not even sure if he really lost these people, he doesn't know if they are alive, he doesn't know if they are well or if they are dying in some hole and seeing eggs in a coma is [maybe] a reminder of that possibility.
So it's no surprise to me that he tries to convince himself that those in the hospital are fake eggs or something like that.
It is easier to try to accept that they are no longer with him and that there is nothing that can be done than to think day and night how much they are probably suffering and that HE cannot do anything for them, it is easier than hoping they'll return only to have that hope mercilessly taken away from him.
Now, why do I think the possible loss of qCellbit has relevance to the current state of qRoier?
When they got married it was like making a pact to be there for each other through thick and thin [which Roier was willing to do] and they always trusted each other. Just before purgatory qCellbit confessed to qRoier that he had been killing the federation workers and asked him if he was willing to help him and accompany him down that dark path [obviously qRoier accepted], they went through a lot together during the purgatory [they even they decided to blow up together when the meteor didn't crush them] so I think qRoier was confident that if they didn't leave purgatory together, they would both die in it TOGETHER.
But that didn't happen, instead qRoier managed to get on the boat in the hope of finding qCellbit there and a few seconds before the whole egg island went to hell he only received one last goodbye and one last "i love you".
qCellbit decided to stay on Egg Island with Richarlyson but wanted his husband to be well.
He wanted him to be well and to live, to be safe back on Quesadilla Island, it was probably fine for qCellbit to leave like that, after all he no longer had many things tying him to Quesadilla Island and surely qCellbit didn't want qRoier to get hurt because of his own selfish decision.
Buuut, for qRoier that was the most selfish decision qCellbit could have made, it was like he had left him out of his plans, it's no wonder he feels abandoned, qCellbit He broke that pact they had and broke qRoier's trust [in a certain way] by not telling him that he didn't really want to go back to Quesadilla knowing that qRoier was willing to follow him wherever he went, knowing that qRoier was willing to stay with him, together.
And then there's Pepito... Oh Pepito.
I think qRoier has mixed feelings about Pepito, on the one hand he doesn't trust the federation at all [or anyone in general, but mainly the federation after everything they've done and what they did to him and Jaiden when Bobby died, not to mention that Roier probably believes that the federation was also responsible for purgatory [I'm not sure either if the eye guy is from the federation or not xd]] reason why I think it is understandable that he does not accept Pepito in the first instance, another thing that is not in Pepito's favor are qRoier's emotional scars [We already know, Bobby died and he doesn't want to replace him, he just lost a lot in purgatory [a very recent scar], his possible fear of forming bonds with other people or eggs, the fact that Richarlyson and Leo are in a coma and there is nothing he can do..] Pepito's arrival simply couldn't have been at a worse time.
I also feel that a part of qRoier knows that Pepito is not to blame for anything [or at least that's what part of him wants to believe] and deep down he cares about Pepito. Maybe seeing Pepito so happy and innocent, makes him think it's best to treat Pepito so roughly, not only to avoid getting too attached to Pepito [due to trauma, because it would be painful if Pepito died and also because the federation gave Pepito to him out of nowhere without prior notice] but also because he knows how much that island [and the federation] can break you and how much it can take from you, it is better to take away that innocence little by little himself than for the island to do it all at once, right?. [All those times qRoier has said that Pepito reminds him of him, makes me believe that qRoier sees in Pepito reflected the same innocence that he had in his first days on the island, excited to make friends and meet new people but what did all of that lead him to? To loneliness and pain, a lot of pain in fact].
He could very well walk away from Pepito completely but instead he keeps him [kind of] close because he knows that HE is the only thing Pepito has and maybe the closest thing to a family Pepito can ever have on that island.
At this point I think qRoier is afraid of loneliness, but he is even more afraid of being abandoned. He is isolating himself from everyone on the island, limiting his relationships so he doesn't have to have to go through that feeling of abandonment again.
Or rather, Quesadilla Island has taught him how dangerous and painful trust and the bonds one form with others can be.
And he doesn't want to feel any more pain so he is being even more careful about those things.
And today's stream highlights qRoier's trust issues for me.
They are a lot of thoughts thrown together in one post. I hope it makes sense ಥ⁠‿⁠ಥ.
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