#potato 2017.12
iohourtime · 7 years
Yamada Ryosuke x Nakayama Yuma
Potato 2017.12
Thanks to Momozzz32 on weibo for the clear scans.  Please let me know if there are any errors.
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As we worked together, our camaraderie grew.
Nakayama: Long time no see. [We haven’t met] since we ate together in March?
Yamada: I saw you more recently [than that].
Nakayama: No, no, I have not seen you for about half a year already!
Yamada: Oh, is that so? (Laughs)
Nakayama: Lately, Yamada-kun has been so busy, you know. I am worried about your health.
Yamada: Everything’s OK! When was the first time we met?
Nakayama: It’s Hawaii. 2007.
Yamada: That's right, and since Yuma said "he knows everything about pro wrestling", we ended up challenging each other [to a match]. Then I won (laughs)! I was soooo disappointed!
Nakayama: Moreover, even though I used all my skills right from the start, you got out of [the hold] easily and counterattacked; the difference in power was evident. I did not want to do it again (laughs).
Yamada: At that time, Yuma ... was like an imp (laughs). I was seriously thinking, where did they find this kid? Well, you grow up into a beautiful [man]. Johnny-san’s eye for people is amazing!
Nakayama: In contrast, Yamada-kun was already fully formed at that time. I was shocked that "a person with such a beautiful face exists!”
Yamada: No, no. Before I debuted, I was also a bit of an imp (laughs). We started really hanging out after the formation of NYC, right?
Nakayama: That's right. (Looking at the interview from that time) At that time I was still living in Osaka, so I had to come to Tokyo every time we had NYC related interviews ... it took 5 hours to make the trip for a 2 hour interview and photo shoot. I thought “did I really have to come to Tokyo?” (laughs).
Yamada: It was tough to commute, wasn’t it? But at that time, Chinen (Yuri) or I did not know how to talk [in interviews] at all, so we relied on Yuma for the heavy lifting.
Nakayama: No, I feel like I was was just following Yamada-kun.
Yamada: No that wasn’t right, I think you helped us a lot. ... Anyway, I enjoyed NYC's activities. Even now, Chinen and I will say "I want to do that again someday".
Nakayama: It is the same for me! It was such a great experience.
Yamada: As we worked together, our camaraderie grew. Now, when I see a program where Yuma appears, I will go like "Oh, you can do it, my friend".
Nakayama: Since I usually work alone, I am happy to know that you look at me as a comrade! ... From that time till now, we have never once fought with each other, right?
Yamada: No, not at all. Often, I am pretty strict with people, but I have never once said such [harsh] things to Yuma. Yuma is someone who [always] do things properly, and I recognized that. Anyway, because you were getting into the role for the drama "Hokuto", you cut off all interactions with those around you and was living without a television or a mobile phone! There are not many people who can do that. I really admire this professionalism!
Nakayama: Well, I happen to be in an environment that [allowed me] to do so.
Yamada: Also, the director of the drama was Takimoto (Tomoyuki)-san*, who is a perfectionist (laughs). I understand that very well because he took care of me in my movie. However, I do appreciate the tough [love] since it allowed me to grow. Even now, when I met him somewhere, he would challenge me by saying "Nakayama’s performance is sooo amazing" (laughs).
*Takimoto Tomoyuki was the director of Grasshopper.
Nakayama: He did the same thing to me, he told me "had it been Yamada, he would be able to act beyond [my] imagination..." (laughs).
Yamada: We each have to thank Takimoto-san for the definite change in our understanding of acting... Someday, don’t you think it will be nice if Yuma and I can work together in Takimoto-san’s work, in whatever format it will take?
Nakayama: That will be great. It will be nice to co-star after we mature more [as actors]!
I want you to move forward in a peaceful manner.
Nakayama: Speaking of Hey! Say! JUMP, you guys can play instruments and dance and sing ... I think you are an almighty group. It is fun to watch!  [T/N: Yuma actually said almighty, so I am keeping it even though it sounded a bit intense.]
Yamada: I am happy to hear that.
Nakayama: In addition, Yamada-kun is also in charge of the choreography. Really what skills do you have! (laughs)
Yamada: It was indeed hard to choreograph for nine people (laughs). However, I was able to see the group in a new light and I learned a lot.
Nakayama: Also, I like the relationship between members. I hope it will remain unchanged, and that you guys can move forward [step by step] in this peaceful manner.
Yamada: (smug look) Got it.
Nakayama: "Got it" [you say] (laughs).
Yamada: Hahaha, no really, rather than setting some lofty goal and trying to work towards that, as Yuma said just now, I rather steadily work on the things in front of us one at a time. I think something [good] will naturally come out of this.
Nakayama: I will cheer for you. After our talk today, I again realize that Yamada-kun is someone who is walking ahead of me. I want to catch up too, but despite chasing [after you] desperately, this guy will move ahead at an even greater speed (laughs).
Yamada: (smug face again) Got it!
Nakayama: So it is “Got it!” again. (Laughs)
Yamada: Hahaha, but for me, other than the members, Yuma is the only one in the same generation that I recognize!  You are a one and only existence.
Nakayama: I'm glad to hear that.
Yamada: I don’t think our relationship will change. It seems likely we will keep having this relaxed atmosphere between us.
Nakayama: It is usually like this.
Yamada: For some reason, at the moment Yuma meets me, he will switch to keigo (polite form of speech), it is something that never changes~ (laughs).
Nakayama: I guess that is my innocent side coming out.
Yamada: Is this your last ditch attempt at increasing your likeability?
Nakayama: Lies, lies (laughs). Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of your debut.
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To Yuma,
I am saying what I usually say (laughs).  Yuma will definitely continue an active role as an actor and I think you will have a work that can be your masterpiece. However, I do not want you to [just] say “I am an actor”, as a Johnny’s talent, please take the opportunity to challenge different genres one at a time!
From Ryosuke
To Yamada-kun,
I enjoyed our talk today as usual. As for me who is in the "Yamada Ryosuke generation", I think it will be nice to work with Yamada-kun, whether it is NYC, or on stage, in movies, or on television. For the sake of that day, I will definitely accomplish the things in front of me! Let's go fishing as well.
From Yuma
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graphicabyss · 7 years
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A Thank You to Other Members
S: Recently Koyama-san said “Good luck with the play!” and gave me vitamin supplements. I told him “I don’t even drink supplements!” but I drink it properly. (laugh) I’m really grateful for that. 
K: Massu, thank you for always making cool outfits for NEWS. I think coming up with outfits is very hard. But I am the thing Massu envisioned in his head (??), I believe in his vision. This time also please take care of us!
T: This year Shige gave me some pretty serious advice on personal matters. Our personalities are completely different but our senses match. I wanted to thank him for listening to me quietly while thinking about various things.
M: In Tegoshi’s case there’s actually something I want him to be grateful for.  (laugh) I’m the one who gives him birthday presents all the time (and he doesn’t). Also when I’m buying coffee I’m also asking “Do you want some, Tegoshi?” and buy it for him.
Potato 2017.12
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tegoshigeftw · 7 years
T: One thing that seems to be unresolved right now is when I should go to see Shige’s play, “Green Mile”. (laugh) I would like to go see it in Kyoto. I would like to both go see Shige’s play and go to dinner with him there... something like that. Though it would be interesting even if it wasn’t Kyoto... (checking his schedule on his phone) Ah, I’ll have to go overseas for work so I can’t. So I guess it has to be Tokyo then. If I keep procrastinating like this it gets pretty dangerous [in English]. But I really do plan on going! I haven’t seen the movie “Green Mile” either. So I don’t know what it’s about. Was it about a prison? (is being told what the story is about) Ah, sounds interesting. I like such stories so I’m looking forward to it. 
S: Me and Tegoshi agreed we’d go fishing together but we can’t match our schedules so that remains unresolved. It was Tegoshi who said “take me with you!” but I wonder if he still wants to go.
Potato 2017.12
Yes, he does! Goddamit, go already. Fishing or dinner, I don’t care, just go and tell me about it.
From another section: 
S: Recently Tegoshi said he’d come see my play. I already thought he wouldn’t come so I’m happy.
Ah, also an addition form Potato’s twitter:
“I want to go see Shige’s play,” says Tegoshi. “But if I go it seems that the audience’s primary impressions may be ‘Tegoshi came’. I want them to concentrate on the leading role so I don’t want to interfere,” he said passionately.  
I can’t even decide if it’s humble or arrogant. Anyway, we already know he came to see the play in Tokyo, together with Massu. In SCP he also said he liked it and the scene in the truck even made him cry.
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tegoshigeftw · 7 years
A Thank You to Other Members
T: This year Shige gave me some pretty serious advice on personal matters. Our personalities are completely different but our senses match. I wanted to thank him for listening to me quietly while thinking about various things.
Potato 2017.12
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tegoshigeftw · 7 years
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