#potential ikepri spoilers
maladaptivedaydreamsx · 7 months
silvio, growing up watching his father constantly fail to protect the woman he loves:
full offense to the king, but I'm built different
*proceeds to protects the shit out of emma from the benetiote court*
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wordycheeseblob · 1 year
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Hello there my literate friend, it's been some time! I wanted to respond normally but not many know of his secrets so it may bring a spoiler or two
Nadia's amazing connections, Literature, and potential spoilers below 👇
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First of all, you better tag me for that dissertation on ikepri characters and their connections to omens of death/books (if you're dropping one because damn the idea is the most mysteriously attractive and creative I've heard in a while. Not surprised though, you always give some good food for thought, Nadia)
And you're right, Roderich in that sense would be the doppelganger but I wonder if it really only counts until MC/we actually see his face which is when Gilbert is truly at his worst and it's possible he won't make it (if I recall correctly) when he's about to get operated so Roderich goes to greet her instead of him. It's a good thing she sees through the ploy, because the real Gilbert's hands are cold almost like he was already...
Despite Roderich wearing this hood reminiscent of the ripper I kind of associate Death more with Gil because of his coldness, ravenous apetite, and the fact that not even a genius can predict all its potential next move. Also Gil is the one who wants our boy to take over not the other way around. Like you said, as the doppelganger goes, despite being similar they're probably the exact opposite in many aspects.
But it's true: when we see Roderich, Gilbert's exact but usually invisible replica as a doppelganger is described, is when Gilbert is at his most vulnerable/seriously ill and there's a real possibility his doppelganger will have to take over.
Except Gilbert just nopes out of death. Barely.
Maybe in that aspect he's like a wiedergänger: "deceased, who—often in the form of a physical phenomenon—return to the world of the living. They usually cause problems and frighten living people. They exist either to avenge some injustice they experienced while alive, or because their soul is not ready to be released, as a consequence of their former way of life."
But honestly I wouldn't know 😂 Sadly I can't add much because I'm not that familiar with Germanic mythology.... YET
but I'm really looking forward to any more interesting and insightful connections you make!
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solomons-poison · 1 year
just some ikepri thoughts this evening as I did a reread of Jin's route + his romantic ending, carry on (spoilers on Sariel's and Rio's routes, major spoiler for Rio's, and I guess Jin's route probably??)
So of course, with Jin's and Sariel's characters, we see how the tragedy of the kingdom (aka the king going mad after losing his Belle and then producing 7 other heirs besides Jin) and especially the tragedy of someone they were both close to affected their beliefs.
Obviously with Jin, being the son of the previous Belle, it's hardly unexpected that he is against the idea of a commoner (specifically Belle, likely) and a royal being together. After all, he even goes forward to add Clause 99 to the other clauses provided to the Belle upon being appointed.
He doesn't want another tragedy happening like what happened to his mother. He had to go through the tragedy of losing his mother, all on her own after being banished from the palace and too poor to afford medical treatment. It's understandable that he believes Belle should do her duties to the kingdom, appoint a king using her chosen judgment skills, then move on and leave the palace never to return.
However, then you see Sariel's perspective on the matter, mostly in Rio's route but I believe partially in his own as well. We know that Sariel was the closest person to the king starting from a young age, and even helped raise and of course tutor all the princes as they grew up. So he was there to witness the king's falling as well, and the direct results of it.
However, when the subject of starting/continuing a relationship with Rio comes up, of course the worry is the same for him as it would be for Belle having a relationship with any of the Rhodolite princes. Regardless of the kingdom, a commoner with a prince could always potentially be a disaster. But we see that, although there is such a great risk, Sariel doesn't believe it can only end in tragedy.
He clarifies that, instead, it's if the relationship is half-assed that will cause the biggest issue. If Belle and a prince want to pursue something, it's fine, but they need to be in it all the way or the chance to fail will be great. But if the two are prepared to give their all in the endeavor, he's fully willing to support it. Of course, in regards to Clause 99, Sariel can't exactly reject it because he can understand the reasoning behind it. But if the other princes are willing to overlook it/override Jin's vote, then that's one thing. And in Rio's case, being a prince that Sariel has no jurisdiction over, it's even better.
I just really like seeing how the tragedy affected everyone, but especially getting these two perspectives from the people that had been closest to the king is especially nice.
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krys-loves-otome · 2 years
Let's Get REAL Fanfic Writer Asks
Putting part of this under a read more as I do talk about IkePri spoilers (specifically for Leon's route) as well as some potentially upsetting material.
🪄: what is your post-writing/sharing aftercare? How do you take care of yourself or celebrate yourself when you’ve finished a fic?
Sleep or find something distracting to do to let the fic sink in. I know, I know, I preach 'don't look at the numbers, it's not a measure of your skill as a writer, they don't even matter that much in the grand scheme of things.'
And yet… I'll still refresh the page to watch the numbers go up. Yep, I'll confess to doing it. Thus why I try to make it a habit to post later in the day (sometimes before bed time) so that I can stop myself from letting those numbers get to me.
💎: why is writing important to you?
Because, without it, I wouldn't have a voice.
Ever since I was a kid, I've always struggled with verbal communication. I don't talk a lot verbally and, though it has gotten better with time and practice, it still doesn’t feel like it's where I would want it to be. With writing, I don't have to worry about verbal ticks, volume, diction, or word stumbling. With writing, I can be as clear and concise as I want to be, plus the added bonus of creating stories.
🌈: is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
A New Resident was hard because it was the first time I'd done a birthing scene, plus trying to balance vampire lore and having 4 characters interacting at the same time without trying to leave out anyone. Sebastian was originally going to be in it too, as a sort of mouthpiece to figure out the vampire lore, but I switched him out for Arthur more for his experience as a doctor and I felt bad for just using Sebas as a prop and not giving him much to do. All he would have been doing was be a receiving piece for Comte and Leonardo, so his role got significantly cut down to make Arthur more the one asking questions.
🕯: was there a fic that was really hard on you to write, or took you to a place you didn’t think it would take you?
Name ended up in a different place than where it started, mostly due to time constraints (it was originally a Fictober entry from last year). At first, I wanted to expand upon Leon's interactions with the original Fourth Prince (and to put my own spin on it by changing the Fourth Prince's gender), but though I did make some attempts to write what happened between the two of them, again, due to time constraints, I ended up going with Leon telling the story to his daughter, which, admittedly, is a bit more of a boring approach, but I still think it's a cute little story as is.
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scorchieart · 2 years
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I posted 1,044 times in 2022
That's 1,042 more posts than 2021!
Pffft! No kidding 😅
153 posts created (15%)
891 posts reblogged (85%)
Wow! I really just guestimated that my originals were 15% but... whoo I got it right! Guess this means I need to make more of my own stuff next year, idk.
Blogs I reblogged the most:
*gently places a flower crown on each of your heads*
*patiently waits for Swablu to land on mine*
I tagged 946 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#ikemen prince - 261 posts
#ikepri - 170 posts
#ikepri clavis - 100 posts
#awesome art - 85 posts
#fic - 83 posts
#ikepri chevalier - 74 posts
#ask scorchie - 72 posts
#top tier comedy - 48 posts
#ikepri leon - 43 posts
#ikepri gilbert - 42 posts
How could Gilbert beat out Evie??
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i need a scene where one of them actually is about to get sucked into the cold vacuum of space and the other holds onto him for dear life
Aww no, I remember this...
My Top Posts in 2022:
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I'll tell you what stands out, these 2 next to each other.
They look the most like bros out of the lot (aside from the twins, of course). Just think of the shenanigans they'd get up to together.
Unfortunately, all I can think of is them walking through town with sunglasses on while the crowd stops and stares and they go, "Look. Don't touch."
169 notes - Posted October 23, 2022
His Desire, His Fear, His Misbelief.
A Character Study - Part I: Jin, Chevalier, Clavis, Leon
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A brief character study of the IkePrinces on the basis of their internal conflicts pushing their journeys forward.
Based on the "Desire, Fear, Misbelief" character template detailed by Abbie Emmons. In short, identifying a character's potential growth in their story arc by defining the key driving forces at the start of their journey in terms of:
Their desire, or the nonnegotiable goal they are trying to accomplish.
Their fear, or the person/thing/idea that's preventing them from achieving their goal.
Their misbelief, or the "bubble" they crafted around their world for the purpose of achieving their goal while avoiding their fear at all costs.
The life-changing event that lined these three up, typically occurring in childhood.
**Disclaimer: I am not a professional writer nor a literary analyst. I have also not read all of the content for these characters in either the English or Japanese versions. I am mostly going off of what we learn from the main story routes and some events. This is merely an exercise in character study that I thought some of you might find interesting ^^
**Also, obvious SPOILER WARNING for pretty much all the Rhodolitian princes' routes, and all the trigger warnings that come with them. Ok, let's begin!
See the full post
249 notes - Posted October 30, 2022
Leon: You're not a very good leader, are you?
Chev: Take that back, Black.
Leon: Name one of your faction members.
Chev: That's easy. Clavis.
Leon: Okay, name another.
Chev: ...
Nokto & Luke: ...
Chev: ...Chevalier Michel
274 notes - Posted June 24, 2022
Silly Headcanons About the Princes as Children
Because I had a long weekend but didn't feel like going to the beach. Daydreaming about mini prince shenanigans is just as fun.
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Jin Grandet
Was extremely frugal when he first arrived at the palace, opting out on extravagant apparel and accessories in favor of more drab and practical outfits.  And he only ate the bare minimum during meals to satisfy his hunger.
Everything changed when his first sugar rush attacked. There was a ball at the palace, and Jin laid his eyes on a marvelous 5-tiered buttercream beauty of a cake. It was love at first sight.
It took three servants, two attempts, and one tall glass of warm milk to knock him out and carry him off to bed. By that point, the top four tiers were demolished and nearby mini desserts gobbled up, and everyone went home that night splattered with bits of frosting and cake crumbles. No one likes to remember that evening.
Chevalier Michel
Started his nickname game when he was first learning to speak and couldn’t properly pronounce all the convoluted extended names of the nobility yet. Who has the lung capacity to say “Duke of Over-the-hill, Earl of Just-By-Yonder, Knight of the Square Table, Personal Aide-de-Camp to the Late-Late King, Stuffy McFeatherPants the Third” anyways? 
“Baldy Big Nose” is much more elegant and to the point.
To this day, the nobles make crucially sure to keep track of their nicknames and how they change over the years. It’s a good indication of whether they have fallen out of the prince’s favor.
For example: “Padded Shoulders” probably means you’re safe for now. “Pesky Pupils” means you should consider sending him an expensive gift. “Slithering Maggot” means you need to pack your family and move to Benitoite yesterday.
Clavis Lelouch
Has a soft spot for small animals, so when one unwittingly ends up in one of his traps he does his best to calm it down before releasing it.
If the animal ends up injured, he nurses it back to health before setting it free (or on someone else as another prank). This usually results with him naming the animal and growing attached to it. They become his partners in crime and he relays his grand plans out loud to them like a master and apprentice. These included maps, diagrams, test runs, code names… the whole shebang. 
He also liked to sew tiny matching bandanas to tie around his wrist and his animal companion to signal the mission was go!
Usually kept the animal for much longer after it healed. Sariel makes it a point to do routine sweeps of his room and extract any freeloaders.
Leon Dompteur
Found it much easier to stay awake when someone read to him (I think this is actually canon).
Bonus points if they do voices for the characters. That’s a guaranteed spot on the future domestic faction leader’s friend-list.
Used his princely charms to convince people around him to read history books and old memos and other study material to him. Sariel put an end to this when he saw Leon using his puppy dog eyes to pull ministers out of meetings to read to him.
Would seek out Chevalier to read him stories before bed. Had a 50% success rate getting through the door and a 1% chance of voicing the characters.
Yves Kloss
Used to be the pickiest eater, only preferring foods his wet nurse prepared, until he saw Licht and Nokto struggling with their own meals.
Vowed to create a dish that incorporates carrots that the twins would enjoy.  Tried sneaking it into soups, purees, sauces, gravies, juices, and even desserts. Has not yet found success. 
Through his quest, the doors to Rhodolite’s exquisite culinary history opened to him and he’s been hooked ever since. Is now the first of the brothers to volunteer to try new dishes.
Needless to say, he spent a lot of time in the palace kitchens. Ended up making friends with the stray cats that frequented the back door and the windowsills, and would feed them exorbitantly. Everyday. And on schedule. Well, you try saying no to those cute hungry faces!
Licht Klein
Liked to pretend he was Nokto to get out of dance practice.
Learned to walk before Nokto, and boy did that make him feel on top of the world. He ran (wobbled) circles around his stationary twin, showed off that he could hop, and even managed to stand on one foot for a solid 4 seconds! This lasted a whole 2 days before Nokto caught up.
Once tried to repay Yves for putting so much effort into cooking foods he’d like. He asked Chevalier for an easy-to-follow cookbook, woke up before the cooks and servants, and holed himself up in the kitchen. By the time preparations for breakfast needed to begin, the cooks walked into a war zone. Broken eggshells and yolks littered the floor, flour and cornmeal and different-colored spices coated all the counters and cabinets, and Licht sat in the middle of the kitchen rocking in place, anxiously flipping through the cookbook. Oh yeah, and the oven was on fire. 
See the full post
291 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Chevalier's Ambition
What it sounds like on paper:
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What it actually is:
See the full post
338 notes - Posted August 10, 2022
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Morning satomi, I was wondering if it’s possible to be told more about mr eyepatch man? I’m good with heavy spoilers since I’m quite impatient 💔
If there isn’t anything more to be said about him or smth else regarding my ask then it can be ignored
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Gilbert: Hey there, I heard you want to know more about me?
Hello Anon, I see you're eager to know more about Obsidian's generalissimo. The supreme commander, a young man with an eloquent smile. And talk about amazing timing, IkePri revealed his name while I’m in the middle of giving a super long and detailed answer to this ask. Not me having to edit almost the whole thing because of the name reveal....
Obsidian’s 1st Prince : Gilbert von Obsidian
Character:Absolute Evil × Trampling
Character Voice: ??? (To be reveal)
p.s. I’ll be translating Gilbert’s voice line from the tweet on IkePri JP official twitter and posting it on here later with their name and character description after the lines for all 3 new characters are shared (probably in the next few days and I’ll update my old asks accordingly too).
Additionally, quite A LOT was actually revealed about Mr Eyepatch Manー Gilbert, from Luke’s Route. That's pretty much all I can say as the intro....
Everything else will be under the cut due to very Very VERY Heavy Spoilers for *Luke's route.
*Spoilers of plot, quotes, and descriptions as translated from the JP version of Ikemen Prince
Note: Some content may be triggering so please be forewarned.
Again, this is SUPER HEAVY SPOILER for LUKE RANDOLPH’S ROUTE. (Biggest spoiler from the get go right under this cut. Please take this as the final warning)
. ————
Since I’ve already shared the basic info on him (without plot spoiler) in the previous ask...
From here on I’ll be sharing everything that was revealed related to Gilbert von Obsidian (a.k.a. Eyepatch Man) thus far. (Everything are from Luke’s route)
Parts which have direct references to Gilbert (something someone says about him / something about him / something he says) will be in italic.
Note: Now that we got a name reveal, I’ll be putting his name in bracket where applicable. (Example: ??? (Gilbert), Eyepatch man (Gilbert), etc..)
[Spoilers from Luke’s common route (Chapter 20)]
Back at the castle 3 princes gathered in the pure white office room
Clavis: ーー.......And that ends the report
Nokto: Oh... Both Luke and Jin got it hard huh. To be seeking revenge even though they're brothers
Chevalier: I don't remember telling you to report about that kind of stuff I don't give a damn about
Chevalier rested his chin on his hands on the one and only desk in the room as he coldly glare at Clavis
Chevalier: What I asked about was "information on what you've been snooping around"
Clavis: .......Seriously, what an unpleasant guy. I don't remember telling you about that
Chevalier: You think I don't know what you're doing?
Nokto: What information he's been snooping around?
Clavis: The other day I realized luke's family background was shrewdly forged
Clavis: Getting hold of fake information affects my honor as an older brother you see?
Clavis: That's why I thoroughly investigated him all over again
Nokto: Your "thoroughly" is just nasty isn't it....... well, so there was "something" that even king wants to know about?
Clavis: Yeah. It's an exceptionally delightful story
Clavis turned his back toward Chevalier as he continued to speak looking only at Nokto
Clavis: Luke was born at a territory that a certain margrave is managing
Clavis: So I went to check that territory's birth registration and death registration documents but.....
Clavis: It seems Luke had died once on the day of bloodstained roses
Nokto: You mentioned it earlier didn't you. That after Jin killed his little sister, Luke was crushed by the debris and died
Clavis: According to Jin's testimony that is
Clavis: Even if he survived that, he was so gravely wounded that death is pretty much guaranteed however......
Clavis: A year after that, Luke was employed as a mercenary in town
Clavis raised two fingers
Clavis: There's two problem here. Who saved Luke. And what happened during that 1 year gap
Clavis: For Luke to have a death registration means our military doctor wasn't the one who saved him
Clavis: But at that battlefield there was only two group at war. If Rhodolite didn't saved him......
Nokto: You don't mean......
*Note: Yes. Obsidian, specifically Gilbert, was the one who "saved" Luke. (This is revealed in both True Love and Passionate Love ends, with each end giving us more details on Gilbert, what went on, and what he’s up to.)
Clavis: I'm just speaking of possibilities
Chevalier: ............
Clavis: Cheva, since when did you realized all this?
Chevalier: When do you think?
Clavis: .........
Chevalier: There was the incident at the embassy wasn't there. I anticipated this ever since then
Clavis: .......So it's like that huh
Nokto: It's like what?
Chevalier: Think about it yourself
Chuckling, Chevalier stood up from his chair
Chevalier: If his connection to that country is clear, then there's no reason for us to remain silent about this
Chevalier: Immature as he is, it seems he had given us the answer to what his life is worth
Clavis: You......
Chevalier: I have no mercy for traitors to the country
As his white mantle fluttered, Chevalier heads toward the door
Reflected in his eyes was a cold gaze of the ruthless and cruel beast
Chevalier: It's time for a hunt
[Quotes from Luke’s passionate love end (Chapter 21 - His POV)]
??? (Gilbert): The reason for being born is all given afterwards
??? (Gilbert): What are you able to leave behind while alive? I think that’s the value of one’s life...
??? (Gilbert): Well then, I wonder what you’re able to leave behind?
It was at some point, his savior gave an eloquent smile.
Luke: (While I’m still alive, there’s only one thing I can leave behind.)
That is to kill the royalties he loathed that beheaded his little sister.
The value of his life was all condensed into that.
[Spoilers from Luke’s passionate love end (Chapter 21 - Normal POV)]
A summary of what went on now what we know from the common route that Jin killed Luke’s sister, Leila, and Luke was crushed by debris but had somehow survived that. It turned out that not only is Obsidian military development more advanced than Rhodolite... But also their medical technology.
Rhodolite's current medical tech: If someone is crushed by the debris of a building, they can no longer be saved.
Obsidian's current medical tech: Even if someone is crushed by debris, their bones broken, their internal organs injured, as long as they're still "alive", saving them is "not impossible".
Jin mercy killed Leila under the assumption of Rhodolite's medical tech but Luke who was even more heavily injured than Leila was saved thanks to Obsidian's more advanced medical technology.
Luke told Jin how he have seen Obsidian's medical tech first handed (thanks to Gilbert) and it's much much more advanced than Rhodolite's.
Luke: .....Of course it wasn’t something cheap that anyone can afford.
Luke: But I happened to catch the eye of “that guy” (Gilbert)
[A flashback scene to after Luke was retrieved from the debris of his house that had crushed his body]
??? (Gilbert): Rhodolite had abandoned you but Obsidian saved you
??? (Gilbert): Because you see, how could someone take away the life of such a young child
??? (Gilbert): But it's such a pity..... had your younger sister been alive, we might have had been able to save her too
??? (Gilbert): It's just that her life was taken away by someone with no medical knowledge
??? (Gilbert): Rhodolite's royalties really are so nasty aren't they?
Jin: ......You, don’t tell meーー
Jin: Were you saved by the “eyepatch bastard” (Gilbert)?
Luke: ......That’s right.
*Flashing through his mind was... Obsidian's generalissimo. The supreme commander, a young man with an eloquent smile. [This line is from Luke’s His POV story]
Luke: The one who saved me was the guy you called “eyepatch bastard”
Jin: Nh.. No, I’m glad you’re alive. But to think you could be saved because it was Obsidian...
Jin: If it’s with that bastard’s authority and military control, getting the highest level of medical care would certainly be possible.
Jin: But the price for that is...... dammit!
Jin: Realize it idiot! that guy isn't someone who would save you with a good intention
Jin: Everything is a trapped he laid for the sake of this! To fuel on your hatred and destroy the royal family from the inside out
Jin: ........No, not just that. But the soldiers who harassed you and your little sister might have done so on the order of that man too!
Luke: No.
Luke: Because those soldiers were all killed by that guy
Jin: ............
Luke: He said "I have no need for hideous soldiers who harasses children on the battlefield" and such too
*With an eloquent smile on his face, he ordered his own soldiers killed. It was a memory that gave him the shivers. [This line is from Luke’s His POV story]
Jin: .........Isn't that to buy your trust
Jin: Ah, shit. For real..... I can't stand the way he does things
Jin: In our country we have "a genius born every thousand years" (Chevalier) but... that eyepatch bastard (Gilbert) too is like that.........
Jin: That guyーー is a genius in brainwashing through grasping the minds and hearts of others
Additional information revealed in Luke’s passionate love end is that both Clavis and Sariel also knows Eyepatch Man (Gilbert von Obsidian) as well as how much of a threat he is.
[Spoilers from Luke’s true love end (Chapter 21)]
Luke: Let me just ask one thing first. ........is this for my crime of trying to kill a royalty?
Chevalier: Who cares about that. It's not unusual for brothers to kill each other if it's royalties we're talking about
Luke: .......
Luke: *(Well.... I see. If that kind of thing is a crime then Clavis would fave already been killed by now) [This line is from Luke’s His POV story]
Luke: Then is it because I stirred on the anti-royalty faction?
Chevalier: Who cares about that too. That's well too inadequate to be called a threat
Luke: Then what is it? I can't think of anything else
Chevalier: You have connections with Obsidian don't you
Luke: ...............
Chevalier: Oh, don't misunderstand. Just having connections with Obsidian doesn't matters too. There's someone else (Clavis, as confirmed in passionate love end) who's building a friendship with them even more than you are.
Luke: ..........What?
Luke: Then why are you pointing your sword at me??
Chevalier: You're acquainted with the "eyepatch man" (Gilbert) aren't you?
Luke: ................
Chevalier: .....As I thought
Luke: How did you........know?
Chevalier: 10 Years agoーーYou were gravely injured
Chevalier knew it's Gilbert because Obsidian aren't so compassionate that they would save a child. Much less a dying child of an enemy's country. For them to do so must mean someone on their side instructed the soldier to do so, and for them to specifically save Luke, means they know this boy can possibly kill Rhodolite's royal family. But on top of that, they must know that this boy has royal blood in his veins, and there's only one person in Obsidian who is in the position and has the authority to pull that off together with that knowledge in their handsーー and that person is Gilbert.
Chevalier: That man is a disaster. He's great at manipulating people.
Chevalier: As long as you're within his palm, your hatred and grudge will never disappear
[Spoilers from Luke’s true love end (Chapter 23)]
Luke reached into his jacket
What he pulled out wasn’t a sword, but it was a “jet black lump of iron” (a hand gun)
Jin: You.... That’s......
It was a firearm used in the war in recent years but a much smaller version.
The fruits of military technology which had “advanced by hundreds of years” was within Luke’s hand.
Jin: ......You’re kidding me right
Jin: The one backing you is the “eyepatch bastard” (Gilbert)?
Jin: Nh.... Luke!
Luke: ーーGood bye, Jin
[Spoilers from Luke’s true love end (Chapter 24)]
In the shadow of the forest, Chevalier, Leon, and Clavis were watching the scene unfolds.
Leon: Hey, more importantly... What do you think “that” is?
What was reflected in his eyes was the lump of iron that had dropped down on the grass
Clavis: Do you see it as something else other than a gun?
Leon: A gun that small that’s not only portable but also super accurate and can be fired continuously? I’ve never seen such a thing on the battlefield before.
Clavis: I’ll collect and analyze it later but, it’s probably not something that can be reproduced given our technological development.
Clavis: I shall presume that thing was “given to Luke to have him on to”
Leon: .....There’s only one person I can think of who would be able to create such an unimaginable weapon though?
Chevalier: It’s a declaration of war from “that man” (Gilbert)
Chevalier’s lips turned into a smirk
Chevalier: He’s intimidating us with the fact Obsidian’s military technology is beyond our knowledge
Chevalier: “Get ready to be trampled on” is what he wanted to say isn’t it? This uncouthness is just like him.
Clavis: .......
Leon: Seems like this is no situation for us to be splitting up
As Leon walked away following Chevalierーー
No one noticed Clavis whose smile has disappeared from his face as he was left behind.
[Spoilers from Extra Scene at the very end of Luke’s true love end Chapter 25 (End Chapter) after “Fin” already showed up.]
ーーAt same time, at a certain place, in a certain region
The "man wearing an eyepatch" gives an eloquent smile to the soldier clad in black kneeling before him
??? (Gilbert): Today is Luke's big day huh...... I wanted to go congratulate him directly
??? (Gilbert): Just kidding. Putting aside such a thing that's not even on my mindーー
??? (Gilbert): I too, thought of giving him a "gift"
??? (Gilbert): Having someone precious to him taken away for the second time, I wonder what kind of feelings that would give him?
[Spoilers from Luke’s true love end epilogue]
One day, MC was at the bookstore she was working at. Her work was already done for the day but she stayed to read the books there to study some more. Rio told her he'll head back first and warned her not to stay too late.
A while after Rio left, just as MC finished reading a book.... she heard the door opened.
MC: Rio.....?
......But it wasn’t Rio. Some men had entered the bookstore and judging from there expression, they obviously do not mean well. MC thought how she better escape as soon as possible but unfortunately, it was already too late.
Later in the forest...
Luke was dealing with some illegal immigrants from Obsidian ....They were the ones who took MC
Illegal immigrant: Luke? You, betrayed us!
Luke: Betray? Did your "master" (Gilbert) say that?
Illegal immigrant: ..........
Luke: To begin with, I'm not that guy's servant. Unlike you guys
Luke recalled a line he often heard eyepatch man (Gilbert) says
??? (Gilbert): Trampling over a weak country is boring
Luke points his sword at the face of eyepatch man's servants
Luke: It's that guy we're talking about. He knew about how I became a legitimate prince and this time has a "gift" for me doesn't he?
Luke: Then I better give him a proper thank
Luke: Let him know I'll give him the most deserving return gift that will make him regret if he ever lay his hand on MC!
Luke: ーーWell, that's if you get to meet your master again that is
Clavis has been watching the scene unfold from the side
Luke: What, you're here too?
Clavis: It's my job as an older brother to cheer on my cute little brother on the first time he's going solo
Luke: You're noisy so just go back already
Clavis: Hahahah, well, that asides
Clavis: ......With this, you really became that man (Gilbert)'s enemy
Clavis: It would be nice if you..... don't regret it alright?
Luke: ーー!
On reflex, Luke roughly grabbed Clavis by his shoulder and pulled him away from the carriage where mc was held in
Luke: I had this thought before but, you.....
Luke: "who" are you?
Luke sensed "something" and it put him on guard as he stared at Clavis
Clavis: Isn't this a bit too late for that. I'm your wonderful older brother, the 3rd prince who loves delights aren't I?
Luke: .........."That rumor" isn't true now is it
Clavis: Well, what if it is. What are you going to do?
Clavis: ーーNh, haha, if you grip me any harder your older brother's shoulder is going to break
Luke let go of Clavis
Clavis: If you want to protect MC then bare your fangs at everything like what you just did. Doubt everything
Clavis: But with the man that you had turned into an enemy of (Gilbert), even that much vigilance is still isn't enough
After they safely made it back to the castle MC apologized to Luke and thanked him for saving her. Luke told her it's not her fault because rather, she got "dragged into" his mess. MC was confused so Luke told her how he got info from Chevalier that there's been illegal immigrants entering the country recently and it turned out those illegal immigrant had came for the sole purpose of kidnapping MC
Note: It was Gilbert's order, his "gift" to Luke = to steal MC away
MC was confused as to why someone would want to kidnap her because she's not Belle anymore
Luke: You know I used to be on Obsidian's side right?
To protect mc as a prince of Rhodolite means going against Obsidian, and the one who used to back Luke (Gilbert) is offended by that. Luke told MC how he think he (Gilber) is thinking that if he's able to take the woman Luke is intimate with as hostage, he would once again, be able to get the upper hand on Luke.
Luke: Well, but the means he used was too sloppy. Rather than trying to kidnap you seriously, it's more like he's making a declaration of war.
Luke: It's as if to say..... If I turn against Obsidian, it's not me..... But it's you that they'll hurt.....
Andddd that sums up what we know so far about Gilbert von Obsidian, the 1st Prince of Obsidian first introduced as Eyepatch Man!
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malachiexists13 · 2 years
I think the nightmare I just set myself up for finally hit me. I just now realized what routes I have currently selected across ikesen, ikerev, ikevamp, and ikepri and all I have to say is- Shit, Im gonna be an emotional wreck, arent I?
The routes I currently have selected are:
Ikesen: Kenshin Uesugi
Ikerev: Lancelot Kingsley
Ikevamp: Comte de Saint-Germain
Ikepri: Licht Klein
Please ignore the fact that 3/4 of them are blonde-I swear I dont have a type. Thats a lie. I totally do. But its not blondes lol- God, I need to stop. I am not funny.
I dont know much about Comte's route besides that fact he and Mitsuki get married at the end of his romantic route, and that his real name is Abel. Funny story there! I didnt even learn his real name from his route, I learned because of fucking spoilers. Shortly after his route came out, I played uhh one of the wedding events and bought his epilogue because Im a whore- In the epilogue, they used his real name- So thats how I found out. I was a bit mad like, "Wow I just spent 300 diamonds get to spoiled. Wtf." But I figured Id probably forget because autism brain.
Which I did forget, until I found a oneshot book on wattpad that used Comte for the title, but then used Abel throughout the entire fucking oneshot without warning. I was maybe half-way through the oneshot before questioning, "who the fuck is Abel and where's le Comte? Oh- OH WAIT- ABEL IS COMTE-" So lil message to fanfic writers, treat your readers like idiot babies and put warnings for potential spoilers. Some people (me, im people) read oneshots without playing the actual route first. Im not actually that bothered by spoilers, Id just appreciate being warned first.
Back to the main subject of this post- I dont know if le Comte's route is sad or not. Knowing the devs, it probably is though. I already know that Licht's route is one hell of an emotional rollercoaster like holy shit- I hate touching others but Id gladly ignore every single one of my sensory issues if it meant I could give this poor sad man a hug. Ive been warned that Kenshin's route is a bit intense, but I just keep telling myself that he cant be worse than Nobunaga and it'll all be worth it in the end. To just shut the fuck up with your anxiety and date the pretty but secretly soft yandere boy. Ive heard Lancelot's route is sad, but Im prepared. Similarly to Mitsuhide, Ive already played a few routes before Lancelot's that he was a major part in so I have some idea of how his may end.
But all I see is that Ive set myself up for a potentially very emotional rollercoaster so in about a week or maybe even a month, I'll share how my potential mental breakdown is going.
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darlingkay · 3 years
ikemen opinion 1/?
no one asked but here’s how I felt after completing Chevalier’s route. and if anyone likes this then maybe I’ll rate other suitors/ikemen games lol. i’m putting my thoughts below the line in case you don’t want any kind of potential spoiler :)
*please keep in mind that these are my personal opinions which will of course differ from others!! i’d also like to disclose that i do in fact pay to play, but i only pay for that i deem worth it. i don’t spend money on events or for chapter tickets. 
prince: Chevalier Michel
route: dramatic
overall rating: 9/10
overall thoughts: if his cold attitude won’t hurt your feelings, then by all means go for it. the build up is very slow but the romance in the end makes all the angst worth it in my opinion. I will definitely be playing the romantic route as well-- i mean the the special for both endings is called ‘our kingdom’ how could i pass that up.
ok so chevalier is actually the second ikepri route that i’ve played, the first being yves (who i adore ofc), and i played him over leon because i loovee tsunderes  and i love blondes l0l i just have a type so sue me. generally despite the slowest burn i’ve ever tolerated, its a wonderful route. i don’t personally love slow burns because i get bored quickly, and chev is a VERY tough nut to crack especially because of how cold he is for the vast majority of his route. but his ending is soooo worth it. 
clavis lelouch lol. I know he’s shady, and that they have a weird dynamic but i love it nonetheless. 
i love the connection between mc and chev to be reading love stories. it’s just very interesting to me considering that he is “heartless”. yeah i love clichés.
the cute scenes with chev are VERY cute. i.e.: chevalier holding Belle in his arms after she accidentally falls asleep in his bed. 
the route overall is very interesting to me, i love the suspicion around clavis beig a little sneaky snake, i love the drama around so many people wanting chevalier dead. idk i was just very interested. very different vibes after doing yves’ route, the sweetest cinnamon roll in the world.
i’m a little bitch and chevalier is 300% a strong dom and i ate that shit up so fast i got a stomach ache. “that’s not coming from the second prince, it’s coming from the king so you have no place to refuse” or “being the king’s lover will not be easy, but I have no intention of bestowing my favor to anyone else” (that was paraphrased) bro fuck me up!!!!
for the first several chapters, chev feels like a side character in his own route. i love getting to know clavis more as i anxiously wait for his own route, however it just made it hard for me to feel like i was actually getting to know the main character of the route.
i personally don’t love slow burns to begin with, but this for me felt like the mother of all slow burns lol. I think that I would have liked for chev to admit his feelings a little sooner. or not even that, but at least make more obvious choices that show us that he is falling in love. the more i think about it, the more i realize that he does do some things that are very unlike him, but it just wasn’t enough for me, i felt like the wait was forever. compared to yves it takes forever, but that’s like comparing apples to oranges if you catch my drift.
i feel like... it takes too long for the story to show his humanity. like yeah it’s a build up, but the chapter where Belle sees him in the cemetery memorizing the names doesn’t happen until chapter 18... 18??!!!??! and this is what made me kinda confused when Belle was just suddenly stupid head over heels for chev when she spent 20 chapters trying to decide whether he really did have a heart or not lol and sister was so devastated after the fort battle chapters (yeah i know she had a lot of faith in him and that’s what kept her drawn to him and insist that he was more than a beast, but still)
again, about the first several chapters being clavis based, i didn’t really love that the first two letters came from clavis. like the first one was funny and i loved that, the second one was overkill. i’m not trying to be picky i promise, the letters are just one of my fave aspects of ikemen games and i wanted more from chevalier!!!
favorite memory: i think the only one that was really worth it was ‘devour me in greed’. chevalier’s loophole for clause 99 is funny and very him, and the developed dialogue between mc and chev after everything is just wonderful. i’m also a h03 for that steamy content heh. i also think that his side story for the “the tale of beloved belle and the rose” was very cute and worth it too. otherwise the other’s seemed a tiny bit like a waste in my opinion because chev is just so... detached?? of course, i don’t expect happiness and fluff right off the bat, but if you’ve played chev’s route then i’m sure you know what i mean. 
Edit: I also wanted to say that my favorite letter was the epilogue letter bc omg how cute I just love chev talking about not caring for breakfast but eating it with belle because he loves her and wants to see her, like that’s the kind of shit that spells true love Yknow? Doing things because you cherish a person <3
!!!major spoiler here!!!
actually one of my favorite parts of the entire route wasn’t a savable memory (sad). but it’s when chev and mc are staying the night in the cabin, after chev is wounded badly from flandre’s gunshot. and he admits that he took “an act of major folly” despite his better judgement because he had to rescue Belle, knowing it’s because he’s in love with her even though he previously said that love was useless and unnecessary. i LOVED that chapter. i’m not sure why but something about it is just so good. the drama that even though love means nothing to prince chevalier, he made the mistake of falling in love with Belle and even going out of his way to save her from obsidian. i wish THAT was a saved memory because it’s just so grand. there’s a moment like that in ray blackwell’s route (ikemen revolution) and i wish i had that saved too.
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fair warning, i will be tagging them appropriately as i typically do BUT
⚠️ silvio route spoilers ahead ⚠️
i took a bazillion screenshots and need to free up space, i will be posting/queueing screencaps from the start of his route up until the romantic epilogue. most of it will be out of context but some might be HUGE route spoilers potentially.
please blacklist tags like #ikepri spoilers if you do not wish to see this, or #silvio route spoilers if this is the only one you're avoiding, ty!!
⚠️ ikemen prince spoilers ⚠️
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angsty rio ikepri hc/drabble
(emma & mc are separate characters in this case)
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synopsis: rio is hopelessly in love with emma, who is already in a relationship with (or married to) one of the princes of rhodolite. mc has been hopelessly in love with rio forever, but as his best friend, is there for him for all of his heartbreak and turmoil.. while rio is none the wiser that that mc is basically stuck in the same position as himself since he's never been able to give up on emma and is blind to mc's feelings.
angst ending: rio never finds out and mc continues suffers quietly/leaves or he finds out too late and she's already moved on by then. (bonus hurt: mc ends up with a prince too)
fluff ending: after spending so much time bonding, rio ends up falling for mc and they both get their happily ever afters, together.
hurt/comfort ending: rio falls for mc but she doesn't believe him and thinks he's just going for her since he knows she likes him so he won't feel lonely anymore. slowburn that leads up to some dramatic kiss in the rain or smth and then they finally work things out together.
bonus fic plot: (potential ikepri *spoilers?) we run with the speculations that rio is/escaped from benetoite and throw in silvio and a dark past and have him and mc running away together trying to escape the mess of people coming after rio. all the while he struggles with his memory and trying to figure out why, and then from there either mc is good and helps him escape or turns out she was after him all along..... whelp this turned into a conspiracy all of a sudden
*this is just speculation/theory anyway, but congrats on your route coming out soon rio!! 🧡 🐶
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hii! I'm the same anon who ask translate for Clavis line chat, thank you for the translate! 😊
After Luke's route released, I've been wandering about this. Why had Luke only now been made a prince? Why not from previous years? I can understand that his identity was hidden when he still a child, but when he grows up and with Sariel's connections, it should be easy to find Luke bf the king death, right?
is there an explanation in his route? if there is, it looks like I missed it or didn't read carefully 😅 and I'm sorry for my bad english, hope you can understand my question 😅 thanks!
Hello Anon, you're welcome!
Yes there was an explanation for it in his route but the explanation would make complete sense if you've read Licht's route before Luke's route due something which was said in the “reveal” scene for Licht's route during a flashback with Sariel.
In addition, more details about it was revealed through out the route. But the thing about IkePri is that... for the story to make complete sense, reading the routes by order of release is Very Crucial because the subsequent routes expand on the information that was revealed in prior routes.
Details on reading order (here)
I will be putting the entire explanation regarding Luke, the reason he was only brought to the castle after the Previous King's death, and his status as “a Prince of Rhodolite” under the cut due to very major spoilers for his route.
I’ll be answering this in two parts below:
1) The Legitimacy of the “8th Prince of Rhodolite” - (Contains Jin’s Route Spoilers in addition to Luke's)
2) Why Luke was only brought to the castle after the Previous King's death - (Contains Mild Licht’s Route Spoilers in addition to Luke's, with a bit more of Jin's Route Spoilers)
Note: All info are from IkePri JP. There may be some differences in terminologies when it comes to how IkePri ENG localizes it.
Warning: This post contains potential triggering content. However, “what trigger” is also a major spoiler so please continue only if you're comfortable with spoilers.
Trigger Warning: Mention of Fratricide Attempt, Sexual Assault - Rape.
The Legitimacy of the “8th Prince of Rhodolite”
First of all, I would like to point out that Luke, the “8th Prince of Rhodolite” only became a legitimate prince in his True Love (Romantic) End after he attended the “Sword Ceremony” that was held especially for him.
“Sword Ceremony” is the ceremony where the crest of the royal family is placed on the sword that each person (prince) has. In Rhodolite, right from the moment they were born, each princes are given an individual crest. Apart from their individual crest (their animal crest on their profile), there's also a different crest, the rose crest which signifies the royal family. The moment the rose crest is engraved onto their sword is the moment when they are acknowledged as the legitimate child of the royal family.
Before the “Sword Ceremony” was held for Luke in Chapter 25 of his True Love (Romantic) End, Luke’s sword still doesn't have Rhodolite's royal family crest on it. Normally the “Sword Ceremony” is held before adulthood. However, because Luke still doesn’t have the Rhodolite’s royal family crest, the royal family are holding the ceremony for Luke to officially acknowledge him as the legitimate child of the royal family.
Initially, Luke didn’t want to be “a prince” (because he view the royal family as full of “good-for-nothings”, and if you check out this other post of mine (here) and the other “reveal” about Luke further down in this post, you’ll understand his animosity toward the royalties.....) and he had even committed very major crimes in his route. Those crimes being... acting as the intermediary for supplying the anti-royalty faction with Obsidian's weapons and turning the anti-royalty faction into an extremist faction. These things are actually very major crime to the point that it won't be strange for him to be given a death penalty. However, the “King” (Jin) had penalized Luke for his crime not with a death penalty but that penalty was to “contribute to the future of the country”.
[Spoilers from “Sword Ceremony” Scene in Luke True Love (Romantic) End Chapter 25]
Luke: ーーWith this sword, I swear to give my life to the citizen, to the land, to the history, to the future, of this proud country of roses
Jin: As the king, I bless upon the new bearer of the country. May the country of roses prosper for eternity
And so, the sword that had only been wielded for the sake of *killing Jin, was given back to Luke by the “King's” hand
Engraved onto the blade of Luke's sword was the crest of the royal family that he loathed.
The rose crest would never disappear for all his life.
This is a path once chosen, there's no turning back.
*Note: Details on why Luke had only been wielding his sword of the sake of killing Jin can be found in this other post (here)
And that scene above, was the moment that Luke Randolph became the legitimate “8th Prince of Rhodolite”.
Additionally, I’ve also mentioned this before in this post (here), but in Luke’s Passionate Love (Dramatic) End, Luke was exiled from Rhodolite. He also never went through the “Sword Ceremony” in that end either, thus he never became a “legitimate” prince of Rhodolite. He still has Rhodolite’s royalty blood running in his vein yes, but in this end, Luke was never acknowledged as the legitimate child of the royal family. Not like it mattered much because he can’t even live in Rhodolite anymore and became an exile...
Why Luke was only brought to the castle after the Previous King's death
.....Here’s where the other trigger warning comes into play.
Luke “wasn’t meant to be born”. His mother, a maid in the palace who happened to look similar to the Previous Belle, was raped by the Previous King.
Not everyone knew about how Luke’s birth came to be, but all those who knew, had been “acting as if it never happened” and kept the whole ordeal under the rug. Sariel was one of those people. He had been the Previous King’s aide ever since he was young and he knew Luke’s mother.
To Rhodolite, what was done to Luke’s mother is considered a crime. But because the one who committed said crime is the king, it ended up becoming “nothing had happened”.
[Spoilers from Licht’s common route (Chapter 15)]
In Licht’s route, a flashback revealed his conversation with Sariel 15 years ago. Due to a “crime” Licht had committed, he was certain he was going to be executed, but he wasn’t. The King's order was that “nothing happened”
Sariel: The King's order is absolute. The King said “nothing happened” so nothing happened.
In both Licht’s case and what happened to Luke’s mother, the same decree was made. “Nothing happened”. For this reason, as long as the King is alive, Luke can’t be at the palace. Because if Luke is at the palace while the king was still alive.... what the King had done would no longer be “nothing had happened”.
So long as the incident was kept under the rug and there is no words on involving parties... no incident had occurred.
Regarding Luke’s mother, she had developed PTSD from this and couldn’t accept what happened so she never revealed to Luke who his father was. It wasn’t for his sake, but rather for her own... she didn't want to acknowledge Luke’s existence because she sees him as the symbol of the hideous past.
Since I’m already revealing this much spoilers, I might as well translate the scene...
[Spoilers from Luke’s common route (Chapter 14)]
Luke: Do you now what His Majesty the King's face look like?
MC: ........Now that you mentioned it, I might not really know
The father of the 8 princesーー the previous His Majesty the King is, a person who doesn't show his face much to the citizens.
It seems that wasn't the case in the past, but by the time I was born and understand what goes on around me, it had already been that way.
MC: (I feel like I saw his portrait before but, I can't remember where)
Luke: I too, only found out on the day Sariel brought me here.
MC: Eh...... Even though he's your father?
Luke: Well, up until I came here I didn't even know I'm a prince.
Luke: Thinking about it now, my mother had completely hidden it huh
Luke: ......Rather than for my sake, it's for her own sake
MC: Why.........
Luke: Why do you think?
Luke: My mother... everytime she sees my face, she becomes insane.
MC: Insane......?
Luke: Yeah. Even thoughIi haven't done anything, she's afraid of me. I've always felt that ever since as far back as I can remember
Luke: But one day.... mother and father got married and... it was around the time my little sister was born I think?
Luke: It's like she never “see” me again ever since
MC: .....By doesn't see....you mean?
Luke: Just as I said. She's no longer “aware of my existence”
Luke: Even though I'm right in front of her, no matter what I say to her, nothing reaches her at all
Luke: She's aware of my little sister, and father's existence, but it's just me...... She continue to act like I'm not there at all
Luke: mother prepared meals for 3, she does housework and laundry for 3, and even when we moved home, I don't have a bedroom there
Luke: Father probably... wasn't willing to have me around either.
Luke: Just like my mother, he act like I don't exist. It's only my little sister who acknowledged my existence
MC: only your, little sister...
Luke: Yep. If she's around, then Iーー
Luke: “Ah, I'm alive.” was what I always thought.
Luke: the only one who makes me who's like a ghost feel properly alive as human, is only her.
[A quick summary instead of translation]
And so the realization hits MC. The reason why Luke is good with cooking and housework, why he said when he was young, he eats honey whenever he's hungry, and why what he loves are only his little sister and honey. Those are the only two thing keeping him alive while he had to do everything himself to stay alive
Luke: Honestly, it was always mysterious to me. Why my mother is so frightened of me to the point that she cease to be aware of my existence
[Another quick summary instead of translation]
As the two stopped at the wall in the throne room where numerous portraits lined up on display like a gallery, MC asked Luke if these are portraits of the previous generation kings. Luke said yes and told her how once the coronation ceremony ends, their portraits were put on display here. When MC first came here, the curtain blocked the portraits so she didn't noticed. She wonder if the previous king's portrait is also displayed here and as she was wondering which one is him...
Luke: The one on the right most...... the moment I saw it, I knew it.
Luke: Ah, right. Seeing my face makes my mother displeased
MC: (Right most......)
MC: (.............)
MC: (..............This person is.......)
Expressed by the soft brush stroke shows his *red brown hair with calm but willful *red copper eyes.
*Note: Luke's hair color and Jin's eye color
With a lazy gentle smile on his face as ifーー
Luke: Amazing huh. I have this many brothers but........
Luke: The one who's the most like him is me....... Seriously sickening.
Luke: It seems sariel was the King's aide ever since he was young. He knew my mother too
Luke: That's why when I arrived here, I heard everything from him. .......Stuff about my mother I didn't know of, everything.
[Flashback to Sariel’s conversation with Luke]
Sariel: His Majesty the King had a woman he loved from his heart. It wasn't the queen, nor the women he got his hands on after her.....
Sariel: The King loved his first woman....... Prince Jin's mother, from the bottom of his heart.
Sariel: But Prince Jin's mother was in such a lower positioning than his that the people around them caused them to end up being separated.
Sariel: As if to forget the woman he loved, he tied himself up with several political marriages, continuing to have sex with woman as if it's work.....
Sariel: A few years later. When he got *news of how his beloved woman is from Prince Jin who was born out of the palace and came back
*Note: It was revealed in Jin’s route that she's dead. As soon as he met his father for the first time, his father asked him how his mother, and he told him she’s dead.
Sariel: The king with a wounded heart, had turned completely insane.
Sariel: He randomly laid his hand on women to satisfy his famished heart.
Sariel: And born from that was Prince Licht and Prince Nokto, and then Prince Luke.
Sariel: With the twin princes' mother, it was done with consent so that was still alright but.....
Sariel: .............
Sariel: Luke's mother was the palace's maid
Sariel: She was a person who would never be involved with His Majesty the King butーー
Sariel: At one point, she happened to pass by His Majesty the King in the hallway
Sariel: Prince Luke, your mother...... happened to look quite similar to Prince Jin's mother
Sariel: That night.... the king assaulted and raped your mother like a beast
[End of Flashback]
Luke: ーーAnd so, mother ran away from the palace and went back to her home but....
Luke: By then, she was already impregnated with me
Luke: I'm someone who shouldn't have been born
Luke: .......At the very least to mother, she didn't want to acknowledge my existence because I'm the symbol of the hideous past
Luke: To Rhodolite, what was done to my mother is a crime
Luke: But because he's the king, it ended up becoming "nothing had happened"
Luke: Hey, do you think the princes with that worthless man's blood in their veins are any decent people?
Luke: They're the sons of the guy who just because he lost his "most" beloved woman, hurt tons of people like a beast.
Luke: In this place are the sons of the king who violated women after women.
However, once the Previous King passed away, even if the “crime” came into light, there’s no one you can charge for the crime because the perpetrator is dead.
Sariel, aware of Luke’s existence and everything that transpired, then went to find Luke to kidnap bring him to the palace as one of the person with rights to the throne after revealing to Luke that he’s a royalty. It was only after Luke arrived at the palace that Sariel immediately revealed the whole incident to Luke. (As translated above).
Last words: Up to his route release, Luke’s route is by far the darkest and Ikemen Prince truly is meant for “mature” audiences..... 
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hakuoyuki · 3 years
Hey Honey i like your blog so much! Thanka for everything💘💝💖💗💓💞💕💟❣💔 Could you spoil me with jins route and infos about jin?
Hello! Thank you for your kind words 🥺
I don't mind giving spoilers but I'm not exactly sure how much spoilers you're willing to accept here because Jin's route got some pretty... heavy stuff going on in a different sense from Licht's.
Jin's, Luke's, Clavis' routes are mindblowns after mindblowns.... Let's just say IkePri routes are VERY recommended to be read in order of release because the deeper you are into the story, the reveal keep adding on to the previous and with every new deeds you find out it's just.... holy fuck.
P.S. Mild spoilers: All three of their routes also continue on from something which was said by Licht in his route re: his trust in his brothers as well.
The rest under the cut due to potential spoilers
More mild (not so mild?) spoiler is many of the reveals / event in Jin's route are further expanded on in Luke's and Clavis' route. (With Clavis' adding on to the other reveal made in Luke's route). Let's just say the first time I read the additions to the reveal made in Luke's and Clavis' routes it left me speechless. (P.S. Major spoilers for all three routes if I say what this is all about here)
As for Jin's route specifically... without spoiling what exactly happened, the following is what was touched upon in his route:
・Teacher Jin (Jin's route is a teacher-student plot with MC as his student)
・The reason why Jin doesn't use his sword (He only fight bare fist / with martial arts)
・Obsidian Spy: Double-Agent Jin
・Jin's past before arriving at the palace and why he decided to go to the palace
・The day Jin arrived at the palace
・Jin's thoughts and impression on his mother and father (as well as his younger brothers)
・The reason why Jin is afraid of love and only goes for a one-time only per partner one night stands without emotional attachments
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