#potential klein x willow maybe
blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #790: Kind of Went Too Far. (RWBY)
12:45 p.m. at the Sidewalks of Mistral.......
Sun: (Starts Panting by a Nearby Pole Alongside with Oscar) Hey....('Pants') Oscar....('Pants') Do you think....('Pants') anyone noticed.....('Pants') that we're long ('Pants').....gone ('Pants')....already? (Starts Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead)
Oscar: Maybe?....('Pants') Sort of?.... ('Pants') I really don't know at this point to be honest....(Starts Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead as Well) Let's just hope none of them followed us all the way here....
Sun: Yeah......
?????: ('Ahem')
The duo turns and see Whitley standing behind them while crossing his arms.
Whitley: Do I even wanna know you two are up to right now?
Sun: Oh. (Smiles Brightly at the Youngest Schnee) Hey, Whitley. Oscar and I were just running away from an inevitable doom back at the house.
Whitley: (Raised an Eyebrow in Confusion) Pardon?
Oscar: ('Sigh') We were trying runaway from Yang and possibly even Ruby's wrath after Emerald made a comeback on their mom, Summer.
Sun: Who's not here with us in the land of the living..... Doesn't help the fact that Neptune laughed throughout the whole thing. So....here we are.
Whitley: I see.....Well, I can't say I blame those two for being crossed with her. Throwing insults on the dead does seem pretty distasteful if you ask me.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Tell me about it......But anyways, what are you doing out here, Whitley? Taking a scroll around town?
Whitley: Not necessary. (Points at a Building in Front of Him) I was simply going to the café on the other side of the road. (Smiles a Little) I heard their coffee was almost to die for.
Sun: (Smiles Brightly at the Café) Ah dude! You're going to the Mistral Café? Their coffee, expressos and frappuccinos are the best in the town!
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I have been wanting to go there for a while now...
Whitley: (Sighs While Putting on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) I take it you two simpletons want to tag along, don't you?
Sun: Uh. Correction. Oscar and I are Huntsmen. (Went Back to Smiling) And hell yeah we wanna tag along!
Oscar: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) If you don't mind any company that is....
Whitley: ('Sighs a Bit in Defeat') I suppose I don't mind.....But you two are paying for your own drinks.
Oscar: (Simply Shrugs) Fine by us.
Sun: Yup.
Few Minutes Later Outside of the Mistral Café.......
Oscar: (Smiles Brightly at a Cup of Coffee He Just Drank on his Side of the Table) You were right, Sun. This has to be the best coffee I've ever tasted.
Sun: Right? (Smiles Relaxingly While on the Other Side of the Table) Told ya this place has the best coffee in town.
Whitley: (Nodded in Agreement While Sitting on the Middle of Table, Enjoying his Cup of Expresso) I agree. This Expresso is magnificent in it's own right. It might rival that to Klein's coffee.
Sun: Uhhhh....Who exactly is-
Oscar: (Turns to Sun) He's the Schnee Family's Butler, Sun. Or at least I....think he still is?
Whitley: He isn't really our Butler anymore. But he does seem to spend a lot more time with mother as of late.
Oscar: Oh, really? Cool. (Turns to Whitley) How's Mrs. Schnee been doing lately if you don't mind me asking.
Whitley: She's doing fairly well for the most part. Still adjusting to the outside world and whatnot. (Smiles a Little) We started to spending a lot more time together than before actually. Speaking of which, she wanted to if you and the others would like to accompany us on a trip one of these days.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly) I have ask everyone else about it first, but other than that, it's sound like a plan alr-
Emerald: (Came Out of Nowhere Slams the Table While Glaring at Oscar With a Black Eye, Causing the Boy Get Startled) ('SLAM') Oscar, you traitorous little shit!
Neptune: (Frowns Over Dramatically at Sun While Having a Black Eye of his Own) What the heck, man!? You guys seriously left in there alone!?
Oscar: Oh! Uh....(Chuckles Awkwardly at the Two Black Eyes Friends) H-Heyyy, Emerald..... Neptune....I uhh...Take it that....Yang has..... already pulverized the both of you.... didn't she?
Emerald: Yeah. She did. The girl literally tackled us from the other side of the room and gave us both black eyes. I couldn't even reacted to all of that in time!
Neptune: It took us five and half minutes to escape the house. And once we noticed that you guys were missing in there, decided to look for the both of you.
Emerald: And now we found out that you two have been here enjoying your little coffees this entire time while we suffered! The hell was that all about!?
Neptune: (Already in Comical Tears) I thought we were all bros man!
Oscar: ('Sigh') Look, guys, we didn't mean to abandon you two like that or anything.
Sun: Yeah. We were just scared of get wrapped up into Yang's fury. Sooooo....we bailed. And besides, in all honestly, you guys kinda had that one coming.
Emerald/Neptune: WHAT!?
Oscar: I'm sorry, but I'm with Sun on this one. (Turns to Emerald) Emerald, you flatted out insulted Ruby and Yang's mom in front them and everybody else in the room.
Sun: (Points at Neptune) And you laughed through all of that.
Oscar: Like seriously, Emerald, who would intentionally ask someone what shoes their parents was wearing while they're in a casket!?
Sun: Your laugh sounds like a literally hyena, dude. I'm sorry.
Oscar: And then you went and insult their grandma by saying she doesn't have any knees to pray to Ozpin or do some kind of....Double-Dutch or whatever!
Sun: Like, I've never once, in my entire life, ever heard you laugh like that. Hell, I can even ask Sage and Scarlet about this right now and I can guarantee you that they say the same.
Emerald: Okay, so maybe I did went a little too far on the mom and grandma comeback, but she started the whole thing first with the stupid shoes insult! How else was I supposed to get her back after that!?
Oscar: Make fun of her cape and Crescent Rose instead! I dunno! But what I DO know is that you NEVER disrespect anyone's dead relative! Even if you do wanna use it for a comeback!
Neptune: I didn't mean to laugh out loud like that. I had no idea those Burns would be THAT funny!
Sun: Look, man, I'm all for hearing a well deserved Burns as much as the next guy, but even I know I shouldn't laugh to one that involves something personal.
Oscar: You're already like a sister to me, Emerald, and I know you been through a lot before I met you, but if you really wanna makes amends with Ruby and the others, you can't be doing stuff like this.
Emerald: ('Sighs in Defeat') Yeah..... You're right.....(Turns to Oscar With a bit if a Regretful Look on her Face) I'm sorry, Oscar.....
Oscar: ('Sigh') It's fine, Emerald. I was never mad at you to begin with. But you know I'm not the one who you should be apologizing to, right?
Emerald: (Sighs While Giving Oscar a Simple Nod in Agreement) Yeah....
Sun: (Starts Ruffling the Top of Neptune's Hair) That goes for you too, bro. You need to apologize to Ruby and Yang for laughing like a hyena.
Neptune: ('Sighs in Defeat') I know...... (Glares at Sun) AND I'M NOT HYENA!!!
Emerald: (Gives Neptune a Deadpinned Look on her Face) You so did sound like one.
Neptune: (Immediately Turns to Emerald) WHO'S SIDE ARE YOU ON RIGHT NOW!?
Whitley: Once a hyena, always a hyena I suppose....(Continues Drinking his Expresso)
Neptune: (Turns to Whitley) YOU WANNA FREAKING GO, TWERP!!!?
Oscar chuckles lightly at the whole scene before he felt two hands covering his both his eyes.
????: (Giggles Softly) Guuuuess who!~
Oscar: Oh gee, I dunno~ (Starts Smirking Playfully) Is that you, Ozpin?
????: (Starts Snickering) Yeah, right! Like Oz could ever pull off a cute voice like yours truly.
The person remove two hands from Oscar's eyes, revealing herself to be none other than Ruby Rose while smiling brightly.
Oscar: (Smiles Softly at the Girl) Hey there, stranger. What are you doing out here?
Ruby: (Pouts at Oscar While Hugging Him) Looking for you, dumb-dumb!~ You and Sun had everyone back home worried.
Oscar: Even Nora?
Ruby: Especially Nora. She's already forming a search party for you as we speak.
Oscar: ('Sigh') Oh no....(Gets Himself Up From his Seat) Guess we have get back home then. (Turns to Sun) You're coming with us, Sun?
Sun: (Smiles Relaxingly at the Duo) Nah man. You two kiddos can go on without me. If they ask where I'm at, tell 'em I'm having coffee.
Oscar/Ruby: 'Kay!
Emerald: (Immediately Turns to Ruby) W-Wait! Ruby, about what happened earlier, I-
Ruby: (Immediately Held her Hand Up at Emerald While Giving her a Dark Glare) Not now.
Emerald: (Eyes Widened at the Sudden Glare Before Sighing in Defeat While Looking Down on the Ground in Regret) Right........
Ruby: (Turns Back to Oscar With a Soft Smile While Gently Grabbing his Hand) Let's go, Oscar.
Oscar: Oh! O-Okay. (Waves Goodbye at Everyone While Walking Back Hime With Ruby) See you guys later!
Sun: Later, guys!
Neptune: Bye!!
Sun: (Turns to Emerald) You doing okay, Emerald?
Emerald: (Sighs Once More While Slowly Slouching Down on Oscar's Former Seat) Yeah.... I'm just..... Feeling like I'm back to square one in all of this....
Whitley: It could've worse really.....Yang could've suplexed you and Neptune in front of everyone to see.
Emerald/Sun/Neptune: (Gives Whitley Confused Looks on Each of their Faces) ....................
Whitley: My mother suplexed a man for insulting Weiss during that time we all thought her and the others were dead. (Continues Sipping on his Expresso)
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