#poteto answers
vikingpoteto · 6 months
too shy to come off anon but Connor Hawke? 5, 15 and 18?
please do come off anon especially if you want to talk about the arrows
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
I have an entire playlist for Connor but the first that comes to mind is I of the Storm by Of monsters and men. Lots of songs by them have Connor vibes.
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
ConnorKyle! They're just perfect for each other. I love how they meet each other and immediately start trauma dumping. I love how they just *get* each other. I would love to see how a relationship would develop considering Kyle's baggage and Connor's sexuality. I think they're perfect for each other in every way.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Connor and Eddie, I miss them so fucking much. I love how Eddie stepped up and parented Connor from the get-go, even before Ollie died. Eddie just dropped everything if Connor asked and Connor was fully content to trust and rely on Eddie. I miss them together but also I'm afraid of what DC current canon would do to them (probably nothing interesting)
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arataka-reigen · 1 year
ur the spy x family mutual (og) then the mob psycho mutual and now youre shoujo mutual
This is the good timeline. My greatest evolution. Soon my spy x family form might return because of the new season.
You're the green lantern mutual, the dragon ball mutual and the "has anyone ever read this incredibly specific series that no one has ever read? Yes, Lu knows abt it" mutual
And the homophobic cat owner mutual
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kiribakuficrecs · 3 years
hello!!! im going on a very long trip at the end of april and I'm looking for some very long fics to download to keep me entertained! i dont care what they're about as long as there's no major character death or mentions of non-con. ur blog is a godsend ilysm and you do such a good job thank you so much 🙏
hi there!! i definitely have a lot of good lengthy fics i can recommend to you!
quote love unquote by newamsterdam 
Sero nods. “It’s the chance of a lifetime, really,” he says. “We want you to date Bakugou, for the sake of his reputation with the press. Some public appearances, a few ‘candid’ photos. For at least a couple of months.”
“Bakugou sent you to ask me to date him?” Kirishima asks, baffled.
“Of course not. We, his people, are asking you to date him. He’s going to have to get on board, if he wants his career to survive. And in the bargain, Riot will get all sorts of publicity, because their lyricist will be dating one of the industry’s hottest stars. A win for everyone.”
When Kirishima Eijirou's band hits the big time, he's not prepared for his newfound fame. He's even less prepared to meet the actor he's been crushing on for years, or to start dating him as a publicity stunt. The closer Kirishima gets to Bakugou Katsuki, the more he realizes he's in over his head. But it's hard to stop, once his heart is in it.
acceptance and denial by poteto
It all goes okay when Kirishima decides to come out to his friends and it all goes wrong when decides that Bakugou is the best fake boyfriend material.
cause the darks not taking prisoners tonight by imatrisarahtops
“Are those soba noodles?” Kirishima asked.
Again Bakugou’s only reply was a grunt. He offered no further explanation—not that Kirishima honestly expected one—as though making soba noodles from scratch at half past four in the morning wasn’t at all a bizarre occurrence and made complete and total sense. For a fleeting moment, Kirishima even wondered if maybe he was the odd one here. Besides, he’d already decided it was generally not in his best interest to question these types of things with Bakugou, especially when it was something essentially harmless.
When Kirishima has a nightmare and is unable to fall back asleep, he accepts defeat and decides to study in the common area of the dorms. What he doesn't expect to find is Bakugou, also very much awake, and Kirishima can't help but think that maybe they're both having the same problems with sleeping. If he's worried, it's just because they're friends. (Right?)
the weight of your hand by kamin
That night, to the citizens, the explosions were a jolt of fear at every blast, but to the heroes and the students of UA, they were punches and swings, fierce fighting and loud strength. The explosions were the pulse of the battle, and the power of a boy that would never back down.
One after another, explosions set a chorus through the shuddering city.
And then, suddenly—the explosions stopped.
(In which Bakugou’s kidnapping goes a little differently, and just a few seconds could change so much.)
so take my hand (your life will be brighter) by multiclassmaps
When a stranger shows up at the ice rink during Bakugou's usually private training sessions, Bakugou expects to hate him. He doesn't expect to develop feelings that become increasingly difficult to deny, or for them to help each other sort through their emotional baggage. - Bakugou really didn't like Kirishima's smile. There was something about it that made his stomach hurt, something about it that made it difficult to focus. He definitely hadn't thought about that smile on his way to the ice rink that day. He definitely hadn't.
distance makes the heart grow fonder (false) by dragontrappedinhumanskin
When Bakugo and Kirishima get hit by a quirk that forces them to literally stick together or face the less then desirable consequences, how the fuck is Bakugo supposed to keep his crush hidden?! Well, turns out he never needed to.
-- “Well, this fucking sucks, how are we supposed to train?!” "Really closely?"
perihelion by tauontauoff
Bakugou was a comet, blazing out of reach. Kirishima knew he was stupidly lucky that his furious trajectory went by close enough that his fingertips got to graze the cowl of fire. It was enough.
During Christmas Class 1A and 1B spend a laid-back week learning about extreme environment hero work in the Alps. Kirishima was used to keeping part of his feelings for Bakugou hidden, and had every intention of keeping it that way, but things don't always go according to plan.
fight me by mr_todoroki
Bright red, spiky hair. Annoyingly bright smile. Clothes that radiate ‘look at me’ vibes. Neon yellow tank top with black shorts. And those were definitely crocs on his fucking feet.
Yeah, Katsuki hated this guy.
Bakugou gets a new roommate.
quietly by chezka
“We’ve been taking the same way to and from school for weeks,” Kirishima grinned, and then when Bakugou frowned at him he put on an affected pout, tilted his head so that he was looking at him through his thick, long lashes, “you never noticed? Am I that easy to miss?”
He could barely finish the sentence before a laugh escaped his lips, and Bakugou rolled his eyes, hit him with a shoulder a little more violently than necessary.
“You stick out like a sore thumb, broom-head,” he grumbled, promptly ignoring Kirishima's whining about his hairstyle when it started coming, “I didn’t notice ‘cause I didn’t care.”
“And now you do?”
everyone knows that cats are independent by purplepersnickety
Eijirou enjoys his job, working the graveyard shift at a 24/7 coffee shop. His daemon Riot is always there to keep him company, and he likes meeting the early-morning patrons and giving them the best possible kick-start to their day. It's been his routine for about a year now.
Then one day, a grouchy guy with a daemon in the form of a lion walks into the shop in the dead of night, and Eijirou decides to strike up a conversation with him.
punks not dead by wrunic
“So you want to use me to piss off your mom?” Kirishima summarized, raising one pierced eyebrow at Katsuki.
“Look, if you want to be all fucking judgy about it, I take cash,” Katsuki said, dropping his hand palm up on the table.
“Hey now,” Kirishima said, raising his hands in surrender, “I didn’t say I wasn’t doing it. I’m always down for a little chaos.” He flashed a grin, showing off his ridiculous shark teeth.
“Good,” Katsuki said. “We start tomorrow."
sent, delivered, read, loved by kiribakuhappiness
Kirishima E. [6.49pm]: ur okay for such an angry dude bakugou! :)
Bakugou K. [7.12pm]: FUCK YOU!
Kirishima E. [7.14pm]: haha! :D ttyl!
Bakugou K. [7.52pm]: STOP TXTING ME!!!
- OR -
Bakugou's and Kirishima's relationship develops from classmates to friends to more, as told through their text conversations.
flicker by mr_todoroki
He was starting to feel depressed. Life was so uninteresting. It was so mundane and forgettable. He had no one to hang out with besides Kota, his family didn’t even live in the city.
He grew his hair out as some sort of rebellion, some sort of stand to make his life the slightest bit more interesting. But he could already feel himself giving in to the pressure of cutting it. He needed to work to live. Without a job, he’d truly have nothing.
Kirishima never applied to UA, therefore never became a hero.
let’s get down to business by kjelfalconer
Katsuki Bakugou, one of the brightest rising stars on wall street, is in need of a new personal assistant. Again. Could Eijirou Kirishima finally be the one to last more than two months?
Katsuki's long suffering HR department sure hope so.
something about us by bigstupidjellyfish
nothing like being in highschool and having no idea how to deal with emotions
fireproof by inkbender
Four years after a classmate nobody seems to remember is kidnapped by the League of Villains, Kirishima drags an amnesiac hobo he found washed up on the beach into his apartment, attempts to teach him how to adult (with varying degrees of success), and discovers along the way that the line between heroism and villainy is quite fine indeed. Plot-divergent after episode 45, the Forest Training Camp arc.
blood riot by magicallee (alternatively)
Kirishima from a universe with no quirks is mind-swapped with an alternate universe version of himself where there are superpowers.
And in that universe he’s a super villain.
And Bakugou is the superhero who caught Evil-Kirishima and put him in prison.
blindside by drowclericpelor
“You’re the first guy friend I’ve had that I can just like, be friends with. You’re either the most unthirstiest boy ever...” Camie shrugged and made another wobbly illusion appear between her hands. It looked like a sparkly rainbow with the word ‘friendship’ beneath it, accompanied by what Bakugou assumed was supposed to be a twinkling sound effect, but it had a tinny quality to it and sounded far away. “...or I just ain’t got the kinda straw you like to ssssip.”
Carefully, Bakugou considered the strange turn this conversation had taken.
He had never been asked, point blank, if he was gay before. And he honestly had never thought about how he would respond. Lying about himself didn’t sit right with him. But he’d always wanted to wait until he was the number one hero - when he stood above everyone else - before coming out. Though he’d had times when he’d thought about doing it before then and had almost gone through with it once. But being the number one hero came first. It wouldn’t matter what people would say about it then as long as he’d risen to the top.
Bakugou knew his lack of a response would give Camie all the answers she needed.
flour power by wingsonghalo
“I’m telling you now, Shitty Hair,” the blonde growled, “I am not gonna play house with you. We will cart this stupid flour around for a week like the assignment says. But some of our idiot classmates are naming the thing and setting up ‘playdates’ and dressing it and I am not doing anything that stupid. Got it?”
Kirishima and Bakugou are paired up to take care of a flour sack for a week. It would be so simple, except nothing with Bakugou is ever simple. Also Kirishima might be kinda sorta completely head over heels for him.
sunchaser by chonideno
that feeling when you suddenly want to jump off a cliff for no reason but instead of a cliff it’s your best friend and instead of jumping it’s growing feelings out of nowhere
or how Bakugou has to try really hard not to throw everything to the wind, and Kirishima doesn't help
i also have a tag specifically for fics that reach somewhere between 30k-70k words long if you wanted to check that out as well! i hope you enjoy the fics here and that i was able to help, ily enjoy your trip!!! :D 
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samotchkaficrecs · 6 years
Haikyuu!! Fic Recs #1
I have wanted to make this post for ages (and the reason this blog was created) and am really excited to share some of my favourite Haikyuu fics with everyone!
I will be putting a ‘★’ next to the ones that i highly recommend and love with my heart and soul.
Lets get started!
In Transit - by Mysecretfanmoments
Hinata finds that he likes standing close to Kageyama on buses and trains. It doesn't mean anything--probably. Maybe. 
baby, i can give you wings - by Metis_Ink
In which there are superpowers, cats, rainstorms, realizations, split-second jealousy, embarrassing volleyparents, killer whales, electric Kuroos, unstable emotions, bad romance movie mentions, some angst, some fluff, but mostly a lot of awkward high schoolers.
The minute Kageyama walks into the gym and sees Hinata hovering eight feet over the nets he knows he’s screwed.
★ fake it, make it - by zadderlee
"Because Kageyama is already dating someone!"
"Really? Who?"
“Me!” Hinata shouts suddenly, grabbing Kageyama’s hand as an afterthought and grinning triumphantly, like he’s somehow missed the implications of what he’s just done. Kageyama is going to kill him.
Oblivious To Love - by Karumasa
Yellow filled Hinata’s vision. The inside of his bag was stuffed full with bananas.
Hinata was terrified.
★ Fake Wedding March - by tsukkkiii (becauseitisbitter)
Minutes before Daichi is going to introduce his fiance to his parents, he gets dumped via text. So while he sits in front of his parents, trying to figure out what to say, an angel appears next to him.
or: Suga pretends to be Daichi's fiance to save his ass.
forever is a long time but i wouldn't mind spending it with you - by  Interconnected_3 
“What else?” Daichi blinks. “What else is there? Do you want me to tell you how you like your coffee?” He grins teasingly. “I don’t know, how do I like my coffee? By the way, you’re missing something.” “Cream and two and a half sugars- wait, I’m missing something?” “Yup,” Suga says. “You forgot to mention that we’re dating.” “Well, god, Suga, judging from how we’ve been kissing and holding hands for three years and in this bed for the past nine hours since last night, I couldn’t possibly tell.”
in which daichi finally gets the day off and teaches a romantically-frustrated suga how to be honest with himself. extreme fluff
★ Black and Blue - by MTrash (Makaria)
Daichi's new (temporary) neighbor is not only stunningly beautiful but also funny, friendly, with just a touch of mysterious.
Naturally, Daichi freaks the fuck out.
(AU where everyone lives in the same building and everyone is gay)
i do (cherish you) - by gabstar
The first time Daichi suggests it, it’s a joke.
“Sugawara Koushi,” he says solemnly. He’s bent on one knee, the floor is still sticky with sweat post-practice. He offers up the lost ring, found while mopping off gym floors. “Will you marry me?”
((Five times Daichi asks Suga to marry him, plus once where he finally, finally says yes.))
The Great Yamaguchi-Tsukishima Split (Capitalization Necessary) - by WyYeuw
"But no, the current situation isn’t normal. This situation requires the full attention of the team. No, what’s really concerning this time around, is that Yamaguchi is the one ignoring Tsukishima.” Yamaguchi confesses. Tsukishima fucks up—like, really fucks up. The volleyball club notices and loses a week’s worth of practice.
★ Do you see what I see? - by superpapershark   
Three times Tsukishima wonders what colour Yamaguchi's eyes are, and the one time he finds out.
★ Try This On For Size - by CloudMonsta 
A lot changed for Yamaguchi Tadashi over the course of high school. He started trying on dresses, for one.
Blood - by darkbluebox 
Words like "Muggle-born" and "Pure-blood" don't mean a lot when you're still a child, but everyone has to grow up sooner or later.
Setting Aside Your Pride and Your Prejudice - by sugamama_crowshi
“Oh, Pride and Prejudice?” an unfamiliar voice asked. Noya was pulled from his search as the man before him spoke. He blinked up at him a few times. Then he stared. Nishinoya’s mouth was probably hanging open slightly. He couldn’t help it. Before him stood the single most gorgeous man Nishinoya Yuu had every laid eyes on.
Nishinoya Yuu experiences love at first sight at the library. Azumane Asahi is excited to think that another Japanese person has heard of Jane Austen. Through a series of lies and café meetups the two begin to learn more about each other. And fall for each other too.
★ I’d Like You Anyway - by KuriKuri 
Yū believes in soulmates, but that doesn’t mean he believes in them.
(Or: An AU in which any permanent marking you get on your body - like a tattoo - also appears on your soulmate. And Yū gets a lot of tattoos.)
★ come and take a walk on the wild side - by Authoress 
There’s a bloodcurdling scream of terror, and then Noya remembers that, right, there’s a new person moving into the apartment next to him. Oops.
(in which Noya is accidentally the Worst Neighbor Ever, Asahi loses twenty years of his life to stress, and Rolling Thunder is the star of the show.)
Under the Radar - by lilien passe (lilienpasse)  
Two weeks after Asahi rejoins the team, Noya finds himself starting to slip during practice. Missed receives, floor burns, the whole nine yards. But when Tanaka points out the possible cause, Noya's hard-pressed to believe him. There's no way someone as dopey yet implausibly-competent as Asahi could be the cause of all his distress. After all, Noya doesn't worry about much beyond the court, and he certainly doesn't hold grudges. Right? (Semi-AU)
★ Saltwater Room - by hipster-yams (madamedicelia)
Kenma had been perfectly happy just attending class half-asleep, secretly practicing cello, and occasionally getting his hand stuck in the vending machine but certain people refuse to let his quiet bliss go on and force him to think about everything he's been trying to hide away in the depths of his mind for years.
★ Water and Brimstone - by  aetherdrive 
Kuroo and Kenma are assigned to go undercover as a result of Bokuto’s awkward attempt at playing matchmaker... but their simple case turns out to be a lot more dangerous than they expected.
[A/N: this one is a sequel to another fic Crisis Converted (which is also amazing), i will also link the whole series which features BokuAka, KuroKen and IwaOi here]
Show A Little Faith - by minijhi
“Why are you sending me a singing Valentine telegram?" Kenma asks, mouth flattened. "It’s six months until Valentine’s Day.”
“I bought a dwarf over the summer to use as cupid.” Kuroo says. “I figured he could use some practice.”
Presenting Kenma as the Boy-Who-Lived, whose living becomes a lot more interesting when Ravenclaw Prince Kuroo Tetsurou starts sending him singing telegrams about defeating the Dark Lord.
In The Dark Of The Night - by dgalerab  
The Tokyo training camp has to use an older sports center while their usual one is renovated. Kenma is used to paying attention to the minor details, and the minor details in this place don't seem very friendly.
(Or: Kenma notices an angry ghost before anyone else does, and it's not a very good thing for Kenma.)
the truth is out there - by shizuoh  
"I work at NASA," Hajime said, setting down his coffee.
Oikawa immediately jumped up and slammed his palms against the table. "I'll suck your dick if you tell me about the aliens."
★ love me like you do - by crossbelladonna  
Iwaizumi’s family line is cursed to die a year after they fall in love. Admittedly, he knows falling for his childhood friend may be a mistake. But he did and he passed and Death got what he wants that is until Oikawa makes a trade—his memories for Iwaizumi’s life.
The PDA jar - by Poteto
“What is that thing for?”
“I’m glad you asked, captain. This… is the Public Display of Affection jar. Or PDA jar for short.”
“Now whenever you do something that may hurt our children’s innocence, you’ll have to put money in the jar as a punishment."
★ equilibrium - by laconicGhost \
Hajime sighs, leaning against the stove as he turns to face Tooru, who’s still peeking up at him from under his arm. He purses his lips and ignores the heat in his cheeks as he rolls a stiff shoulder.
Tooru hides his face when he realizes he’s been caught, laughing a little bit to cover up his embarrassment. “I’m happy, Iwa-chan,” he says cheerfully.
★ Sincerely Yours - by quinnlocke [Multi.]
Saturday detention isn’t normally a place you go in order to find the answers to your problems
It’s where you go when you’ve fucked up bad enough you have to lose an entire Saturday to make up for what you’ve done.
The Prince and The Criminal were caught cutting class. The Outsider cursed out his Shakespeare professor. The Jock and The Brain got into a fist fight.
And the Birthday Boy, he’s not even supposed to be here...
★ call me maybe - by totooru [MatsuMaki]
Hanamaki texts the wrong number when trying to extort tips out of Oikawa in order to defeat Iwaizumi in arm wrestling, and then continues to text the witty stranger who had answered.
[A/N: this fic is freakin’ hilarious] 
Love It If We Made It - by mangetsu_san [KyouHaba]
Yahaba locks himself up in his room after their loss to Karasuno, so Kyoutani decides to take him on a little adventure.
Mixed Signals - by snoqualmie [KyouHaba]
Feelings are definitely a thing he’s having. Kyoutani is really sweet. He’s family oriented and he prefers novels with female leads and he’s in all honors classes. He kind of has a big head, totally has a big smile, definitely has a big heart. His eyes are nice, he’s got that dimple. Yahaba groans and rubs his fists into his eyes.
The Lost & the Found - by AJ (anna_panda) [Multi]
"Being lost is worth the being found."
Hinata thinks he finally knows his way around the castle, Kenma knows he definitely doesn't and it's a miracle Iwaizumi hasn't thrown Oikawa off the Astronomy Tower yet. Just another year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft & Wizardry.
it's easier for you to let me go - by burritosong [YakuLev]
the one with the proposal
1800-GET-REKT - by doggoneit [KuroTsukki]
“I see you like it Between the Sheets.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“Your drink. It’s good stuff but I’m more of a Blowjob kinda guy.”
★ Crumbling Foundations - by Captain_Hughes_ZU, ToshiChan [Gen]
Things like this didn't happen in Karasuno. It was just a school. Learning, making friends, taking exams and playing volleyball. Lots of volleyball. So it was really nothing out of the ordinary for the team to be in the gym on a simple Monday morning, training away. But two men walking into the gym with guns, one demanding to take his son? That wasn't ordinary, not at all...
And that’s a wrap, i really enjoyed putting this together! Got a bit of nostalgia from when i first started getting into Haikyuu.
I hope you enjoy reading the fics i recommended, i still have heaps more so look out for a second part!
Au revoir!
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nitia95 · 4 years
@fayemichaels ​ thanks for tagging me (months ago)
Gender: female
Star sign: capricorn
Current time: 21:03
Favorite song artists: LITTLE MIX
Favorite songs: (at the moment) Holiday and Break Up Song of LM, Salt and Who’s laughing now of Ava Max, Physical of Dua Lipa
Song stuck in your head: Who’s laughing now
Last movie I saw: Frozen 2 (like months ago, I don’t watch many movies)
Last thing I googled: “pose reference laying down” because I was stuck with my last drawing of Katia and didn’t know how to draw her arm. In the end I didn’t find anything useful.
Other blogs: nitia95-art-writing-referencies I reblog stuff I find “useful” for drawing and writing
Do I get asks: sometimes
Reason for my url: the name of an OC I created years ago, but she’s different from my wh oc Nitia!
Average amount of sleep: 7-8 hours, I sleep a little more on my day off
Lucky number: I think it’s 5?
Currently wearing: grey, long pajama. The quote “Happiness is having a dream” and an image of Shoopy of Peanuts are printed on it
Dream job: I think I answered this long ago...well, currently I’m uncertain but I want something drawing-related
Dream trips: Italy, beautiful castles and architectures, Japan, Greece.
Favorite food: chocolate! Pasta! Lasagna! Pizza! Potetoes and chips!
Play any instruments: none
I have no idea who did this already, if you want tell me and I tag you!
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ojato · 5 years
And if you need to talk we could pm ,if you wanted that is Poteto
ah sure !!I dont mind ya contacting me non anonymous,like i love to answer your questions but some are stuff i cant share to hundreds instead of well 1 
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100yearoldcomics · 3 years
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January 11, 1922 Oh, Man! by Clare Briggs
[ID: A large banquet table with every chair occupied by women in large fancy hats. There is only one man at the table, being waited on by a waiter. /end] Caption: SHE gives a luncheon and HE gallantly offers to be present just to make himself useful. He is now trying to get them to order up. Waiter: You like oysters mebbe or lobstair cocktel, eh?
Close-ups of attempts to get the girls to say what they'll have to eat. Waiter: ...or perheps a dozen squap, eh? Ver' nice.
Waiter: Also I reccoment some guinea hen. Fine today.
[ID: The husband puts one finger up to attempt to force a pause in the conversation. /end] Waiter: Oo, pardong, Meseer! A nice beek steak ent potetos au gratin. Ent a salat.
[ID: The waiter, frustrated, leans in closer to the husband. /end] Waiter: You see somesing mebbe you like? A mutton shop iss populair. Make him spesshal.
[ID: The husband puts his menu down and tries to get the ladies' attention. /end] Husband: Come on, let's get the order in and talk afterwards. Waiter: I will feex you opp nice spes-shal luncheon. Leaf him to me, Meseer. Look plees. So...
[ID: His wife finally answers. In embarrassment, the husband turns beet red. The waiter turns to the audience and shrugs. /end] Wife: Chicken sandwiches, my dear. Lettuce salad and coffee for all. Waiter: Oh, vair well. What you like what you like, he iss not for me to say.
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baku-san · 8 years
1. always repost the rules 2. answer 11 random questions posted for you 3. create 11 new ones 4. tag 11 ppl
tagged by: @comeonandsmash
tagging (great 11 people): @vivichenwuzhere, @pessimisticdreamer, @cqtpiss, @akutagawah, @buraihas, @kojiiro, @jackross-v, @heijimeiji, @taikos, @poteto-desu, @amphany
1. Do you play an instrument? What instrument would you like to learn if you already don’t play one?
Yes, I play piano 
2. Opinions on mayo sandwiches?
They’re okay.
3. Ever played the pocky game before?
4. Top five favorite musical artists?
[In no particular order since I’m trying to remember them]
1. Set if Off
2. TeZATalks
3. Bastille
4. Alessia Cara
5. Zedd
5. Road trip or plane ride?
Rarely go on road trips and plane rides are okay, probably road trip with friends?
6. First video game you’ve ever played?
I think it was pokemon? I don’t really remember
7. Worst movie you’ve ever watched?
I don’t know, rarely watch movies.
8. Describe one of the weirdest dreams you’ve ever had that you can remember?
I have a lot of weird dreams, I guess the one I can think of now was like me and people I know are a part of something where we’re all rated on the amount of kills we have. Another one I can think of that we’re a part of an organization, uniformed and stuff, sort of like some sort of officials but also not cause we’re not really government so maybe military officers?? something like that. i think another is like mafia or some organization. idk why a lot of people i know irl have some role in my dreams. [i know it’s like describe one, but oh well]
9. Do you still watch cartoons?
From time to time yeah
10. What timezone are you in?
Pacific time
11. Biggest fear?
I know a few things I’m afraid of but idk what the biggest is (haha...)
1. What are the little things that makes you happy?
2. Is there something(s) you want to learn about or how to do?
3. What kind of places do you look for when traveling?
4. Do you have pet peeves about anything?
5. What sort of genres are you interested in?
6. Have any favorite mythological creatures?
7. Favorite myth?
8. Is there anyone or anything that was some sort of inspiration to you?
9. Have any favorite quotes?
10. Series or stand-alone books?
11. Any world(s) you would love to escape to?
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vikingpoteto · 5 months
I'M CRYING. Physically you would probably win because i cant fight for shit and have zero muscle mass. But emotionally i'd be devastated as well.
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this is us
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arataka-reigen · 2 years
I was tagged by @nikaidou-stan @vikingpoteto and @sunliv in the same tag game lol. Thank you so much for tagging me and I'm sorry it took me this long to answer you all. Thank you for your patience <3
3 ships: loid forger x yor forger (i hope this obsession lasts a long time because they are so good for my heart), sam x frodo (idk if i ship them romantically or not i just know that they love each other so so so much and they deserve some rest), howl x sophie (the ultimate cringefail couple who spend half the time fighting and the other half flirting)
first ship: it was definitely romione, i used to go to work with my mom just to use one of the computers there to look up pictures of them on google. a close second was percabeth.
last song: last hope by paramore (live in chicago) has been on loop for 4 days now and i cant listen to anything else
last movie: the adam project (really good movie, i went in blind just to see walker scobells acting and i fell in love with the whole thing)
currently reading: i recently started "a hora da estrela" by clarice lispector but today i got a physical copy of "pollyanna" by eleanor h. porter so i might switch to this one. i'm also reading witch hat atelier.
currently watching: impatiently waiting for the next season of spy x family and thinking about starting buddy daddies or derry girls s3 soon
currently consuming: banana
currently craving: spy x family chapter 74 (istg i check the site everyday)
No pressure tags: @jacuzziwaters @nananananananabatfam @lookforanewangle @stephgingrich @desperatecheesecubes @femmevenimeuse and anyone who feels like doing it <3
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coolisok · 5 years
How to lower your child's fever without medicine.
New Post has been published on https://www.coolisok.com/how-to-lower-your-childs-fever-without-medicine/
How to lower your child's fever without medicine.
High fever
What is fever?
Fever is one’s body reactions to infections which can cause a great discomfort. So, it’s only natural that you wish to lower it as soon as possible.
However, especially when you see your child suffering and having a fever, you could do anything to reduce his or her temperature. But sometimes, you don’t want to use medicines randomly without prescription or you simply don’t have one at home. What do I do then?
Have you ever heard about the poteto method of reducing fever and cold symptoms?
Yeah, potetoes can lower fever in less than 15 minutes.
Slice the poteto in pieces and place them under the soles of your feet or your child’s feet, put on stocks and go to sleep.
Raw potatoes are very good allies when it comes to lowering fever, you can use them grated or sliced.
One solution is to grate a poteto and filled with it in side your pair of stocks.
NB: it’s advised to used cotton stocks because a synthetic textile fibre may cause heating, and you don’t want that in the case of fever.
   You can also slice raw poteto to reduce headache or fever too, by simply placing some sliced potetoes on a piece of clothes or bandrole on the forehead of your child.
Read a testimony from a nursing mother;
My name is Mrs Blessing from the easthern part of Nigeria. 
 Few weeks back, my second son was running a reoccurring fever for about two days of over 100°c,  and at that moment I had no drugs in the house and was cashless. The fever got so worsened that I was frightened, then I was advised by my neighbor to do the poteto method, so I decided to give a try. ” before we slept that night I placed one slice of a poteto on each of his stocks and we slept, it was sharp 11:25 pm I woke to recheck on him, there I noticed that his temperature has suddenly went down Together with his runny nose and his congestion but I discovered that the poteto looked a little groess. When I pulled The stocks
 This cheap treatment definitely has my vote over. Unnecessary doctors bill”.
Feel free to try or not.
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allthereclists · 8 years
Lamen 2 pages of ao3
For whom time has stopped by Ajalea 1,306
Laurent takes Damen to the crypt where his family is buried. Damen wants to pay his respects.
Fussing by TurtleTotem 1,521 
Like Damen, I like the idea of Laurent fussing over him while he's injured, so I decided to give them a little time together. ;)
Freedom by TurtleTotem 1,696 
When the slaves of Akielos are freed, there are two golden cuffs remaining. They could take them off—but Damen doesn't want to.
TIME TO GIVE IN by matanee [T · 2,311]
“And what about you?”
Damen might’ve been able to give a fairly confident answer had Laurent not chosen this moment to turn around and face him. His face was emptied of emotions, only the shallow rise and fall of his chest implied that his heart was probably beating faster than usually. They stood each other’s gaze and Damen couldn’t help but step closer, only a little.
“You already know.”
MUSCLES BETTER, NERVES MORE by annundriel [E · 2,977]
They know each other.
The Viper Among Wolves by ViridianChick 16,153
Upon his eighteenth birthday, Prince Laurent of Vere is stripped of his title and sent to Akielos as a pleasure slave.
Unmasked by xyai (1/1 | 19,100 | Explicit) 
“You proved to be invaluable at Nesson-Eloy,” Laurent said. “I expect your singular assets will be similarly useful tomorrow.”
A detour is taken. It ends in the truth.
Escape by Josselin (15/15 | 21,845 | Explicit)
After Damen escaped, he made it three days before Laurent caught him.
The Veretian Flytrap by Just_Another_Day 175,561 
The court treated it like a joke. His uncle told him it was a weakness. Laurent chose to listen to what Auguste had said it could be: an advantage.
Eyes Closed, Head First, Can’t Lose by Uglysweater (1/1 | 3,946 | Teen)
football, espionage, and fake dating because why the hell not.
Dilation by Fahye, theopteryx 9,037 
"Laurent's no use in a jaeger. Not any more," said Aimeric, soft and matter-of-fact. "He's broken."
In a New Rhythm by talithan 10,683
Laurent and Damen decide to have sex. And decide, and decide, and decide.
don't the best of them bleed it out by Poteto 13,394
Laurent doesn't consider himself particularly lucky, but the fact that there's someone out to actually kill him is a bit ridiculous. Although it is not as ridiculous as the fact that there is a certain superhero that saves him every time. This Lois Lane bullshit? Laurent didn't sign up for it.
four sevens and a ten by Fahye 15,049
"Setting aside the obvious," Laurent says, "I feel I should point out that the last time we met, you told me I was beautiful, and then couldn't think of a single other good quality I possessed."
The corner of Damen's mouth twitches. He looks dangerous, and bright, and appalling.
"I can think of a few things now," he says.
A World To Roam Through, And A Home With Thee by thegrimshapeofyoursmile 39,256
“You’re Laurent Aurifère, right? I know your brother –“ “Well, of course you do,” Laurent snapped, unable to hold back his anger, his disgust, and maybe he reeked with it or it was written so clearly on his face that Damianos could not help but take notice because he looked at him with wide eyes, a ridiculous impression for a big oaf of an Alpha like him. “And if you know who I am, I cannot help but wonder at the audacity you’re showing by sitting next to me, by even looking into my general direction. Get lost – and quickly, or I promise that you are going to regret it.”
Slow It Down by angryspaceravenclaw 49,142
Freedom from his uncle, it's all he's ever wanted, and Laurent will use any means necessary to achieve it. Even if it means sacrificing his dignity and self to a sugar daddy. What Laurent doesn't expect, is to find sanctuary in the contract with NHL star Damen Akielos. And he most certainly doesn't expect to develop feelings.
Right Now, You're Smitten by idratherhaveyou 112,406
Laurent's uncle insists he starts bringing a date (a serious one) to company events. In an effort to irritate his uncle, Laurent decides to ask Damen, Nicaise's babysitter, to be his date. Damen grudgingly agrees and goes to the company's annual Christmas party. And many parties after.
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vikingpoteto · 5 months
Mustard and tangerine 🍊
Tumblr media
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vikingpoteto · 6 months
die, pussy, die. shut your little eye. when you wake, find a cake. die, pussy, die.
agdkshdslsgdw girl I thought this was real anon hate but nope, just a mother goose rhyme
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vikingpoteto · 6 months
3, 22, 20 Jason please someone said a bad take about Jason near me today I need your wisdom to cleanse my brain
omg I'm so sorry I didn't see this yesterday here you go
3 - Least favorite canon thing about this character?
The fact that he's still in contact with Bruce. You probably saw this coming, but yeah, not a big fan of Jason as a Bat. I miss when Red Hood didn't have a bat on his chest. I think he should've remained an anti-villain if they wanted him to be a constant in the Batfamily lore or, if they wanted him to heal and get better, he should've cut Bruce from his life.
22 - If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I don't read fics about Jason anymore unless one of my friends recommends something because my headcanons aren't exactly popular so something I don't like would be... a long list. I do like fics that explore his connection to the city, how he grew up in Gotham. Where are the people he knew as a kid? Are they still alive? Did he have any neighbors? I feel like characters like Jason, Steph and Harper should have more connections to the community that the other Bats simply don't have. Bruce included.
20 - Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
STEPH. LET. THEM. BE. FRIENDS. I also really like his relationship with Artemis and Bizarro, but Steph is his platonic soulmate. I would also like to see him interacting with Harper and maybe Cullen but you already knot that.
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