#poutpout writes!
poutpoutlilith · 9 months
Dear @abihasablog,
Happy Festivus! Today's your @squealing-santa day. I'm so honored to have been assigned to you this year. Please enjoy this Steddyhands fic. Lee Stede, of course.
Also, please forgive my complete ineptitude with anything to do with *actually* using this website.
ao3 link:
Warning: Izzy describes some rather violent acts in conversation, but the acts never happen.
"A Dose of Reason"
Word Count: 3596
Word Count Fact: 3596 is not prime, nor is it square free. There is a unique non-cyclic Abelian group of order 3596.
“Hey, Ed, I wanted your opinion on something,” whined Stede in an abandoned attempt to catch his breath.
“Hmmn?” replied Edward, jingling his bell as he turned his neck to face the captain.
“It’s about Izzy. Was I too harsh on him?”
“Our confrontation today. You must have overheard it down there.”
“And?” asked Stede, his panic only growing.
“Is that what his yelling was? I couldn’t quite tell what he said to you.” Edward cracked his wrists and folded his hands, now fully turning his body to face Stede.
“I was more worried about what I said to him to set him off like that.”
“Well, for starters, I didn’t even hear it. Given the history of my leadership style, that should tell you everything I think about whatever it was you did.”
“Ed! I’m really upset right now. Words can hurt our feelings, even if spoken softly, remember?” Edward sighed in reluctant agreement.
“You know what? I’ll go have a chat with him.”
“Be subtle,” Stede requested through a shaky voice. Edward smiled back at him, figuring he was just being his usual self and overblowing whatever it was.
“I will. He’ll think I was concerned about his yelling, and he’ll think I was surprised to learn it was you that set him off.”
“You really mean that? You think you can pull it off?”
“I do. I’ll come and find you in about a half hour.”
“Thank you, Ed.”
“Mmn,” nodded Edward brightly as he made haste to go and find Izzy.
“The hell do you want?” Izzy groaned at Edward. He kept his gaze out and unfocused on the southern horizon. Edward only moved closer to him, eventually sitting next to him. “On with it or fuck right off! You know what? Why don’t you just do that and save us both the trouble.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t yelling a bigger storm than usual a little bit ago. I could almost make out what you were saying.”
“Fucking Bonnet! Fucking twat Bonnet!” sprayed Izzy in a coarse tone that somehow made every syllable irate and plosive. A small dribble of saliva landed on his chin, which he harshly brushed away with his knuckles in a closed fist. 
“Captain got you pent up again?” Edward again pried.
“Why don’t you just fuck off and save us the trouble?” Izzy reiterated. Edward stood up in place but did not move, staring at Izzy to bait him into saying something, anything, he could take back to Stede. Eventually Izzy looked up and their eyes met. “Fine, if you’re gonna try and piss me off like this I might as well get pissed.”
“Go ahead, Izzy.”
“Fuck off!” he snapped. “Sometimes I just wanna get ahold of Bonnet and fucking destroy him. Fingers and teeth and blood everywhere. And then sew them back on and do it again. And again and again. Fucking twat! With his fucking feelings. And being right about everything. I ought to fucking kick him or something. Just to see him powerless and without some fucking retort. Hell, I’d even tickle the man if it made him cry.”
“What did he say?” Edward asked suddenly, attempting to mask how he perked up at that last sentence. He was on a mission from the captain, after all, and a secret one at that.
“He told me how I’m such a miserable twat. I mean, he didn’t say it like that. Gugh, I should have told him to fuck off!”
“You did, seven times,” Edward interrupted. Izzy chuckled a bit, but neither man could tell if it was at Edward’s comment or simply a component of the larger exasperated and very angry demeanor on display. Izzy continued, basically ignoring Edward.
“He just told me how I should remember it’s okay to talk about my feelings. How it’s not healthy to keep everything bottled up. About how I’ve been through a lot. About how he cares. The fucking nerve on that fucking Bonnet! Laying it on thick like he’s got it all figured out. I wish he’d figure out how to send himself straight the fucking fuck to fucking hell!” Izzy stopped yelling and let himself sink all the way down onto the deck, staring up at the clouded sky.
“At least you recognize he’s right. Not to sound like I’m on his side or whatever, but maybe there’s a way to work through some of what you said.”
“But you do just sound just like the man. You’re fucking whipped, mate. You even wear a little kitty collar for him.”
“That’s not what that’s for and you know it! And so long as we both know he’s right, we might as well figure something out. I’m going to be honest, I think we should help you make Stede cry a little if that’s your thing.”
“Said like you’ve truly given up on yourself yet again,” Izzy snided. Edward sighed.
“I’m going to go talk to Stede to try and make anyone better during all of this. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Fuck you, Edward,” said Izzy, “and thanks. Thanks a lot.” He sat up and faced the open ocean again, waiting for Edward to leave and go find Stede.
As Edward reentered the room, he found Stede in about the most awkward seating position imaginable. He seemed to be staring at the ceiling, chipper from the clavicle up and a twitchy disaster everywhere below that. Stede snapped around to greet him wordlessly, straightening his posture and wincing in preparation to hear the worst. Edward knew better than to frame a conversation as anything other than what Stede wanted or expected.
“He said you laid it on pretty thick. He’s an absolute mess but deep down he understands why you are the way that you are. But he’s really mad about it.”
“That’s great! Maybe he’ll want to talk it through!” Edward only sighed at Stede’s optimism. It was cute. Futile against a berserking Izzy Hands, but very cute.
“Never, I’m afraid. At least not at first with this one. Listen, uhm, I need you to let him tickle you to tears so he doesn’t dismember you in your sleep or turn your teeth into flour.”
“Well, that’s quite an interesting analysis. He sounds very angry. Perhaps what he’s after is some casual discussion. A dose of reason, to quell his inner-”
“Reason, eh? Is that what you conspiring fucks want to call it?” spat Izzy from some nearby stairs.
“I was only trying to get him to take the tickling option so there’s less blood for me and the crew to clean up,” offered Edward in his own defense.
“Fuck the both of yous!”
“Izzy, try to understand what it is I’m seeking here,” pleaded Stede. Izzy only scoffed and advanced toward him. Stede backed himself against a shelf where Izzy towered beneath him. Stede would never turn the confrontation physical. And Izzy wasn’t about to just lay hands on the captain without any preamble.
“I don’t care what you want, Bonnet. This ship may be yours, but you are an idiot too weak to do anything but bend at the command of your fucking feelings. It makes me sick as hell. And I just wish I could show you the only feeling that matters in the pirate world. Helplessness. Suffering. The sharp and ruthless imbalance of power. Something a rich boy like you can never truly earn a worthwhile perspective on.” Stede winced at Izzy’s words, recoiling in his head as a haunting vision from his childhood took over. The spatter of blood. Everywhere that life has taken him from then on. Back to the present moment where his jaw gaped and he had no idea how to redirect Izzy’s anger with the power of words and heartfelt connection anymore. It felt too deep. Too real.
“You really want to show me how bad it’s supposed to hurt to be alive, don’t you, Mr. Hands?”
“For as long as it takes to shatter that flaccid and privileged skull of yours.”
“Don’t do this,” a sullen Edward suggested. Izzy saw the disappointment in his eyes. It got to him, which felt like a victory for Stede. That stung, and only angered him further. He tried his best to play it off, backing away from Stede and pacing about the immediate area.
“You should know I would never touch my Captain without permission to do so. Let alone all of that blood and guts stuff, tempting as it may be.”
“But you mentioned tickling, though, didn’t you? At least, Ed made it sound like you did. That might actually be quite fun. Edward loves to make me laugh. I’d imagine I’m very fun.”
“This isn’t about fun, Bonnet. It’s a matter of principle is all. But that explains why Ed shifted his posture at my little joke earlier. Fond memories of your intimacies or something?”
“Well, that’s,” started Ed, beet red and wishing he would wake up in Stede’s bed to spare himself the lasting reality of the sudden flash of embarrassment. He looked to Stede, as if beckoning for permission. That permission came with a nod.  “Yeah,” he shrugged, hanging his head and closing his eyes for a moment. Stede came to his rescue.
“The truth is, I actually quite like it,” he confessed with a proud smile. His tone was flat and dull, but he at least managed a confident enough pull at the corners of his mouth that went well with the rosy complexion that was starting to take up residence in his cheeks.
“You fucking would, Bonnet. Of all people and of all things.” Izzy paused in his paces to turn and face Stede. He contemplated his next words carefully, adjusting his posture and tone accordingly before moving just a couple steps closer to Stede. “You know what? That actually sounds kind of cute. I’m still gonna make your kittenthing here help me make you cry, but what do we say we try and make peace by taking one out of both our playbook with a little tickle scene?”
“Right here?” Stede asked.
“And right now,” Izzy smirked. “What do you say?” Stede looked to Edward, who nodded him on.
“Alright,” shook Stede. “I guess we’ll go and make this happen, then.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” barked Izzy as he lunged at the captain, grabbing his sides and pressing him back into the shelf. “This business gets taken care of right here and right now. The cat either watches or joins me. Your call.”
“Please don’t make me watch, Stede, if you think you can handle it,” Edward said shyly.
“Of course you can join in, Ed,” Stede gushed, looking past Izzy. He then turned his attention back to Izzy. “Happy to be here for whatever you may need.”
“Happy fucking Bonnet, eh? That’s where your trouble began. That smile. That Bonnet fucking smile.”
“Would it be better if I frowned?” Stede demonstrated, and Izzy did not react. “Perhaps something more neutral, a bit stoic with hints of fear?” Stede tried on a second face, and Izzy had had enough of his antics. Wordlessly, he started tickling Stede hard and fast. Stede was far too distracted by his face making to see it coming. “I actually quite think my noseahahahaha! Ihihi g-guess-”
“What?” Izzy teased with a roar.
“Guess you wehent with a smihihile!” Stede screamed. He turned his neck to face away, not that it would really matter when his ribs and stomach were the center of attention and his eyes were bolted shut. 
Izzy quickly made room for Edward, and with two men holding him there Stede was just about locked in place. He tried to sink to the floor, but Izzy and Edward only followed him there. He sat with legs outstretched and T-Rex arms barely positioning his elbows in self defense. He remained surprisingly still, a dead giveaway he was having a wonderful time, even if he was being quite fussy.
“He usually stay this still for you?” asked Izzy, adjusting his position to kneel on Stede’s leg and facing Edward more fully.
“Always. Deep down, it’s like he said. He really does love it.”
“All the noise he’s making you just almost couldn’t tell. Listen to him roar like a little bitch.”
“I know. Isn’t he cute?” 
Izzy crowed a big belly laugh in reply to Edward’s question, turning back to his original position and moving his hands upward. He noticed Edward moving around the side of Stede, but didn’t try to intentionally take that into account. He was determined to figure Stede out on his own, and he didn’t want to get too distracted from eating up Stede’s reactions to make that happen. Stede was essentially a giggly puddle at the mercy of four spidering, digging, prodding, and clawing hands, and Izzy studied his every squirm and plea with devotion.
“Ohohohoho I’m actually the cutest!” exclaimed Stede, his smile only widening as he fell to the side away from Edward and started rolling away from the wall. He made his way onto his stomach without the necessary momentum to turn any further, so he stopped in place. Edward knelt between him and the wall, Izzy next to him on his other side. Stede shook his head from side to side but said nothing.
Wordlessly, Edward stared for Izzy’s attention, eventually locking eyes with him. They paused for a moment, letting Stede catch his breath. Motioning with his eyes, Edward got Izzy to focus his visual attention on Stede’s shoulders. Edward hovered a hand above Stede’s left shoulder and waited for Izzy to figure out what to do with his right. Bobbing their heads, they counted silently to three and started up again together.
“Wahahahait!” cried Stede. He kicked his legs and huffed and puffed until Edward and Izzy stopped again just a few seconds later. There was a brief silence.
“Stede?” Edward asked flatly. Stede pursed his lips but did not immediately say anything.
“Captain?” tried Izzy, being met with more silence.
“Stede, you need to tell us what’s wrong.”
“Oh, uhm, well,” the captain began. He pushed himself with a wrist onto his side and fell onto his back. His face looked its absolute reddest.
“Your face is red, Captain,” observed Izzy, “and we haven’t even done anything severe yet. You need to call it quits or something?”
“Well, no,” Stede admitted, “I’m actually fine. That was just so unexpectedly coordinated and sudden and intense. It was actually quite-”
“Do you want us to keep going?” Edward pressed, cutting him off.
“That would be splendid, thank you.”
“Arms out, then,” Izzy ordered. Stede obeyed. “And take it with pride,” he added. He leaned over and pinned Stede’s wrist with one of his own, putting plenty of weight on it. Edward mirrored him, and with Stede pinned beneath them both they started again.
Stede immediately closed his eyes and threw his head all the way back. Edward and Izzy paused at the thudding sound it made with the floor, but a sharply giggled okay from Stede had them resuming as quickly as the thud had dissipated. He laughed and strained his arms, but they would not budge from beneath those of his comrades.
“Damn ihihihit!” he squealed, “this is a mohohost unusual position to beheheehe in!”
“Mine too, be sure,” sighed Lucius. Izzy paid him no attention, but Edward looked up at him and cocked his gaze. Lowing his tone, Lucius spoke to Edward directly. “I’m just gonna,” he trailed off, shaking an open-palmed hand in the direction of the nearby stairs and shrinking his posture. With an ugly, forced smile he stepped over Stede and made himself gone, perhaps about to go tell someone what he saw. Perhaps not.
Edward turned back to Stede, who didn’t seem to notice the presence of his scribe. His eyes were still shut with a stupidly giddy smile spread across his entire face. Stede was really having a time with his two ticklers. Edward took his hands away for a moment. With his left hand, he caressed Stede’s cheek. Stede opened his eyes and looked at him.
“You’re doing so good right now,” Edward scruffed. Stede smiled.
“I think he can manage a little better for longer,” Izzy insinuated. Stede’s smile turned to fear, to panic, to arousal, and back to a bigger smile, a bead of sweat making its way down the side of his face.
“Only if he’s up to it.” Edward was firm.
“Please,” said Stede. His voice was soft and whiny, as if there was no thought in the world worse than having to leave his ticklish predicament behind.
“See? He wants us to push him to be good, isn’t that right, boy?” Izzy cooed.
“Yes! Goodness, Izzy, fuck!” Stede sputtered. He couldn’t manage much more than that, instead grimacing silently as if to invite the tickling to resume.
Edward immediately started up again. He kept one hand on Stede’s adorable face. This time firmer, as if to keep his gaze fixed on Izzy. His other hand started to explore Stede’s stomach with a walking tap, probing a minefield of spots and watching Stede’s face. He walked his hand higher and higher with his arm until he was almost to Stede’s chest, where he saw an inviting twitch in Stede’s neck. He stopped his hand there and rotated it slightly, pinching at about that height along Stede’s side.
Stede thrashed in place as Edward did so, and he screamed. He screamed as if there was no thought in the world worse than staying in his ticklish predicament. But a signal in the back of his mind forced him to pause and realize he liked it. He only cried out for the torment to continue.
Izzy kept his hands in Stede’s armpits. He had a lot of fun with lighter techniques while Edward did his thing with his sides. Stede managed to stay still enough to keep his arms most of the way outstretched on his own. Izzy drummed his fingers up and down the soft, taut patches of skin, occasionally stopping to blow on Stede’s neck or scratch the exposed piece of his shoulder with his beard. 
“Thahahahat’s a little fohohorward of you,” suggested Stede as Izzy’s beard and breath lingered longer and longer there as the minutes snowballed by.
“Nonsense, Captain, I’m on a mission with this little game,” deflected Izzy. Stede just kept on laughing, but Izzy finally convinced him to open his eyes. Immediate eye contact. “There you are, boy. How do you feel?”
“Nehehevahar bett-ter!” struggled Stede, maintaining eye contact but blinking rapidly at the flood of sensation as Izzy changed his technique to mirror Edward’s death spot squeezes on the other side.
“Tell me how you really feel. Don’t hold yourself back,” Izzy commanded.
“Ehehehed,” laughed Stede.
“Hmmn?” Edward growled with a moderately horny squint back at the captain.
“I’m feheeling quihihite aroused,” reported Stede matter-of-factly, save for the peals of ticklish laughter trying their best to interrupt him. Edward leaned in and kissed Stede, letting go with his tickling hand and straddling Stede more fully.
His leg came to rest on Izzy’s hand, which his old first mate quickly retracted. Stede seemed to quickly shake a relaxation through his body, but hesitated before lowering his shoulders. Izzy wondered whether it was some kind of signal or not.
“Uh, Captain, you need something there?” Izzy asked shyly.
Edward’s mouth stole whatever reply Stede seemed to have no mind to attempt to formulate. They kept kissing there. It was clear their love was just as passionate as it had ever been. Izzy started to understand why these two had done the things they had done to themselves for one another. He wondered if he should start applauding their milestones and loosen up around the ship. He started to get the sense that the tickling scene was over, even if he figured he failed to make his larger point.
“Guess I’ll leave you lovebirds to it, then. I’m not ready to get that involved with a couple of pervert freaks that outrank me.” Izzy paused, trying to find more words. “Well, the captain and his kitten,” he clarified. “You’re cute with that bell, Edward,” he said under his breath, rolling his eyes a bit. With that, he started to walk away, back to his usual place. He traversed some stairs and a couple of corners. He was almost there.
Turning another corner, Izzy felt he was finally far enough away. He stopped for a moment to listen for nearby speech or footsteps. He sat and faced the ocean by himself, solitary in the position where Edward found him earlier in the day. And he let his guard down. Nobody had to know the effect his little torture scene had on him, and so he decided to let it show just a bit. The experience he just created for himself, it wasn’t another laceration of blackness across his wizened heart. It was pure and fun and joyful and a little arousing. 
He took a deep breath in through his nose, and he let it out through a big smile. A picture of Edward straddling Stede formed in his head. He rotated the picture before turning on time, inserting himself in the fantasy image and joining Edward, adding two more hands to the fray. In his mind, he smiled at Edward and Stede there. In reality, he sat there smiling at the ocean. The sun was sinking, and his heart was calm.
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Day 25! Another fucking with the prompt kinda day
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Hypnokink day!!!
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
The most fun I’ve had this month, maybe. My apologies to the intended prompt.
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
Day ten: machines and my first orgasm scene this month
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
Tickletober came early today yall!!
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
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Just published this author’s note with Tickletober day 2. The work is at
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
Tickletober Day 1 is now up on my ao3.
Prompt: Robot
Series Link: archiveofourown.org/series/375766
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
Writing the last scene of my fic before going back and editing it to pretty it up and make the writing conventions not suck haha. This scene is literally so good (imho) I am currently taking a break to masturbate.
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poutpoutlilith · 1 year
3. 25. 30! ^^
3. A tickle story you’d like to share? My favorite real life story has been discussed to hell. In summary, two lers and being hypnotized to believe I’m not being tickled, I’m just lying to myself about the ticklish sensation I feel. Too good. But, I have actually written my first novella, and I’m working on the prequel. I’ve had to take a bit of a break, but when the first draft of the prequel is done I plan to finalize the main story and release it.
25. What are some of your favorite aspects of tickling/being tickled? My favorite thing about tickling someone is watching their face. The precious faces they make. Warms my heart to see such a loud smile etched upon a partner’s face. Being tickled for me is about a lot of things. It’s a lot about closeness and power and love and trust and vulnerability. But one thing I will say here, because I don’t see it emphasized as much, is that I fundamentally enjoy the sensation itself. It’s not quite pleasure, but it’s not quite not pleasure. It’s somewhere adjacent, and I love feeling it all over with no way to ignore it or escape, being forced to just give in and laugh and squirm for as long as I am held there. Honorable mention to being given water to calm my post session coughing fit and getting to snuggle with someone who just had me pinned and thrashing.
30. How easily do you get flustered? Impossibly so. If you would imagine it being slightly flustering, it turns my ears a deep crimson and makes me rock back and forth in place while giggling softly to myself and trying to bury my face away. Every. Damn. Time.
Thank you for the asks!
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Late but lengthy. Excusable, no?
So proud of myself for writing more than 50k words of tickle fic this month. I might even do this next year. We shall see.
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Day 30. The penultimate spooktober tickle porn!
0 notes
poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Another day another fic. Weird concept. Much longer. Hopefully still enjoyable.
0 notes
poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Recovering from being sick and managed to write something a little longer today!
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
Day 27 :))))
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poutpoutlilith · 11 months
A shorter one just because of how sick I am
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