#Squealing Santa 2023
13phantom13angel13 · 10 months
A/N: Hello! It is I! Your Squealing Santa! Surprise! You really gave me some damn good prompts and pairings. I had such a hard time choosing! Anyways, this was my first time writing for JJK. I hope you enjoy it! It was fun to write! Happy holidays! @giggly-squiggily
The christmas season had rolled around at Jujutsu High. The pleasing aroma of gingerbread, peppermint, and chocolate filled the air of the dorms’ kitchen. Anyone who entered the building would be smacked in the face by the sweet scent…the sound of bickering.
Satoru Gojo and Suguru Geto stood in the kitchen bickering with each other. Geto, wearing an apron with some flour and chocolate smudged on him; Gojo wearing a shit eating grin as he held up one of the fresh gingerbread men that was just pulled out of the oven.
“Dammit, Satoru! Would you quit eating the cookies!? You’re going to eat them all before we can even decorate them!” Geto snarled at him, swatting him away with the spatula he wielded.
“I will do no such thing!” Gojo argued back, dodge by him with ease as he took another bite of the cookie. “I can’t eat all of them in one sitting.” He smirked as Geto’s jaw clenched.
“That’s literally the third one you just ate. If you eat one more, there will be consequences.” He growled out in annoyance. Gojo chuckled deviously at the threat.
“I would like to see you try, my dear Suguru.”
Geto’s eye twitched as Gojo took another bite of the sweet delicacy he stole.
“Get your thieving ass out of the kitchen, you menace.”
The challenging grin that spread across Gojo’s face made Geto want to punch him. Then he spoke the famous last words.
“Make me.”
It was Geto’s turn to smirk as he set the spatula down on the counter, taking the apron off from around his neck as he approached the cocky pale haired man with cracking knuckles. Gojo’s grin fell as he recognized the mischievous twinkle in his boyfriend’s eyes. He gulped as he took a couple of steps back.
“Now, Suguru. Think about this.”
“Oh, I have thought about it,” Geto stated as he boxed Gojo in against the adjacent counter. “And I think this is a suiting punishment for your crime, cookie thief!”
Gojo squealed as Geto’s fingers descended upon his sides. Bubbly giggles came spilling past his lips as he squirmed in place.
“Suhuhuhuguruhuhuhu! Nohohoho fahahahahair!”
“It’s plenty fair! I told you to stop eating the damn cookies but you didn’t want to listen. Suffer the consequences!” He scolded as his fingers traveled across his stomach. Gojo giggled harder.
“Tihihihihickling is agahahahahainst the ruhuhules!”
“Pfft! According to whom, exactly? Not you, that’s for sure!” Geto’s fingers traveled up his ribs, his giggles turning into laughter.
Geto laughed with him.
“You sounded like Santa! That’s how you get into the holiday spirit. Not by stealing cookies. Now, are you ready to apologize?” Geto asked the near hysterical man in front of him. Gojo shook his head as wiggling fingers traveled higher on his rib cage. Geto clicked his tongue disapprovingly.
“Suit yourself.” With one hand, Geto attacked Gojo’s armpit. With the other, he grabbed his hip and squeezed in such a torturous fashion that Gojo actually screamed.
Loud, boisterous laughter exploded from him as his knees buckled, sending him to the floor. Geto followed him down with tickling fingers still attached to their targets.
“Give it up, Satoru. We both know you’re too ticklish to keep this up much longer.” Geto said with a fond chuckle. Listening to his boyfriend laugh was one of his favorite things in the world.
By this point, Gojo’s cheeks had turned a pretty decent shade of red. Not enough to be alarming, but enough to know he was reaching his limits. Tears of mirth glistened in the corners of his eyes as he weakly batted at Geto’s hands.
“Are you going to stop stealing cookies and leave me alone to bake in peace?”
“YEHEHEHEHES!! JUST STAHAHAHAHAHAP!! SUGURU PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!” Gojo begged as the first tear trickled down his cheek. That was his signal to stop.
Geto withdrew his hands and sat beside Gojo, rubbing his back gently as he caught his breath. Gojo peered up at him as he wiped his eyes.
“That was rude and uncalled for…” He panted softly. Geto gave him a flat stare.
“What’s rude and uncalled for is stealing my cookies. Now shoo. I have to finish up these cookies so they’re cooler enough to decorate this evening.”
“Yeah yeah. I’m going.” Gojo got to his feet, exchanging as gentle kiss with Geto as he walked out of the kitchen to leave his boyfriend in peace.
Lesson learned, Gojo. Don’t be a cookie thief.
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spooky-switch · 9 months
Mama Bird || Guardians Of The Galaxy Vol. 3 Tickle Fic (Squealing Santa 2023)
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Summary: The new baby raccoons have imprinted on Rocket and will not leave him alone; Quill couldn't be more amused.
Author's Notes: This is my Squealing Santa gift for @fanficsandfluff! I hope you enjoy it! It's such an honor to have been chosen to write for one of my biggest inspirations in this community!
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"Oh, come on!" Rocket groaned, watching as the fluffy little creatures stumbled after him, letting out little cries for attention. "I know you guys wanna play, but I've got work to do! I can't hold ya' all the time!"
The smaller raccoons gave no indication of understanding (or caring about) what Rocket was saying, mewls growing louder at the sound of his rocket.
"I am Groot." Groot chuckled, grinning down his friend. Rocket gave a small scoff, shaking his head.
"I got LUCKY raisin' you so good with how you acted out. This is WAY different; look how many of them there are! And they're so...small!" Rocket retorted, letting out a soft sigh as the little creatures began to crawl up his legs, seeking the comforting warmth of his torso.
"You're the one who wanted to take them so badly." Quill chimed in, a gigantic grin of his own plastered to his face. "Besides, you're their mama bird, of course they'd wanna stick with you 24/7."
Rocket shot his captain a glare. "I ain't no mama bird! Besides, it's not like I could just leave them behind on that ship, could I?"
Quill shrugged. "True, but I DID offer to drop them off on earth once I had recovered, and you were the one who turned down the suggestion."
"You can't just drop them off on some strange planet they've never been to! They wouldn't have made it there, either!"
"Rocket, they CAME from earth, they would've been fine. Besides, it's not like I would have just dumped them in the woods somewhere. Earth has people specifically trained to take care of creatures like them until they are old enough to survive on their own." Quill replied, a teasing glimmer entering his eyes. "I think you just got attached to them and knew you'd miss them."
The older raccoon huffed. "Oh, shut up!" He looked down, watching as two or three of the little ones made it to his torso, immediately attempting to burrow under his clothing to gain better access to the soft, warm fur of his stomach. "Hey, watch it, will ya?" He grunted, half-heartedly attempting to nudge the little creatures away.
"I am Groot!" The tree-like alien snickered, shoulders shaking with barely contained mirth.
"S-Shut up! I ain't ticklish, I just don't want them crawlin' all over me like a bunch of little bugs!" Rocket snapped, though there was no malice behind his words, and a smile was already tugging at his lips as he continued trying to pry the little raccoons off of him.
"Aw, come on! We all know THAT'S a lie!" Quill smirked, uncrossing his arms and wiggling a few teasing fingers Rocket's direction. "You're ticklish as shit, dude!"
"I said shut up!"
Rocket squirmed, hopping from foot to foot as soft titters began to build up in his throat. He could feel the little creatures' paws scratching gently (yet infuriatingly ticklishly) at his torso, quickly driving the older raccoon up the wall.
"Shihihihihihihit! Knohohohohock it ohohohohohohoff!" The raccoon giggled; he ACTUALLY giggled! Quill let out a snort of laughter, shoulders shaking as he tried to contain his mirth.
"Oho my god, this is the cutest shit I've ever seen!"
"I am Groot!" Groot replied, nodding in head in agreement, causing Rocket's cheeks to heat up beneath his fur. The raccoon lurched forward, a wheezy cackle tumbling out as one of the little balls of fur found a particularly comfortable (and ticklish) spot on his stomach and nuzzled up to it.
Quill raised a brow. "Now, why would I do that after you LITERALLY just threatened me? Nah, I think I'll just let the runts have their fun with you for a bit. You need to laugh more anyways." He retorted with a smirk, his sass only increasing Rocket's desire to wipe that smug grin off of his face the instant he managed to pull himself together. The raccoon was already plotting how to get his claws and tail on his leader's sensitive stomach and underarms; how to reduce the man to a shrieking mess.
Oho, yeah, Quill was a dead man.
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helloitsghost · 9 months
Pest in the Side
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Merry New Year and Happy Squealing Santa 2023 for @alexielve :D sorry it’s so late😭
Image ID:
A digital illustration depicting Miles Morales, Peter B Parker, and Mayday Parker from Into The SpiderVerse. Miles is suspended upside down from his webs. Peter is on the right, and Mayday is strapped to Peter by a baby carrier. Peter is tickling Miles on the armpit and Mayday on her foot while calling a friend explaining how he is tickling them to “teach them a lesson”. (Not shown) Miles and Mayday were bothering Peter repeatedly for attention so Peter retaliated. Miles is suspended in the air in hysterics trying to apologize to Peter through his laughter. And Mayday is giggling as her father tickles her foot.
Image Caption:
Peter: “Oh yeah don’t mix the kids, had to teach em a lesson.”
I prob will reblog with a color update as I’m super happy with how it looks and it’s my first time drawing spiderverse :3
Special thanks to @squealing-santa and @hypahticklish for hosting!
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tickles-tea · 9 months
Testing Virtues
I know I’m cutting it extremely close but the day isn’t over yet! Anyway, without further ado, merry belated Christmas to @happyandticklish !! In a very funny turn of events, I ended up being your secret Santa for Squealing Santa 2023 ^^ I hope you enjoy this fic of Izaya fucking around and finding out ~ Also, a big thank you to @hypahticklish / @squealing-santa for hosting the event!!
Summary: After realizing that Shizuo is in a rather affectionate mood, Izaya decides to put his patience to the test. Word count: 2.8k
Shizuo Heiwajima could be a difficult man to read.
Despite how clearly he expressed his rage, it could be tricky to read between the lines of his surprisingly aloof resting face. Whether he was perfectly content or one second away from snapping, one could never guess.
At least, that’s what Izaya used to think.
After what he would reluctantly call ‘dating’ the man for several years now, Izaya could decipher his expressions with the ease of someone who had dedicated their life to the art. These little tells were so clear to him now, he couldn’t believe that he’d been completely oblivious to them in the past.
Like how Shizuo’s honey-gold eyes would light up with a childlike spark whenever they’d pass by a pastry shop. His lips were unmoving but his desires were spoken loud and clear. It was without a word from Shizuo that Izaya would lead them into the shop with teases already loaded on his tongue.
And when Shizuo’s shoulders hunched tight with tension-the line of them more solid than the stop signs he crushed beneath his fists- Izaya knew to keep his jabs light but deliberate. It was a bit of a balancing act, teetering between slightly bothersome and truly irritating. However, it was worth watching that harsh line ease whenever a particularly crude quip caught Shizuo off guard enough to make him laugh.
Izaya could always tell what Shizuo was feeling or wanting or needing.
But he wasn’t always generous enough to give it to him. Not without making him put in the work first.
When Izaya awoke to warm kisses being pressed to his neck and fingers creeping up his shirt with fluttery touches, he knew what kind of day it would be. 
It was the hesitation that gave it away, really; the slow progression, as if waiting for permission when they were both far past the point of being shy.
This particular mood didn’t strike Shizuo often, but it was always fun when it did. 
Izaya did nothing to dissuade him, and Shizuo’s touches grew more deliberate with increasing confidence the longer Izaya didn’t protest. A grin pulled at Izaya’s lips, but it had little to do with the hands that lightly tickled at his waist. Because as soon as it started, Izaya was sitting up and away, stretching his arms above his head with a groan. He turned to look down at his bed partner with a sleep-heavy smirk. “It’s not like Shizu-chan to be up so early. I don’t suppose you wanted to join in on my meeting this morning?”
Shizuo blinked away the drowsy confusion at the abrupt shift, now scrunching his nose with distaste as he registered Izaya’s words. “Don’t say stupid things…” He grumbled, a frustrated crease in his brow. He waited for a beat, and when Izaya only stared back at him with a knowing smile, he clicked his tongue in annoyance. “Can’t you stay in bed a little longer? I thought you said that wasn’t until ten.”
Even though Izaya was sure it was meant to be a frown, the unhappy twist of Shizuo’s lips could only be described as a pout.
“The early bird gets the worm and all that. We can't all afford to sleep in, you know?” Izaya chirped back, keeping the banter light despite the intentions already solidifying in his mind. “If you want to stay in bed though, be my guest. I can wake you up once my client’s gone.”
It was a simple offer but Shizuo still took his time answering. He looked at Izaya for a long few moments, lips pursed on indecision and his hands still resting idle on Izaya’s waist, before he let out a resigned breath through his nose and pulled his hands away. “Mm, yeah, that’s fine.”
And though he nuzzled back into the pillow and closed his eyes without any more complaints, Izaya didn’t miss the way his restless hands twitched with restraint.
True to his word, Izaya woke Shizuo up a few hours later once his client had left with a heavier heart and lighter pockets. He hadn’t spared too much time on the task of waking him; only ducking into the bedroom with a drawled out “Shizuuuu-chaaan~” and tossing an apple at his head when he didn’t stir. It wasn’t the first time he’d done it and it wouldn’t be the last, but Izaya still couldn’t help but snicker when Shizuo exited the room a few minutes later with the half eaten apple in hand.
Izaya watched as Shizuo finished it off in a few bites and threw away the core before immediately making his way over to Izaya’s desk. Strong arms wrapped around his waist from behind as Shizuo leaned in to kiss the crook of his neck. “Good mornin’,” he rumbled, breath hot against Izaya’s skin.
“It’s noon, Shizu-chan.”
Shizuo grumbled in mild annoyance. “Then good afternoon, you pest.”
He squeezed Izaya slightly to punctuate his words. However, his groused frustration was countered by those gentle fingers tapping at Izaya’s sides again. And just as before, they were light, questioning. “You busy?”
Not even the rough edge of sleep still clinging to his voice could conceal the quiet hopefulness behind his words. 
He ghosted fluttery kisses along the line of Izaya’s throat to spread goosebumps across his skin- once again testing the waters. 
And once again Izaya grinned.
“Oh~ What’s this? Did Shizu-chan need me for something?” Izaya questioned in a playful drawl, tensing beneath Shizuo’s touch. He traced mindless shapes on Izaya’s sides, veering closer to his belly to scrape the ghost of his fingernails over the sensitive skin. It took an impressive amount of restraint for Izaya to not react to the ticklish shivers that ran through his nerves.
“Izaya…” he started, shifting to murmur into Izaya’s ear to make him twitch. “C-“
He barely had a second to begin before Izaya was interrupting to answer his own question.
“-because I’m afraid I don’t have time to spare right now,” he clarified, spinning in his chair to face him and knocking his hands away in the process. The sigh in his voice was just subtle enough to pass as truly apologetic. At least somewhat. “Can it wait?”
Tipping his head up to meet Shizuo’s eyes, Izaya was met with an expression he knew well. Thick brows furrowed on growing frustration and a troubled twist to his lips because he couldn’t find a reason to be truly upset. A rarity for Shizuo, but even he could respect when someone was busy. 
He didn’t need to know that Izaya had just been playing sudoku before he walked in. It was his fault, really, for being fooled by the random document Izaya had pulled up at the last second. 
With another one of those pouty scowls, Shizuo gently knocked his forehead against Izaya’s.
It was a question despite bearing the bluntness of a statement.
Judging by the restless padding of feet across the hardwood floor and the too long-stares sent his way, Izaya knew that ‘later’ couldn’t come soon enough for Shizuo. 
He wasn’t exactly known for his patience and Izaya hadn’t exactly been making it easier on him. But that’s what was fun about these kinds of days, and who could blame him when Shizuo had such entertaining reactions? 
It was amusing to watch Shizuo clench his fists at his sides when Izaya stretched, raising his arms high above his head with a pleased groan as if he was oblivious to Shizuo’s plight. 
He’d nearly choked on his glass of milk when Izaya reached for a book on a high shelf, which caused his shirt -untucked for once- to raise and reveal a sliver of his belly. When Izaya had turned to look at him, Shizuo was staring resolutely at the ceiling as he chugged the rest of the glass.
It was terribly endearing when Shizuo thought he was being discreet. However, there was nothing subtle about how tightly his jaw was clenched when Izaya had him fetch a glass of water for the ‘tickle in his throat’.
Perhaps Izaya would feel more guilty about riling Shizuo up when he was asking for what he wanted so sweetly, but it was just too easy.
Izaya was an opportunist at heart, after all.
This secret game of his continued for another two hours, with Izaya coming up with new and subtle ways to drive Shizuo mad. Izaya was honestly impressed with how well Shizuo was holding up, but all things must come to an end, and Shizuo’s streak of patience was no exception. 
His breaking point came when Izaya settled into his chair, picked up a stack of documents, and kicked his feet up onto the desk. It must have been that it was so uncharacteristic of Izaya to ‘rest’ in such a vulnerable position that Shizuo was tipped off to Izaya’s scheming. Or perhaps it was pure coincidence that his fuse happened to burn out at that moment. Either way, Izaya wasn’t too upset when Shizuo shot up from the couch and stomped over to his desk with red-tipped ears and a snarl.
“Oi, what’s up with that pose, huh?” Shizuo growled, leaning far over the desk to meet Izaya face to face. His arms were tense with restless energy where they held his weight against the desk, bracing on either side of Izaya’s legs. 
Izaya smiled pleasantly at him. “Hm? Aren’t I allowed to be comfortable while I work?”
Shizuo glared down at him- and if looks could kill, Izaya would be six feet under. 
“You look a little too comfortable, if you ask me. Just how busy have you been, really?”
A strong hand wrapped around one of his ankles, and Izaya had to resist the urge to jerk his foot back on instinct. “Quite busy. You see, today I’m conducting an observational experiment of sorts. I suppose you could call it testing a beast’s ability to restrain itself and its needs in the face of temptation. Riveting stuff~”
Shizuo bared his teeth in an animalistic grin that sent a shiver of premonition down Izaya’s spine. “Oh yeah? What conclusion have you come to?” The grip tightening  around Izaya’s ankle might as well have been squeezing his lungs for how it caused his breath to falter in his chest. 
“That even beasts can possess an impressive level of patience and willpower, but even so, that control is temporary, and eventually they succumb to their urges. It’s in their nature, after all,” Izaya challenged with a smirk. However, his confidence couldn’t hide the way his hands clutched the arms of his chair in anticipation.
His heart was starting to thrum in his chest; because behind the irritation in Shizuo’s gaze, there was a certain glint in his eyes. Now that Shizuo knew of Izaya’s game, he was ready to play. 
Just the thought was enough to set off the butterflies in Izaya’s stomach.
“I see. If giving in is inevitable, why hold back at all then, right?” Shizuo gave him little warning before he was tugging at Izaya’s ankle to pull him closer and yanking him up by his shirt. Izaya yelped, trying not to knock over his monitors in his scramble for balance as he was pulled over and across the desk. He only had a second to be relieved that everything was intact before he was tossed over Shizuo’s shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
Despite knowing that struggling was futile, Izaya fisted his hands in Shizuo’s shirt for stability and tried his best to kick at Shizuo’s thighs. If he felt the hits, he certainly didn’t show it. “Wait a second! What kind of brainless logic is that?!” He shouted, trying to twist his head around to see where he was being taken. He had an idea, and a turn towards the staircase confirmed it.
“Are you sure you should be mouthing off like that? Ah, but maybe you don't care since you’ve been asking for it all day,” Shizuo almost murmured to himself, his anger having faded to an infuriating breeziness.
Izaya’s cheeks flushed despite the absolute ridiculousness of that statement. “Me? Have you forgotten how many times you-!” His words were interrupted by a yelp when Shizuo gave a warning squeeze to his thigh. 
“Shut up.”
Any further protests from Izaya were met with more squeezes to his thighs, each one making him jump more than the last. Shizuo knew very well how sensitive his thighs were, and he was giving Izaya this chance to back down before he used that information against him. And while Izaya was not the kind of man to give up, every once in a while he could accept when he needed to concede. 
He had been orchestrating the setlist all day after all, and now it was time to face the choir. 
He wasn’t, however, expecting to be part of it, and the pitch his voice reached could put the star sopranos to shame. 
“Nahahaha! Shizu-chahahaha-!” His voice cracked on a cackle as Shizuo drilled his thumbs mercilessly into his hips. Upon entering their bedroom, Shizuo had wasted no time in tossing Izaya on the bed and relinquishing the control he’d been holding onto for the past few hours. And he seemed to be making up for the lost time if his zealous start was anything to go by. 
Izaya shook his head back and forth, frantically trying to pry Shizuo’s hands off of his waist, but there was no give to his iron grip. Izaya couldn’t help but wonder which would be easier to free yourself from: a bear trap or Shizuo’s merciless hold.
He quickly settled on the bear trap when Shizuo began kneading at his lower belly, sending sparks of sensitivity crackling across his nerves. “AH! Shit! Stahahahap, you beheheheast!” Izaya threw his head back on shrill laughter, his legs kicking wildly behind him in a stark contrast to Shizuo’s smug composure.
“What do you mean ‘stop’? You were showing off this spot earlier, weren’t you? You think I’m too stupid to notice you untucked your shirt before you stood up?” Shizuo drawled with a satisfied smirk. He suddenly switched from kneading to scratching lightly at Izaya’s belly to pull frenzied giggles from his lips. “It was like you were saying ‘please, please, please, tickle me here’.”
Izaya’s face lit up with a brilliant red flush at the realization. In teasing Shizuo over how much he wanted to get his hands on Izaya and tickle him to tears, Izaya had practically been asking for it the entire time without shame. What was even more mortifying was how-underneath the amusement at Shizuo’s struggle-he’d been just as eager for Shizuo to break. 
He’d choke to death on his own laughter before he ever admitted that though. 
“D-don’t blame me for your lack of self-control!” He scolded before falling into a fit of giggles when fingers skittered along his waistline. “Ehehehe! Wait, wait, wait!” 
His eyes widened into saucers when Shizuo suddenly caught his hands and pinned them above his head, learned anticipation thudding his heart against his chest.
“You were showing off this spot too, weren’t you?” Shizuo asked casually, impervious to the way Izaya tugged at his wrists like his life depended on it. “Can’t be helped then.” He followed his words with a shrug before spidering his fingers under Izaya’s arm with a practiced skill. 
The response was instantaneous; Izaya shrieked, arching his back in a desperate attempt to protect himself and failing to gain any reprieve. Shizuo knew all of the ways to drive Izaya up the wall and he wasn’t afraid to utilize them now. He was surprisingly thorough in moments like these- taking the time to try everything from rubbing his thumbs into the dip of Izaya’s underarms to lightly scritching at his biceps.
The latter had seemed merciful at first, as Izaya’s biceps weren’t normally that ticklish. He quickly learned that wasn’t the case, though, when Shizuo lingered there long enough for the sensation to become absolutely maddening. 
It took an embarrassingly long time for Izaya to find his words again, but of course he found a way to talk through the flood of mirth.
“Ahahaha! D-don’t try to act like this isn’t-“ his words were interrupted by a loud bark of laughter when suddenly Shizuo pinched at his upper ribs. “Like this isn’t whahahat you’ve been begging for all day!”
That seemed to finally get under Shizuo’s skin enough for him to scowl and lean in close. If Shizuo had to fight to keep that scowl from twitching up at the corners, neither of them mentioned it.
“Well, if this is what we both wanted, I guess I should go all out right?”
A shiver ran down Izaya’s back, and despite the squeals and protests that soon echoed through the apartment, Izaya couldn’t say that he minded it all that much. He could handle the fingers dancing along his skin, no longer restless now that they were focused on the goal of making him wheeze out desperate laughter. He could handle the lips pressing sweetly against his own, turning that same laughter muffled and breathless.
Shizuo had earned this fair and square, and in a way, so had Izaya.
Now all that was left was to enjoy the fruits of their labor. 
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switch-writer · 9 months
Blueberry haired and Raspberry haired
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A/N: AHHH THIS IS SO LATE, BUT HEY @stopiteatpopcorn , I WAS YOUR SQUEALING SANTA. I hope you like it and that it was worth the wait! I didn’t wanna force myself to write this because as someone who’s your friend, and as I do with all squealing Santa events, I PUT MY ALL INTO IT. And we know when we force ourselves to write, it’s just, BLAH. But hopefully you like it! I also kept texting you to subtly get ideas or know if I could write something so HAHA👹 I wanna thank a new friend of mine (who ironically isn’t in the tickle community) for giving me the idea of how to even START THIS FIC. So thank them👺🫵 I ALSO WANNA THANK OUR HOST FOR SQUEALING SANTA THIS YEAR. Always amazing to work with the host, and our host this year was lovely and understanding, so thank you! And without further rambling, this was fun to write and I hope you enjoy!
Summary: Shanks and Buggy cross paths, and the flashy clown has to figure out how to avoid a fight with Shanks without spilling everything. Meanwhile, Shanks isn’t too concerned and helps his friend lighten up… with some teasing of course.
Extra note: I didn’t proof read so there maybe spelling errors 🤡
Warnings: Tickles, foot tickles, I don’t remember if there’s swearing, I don’t think there’s anything else.
See. This was unexpected. In fact, if you told Buggy this was a day he’d meet Shanks once again. Not even close to the top of his guesses. Yet, here he was, making eye contact with Shanks…
And he was horrified. His crew was cheering and ready to loyally watch their captain take on a rival, one of the strongest pirates of the sea, the famous red haired Shanks! This was beyond exciting, they could barely contain their joy as they stood behind their Captain.
As for This Captain… The blue haired Captain was trembling in pure shock, not only did he know of Shank’s power… but Shanks had the power to piss him off like no other. It was like it’s own devil fruit.
So here Buggy was, trembling in some sort of mixed emotion as the red haired pirate smiled in a laid back manner, as if aware of his feelings and chose to observe.
“Dammit! Make the first move!”
“Haha! Clowns first, you know that rule!” Shanks called with his confident yet relaxed tone, not worried in the slightest as he teased. However, this comment happened to make an emotion in Buggy take dominance…
“NOSE?! I NOSE THAT RULE—?! Why You Little—!”
And the chop chop fruit went to work as Buggy split in two pieces, namely his torso ‘chopped’ off from his waist, and he and his torso went straight up to Shanks, flying up to him.
“YOU BETTER NOT SAY ANOTHER WORD OF MY NOSE—!” Buggy squawked, Shanks letting a soft laugh out as he flashed a smile. “Ah, you never change, Buggy.” The pirate with a higher bounty spoke with those hazed eyes, causing more complaints from the blue haired pirate.
“WHAT?! I’ve changed lots, mind you! You just don’t know it yet, you haven’t seen anything yet!” His hands detached as he gripped Shanks by his shirt, poking his chest as well as the fellow pirate smirked softly, amused by how easily provoked Buggy happened to be.
Meanwhile, Buggy’s crew was in awe. “Captain is handling Red Haired like he’s not afraid of a thing he could do… our Captain is unbeatable!” They cheered out, snapping the squawking and squabbling pirate out of his focus to glance back at the crew he led.
“…Hmph.” Buggy huffed, calming down… as much as Buggy could.
“You have quite a crew, a supportive one at that.” Shanks spoke with a calming tone, sounding… happy for Buggy. The clown seemed shocked, becoming choked up as his crew members continued to cheer…
“Hah! Of course! We’re the best crew around!” The Chop Chop Man exclaimed cockily. “Haha! Of course you are.” Shanks commented. “Hey! What’s that supposed to mean! That sounded sarcastic!” Buggy scolded before crossing his arms despite his hands still gripping Shanks’ shirt.
But within a couple moments, Buggy and Shanks went into private, just a simple little room as their crews stood back and let them ‘sort things out’ and whatnot. In actuality, they were just going to chat so Buggy could avoid the fight and not get bested in combat so miserably.
So here they were… And this was… horribly awkward. Especially now that Buggy stopped whining.
“…Well aren’t you going to say something?!”
“We have time, don’t we? Tell me, what’s the recent?” Shanks spoke calmly, his charming smile always remaining on his face. Although, this question managed to make the clown defensive.
“Lots of things! Of course we’re planning on storming the grand line, finding all the treasure in the world, and taking out every pirate we cross!” Buggy protests, refusing to show any small bumps in this little plan of his. “Oh?” The redhead spoke before adding onto his sentence.
“So what about me then?” “Eh?” The blueberry— I mean blue haired man seemed flustered. “You said you’d destroy any pirates in your way… right?” “W-Well, yes—!” Buggy spoke with little confidence, trying to avoid what Shanks was implying.
“So, why not go up against me?”
Oh come on! He made this impossible to avoid! What excuse would even make sense other than ‘I’m a wussy!’
“Because… I have my reasons and I don’t need to explain them!”
That caused a moment of silence, his fumbled sentence made his reasons a mystery, and that seemed to surprise Shanks since usually Buggy couldn’t keep a thing from him.
“…Oh? Well… in that case, Buggy.” Shanks began before grinning.
“Let’s play a game.”
The Genius Jester seemed to be caught off guard once more, but listened intently.
“I’ll try and get you to confess your reasonings, and you resist.” And that seemed easy enough, thank goodness! Hah! This will obviously be easy! So, Buggy pridefully crossed his arms and stuck up his nose— erm, stuck up his chin, as if radiating his ego with his body language.
“Hah! Do your worst!” The Clown spoke as the lacking strawhat Captain seemed glad he had fallen into his little game. His little trap.
Shanks slowly stood from his seat, and slowly approached Buggy… and walked behind Buggy.
Was this an intimidation tactic? Buggy couldn’t tell! But it was horrifying! Horrific even! “Hey—! Watch it—!” Buggy attempted to speak before suddenly letting a shriek out, feeling a little bit of a tickle… or rather multiple tickles around his neck as he quickly tried to flip around.
And as expected, he was met with that smile… but with a mischievous hint to it.
“Still got weaknesses from our days as rookies?”
“Don’t—!” Buggy fumbled. “Why not? It clearly still works.”
“T-That doesn’t mean it’s fair!” The clown exclaimed before a small chuckle left Shanks. “Well, consider it payback since you never played fair.”
And despite that, Buggy couldn’t think of another word before his own laughter bubbled out of his throat from tickling around his belly, causing loud but the famously silly laughs from Buggy. They were more authentic and less dramatized!
Only authentic for the ‘fan’ who’s been there since the start.
“Do you give in?” “N-NEHEVER! Nohot a chance—!”
And suddenly, Shanks raised him up from the chair and pushed him with his arm onto the bed, causing Buggy to fall right over. And within a moment, Shanks was sitting on his waist, spidering and scribbling his fingers on the clown’s belly, causing everything but him staying quiet, nor still as he snorted, his limbs flailing yet never reaching where he needed them to.
“Oho. That was like a battle cry. What’s up?” “PFF— QUHUIT IT! I-I demahand you s-stohop it!” “Oh? Hmm… no can do. I haven’t heard anything but laughing from you, and I definitely didn’t hear any reasons.”
Oh come on! Buggy would’ve sulked if he wasn’t smiling bigger and brighter than a star, but out of the blue… he felt something. He finally didn’t feel tickling all over his belly, but he also felt Shanks.. oh no. Nonono. Not this. Not again. What’s with happy people who wear strawhats or have worn strawhats and this—?!
“Wait—! Waitwaitwait—! Shanks—! Don’t you dare—!” Buggy protests, trying to grab at Shanks before Shanks flipped himself around, now facing his lower half and slipped his shoe off.
“Alright! I’ll count down. 3…”
“Don’t—! Don’tyoueven—!”
And due to Shanks knowing how to work around lacking an arm, he sat on his leg, good for Shanks! But awful for Buggy who couldn’t move his foot.
And the moment he felt the gentle touch of Shank’s fingers skittering around, he admittedly was laughing like a hyena, not that it’s inherently out of character for him, but not something you’d hear everyday. Admittedly, as loud as Buggy was, after he’d squeal, he’d start laughing more… softly? It still had the raspiness in his voice, but it was much softer after he got used to the feeling.
“Kitchee koo?”
“sHUT UP—!”
It brought that smile Shanks had to a grin, he enjoyed seeing his old friend laugh…
But on the other hand, Buggy didn’t ever have this much endurance when he was younger… did he get less ticklish when he grew up? Possibly… but not quite… more endurance maybe?
Nonetheless, Shanks was stumped. It seems more like his friend was enjoying it, which was good, but he wasn’t willing to fess up. As rewarding as the happy laughter was, Shanks still had to tease him. That’s what left Buggy on his feet.
Oh ironic. Shanks chuckled before stopping, letting his friend take breaths and relax as the redhead hummed, thinking this over… What else could he do? He needed another little push…
“Oh! Buggy!”
“Oh what now?! Was that not enough?!” Buggy whined frustratedly, although it was clear he didn’t truly care that much. He was always dramatic about situations, especially to keep up his pride, and that added to his charm… erm well. ‘Charm.’
“Haha! I just had an idea is all. It may get you talking?” And the clown pouted. “Oh you’re joking!” He huffed out, moody despite the playful situation. It wasn’t that it was that bad, but his pride surely didn’t like it.
Although… The childish action sparked memories! Happy memories… and it was heartwarming for Buggy to think back on them…
BUT! If that stupid pirate who lost his strawhat thinks he can make him all soft and happy, he has another thing coming!
“Pff. I promise I’ll stop if this doesn’t work, alright?” Oh. Well… fine. Buggy nodded approvingly with his chin up high in pride, whether or not he wanted the memories to stop, this red haired whatever his face is isn’t gonna win!
With that, the man with the scars around his eye smiled casually… and lifted his shirt up. “…What.” Buggy mumbled in confusion. What could he possibly—
And suddenly Buggy’s thoughts were interrupted by… a loud high pitched squeal. One a coward would have. And it was followed by hearty laughter.
Granted, Buggy was a squealer, but Shanks’ laughter afterwards was his signature, beyond recognizable.
“Oh that’s great! Gold even! Let me do that again!” And Shanks leaned down to his belly, and blew a raspberry straight onto his tummy, causing not only the funny noise to ring out, but another squealy shrieky laugh from Buggy as he threw his head back in laughter, his hair flopping around as he wiggled.
“DAHAHAMMIT—! H-Hahave mercy—! Nonono noT AGAHAHAIN—!”
Buggy kept getting attacked by raspberries, not only causing a ticklish sensation, but the sounds and noises making him laugh, especially when Shanks would laugh half way through the raspberry.
And if this wasn’t a spinning image of when they were children, then nothing was. It was ironic to see this play out.
“Okay!! OKAY—! I’ll tell you—! Just quHUHUIT—!” And one final big raspberry on the belly, and Shanks lifted himself up, laughing softly and yet with his whole heart.
And admittedly, they were just sitting there laughing and giggling for about 30 seconds before Buggy forced himself back to reality and stood to his feet. “N-Now this isn’t over! Just because I gave in doesn’t mean— wait where’s my…” Buggy quickly checked for his shoe before Shanks tossed it over.
And then Buggy went right back to speaking, pulling his boot on. “— It doesn’t mean that I am weaker than you! I just… pitied your attempts and thought it was such a waste of time.”
“Right.” Shanks smirked, a cheeky smirk of course as he leaned back. “Is this a good time to confess I actually just wanted to play around and didn’t care?”
“OH YOU LITTLE—!” Buggy stormed over, causing Shanks to laugh once more as usual…
And with that, it was safe to say their crews didn’t see them for a little while… but it was worth it for them to relive some memories and have some fun… and of course, take one another down a notch…
Or namely, a clown was taken down a notch or two, as for the redhaired pirate… we can only guess, hm?
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dreamingticklee · 9 months
Squealing Santa 2023
Happy Holidays @hexalianrebel-blackfeathers !!! I hope you enjoy your gift and that I fulfilled your prompt to your liking! Hope you have had a wonderful holiday season and I wish you the happiest new year! Enjoy! 🎄
And big thank you to my dear @hypahticklish for another year of hosting @squealing-santa ✨️
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Ler!Gabriel/Lee!Sam
Words: 829
"So, Sammy boy, what'll it be?"
The devious voice of the archangel teased it's way into Sam's brain, causing a bright blush to rise to the surface of his skin. Limbs spread apart towards all four corners of the bed by an invisible force, Sam knew he was in for it. (And maybe he wanted to be.)
"I, um...mhmhmhm...don't know."
Gabriel feigned surprise. "You don't know? Well, now, that just won't do!" He slowly sauntered closer to Sam's prone, vulnerable position on the bed and his expression grew into a tantalizing smirk. "Here, tell ya what, I'll be nice and help you figure it out. Now, let's see..."
Gabriel reached out and let his hand hover over Sam's unprotected armpit. He took one finger and tauntingly circled it around, just merely an inch above contact, to which Sam sucked in a breath trying to hold in his creeping laughter, the anticipation already too great to handle.
"Hmm, how about here?" The archangel landed a few ticklish pokes in the stretched hollow.
Sam gasped with a squeak. "No!"
"No? Not there? Then should I try..." Gabriel moved his eager hand to the side of Sam's ribs with a sudden quickness and squeezed in a pulsing succession. "...here? Is this what you want?"
Jolting up with a startled laugh, Sam balked at the tazering zips that shocked his ribcage. It wasn't fair that just a few accurately pinpointed squeezes already had him squirming like bait on a hook. "Stop it!"
"Okay, okay." Gabe took his hand away...only for it to come back seconds later for one more taste and Sam squealed.
"Aww, how adorable."
"You want me to tickle you so bad? All you had to do was ask!"
Not wasting another second, Gabriel's fingers started making quick work to skitter all over Sam's stomach. Sam's body began to dance with uncontrollable giggles brightly shimmering out of his chest, sounding like music to Gabriel's ears and fueling his fire. The tips of his practiced fingers knew just the right amount of speed and pressure to effectively dismantle his prey.
"This is one of your favorite spots isn't it?"
"Shut uhuhup!" Sam felt a wave of heat rush to his cheeks. Gabe wasn't wrong, it was just rude of him to say that out loud.
"You know what I think would make this even more fun though?" With a flick of the wrist, Gabriel tossed the hem of Sam's shirt up, exposing a strip of skin. Taking a big, dramatic breath, the archangel leaned down and connected his lips to Sam's quivering tummy and blew.
Sam busted out into loud laughter, arching his back.
Gabriel smirked against Sam's skin. "Aha, that's the ticket, huh?" He blew again. And again. And again.
The tingling vibrated into Sam's veins and sent a thrill rushing through his system. It seemed like with each raspberry blown onto his sensitive skin, the ticklish feeling grew and grew, radiating from his glowing core.
"Ahahahaa!! Stop it!"
"No can do, Bucko." Gabriel continued blowing raspberries all over Sam's middle while also deciding to bring his fingers back into play, scribbling them up and down Sam's sides. He relished in the growing changes of pitch of Sam's laughter with each new raspberry placed.
A few moments had passed when, without warning, Gabe came to a sudden stop. "You know what? I think we're missing something." And just like magic, four hovering feathers appeared, two by each of Sam's feet. Under the Trickster's control, the feathers were put into position and made contact, two feathers stroking the sole of each foot while the other two feathers began sawing through both sets of toes.
The soft, yet torturous tickles sent a new wave of sensation through Sam's affected body. "NoooOOOHOHOHO!"
Gabriel let out a smug, contented sigh. "Ahhh, that's much better! Now, where was I?...Oh, yeah!" Pfffft.
Sam screamed. The combination of Gabriel's playful raspberries and nimble fingers attacking his torso with the new addition of the teasing feathers having their way with his feet was absolutely lethal. His nerves were alight with ticklish demise and he couldn't do anything but writhe around on the bed and laugh his heart out. But that's what was so thrilling of it all. Sam was used to being the hunter, not the hunted. And now here he was under the playful, silly control of his "predator" and it was always an exciting feeling.
Suddenly, a new voice coming from the doorway broke him from his thoughts.
"Need an extra set of hands?"
Sam gasped. "Dean, NO!"
Gabriel laughed as his tickling came to a pause. "Well, hey there, Deano! I think Sam would definitely love some help with his armpits."
"No problem." Dean made his way over to the head of the bed.
"Nonono NO! Stop this isn't fair!"
Gabe scoffed. "Since when do I ever care about being fair?"
Renewed screams and laughter filled the room once again.
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Sunkissed (@squealing-santa 2023)
Panda’s Notes: Happy New Year! Almost New Year, for me. And a very late and apology-filled Crimbo for @tricks-tickles >-< I'm gonna level with you: I'm iffy on the title, and it did come out a bit more...angsty(?) than I think I planned, but I definitely liked this story as I was writing it, so I hope you like it too. Thanx once again to @hypahticklish for stepping up again this year to host!
[Ao3] || [Commissions] || [Ko-fi]
(Word Count: 3795)
Hm, okay…
I want you to take a deep breath. Shake off; get comfortable.
This voice…Was it a voice? It felt familiar. He just couldn't place it.
I got you something~
Oh? Tamaki turned his head curiously. There was nothing around. Until there suddenly was. On the floor—well, what seemed to be a floor in this strange white void—was a box. The wrapping was plain, but the bow had an interesting vine pattern running along the ribbon. Tamaki hesitated as he reached for the lid. There was something about this. Why couldn’t he figure it out?
Maybe the answer is in there? C’mon, already.
Um, alright? Tamaki went to pull the ribbon, but as he let it go, it coiled around his wrist. The lid on the box shifted before being thrown off by rapidly growing vines. The box fell apart to reveal a flowerpot decorated with painted feathers.
Oh... Crud.
The vines were quick to lash around Tamaki’s arm, and another few looped his ankle when he tried to scoot back. He was dragged down, his back hitting more vines as they crowded around him. Before he could try to protest, he felt something pressing against his side. A vine drew swirling shapes against his shirt while several others did the same against his feet or shoved under his arms. It was wild and kind of stressful and almost aggressive…
And it was kind of fun.
It tickled madly, the vines finding new spots to wriggle every time he squirmed and pulling him back toward the flowerpot whenever he managed to get some distance. He heard soft chuckling under his squeals when the vines swirled across his stomach, and his arms were pulled harder when he tried to curl up. Too hard, definitely.
Aw, I thought you liked this~?
Tamaki winced at several scrapes running up his arms. The vines were growing thorns, and bright red roses were sprouting up along them. Each one appeared to have a single eye in its center. Staring at him. His chest hurt all of a sudden; ticklish brushes were scratches of thorns. Everyone was looking at him, and she was mocking him. He felt her hands on his shoulders, and her petals fell over him as she leaned close.
You’re not having fun~? You’re still laughing. You little freak.
Tamaki gasped hard as he sat up, coughing softly as he took deep breaths. The room felt too hot, and his blankets were tangled around his legs and chest. Something was digging into his stomach, and he cringed a bit as he moved his arm to fish the item out. A familiar rectangle was brought up to his face, and it promptly blinded him as he went to check the battery. He was surprised to find it over fifty percent; he was more surprised to find that he had slept in more than he’d liked. Most importantly, he had missed a few texts from Mirio.
++[Morning, Tama-tama! \(@^0^@)/ I hope you’re still excited for this afternoon~]
++ [You’re still sleeping, aren’t you? (~﹃~)~zZ]
++ [I’ll grab you extra snacks. (○` 3′○) Text me when you wake up, or I can jcall in an hour!]
His texts were riddled with stickers and emojis. The Gudetama ones felt a bit egregious though. Tamaki chuckled groggily, still blinking in the bright light as he glanced between the clock and the timestamp on the latest text. He scrambled—as much as one could while still half asleep—to quickly send a few simple texts.
--[I’m alive]
--[Sorry, that sounds bad. Just still tired.]
++ [Oh no… Bad dreams? ( ´・・)ノ(._.`) ]
Tamaki smiled softly. Mirio knew him too well. He yawned loudly and stretched out before finally texting back.
--[ I’m getting up now. Give me maybe an hour.]
The response to that was just a few heart emojis, which was good because Tamaki was working on convincing his body to get out of bed. The room was dark, but it was just his dorm. He knew that, of course, but… His arms still itched. He ran his hands over them, hugging himself as he felt phantoms of long-gone nicks and scars.
It was over. It was years ago; she wasn’t here. He repeated it to himself over and over as he got ready for his date. He rattled it off as he walked through the halls to Mirio’s room. He only managed to shut himself up when he realized Mirio’s door was locked.
--[Can I come in?? (┬┬﹏┬┬) ]
++[OMG I’m sorry]
++[So sorry. Promise]
++[Lunch Rush had a line in the cafeteria. I might be a little late.]
++[Ordered something special though!]
Tamaki had no reason to doubt Mirio’s claims, but a selfie was sent of his boyfriend leaning dramatically against the wall in the cafeteria as if he were in despair. Lunch Rush had glanced over his shoulder from the skillet he was tending. Tamaki shook his head with a smile, letting his shoulders thump beside Mirio’s door and sinking to sit on the floor.
--[It’s okay. I can wait here.]
Several hearts were dropped in again. Some of those animated ones were new. Tamaki smiled to himself as he poked around and downloaded them for his own use, until one of his notifications caught his eye. An account name he recognized immediately; they had updated a certain comic that he’d been following closely. He stared for a few seconds, almost as if it was somehow a dream. It had been a few weeks; there were update posts about the artist having a particularly eventful time moving to a new place. Tamaki was fine with waiting; there were other things to read and see, of course. But…it’d be a lie to say he wasn’t a bit hooked by both the story and, uh… other things. There wasn’t anyone around, and he’d be here for a bit, so…
Okay, let’s roll back a bit. The story goes that a small party of adventurers is crossing a valley in hopes of fighting a giant beast that was cursing anyone and anything it came across. It was a fun story, if a little plain, but the funny thing is: whenever the beast, or whatever it summoned, got into a battle with the party, its attack patterns were…unique, to say the least.
…It's a tickle monster. Th-There’s not much point in trying to sugarcoat it. Ugh, and sugarcoat isn’t even the right—Agh! Look, okay, Tamaki might maybe…definitely have a “thing” for, well, tickling. It’s not something he’s ashamed of, really! That much he’s certain of. He wouldn’t even really say it’s a secret; it’s just that, after some…experiences a few years ago, it wasn’t something he planned on broadcasting to people. Not that he did before, but—y’know what, you probably get it.
For now, Tamaki let himself sink against the wall, checking back a chapter or two to get back into the story. The party had just left the first town, having set up camp halfway through the field on the way to the large forest they had to cross. The new chapter opened with them waking up and making their way to the treeline. In the background, there was apparently a constant, distant buzzing sound. Suddenly, a battle started: they had taken a wrong turn and a raspberry bush beside the path, dotted with ripe, red fruits, sprang to life. Vines with massive flowers lashed out at the party members, trying to grab at all of them and tickling whoever they managed to drag close. One of the flowers seemed to nuzzle into a mage’s neck, and they shrieked with laughter as their magic went haywire.
Oh. “Raspberry” bushes. That’s just unfair.
Somehow, a fight with a corrupted plant was giving them all sorts of hell, but the background made it very clear that the buzzing sound hadn’t stopped. If anything, it was getting louder with each panel. Someone shouted way too late, and no one seemed prepared for the swarm of bees that started to surround them. Giggles and laughter were amplified through the entire team as the little bugs buzzed against them with their wings and bodies, but it was quickly broken by yelps when it became clear that the overwhelming tickles were a front for sneaky sting attacks that drained everyone’s health. There was an air of panic, the team argued as they scrambled for ideas.
“What are you smiling at?”
Tamaki flinched, nearly dropping his phone as he heard Mirio’s voice. He looked up to find his boyfriend with a hint of panic in his eyes.
“Sorry! I didn’t mean to scare you; I was curious.”
Tamaki smiled, but he was quick to scoop up his phone and stash it while Mirio moved to unlock his dorm. “It’s not your fault. I get kind of caught up in some stories.”
“Those are the best stories though, right?” Mirio grinned, holding the door open and passing Tamaki the bag as he walked by.
He chuckled softly, shifting his hands carefully around the heat of the food inside the bag as he tried to look into the opening. Tamaki’s eyes lit up slightly as he stared. “You asked him for wontons…”
“Hey, you’re peeking.” Mirio teased, closing the door and jogging to grab his laptop. “You told me you haven’t had them since your parents’ favorite Chinese place closed, remember?”
Tamaki actually didn’t remember, not that conversation at least. But Mirio had. Tamaki kind of felt like he might cry.
Within ten minutes, they were cuddled up on Mirio’s bed, watching a pretty goofy animated romance movie on his laptop while carefully eating out of each other’s bento boxes between more emotional scenes.
“Do you think—” Mirio flinched a bit as he nearly dropped the noodles he was about to put in his mouth. “Do you think, if you were a princess, and I was your knight, we’d still fall in love?”
“Not if you talk with your mouth full.” Tamaki murmured, smiling as Mirio ruffled his hair at the comment. “But…I don’t really doubt it. You’d probably still be just as charming.”
“And you’d still look amazing in a dress.”
Tamaki covered his mouth with the back of his hand, trying to stifle his giggles as he leaned into Mirio’s side.
The movie was kind of adorable. Nothing so groundbreaking, but it felt like scene after scene of heartwarming nonsense. The only real conflict seemed to be keeping the King and Queen from discovering how much the Knight and Princess loved each other. Halfway through the movie, the dashing knight came scaling up the ivy on the castle wall—as he had done a few times before at a well-established secret meeting time—only to find the princess’s balcony empty. He called into her room in a raised whisper, only to notice her reaching out from under layers of blankets and pillows on her bed. Her voice was choked and raw as she beckoned him. She was clearly ill, and more clearly unhappy about it. He cooed to her playfully, and the pout was audible in her voice as she spoke. He offered to cuddle, taunted her with offered kisses, only for her to chide him with the obvious possibility of passing on her illness. He paced casually around the bed, his aura mischievous as she whined a bit sadly. He went quiet, and she called for him, worried he had left. He let her believe that for a few seconds as he carefully shifted the blankets at the foot of the bed and—
Wait, wait, wait! Shit!
The Knight lunged suddenly, and the princess yelped as he snatched her ankle and scribbled his fingers across her foot. The blankets shifted a bit wildly, and barely stifled laughter leaked out from the blanket pile along with giggly protests and fake threats as her ankle tried to pull away. He teasingly reminded her how late it was—how they were usually so careful and quiet during these meetings—right before he scratched under her toes. A squeal almost missed being muffled into a pillow as it escaped her throat, and the Knight’s playful laugh was interrupted by a frightened glance over his shoulder as footsteps approached the princess’s door. In a panic, he scrambled under the blankets with her, and she stared at him in shock, giggling in disbelief as he silently motioned her to be quiet. When it was clear that she couldn’t, he aimed fluttery scribbles at her stomach and sides as if hinting at some consequences or just trying to wring all her giggles out before they finally heard the door open.
Tamaki Amajiki was having at least five flavors of heart attack. Why did they have to pick a random movie? Why did this scene have to be so stupid and cute? Why did it kinda sound like someone was actually tickling that voice actress to get that laughter? And why the hell did this have to happen today?!
Just…Just breathe. It really is just cute. It was pretty innocent; there was a sappy, cuddly love sticking to the whole scene. The way they looked at each other as the Princess tried to talk the worried attendant into leaving without checking under the blankets. And the way her voice got squeaky and nervous when the Knight wiggled his fingers tauntingly at her. Tamaki’s cheeks were burning from the blush, but he felt the smile pulling his lips as he settled himself. The bright grin on Mirio’s face helped a little, but Tamaki blinked and glanced away when he realized he was staring up at him.
The Knight and Princess sighed as the attendant left the room, smiling at each other playfully before it melted into pure fondness as he pulled her into his arms. They held each other tight, nuzzling softly where they could. There was a beat where they stared into each other’s eyes…and then they kissed. Her hand softly rested on his cheek, and Tamaki flinched just a bit when Mirio snuck a kiss on the back of his hand, his blush growing darker as he smiled brighter. The Princess suddenly pulled away, giving her lover a playful tap on the shoulder as she suddenly remembered why they weren’t supposed to kiss in the first place. The Knight was just a bit smug, poking her nose as he insisted it was worth it. She rolled her eyes, but she smirked and lashed her hands out to start tickling along the hem of his tunic. Turns out he was hardly any better at staying quiet than she was.
Tamaki sighed quietly, letting himself lean on Mirio’s shoulder. The scene finally cut to sunrise, where the Knight reluctantly pried himself away from the still sleeping Princess and escaped the obviously stifling heat of the blanket pile. He still seemed groggy himself as he walked out to the balcony to retrieve his boots and belt before making the precarious climb back down the ivy and rushing back to the barracks.
“There’s that smile again~” Mirio leaned to thump his chin gently on Tamaki’s head before moving to nuzzle into his cheek. “That was adorable, huh?”
 Tamaki let a few giggles slip out as Mirio’s arm wrapped around his back and pulled him in tight. A squeak managed to escape when Mirio’s hand squeezed his side, and he covered his mouth before he could stop himself. He felt his partner looking down at him, but he couldn’t bring himself to look up.
“Oh~?” Mirio asked playfully, and his fingers curled where they rested on Tamaki’s side. Oh, this could not be happening. Not that he didn’t kind of want it to happen; and not like it’d even be the first time it happened; but Tamaki was kind of extremely overwhelmed, so if the universe could pump the brakes a little, it’d be great. His heart felt warm, his soul basking in the light of his Sun.
Mirio’s free arm came to wrap around him as his fingers crawled, his other hand gripping at Tamaki’s wrist when he tried to squirm. He managed to scratch his nails quickly up under Tamaki’s arm, smiling at the squeal it pulled out.
Suddenly, Tamaki felt his arms itching again; felt those thorns piercing his skin. He thought he saw rose petals on the red parts of the blanket.
“N-No!” He cried out, struggling aggressively before realizing what he’d done.
“Hey, hey, whoa…” Mirio pulled away slightly, holding his hands up innocently before moving one to flick on the lamp on his headboard. “It's just me. Is that okay?”
Tamaki had cringed at the light, rubbing his palms over his arms and taking shaky breaths. “I—I’m sorry… It’s just—I wasn’t—’m sorry.”
Mirio tapped one finger lightly on one of Tamaki’s hands, a proverbial slap on the wrist. “No apologies. Boundaries are good.” He set his fingers between Tamaki’s, but he didn’t try to grab or even squeeze his hand. “Do you want to talk about it?”
Tamaki tipped his head and shoulders back and forth. Yes and no.
Mirio hummed, moving his free hand to pause the movie. “Is it about the bad dreams you had?”
There was a long pause. He was a bit hesitant to admit it, but he forced himself to nod.
Mirio went still for a moment; pieces were falling into place. Tamaki leaned into him as he shifted closer. “It was that dream again, wasn’t it? About her?”
Tamaki hugged him, and Mirio held on tight. It would never cease to amaze him just how often Mirio remembered the smallest things. He had no memory of talking about the dream; he specifically remembered telling himself to keep it a secret. Maybe his mind had deleted that bit of information, since he’d betrayed himself so much. Maybe he admitted it during a panic attack.
“I can’t even stand up to a memory…” He murmured. A shiver ran down his back as Mirio pet his hair.
“I don’t mind protecting you again.” He said with a shrug. “If you want me to. Even if it’s just a dream; I promised she wouldn’t hurt you anymore.”
Tamaki took a breath through his nose, letting it out in a tired sigh. She…She had just been some neighbor kid; she didn’t even go to school with them, just lived with her grandparents up the road from where the kids liked to gather. Maybe a year after he and Mirio had met, she appeared. Her Quirk let her grow roses and thorn-covered vines wherever she touched. She loved to put the flowers in her hair, and she was the type to behave as if the entire world loved her no matter what she did. Tamaki had always liked being tickled. It was never a secret. But one day, she just appeared on the playground; she just declared Tamaki was the weird tickle kid. She intimidated everyone; she tormented Tamaki, mocked him and anyone who tried to step in whenever she got a chance.
The only one she could never get to was Mirio. His Quirk meant that her thorns would always slip right through him; her vines could never keep hold of him, and he never just stood by and watched. He was just there. For everyone. For Tamaki.
A choked little squeak escaped Tamaki’s mouth when Mirio squeezed him tighter. Oh, right. He was in Mirio’s dorm room. Because they were in high school now. They’d grown up, and they hadn’t even seen her in years.
“I admit I’d forgotten for a minute.” Mirio murmured against the side of his head. “It just reminded me how we used to tickle you, and you’d get the biggest smile, even though you still acted just as shy after we stopped. Remember we ‘tortured’ you into telling us all your favorite things, and then Mikito made you that painting for your birthday?”
Tamaki still had pictures of that painting. He really hoped the real thing was still buried in the attic.
“And remember we went on a hunt for your favorite candy, and we found that giant cat?”
It was giant by cat standards, and very heavy by cat standards too. It loved nuzzling all of them with its fuzzy fur, and the others had teased him playfully when he got half pinned underneath its weight and his neck got tickled by its tail. It chased them demanding attention and love anytime they tried to go to that little snack shop.
Mirio snorted, just barely stopping himself. “Do you remember Giggle Button?” The poke he snuck on Tamaki’s stomach felt unnecessary, but he flinched just slightly and giggled. It was just a silly game they played: self-explanatory and simple, but he remembered adoring it more because Mirio had made it up specifically for him.
He squeezed Mirio closer, his voice feeling choked with his affection. “I love you…” He murmured.
“Love you, too, Tama.”
There was a moment of quiet, and Tamaki eventually reached to rewind the movie to where they’d gotten distracted. “…Do you think, um… Is it a bad time to ask now?”
“Do you want me to tickle you?” Mirio’s eyes had lit up excitedly, but he kept his smile calm.
Tamaki smiled back, just barely hinting a nod before Mirio half-tackled him against the bed. A kiss was pressed to the side of his neck as fingers scribbled quickly up his stomach to his ribs. He squealed as wary giggles burst into soft laughter, and his hands automatically flailed for purchase against Mirio’s wrists. His fingers slowed, but he chuckled as he spoke purposefully into Tamaki’s neck.
“Is that ‘stop’?” His voice was playful as Tamaki squeaked from the vibration. He already knew the answer.
He could barely shake his head with the way it was buried in pillows, but he laughed brightly as ten fingers shoved into his armpits. Mirio was quick to straddle his thighs before he could kick, and they both knew he could still kick.
“That’s definitely the smile I remember, Tama-chan~” Mirio teased, resting his palms on Tamaki’s stomach as he leaned to kiss his forehead before scribbling his fingers.
It was definitely the feeling Tamaki remembered too. When he knew the teasing was playful. When fingers drew pictures on his stomach and skipped up his ribs and fluttered behind his ears. When someone searched for the spots that made him smile instead of spots that made him scream. When he knew he was loved.
And in the end, the Knight proved that he was the Princess’s truest love.
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fanficsandfluff · 9 months
Squealing Santa 2k23: All the Maybes in the World
Fandom: Peacemaker (DCEU)
Characters: Peacemaker (Christopher Smith), Vigilante (Adrian Chase)
A/N: Happy Holidays, @fluffy-lee-boa! It has been a hot minute since I've actually watched the show or seen Suicide Squad, but I sure did try my best. Peacemaker is a comfort character of mine, I love him to death, and I just want him to be happy.
Tried my best to take inspiration from your prompt: "Maybe Character A discovering he’s ticklish for the first time and wanting to bond with the Character B so they ask about it."
Thank you @squealing-santa for your organization and hosting another year of this fantastic tradition!
It's been a pleasure being able to provide you with your 2023 Squealing Santa fic!
"Is it bad?"
"Is it good?"
"If it wasn't bad, wouldn't you then assume it was automatically the opposite?"
"Is it cancer?"
"Adrian, what the fuck."
Christopher Smith pinched his temple between two fingers, letting out a very drawn-out sigh. When he came to his friend about his... well... discovery, let's put it, he had no idea how dense Adrian would be nor how difficult it was for him to actually explain himself.
"Well, you're not giving me the best clues, you know. You can make this clearer and stop beating around the bush if you just admitted you loved me," Adrian said in his oh-so-oblivious yet sincere way, pushing his glasses further up his face. This admission gave Christopher another reason to groan, this time into both hands that now shrouded his face.
"That's-That's not it, Adrian."
"Yeah, okay," Adrian scoffed.
Christopher finally looked up from his dejected position and furrowed his brow. Just come clean. Why was it so hard? He wanted to talk about it in the first place and now that the moment was here, he was too fucking embarrassed.
"Em did something to me that no one's done in a really, really long time and it was... surprising? It just--"
"Who's Em?"
Christopher turned his head to look at Adrian and gave him the benefit of the doubt, knowing the nickname had been pretty new to him and her, "Emilia, sorry."
"Who's Emilia?"
Benefit fucking obliterated.
"E-Emilia. You've worked with her for the past month."
"I have?"
"Oh! Why didn't you just say so! Jesus, dude, here I am thinking Emilia was Eagly's other name or something."
Christopher was just about ready to walk out of his own goddamn trailer.
"So..." Adrian scooted a hair closer to Christopher on his buddy's couch, grinning, "What'd you two get up to?"
"She tickled me."
Adrian was still grinning, still nodding his head, tongue poking out like he was hearing some sick story about his best friend and teammate getting it on together, until, "Huh?"
"I know... I didn't know what was happening at first. And I just-- reacted! Then I shut down, she asked me about it, and pssh, I barely knew what the fuck I was feeling so I booked it out of there."
"Why'd you run away?"
"Because..." Christopher's mouth was fully ready to continue speaking, but his brain stopped him short. Why did he leave the situation so quickly? From what he'd heard about it, tickling wasn't too bad. But every part of his body wanted to flee the scene the moment it happened.
"Did Keith ever tickle you?"
In a rare moment of sincere clarity, Adrian hit the nail on the head with that unidentified trauma.
Of course. When the brothers would sneak around to avoid their father, the two would do anything they could to keep their spirits up. And that definitely included a tickle fight here or there, ones that young Christopher would lose more often than not. And if dad ever found them, he'd hurl the homophobic and incestual slurs. So, yeah, Chris never thought about that in a really, really long time. Until today. Until his fight or flight kicked in because of one stray touch along his ribs.
Christopher ended up nodding slowly after what he was sure was many moments of silence as he was taken back to decades ago. Adrian even let him have these moments, which was another big win for his character.
The realization dawned upon Adrian in a heartbeat later, and he was smiling wide, "You're ticklish?"
Chris felt an unfamiliar flush build in his cheeks and he glanced at his friend, "Yes, but don't get any ideas, Adrian, I swear to god."
"Wouldn't dream of it," not, "I just can't believe the Peacemaker is ticklish! Who would've guessed?" even Adrian let out a small, excited giggle.
"And you aren't? Why's it such a big deal? I bet you like it, too, you sick freak," even though Christopher came to Adrian to confess and get some advice about his predicament, he couldn't avoid hurling insults as his defense mechanism. Can't get too close now, remember.
"Oh, I do," Adrian thumbed his glasses again, nodding and possessing a very matter-of-fact look about him, "It's one of my favorite torture methods."
Chris made a face, knowing in that moment Adrian definitely meant to torture and to be tortured.
"What's there to like?" he asked more genuinely.
"It's so much fun, dude! The tingles, the nerve endings, the effortless laughter," Adrian was smiling just thinking about it, and Christopher was squirming at just the mention.
It was then, in basking in the beautiful memories of being involved in tickling, that Adrian reached out and pinched at Christopher's side without abandon. Chris shot off the couch completely, screaming a, "What the fuck!"
Adrian giggled with pure glee coursing through his body at the discovery his best friend laid out before him, "Stop fighting it!" he bolted off the couch and ran straight at Christopher.
They played a brief game of cat and mouse, Chris hurling every kind of insult at Adrian in his avoidance of the inevitable. The ever-determined Adrian wound up cornering Christopher in his bedroom, avoiding objects that were hurled at his head in the process.
"Go fuck yourself. Fuck you, fuck your mom, fuck your aunt--"
"What's Aunt Kathy got to do with this?"
"Well I know you don't have a sister, otherwise I would've banged her already, dipshit."
Adrian grinned disturbingly at the thought. He wouldn't want any part in that intimate affair, of course, but him being able to say that Peacemaker was his brother-in-law was too tempting to not daydream of.
Christopher was genuinely considering jumping out his window once he ran out of small throwable objects. That split second of decision cost him big, as Adrian roundhouse kicked him directly into his bed.
Knowing he had nowhere else to go, nothing else he could do to prevent this, Christopher threw up his hands, "Wait wait wait wait! Adrian, wait!"
"Yeah, buddy?" Adrian straddled Chris and rested his own hands on his hips just waiting for whatever his idol and friend was going to say to him.
Christopher shut his eyes and took a few deep breaths before continuing his thought, "This is still new for me... I'd appreciate it if you, you know..." he swallowed, "took it easy."
Adrian couldn't believe his ears. Had he already converted Christopher into being okay with tickling? Not fighting back as much as his traumatized brain probably wanted him to? Adrian now felt he had a duty to uphold. To take a step in reversing whatever repressed, fucked up memories and feelings Christopher had towards tickling.
"Of course, dude," Adrian assured. He wiggled his fingers in quick anticipation and softly touched down on Christopher's belly. He could feel his friend tense beneath him and watched Christopher's hands land on his own face to cover up.
"No anti-torture techniques now, Mr. Military Man," Adrian chastised.
Adrian did take notice of Christopher making himself more vulnerable by lifting his hands like he did. And the Vigilante was not one to turn down the opportunity, so he clawed at Peacemaker's ribs, not pressing in too hard at the behest of his friend.
Christopher's arms immediately shot down and squeezed to his sides as laughs huffed their way through. When Adrian vibrated his fingers more quickly, that amped up Christopher's laughter, the much larger man rocking from side to side.
"Awesome," Adrian had a smile a mile wide at this discovery, at seeing his best friend and idol laughing this carefree.
Adrian tested out a few more spots on Chris's upper body, all earning him a variety of laughs. When he'd had his fill of exploiting his friend's weakness, he unhooked his legs from atop Christopher and knelt beside him on the bed. Chris took in deep breaths to recover and was rubbing his hands along the parts of his torso that still felt tingly.
"That was so much fun," Adrian decided to pitch in his two cents, smiling broadly.
Christopher was still processing what just transpired. He did think he should be feeling way more self-conscious after being so vulnerable like that, laid bare with all his emotions and his body. But no, he was actually feeling pretty good. Like the tickling was a stress-reliever. He would never admit any of this, however, of fucking course not.
"Economos is gonna die when he hears about this," Adrian seemed to be still in his own little fantasy world post-tickling, giggling at the idea of their teammates face when he tells him of Peacemaker's weakness.
"Oh, fuck no. You're not selling me out to Economos! I trusted you, man!" Christopher, fully on the rebound, saw the glint in Adrian's eyes behind the kid's glasses and the anticipatory smile on his stupid face, and, well... don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
Adrian was squealing and laughing before Christopher even laid a finger on him. And yeah, it was clear to Christopher just how much Adrian enjoyed being tickled. Which was actually kinda cute.
And as Christopher was getting his footing being the giver of tickles, not the receiver, he was quickly seeing how much more he preferred this side of it. Doing the tickles. Being a younger sibling first, then only child, he was only ever on the receiving end or receiving nothing at all. Adrian must have been used to this kind of treatment being Gut Chase's kid brother, so maybe that's why it grew like it did within him.
Either way, Chris was fine taking pointers from Adrian on how to tickle him more effectively, which was all kids of fucked. And Adrian swore not to tell anyone else on the team about this. While Adrian and secrets was a ticking time bomb, Christopher knew he needed the time to fully anticipate what was to come. Maybe the team knowing wasn't a bad thing. Maybe he avoided the situation with Emilia too quickly. Maybe there was still a chance for him to feel more grounded day by day, surrounding himself with loving people and loving acts. Fuck, he was getting soft... and maybe soft wasn't a bad thing, either.
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squealing-santa · 1 year
Happy Holidays in July, Magic Makers!
So we're starting to plan for SS2k23 and would love to get YOUR input for this years palette!
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poutpoutlilith · 9 months
Dear @abihasablog,
Happy Festivus! Today's your @squealing-santa day. I'm so honored to have been assigned to you this year. Please enjoy this Steddyhands fic. Lee Stede, of course.
Also, please forgive my complete ineptitude with anything to do with *actually* using this website.
ao3 link:
Warning: Izzy describes some rather violent acts in conversation, but the acts never happen.
"A Dose of Reason"
Word Count: 3596
Word Count Fact: 3596 is not prime, nor is it square free. There is a unique non-cyclic Abelian group of order 3596.
“Hey, Ed, I wanted your opinion on something,” whined Stede in an abandoned attempt to catch his breath.
“Hmmn?” replied Edward, jingling his bell as he turned his neck to face the captain.
“It’s about Izzy. Was I too harsh on him?”
“Our confrontation today. You must have overheard it down there.”
“And?” asked Stede, his panic only growing.
“Is that what his yelling was? I couldn’t quite tell what he said to you.” Edward cracked his wrists and folded his hands, now fully turning his body to face Stede.
“I was more worried about what I said to him to set him off like that.”
“Well, for starters, I didn’t even hear it. Given the history of my leadership style, that should tell you everything I think about whatever it was you did.”
“Ed! I’m really upset right now. Words can hurt our feelings, even if spoken softly, remember?” Edward sighed in reluctant agreement.
“You know what? I’ll go have a chat with him.”
“Be subtle,” Stede requested through a shaky voice. Edward smiled back at him, figuring he was just being his usual self and overblowing whatever it was.
“I will. He’ll think I was concerned about his yelling, and he’ll think I was surprised to learn it was you that set him off.”
“You really mean that? You think you can pull it off?”
“I do. I’ll come and find you in about a half hour.”
“Thank you, Ed.”
“Mmn,” nodded Edward brightly as he made haste to go and find Izzy.
“The hell do you want?” Izzy groaned at Edward. He kept his gaze out and unfocused on the southern horizon. Edward only moved closer to him, eventually sitting next to him. “On with it or fuck right off! You know what? Why don’t you just do that and save us both the trouble.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t yelling a bigger storm than usual a little bit ago. I could almost make out what you were saying.”
“Fucking Bonnet! Fucking twat Bonnet!” sprayed Izzy in a coarse tone that somehow made every syllable irate and plosive. A small dribble of saliva landed on his chin, which he harshly brushed away with his knuckles in a closed fist. 
“Captain got you pent up again?” Edward again pried.
“Why don’t you just fuck off and save us the trouble?” Izzy reiterated. Edward stood up in place but did not move, staring at Izzy to bait him into saying something, anything, he could take back to Stede. Eventually Izzy looked up and their eyes met. “Fine, if you’re gonna try and piss me off like this I might as well get pissed.”
“Go ahead, Izzy.”
“Fuck off!” he snapped. “Sometimes I just wanna get ahold of Bonnet and fucking destroy him. Fingers and teeth and blood everywhere. And then sew them back on and do it again. And again and again. Fucking twat! With his fucking feelings. And being right about everything. I ought to fucking kick him or something. Just to see him powerless and without some fucking retort. Hell, I’d even tickle the man if it made him cry.”
“What did he say?” Edward asked suddenly, attempting to mask how he perked up at that last sentence. He was on a mission from the captain, after all, and a secret one at that.
“He told me how I’m such a miserable twat. I mean, he didn’t say it like that. Gugh, I should have told him to fuck off!”
“You did, seven times,” Edward interrupted. Izzy chuckled a bit, but neither man could tell if it was at Edward’s comment or simply a component of the larger exasperated and very angry demeanor on display. Izzy continued, basically ignoring Edward.
“He just told me how I should remember it’s okay to talk about my feelings. How it’s not healthy to keep everything bottled up. About how I’ve been through a lot. About how he cares. The fucking nerve on that fucking Bonnet! Laying it on thick like he’s got it all figured out. I wish he’d figure out how to send himself straight the fucking fuck to fucking hell!” Izzy stopped yelling and let himself sink all the way down onto the deck, staring up at the clouded sky.
“At least you recognize he’s right. Not to sound like I’m on his side or whatever, but maybe there’s a way to work through some of what you said.”
“But you do just sound just like the man. You’re fucking whipped, mate. You even wear a little kitty collar for him.”
“That’s not what that’s for and you know it! And so long as we both know he’s right, we might as well figure something out. I’m going to be honest, I think we should help you make Stede cry a little if that’s your thing.”
“Said like you’ve truly given up on yourself yet again,” Izzy snided. Edward sighed.
“I’m going to go talk to Stede to try and make anyone better during all of this. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Fuck you, Edward,” said Izzy, “and thanks. Thanks a lot.” He sat up and faced the open ocean again, waiting for Edward to leave and go find Stede.
As Edward reentered the room, he found Stede in about the most awkward seating position imaginable. He seemed to be staring at the ceiling, chipper from the clavicle up and a twitchy disaster everywhere below that. Stede snapped around to greet him wordlessly, straightening his posture and wincing in preparation to hear the worst. Edward knew better than to frame a conversation as anything other than what Stede wanted or expected.
“He said you laid it on pretty thick. He’s an absolute mess but deep down he understands why you are the way that you are. But he’s really mad about it.”
“That’s great! Maybe he’ll want to talk it through!” Edward only sighed at Stede’s optimism. It was cute. Futile against a berserking Izzy Hands, but very cute.
“Never, I’m afraid. At least not at first with this one. Listen, uhm, I need you to let him tickle you to tears so he doesn’t dismember you in your sleep or turn your teeth into flour.”
“Well, that’s quite an interesting analysis. He sounds very angry. Perhaps what he’s after is some casual discussion. A dose of reason, to quell his inner-”
“Reason, eh? Is that what you conspiring fucks want to call it?” spat Izzy from some nearby stairs.
“I was only trying to get him to take the tickling option so there’s less blood for me and the crew to clean up,” offered Edward in his own defense.
“Fuck the both of yous!”
“Izzy, try to understand what it is I’m seeking here,” pleaded Stede. Izzy only scoffed and advanced toward him. Stede backed himself against a shelf where Izzy towered beneath him. Stede would never turn the confrontation physical. And Izzy wasn’t about to just lay hands on the captain without any preamble.
“I don’t care what you want, Bonnet. This ship may be yours, but you are an idiot too weak to do anything but bend at the command of your fucking feelings. It makes me sick as hell. And I just wish I could show you the only feeling that matters in the pirate world. Helplessness. Suffering. The sharp and ruthless imbalance of power. Something a rich boy like you can never truly earn a worthwhile perspective on.” Stede winced at Izzy’s words, recoiling in his head as a haunting vision from his childhood took over. The spatter of blood. Everywhere that life has taken him from then on. Back to the present moment where his jaw gaped and he had no idea how to redirect Izzy’s anger with the power of words and heartfelt connection anymore. It felt too deep. Too real.
“You really want to show me how bad it’s supposed to hurt to be alive, don’t you, Mr. Hands?”
“For as long as it takes to shatter that flaccid and privileged skull of yours.”
“Don’t do this,” a sullen Edward suggested. Izzy saw the disappointment in his eyes. It got to him, which felt like a victory for Stede. That stung, and only angered him further. He tried his best to play it off, backing away from Stede and pacing about the immediate area.
“You should know I would never touch my Captain without permission to do so. Let alone all of that blood and guts stuff, tempting as it may be.”
“But you mentioned tickling, though, didn’t you? At least, Ed made it sound like you did. That might actually be quite fun. Edward loves to make me laugh. I’d imagine I’m very fun.”
“This isn’t about fun, Bonnet. It’s a matter of principle is all. But that explains why Ed shifted his posture at my little joke earlier. Fond memories of your intimacies or something?”
“Well, that’s,” started Ed, beet red and wishing he would wake up in Stede’s bed to spare himself the lasting reality of the sudden flash of embarrassment. He looked to Stede, as if beckoning for permission. That permission came with a nod.  “Yeah,” he shrugged, hanging his head and closing his eyes for a moment. Stede came to his rescue.
“The truth is, I actually quite like it,” he confessed with a proud smile. His tone was flat and dull, but he at least managed a confident enough pull at the corners of his mouth that went well with the rosy complexion that was starting to take up residence in his cheeks.
“You fucking would, Bonnet. Of all people and of all things.” Izzy paused in his paces to turn and face Stede. He contemplated his next words carefully, adjusting his posture and tone accordingly before moving just a couple steps closer to Stede. “You know what? That actually sounds kind of cute. I’m still gonna make your kittenthing here help me make you cry, but what do we say we try and make peace by taking one out of both our playbook with a little tickle scene?”
“Right here?” Stede asked.
“And right now,” Izzy smirked. “What do you say?” Stede looked to Edward, who nodded him on.
“Alright,” shook Stede. “I guess we’ll go and make this happen, then.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” barked Izzy as he lunged at the captain, grabbing his sides and pressing him back into the shelf. “This business gets taken care of right here and right now. The cat either watches or joins me. Your call.”
“Please don’t make me watch, Stede, if you think you can handle it,” Edward said shyly.
“Of course you can join in, Ed,” Stede gushed, looking past Izzy. He then turned his attention back to Izzy. “Happy to be here for whatever you may need.”
“Happy fucking Bonnet, eh? That’s where your trouble began. That smile. That Bonnet fucking smile.”
“Would it be better if I frowned?” Stede demonstrated, and Izzy did not react. “Perhaps something more neutral, a bit stoic with hints of fear?” Stede tried on a second face, and Izzy had had enough of his antics. Wordlessly, he started tickling Stede hard and fast. Stede was far too distracted by his face making to see it coming. “I actually quite think my noseahahahaha! Ihihi g-guess-”
“What?” Izzy teased with a roar.
“Guess you wehent with a smihihile!” Stede screamed. He turned his neck to face away, not that it would really matter when his ribs and stomach were the center of attention and his eyes were bolted shut. 
Izzy quickly made room for Edward, and with two men holding him there Stede was just about locked in place. He tried to sink to the floor, but Izzy and Edward only followed him there. He sat with legs outstretched and T-Rex arms barely positioning his elbows in self defense. He remained surprisingly still, a dead giveaway he was having a wonderful time, even if he was being quite fussy.
“He usually stay this still for you?” asked Izzy, adjusting his position to kneel on Stede’s leg and facing Edward more fully.
“Always. Deep down, it’s like he said. He really does love it.”
“All the noise he’s making you just almost couldn’t tell. Listen to him roar like a little bitch.”
“I know. Isn’t he cute?” 
Izzy crowed a big belly laugh in reply to Edward’s question, turning back to his original position and moving his hands upward. He noticed Edward moving around the side of Stede, but didn’t try to intentionally take that into account. He was determined to figure Stede out on his own, and he didn’t want to get too distracted from eating up Stede’s reactions to make that happen. Stede was essentially a giggly puddle at the mercy of four spidering, digging, prodding, and clawing hands, and Izzy studied his every squirm and plea with devotion.
“Ohohohoho I’m actually the cutest!” exclaimed Stede, his smile only widening as he fell to the side away from Edward and started rolling away from the wall. He made his way onto his stomach without the necessary momentum to turn any further, so he stopped in place. Edward knelt between him and the wall, Izzy next to him on his other side. Stede shook his head from side to side but said nothing.
Wordlessly, Edward stared for Izzy’s attention, eventually locking eyes with him. They paused for a moment, letting Stede catch his breath. Motioning with his eyes, Edward got Izzy to focus his visual attention on Stede’s shoulders. Edward hovered a hand above Stede’s left shoulder and waited for Izzy to figure out what to do with his right. Bobbing their heads, they counted silently to three and started up again together.
“Wahahahait!” cried Stede. He kicked his legs and huffed and puffed until Edward and Izzy stopped again just a few seconds later. There was a brief silence.
“Stede?” Edward asked flatly. Stede pursed his lips but did not immediately say anything.
“Captain?” tried Izzy, being met with more silence.
“Stede, you need to tell us what’s wrong.”
“Oh, uhm, well,” the captain began. He pushed himself with a wrist onto his side and fell onto his back. His face looked its absolute reddest.
“Your face is red, Captain,” observed Izzy, “and we haven’t even done anything severe yet. You need to call it quits or something?”
“Well, no,” Stede admitted, “I’m actually fine. That was just so unexpectedly coordinated and sudden and intense. It was actually quite-”
“Do you want us to keep going?” Edward pressed, cutting him off.
“That would be splendid, thank you.”
“Arms out, then,” Izzy ordered. Stede obeyed. “And take it with pride,” he added. He leaned over and pinned Stede’s wrist with one of his own, putting plenty of weight on it. Edward mirrored him, and with Stede pinned beneath them both they started again.
Stede immediately closed his eyes and threw his head all the way back. Edward and Izzy paused at the thudding sound it made with the floor, but a sharply giggled okay from Stede had them resuming as quickly as the thud had dissipated. He laughed and strained his arms, but they would not budge from beneath those of his comrades.
“Damn ihihihit!” he squealed, “this is a mohohost unusual position to beheheehe in!”
“Mine too, be sure,” sighed Lucius. Izzy paid him no attention, but Edward looked up at him and cocked his gaze. Lowing his tone, Lucius spoke to Edward directly. “I’m just gonna,” he trailed off, shaking an open-palmed hand in the direction of the nearby stairs and shrinking his posture. With an ugly, forced smile he stepped over Stede and made himself gone, perhaps about to go tell someone what he saw. Perhaps not.
Edward turned back to Stede, who didn’t seem to notice the presence of his scribe. His eyes were still shut with a stupidly giddy smile spread across his entire face. Stede was really having a time with his two ticklers. Edward took his hands away for a moment. With his left hand, he caressed Stede’s cheek. Stede opened his eyes and looked at him.
“You’re doing so good right now,” Edward scruffed. Stede smiled.
“I think he can manage a little better for longer,” Izzy insinuated. Stede’s smile turned to fear, to panic, to arousal, and back to a bigger smile, a bead of sweat making its way down the side of his face.
“Only if he’s up to it.” Edward was firm.
“Please,” said Stede. His voice was soft and whiny, as if there was no thought in the world worse than having to leave his ticklish predicament behind.
“See? He wants us to push him to be good, isn’t that right, boy?” Izzy cooed.
“Yes! Goodness, Izzy, fuck!” Stede sputtered. He couldn’t manage much more than that, instead grimacing silently as if to invite the tickling to resume.
Edward immediately started up again. He kept one hand on Stede’s adorable face. This time firmer, as if to keep his gaze fixed on Izzy. His other hand started to explore Stede’s stomach with a walking tap, probing a minefield of spots and watching Stede’s face. He walked his hand higher and higher with his arm until he was almost to Stede’s chest, where he saw an inviting twitch in Stede’s neck. He stopped his hand there and rotated it slightly, pinching at about that height along Stede’s side.
Stede thrashed in place as Edward did so, and he screamed. He screamed as if there was no thought in the world worse than staying in his ticklish predicament. But a signal in the back of his mind forced him to pause and realize he liked it. He only cried out for the torment to continue.
Izzy kept his hands in Stede’s armpits. He had a lot of fun with lighter techniques while Edward did his thing with his sides. Stede managed to stay still enough to keep his arms most of the way outstretched on his own. Izzy drummed his fingers up and down the soft, taut patches of skin, occasionally stopping to blow on Stede’s neck or scratch the exposed piece of his shoulder with his beard. 
“Thahahahat’s a little fohohorward of you,” suggested Stede as Izzy’s beard and breath lingered longer and longer there as the minutes snowballed by.
“Nonsense, Captain, I’m on a mission with this little game,” deflected Izzy. Stede just kept on laughing, but Izzy finally convinced him to open his eyes. Immediate eye contact. “There you are, boy. How do you feel?”
“Nehehevahar bett-ter!” struggled Stede, maintaining eye contact but blinking rapidly at the flood of sensation as Izzy changed his technique to mirror Edward’s death spot squeezes on the other side.
“Tell me how you really feel. Don’t hold yourself back,” Izzy commanded.
“Ehehehed,” laughed Stede.
“Hmmn?” Edward growled with a moderately horny squint back at the captain.
“I’m feheeling quihihite aroused,” reported Stede matter-of-factly, save for the peals of ticklish laughter trying their best to interrupt him. Edward leaned in and kissed Stede, letting go with his tickling hand and straddling Stede more fully.
His leg came to rest on Izzy’s hand, which his old first mate quickly retracted. Stede seemed to quickly shake a relaxation through his body, but hesitated before lowering his shoulders. Izzy wondered whether it was some kind of signal or not.
“Uh, Captain, you need something there?” Izzy asked shyly.
Edward’s mouth stole whatever reply Stede seemed to have no mind to attempt to formulate. They kept kissing there. It was clear their love was just as passionate as it had ever been. Izzy started to understand why these two had done the things they had done to themselves for one another. He wondered if he should start applauding their milestones and loosen up around the ship. He started to get the sense that the tickling scene was over, even if he figured he failed to make his larger point.
“Guess I’ll leave you lovebirds to it, then. I’m not ready to get that involved with a couple of pervert freaks that outrank me.” Izzy paused, trying to find more words. “Well, the captain and his kitten,” he clarified. “You’re cute with that bell, Edward,” he said under his breath, rolling his eyes a bit. With that, he started to walk away, back to his usual place. He traversed some stairs and a couple of corners. He was almost there.
Turning another corner, Izzy felt he was finally far enough away. He stopped for a moment to listen for nearby speech or footsteps. He sat and faced the ocean by himself, solitary in the position where Edward found him earlier in the day. And he let his guard down. Nobody had to know the effect his little torture scene had on him, and so he decided to let it show just a bit. The experience he just created for himself, it wasn’t another laceration of blackness across his wizened heart. It was pure and fun and joyful and a little arousing. 
He took a deep breath in through his nose, and he let it out through a big smile. A picture of Edward straddling Stede formed in his head. He rotated the picture before turning on time, inserting himself in the fantasy image and joining Edward, adding two more hands to the fray. In his mind, he smiled at Edward and Stede there. In reality, he sat there smiling at the ocean. The sun was sinking, and his heart was calm.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 7 months
Not A Verstappen: Lights Out {7}
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x fem!driver!reader x Lando Norris Summary: A short skip over the winter break and into 2024 season.. Warnings: 18+ only, fluffies WC: 2k F1 Masterlist NAV: Sibling Rivalry One || Two || Three NAV: Gridlocked One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine NAV: A New World One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || Seven || Eight || Nine || Ten NAV: Lights Out One || Two || Three || Four || Five || Six || 6.5 || Seven || SMAU || Eight
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Christmas Eve 2023 - French Alps The air was still when you woke to a fresh dumping of snow on the mountain. The window provided a picture of tranquillity and the embers in the fire gave a peaceful glow to the dark wood walls. Charles had disappeared at dawn for a morning ski with Arthur and you squinted against the white glare to try and find them on the mountainside. 
You probably could have gone back to sleep if it wasn’t for the door crashing open and the sudden weight of a child on your legs. Penelope crawled up to the headboard with a squeal and jumped into your arms as Max just reached the bedroom door. 
“P, watch out for auntie’s tummy,” Max reminded. She now had to watch out for yours and Aunt Vicky’s tummy, since your sister had announced her pregnancy a few weeks ago. “Sorry, she slept the whole flight so she’s full of energy. I tried to get her to play with Luka but she wanted you.”
“That’s okay,” you said as she burrowed under the blankets and put her cold feet on Lando’s back. “Are you excited for Christmas?”
Penelope nodded eagerly while Lando slowly woke and you were grateful he was wearing a hideous pair of santa-themed pyjama pants. With even more children around for Christmas this year, everyone had taken to wearing pyjamas. It was good for moments like these, but bad for quick access when you were spooning in the night.
“Papa let me open some presents early!”
Max disappeared out of the room with a wave, heading back to his suite with Kelly down the hall. The small mountain retreat had been completely rented out for another combined family holiday and at the rate the Norris’, Leclerc’s and Verstappen’s were procreating, an entire resort would be needed to host you all next year. Your bet was on Max and Lorenzo becoming fathers next. 
“How exciting! And what did you get?”
Penelope held out her arm to show a mermaid inspired charm bracelet. “That’s beautiful!”
“It’s got Ariel!” she exclaimed, pointing to a red haired mermaid as she bounced excitedly. 
“Is that an earthquake?” Lando asked as he scooped the little girl up into a hug. “No, it’s little P. Why are you waking your favourite uncle up so early?”
“You’re not my favourite,” she said with a fit of giggles.
Lando hung his head and shook it with fake sadness. “Kids are brutal.”
“Kids are honest,” you corrected before kissing his pout away.
“Gross,” P said as she screwed up her face and started to climb off the bed to find ‘Maxie’. She did a sudden u-turn and scrambled across the bed to gently touch your stomach before leaning closer and whispering, “Bye-bye, baby. Love you.”
She was gone again, this time the door swinging shut as she left with no farewell for you or Lando. He let out a little chuckle as he pushed you back into the pillows and drifted down the bed, taking the blankets with him. 
“Hello, baby,” he murmured softly to the bump. At just more than half way along your bump could no longer be mistaken for overindulgence or bloating. “You are looking lovely and round this morning.”
“Wow, you really know how to sweet talk a lady,” you chuckled as you combed your fingers through his hair.
“Shh, I’m having a conversation with my daughter, no eavesdropping,” he warned with a smirk before brushing your shirt up and pressing a kiss to your skin before continuing his conversation. The moustache and shaped beard he was slowly but surely growing thicker tickled with each whispered word, the movement of his lips dragging the coarse hairs over your sensitive skin until goosebumps prickled. 
“I can’t wait to meet you,” he said with a smile as the door creaked open and Charles walked in with wind-kissed cheeks. “I just want to hurry up and hold you.”
“Patience, mon cher,” Charles said with a grin, depositing the second layer of cashmere he had worn under his ski jacket on the coat hook. “It’s only four more months.”
Lando groaned at the reminder before shifting on the bed to make space for Charles. 
“Anything you want to add this morning?” you asked. 
You reached for the hem of the shirt, ready to pull it down if it was a no when a knock had you freeze. No, it wasn’t a knock. The thud hadn’t come from outside, but inside. You dropped the shirt and stared at the jut of your hip, right where the skin went soft as it stretched up to your ribs. That soft tissue bulged ever so slightly as you felt the strange sensation of pressure and it drew a gasp that shocked your boyfriends.
“What? What is it?” Lando asked, his voice thick with concern. 
“Give me your hand,” you ordered, already reaching for one of each as you placed them on the spot. “Shhh, just shhh.”
You felt it again and Charles exhaled a shaky breath that ended in a joyous laugh before grabbing Lando’s hand and shifting it slightly. 
“Shh,” you urged as Charles pressed a finger to his lips. The silence grew and everyone held their breath, waiting.
The air wooshed from Lando with an exclamation, “No fucking way!” His eyes grew wide and he stared at his palm as if the imprint of his daughter’s foot was permanently held on his skin. “Holy shit! She…she…kicked.” 
Charles wrapped an arm around Lando as their shimmering eyes met yours. Pure happiness saturated the room, spilling out into the hall as the door opened and Oliver appeared a little worried. “Everything okay? I thought I heard Lando screeching.”
“Everything’s perfect,” Lando grinned, ignoring the joke he had heard since hitting puberty. 
“She just started kicking,” Charles explained with an equally bright grin, while you danced your fingers along your side, trying to tickle her foot. 
“Core memory unlocked, huh?” Oliver laughed at his brother’s eagerness, remembering the first kicks with his own daughters. “Breakfast is ready when you are.”
“Thanks, we’ll be there soon,” Charles said as Oliver closed the door again.
“Do we have to?” Lando asked as he curled back down and stared at your stomach intently. “I could watch this all day.”
“You can stay but I am hungry, and she is now shy,” you teased as you pulled your shirt back into place and climbed out of bed. With a groan he followed you to the walk-in wardrobe, just like you knew he would. 
“Is the powder good?” Lando asked Charles while they changed into some casual day clothes perfect for the warm interior of the retreat.
“It’s perfect,” Charles all but moaned, it was hard to believe they were talking about snow but both of them loved to ski. “Arthur wants to head back out after lunch.”
Lando looked at you and you waved a hand. “Sheesh, babe, I’m not your keeper. You can go if you want.” 
Lando hated being away the most, not that Charles enjoyed it, but there wasn’t the same level of separation anxiety that Lando had. “I don’t want to leave you here on your own.”
“On my own?” you laughed and slipped your feet into some simple flats before heading to the door. As soon as it opened the cacophony of everyone congregating in the great room down the hall spilled into your room. “I couldn’t be on my own if I tried.”
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liked by pierregasly, maxvertappen1, maxfewtrell and 1,382,589 others yourusername This kid scored the gene pool the lottery. Merry Christmas from my family to yours.
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Round One - Bahrain 2024 Fuel fumes drifted up from the pitlane to the balcony you stood upon as the start of the season's first race grew closer. It was strange to look down the entire length of billboards and see no new faces among the driver line up. Fernando still filled the garage beside Lance, but you held no resentment for your replacement. He was making the most out of an opportunity and it almost gave you hope that even after leaving Formula 1, maybe - just maybe - there was a way to get back in. 
Next year would be interesting with so many contracts up for renewal. It was a chance to see new faces on the grid, or perhaps some old faces returning if rumours were to be believed. You wouldn’t mind seeing Sebastian make a return. For the moment, everyone was still too busy talking about Lewis and his move to Ferrari to give much thought to the other shocks that might come with the disruption. The open seat at Mercedes was going to be sought after by every driver stuck in a midfield car. 
“You look deep in thought.”
You broke away from staring at the starting lights to accept a cup of herbal tea from your mother. “Just thinking about how the grid will look next year.”
“Gotta get through this one first,” she reminded. “Speaking of…it’s going to be hard having a newborn at home with those two away so much.”
“I know,” you sighed, resting your arms on the balcony rail as you blew the steam from the mug. The wall calendar at home was already marked with the first half of the season, all the nights Lando and Charles would be away circled in red ink. It had been collectively agreed that flying with a newborn wasn’t a great idea so you would only attend the races you could drive to until she was at least three months old. “This year’s calendar is fucking intense.”
“I want you to know you can call me day or night, sweetie, and I’ll be on the next plane.” She reached for your chin and turned you to face her as your throat clogged with emotion. “I don’t have to tell you how hard it is to do on your own, you saw it firsthand.”
“You’ve got your own life, I don’t want you to drop it all for me.”
She laughed softly and wrapped you in a careful hug. “You’re my daughter, you are my life, my granddaughter is too.”
“Thank you,” you sniffled and wiped your eyes, seeing the cameras in the pitlane pointed your way. “Gah, you made me cry. Now I’ll be on fucking Drive to Survive. I can already see the subtitles ‘Y/N crying as the season starts without her’. Wankers.”
Your mother narrowed her eyes at the camera and flipped them off, making you choke on a laugh. “So much maturity for a grandmother.”
“Yeah well I have been wanting to do that for a while, and I figure I can’t get you fired since you’re unemployed.”
You shared a grin and thought maybe you had more in common than you realised. You thought your fight came from Jos but now you saw a flash of it in her protectiveness and your chest warmed.
“I’m not unemployed, I’m a Lady of Leisure.” You laughed at the roll of her eyes before adding. “I might even get a Birkin for a push present to complete the initiation.”
“What the hell is a push present?”
“It’s a present a new mother gets for destroying her vagina pushing a baby out.”
It was her turn to choke on a laugh. “That’s a thing?”
“Apparently so.” 
“Does the baby not count as a gift?”
“Hmm, maybe you should go ask them?” you said as you jutted your head to the plethora of influencers walking around the grid taking selfies with everyone. She wrinkled her nose at the idea, quite content to stay out of the fray like you.
“No, thank you. Oh, there they are.”
You scanned the crowd and saw Max, Charles, and Lando walking out to the grid together, their heads huddled close as they tried to hear each other over the crowd. They made a beeline to the strips of red carpet and Max stood between the other two as they took their places for the national anthem.
“Looks like the podium lineup to me,” your mother whispered.
You chewed your lip and hoped the data from testing was as promising as it looked for McLaren and Ferrari. But you could never tell quite how much of it was real with the strategies and sandbagging. “I hope so, my boy’s need a good start this year.”
Click here for the next part.
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giggle-bee · 9 months
Triple Threat (Squealing Santa 2023!)
Hi, @hakurei-k, I'm your Santa for this year! Sorry this is a little late, but I hope you still enjoy it! It was a challenging prompt since I don't typically write intense stuff with multiple lers, but it was a fun fic to do, and I'm so happy I got you!! I also want to thank @squealing-santa, Hypah, for being such an amazing host!! Couldn't have done it without you, thank you for keeping the tradition alive!
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(Ler!Barbatos, Ler!Solomon, Ler!Simeon, Lee!MC)
Warnings: pranks, suprise tickles
Summary: Barbatos has a day off but doesn't know how to spend it. How better to than with you? Mediating a prank war wasn't in the plans, though.
Word Count: 1.8k
When Diavolo had first approached Barbatos about taking the day off, he was against the idea. “My Lord, the New Year’s celebration is not far away. The castle must be prepared for guests, there is much work to be done-” “Exactly my thoughts! You’ve been working tirelessly, my friend, you deserve some time to yourself. It’s my castle, I want to have part in the decorating! Besides, I know you’ve been keeping an eye on that new tea house. Take the day and relax, Barbatos.”
Diavolo patted him on the back and left Barbatos standing in his office, lost for words and with a blank mind for the first time in a while. For anyone else, the opportunity would be a blessing, to leave your duties behind and pay attention to the parts of your life neglected. All Barbatos could think about was the castle in a state of disarray, clashing colors, decorations strewn haphazardly about the place, anything less than perfect was not acceptable.
However, Diavolo’s pout if he figured out Barbatos was still working during his break was too heartbreaking to think about. Barbatos sighed, pulling out his DDD and pulling up his messages with you.
Barbatos MC, would you like to join me at Witch’s Brew this afternoon? My schedule has been cleared. 
MC Oh? Is that the new tea place across from Majolish? I would love to!
Barbatos Alright. See you at noon. 
Witch’s Brew was a quaint shop that sold both loose leaf teas, tea sets, and delicious desserts. To a demon like Barbatos, it was heaven. The aroma of dried flowers and warmth tickled his nose as he opened the door, sitting down at a small table with a candle in the middle. It was peaceful here, soft music playing over the speakers and setting a light ambience to the space. Ordering some tea for the both of you would be his first order of business. The fragrant notes of hibiscus and lemon called to him from behind the counter, he would bring it back to the table piping hot and waiting. 
A smile came across his lips as he imagined you taking the first sip, your eyes lighting up at the sweet flavor- rich and floral with a hint of tart to balance it. The thought was almost as sweet as you were. The tinkling of the doorbell made Barbatos glance up hopefully from his cup, eyes alight when he saw you. But you weren’t carefree and jubilant as usual. He picked up on the nervous glances you were sending around the room, your hesitant steps towards the table, and most of all, you hadn’t greeted him with so much as a smile yet. Quite unusual. 
“Ah, hello Barbatos! Sorry I’m late,” you whispered, smoothing your clothes and sitting in the chair he pulled out for you. The demon cocked an eyebrow at your behavior, instantly analyzing your expression. He knew something was up.
“Would you like to tell me what is obviously bothering you? You look like someone is out to get you.”
“Ahaha… well…” You scratched your arm, averting your gaze and peering down into the teacup. “You could say that.” You chose to elaborate on the prank war currently going on in Purgatory Hall, the one you had started a week ago. Luke had voted on staying out of things, which meant you, Solomon, and Simeon would have to prank amongst yourselves.
Pulling out all the stops this morning, you had set up several pillows to fall onto Simeon’s head, covering him in feathers. You had swiped one of Solomon’s singing potions earlier in the week and mixed it into a batch of cookies, which had him singing curses for the next hour. You had found these harmless pranks extremely funny, but both Solomon and Simeon were sure to get you back. 
“So that’s why I have to stay vigilant! They could be anywhere, Barbatos, I have to keep a lookout,” you explained, taking a sip of your tea. The flavor was complex and delicate, a nice reprieve from the chaos going on with your friends. You melted into the warm drink, nodding at the teapot, “This was a good pick, thank you for letting me try it!”
Barbatos shook his head with a fond smile. He knew you were “I believe tea is better when shared in good company, so it’s my pleasure.” Pouring you two another cup, he thought on your predicament. If Solomon and Simeon were working together, it could spell disaster for everyone in Purgatory Hall.
Humming in thought, Barbatos finished his tea and set the cup down gently onto a saucer. “Can I escort you back? Like I said, my schedule is clear for the day, so it would be no trouble. That way, you won’t have to worry about anything on your way,” he offered. Barbatos knew they would never do anything to harm you, but if it would make you feel better, it was worth it.
You perked up, relief washing over your face. “I would appreciate it, those two like to scare me as much as it is.”
Taking a dessert to go, you and Barbatos left the teahouse and started the journey back to the House of Lamentation. On the way, you talked about everything from next year’s classes to Satan’s newest cat adoption antics. Barbatos felt at ease talking to you, as he always did. His worries for the celebration faded with every step as he let you take the wheel of the conversation. Before you knew it, you two were on the doorstep. 
“Thank you for walking me here, Barbs. We need to do this again sometime!” You opened the door and were about to wave goodbye when two arms pulled you into the foyer. Barbatos quickly moved inside, surprised by the sight that greeted him. 
Solomon and Simeon had trapped you in their arms, encircling you like twin felines playing a game of cat and mouse. Solomon’s deadly smirk was something you knew all too well, paired with Simeon’s laughing eyes, they had been out to get you from the start. “You fell right into our trap, MC~” Simeon purred in your ear, watching your eyes flit between the trio of people in the room. Well, one human, one angel, and one demon. The mischievous fire in Solomon’s eyes appeared anything *but* human to you in this moment. 
Solomon looked to the demon at the door, “What do you think is a fitting punishment for our friend here, Barbatos?” 
Barbatos slowly stepped forward until he was in front of you three, assessing the situation. “Seeing as they’ve confessed their transgressions to me already, I believe something… like this will suffice,” Barbatos reasoned, grinning at your shocked face.
“Barbatos! You’re supposed to be on my side- HEY!” Barbatos wormed his hand between you and Simeon to give your side a squeeze, making you curl into Solomon. Simeon started to snicker at the idea, using his free hand to scribble around your neck while Solomon’s smile grew wolfish. “I think that’s a great idea, don’t you think so, MC?” 
You were trying not to react to Simeon’s gentle scribbles, your cheeks puffing out and your lips pouting to hide your smile. “N-no! Not a great idea! Barbatos- help me!”
Raising an eyebrow, the demon tilted his head to the side, “You want me to help? Alright, I can manage that. After all, I have no obligations today, I can spend as much time as I want here.”
Barbatos latched onto your sides, kneading into them with sudden speed and vigor that you weren’t prepared for. Your straight faced facade went flying out the window as you tried to wiggle away from the tickles to no avail. Solomon and Simeon seemed to have the same idea, the angel’s fingers finding a home in your armpits and Solomon’s squeezing at your hipbones. “WHAHAHAIT! NOhOHoO!” 
You had endured tickle attacks from all three of them separately, but together, the trio was insufferably good at reducing you to a laughing fit. They continued to scribble and poke all over your worst spots, Simeon finding a good spot on your lower tummy that almost sent you backwards. Every time you got used to something, one of them would move, sending you into giggles all over again. 
“I almost forgot how ticklish they are! Solomon, keep that up,” Simeon laughed with delight at how you squirmed away from Solomon’s evil hands that were currently chasing your ribs. “If I were you, I would stay still- it would be done a looooot faster!” Solomon chirped from your left, tazing your ribs and making you fall into Barbatos’s waiting arms.
“Your laugh is almost as sweet as the tea, you know,” Barbatos whispered quietly, kneading into your lower back and sides, chuckling when you tried to pull away with a blush. Simeon gasped and excitedly pulled you away, hugging you tight against his chest. 
“Theres this thing I used to do to Luci when he would misbehave, let me show you!” He closed his eyes and you felt invisible feathers gliding across your ears and neck, making you scrunch up. The feathers seemed to reach all of your worst spots, soft but they tickled like hell. When you felt one graze the bottom of your foot, you squeaked in surprise, how was this even possible? Simeon’s laugh sounded like bells, contrasting with your loud and squealy one. “I cAhAHaAHaN’t! PlEHehAHeaSe!” 
He slowed down the feathers of his wings to softly stroke up and down your arms, letting you collapse into him. Solomon ruffled your hair, “You all tired out? I think it’s payback for making me sing through all of breakfast. Simeon looked like a fancy chicken this morning,” he laughed. Simeon rolled his eyes, “Did you learn your lesson, MC? Never mess with Purgatory Hall, or you’ll awaken the tickle monsters that live there!” He tapped your nose, taking note of your lingering smile and flushed cheeks. He grinned and gave you a hug, releasing you. 
Barbatos had his hands behind his back, almost like he hadn’t contributed to your ticklish demise. “The cake is still outside, would you like me to bring it in?” His sly smirk didn’t go unnoticed, you nodded, rolling your eyes. “You were supposed to help me!”
“I never said I would help you. Besides, I think you deserved a little prank back for the ones you performed,” he noted, bringing the slice of matcha cake inside. 
With a sigh, you took the bag, holding out the delectable sweet. “How about a truce? Do you guys wanna split this?” All three of them nodded, causing you to smile. As you made your way towards the den, Barbatos concluded that his day off was a day well spent.
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spooky-switch · 11 months
I have officially registered for Squealing Santa 2023! Thankfully, it should start at the end of my fall semester, so I should have more time to write by then!
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lovelynim · 9 months
2 centimeters
Squealing Santa 2023 Genshin Impact - Kaeya & Diluc
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A/N: Merry Christmas, Mango-anon! That's right, I'm your @squealing-santa this year!
Heheh, isn't it funny that we changed the roles? After getting a gift from you in last year's SS, I tried to come up with something just as special - hopefully I made it up to your expectations!
Also, I couldn't find any canon info about the characters' height, so let's just go along with this one, yeah?
I just want to wish you a happy holiday season and thank @hypahticklish for hosting the event again!
Summary: When you are decorating the place, 2 cm can make a lot of difference.
Word count: 1338 words
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“I think I remember this one, brother,” Kaeya chirped happily as he gently pulled another decoration from inside that old chest. Pinching the string that was attached to the toy to hold it up to his line of sight, Kaeya admired the golden, star-shaped object as it brought him some old memories from his childhood. “Hah, last time I saw this one, we still-”
“Care to do something other than reminiscing?” Diluc interrupted, with a frown on his face. Letting out an audible grunt, the redheaded dropped another box on top of the counter - also full of decorations.
By the end of the year, the people of Mondstadt had the tradition of decorating their houses to celebrate the arrival of winter and to cherish the moments they had together throughout that year. At least, most of the people did it.
Diluc wasn’t sure when it was the last time he had bothered to do something like this. He was even more clueless about why he decided to do it this time. Maybe his change of heart had something to do with the traveler or the latest events? Maybe after spending so much time with that spoiled bard was, at last, affecting him? Maybe was he sick? Diluc didn’t know - and did it really matter at this point? He looked to the side, spotting Kaeya’s smug, amused glance at him. Diluc rolled his eyes.
“My, of course, brother. I just couldn’t help myself… All the sweet memories coming back to my mind,” Kaeya mused poetically - mostly to annoy his brother even further. “I’m sure the winery will look just as lovely when we are done decorating it.”
Kaeya quickly got back to his feet, starting to hang a few garlands near the entrance, adding the ones that resembled small berries and snow flakes to enhance the composition even further. The captain smiled, proud of his work. “What do you think, Diluc?” Kaeya sighed proudly, placing his hands over his hips as he admired the results of his efforts.
However, as more seconds passed by and there was no sign of answers from his dear brother, Kaeya repeated himself, this time also looking back. “Diluc? What do you… think…”
“Just- agh, just a second,” Diluc grunted, gritting his teeth and stretching his arm as high as he could. Standing on the tip of his toes and leaning against the shelves, Diluc tried to place a bright, golden star on top of a tree - a spot that was clearly out of his reach.
Kaeya scoffed quietly, surprised that his brother would find such difficulties in such a simple task. “Do you need a hand? I could lift you if you want-”
“Shut it,” Diluc groaned, planting his heels back into the ground - and if looks could kill, Kaeya would’ve been sent to Celestia right at that moment. Diluc, already having his patience running short, looked at Kaeya’s work.
His eyes, despite all the charming decorations, focused on a garland that hung right in the middle of the composition. Diluc did the math inside his head and that thing was standing almost as high as the tip of the tree and, with no stairs or chairs around, it seemed that Kaeya managed to reach that spot effortlessly. Diluc felt that sight leaving a scratch on his ego. “Yeah, it’s decent I think,” Diluc huffed.
“Decent? Well, it’s still a compliment from you, I suppose, so I’ll assume I did a good job,” Kaeya crossed his arms, with a smug look on his face. The captain looked around and, after a few hours of work, they were almost done with the winery’s decoration: all that was left was the golden star in Diluc’s hand. “Let me finish that for you, brother.”
“What?” Diluc arched his eyebrow, turning his attention back to Kaeya.
“I said: let me finish that for you,” Kaeya repeated while approaching Diluc, reaching out his hand, waiting for the star to be handed to him.
“There is no need, I can do it myself,” Diluc narrowed his eyes and Kaeya chuckled. “What’s so funny?” The winery’s master muttered, getting back on the tip of his toes as he tried to reach the top of the tree.
“How tall are you?”
“W-what?” Diluc gasped, feeling a faint heat taking place in his hands. “What’s with this all of the sudden?” The reddish tones began to take a brighter shade around the tip of Diluc’s ears, almost matching his hairtone.
“Just curiosity,” Kaeya giggled, standing by Diluc’s side. Kaeya placed a hand over the top of his own head and moved it, hovering it just a couple of centimeters above Diluc’s. “Oh, I’m taller, indeed. I never noticed you were the smaller one…”
“S-so?” Diluc sighed annoyed, getting even angrier when he saw the way Kaeya looked at him. “It’s just… what? 2 centimeters? It’s not that much of a difference, it might even be thanks to the heels of your boots.”
“Well, brother, you see, 2 centimeters can make a lot of difference,” Kaeya teased, looking up to the tip of the tree. “Come on, let me help you ~”
“I don’t need your help,” Diluc insisted, determined to shut his brother by placing that damned star on top of the tree.
“Suit yourself.”
Kaeya watched carefully as Diluc tried to reach that spot again, holding the golden star with the tip of his fingers, barely keeping a hold on it. Almost there… so close… 
“G-gah!” Diluc squeaked when he felt a pair of hands holding him by his waist. He felt another electric shock spread across his body when fingers dug into the spot - with just enough pressure so they could get a grip on his body.
“Q-quit squirming, you’re kind of heavy, you know?” Kaeya grunted, nearly getting hit by a flailing limb. With some effort, Kaeya managed to lift Diluc, getting him high enough so he could reach the top of the tree. “Hurry up..!”
“I- agh, aham tr-tryihihing!” Diluc choked on a laugh, struggling to reach out and place the star when all the nerves on his body were telling him to press his arms down his body. His brother being Kaeya, Diluc couldn’t be sure if that… feeling was a mere accident or something planned. “S-stohop squeehezing me lihihike t-that, you- ahah- ack!!”
“H-hoh?” Kaeya gasped, still managing to pull a tease in a situation like this. Diluc’s squirming was making it harder to keep him high up, but Kaeya would rather have them both falling to the ground than lose a chance to provoke Diluc like this. “H-how can you be… heh, this ticklish being this… short?”
“I’m nohot!” Diluc groaned, hitting Kaeya’s leg with his heel (mostly because of how his leg flailed than because he wanted to). 
“You’re not what? Short or ticklish? Because it looks like you’re both” Kaeya squeezed Diluc’s waist again and a strangled laugh escaped his brother’s lips. Kaeya smirked. “J-just put the star over there, my arms are getting tired.”
“If you- ahah, f-fine!” Diluc groaned in defeat, grabbing the tree with one hand and pulling it closer. Finding it more difficult than it should be, at last, Diluc managed to place the golden star in place, quickly tapping his brother’s hand. “D-done! Put me down! Puhuhut me down!”
“As you wish, brother,” Kaeya said, lowering his brother back down until he could place his feet on the ground - safe and sound. “See? It wasn’t that hard, was it?”
Diluc breathed deeply, telling himself mentally this wasn’t the time to call Kaeya names and deciding that, just this once, he would let it slide… that, of course, under one condition. “One word about it…,” he threatened Kaeya - so brotherly-like of him.
“Huh? Or what?” Kaeya provoked him again, poking Diluc’s side and making him jerk away with a sharp gasp. “Come on, asking your big brother for help it’s nothing to be ashamed of…”
“Kaeya, no.” Diluc warned, wrapping his arms around his torso, “I’m serious. Kaeya, nohOHOH!! KahAHAHayea!”
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cringemesstickles · 9 months
Spencer Reid’s Big Secret
(Squealing Santa 2023)
Summary: Spencer Reid has a secret, and Morgan wants to know what it is.
Pairing: Moreid (Morgan/Reid)
Word count: 1,555
A/N: Merry Christmas y’all! This is my squealing Santa gift to @gaybananabread !! :D
I combined two of the prompts bc they were both too cute and I couldn’t decide :’)
I had a lotta fun writing this and I hope you enjoy it!
The BAU headquarters was quieter than usual, a calm before the storm of another case. In a corner of the room, Dr. Spencer Reid sat, his attention buried in a pile of books and papers.
Now, Spencer Reid was incredibly clever… there was no about it.
However, he was never very good at concealing the fact that he was hiding something. You’d think that in his line of work it would be quite the opposite, but most of the time, that just isn’t the case.
Whenever he was hiding something, he would act even more awkward than usual.
Derek Morgan, ever so observant, caught this look and couldn’t resist the urge to investigate.
“Alright, pretty boy, spill it.” Morgan abruptly confronted, palms slammed on the table as if he were conducting a real interrogation, startling the young detective.
Reid looked up with surprise before he put on a mask of innocence. “Spill what?”
“Don’t play dumb. You’re hiding something, and I wanna know what it is!”
The younger averted his eyes and Morgan swore that he saw a faint blush on his cheeks.
“What would give you that idea? I’m not hiding anything…”
Morgan wasn’t buying it. He moved closer, a playful yet determined look on his face as he circled around behind Reid.
“Alright… if you won’t talk, I have other methods.”
With that, he quickly spun the chair around to make Reid face him before making a beeline for the detective’s vulnerable sides, digging into the sensitive flesh.
Taken off guard by the sudden tickling ambush, Reid lets out a surprised yelp before loud, unrestrained laughter tumbled from his lips.
“Hey! W-What are you dohohohoing?!”
The older man gave a sly grin.
He was definitely gonna have fun with this.
“What does it look like I’m doing, genius?” He asked teasingly, skillfully spidering his fingers up to Reid’s ribs, using just enough pressure to drive the young detective crazy.
“Ahh! Y-You’re tickling mehehehehee!”
“Bingo!” Morgan said with a grin. “And I’m not gonna stop until you tell me what you’re hiding!”
The blonde squirmed desperately in his seat, trapped between the chair and his attacker. Well… he could maybe escape if he wanted to. The seat didn’t have any armrests; he just wasn’t willing to throw himself at the floor quite yet.
Perhaps he could hold out and Morgan would just give up.
“Nohohoho! Morgan, plehehease! I-I’m not hiding aNYTHIHIHING- WAHAHAIT!”
The doctor’s plea was cut off by his own raucous laughter when he felt the tingling sensations migrate from his ribcage to under his arms, one of his hot spots.
“You can’t lie to me, pretty boy! You better start talking, or I might have to take drastic measures.” The elder playfully threatened, drilling his thumbs into the tender hollows, getting an uncharacteristic shriek from the normally reserved detective.
Reid glued his arms to his sides, but it didn’t matter. Morgan kept on tickling, even with his hands trapped.
Truthfully, Morgan kind of hoped that Reid would stay stubborn, just so that he’d have an excuse to keep tickling him.
Reid’s laughter was so rare, and to have it ringing so openly was nothing short of a gift.
He didn’t even care about the secret as long as he could get Reid to keep laughing like that.
Well… okay, maybe he cared about the secret a little bit.
But that just means he has every excuse in the world to keep tickling the young genius.
Besides, the poor kid needed some playfulness in his life.
This statement, ladies and gentlemen, was a huge mistake.
Morgan quirked a brow, pausing to give the younger man a momentary break from the tickling, but moving to grab his wrists so that he doesn’t escape.
“Not telling, huh? So you admit that you’re hiding something!”
Reid’s face flushed bright red and his eyes widened comically as he realized his mistake.
“Wait, no, I-I meant that, uh…”
Morgan wasn’t having it.
“Y’know, Reid… I think those lanky legs of yours are feeling a little left out.”
He didn’t have to say anymore before Reid began kicking his legs, pleading for mercy before Morgan even touched him.
“Nononono, Morgan, plehehease dohohon’t!” There was a nervous smile on his face, which was starting to turn a nice rosy shade.
“Oh, I think I will, since you’re sooo insistent on not sharing that secret.”
Before Reid could let out another protest, Morgan’s hand caught one of the flailing legs while the other hand began to squeeze rapidly at the kneecap.
The young genius let out a snort, his laughter taking on a boyish energy as he tried his hardest to free his leg, thrashing his entire body from the intense electric tickling sensation.
“NAHAHAH- MORGAHAHAN, T-TOO TIHIHIHICKLISH!!” He shrieked, tears of mirth starting to prick at his eyes.
Morgan couldn’t help but laugh along, not expecting such an extreme reaction from Spencer Reid.
How on earth had Morgan been neglecting Reid’s knees until now?!
“Maybe if you tell me your secret, I can make it a little less ticklish~”
The younger shook his head stubbornly. His stomach was starting to hurt from how hard he was laughing.
He knew his knees were sensitive, but he didn’t know they were THAT sensitive.
Nevertheless, he refused to give in!
At least until Morgan began scribbling over the kneecap…
“Well that’s too bad, Reid. What if I just- woah!”
The minute Morgan touched his knee with that scribbling motion, Reid let out a scream of laughter before throwing himself to the floor in a desperate escape act.
And it worked! He was free from Morgan’s ticklish clutches.
For a few seconds…
Undeterred, the older detective simply followed Reid to the floor, now able to pin him more effectively by sitting on his hips.
“Nice try, kid. You can’t escape me that easily!”
The younger man gave a childish whine, wriggling hopelessly and realizing he definitely wasn’t getting out of this until he gave Morgan what he wanted.
But strangely, it seemed almost as if Reid was enjoying himself… like he was having just as much fun as Morgan was.
“Alright, Reid. I didn’t wanna have to do this, but you leave me no choice.”
With that ominous statement, the older agent began to roll up the younger’s shirt, watching with a mischievous sparkle in his eye as he sees his victim’s expression shift from playful dread, to one of sheer panic… and a glimmer of excitement?
“Your tummy looks rather tasty, Reid. If you’re not gonna share that secret, maybe I should give it a little taste?”
Reid’s eyes went as wide as saucers and he burst into a fit of anticipatory giggles, futilely tugging at his arms.
“Oh? Giggling already? Something you wanna tell me, Reid?”
The giggling agent in question frantically nodded his head, signaling to Morgan that all was about to be revealed.
“I’m listening…”
When Reid looked at Morgan with a mischievous twinkle in his eye, he finally said…
“I’m never telling you.”
Taken aback by the sass, the elder decided it was time to unleash his secret weapon.
“That’s it! You asked for this, Reid!”
With that, he brought his face to Reid’s tummy and began to nibble at the soft skin.
The response he got was pure gold.
Reid let out the most childlike squeal before falling into bright, boisterous guffaws, arching his back out of instinct.
Morgan simply let out a low chuckle, the sound vibrating against Reid’s skin, before he continued the tummy nibbles, making obnoxious nomming sounds which only seemed to make Reid laugh louder.
The tickler lifted his head, looking at Reid with a raised eyebrow.
“For real this time? Don’t make me-”
Morgan pulled back, giving Reid a moment to catch his breath.
At last, Reid inhaled… ready to unleash his big secret.
“So, um… you know how earlier this morning, Hotch said that somebody used all the sugar?..”
Morgan stared blankly.
Surely this was going somewhere…
Reid fiddled with his hands, guiltily averting his eyes.
“I did it…”
For a moment, neither said a word.
“That’s it!?” Exclaimed the older man, expecting more of a, well… secret?
“I used all the sugar, Morgan!”
The blonde tilted his head when Morgan began laughing and shaking his head with disbelief.
“God, Reid… you’re a mess.” He chuckled, reaching out to ruffle the younger’s hair.
Reid’s cheeks turned a rosy shade, whether it was from embarrassment or the affectionate gesture, he couldn’t quite tell.
With an amused expression, Morgan hopped up off the ground, extending a hand for Reid to take, which the doctor graciously took.
“That’s enough excitement for me for one day… I’m heading home.”
Before he left, he turned to give Reid a wink.
“Don’t worry, pretty boy… I won’t tell your oh so terrible secret.” He teased, flashing that charming smile.
Reid felt the heat rise to his cheeks.
As he packed up his own belongings, his thoughts kept drifting towards Morgan, and how maybe he should stop being so uptight all the time…
Maybe it was kind of fun laughing until he couldn’t breathe.
And maybe, just maybe… he kind of liked it when Morgan called him pretty boy.
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emiefluff · 9 months
Relaxation, Not Agitation
Fandom ;; Genshin Impact
Pairing ;; Childe x Reader
Summary ;; Sensing your anxiety, Childe tries to plan some quality time with you by playing a game he'd play with his younger brother, which results in a whole lot of...laughter
Notes ;; My Squealing Santa 2023 gift for @giggly-toybox!! I hope you enjoyed reading this fic! Prompt was Childe x Reader with anything but smut or bondage
Tags ;; @squealing-santa | @giggly-toybox
Word Count ;; 687 (According to Google Docs, because the websites for word counting got 683/684
Reading Time ;; 2 minutes, 29 seconds
Paragraph Count ;; 14
Fic under the cut
You jolted awake from your rest, breathing heavily as you tried to regain your senses. You had just woken up from a terrible nightmare, and you felt severely agitated. No matter how hard you try to go to sleep, it was super hard. As you contemplated your struggles, a voice arose softly. One that you recognized with familiarity so well.
“Hey, is everything okay there, love?” The concern belonged to none other than your dearest boyfriend, Childe. You'd perk up slightly, expressing your love for him with a soft smile. ”Yeah..I-I’m alright Childe..I just..had a bad dream is all..” Despite your attempts to stay calm, Childe knew there was much more going on in your mind.
“Don't worry, love. It's okay, I understand how you feel.” Childe would say with a smile, coming up with a master plan. “Hey, how about we play a little game?” Your curiosity would grow, wondering what your boyfriend had in mind. “Yeah? What kind of game?”
“A game that I would play with Teucer when he was sad!” You seemed to grow more curious, so you'd accept the proposal to play. “Okay, how does it work?” You'd ask innocently.
“Just stay still, love, and hold your arm out like this.” Childe would demonstrate what he meant, waiting for you to follow the instruction. As you did as instructed, Childe would begin to gently trace your palm. It felt nice, but you couldn't help but to blush profusely. “Just trace around like a race car.. And then crawl one, two, three..”
Childe has you waiting in nervous, but exciting anticipation. It was probably because of how his fingers were crawling like a spider up your arm. But then something clicked inside of you. Something you probably should've realized from the start. It had finally dawned on you. You weren't safe from his antics. “Aaand.. A little tickle tickle under here~!”
“Eeeek! Nohohohooo! Ch-Chihihihildehehe! S-Stop stohohohohohoppp! Ahahahaha! Th-Thahahahahahat tihihihihihicklehehes!”
Your lips would bubble out sweet giggles, squirming lightly as you felt Childe’s fingers fluttering against your armpit. It was an especially bad spot for you, which your boyfriend (un)fortunately knew all too well about you. You'd giggle as your pleas fell on deaf ears, failing miserably to try and get away. “No can do, love. Not when you have the most precious laugh ever!”
Childe smirked as he said that, knowing fully well that it embarrassed you when he gave you compliments like that. You'd cover your face, too embarrassed by the teasing. “Nohohohohohohoho! P-Plehehehahahase! Ch-Chihihihildehehe! S-Stohohohohohop ihihihihit! Ahehehehehehehehe!” Your giggles grew louder as you squirmed more.
Childe pulled your hands away from your face, making an “ah ah ah” noise. He enjoyed teasing you since he knew it would always draw a reaction out of you. He would then begin to bring her free hand to your other armpit, both sets of fingers scribbling softly against your soft and smooth skin.
“Now a little tickle tickle under thereee~!” You'd squeal at the contact, practically melting into a puddle of incoherent babbling and a childlike giggle fit. “N-Nonononononohohohohohoho! ChihihihildEHEHEHEHE! PLEHEHEAHAHASE! A-Anywhere buhuhuHUHUHUT THEHEHEHEREEEE! Stohohohop- *snort* !”
It had finally dawned on you how ticklish you truly were when both of you heard the softest, most high pitched yet tiniest snort ever. The worst part was that it came from you, which Childe seemed to be very amused by. After what seemed like ages of constant cooing and teasing, Childe finally lets up on his antics and give you a breather.
“Haha, you're so adorable like this! Are you okay now, love?” He'd ask with concern, hoping he didn't go too far. But fortunately to his surprise, you were smiling and still giggling as you tried to reassure him that you had fun, and didn't mind it.
“Doho-Don’t worry! I-I'm fihihi-fine! I don't really care muhuhu-much as long as we're bohohoho-both happy!” You'd kiss his cheek as a gesture to say “I love you”, to which Childe would return the favor. After a while of calming down, you both go back to bed, cuddling with each other to protect the other.
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