#ler blackbeard
poutpoutlilith · 9 months
Dear @abihasablog,
Happy Festivus! Today's your @squealing-santa day. I'm so honored to have been assigned to you this year. Please enjoy this Steddyhands fic. Lee Stede, of course.
Also, please forgive my complete ineptitude with anything to do with *actually* using this website.
ao3 link:
Warning: Izzy describes some rather violent acts in conversation, but the acts never happen.
"A Dose of Reason"
Word Count: 3596
Word Count Fact: 3596 is not prime, nor is it square free. There is a unique non-cyclic Abelian group of order 3596.
“Hey, Ed, I wanted your opinion on something,” whined Stede in an abandoned attempt to catch his breath.
“Hmmn?” replied Edward, jingling his bell as he turned his neck to face the captain.
“It’s about Izzy. Was I too harsh on him?”
“Our confrontation today. You must have overheard it down there.”
“And?” asked Stede, his panic only growing.
“Is that what his yelling was? I couldn’t quite tell what he said to you.” Edward cracked his wrists and folded his hands, now fully turning his body to face Stede.
“I was more worried about what I said to him to set him off like that.”
“Well, for starters, I didn’t even hear it. Given the history of my leadership style, that should tell you everything I think about whatever it was you did.”
“Ed! I’m really upset right now. Words can hurt our feelings, even if spoken softly, remember?” Edward sighed in reluctant agreement.
“You know what? I’ll go have a chat with him.”
“Be subtle,” Stede requested through a shaky voice. Edward smiled back at him, figuring he was just being his usual self and overblowing whatever it was.
“I will. He’ll think I was concerned about his yelling, and he’ll think I was surprised to learn it was you that set him off.”
“You really mean that? You think you can pull it off?”
“I do. I’ll come and find you in about a half hour.”
“Thank you, Ed.”
“Mmn,” nodded Edward brightly as he made haste to go and find Izzy.
“The hell do you want?” Izzy groaned at Edward. He kept his gaze out and unfocused on the southern horizon. Edward only moved closer to him, eventually sitting next to him. “On with it or fuck right off! You know what? Why don’t you just do that and save us both the trouble.”
“Don’t act like you weren’t yelling a bigger storm than usual a little bit ago. I could almost make out what you were saying.”
“Fucking Bonnet! Fucking twat Bonnet!” sprayed Izzy in a coarse tone that somehow made every syllable irate and plosive. A small dribble of saliva landed on his chin, which he harshly brushed away with his knuckles in a closed fist. 
“Captain got you pent up again?” Edward again pried.
“Why don’t you just fuck off and save us the trouble?” Izzy reiterated. Edward stood up in place but did not move, staring at Izzy to bait him into saying something, anything, he could take back to Stede. Eventually Izzy looked up and their eyes met. “Fine, if you’re gonna try and piss me off like this I might as well get pissed.”
“Go ahead, Izzy.”
“Fuck off!” he snapped. “Sometimes I just wanna get ahold of Bonnet and fucking destroy him. Fingers and teeth and blood everywhere. And then sew them back on and do it again. And again and again. Fucking twat! With his fucking feelings. And being right about everything. I ought to fucking kick him or something. Just to see him powerless and without some fucking retort. Hell, I’d even tickle the man if it made him cry.”
“What did he say?” Edward asked suddenly, attempting to mask how he perked up at that last sentence. He was on a mission from the captain, after all, and a secret one at that.
“He told me how I’m such a miserable twat. I mean, he didn’t say it like that. Gugh, I should have told him to fuck off!”
“You did, seven times,” Edward interrupted. Izzy chuckled a bit, but neither man could tell if it was at Edward’s comment or simply a component of the larger exasperated and very angry demeanor on display. Izzy continued, basically ignoring Edward.
“He just told me how I should remember it’s okay to talk about my feelings. How it’s not healthy to keep everything bottled up. About how I’ve been through a lot. About how he cares. The fucking nerve on that fucking Bonnet! Laying it on thick like he’s got it all figured out. I wish he’d figure out how to send himself straight the fucking fuck to fucking hell!” Izzy stopped yelling and let himself sink all the way down onto the deck, staring up at the clouded sky.
“At least you recognize he’s right. Not to sound like I’m on his side or whatever, but maybe there’s a way to work through some of what you said.”
“But you do just sound just like the man. You’re fucking whipped, mate. You even wear a little kitty collar for him.”
“That’s not what that’s for and you know it! And so long as we both know he’s right, we might as well figure something out. I’m going to be honest, I think we should help you make Stede cry a little if that’s your thing.”
“Said like you’ve truly given up on yourself yet again,” Izzy snided. Edward sighed.
“I’m going to go talk to Stede to try and make anyone better during all of this. Don’t go anywhere.”
“Fuck you, Edward,” said Izzy, “and thanks. Thanks a lot.” He sat up and faced the open ocean again, waiting for Edward to leave and go find Stede.
As Edward reentered the room, he found Stede in about the most awkward seating position imaginable. He seemed to be staring at the ceiling, chipper from the clavicle up and a twitchy disaster everywhere below that. Stede snapped around to greet him wordlessly, straightening his posture and wincing in preparation to hear the worst. Edward knew better than to frame a conversation as anything other than what Stede wanted or expected.
“He said you laid it on pretty thick. He’s an absolute mess but deep down he understands why you are the way that you are. But he’s really mad about it.”
“That’s great! Maybe he’ll want to talk it through!” Edward only sighed at Stede’s optimism. It was cute. Futile against a berserking Izzy Hands, but very cute.
“Never, I’m afraid. At least not at first with this one. Listen, uhm, I need you to let him tickle you to tears so he doesn’t dismember you in your sleep or turn your teeth into flour.”
“Well, that’s quite an interesting analysis. He sounds very angry. Perhaps what he’s after is some casual discussion. A dose of reason, to quell his inner-”
“Reason, eh? Is that what you conspiring fucks want to call it?” spat Izzy from some nearby stairs.
“I was only trying to get him to take the tickling option so there’s less blood for me and the crew to clean up,” offered Edward in his own defense.
“Fuck the both of yous!”
“Izzy, try to understand what it is I’m seeking here,” pleaded Stede. Izzy only scoffed and advanced toward him. Stede backed himself against a shelf where Izzy towered beneath him. Stede would never turn the confrontation physical. And Izzy wasn’t about to just lay hands on the captain without any preamble.
“I don’t care what you want, Bonnet. This ship may be yours, but you are an idiot too weak to do anything but bend at the command of your fucking feelings. It makes me sick as hell. And I just wish I could show you the only feeling that matters in the pirate world. Helplessness. Suffering. The sharp and ruthless imbalance of power. Something a rich boy like you can never truly earn a worthwhile perspective on.” Stede winced at Izzy’s words, recoiling in his head as a haunting vision from his childhood took over. The spatter of blood. Everywhere that life has taken him from then on. Back to the present moment where his jaw gaped and he had no idea how to redirect Izzy’s anger with the power of words and heartfelt connection anymore. It felt too deep. Too real.
“You really want to show me how bad it’s supposed to hurt to be alive, don’t you, Mr. Hands?”
“For as long as it takes to shatter that flaccid and privileged skull of yours.”
“Don’t do this,” a sullen Edward suggested. Izzy saw the disappointment in his eyes. It got to him, which felt like a victory for Stede. That stung, and only angered him further. He tried his best to play it off, backing away from Stede and pacing about the immediate area.
“You should know I would never touch my Captain without permission to do so. Let alone all of that blood and guts stuff, tempting as it may be.”
“But you mentioned tickling, though, didn’t you? At least, Ed made it sound like you did. That might actually be quite fun. Edward loves to make me laugh. I’d imagine I’m very fun.”
“This isn’t about fun, Bonnet. It’s a matter of principle is all. But that explains why Ed shifted his posture at my little joke earlier. Fond memories of your intimacies or something?”
“Well, that’s,” started Ed, beet red and wishing he would wake up in Stede’s bed to spare himself the lasting reality of the sudden flash of embarrassment. He looked to Stede, as if beckoning for permission. That permission came with a nod.  “Yeah,” he shrugged, hanging his head and closing his eyes for a moment. Stede came to his rescue.
“The truth is, I actually quite like it,” he confessed with a proud smile. His tone was flat and dull, but he at least managed a confident enough pull at the corners of his mouth that went well with the rosy complexion that was starting to take up residence in his cheeks.
“You fucking would, Bonnet. Of all people and of all things.” Izzy paused in his paces to turn and face Stede. He contemplated his next words carefully, adjusting his posture and tone accordingly before moving just a couple steps closer to Stede. “You know what? That actually sounds kind of cute. I’m still gonna make your kittenthing here help me make you cry, but what do we say we try and make peace by taking one out of both our playbook with a little tickle scene?”
“Right here?” Stede asked.
“And right now,” Izzy smirked. “What do you say?” Stede looked to Edward, who nodded him on.
“Alright,” shook Stede. “I guess we’ll go and make this happen, then.”
“You’re not going anywhere,” barked Izzy as he lunged at the captain, grabbing his sides and pressing him back into the shelf. “This business gets taken care of right here and right now. The cat either watches or joins me. Your call.”
“Please don’t make me watch, Stede, if you think you can handle it,” Edward said shyly.
“Of course you can join in, Ed,” Stede gushed, looking past Izzy. He then turned his attention back to Izzy. “Happy to be here for whatever you may need.”
“Happy fucking Bonnet, eh? That’s where your trouble began. That smile. That Bonnet fucking smile.”
“Would it be better if I frowned?” Stede demonstrated, and Izzy did not react. “Perhaps something more neutral, a bit stoic with hints of fear?” Stede tried on a second face, and Izzy had had enough of his antics. Wordlessly, he started tickling Stede hard and fast. Stede was far too distracted by his face making to see it coming. “I actually quite think my noseahahahaha! Ihihi g-guess-”
“What?” Izzy teased with a roar.
“Guess you wehent with a smihihile!” Stede screamed. He turned his neck to face away, not that it would really matter when his ribs and stomach were the center of attention and his eyes were bolted shut. 
Izzy quickly made room for Edward, and with two men holding him there Stede was just about locked in place. He tried to sink to the floor, but Izzy and Edward only followed him there. He sat with legs outstretched and T-Rex arms barely positioning his elbows in self defense. He remained surprisingly still, a dead giveaway he was having a wonderful time, even if he was being quite fussy.
“He usually stay this still for you?” asked Izzy, adjusting his position to kneel on Stede’s leg and facing Edward more fully.
“Always. Deep down, it’s like he said. He really does love it.”
“All the noise he’s making you just almost couldn’t tell. Listen to him roar like a little bitch.”
“I know. Isn’t he cute?” 
Izzy crowed a big belly laugh in reply to Edward’s question, turning back to his original position and moving his hands upward. He noticed Edward moving around the side of Stede, but didn’t try to intentionally take that into account. He was determined to figure Stede out on his own, and he didn’t want to get too distracted from eating up Stede’s reactions to make that happen. Stede was essentially a giggly puddle at the mercy of four spidering, digging, prodding, and clawing hands, and Izzy studied his every squirm and plea with devotion.
“Ohohohoho I’m actually the cutest!” exclaimed Stede, his smile only widening as he fell to the side away from Edward and started rolling away from the wall. He made his way onto his stomach without the necessary momentum to turn any further, so he stopped in place. Edward knelt between him and the wall, Izzy next to him on his other side. Stede shook his head from side to side but said nothing.
Wordlessly, Edward stared for Izzy’s attention, eventually locking eyes with him. They paused for a moment, letting Stede catch his breath. Motioning with his eyes, Edward got Izzy to focus his visual attention on Stede’s shoulders. Edward hovered a hand above Stede’s left shoulder and waited for Izzy to figure out what to do with his right. Bobbing their heads, they counted silently to three and started up again together.
“Wahahahait!” cried Stede. He kicked his legs and huffed and puffed until Edward and Izzy stopped again just a few seconds later. There was a brief silence.
“Stede?” Edward asked flatly. Stede pursed his lips but did not immediately say anything.
“Captain?” tried Izzy, being met with more silence.
“Stede, you need to tell us what’s wrong.”
“Oh, uhm, well,” the captain began. He pushed himself with a wrist onto his side and fell onto his back. His face looked its absolute reddest.
“Your face is red, Captain,” observed Izzy, “and we haven’t even done anything severe yet. You need to call it quits or something?”
“Well, no,” Stede admitted, “I’m actually fine. That was just so unexpectedly coordinated and sudden and intense. It was actually quite-”
“Do you want us to keep going?” Edward pressed, cutting him off.
“That would be splendid, thank you.”
“Arms out, then,” Izzy ordered. Stede obeyed. “And take it with pride,” he added. He leaned over and pinned Stede’s wrist with one of his own, putting plenty of weight on it. Edward mirrored him, and with Stede pinned beneath them both they started again.
Stede immediately closed his eyes and threw his head all the way back. Edward and Izzy paused at the thudding sound it made with the floor, but a sharply giggled okay from Stede had them resuming as quickly as the thud had dissipated. He laughed and strained his arms, but they would not budge from beneath those of his comrades.
“Damn ihihihit!” he squealed, “this is a mohohost unusual position to beheheehe in!”
“Mine too, be sure,” sighed Lucius. Izzy paid him no attention, but Edward looked up at him and cocked his gaze. Lowing his tone, Lucius spoke to Edward directly. “I’m just gonna,” he trailed off, shaking an open-palmed hand in the direction of the nearby stairs and shrinking his posture. With an ugly, forced smile he stepped over Stede and made himself gone, perhaps about to go tell someone what he saw. Perhaps not.
Edward turned back to Stede, who didn’t seem to notice the presence of his scribe. His eyes were still shut with a stupidly giddy smile spread across his entire face. Stede was really having a time with his two ticklers. Edward took his hands away for a moment. With his left hand, he caressed Stede’s cheek. Stede opened his eyes and looked at him.
“You’re doing so good right now,” Edward scruffed. Stede smiled.
“I think he can manage a little better for longer,” Izzy insinuated. Stede’s smile turned to fear, to panic, to arousal, and back to a bigger smile, a bead of sweat making its way down the side of his face.
“Only if he’s up to it.” Edward was firm.
“Please,” said Stede. His voice was soft and whiny, as if there was no thought in the world worse than having to leave his ticklish predicament behind.
“See? He wants us to push him to be good, isn’t that right, boy?” Izzy cooed.
“Yes! Goodness, Izzy, fuck!” Stede sputtered. He couldn’t manage much more than that, instead grimacing silently as if to invite the tickling to resume.
Edward immediately started up again. He kept one hand on Stede’s adorable face. This time firmer, as if to keep his gaze fixed on Izzy. His other hand started to explore Stede’s stomach with a walking tap, probing a minefield of spots and watching Stede’s face. He walked his hand higher and higher with his arm until he was almost to Stede’s chest, where he saw an inviting twitch in Stede’s neck. He stopped his hand there and rotated it slightly, pinching at about that height along Stede’s side.
Stede thrashed in place as Edward did so, and he screamed. He screamed as if there was no thought in the world worse than staying in his ticklish predicament. But a signal in the back of his mind forced him to pause and realize he liked it. He only cried out for the torment to continue.
Izzy kept his hands in Stede’s armpits. He had a lot of fun with lighter techniques while Edward did his thing with his sides. Stede managed to stay still enough to keep his arms most of the way outstretched on his own. Izzy drummed his fingers up and down the soft, taut patches of skin, occasionally stopping to blow on Stede’s neck or scratch the exposed piece of his shoulder with his beard. 
“Thahahahat’s a little fohohorward of you,” suggested Stede as Izzy’s beard and breath lingered longer and longer there as the minutes snowballed by.
“Nonsense, Captain, I’m on a mission with this little game,” deflected Izzy. Stede just kept on laughing, but Izzy finally convinced him to open his eyes. Immediate eye contact. “There you are, boy. How do you feel?”
“Nehehevahar bett-ter!” struggled Stede, maintaining eye contact but blinking rapidly at the flood of sensation as Izzy changed his technique to mirror Edward’s death spot squeezes on the other side.
“Tell me how you really feel. Don’t hold yourself back,” Izzy commanded.
“Ehehehed,” laughed Stede.
“Hmmn?” Edward growled with a moderately horny squint back at the captain.
“I’m feheeling quihihite aroused,” reported Stede matter-of-factly, save for the peals of ticklish laughter trying their best to interrupt him. Edward leaned in and kissed Stede, letting go with his tickling hand and straddling Stede more fully.
His leg came to rest on Izzy’s hand, which his old first mate quickly retracted. Stede seemed to quickly shake a relaxation through his body, but hesitated before lowering his shoulders. Izzy wondered whether it was some kind of signal or not.
“Uh, Captain, you need something there?” Izzy asked shyly.
Edward’s mouth stole whatever reply Stede seemed to have no mind to attempt to formulate. They kept kissing there. It was clear their love was just as passionate as it had ever been. Izzy started to understand why these two had done the things they had done to themselves for one another. He wondered if he should start applauding their milestones and loosen up around the ship. He started to get the sense that the tickling scene was over, even if he figured he failed to make his larger point.
“Guess I’ll leave you lovebirds to it, then. I’m not ready to get that involved with a couple of pervert freaks that outrank me.” Izzy paused, trying to find more words. “Well, the captain and his kitten,” he clarified. “You’re cute with that bell, Edward,” he said under his breath, rolling his eyes a bit. With that, he started to walk away, back to his usual place. He traversed some stairs and a couple of corners. He was almost there.
Turning another corner, Izzy felt he was finally far enough away. He stopped for a moment to listen for nearby speech or footsteps. He sat and faced the ocean by himself, solitary in the position where Edward found him earlier in the day. And he let his guard down. Nobody had to know the effect his little torture scene had on him, and so he decided to let it show just a bit. The experience he just created for himself, it wasn’t another laceration of blackness across his wizened heart. It was pure and fun and joyful and a little arousing. 
He took a deep breath in through his nose, and he let it out through a big smile. A picture of Edward straddling Stede formed in his head. He rotated the picture before turning on time, inserting himself in the fantasy image and joining Edward, adding two more hands to the fray. In his mind, he smiled at Edward and Stede there. In reality, he sat there smiling at the ocean. The sun was sinking, and his heart was calm.
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
Prompt 23 with lee Ed and ler Stede
Prompt 23 - "Wait a minute, you're not ticklish, are you?"
A/N: they are too cute omfg
“Wait a minute, you’re not ticklish, are you?” Stede asked, smiling incredulously.
“Ticklish?” Ed scoffed. “Yeah, no. I don’t think so, mate.” 
“Are you… absolutely sure about that?” Stede raised an eyebrow at him. “Because it sure looked to me like–”
“Pff. Well, try it if you don’t believe me!” Blackbeard held his arms out to the sides, looking at Stede expectantly.
This was certainly a surprise. “Well…” Stede’s smile softened into something that made Ed’s insides tighten. “Alright then.” He stretched his fingers slowly, then brought them around just beside each of Ed’s sides. “How about here?” He prodded gently, watching the spots as Ed’s eyes watched him. 
A few pinches, and Ed’s gaze snapped down to where the hands were on his sides. What the hell was this feeling? He squirmed slightly, tensing up.
“You…sure this doesn’t tickle?” Stede asked slowly, poking a finger into the front of his lower ribs and getting a startled intake of breath in response. “It … kind of seems like it does.” He pressed in harder, and Ed’s arms flinched in protectively. 
“Well you’re- you’re doing it weird!” Ed responded, grumbling and a bit frazzled. 
“What d’ya mean?” Stede asked, softening his touch to try to ensure he wasn’t harming his pirate companion. 
Ed hissed. “All light n’ shit like that. Feels weird.” He flinched backwards.
“Ah.” Stede observed. “Well, that is still tickling.” He squeezed Ed’s sides a bit more harshly with forefinger and thumb. He didn’t so much as flinch at that. “Are you more used to harder tickling? Doesn’t work on everyone, I’d say.” 
Ed watched him, listening. These lighter, more gentle tracings of fingers were tingling and distracting, nothing like the rare harsh grabs for his ribs that he’d had in his mind whenever someone brought up the idea of tickling. He’d been quick to overcome reacting to those. But this… this was different. Stede’s fingers brushed against the skin peeking out at the bottom of his shirt and Edward nearly leapt backwards from his reach. 
“Alright!” He said, higher than usual. “I guess maybe. A little bit. Whatever. Doesn’t matter.”
“It’s quite alright.” Stede smiled at him, steady and gentle, reassuring. “I’m rather sensitive to both, I’m afraid.” 
“Oh really?” Ed asked, eyes snapping back to the other captain. 
Stede looked away bashfully, and something in Ed’s stomach tightened again. “Well, since I let you try it out on me, I think it’s only fair…” 
Stede’s eyes widened, shooting back to Blackbeard. “Wait- but I– oh dear!” He brought up his hands with a wide, nervous grin on his face. “Edward! P-Please take it easy on me! Wait–!”
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further OFMD drabbles on ao3]
20 notes · View notes
gaybananabread · 7 months
⁠✧.*Are You Listening?*⁠.⁠✧
~Ehehehe the brain maggots won and I can’t say I’m upset by it (^⩌^). I’ve binged this show enough times to be put into all kinds of moods by these men, so I might as well write out my feelings. This is set right after S1 Ep. 7, so if you haven’t watched up to there, expect some spoilers! For anyone else who has pirate-based thought goblins, I hope you Enjoy!~
Lee: Edward
Ler: Stede
Summary: Stede goes on a small rant about what happened on their latest adventure, though Edward isn’t fully listening. When he notices this, he calls the man out, but is met with a rather fascinating reaction.
Warnings: mild Our Flag Means Death spoilers! This is a tickle fic, so if you don’t like that, scroll away!!
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Bobbing with the current, the Revenge drifted peacefully through the sea. Most of the crew was on-deck, chatting and messing around in their moment of peace. However, in the captain’s quarters, two men relaxed, one info-dumping while the other thumbed through random numbers of Stede’s vast collection of novels.
“And did you see that bird’s nest? They had to be Snowy Plovers, no question. Oh, I wish Lucius had brought his sketching journal.”  Stede sighed dreamily, slowly pacing around the room as he spoke. 
Ed hummed, not looking up from the copy of Hansel and Grettle. Stede had allowed him to browse whatever he wanted in the library, though he rarely read anything cover-to-cover. The blonde man continued, not yet noticing his companion’s lack of attention.
“There were so many interesting creatures on that island! I mean, the orange was the real treasure in it all, but I do so enjoy exploring nature when we travel.” Turning on his heel, he spun to face the bearded man once again. “What do you think, Ed?” 
“Uh-huh, yeah. Good, uh, land and shit,” Edward half-heartedly replied, flipping a few more pages into the book. That’s when Stede finally noticed that he wasn’t really listening.
“Edward!” The pirate jolted, shutting the book and actually meeting Stede’s eyes. “You weren’t even listening to me, were you?” Stede huffed, crossing his arms with an almost adorable pout.
“Uh…kinda? I mean, I heard the bit about the birds…” Ed mumbled most of his response, looking away. Yeah, he’d only heard a few words of the other man’s spiel. “Fuckin’, uh…book was distracting.”
With a huff, Stede sat down beside him, picking up the book. “I’m glad you’re interested in literature, but I was talking. It’s a bit rude to ignore people, isn’t it?” While he was a bit annoyed, Stede’s tone was a joking one. He even poked the man’s ribs in a playful manner, though he hadn’t expected Ed’s flinch.
“Damn, did I hurt you?” Stede sounded worried, a profanity even slipping in. He was more panicked than a normal friend should’ve been, though neither commented on it. 
“No, didn’t hurt. Takes more than a fuckin’ finger to hurt me.” Ed swatted Stede’s hand away, his beard hiding the very slight blush on his cheeks. He hadn’t felt a touch like that since…well, it’d certainly been a while. “Just felt…I dunno, fuckin’ weird.” 
“Weird?” Stede spoke softly, his worry melding into confusion. What could possibly feel weird to Blackbeard? He’d only lightly poked the man, and his ribs aren’t…oh. Oh. It took everything Stede had to keep a straight face as he said his next words.
“Might your ribs be a bit sensitive, Ed?” 
Edward nearly did a double-take at the words and his tone, snapping his head in the other man’s direction. “Sensitive? I’m…I’m fuckin’ Blackbeard. Sensitivity doesn’t apply to me.”
Stede rolled his eyes. Yeah right… Stifling a smirk, the blonde slowly slid his hand towards Ed’s side. Before he could do anything, though, a rough hand snatched his wrist. Edward’s eyes met his, full of some unreadable emotion.
“Don’t. Don’t you fuckin’ dare, Bonnet.” His tone was gruff and dark, though the emotion in his eyes gained some depth. It was almost…giddy? The word felt foreign when describing Ed, though it fit to a tee.
“Hmmm…I think I fucking do.” Using his other hand, he squeezed Edward’s side. The feeling was such a shock that a damned giggle left the dread pirate’s mouth, his arms moving to clamp to his sides.
That sound made Stede’s stomach fill with a strange fluttering feeling—one he often felt around Edward. He decided to pursue it, scooting closer and wiggling his fingers into Ed’s stomach. 
The feeling wasn’t that intense through his layers of clothing, but it definitely still tickled. Biting his lip, Ed squirmed, trying to shove at Stede’s hands while still protecting himself. It should be noted, however, that he didn’t put up much of a real fight.
“My, Edward. I think someone’s a bit ticklish…” Stede chuckled, trying to slip his fingers under Ed’s arms. He’d had a small taste of the other man’s laughter, and had become hooked, He had to hear more. “I think it’d feel a bit nicer if you let out that laughter, Ed. Don’t you?”
When the eccentric man managed to wedge his fingers up to Ed’s ribs, the pirate knew he was done for. The dam broke, surprisingly bright giggles filling the quarters. They were still gruff, of course—still, the happy air was hard to ignore. 
“Oh dear. I think someone’s got a case of the giggles~” Stede cooed, one hand wiggling on the man’s ribs as the other poked and spidered on his belly. Was he pushing his luck? Oh, absolutely. It was, however, well worth it to see Ed’s silly smile.
 “F-fuhuhuck- Stehehede! Fuhuck ohohoff!” Twisting and wriggling around, Ed hid his face in his shoulder. The bearded man’s heavy boots skidded on the wooden floor, leaving small scuffs. Stede would deal with that later.
The feeling was…well, it wasn’t awful for Edward. He would never let the crew see him like that, of course; he had a reputation to maintain. With Stede, however, it felt nice to laugh. To let a few of his walls down without the fear of the mental rubble coming back to crush him. He wasn’t going to admit any of that, but it was true: his blush, however, was a different story.
“Well, I would, but I think I can see some pink underneath that salt and pepper of yours. Are you blushing, Eddy?” Stede used a slight nickname, his tone incredibly playful and teasing. He was determined to keep Ed giggling for as long as possible. 
“Screhehew youhu!” Edward tried arching his back, but that only freed his ribs up more. Slipping his fingers beneath Ed’s leather, Stede wiggled his fingers against the thinner fabric of his undershirt. That got quite the reaction.
“GRK- FAHAHAHAHA! FUHUHUCK YOUHUHUHU!” Ed’s bright giggles ramped up to loud, raucous laughter. A few snorts worked their way in, making Stede’s heart melt. Oh, how he loved that sound…
“I must say, this is a fine symphony. I’m loving all the onomatopoeias, and your laugh is so melodic!” Wanting to be a bit more mean, Stede hummed a lovely tune by Bach, pretending that his fellow seamen’s ribs and belly were piano keys. “I just love tickling the ivories, don’t you?”
The bearded man couldn’t respond, too lost in laughter to form a coherent sentence. While it was nice to laugh his cares away, he was starting to wear out. His throat was drying up, and his sides were starting to ache. He patted Stede’s wrist, managing to speak through his amusing cackles. “S-STAHAHAP! STEHEHEDE!”
Immediately, Stede pulled away, sensing Ed’s weariness. He didn’t want to push too much. “Goodness, Ed, I-I’m sorry. I got a bit carried away. Are you alright?”
Closing his eyes, Edward took a few deep and giggly breaths. He was certainly tired, but not to an uncomfortable degree. “Qu-quit worryin’... Takes mohore than a little laugh to knohock Blackbeard down.” The red hue on his cheeks slowly subsided, his giggles drying up. Ed recovered pretty quickly.
“Good, good,” Stede sighed, smiling softly. Finally noticing that his hands were still on Edward, he scooted away, blushing. Ed cut him off before he could make a fool of himself. 
“Ya know, it’s been a while since anyone’s had the balls to do somethin’ like that to me. Good on ya, Stede.” He clapped the blonde on the shoulder, though didn’t let go after. Instead, he flipped their positions, swiftly pinning Stede to the couch and nearly straddling him.
Ed made quick work of Stede’s resistance, even though there was hardly any to deal with. “There’s a reason for that, though. Wanna guess why?” He pinned the flamboyant man’s arms above his head without any hesitation. Stede couldn’t help the squeaky giggles that bubbled out of him, already squirming. He shook his head. Edward leaned down and whispered in his ear, scraggly beard hair tickling the poor man’s neck. He was in for a long evening...
“I always get my revenge~”
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lee-lucius · 9 months
A New Kind of Affection
Summary: Izzy Hands accidentally reveals how touch-starved he is to Stede, who is more than happy to help.
Word Count: 2,765
Happy Holidays and Happy New Year @aaaxolotl I was your Secret Santa! This was super fun to get to make, and I hope you enjoy! 💙
He still wasn't quite sure how Stede had dragged him into any of this. 
It hadn't been long, only a week or two, since Stede called him into his room, oddly similar to tonight. He'd asked for them to dine together, and well, Izzy didn't see much of a reason not to indulge his captain in his strange request.
They met in Stede's room for a surprisingly pleasant dinner, though Izzy felt unsurprisingly underdressed compared to his host's garish outfits, and he was well aware his table manners left much to be desired, but neither of those had been quite necessary for a pirate's life, and Stede didn't seem to mind, not when he was seemingly so enthralled by the company. 
Through Izzy teaching him how to fight, they'd grown fairly comfortable with each other, building up a rapport that was considerably less antagonistic than it had been before. They fell back into it over dinner with ease, perhaps more amiable than they'd ever been, and Izzy found himself even laughing at a few of Stede's jokes, though he hid it behind a strategic cough or two.
Neither of them realized, or cared, just how much they were drinking until they were stumbling around the room, hiccuping around their laughter, for once a genuine smile on Izzy's face.
Memories of that night were fuzzy, and what happened next wasn't entirely clear, but he crumbled under Stede's inquisitive gaze, his warm smile, his soft whispers, and he'd admitted something he shouldn't have.
Something he'd hoped that they'd both forget come morning, even when Stede squeezed his hand before he left, promising something about him being more included, more appreciated, before Izzy stumbled back to his own quarters, flushed from more than just the booze. 
He wished he hadn't admitted it. His jealousy when he watched his crewmates, or his captains, and saw the easy air around them, the casual touches and comfort; something about them made envy stir in his chest, thinking about the kind of relationship he hadn't let himself have for years, or maybe ever when he really thought about it.
Now, on The Revenge, it seemed more of a possibility than it ever had before. After breaking down, being vulnerable, Izzy was welcomed; something had shifted; whether it was in him or his surroundings, he didn't know, but it was a good change, no matter how uncomfortable it had been.
His relationship with the crew was different now. Friendly, because he'd finally allowed himself to be open to their friendship, and the change was more gratifying than he ever would've thought.
It was the most relaxed, most relieved Izzy had been in a long time, but he still wanted more, even if he felt he didn't deserve it.
He never would've pursued it ordinarily, admitted it to anyone besides himself, if his drunken self hadn't betrayed him entirely.
But that change, the change Stede brought on, was a good change too.
When they'd met again the next morning, Izzy more pissy than usual with his aching head, he thought Stede may have forgotten it based on his aimless ramblings filled with pleasantries that Izzy had to bite his tongue to sit through. 
Stede asked him again to meet him later in his room, and Izzy agreed; he hadn't expected what happened. 
He supposed it would be like the previous night, a pleasant conversation, perhaps a shared meal, a drink or two, though certainly not as much as they'd indulged it before.
And it had started that way. There was something about Stede, something that used to make Izzy's skin crawl, his anger, his annoyance overpowering everything else he felt about it, but now it only filled him with warmth, an easy, familiar feeling that allowed him to unwind. That must've been why he didn't suspect anything, certainly not when he and Stede shared a drink, casually picking at a tray of assorted snacks he'd prepared.
Maybe he should've; when Stede sat next to him this time, instead of sitting across from on the other side of his long table. It could still be ignored whenever they bumped shoulders or when one of them shifted slightly, their knees accidentally touching, or when they both reached forward at the same time, hands colliding for the briefest second before Izzy pulled back.
Until their food was finished, abs the conversation lulled, a not uncomfortable silence enveloping them as they nursed their drinks, and Stede, seeming to muster all of his courage, leaned into him, curling into Izzy's side and resting his glass on his shoulder with a content sigh.
Izzy stiffened, and his muscles didn't relax again for a long time, but they both kept the silence, and Stede didn't move.
His breath was steady, ghosting against Izzy's cheek and leaving a faint trace of Stede's wine, fruity and rich. While his hair was soft, delicate strands brushing against and tickling his ear, but he couldn't be bothered at the proximity, at his hair that was too lovely and soft and clean to ever belong to a pirate, yet here Stede was. Izzy wondered if it was Stede's pulse or his own that he felt, drumming violently against his skin, wondered if it mattered.
Not long afterwards, Izzy excused himself, and they parted ways; this time, he had no excuse for his blush.
He didn't know why Stede kept inviting him, or why he kept coming.
It wasn't something he was familiar with. His family had never been awfully affectionate. And as he got older, as he became a pirate, the opportunities became fewer and fewer.
Most contact came during a fight, in the form of a sword or gun or swinging fist, where the only pleasure that could be found came from the adrenaline coursing through his body, the satisfaction of winning, of surviving. There were few other means that arose on a ship aside from boyish tussling, accidentally knocking shoulders with his crewmates, or the rare moments of intimacy when he let someone else, let Ed, tend to his wounds after a particularly bad fight.
But Stede Bonnet came along with his eccentric, unpirate-like ideals and continued to confuse Izzy the same way he had since the first day he met. Bringing that unnecessary frivolity with him and introducing everyone to lavish comforts they didn't want to forgo. 
That, he supposed, was why he continued to join Stede; he didn't want to give it up just yet.
Which was why he was sitting on his couch, thumbing through a book from Stede's library, which was still a horrible idea, even if it made for interesting entertainment, with Stede next to him, hand holding Izzy's as he thumbed through his own novel.
It was one of the more relaxing ways he'd spent an evening in quite awhile, or it would've been, if there wasn't one thing nagging him, making his mouth twitch as the uncomfortable feeling spread. "Stop that?"
"The hand," he murmured, gesturing with his neck as he struggled to insert his bookmark with only one hand.
"Oh," he let go, a slight frown tugging at his face as he leaned away a touch. "Sorry."
"Not you. Just tickled a bit."
Stede paused, the smile returning with a playful twist, "You're ticklish?"
He grunted, eyeing him warily. "Guess so. Never really been before."
"I've gotten into a few good-natured scuffles in my time. It can be quite fun!"
"You like it?" He couldn't help asking, surprised at the sudden admission. 
"Well, I've certainly always enjoyed it."
Izzy huffed out a laugh. He supposed it wasn't that surprising; Stede always had been odd, and it was just like him to like that kind of thing, something so strangely cute.
Leaning back, his eyes raked over Stede, cautiously debating in his head. It was clear as day that Stede was comfortable with him; the only limiting factor seemed to be Izzy's own hesitance, his lack of familiarity with the casual touches Stede so readily gave. He was being quite open about his fondness for tickling, almost suspiciously so. And while Izzy had never even dreamed of tickling someone before, had never even been the one to initiate contact between him and Stede in a non-violent manner, he supposed that here, now, wouldn't be a bad time to start.
"Let's see it then," he shifted, angling his body as he leaned closer to Stede, searching his eyes for any tinge of desire, of excitement.
"Go right ahead!"
His smile grew, eyes brightening at the prospect, but there was an undercurrent of shyness there, weighing down his cheerful expression, matching Izzy's own nerves. 
Slowly, he reached his hand out, touch and hesitant as he dragged in along Stede's arm, grazing his silken shirt. While Izzy had never been tickled directly, he'd experienced it plenty of times through accidental touches brushing against his own sensitive spots, so he had a fair idea where Stede would be ticklish; he just didn't know how much he could handle, yet.
Keeping his touch light, Izzy placed a hand in his stomach, unable to help a smile at his small gasp, and gently dug his fingers in, scratching at him through the cloth. 
At his deep breath, Izzy's eyes flitted back up to Stede's face, taking in his widening smile, perhaps brighter than he'd ever seen it before, as a giggle erupted from his lips, more pushing through in a steady stream of laughter as Izzy brought his other hand up to squeeze Stede's sides.
"Pretty sensitive, aren't you, Bonnet?"
"I suhuhppohose!" He huffed out, hands clenching and unclenching in his lap, trying to stay still for Izzy.
"I wonder where else…" he hummed, fingers dragging up towards his ribs, lightly pinching the crevices as Stede huffed. He was less ticklish there, but it was worth it to see the way his eyes crinkled, squeezing shut with a whine at Izzy's relentless pokes and prods to the area.
He continued exploring, marveling at how his armpits made Stede shoot his arms down, his resolve not to impede Izzy crumbling at the overwhelming sensations, while his neck made him scrunch up, looking oddly reminiscent of a turtle. Even his ears were ticklish, and quite sensitive to gentle scratches and traces, even more so when Izzy blew gentle puffs of air on them, making him squeal.
But his knees were probably his favorite spot. If only for the fact that when he squeezed it, the most adorably obnoxious snort burst from Stede, forcing him to bury his face in Izzy's shoulder in shame, while the other desperately tried and succeeded to produce the noise again. 
Gentle tickling seemed to get to him worse, if the way he shrieked when Izzy's nails glided against the backs of knees were anything to go off of. Even if it only produced quieter giggles compared to the full-bellied laughter Izzy knew he could force, it was better for watching Stede, seeing the miniscule changes in his expression, in his voice, and for allowing Stede to focus on Izzy's occasional teasing.
"Still having fun, Bonnet?" 
"Of… cohohuhurse!" He exclaimed, a tired sheen to his eye at how long it'd been, but his joy was much more prominent. 
Izzy opened his mouth but quickly snapped it shut, head swiveling around at the sound of the door opening,only to find Ed standing there, a confused grin hanging on his face.
"Is this what you two are always doing in here?" He laughed, stepping inside and shutting the door behind him.
"Ed!" Stede breathed out, face brightening again at the sight of his as he sat up straight, trying to smooth out his clothes, his hair, all while keeping his eyes locked on his partner.
Izzy stood up, taking a step away from Stede as his gaze flickered between the two. Would Ed mind him touching Stede like this? Stede had said it was fine, but he wouldn't want to overstep more than he already had, wouldn't want to take anything more from Ed.
"Well come on, mate," Ed faced Izzy, smile shifting into something devious as he walked closer, "why stop now?"
"You… don't mind?" He couldn't help asking, still not sure how he fit into a situation like this.
"Stede, you mind?"
"Nahat at all… I was just showing Izzy how fun tickling could be. He was much better than I would've thought!"
"Is that so?" Ed smiled, walking past Izzy to sit down next to Stede. "Think he's shown you enough yet, Iz?"
"Not quite. I think he still has a bit more to show us," he sat down on the other side of Stede, accepting Ed's acceptance of his role there. If it didn't bother Ed, then he wouldn't let it bother him anymore, even if he was sure everything between them wasn't exactly resolved yet.
Stede laughed nervously, glancing between them, "What else is it you want to see?"
"Mostly…" Ed hummed, grabbing one of his arms to wrench it above his head, waiting for Stede's nod of approval before digging into his underarm, "to see you laugh your ass off."
"Ehehehed!" He cackled, helplessly flailing, and Izzy took that as his cue, bringing his hands back down to squeeze at his thighs and knees.
If Ed wanted to push him, he could do that. And, judging from looking at them, Izzy guessed this wasn't the first time something like this had transpired between Ed and Stede. He only wondered if Stede had realized how awfully ticklish Ed was too, a secret Izzy had long since learned and guarded, but didn't seem inappropriate to reveal later, after they'd finished with Stede.
"C'mon Stede, you keep saying our names like that. Just spit it out. What's on your mind?" Ed cooed, lightening up on his tickling to give him a moment to breathe.
"Ihihit's a lohot," he panted, grinning from ear to ear, "buhut it's fuhuhun."
"'Course it is. We're just getting started," Ed purred, delighting in how Stede's flush grew at his words, heart skipping a beat.
Izzy watched Ed kiss Stede's forehead, an uncomfortable pang shooting through him, until Ed turned back to him with a grin and wink, and together they resumed tickling Ed to bits.
"Good time, love?" Ed smiled afterwards, helping Stede to his bed.
"Yes, it was all quite lovely," he sighed dreamily, pulling him into a quick kiss. "But I do like it more when you're the one under me."
Ed reddened at that, laughing away his nerves as he glanced back at Izzy, who was awkwardly trailing towards the door.
"Where are you going, mate?"
"I thought it was time to excuse myself," he cleared his throat, averting his eyes. 
"No, no. Come here," Stede beckoned, and Izzy supposed he never really could say no to him that easily, certainly not now, so he swallowed and stepped closer and closer until he was standing by Stede's bedside.
Stede took a breath, reaching out for him, cupping his face, bringing his own closer, as he whispered, "May I?"
Izzy's eyes flickered to Ed's face, seeing only a smile and the slightest nod, not a hint of jealousy or resentment to be found. And so, he allowed himself to once again indulge in the luxuries that came along with Stede Bonnet, closing the distance between them to capture his lips in a gentle kiss.
Stede beamed at him when they pulled back, and he could only wonder if his face was as hot as it felt, practically petrified until Ed grabbed his hand, tugging him forward. "Come on, Iz. Get comfortable," he said, shrugging off his own leather jacket and slipping off his boots before he slid into bed beside Stede.
Even Stede's large bed was a bit cramped with the three of them, but Izzy thought it may have just been the best sleep he'd ever had. 
It was only affirmed by what he considered the best morning of his life as he woke up in the early hours, watching the sun stream in through Stede's windows, illuminating the two beside him that made it all feel so divine.
A faint breeze blew in, the cold weather penetrating the peace of their haven as he curled further into bed, into Ed and Stede, suddenly reminded on what day it was. As he stared at them, he could only smile, feeling at peace. He didn't know what the future would hold, but as long as he had them, he could feel secure and welcome the new year, whatever it brought.
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abihasablog · 1 year
Gentlest touches: Lee Ed, Ler Stede
Stede shows Ed's thighs some affection.
Written a while ago for @silviesilviesilvie. Enjoy!
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Characters included in the showdown
If any of these characters are repeated or under 18 please let me know asap so I can switch them out
Remus Sanders from Sanders Sides (17)
Janus Sanders from Sanders Sides (14)
Logan Sanders from Sanders Sides (13)
Eda Clawthorne from The Owl House (13)
Roman Sanders from Sanders Sides (11)
Virgil Sanders from Sanders Sides (10)
Din Djarin/Mandalorian from The Mandalorian (10)
Remy Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (10)
Patton Sanders from Sanders Sides (9)
Noise from Roleslaying with Roman (8)
The Once-ler from the Lorax (7)
Sans from Undertale (6)
Angel from Hell’s Belles (5)
Julian Devorak from The Arcana (5)
William Afton from fnaf (4)
Ingo from Pokémon (4)
Leon S Kennedy from Resident Evil (4)
Anxiety Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (4)
Clay Puppington from Moral Orel (4)
Youngblood from Roleslaying with Roman (4)
Bill Cipher from Gravity Falls (3)
Shane from The L Word (3)
Jameson Jackson from Jacksepticeye (3)
The Other Side of the Pillow from Thomas Sanders Shorts (3)
Virgil the Rat from Ride the Cyclone (3)
Kylo Ren from Star Wars (3)
Megamind from Megamind (3)
Bucky Barnes from MCU (3)
Spider-Man (Andrew Garfield) from No Way Home (3)
Mike from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Ryker from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Roman from Roleslaying with Roman (3)
Raine Whispers from The Owl House (3)
Vash the Stampede from Trigun Stampede (3)
Nicholas D Wolfwood from Trigun (3)
Cecil Palmer from Welcome to Night Vale (2)
Sage Lesath from Last Legacy (2)
L Lawliet from Death Note (2)
Crowley from Good Omens (2)
Dr. Bright from SCP Foundation (2)
Shrek from Shrek (2)
Peter Cola from CNP (2)
Peppino from Pizza Tower (2)
Tangerine from Bullet Train (2)
Luis Sera from Resident Evil 4 (2)
Darius from The Owl House (2)
Hannibal Lecter from Hannibal (2)
Alastor from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Enjorlas from Les Miserables (2)
Jessie from Pokémon (2)
James from Pokémon (2)
Mettaton EX from Undertale (2)
Sampo Koshi from Honkai Star Rail (2)
Wilford Warfstache from Markiplier (2)
The Narrator from The Stanley Parable (2)
Shego from Kim Possible (2)
Lady Dimitrescu from Resident Evil (2)
Blackbeard from Our Flag Means Death (2)
Orange Side from Sanders Sides (2)
Lucio from The Arcana (2)
Burgundy Red from Roleslaying with Roman (2)
Puff Puff Humbert from Your Favorite Martin (2)
Viktor Humphries from Slime Rancher (2)
Angel Dust from Hazbin Hotel (2)
Miss Secondopinionson from Moral Orel (2)
Eggman from Sonic (2)
Spamton from Deltarune (1)
The Corinthian from The Sandman (1)
Asra Alnazar from The Arcana (1)
Felix Escellun from Last Legacy (1)
Edwin from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Hatori from Fruits Basket (1)
Izzy Hands from Our Flag Mean Death (1)
Undyne from Undertale (1)
Glamrock Freddy from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gummy from Gummy and the Doctor (1)
Nadia Satrinava from The Arcana (1)
Scorpia from She Ra (1)
Jareth the Goblin King from Labyrinth (1)
Vaporeon from Pokémon (1)
Rouge the Bat from Sonic (1)
Aaravos from The Dragon Prince (1)
Millions Knives from Trigun Stampede (1)
Spock from Star Trek (1)
Toriel from Undertale (1)
Bowser from Super Mario (1)
Shota Aizawa from My Hero Academia (1)
Tom Nook from Animal Crossing (1)
Critic Sanders from Thomas Sanders Shorts (1)
Skeletor from Masters of the Universe (1)
Elias Bouchard from The Magnus Archives (1)
Asmodeus from Obey Me (1)
Guillermo from What We do in the Shadows (1)
Asgore Dreemurr from Deltarune (1)
Dio Brando from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure (1)
Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who (1)
Death from Puss in Boots: The Last Wish (1)
Red Guy from Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared (1)
Padme from Star Wars (1)
Archibald Asparagus from Veggie Tales (1)
Shen Jiu from The Scum Villain’s Self Saving System (1)
Roxanne Wolf from fnaf: security breach (1)
Gomez Addams from The Addams Family (1)
Rick Sanchez from Rick and Morty (1)
Fiona from Shrek (1)
Jack Skellington from The Nightmare Before Christmas (1)
Emile from Cartoon Therapy (1)
Vlad Masters from Danny Phantom (1)
Eyeless Jack from Creepypasta (1)
Merlin from Fate/Grand Order (1)
Verosika Mayday from Helluva Boss (1)
Ganondorf from The Legend of Zelda (1)
Michael Afton from fnaf (1)
Marvus Xoloto from Hiveswap (1)
Kim Kitsuragi from Disco Elysium (1)
Jang Jaeyoung from Semantic Error (1)
The Bog King from Strange Magic (1)
Batman from Batman (1)
Randy Jade from Dialtown (1)
Yor Forger from Spy x Family (1)
Mark Winters/Wavelength from Just Role With It (1)
Dr. Alto Clef from SCP Foundation (1)
Striker from Helluva Boss (1)
Stoic the Vast from How to Train your Dragon (1)
Bandit from Bluey (1)
Spain from Hetalia (1)
Dorian Gray from The Picture of Dorian Gray (1)
Muriel from The Arcana (1)
93 notes · View notes
any chance of an updated list?
Of course!!
Also, this is the NEW and FUCKING IMPROVED LIST, I alphabetized it so it’s even better than before >:3
Currently, we have 340 unique characters (if I counted right) and 487 total submissions. The top three most submitted fandoms are Homestuck, Danganronpa, and One Piece, excluding submissions that were spelt wrong or spelt differently. The top three submitted characters are Haiji Towa, Vriska Serket, and Stella Goeta (stella has so many submissions it’s funny)!
Finally, this is the raw, unedited list of characters submitted so far. Just because they are here doesn’t mean they’ll be in the tournament; it just means they’ve been submitted, regardless of media or what character they are!
as always, list under the cut!
This first list is for characters with two or more submissions. Characters who have three or more submissions will get first dibs in the tournament!
Akechi Goro
Akio Ohtori / Himemiya
Anakin Skywalker
Ansem the Wise
April O’Neil (2012)
Ardyn Izunia
Bill Cipher
Buzz McCallister
Cullen Rutherford
Dazai Osamu
Dio (Zero Escape)
Donald Trump
Donquixote Doflamingo
Dr. John ‘Jack’ Seward
Eichi Tenshouin
Elias Bouchard/Jonah Magnus
Eridan Ampora
Evan Hansen
Every Genshin Impact Character Ever
Glenn Quagmire
George Wickham
Greg Heffley
Haiji Towa
Her Imperious Condescension
Higashikata Josuke
Huey Emmerich
Ibara Saegusa
Izzy Hands
Jace Herondale / Wayland / Lightwood / Morgenstern
Jin Guangyao
John Gaius
Julia Mazzone
Junko Enoshima
Jurgen Leitner
Katsuki Bakugo
Kokichi Ouma
Kristoph Gavin
Kusaka Masato
Kylo Ren
Lance Dubois
Live Action Buggy
Marvin Falsettos
Meenah Peixes
Micah Bell
Minoru Mineta
Mr. Bungee
Pierce Hawthorne
Princess Daisy
Ranpo Edogawa (Beast)
Regal Farseer
Rose Quartz
Santa Claus
Sasuke Uchiha
Scrappy Doo
Sentinel Prime
Shou Tucker
Simon Laurent
Sosuke Aizen
Stella Goetia
Teddy / Kuma
The Maverick
The Metatron 
The Once-Ler
Tony Stark
Tsumugi Aoba
Ty Betteridge
Val Velocity
Vriska Serkat
William Afton
Ōchi Fukuchi
The next list is for characters only submitted once. If you want these characters to have a higher chance of being added to the tournament, feel free to submit more propaganda for them!
Abyss Sibling
Akito Shinonome
Akito Sohma
Alexander Hamilton
Ali Lectric
All For One
Aloise Trancy
Anatole Kuragin
Angel Dust
Anne Hathaway
Any Character From Welcome to Nightvale
Anyone From The Locked Tomb
Aranea Serkat
Bella Swan
Ben Jackson Walker
Betsy Wolfe
Billy Hargrove
Black Pete
Blitzo Buckzo
Buck Cluck
Buzz (cheerios)
Byakuya Togami
Caesar Clown
Caliborn / Lord English
Captain Kuro
Cersei Iannister
Chloe Bourgeois
Chris McClain
Chrollo Lucifer
Clara Oswald
Cozy Glow
Damian Wayne
Dan Moroboshi
Dean Venture
Dean Winchester
Detective Saracusa
Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd
Disembodied Voice
Don Flamenco
Dr. Henry Miller
Elias Ainsworth
Elias Ainsworth
Elon Musk
Equius Zahhak
Eric Cartman
Erlina and Brugaves
Eugene Coli
Every Single Country In 1993
Everyone In Romeo And Juliet
Father / Dwarf In The Glass
Feferi Peixes
Five Pebbles
Foreman Oyun
France (Hetalia)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu
Gamzee Makara
Georg Weissmann
Goeffry St. John
Gordon Blackwall
Graham Spector
Gra’ha Tia
Haiji Senri
Heath cliff
Henry Miller (OC)
Henry the Eighth
Himiko Toga
Hiyoko Saionji
Holly Blue Agate
Huey Laforet
Ianthe Tridentarius
Il Dottore
Inspector Tobias Greyson
Itsuki Shu
Izumi Sena
Jacopo Bearzatti
James T. Kirk
Jayne Cobb
Joe Destefano
Jonah Magnus
Jonathan Groff 
Judith Ford / Natalie Cook
Kusunoki Muu
Kyouichi Saionji
Ladd Russo
Lady Catherine de Bourgh 
Lebreau Fermet Viralesque
Light Yagami
Mahiru Koizumi
Makoto Itou
Mary Keay
Master Crown
Matou Shinji
Medusa Gorgon
Meredith Rodney McKay
Michael Scott
Miguel O’Hara
Millions Knives
Moeka Kiryuu
Monokubs (Except Monodam)
Mori Ougai
Mr. Collins
Ms. Valentine
Muu Kusunoki
Muzan Kibutsuji
Mystery Hunter (Jeremiah Hartley)
Nagito Komaeda
Nanami Kiryuu
Natsumi Sakasaki
Nefera DeNile
Nikola Tesla
Noor Pradesh
Ogai Mori
Otto Apocalypse
Paul Von Oberstein
Petyr Baelish / Littlefinger
Prince Louis
Queen Scarlet
Quill Kipps
Rafal (FEE)
Rafal (SGE)
Rafe Cameron
Raven Queen
Rebecca Costwolds
Redd White
Riley Finn
Rohan Kishibe
Ruruka Ando
Sakazuki Akainu
Sebastian Mechaelis
Sheldon Cooper
Shen Jiu
Shiki Tohno/Nanaya
Shinonomes (both)
Sigma Klim
Silver Spoon
Solf J. Kimblee
So Sejima
Stark Sands
Steven Universe
Subara Akehoshi
Tatsumi Kazehaya
Teruhashi Makoto
The Eleventh Doctor
The Entirety Of Homestuck
The Groke
The Little Palace Mistress
The Mage
The New Ninja
The Old Palace Master
The Operator
The Pale King
Tim Drake
Tom Wambsgans
Tomaru Sawagoe
Touichiro Suzuki
Tumblr Staff
Valens Van Varro
Verstael Besithia
Victor Frankenstein
Vivienne Medranno’s Impsona
Voice In The Calm Ad On Spotify
Wen Chao
Whiteout, Clearsight, and Benjamin
Will Shuester
Willy Stampler
Woodes Rogers
Yoshiharu Hisomu
Yu Ziyuan
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Yuri Briar
Zeke Jaeger
Zenos Galvus
Zhou Zishu
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dreamingticklee · 2 years
A Little TLC ~ Squealing Santa 2022 ~
Ho ho ho! Hi @silviesilviesilvie it’s me, Santa!! Oh dearest friend, I very much enjoyed bouncing around your prompts and creating this for you and I hope you enjoy your gift and have a very merry christmas and a wonderful new year! <3 Biggest thanks and applause to @hypahticklish for hosting, your hard work has not gone unnoticed and I appreciate you! @squealing-santa
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Pairing: Lee!Ed, Ler!Stede
Words: 2.5k
It was a relaxing evening at sea, golden sunlight gently caressing the water, creating a dancing glimmer on the surface. Ed's eyes sparkled in the reflecting light as a calm ocean breeze played with his hair, combing through it like a comforting hand. In his zen-like state, Ed took in a deep breath and stretched back with his arms reaching to the sky. He wouldn't admit it out loud (he's fucking Blackbeard) but here in this moment, he felt truly happy.
"How's it feeling, Ed?" Stede's voice cut in.
Ed, still stretching, turned his head toward Stede. "Hmm? What do you mean?" Had he been caught basking in the moment?
"Your stab wound." Stede moved his arm to point at the exposed area of skin below the hem of Ed's leather jacket.
Ed quickly brought his arms down from their stretch as he looked down at the scabbed mark on the left side of his stomach. It had been about a week since Ed had performed his signature maneuver to "avoid all the important bits" in a raid against a Spanish ship.
"Oh, it's fine."
"Hmm…mind if I take a closer look?"
"Uh, sure, go ahead."
Stede started to slowly bend down until he was at eye level with Ed's middle and gingerly placed a hand on the side of Ed's hip.
Ed froze. Something about Stede's hand at his side and the way Stede's face was so close to such a vulnerable part of him felt so…intimate? Stede's focused eye contact was making his skin tingle under the surface.
Suddenly, Stede stood back up straight and looked into Ed's eyes.
"It's looking a wee bit red still. Does it hurt at all?"
It took Ed a second to snap his brain back into focus.
"Oh, uh…I don't know. It's fine, Stede."
"Would you mind if I cleaned it a bit for you? Don't want it to get any more infected." Stede's voice was so calm and full of care, Ed couldn't help but agree to letting him.
"Sure, if you want to."
Down in the captain's quarters, Ed was laying on the couch, with Stede kneeling at his side, and Ed was trying his best to be nonchalant about being asked to pull up his shirt. But he would be lying if he said the action of doing it under Stede's watching eyes didn't make him blush.
Stede had a soft piece of fabric to use as a rag and a small bowl of water, in which he mixed in some lavender soap (he knew it was Ed's favorite.) He dipped a portion of the cloth into the soapy water.
"Ready? Let me know if it stings at all, but it should just take a moment."
"Aye aye, Captain."
Stede huffed a laugh and tenderly brought the wet cloth to Ed's skin.
Oh, Ed thought, that feels…nice.
Stede, ever so careful, dabbed the fabric along Ed's healing wound. He was trying his hardest to not hurt Ed at all, but when he took at quick look at Ed's face, he could see that Ed looked relaxed, and Stede let out a quiet breath he didn't know he was holding. The fact that Ed was willingly letting him care for him like this and, seeming to enjoy it, made his heart swell.
As Stede continued his cleaning, they made soft conversation, and once Stede had felt he had sufficiently cleaned the area, he grabbed another cloth to then begin to dab it dry.
"There," Stede smiled, "all clean." He set down the cloth and gently brought his hand back down, letting his thumb take a few soft swipes on the skin around the wound to ensure that he had dried it properly.
And Ed jumped with a gasp.
Stede quickly stopped and pulled his hand away.
"Oh, I'm sorry, Ed. I didn't mean to hurt you."
Ed stammered a bit. "Uh, um…no Stede, uh…no, you didn't." Ed cleared his throat.
A look of doubtful confusion graced Stede's face. "Ed, are you sure? Your reaction seemed like I had hurt you…"
Ed signed before admitting, "It wasn't pain, Stede…," his blush from earlier creeping back onto his cheeks.
"Then what….oh." Stede's eyes went wide with surprise and a smile started to grow on his face. "Ed, are you ticklish?"
Ed let out an embarrassed groan and closed his eyes, his whole body going hot now as the blush took over his entire being.
"Hmmmmmm somethinglikethat." Ed quickly confirmed in his best attempt to seem casual about it.
"Oh, Ed," Stede smiled fondly, "it's quite alright to be ticklish. Almost everyone is somewhere!"
Stede playfully gave Ed's tummy a quick scribble and Ed jumped again with a little squeak.
"Alright, I'm sorry," Stede smiled in apology and pulled his hand back, "I won't do it again."
Stede shifted and stood from his kneeled spot next to Ed on the couch, grabbing the bowl of soapy water and the makeshift rags he used to clean Ed's wound. He began to make his way to the ship's washroom, but Ed's voice stopped him.
Stede turned back around to look at Ed still laying on the couch.
"Yes, Ed?"
Ed didn't know how to say it. He felt like he physically couldn't. He wanted to curl up into a ball of embarrassment and be swallowed by the couch. But Ed wanted it, and knew Stede would stay true to his word unless he said something.
Ed opened his mouth to speak words, but when nothing initially came out, he sighed and brought his hands up to hide his face.
"I…don't want you to….not."
Ed could hear the slow, confused footsteps of Stede coming back to his form on the couch.
"You don't want me to not….what?"
Letting out a huff, Ed squirmed in his spot on the couch. He was hoping that'd be enough for Stede to get the hint. Goddammit.
"I don't want you to…not…t-...." Ed cleared his throat again and took a breath, "....tickle."
The footsteps stopped and it was quiet for a few seconds, but to Ed, it felt like a lifetime.
"Ed," Stede said softly, "do you want me to tickle you?"
Ed made a noise behind his hands and brought his knees up before letting them drop down to the couch again and then gave a small, hesitant nod.
Hearing the footsteps walk towards him again, Ed felt Stede's presence settle next to him with the dip of the couch cushion as Stede sat himself on the edge next to Ed's legs.
"There's no need to be embarrassed, Ed. Why, I happen to think it's actually quite fun!"
At that, Ed shifted some of his fingers to take a peek at Stede and was met with an expression so sweet and genuine that he could hardly stand it. He let out a little whine and moved his fingers back to fully hide again.
Stede giggled, thinking Ed looked absolutely adorable, and brought his hands to hover over Ed's still exposed belly, letting his finger tips just barely graze the skin. Ed's body stiffened in anticipation underneath him.
"And of course I'll tickle you."
Stede started to lightly wiggle his fingers against Ed's tummy and Ed squeaked, his back arching up for a moment before falling back to the couch. He began squirming back and forth, a flood of giggles starting to stream from his lips. The skitter of Stede's fingers on his bare skin felt like tingling, electric sparkles and oh was it a fun feeling. And the fact that it was consensually deliberate, that Stede was wanting to do this with him, made every sensation that much more sweet.
Sweeping and spidering his quick, light fingers all around Ed's belly, Stede was beginning to giggle himself, the act of tickling Ed bringing him so much joy.
Suddenly, Stede darted his hands down to test a few quick squeezes on Ed's hips and was rewarded with a surprised squeal.
Ed's hands shot down from his face and he lurched forward, his reflexes instinctively making him grab at Stede's wrists to pull them away.
Stede stopped instantly and let Ed take a breath.
"Is that spot too much, Ed?" Stede asked sincerely.
Ed paused and let go of Stede's wrists. "Um…no, not too much…just tickled a lot...but in a fun way."
A smug look made it's way onto Stede's face.
"Hmm. How about a game then?" Stede gently pushed down on Ed's shoulders to lead him back to his laying position on the couch. He then cupped his hands around Ed's elbows and maneuvered his arms above his head before letting go and sitting back. Stede smirked.
"Keep your arms up, Ed."
Ed's eyes went wide and he bit his bottom lip, already fighting back more giggles at those words.
"Mmmhmmhmm, and…what if I can't?"
Stede raised his eyebrows and wiggled his fingers. "I think we both know the answer."
That made Ed pull his hands down to hide his face again when, "Shit!," he put them back up above his head. 
Stede laughed. "Trying to lose already, Ed?"
"Don't worry, there are plenty of tickles to come."
Stede started again slowly, following a circling pattern around Ed's tummy, letting his fingers wander around the curve of Ed's sides and up across his ribs.
As the ticklish sensation kept building, Ed was fighting his arms from trying to come down and interfere. He truly didn't want to interfere, but this game was proving already to be quite difficult.
But then again, maybe he did want to lose to see what Stede's punishment for him would be…
Stede's voice snapped him back from his own inner battle. "I can see you're trying so hard for me, Ed," Stede let out a little mischievous chuckle, "but shall we up the intensity a bit?" His fingers now started to quickly skitter around Ed's torso, jumping around from spot to spot, with the occasional surprise armpit tickle that made Ed's arms jump down halfway before managing to bring them back up again.
Squirming around with more vigor, Ed felt like he was being electrocuted with tickles, and it was getting harder and harder to keep his arms up as the zipping sensations coursed through his body. Ed's laughter was freely pouring out of him and it was wind in Stede's sails.
"Now, Ed, what was it that I did before that made you squeal? Hmm…," Stede continued his tickling as he pretended to think, "Was it this?" He jumped his hands to Ed's underarms and gave the centers a quick taser with his fingers.
Ed squawked and his arms jumped down again, but just as quick as Stede's hands were there, they were off to the next spot and Ed brought his arms back up and gripped the pillow sitting against the arm of the couch for dear life, bracing himself.
A squeeze to his ribs.
A vibrating, clawed hand to his belly.
"Or was it this?"
Pokes going up and down his sides.
"Was it here?"
Ed was about to combust. All the various changes of tickles and sudden movements from spot to spot and the smug teasing had him faltering, his grip on the pillow going white-knuckled.
"Ah! I remember!" Stede, in his utter delight, didn't wait another second before jumping back down to squeeze at the junction where lower tummy met hips.
A high pitched squeal rang through the air as Ed's arms came crashing down, pillow still in hand, and it smacked Stede in the face.
There was a sudden still and quiet in the room. Ed looked at Stede with wide eyes realizing what he had done, and the eyes that looked back at him with rising eyebrows told him one thing: he was in trouble.
"Now, Edward…" Stede began, and just those words alone already sent Ed into a giggling, playful beg.
"Stehehede! Nohoho, it was an accidehehent, I promise!"
Stede narrowed his eyes, teasingly skeptical. "Mmhmm, I don’t know Ed. I think I see your nose growing." He grabbed the pillow out of Ed's grip and flung it across the room in a display of joking outrage. "This definitely calls for punishment!"
Shifting from his place at Ed's legs, Stede flipped himself around so that he was sitting on Ed's chest. Placing his hands back on Ed's hips, he began to repetitively squeeze.
Ed went ballistic. His legs were flailing about, unable to do anything about the shocking jolts that had taken full control of his body. He tried to arch his back, but with Stede's weight now on his upper body keeping him in place, he couldn't do much else besides push at Stede’s back with his hands. The way Ed couldn't even see Stede's ticklish movements seemed to make it even worse.
"Fuhuhuck!! This isn't fahahahair!"
"I don't know, Ed, this seems perfectly fair to me! It's not my fault you're so adorably ticklish."
Shit, Stede's teasing was getting to him so badly, and paired with the insanely tickly pulses ruminating into his bones, Ed was in tickle Hell (Heaven.) His eyes squeezed shut as his bubbly shrieks got higher and higher in pitch with every evilly calculated pinch at his hips and it wasn't long before he was in full hysterics.
"Steheheheede! Nononono nahahahaha! Shihihit!! I'm sorryyyy!"
And just like that, everything stopped. Ed's legs slumped back down to the couch as Stede's weight lifted from his chest and was replaced with a gentle hand rubbing up and down his side.
Ed's remaining giggles continued to filter out past his lips as his chest heaved in order to catch his breath. He slowly started to come back down to earth and opened his eyes to see a softly smiling Stede looking down at him.
"How are you feeling, Ed?"
"Hmhmhmhmmm, you're mehehean."
"Oh? Is that right?"
Ed nodded.
"Well," Stede continued, "just know there's more to come. That was just punishment for hitting me with the pillow. I haven't given you your punishment for bringing your arms down…"
Ed's eyes went wide.
Stede chucked. "And I'm going to have to keep checking and cleaning your wound…that is, if you'd let me?"
Ed looked directly into Stede's eyes and was met with a hopeful, questioning stare. This caused a new flush to rise to Ed's cheeks and his heart fluttered. Knowing that Stede was wanting, and was essentially asking, to tickle him more had his insides vibrating and he was filled to the brim with a childlike glee.
Ed excitedly squirmed under Stede's gaze. "Hmhmhm um…might have to check it frequently…just to be sure."
Stede beamed. "Of course, Ed." He then stopped his hand rubbing Ed's side and gave him a couple pats on his tummy. "How about we go and have a nice cup of evening tea and relax for a bit, hmm? Then we can take care of your other punishment later tonight…and, mayhaps, I can look at that knee of yours..." Stede winked.
Oh, Ed couldn't wait.
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august-anon · 2 years
Tickletober 2022, Day 13: Blush
besties i really dont like this one, it was supposed to be very different and so much longer, but i had no time and i have no energy because i'm puppysitting a devil dog, so this is what came out lol. Perhaps i will execute a better version later on in my tfic writing career, but for now this is what i must present to you lol
Fandom: Our Flag Means Death
Ship(s): Gentlebeard
Characters (lee/ler): Lee!Stede/Ler!Ed
Word Count: 232 words
Summary: Ed thought Stede's blush was the prettiest thing in the world.
[ao3 link]
In Ed’s opinion, Stede’s flush was one of the prettiest things to inspire. Whether it be pretty pink or cherry red, he couldn’t get enough, and Ed set out to find every possible way to bring it about.
One of Ed’s very favorites, though, had to be laughter. The way the breathlessness and joy would send him flushing was absolutely radiant. The bright golden smile surrounded by all that rosy color, Ed was certain he could survive on that image alone. And he had a foolproof method of bringing that blush about.
Because Stede, as it turned out, was deliciously ticklish. Whether it be claw-pinches to his thighs or a quick scribble against his neck, it never failed to earn Ed a smile, if not an outright cackle, and one of those gorgeous blushes he loved so much. Sure, some of it was likely from embarrassment, but wasn’t that just part of the fun?
In fact, Ed often went out of his way to do just that. Sly smiles, teasing words, threats and promises of what was to come. It always brought a tinge of bashfulness to Stede’s laughter, the brightest flushes yet, and it never failed to send Ed absolutely swooning. On the inside. He had a reputation to maintain, after all, and Blackbeard certainly didn’t swoon. 
Edward, though? Edward swooned.
And if that made Stede blush more? All the better.
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fluffomatic · 2 years
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Yall knew this was gonna happen right? Like this is my new hyperfixation I was absolutely gonna tickle one of these bastards. I know Stede probably won't be too far behind.
Okay listen I know some of you haven't seen this show...YET! You need to watch ot if you can it's on HBO Max. Anywho! There's this one gif...here lemme show u
Spoilers below cut
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See!?! Dude's practically asking to be wrecked! I mean, he's asking to be stabbed but whatever. I can interpret this however I want and I think Ed wants to be tickled shitless.
(My art don't repost but please reblog)
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happyandticklish · 2 years
if you would like, "🙈 -‘Tickled Silly’ Laughter" with lee!Ed and ler!Stede? everything youve written for these asks has been so cute <3!
🙈 -Tickled Silly Laughter
There was a soft rap at his door, a hesitant, stilted thing. Stede glanced up from the book he'd previously been devouring; it was a classic, a set of fairytales from foreign lands that Stede had always loved as a child. He had been turning to it often while on sea, as it was one of the few constants he possessed in his life. 
“Come on in then,” Stede said, closing the book on his lap as the door swung open. “I’m only reading, no need to worry about disturbing me, Lucius. I’ve been meaning to talk to you anyway—oh. Ed.” 
Ed leaned against the doorframe in what was clearly meant to be a casual stance. His gaze betrayed him however, darting nervously around the room, and determinedly not on Stede. 
For a moment, he didn’t say anything, and it was possible he might have rushed out like he so clearly wanted to if Stede hadn’t asked, “Did you... need something?”
“I wouldn’t say need,” Ed amended carefully. He sighed, tilting his head back against the paneling of the ship. Stede wished he could help his frustration, but it was rather difficult to do so when he wasn’t sure what the other was asking. “You know, I was just... god, Stede, do I really have to say it?”
“I mean, no,” Stede said slowly, narrowing his eyes in confusion. “I don’t think so? I definitely wouldn’t recommend doing anything you didn’t want to do. Say what, exactly?”
Ed examined him skeptically for a moment, and when it was clear he genuinely didn’t know what he was talking about, he frowned. “Last week. When we were together. In my cabin.”
“You touched my side. I jerked away, and then you... you know.” Ed wiggled his fingers a bit, rolling his eyes at himself. “Tickled me?”
He did remember that. The discovery that Blackbeard of all people was ticklish wasn’t one Stede would soon forget. They had been curled in the corner of his bed, all smiles and hands and the sun shining in through the window. At first Stede had dismissed it as the mood, but a repeat of the action prompted a noise akin to a snort and that could not go unexplored. 
He had assumed Ed had either forgotten about the ordeal or blocked it out, but evidently, that had not been the case. “Of course I do. I don’t suppose you’re upset about it? Because I never would have tried if I knew you didn’t want to—”
“I want you to do it again.”
Stede blinked. “I’m sorry?”
Ed huffed, coming over to sit on the desk beside him. If Stede didn’t know better he’d think he was blushing. “It was... nice. I haven’t been tickled in a while, and I forgot what it was like to just laugh. Carefree, y’know? Makes me feel human.”
It was surprisingly honest for the normally evasive man, and Stede was taken aback for a moment, unsure what he was supposed to say in a moment like this. So instead, he stood up, slowly approaching the other and placing his hands on his sides. Ed tensed, but didn’t move away. The room thrived with a nervous energy, and Stede felt a smile of his own tugging at his lips. 
“Is this okay?”
Ed managed a nod, not looking at him. 
“And this...” Stede started to move his fingers slightly, just barely brushing over the fabric of his shirt. “Is this okay?”
Ed gripped the table, his grin wobbling a bit as he instinctively fought against his own reactions. “Y-Yeah, all good here.”
“Mmm. And what about now?” Firmer now, digging into the skin and making Ed jump. “Still want me to keep going?”
Ed nodded again, unable to speak for fear of letting out a frankly embarrassing stream of giggles caught in his throat. He was crumbling against the desk, slipping down against the drawers—not that he was really getting anywhere, let alone away. 
“So here is definitely okay,” Stede noted, almost to himself, tweaking and pinching Ed’s sides absently. “More than okay even. I’ll have to remember that. Now, how about here—”
“Wahait, hold on!”
Ed’s arms flew down to stop him as he moved onto his stomach, capturing his wrists before he could do any real damage. Stede paused, glancing up at the other with concern. 
“Is this a bad area?”
Ed shook his head, still not letting go, but not really holding on. “Nah, it just... well I think that spot might be a bit...”
The flush from Ed’s face was spreading, curling under his ears and into the dip of his shirt. “Yeah. You can do it, just... be gentle.”
Stede’s expression softened, and he leaned in, pressing a kiss to Ed’s cheek. It was a quick, simple thing, and yet somehow it felt more intimate than anything they had done before than. “I always am.”
He was true to his word, but in a way, that might have been worse. Stede’s hands were slow and cautious, gliding and curling over his stomach, every once in a while brushing over bare skin when Ed’s shirt rode up due to squirming. Giggles and snorts slipped out involuntarily as Ed doubled over, still gripping Stede’s wrists for a handhold of any sort. 
Each touch was electric, sending shockwaves sparking through him and making him twitch and jerk away. He didn’t know if he wanted it to end or continue forever, and the indecision held him there, squirming and whining and laughing under Stede’s touch. 
“Still want me to keep going?”
Ed yelped as Stede’s hands brushed too close to his naval, leaning forward and burying his face in his shoulder. 
“Ed? Do you want me to stop?”
Ed shook his head, leaning on Stede for support so he didn’t topple over. Was it possible to get drunk off sensation alone? If so, Ed planned to get wasted before he called an end to this. 
Stede dug his fingers in a bit harder at that, vibrating them into his stomach and grinning at the resulting shriek. “Alright then, but just know, you asked for this.”
I’m not even going to worry about the word lengths at this point because I have no self-control. Anyway, thank you so much for indulging my love for them, and your words!! I appreciate it ^^
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ticklishfiend · 2 years
I think Lucius has big ler energy and Stede likes pirate torture roleplays with evil dread pirate Blackbeard😈
oh DEFINITELY to BOTH of these things
lucius goes around the ship giving ppl quick pinches and pokes 24/7 cause he thrives on the mischief. his favorite to do this to is obviously black pete lol he loves going up and pinching his sides when he’s not expecting it, even if it does land him an elbow to the ribs. really tho black pete’s his favorite bc he always tickles lucius back immediately, and lucius is a big old attention whore who just loooves the tickle revenge lol
and stede. oh stede. ed asks him one day if there’s anything specific he’s like to, ahem, try out, and stede goes scarlet. he says it’s bc ed was so forward, but rlly it’s bc he knew exactly what he wanted to try. he’d been thinking abt it ever since he finally realized he was even in a relationship with the infamous blackbeard. and after he confesses to ed through stutters what he’d like (a good old fashioned pirate tickle torture), ed feels like he could sing from how cute and stede-y that response was. he doesn’t even respond with words, just a smile that crinkles the corners of his eyes, a hard shove against stede that leaves the man sprawled against the mattress, before grabbing rope lying about the ship to restrain him to the bed frame. they spent their night laughing and refusing to take the role play too seriously, having the most fun they’d had in bed in a while.
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abihasablog · 2 years
Tickletober Day One!
Fandom - Our Flag Means Death
Characters - Ler!Ed, Lee!Izzy
Words - 986
Ed was watching him. 
Izzy pretended not to see him lurking in the corner of his field of vision, stalking his movements across the deck, following him from bow to stern just far enough away that it might be a coincidence. Of course, it wasn’t. 
Ed was playing with him, like he used to. 
Maybe not exactly like he used to, when they were fresh off Hornigold’s ship, newly anointed Captain Blackbeard and First Mate Hands, so giddy and drunk on their freedom and still so excited by life. Those chases, when Ed would stomp along the deck in his heavy leather boots to alert Izzy to what was coming, would always end up with Izzy underneath Ed being tickled to death by nimble fingers, loving every second of it. But they hadn’t done that in years, so surely Ed didn’t mean to do that now.
But, Izzy reasoned to himself with a quickening pulse, if Ed was going to restart the tradition of tickling him until his brain turned to krill anywhere, then it would be on Stede fucking Bonnet’s fucking ship. 
Right. Time to move. 
Izzy abandoned his post by the mast, his break in his daily routine purposefully alerting Ed to the fact he’d cottoned on to his plan. As Izzy tried to walk at a normal pace towards his room, aiming for some privacy, Ed’s footfall became louder. The anticipation of what he hoped was coming made him walk quicker, diving below deck and hurrying down the corridor towards his room. 
He threw his door open and just managed to get inside, turning to slam it behind him when a booted foot wedged itself in, and Ed’s maniacal face appeared in the doorway. 
“Whatcha running for, Iz?” 
“Wasn’t running,” Izzy said quickly, hands tightening on the door frame. Ed hummed, pushing his way in, forcing Izzy to take several steps back. He shut the door behind him with a click. Izzy swallowed hard, eyes jumping between Ed’s face and hands. 
“You were moving real fast there, mate. Was someone following you?” 
“N-no, no sir.” Izzy jumped back with a gasp as Ed lifted his hands up quickly, but the bastard only stilled them before moving to push his hair out of his face with a sly grin. Asshole.
“That’s alright then. Just wanted to check, make sure you’re all good…” Ed looked him up and down and Izzy realised with a blush that he was poised as if to ward off an attack. “Are you suuuuure you’re alright, Iz? You look really tense.”
“I’m perfectly well, Captain. Thank you.” 
Ed raised his eyebrows and fuck, Izzy had messed up. “Thank you? Oh, Iz. You’re really freaking out about this, aren’t you?” 
Izzy thought about it for all of half a second before launching himself past Ed to grab at the door, and was not at all surprised when strong arms wrapped around his middle and carried him to his bed, depositing him gracelessly in the centre. Ed hopped on top of him, straddling his thighs and cracking his knuckles loudly. 
“You know what time it is, Iz?” Ed said cheerfully, holding his hands up into claws. Izzy smacked at them furiously, laughter already bubbling in his chest. 
“Fuck off!” 
“C’mon Iz, do you know what time it is?” Ed’s hands wriggled closer and closer to his trembling belly. Izzy whined and batted at Ed’s arms. 
“Do you need me to tell you?” 
“It’s time to tickle Izzy!” 
“No it’s not- EHEHED!” Izzy shrieked and grabbed at Ed’s fingers as they descended on his belly, spidering his fingertips and digging softly into the skin. He tugged at them weakly, already too lost in giggles, rough from disuse. He had forgotten how good Edward was at tickling, and he briefly wondered if Bonnet had ever been on the receiving end. The thought made him feel a little better, even as Ed snaked his hands under his shirt to tickle at the soft skin. 
His heels thumped against the bed as he giggled and squirmed, his arms weak already from laughter, and maybe, maybe, a slight reluctance to fight back. 
Maybe he’d missed the way Ed used to play with him. 
“Does this tickle?” Ed teased, pinching at his ribs. Izzy squealed before he could stop himself. His hands abandoned their weak attempts to push Ed away and instead flew up to cover his mouth. Ed threw his head back and laughed, continuing his assault. “Guess it does!”
“You’re so dead to me you bahahahastard!” 
“What’s that now? Can’t hear you mate, you’re laughing too loud.” 
“Fine, fine.” Ed withdrew his hands, watching like a hawk as Izzy’s eyes snapped to his with a scowl. 
“You wanted me to stop, didn’t you?” 
“... I s’pose.” 
“Exactly, so I stopped.” Ed cocked his head to the side and regarded Izzy with a look that made him want to crawl out of his skin. “So I’ll just be off then.”
“Right, see you later!” Ed got as far as getting one leg off the bed before Izzy was grabbing at his hands and dragging them back down to rest on his waist. Ed raised an eyebrow with a cocky grin. “Iz?” 
“I don’t want you to stop. You never stopped this quick before,” Izzy blurted out, face bright red. 
“Hmm…” Ed pretended to consider it a second, fingers tapping softly against his sides. “S’pose I didn’t. Guess I could spend some more time down here, working you over until you’re just a pile of first mate mush. If you wanted.” 
Izzy scowled for a few long moments, before his face relaxed into something softer. 
“I do.” He blushed a little, and Ed rewarded him with a gentle squeeze to his sides. “You’re still a bastard and you’re still dead to me, though.”
“That’s fair enough, mate,” Ed grinned, before digging in again. 
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kanene-yaaay · 5 years
Cloudy Day
Author’s Notes: Heeeyioooo, my lollipops! Okay, this is a gift for my Awesome Birthday Week Buddy: @august-anon!! (I still don’t beliving our birthdays are in the same week! XP) Yaaaay! Sparkles!! I’m know it was last week and I’m sorrey for being late dfghjhgfsdf. I hope you like it, dear (And all of you too, lollipops!).
Okay! Now let’s begin!! Yesh! I’m sorrey for any spelling mistakes, I just put this on Google Translator and corrected some setences X’”). Dfghjhghjuhgf. Sorreey! See ya! ~
Warnings: This is a Tickle Fanfic, if you don’t like, please, look for another storie in this site, there’s a plenty of wonderful arts here! Hmmm... Ah! There is Lee!Virgil and Ler!Logan. Something around 3.000 words. -w-)s2.
It was a cloudy day, and cloudy days were signs of foreboding.
Blackbeard died during a storm, many said. (Perhaps more for the bloody battle he fought during the natural phenomenon than for itself, but that was kind of a understanding that few really understood.) The Kraken awakens during the worst thunderstorms and windstorms that shakes him from his sleep as shake the deepest of the seas, a thousand and one poems recited. The ocean floor is filling with ships and the shattered treasures of those who couldn't escape the rains and their tides, they warned. Some older, more experienced pirates, also meaner, could not be left out, commenting between smiles and a few doses of rum: Beginner's ordeal.
But Virgil denied, not because he was novice or so experienced that he no longer saw it as a challenge, just thought it was unfair to ignore all the good things that cloudy days can bring. Often the clouds, the cold wind, and the faint appearances of the sun's warm rays were more signs of a change than a storm.
So he liked to enjoy them.
Preferably lying in the small, but comfortable, Mast cabin. The perfect resting place: high enough to close your eyes and get lost in the scent of saltwater brought by the cold wind; a place where nothing, not even a problem, could reach you, where you found yourself almost touching the sky at the same time it was low enough to hear each one of the crew on their tasks as a little reminder that there is always somewhere (and someone) to go back to.
He took a deep breath, taking advantage of the wave of inspiration to get back to his story. It was not one of his largest, only a little over than five pages, made just to quench the sudden, insistent, uncontrollable tickle desire that had practically woken up with him that day. He barely contained the uncontrollable smile that opened up on his face and the way he squirmed slightly as he described the protagonist (who was caught by his friends in the middle of his mission to steal the fridge and now 'suffered' the consequences) being attacked without mercy in all its ticklish spots: the sides, sensitive to the slightest squeeze and nudge, the belly full of laughter, the neck colored by the blush and all the scribbles, absolutely impossible to ignore, along with...
Virgil found himself letting out a series of giggles, blushing at no one in particular. He filled a few more lines until he began to imagine the pairs of hands coming out of the paper, their fingers wriggling playfully, making him realize his onwed fate when they tickled him.
- AAAAAAAH !! - Initially it was just one scream, quickly being doubled with the help of the on with purple bandana, who practically hurled his entire storie through the boat with the jump in the fright obtained. He quickly recompose himself, turning toward the kitchen, where a Roman (“How could he stand to be shirtless at this weather?”) gestured wildly. - It's cold! It's cold! COLDCOLDCOLDCOLDCOLD !! PAAAAAAAATTON! IT'S TOO COLD TO WASH THE DISH!
It was almost audible the stubborn expression in the other's tone. The one on the Mast tried to control his unrhythmic breathing, leaning against the half wall of the cubicle. 
- Be cool, kiddo! You can do it, ‘cause you're hot!
Virgil didn't listen to the rest of the conversation, trying to slow the excitement of the euphoric butterflies fluttering in his stomach and the intense heat wich spreaded all over his face. His heart skipped a beat.
 He needed a glass of water. Maybe two.
He clipped the story sheets together and slipped down the loose strings of the sails, stopping on deck and heading toward the kitchen quickly.
- V! I heard you scream! Are you hurt? - The quartet's father figure did not wait for a response as he grasped his shoulders, his eyes at the same time scanning every square inch of his being for the slightest damage.
- N-no, I ... - And if those hands would go a little higher and scratch your neck ... VIRGIL! Focus! - I just freaked out about Roman's morning drama.
He looked away, a little ironic smile in the face. Well done, Virgil, he congratulated himself, acid teasing is always a good way and a safe ground.
By that movement he did not notice Patton's gaze, which frowned for a few silent seconds, suddenly seeming to notice something different in the other. A small detail that he couldn't really distinguish, just knowing it was there. His expression softened, sending to him a loving look.
“When will you tell, my kiddo?”
They both shook their heads slightly, trying to frighten, or perhaps shuffle and confuse, their thoughts. The eyes met shortly after. The pirate with glasses (it seemed like the beginning of a chronicle) laughed.
- Don't be mean to him. - Warned before hugging him. - We'll dock tonight, what do you think we leave tomorrow morning to get supplies and new spices? - The animation in his voice was practically palpable. The hug tightened a little more. If those hands changed to his ribs...
- Of course, Patton. - Virgil was the first to break the touch, a simple smile being the perfect mask for the huge search in his mind of every possible curse which he could use to curse his Lee Mood. - That would be great.
- Oh. And be careful with weather for not get a flu, you're already red.
 Correction: Scarlet. Patton gave one of his angelic smiles and left.
Okay, he decided, feeling his ears got hot, maybe three glasses of water. Cold water. Very cold.
He finished serving himself and returned to the deck, his mind already returning to a few increments in the plot of the story. He just had to go through Logan, which would not be difficult since he was concentrating on reading his papers, finding the pencil he had dropped on the floor with the earlier fright, returning to the Mast-
Hang on.
Logan. Reading some papers.
His body froze.
“Maybe it's not mine. - He tried to convince himself, the very thought sounding insecure. - Maybe it's ... it's from Roman! He loves to do things and show and ... and ... ”
His own body propelled him forward involuntarily. Wobbling, heavy, steps more noisy than he wanted, but to be honest, his desires were focused on something else right now.
Logan looked up, half flushed, half smiling. An expression that totally faded as met with the one wearing the purple bandana, replaced by one of guilt, like a child caught in the midst of his prank. Virgil stared at the papers, recognized the capital letters for laughter, the ideas written in the margins, the light wrinkled in the paper’s conner, his handwriting ...
His hands sweated cold.
- Virgil, it was not my intention ...
Virgil always had two strategies for every difficult situation he faced in life: Flight or Fight. So his muscles tensed, his hand closed with a strong grip, he flexed his legs.
And then dashed off to his room.
He first thought of tossing himself out of the window, then thought of tossing Logan out of the window, then thought of tossing the story out the window, and finally thought of tossing the window out the window, but none of these options seemed like could solve his problem.
He had already wondered what he was going to do when they found out, of course. Everyone who kept a secret had already taken some part of their lives to figure out what to would do when their secret stopped to be, well ... secret
But right now all the plans, the lines, the movements ... everything (everything!) was gone from his mind. It was blank, like a cloud crumbling with its hands up in the act of surrender. Virgil sat on the bed and buried his face in his hands, feeling how sweaty and trembling they were.
Logan. Where would he be now? What would you be doing? Was he telling everyone? Was he showing his stories? All? Had he found others on the Mast? Had he thrown them into the sea? Was he thinking of throwing he into the sea? No, wait, this is too extreme, it wouldn't happen. But he might find it weird, oh gosh, he could think that Virgil was a freak, that was easier than the ‘tossing in the ocean’ thing, but not better. He would look at him strange and-
The one in purple took his pillow and hid his face in it, hugging the object with all the strength he could muster. Stayed like that for a while.
When he finally stopped, he was panting, his heart pounding, however now he had something to focus beyond his own thoughts. He looked up and stared at himself in the small mirror on his desk. He was a mess. He buried his face in his hands and took a deep breath.
One, two, three, four...five... six... seven...
One, two, three, four...five... six... seven...
He faced himself once more in the mirror.
- You are not a freak. - His voice was low and he stared at himself determinedly. - You're not a stranger and even less your likes. If it makes you, no, if makes me happy, then everything is fine. Everything is okay, ok?
A knock sounded on the door.
- Virgil? It's Logan. - Short break. - I'm coming in.
There was no time to hide under the bed so, yes, when the one who wear glasses opened the door Virgil was still there. Kind of weird pose and staring at the wall, but technically, he was there.
Logan hesitated a little, maybe he should have waited longer? Have waited for him to calm down or come talk about this with him or...? He shook his head. No. He was there now and the subject seemed to be of a great importance to Virgil, so they would talk about it.
He sat on the bed, still not receiving a look from the other, until a small sheaf of papers was handed to him, a little over than five pages long, with ideas written in the margins. The purple lover caught, staring at it because it was a little easier than facing the most rational of the group.
- First I would like to apologize. - Logan began, sounding like he'd trained his lines. - You hurried out of the Mast and these papers ended up falling, and I got them in the intention to return to you, however I was led by curiosity and ended up reading. I shouldn't have messed with your things, and ... it seems that this particular thing matters a lot to you. - 'Hot' was a euphemism, Virgil felt his face in embers. - But I would like to add that your writing is really very engaging! - The one who was listening widened his eyes. Ok. He definitely didn't expect that. His attention was captured enough to raise his gaze, something that excited the wearer of glasses. - You have a great grammar mastery along with a wide vocabulary and you know how to use it to your advantage, managing to turn a daily plot into a light and fun reading.
Virgil couldn't hide the little corner smile. Logan was not someone who gave unsubstantiated praise or just for speaking, when he said it, it was sincerely. Their eyes met and before they knew it ended up questioning:
- Did you like it?
- Indeed. It was a very nice read. You should not hide it or be afraid of what others will find. Of course, there is always the possibility that someone doesn't like it, but I assure you that would be exceptions.
- Do you think I ran away because of this?
Now Logan seemed a little groundless, as if he had broken his train of thought. He blinked a few times. Was there ... Was there a point he didn't understand? Something that he didn't realize?? His answer came out with a slight tone of doubt.
- Yes.
Oh. Ooh.
Virgil didn't know where it came from, but he suddenly felt angry that Logan didn't realize the ‘thing’ yet, and before he could even think about that, his mouth dumped it all at once:
- No. That was not it! It was for the content, for the plot: tickling! - The word tasted different when it came out loud, not whispered in the silents night. - The whole story revolves around this: tickling. Because I like it and I like write about it. It's catchy! The laughter of the people, the feeling of security, the contact, the trust, the smiles ... It's ... it's ...
- Lovely? - It was a complement more than a suggestion, a smile spreading across Logan’s face without asking permission.
Virgil felt wich even his neck was dyed red, but he could not help but return the gesture. It was... well, a good relief to tell this to someone, especially Logan, someone who he had often trusted his life along the trip and the battles. His gaze walked over Logan's face for a moment, searching for any trace of bad feelings.
Did not find.
- Yes.
- Don't you think it's weird?
- Not really. I can fully understand why you enjoy it so much. It's your liking, if it doesn't hurt anyone, there's no point in not enjoying it.
Silence. Virgil felt a strange urge to laugh. Maybe it was the relief.
- It’s, indeed, - Logan completed. - lovely.
- Don’t say it. - Virgil grunted, still smiling, hiding his face in his hands. A poke at his side almost made him fell off the bed, a squeal escaping his lips as he pushed away. The one who wore purple stared at the other, anticipation almost lighting the room as bright his gaze.
- Virgil. - The tone made a shiver run down his spine and a slightly more uncontrollable smile spread across his face. It only served to increase the certainty in Logan's voice. - I'll tickle you. Get ready.
And then he ‘attacked’.
Virgil was definitely not prepared. Not when his fingers met his ribs, kneading them into circular patterns that immediately spilled a waterfall of giggles and squeals through his mouth, the sensations making him feel about to jump from his skin. His hands broke to grasp Logan's, gripping his wrists but making no effort to move them.
- Nohohohohohoho! Wa-wahahahahahahahait! - His nose was wrinkled and his eyes closed tightly, as if he might lessen the sensation for not seeing them. Virgil fell back on the mattress and Logan took advantage of the moment of distraction to get straight to the new unprotected spot: the belly, wasting no time in scribbling its full length, eventually increasing the squirming and streams of laughter from the first.
- Did you know that tickling sensations are a way twich the human body warns the brain that some area with important organs is being attacked? - The bespectacled’s voice was calm and methodical as it began to loosen fast grips, one hand concentrating on the sides of the other, as if it were not turning one of the quietest of the group into a pool of squeaky giggles, and the other hand quietly moving toward his belly button, bringing out more hysterical laughter and causing him to shrink more and more into himself, stucking the fingers rather than actually protecting himself. - Laughter and involuntary muscle impulses, more known as squirming, are the brain's way of defending itself, the because still a mystery. However, one thing we know… - Logan changed his method, starting to make circular movements around Virgil’s belly (giggle) button, dragging his fingers with unbearably light tickles, getting closer and closer to the center.
- Lohohohohohohohohohohoho, stohohohohp! I´ll- I´ll ehehehehehehehehehend withihihihihihihihihihihi - The one with the glasses went down a few millimeters, attacking the waist a little more vigorously, seeking Virgil to unfold and achieving the desired result successfully. - NahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAhahaha !!
- ...is that, depending on the touch and the place, sounds other than laughter can be observed, such as...
The tickling stopped, Virgil still laughing helplessly on the bed, squirming with the tiniest gust of wind.
Absolute silence.
It was a trap, he was sure of it, yet he dared to open his eyes, catching a glimpse of Logan's slightly mischievous grin before focusing on the finger that twitched a few inches away from his umbiculous.
- Logan! Loghahahahahahan.- Laughter simply floated without permission from his lips, much higher than usual, the writer could feel his belly quivering with anticipation. Attempting to bite his lower lip to cover the smile and perhaps stop the laughter.Logan moved the only (damn) finger closer. Virgil squeaked and failed on every attempt. - Ple-pleasehehehehehehehehehe, I-Ihihihihihihihihihihi-
The finger struck quickly against his navel, scratching, scribbling and poking without the slightest mercy and completely taking away his chance to finish the sentence.
Virgil snorted. Literally snorted.
His eyes widened and his hands made way to cover his mouth, but their attention was captured by the unbearable tickling, letting them sway from side to side, trying to stop the tickling but to no avail.
- LohohOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOGAH !!! NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!! - The laughter came out shaking his whole body. Loud, carefree, frantic laughter. He flinched quickly, his head swaying from side to side as if to deny his fate, even though the huge, bright smile that seemed to light up the entire room, coupled with that warm, pleasant feeling in his chest, said the complete opposite. The remaining hand attacked his sides and ribs without any pattern or order, causing Virgil to practically jump with each touch, the laughter shifting from the high to the low tones.
- But, dear Virgil, I still have other sounds to show you! - His fingers drifted to his neck, pausing for a few sips of air, a pause filled with giggles. The ringing changed to the chin, pulling out a quick yelp. - Snorts, squeals, giggle, laugh, yelps…
The tickling lasted a few more minutes, until his laughter became breathless, so Logan ceased the attack. Virgil immediately rubbed his palms over his neck, trying to remove all the remaining sensations and to make sure that his face had not melted with all the blush nor broken with the size his smile was, I mean, is.
- Are you alright?
The one who wore purple opened one watery, twinkling eye, staring at him, his mouth pronouncing before he could think of the real weight of his words:
- J-just those sounds? I thought as an explorer you hated to be content with few results.
A different look passed and settled on the other's face, then expanding and taking over the Logan's, once kindly, expression. It caused a sudden electricity sensation in the air, his whole body crawling and laughter beginning to fill his throat with euphoria.
- I understand.
In the blink of an eye Logan's hands found his armpits. Virgil felt his breath and the world stop for a long second… and then his fingers twitched.
Virgil literally screamed.
- NononoNOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHOHO! LO-LOHOHOHOHOHO- I´M SORRAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAY. - His head was thrown back with the force of laughter, his body squirming for an escape route, even though no matter how much he moved, the sensations followed. His mind was blank, unable to really focus on anything but the poking, scratching, tickling that made eveen his nerves laugh and made him unable to form any words, coherent or not. His heels sank into the mattress, lifting his torso for a moment, until the tickles floated lightly at the base of his back, causing his body to fall back onto the bed. - NAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. WAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAI-
It took a few minutes before the tears began to wash down his cheeks and the laughter became silent. Logan immediately stopped at this point.
- As you can see we also have as examples the scream and the belly laughte. r- The smile was noticeable in his tone. - I think these are enough examples.
- Yehehehes. You got ihihihihit.
- Did I go too far?
Virgil shook his head, wiping tears, the remaining laughter finally stopping. He heard the door slam shut and when he opened his eyes Logan was no longer there. Tried to replay his memories in order to have done something wrong or what else might have bothered the other as his breathing returned to normal frequency.
When he managed to sit on the bed, preparing to leave, Logan returned with a glass of water in his hand, handing it over to the other, who had not realized how thirsty he was until that moment. He took the glass and drank its contents in a few sips, the room surprised with the sudden silence.
For some people cloudy days, days that could mean a storm or a sunny day, were signs of foreboding, but Virgil didn't see them that way. Sometimes a cloudy day is just exactly what it is: a day for changes.
- Thank you. - They both knew what the thanks really meant.
And, perhaps, for others, those who did not live sailing and exploring the seven seas, cloudy days could mean something else. Perhaps it could be known as a day to enjoy a good hot drink, a comfortable and safe place, good company, or the warmth which human being can provide. The confidence this can bring.
- You could had kept your secret when I - Logan waved his hand, as if to ward off a fly or a slightly annoying memory - didn't realize it at first.
Virgil shrugged and looked away, tapping the empty space beside him on the mattress, an invitation that was not declined by the other. He grabbed a book under his bed, the one with pages that talked about the secrets after the End of the World and the stars, and offered it to the most racional of the crew.
- It's cloudy outside, we can catch the flu if we get in the evening wind. Want to read?
And so it was. Days of change, days of strengthening ties, days of sharing memories ...
- It's a good option. Thank you.
It was a cloudy day, pleasantly cloudy.
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The Lorax Sequel
by Dino_Nerd_3423
I literally wrote this for my science class…
A sequel to the Lorax in which there are dinosaurs, traveling dimensions, the back rooms, Dora the explorer and swiper the fox, pirates, the lorax, and a cat.
Words: 5272, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: The Lorax (2012), Our Flag Means Death (TV), Dora the Explorer (Cartoon)
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen
Characters: The Once-ler (The Lorax), The Lorax (The Lorax), Frenchie (Our Flag Means Death), Stede Bonnet, Blackbeard | Edward Teach, Our Flag Means Death Ensemble, Dora Marquez (Dora the Explorer), Swiper the Fox
Additional Tags: The Backrooms - Freeform, A weird monster thing, simon says game is actually important to the story, big words are included, rabbit holes, pirates are gay, Lesbian Moms, orange cat with a stupid name, Happy Ending, Traveling Dimensions, Dinosaur - Freeform, charcarodontosaurus, comedy?
source https://archiveofourown.org/works/40488693
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alexacofit · 7 years
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Livros incríveis! Toda pessoa tem ler esses livros. Hábito importante pra o sucesso: **Leitura diária** Rumo ao topo💪💎 #adventure #travel #brasil #InstaChile #Instalike #business #sweet #life #instadaily #bubackegomes #RETRICA #Golook #trilha #sucesso #Like4like #Instalike #LoveLove #emprendedor #missyou #mine #xoxo #rio #riodejaneiro #aviary #eublack #men #blackbeard #namaste #peace (em Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro)
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