#pov youre having a stress induced breakdown and then your evil twin comes up and starts beating the shit out of you
rubyneo · 8 months
So question bout your latest masterpiece, is Ruby under the control of Neo since I can see Ruby's eye is pink or is that just a clone
clone. i just think what if you found companionship in the facsimile of the person you hate the most because the idea of seeing the face of the person you failed makes you sick to your stomach? what if there was no roman clone but just a ruby who is everything neo THINKS of ruby, who's cold and callous and cruel and mean and neo can beat the fuck out of her and she comes back like a loyal dog every time and fights back and hurts neo back just as bad.
"what is this about?! roman torchwick?! you want me to apologize?! well that's too bad!" ruby yells and her own voice answers "no."
like a more fucked up version of the herbalist's test. "i can't wait to watch you break," not-ruby says with a chilling smile, holding neo aloft. ruby's broken, twisted mirror spitting all the vile things neo thinks of her and ruby secretly thinks of herself. she blames her for penny dying, for not being able to save pyrrha, for ironwood's descent into madness.
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