#power of altana
pandorias-box · 19 days
Two Hearts, Reunited
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//picture credit: unknown (i tried reverse image search and nothing came up im sorry)
Altana led Pandoria to a secluded part of the hive where nobody would interfere with their long-awaited reunion. It was most definitely not how they intended to meet after all this time, but they had to make do with what they had. What Pandoria was not expecting was that there was another person among them. They had medium-length golden irises that were reflective of their hair color, wearing an outfit consisting of both a black hood and top: something clearly distinct from the typical garb worn by those of the hive-clans. Pandoria stepped back in hesitation as they approached them, but they didn’t do the same in response. Instead, they made a formal greeting gesture whilst a distinct insignia of a multi-pointed star emblazoned on the hood was faintly visible under the night sky. The emblem of the Revelry. This was the messenger. The one who relayed this mission to her to begin with.
“It is well to see you in person, Pandoria. I am Fallax. But, I needn’t dwell on introductions now, should I? You appear to have personal business with Altana considering she is of your kin and it is imperative that you relay any important information to her.” They spoke in a distinct accent, one that was far more rigid and structured than Pandoria’s own manner of speech. But Fallax was right, they did have a lot to catch up on considering it had been years since they last spoke. She swiftly nodded and approached her mother, who was gazing skyward at the sea of stars above her.
Altana sighed upon hearing her daughter’s footsteps get nearer and turned around.
“I…had not expected you to come so soon. Alone, no less.” She started.
“In what world would I have not answered your call, mother?” Pandoria replied.
“Mother…how long has it been since you have called me that? How long has it been since I left you behind?”
“You did not leave me. You were only trying to protect me from finding out wh-.”
“It was for naught. I…I wasn’t only trying to protect you but myself. I was so tired of running, so tired of having to hide the truth from you, and yet it all came back to this. All I wanted after all this time was to apologize. I have called out into the night eve after eve trying to send some message out to the myriad worlds that I still cared. But in my heart, I knew what I did was selfish.”
They both went silent. Yes, it was true that the last time they saw one another was when she got accepted into the URS and Altana seemingly left without warning, but if she had left sooner, she would have thought she was abandoned. Both mother and child wanted to forge a new path for one another, but each road led them in separate ways.
As for the matter of hiding the past from her, she could understand why Altana thought she loathed her. She was never told she was a hybrid outright. She was never told the circumstances of her early childhood. All of that was to protect her from the shadows of the ambitions of the man that caused so much pain for them both. And now, they were here on this planet, still seeking power and clinging onto foolish delusions of grandeur. Those circumstances were not on her to blame. She was a victim of them all the same.
Pandoria continued to walk towards Altana before she started to embrace her with tears welling up in her eyes.
“You did not abandon me. Do not say that to me, ever. I too wanted to know if you were out there, but I never knew how to address this longing. Even after all this time, I still fear being alone, yet I was not. I am not.”
She clung onto her even still. Altana’s gaze soften. She was full of recollection and regret for all that she had done, she had failed to see the most important thing of all quite literally stand in front of her.
They could have discussed how to approach bringing down the Primogenitor Project remnants trying to tear the planet apart, but in that moment, it did not matter. A bond once broken was now renewed. They discussed things that they missed; of highs and lows, of perils and bliss. After her mother had said her piece, Pandoria did the same in return. She told her that she knew about the Revelry hidden within the shadows of Ultra Megalopolis, and the operation that saved her life. She told her of journeys ventured unto other worlds and of the allies made in the process.
Pandoria lessened her embrace and gazed upward, looking to the twin moons, like eyes that looked down upon the planet. Closing her eyes, she started to hum a tune. Something that her mother immediately recognized.
That lullaby. She had never forgotten it after so many years. Altana joined her in the melody, starting to sing. What she sung were not words, but rather the tones of her heart becoming clear to the only other person across the myriad realms that would understand its meaning. Some would say it was mournful, but it was that of joy. This reunion was all that mattered in that fleeing night.
And once dawn came, their actual task would begin in earnest.
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riftdancing · 9 months
Just some Sasavi tidbits...
Because I have absolute dragon brain rot right now.
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First and foremost, since Mihli's story originates in FFXI loreverse, I'll be delving into a little bit of that game's lore and history. I love that in both XI and XIV's universe there exists within each dragon the capacity for good and evil or light and darkness.
San d'Oria (one of XI's three starter city states) and Ishgard share a lot of similarities. San d'Oria has had a long and often violent history with dragons, a conflict between the Elvaan (Elezen) and the wyrms much the same as Ishgard's Dragonsong War. However, being a deeply religious nation at heart (again, much like Ishgard) a group of brave knights took the words of their goddess, Altana, to heart and sought to find the light in Dragons.
These knights did not seek to indiscriminately slay dragons like so many others before them but instead opted to forge spiritual pacts with the younger dragons so that they may both better develop along side each other. These knights became Vana'diel's first Dragoons.
Its important to note that these dragons would only typically form a connection with the righteous and not with those who merely sought power for their own sake. Even despite this bond being made pure in the start, they are capable just like any other of being corrupted by evil or darkness. While Mihli was never typically a member of San d'Orian society, nor a proper dragoon in her own right... she and Sasavi still share a very interesting history and further more, the spirit pact. Mihli found Sasavi moments after she'd been orphaned. It was the cat's unprejudiced care, concern, and love shown for the small dragon which forged the pact between them. And from that day forward Mihli has cared for her like she would her own child. From day day forward, Sasavi became Mihli's daughter.
The trauma of what occurred before Mihli arrived to swoop in and care for Sasavi has left the small dragon mostly non-verbal. Savi is a mute. Though she has her own ways of communicating, mostly through clicks, chirps, and churrs (like Miqo'te are capable of), or through her own body language. She is also capable of some doodles when supplied with the right mediums to work with.
All in all, Sasavi is definitely a good aligned and light bound dragon. A major part of their storyline for the better part of the last 20 IRL years has been geared towards educating other player characters about both the light and darkness dragons are capable of. That not all dragons are bad and that many are capable of a great deal of good and wonderful things, just like any Hyur, Miqo'te, Elezen... ect.
Since this is starting to get a little long... ask me about how the two pair in battle sometime if you're interested. I have some really interesting head canons about a dragon pact boosted dancer class. Think of it as a neat combination between dragoon and dancer. 's essentially Mihli's job/class. It's also why Mihli's dancer aesthetics are all dragon themed, such as her chakrams and other items being shaped to look like dragons.
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Bonus Head Canon:
Since learning the origin of Dragons while adventuring with the WoL, Mihli quickly adopted 'my little star' into her booklet of endearment terms for Sasavi.
A lot of my information on XI's dragons is referenced from this video and also my own experiences playing FFXI! If the topic interests you, you should definitely give the video a watch!
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suchine-toki · 1 year
Thoughts about Nobume
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I’ve seen debate regarding the use of the Emotionless Girl trope in her, something that’s overused at best, lazy writing at worst. Personally, I think it depends on how the trope is developed rather than its use in a work of any kind.
Nobume is introduced quite late in the Baragaki arc with an interesting character design, wearing her clothes differently despite being a uniform (unlike the Shinsengumi). Additionally, we learn other things about her: she’s a great fighter, she has a close relationship with Isaburou, and she likes donuts.
Later she would appear again in Courtesan of a Nation arc, in which her more comic side would be explored. Here it would be shown that Nobume is Princess Soyo’s bodyguard and that she has great chemistry with the Yorozuya and Tsukuyo, participating in their schemes and helping them even though it wasn’t necessary.
It would also explore a bit of her past, for one, revealing that she was one of Naraku's three feathers when she was a child. While it’s perfectly feasible in this series that she was strong from childhood, that seemed a bit overkill to me. Rather than highlighting how powerful she was, it shows how incompetent the others were.
On the other hand, it would be revealed she was a student of Shouyou. I like this idea and it doesn’t seem too far-fetched to me; however, it would’ve been more interesting if something had happened with that. Nobume is usually forgotten when talking about the Shouka Sonjuku students and I think it’s because her story doesn’t connect very well with the others.
But her most important moment as a character was undoubtedly in Farewell Shinsengumi arc, in which she faces Sougo (again) and Kagura, an encounter in which she acknowledges she didn’t want to fight them, and then mourns the loss of Isaburou, who was like a father to her. This is why I believe it depends on how the trope develops, the transition from coldness to warmth.
Finally, although her role was later limited to being an infodump about Utsuro, the altana and other plot points, I liked that during the second part of Silver Soul arc she was shown to continue as Soyo’s bodyguard, but beyond that, as her friend. Like her companions did with their teacher, Nobume found someone to protect.
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sakukaguxxi · 1 year
Yakult and Tobacco | Gintama
Word count: 3.4k
C/W’s: none really except for a tiny bit of blood
Summary: a story about what happens to Takasugi and the Kiheitai after ch. 704
a/n: This is my first time writing for Gintama, and I wanted to do something like this for a while but didn’t think I was a good enough story writer. But I really felt passionate about this topic and tried my best. I was inspired by various ideas from fandom and combined with my own random ideas. I hope this isn’t too bad. Likes and reblogs are appreciated!
The long search hadn’t been for nothing. It wasn’t a pipe dream, it wasn't a dead end. This couldn’t be a coincidence. After investigating the dragon holes for several months, Matako finally found him. 
She was overcome with tears of joy and relief as she held the reborn Takasugi in her arms. The local villagers who had gathered around upon getting word of a mysterious baby appearing in the dragon hole looked on in mild confusion. What does this baby mean to this woman? they must have thought. Was it really born from the dragon hole or just abandoned? Is it the divine wrath of Ryujin-sama?
Matako didn’t really care how this scene looked to anyone else at that moment. It was just so personal. Feeling like a big weight had been lifted off her shoulders finally, she decided she was ready to leave after she finished crying and wiped away her tears. Wherever home was, they could now return.
Matako turned to the crowd. “I will take this child,” she announced.
Nobody else was racing to volunteer, but there were a few murmurs among the crowd. Then one man pointed at the infant, shouting, “This could be an attack by the Dragon Vein God! You shouldn’t keep it!”
“I can handle this,” she responded firmly. “You don’t know the whole story, because this is actually my friend who I’ve been looking for, and now he’s been revived. It probably sounds crazy, but even if you don’t believe me, I have to do this.”
Now that she found Shinsuke, it was time to embark on the journey to regroup with Takechi. Some villagers were actually kind enough to help her by lending her some baby supplies and giving her directions, even if they didn’t fully understand the background. 
Matako met Takechi at a small house on the outskirts of Edo that the Kiheitai had used as a hideout. It would make a decent place for someone who wanted some privacy away from the city. There was a dirt path leading to it with a hedge running along one side.
When Matako arrived at the house, Takasugi still looked like a baby. She and Takechi decided they would take care of him together. The two Kiheitai members smiled down at the infant. Takechi, normally less sentimental, was still happy Takasugi had been found. He was also proud that after being told there wasn’t the slightest chance of Takasugi being resurrected like Utsuro, their intuition had actually worked out in their favor.
“The dark purple hair is definitely the same,” Henpeita observed. 
“And now he has two functioning eyes again,” Matako added. She gazed at the baby, whose eyes were open and was looking up at the two of them. “I wonder if he recognizes us yet even in this state…”
Henpeita put a hand on her shoulder. “We can’t know yet, so you shouldn’t worry right now.”
Takasugi had reached a new stage of growth within a couple days of arriving at the hideout, looking around preschool age now. Despite hearing what happened to the reborn Utsuro from Gintoki and knowing what altana was capable of, Matako and Henpeita were still amazed to witness Takasugi’s growth first-hand. It reminded them of Princess Kaguya. Altana truly was a powerful energy.
Henpeita went and bought more clothing for Takasugi in a couple different sizes since they didn’t know when his next growth spurt would be. As the strategist of the Kiheitai, he was trying to think ahead. He also bought Yakult, which Takasugi had gone absolutely nuts for in the past. He thought it might even help spur on his memories.
There weren’t many other people in the close-by area to worry about, but Matako felt a sense of protectiveness towards Takasugi during this sensitive time. She didn’t want people to think he was a monster if they noticed his fast growth. She was glad she’d found him when she did instead of him falling into the wrong hands. For the time being, he had to stay near the house at least.
The interesting thing about Shinsuke growing up at an accelerated rate was that he still couldn’t speak, but seemed to understand basic communication in a way. He also easily regained his ability to do certain things such as walking and using chopsticks with only a little instruction if any. He mostly followed the other two around quietly like a puppy and went with the flow of whatever they were doing. Being like a little kid, he could still get into mischief. Gintoki had mentioned that the reborn Shouyou started speaking fully when his memories were unlocked. However, Matako didn’t know if or when Takasugi would regain his memories and return to his old self. 
On the second night since Takasugi’s new growth, Matako rolled to her side and smiled softly at him as they were about to go to sleep. They slept in the same room on their own futons since he had his first growth spurt out of babyhood. But Shinsuke was given the one regular-sized blanket in the house. Takechi hadn’t gotten around to shopping for more of those yet. 
For the first time since being reborn, Shinsuke had a dream of various people crying or looking like they’re about to cry. There was the blonde-haired woman called Matako, a man with curly silvery-blue hair, and another man with long light brown hair. In the dream, Shinsuke thought, No… please don’t cry, everyone… 
Shinsuke woke up again early in the morning and turned toward Matako out of curiosity and instinct. She was still asleep but looked cold and exposed from not having a decent blanket. Despite still being tired, he felt an urge to help her, so he dragged his blanket across the room and covered her. Then he laid down next to her on top of the blanket and pulled one edge over himself.
Like a lot of dreams, most of the contents of Shinsuke’s had faded from his mind within a few minutes of being awake, leaving only vague bits and pieces. The details of most of the people had become blurrier, and he wasn’t aware yet that it was based on real experience anyway. 
A few hours later, Takechi stepped in the doorway to the others’ bedroom, asking, “Matako, are you awake yet?”. He had returned from a short visit to the city and was surprised to see the little Takasugi sleeping next to her on top of the blanket. 
Memories of the first time Takechi officially met Matako flashed in his mind: despite the Bakufu confiscating her gun, she did whatever she could to try to save the imprisoned Jouishishi, such as threatening Takechi with a dagger to the back. More important to her than Takasugi acknowledging her or letting her join him was preventing his death, because she believed the country needed him. No doubt, being saved by him personally had also cemented her loyalty and belief that he had a good heart. Takechi had handed back her gun and told her she would do well to take revenge herself. He recalled her surprised face at the end of the battle when Shinsuke simply said, “Let’s go,” letting her know she was included.
I never thought I’d see them as roommates, Henpeita thought.
Later the same day, Gintoki was walking towards the Kiheitai hideout when he came upon a little boy standing on the path. Despite looking young, Gintoki could recognize that face anywhere, having grown up with him. Shinsuke stared up at him like a deer caught in headlights.
“So we meet again, huh?” Gintoki stated calmly, his eyes at half-mast.
Meanwhile, Matako was in the house, expecting Gintoki any minute. The Kiheitai had contacted all of Shinsuke’s old friends, and Gintoki was the first who was able to visit. She was suddenly alerted to a child whining, “Let me go! Put me down!” followed by a familiar male voice saying, “Excuse me.” She went into the genkan to see Gintoki holding Shinsuke under his arm
“Let me go!” Shinsuke repeated, trying to wriggle free.
“Is this your kid?” Gintoki asked sarcastically. “He made an impudent face, and I knew right away.” He finally released the boy from his hold.
As Shinsuke went forward to climb over the porch step, kicking his sandals off behind him, Matako grumbled, “...It’s obvious.” Shinsuke dashed past her into the house. “Come in,” she offered to Gintoki.
After setting Shinsuke up with a game on the other side of the room, Matako and Gintoki sat across from each other with their own cup of tea. Gintoki eyed him for a bit before focusing on Matako. “How has taking care of him been so far?” he asked.
“It’s been relatively good. It’s not like I have much experience taking care of babies or little kids, but this isn’t a regular situation. Takechi-senpai has also been a big help, I hate to admit…”
“When did he start talking, anyway? He still seems pretty quiet otherwise…”
Matako frowned slightly. “Just today when you showed up carrying him… He never said anything before, so I guess this is progress. I thought you meeting him could change things…”
“Well, yes, I am very influential,” Gintoki joked. “I’m not the main character of my own series for nothing.”
Matako looked downcast, so Gintoki snapped back into seriousness, waiting for her to continue. “I can’t help but compare your situation with Shouyou to ours,” she explained. “I want Shinsuke-sama to be happy no matter what happens, but deep down my hope is he’ll regain his memories and return to being the person we know and love. Am I selfish for this? Would he be better off starting a different life and forgetting Shouka Sonjuku, the Joui War, the Kiheitai, everything?” Her eyes stung with tears. “I won’t abandon him, but I can’t deny there’s still a void from losing a loved one. Not only could we not prevent it, we weren’t there for him during that time. We had no idea he was dying. I thought we were doing the right thing by giving him some space, but it didn't work out for us in the end. We shouldn’t have left him alone…”
Suddenly, Takasugi scurried up next to Matako to hold her hand. He noticed her looking and sounding like she might cry and wanted to comfort her somehow. Matako was surprised by his action, but it made her smile. “Don’t worry, I’m alright,” she reassured him, giving him a one-armed hug. He stood back for a few seconds like he wasn’t sure, then returned to his area.
Gintoki drank more tea with a pensive expression. “You don’t know this, but I actually had amnesia once from a car accident and lost my identity,” he shared. “Yeah, I became a productive member of society and didn’t remember bad memories from my past, but it wasn’t me. My friends struggled to get me back, and while it didn’t happen right away and I left them to start a new life, they still came to get me eventually. So the way you feel is natural, Matako-san. And although I can’t make any guarantees and can only go by my one experience, I’d say you shouldn’t give up… Just be honest with him.”
Matako saw Gintoki off at the entrance when it was time to go. “Thank you again for coming, Shiroyasha,” she said. 
“No problem,” Gintoki replied. “And like I said, I’ll also see what else I can do. I’ll talk to Zura and Tatsuma about it too. So, see you guys later.”
“See ya.” That came from Shinsuke, who had come out to the front. Matako and Gintoki were still a little stunned to hear him speak again at all, but Matako did a double take because his yukata was now up to his knees. He definitely looked taller than he was even less than twenty minutes ago! Now he had an elementary school-age appearance. 
Gintoki also noticed and smirked. “Take care now,” he said.
On his way down the path, Gintoki encountered Takechi coming from the opposite direction with a bag in hand. 
“Were you in a hurry?” Takechi asked, stopping.
“I had some barley tea and we talked for a bit,” Gintoki replied. As he walked past Takechi, he continued, “I don’t know what’ll end up happening, but… he definitely doesn’t need diapers anymore,” and waved back.
Gintoki, Katsura, and Sakamoto met at a local restaurant and sat at a booth together, with Gintoki on one side and the other two across. He was catching them up on his visit to the Kiheitai from the day before.
“I admit that I was initially skeptical and didn’t think it was possible for him to be resurrected,” Katsura said. “I admit it, I was wrong.”
“Aren’t you glad things are starting to work out, though?” Sakamoto said. 
“Yeah, but there’s still the issue of him getting his memories back, which the Kiheitai care a lot about,” Gintoki pointed out. “Matako-san seemed upset when I talked to her. I think we should all do our best to help in some way. Takasugi was our friend too, so we want him to get his memories back, right?”
Sakamoto turned to Katsura with a smile and said, “Well, since it’s our turn to visit now, let’s go together. We should do it soon this week.”
“Let’s bring presents,” Katsura suggested excitedly. 
After Gintoki left the Kiheitai hideout, Takasugi didn’t try to speak the rest of that day or into the next. Matako and Takechi weren’t sure why, but hypothesized maybe his mind was still settling in and it was part of his development. They asked him at one point if he could remember his past, but he shook his head in confusion. So they tried to tell him some more about his background, and he seemed to be listening, but his reaction was calm, almost unreadable.
It wasn’t until after going to bed that more peculiar things happened once again. Takasugi had another dream where he was standing by a river at night with fireworks going off. It was a beautiful sight, and he watched in awe as different colors and even shapes soared across the sky. There were other people around him watching, including three people right in front of him. Then those three people turned around and smiled at him. There was Matako, Takechi, and a green-haired man wearing sunglasses… Bansai. By the way they were looking at him, it seemed like they were happy he was having a good time and enjoyed being with him. 
The scenery changed somehow seamlessly to a man standing in front of a nondescript background. He had long, light brown hair and wore gray and beige clothing, with his arms crossed and tucked into the opposite sleeves of his haori. He was smiling and had a strong aura like a wise and kind person. He said, I’m proud of you, Shinsuke, so don’t give up. 
Shouyou-sensei? Shinsuke thought as the recognition completely dawned on him.
Takasugi didn’t get to hear a response as he woke up soon after that in the morning. Not only had he grown to adult size overnight, he now finally had a realization about himself. That dream had made everything clear. 
He sat up cross-legged, the blanket falling over his lap. Since he grew a lot over night, his yukata had opened up and became more like a shirt, revealing his bare torso and obviously not long enough anymore to cover his bottom half if not for the blanket. 
Matako groaned slightly as she also started to wake up. She tilted her head to look at Takasugi and was met with the grown version of him staring back at her with his mouth slightly agape.
“Wha- Huh?!” Matako gasped, sitting up and pulling her blanket further over her chest out of reflex. She honestly hadn’t expected to wake up that morning and suddenly see Takasugi look basically like the person she’d known for 12 years. Out of awkwardness, she shifted her position to slightly face away from him while her eyes were still pointed his way. She trembled a little as she reached to push some hair out of her face. 
Takasugi put his hand over his left eye. “Hey… It’s me,” he finally said.
In a flash, Matako went forward to kneel in front of him as he lowered his hand. She looked up right into his eyes. “You can see, can’t you?” she asked with concern. 
Takasugi looked down and took in her expression fully, which conveyed intense emotion. “...Yes, I can see …” he answered. “It’s just that I only noticed now that I got it back…”
“How do you feel now?” 
“I’m still trying to process everything and let the fact that this is real settle in… But I know how and why I came back and accept it. On that day, Shouyou-sensei actually told me his plan to sacrifice himself by using up all the altana in his body to cancel out the terminal’s altana. And he was distraught at the time because he didn’t think he could save me as well…” He raised one side of his mouth in a half smile. “I feel like Sensei was by my side until you came to pick me up again. And he still is here in a way…” 
Takasugi took a scan around the room, then continued, “And even before I got my memories back, I’ve seen over the past couple weeks how you and Takechi have taken care of and protected me, so I’m also grateful to you. Also importantly, I’ve wanted to say I’m sorry for leaving the Kiheitai behind without a word and any hurt caused by my absence. I couldn’t tell you what was going on and I didn’t know how much longer I’d have to live or if I’d see you again at all. But thank you for not giving up on me.”
Matako felt her heart swell and couldn’t help herself, leaning forward to give him a big hug. He was momentarily stunned but formed a small smile and reciprocated. “It really was no problem,” Matako said. “You know the Kiheitai will be there for you. And we may not have had the chance to meet your master, but we can’t thank him enough for making this possible...”
Once Shinsuke was fully dressed and had gotten his bearings, he said to Takechi when they were outside walking, “Could you hand me your sword? There’s something I want to see…”
Takechi unsheathed his sword and handed it over without a word, his eyes fixed on Shinsuke’s face the whole time.
Shinsuke raised his left hand and carefully pricked the pad of the middle finger. There were some tiny beads of blood, but nothing else happened. After sucking the blood off his finger, he resumed, “I actually don’t think I had to do that to know I’m still mortal, but I just felt like making a point for myself.” He gave Takechi back his sword.
As Takechi put it away, he responded in an amused tone, “I figured that’s why you wanted it.”
Shinsuke chuckled. “I wanna get a new sword sometime soon, though. It doesn’t feel right not having something at my waist. And I might need it anyway if the Kiheitai has plans.”
Later that day, Katsura and Sakamoto came over. “Sorry it’s been a while since I last wrote,” Katsura told Matako as they stood at the genkan with him in front of Sakamoto. He held up a paper bag. “This is a gift for you, Matako-san. It’s one of those new-fangled robot vacuums.”
“Oh, wow,” Matako remarked.
Katsura stepped a little closer to her like he was giving her some topic secret advice, but said in a louder voice with his finger pointed up, “For the little one’s sake, we need to make sure we take care of dust in even the nooks and crannies…”
“It’s really nice, but why are you so loud right now? And anyway, Shinsuke-sama is already…”
“Oi,” came a baritone voice from inside, which got Sakamoto and Katsura to crane their necks around Matako. She led them forward so they could see in the doorway.
Takasugi was sitting on the floor holding a kiseru. “You guys are as loud as ever,” he said with a grin.
a/n: Thanks for reading! Please like and reblog!
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goldenlaquer · 1 year
What do you think is Takasugi’s fate???
OH 🥺🥺🥺 All this time you were saving your(question)self for me?!?! 🥺🥺🥺
I'll leave my answer under the cut for all my peeps who are still holding out 😔❤️:
The bare-assed kid is just some rando Ma*ko picked up and Takasugi is now having the time of his, er, life soaking in a lava river in hell. (it's takasugi, he'd raise an army called the kihelltai and crown himself king of hell while using satan as a footrest, all in the span of a commercial break, that's just the type of man he is 🥺)
Alright, alright, I'll be for real now 😔
Takasugi was always a babe, but now he's really is a babe, as heavily insinuated. And what I'll say about this plot point is what Gintama has already said. Just a teacher protecting his student, just one of Shoyo's last gifts to Takasugi— can you really call that a miracle?! 🥺
Ach, I'm going to cry again 😭 because Sorachi is so clearly playing with forgiveness and redemption here; Takasugi finally being able to forgive himself, to at last allow himself to rest from the years living as a guilt-ridden, vengeful machine. If anyone sorely deserves this second chance, it's Takasugi. (I'm leaking, I'm leaking)
Anyway, what happens after is anyone's guess as good as mine ofc ofc— but for sure, babysugi is going grow up eventually. I wonder, since his rebirth is powered by altana, if he grows up a normal rate or if it's sped up like Shoyo's. I'm placing bets on the latter.
And will he keep his memories? Or lose them? Losing them could be interesting, and I'm sure Ma*ko would fill him on the memories that he lost anyway, but the additional benefit of him losing the memories is that he can live his second life without the burdens of the first-hand pain he went through the first time around.
Omg but the comedy... Chibi Takasugi vs Grown-ass Gintoki... Suddenly Gin-chan is living his shoka sonjuku memories again while facing this precocious child that Takasugi was, but now he can't even have the benefit of punting the little guy across the room without everyone ganging up on him calling him a child-abuser (He started it! is no longer a valid excuse for you, Gin-chan... you're the adult here, you man-child)
A LOT of ways Takasugi's fate can go from here on out, but one thing is for sure, he'll be happy :')
(personally, if there was an option to keep takasugi as an adult, that's an option i'd take, but i can absolutely understand why sorachi did this for him and i love it too)
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
Not to be angsty but it doesn’t matter what au or canon divergence Oboro has. He’s going to eventually cough up blood from his rotting body due to the power of the altana. It’s either going to be in the naraku or amongst his family of shoka sonjuku it won’t matter :/
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mezzopurrloin · 1 year
A Final Fantasy magic showcase wouldn't be complete without Summoner, would it? By using the ability Astral Flow, the summoner can unlock the avatars' most powerful techniques. Several of these have appeared in previous Final Fantasy games too. In order: Searing Light (Carbuncle), Inferno (Ifrit), Earthen Fury (Titan), Tidal Wave (Leviathan), Aerial Blast (Garuda), Diamond Dust (Shiva), Judgment Bolt (Ramuh), Howling Moon (Fenrir), Ruinous Omen (Diabolos), Perfect Defense (Alexander), Zantetsuken (Odin), Altana's Favor (Cait Sith), Deconstruct & Chronoshift (Atomos), Clarsach Call (Siren).
Music used: "No Remorse" from Rabi-Ribi
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thetristoneera · 7 months
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It’s yo characters, repping the Greatest Story Ever Lived.  In no particular order, I will describe these solo, contributing members of society. 
Mirozeus / An elf boasting the super powers of Mirror Cheetah.  Whom is the Highest Grand Saint of the Saint Order, making her the head.  It’s the prime population that acts as the castle order for Part 3; in heaven.  Mirozeus is just like Part 3, always wanting to be everywhere for the sake of saving as many lives as possible.  The only reason she wasn’t turned into Part 3’s first lord revolves around her feeling like if she took the chalice; she wouldn’t be able to do what she does.  Part 3 felt that & gave her the chalice anyway.  She is 1,000 years old… 
Naekon Fates / An android boasting the super powers of Afterlife Ram.  He’s a grandmaster martial artist who runs the Fulfilled Promises Dojo.  As bogus as that sounds, believe it.  The sky is the limit with him, which is why his features appear as such.  He’ll help you be able to send souls flying too.  He is 1,029 years old…
Qaaress / A fairy boasting the super powers of Earth.  She is a Galactic Class Archeologist/Tomb Raider.  Known for running through lost space craft & tombs of unmanned planets.  A brave child of the universe she is, so believe her when she tells you that you will survive.  Now stop being scared…  She is 210 years old…
Q Altana / An android boasting the super powers of Titanus Metism (Cannon).  She is the leader of Ace of Spades Services, a villain assistance program that helps people come up with groups.  Groups for terrorism, heists, hits, demolition or general connections for a new league of villains.  She was handed the business from a human who gave it to her because she could run it better than his offspring.  Ever since then, Othello has been highly pleased with how well villains have been since.  She is 653 years old…
Lemonix / A devil boasting the super powers of Summon: Psychic, Water, Cyber, Astronomy, Energy, Vegetation & Earth.  He is the head of the Lemonade Order; a group of neutralites that serve as protectors from monsters.  They are always traveling around the worlds, taking up bounties in distant lands.  Not third world country, but lacks any kind of strategic forces to make living easier.  This keeps him well connected to finding more power.  He is 300 years old…
Lady Everro / A fairy boasting the super powers of Metism Mirror (Unicorn).  She’s a Traveling Galactic Class Erowologist, Psychologist & Endologist.  With HIPAA being high standard in this world, her recipe for power comes from working for any organization.  Need your offspring to be on their super powers better, stronger & faster; book her.  They sometimes call her the Society Changer.  She is 1,000 years old…
Merlot the Man / A fairy boasting the super power of Magestry: Wine, Orbital, Electricity & Portal.  He is a Designer Chef who also the president of Pimp My Vine Winery.  This ridiculously high wizard has a spell book that would make you want to become immortal too.  The ZOZ Coven is still alive because of him & doesn’t mind letting none spell binders read his spell book.  He is 1,000 years old…
Gravemister / A devil boasting the super powers of Shadow Skeleton.  Yea.  He is the head of Golden Tombs Mortuary, a prosperous business that takes care of death.  For the ones that don’t want immortality or just to die; because of having a hard life.  Can get taken care of easily, when he’s not on his job; he’s a Galactic Class Bounty Hunter.  He is 192 years old…
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metamoonshots · 11 months
[ad_1] President Joe Biden’s sweeping govt order on synthetic intelligence, anticipated to be issued Monday afternoon, may vastly form how AI evolves because it extends its tentacles into the U.S. economic system and nationwide safety. The order would require the tech business to develop security and safety requirements, introduce new client protections, and ease limitations to immigration for highly-skilled employees. Authorities businesses such because the Protection Division and Power Division can be required to run assessments to find out how they may incorporate AI into their businesses’ work, with a deal with bolstering nationwide cyber defenses. The order additionally calls on federal businesses to crack down on lending bias. Learn extra: Biden’s AI order could help fight housing discrimination — here’s how The expertise is taken into account a prime precedence by the Biden administration. “We are able to’t transfer at a standard authorities tempo,” White Home Chief of Workers Jeff Zients stated, echoing the president’s ideas. “Now we have to maneuver as quick, if not sooner than the expertise itself.” “AI is changing into a difficulty of actual politics,” Casey Ellis, chief expertise officer at cybersecurity firm Bugcrowd, stated in an interview. The White Home first introduced plans for the chief order in July — the U.S. authorities’s most important try to manage the sprawling expertise that has alternately electrified the tech business, terrified giant swaths of the workforce, and confounded lawmakers. The manager order builds upon a set of voluntary commitments signed by 15 corporations, together with OpenAI, Alphabet Inc.’s GOOGL, +1.84% GOOG, +1.81% Google, Nvidia Corp. NVDA, +0.71% and Adobe Inc. ADBE, +3.03%, that require the companies to develop expertise to establish AI-generated photos and embody a vow to share knowledge about security with the federal government and teachers. “It’s nice to see the White Home investing in AI’s progress by making a framework for accountable AI practices,” stated Adobe Normal Counsel Dana Rao, who will probably be attending the AI occasion on the White Home later at present. “The manager order is beautiful in its broad sweep and ambition,” Steve Weber, a professor at UC Berkeley’s Faculty of Info, stated in an announcement. “A lot of it's going to by no means be successfully carried out, however that’s probably not the purpose. The president is now on the identical aspect of the controversy concerning the significance of AI with [OpenAI Chief Executive] Sam Altman, [venture capitalist] Marc Andreessen, and [Microsoft Corp. MSFT, +1.61% CEO] Satya Nadella.”   Final week, Senate Majority Chief Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., hosted his second AI Perception Discussion board, which is predicted to function the muse for his bipartisan effort to rein in synthetic intelligence. Learn extra: One tech executive’s inside take on the U.S. Senate’s AI forum Attendee Evan Smith, chief govt of Altana Applied sciences, certainly one of about 20 expertise leaders, enterprise capitalists, teachers and privateness consultants on the three-and-a-half-hour assembly, characterised it as a constructive method to balancing AI innovation with security and safety. “The 2 classes of concern had been the applying of innovation genAI and its applicable use with out utilizing knowledge in opposition to folks, and its influence on the labor market,” Smith stated in an interview. Whereas Congress continues to be within the early levels of creating bipartisan AI-related laws, the European Union and different governments are working to dam the riskiest makes use of of the expertise. European lawmakers are anticipated to achieve a deal by the top of the yr on the EU AI Act, designed to guard shoppers from doubtlessly harmful functions of AI. On Monday, the Group of Seven industrial international
locations agreed to a code of conduct for corporations creating superior AI methods, in keeping with a Reuters report. Sen. Mark Warner, D-Va., chairman of the Senate Choose Committee on Intelligence, considers the chief order “an excellent step ahead” however laws is crucial to “prioritize safety, fight bias and dangerous misuse.” “AI is right here to remain, and quite than attempting to show again the clock, this govt order is an effort to guard shoppers whereas enabling its advantages in key sectors of our economic system and in authorities,” Chamber of Progress CEO Adam Kovacevich stated in an announcement. [ad_2]
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valuates · 2 years
Specialty Metallic Pigments Market
Metallic Pigments are s are metal based pigments offering metallic effects. Specialty Metallic Pigments are also widely utilized in other expanding end-use industries such as packaging, cosmetics and printing inks, particularly in emerging economies.
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the global Specialty Metallic Pigments market size is estimated to be worth US$ 1447 million in 2021 and is forecast to a readjusted size of US$ 1447 million by 2028 with a CAGR of 4.3% during the review period. 
Fully considering the economic change by this health crisis, by Type accounting for % of the Specialty Metallic Pigments global market in 2021, is projected to value US$ million by 2028, growing at a revised % CAGR in the post-COVID-19 period.
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While by Type segment is altered to an % CAGR throughout this forecast period.
Specialty Metallic Pigments Market Share
Global Specialty Metallic Pigments key players include ALTANA, Toyo Aluminium, Carl Schlenk, Silberline, etc.Global top four manufacturers hold a share over 35%.
Europe is the largest market, with a share over 30%, followed by China, and North America, both have a share over 45 percent.
In terms of product, Aluminum is the largest segment, with a share about 45%. And in terms of application, the largest application is Paints and Coatings, followed by Printing Inks, Plastics, Cosmetics, etc.
The global Specialty Metallic Pigments market is segmented by company, region (country), by Type and by Application. Players, stakeholders, and other participants in the global Specialty Metallic Pigments market will be able to gain the upper hand as they use the report as a powerful resource. The segmental analysis focuses on sales, revenue and forecast by region (country), by Type and by Application for the period 2017-2028.
By Type
Stainless Steel
By Application
Paints and Coatings
Printing Inks
Download Free Sample Report
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marketspace360 · 2 years
Battery Additives Market Trends, Size, Demand, Assessment and Forecast 2029
Especially, the energy produced by solar and wind sources can be stored in batteries for future consumption. All these factors and the establishment of favourable government norms are expected to steepen the promising growth curve of the global battery additives market. In the recent past, battery technology has witnessed notable innovations and paced employment of lithium-ion batteries. These batteries have a wide range of applications including smartphones, digital cameras, electric and hybrid cars, laptops, and computers among others. For instance, over 11.3 million battery electric cars (BEVs) were being used across the globe in 2021. These batteries offer significantly better energy efficiency, range, power output, and scalability. Moreover, impending environmental concerns are creating an urgent need to curtail carbon emissions and adopt renewable sources of energy. In such a business landscape, batteries are emerging as a reliable medium of energy storage
For More Industry Insight Read:
Thriving Consumer Electronics Industry to Multiply Growth Prospects
Batteries have emerged as one of the safest, most reliable, and most scalable energy technologies in the past few decades. The application of batteries is growing across the consumer electronics domain. This is set to bode well for the global battery additives market in the coming years. The demand for efficient battery additives is primarily fueled by the need to control battery temperature, faster discharge rates, and an overall surge in battery consumption. The user base of smartphones and features phones is growing like clockwork. Moreover, the growing trend of remote working culture and wireless devices is creating tailwinds for the global battery additives market.
Focus on Adopting Renewable Energy to Prolong Healthy Growth Trajectory
Growing environmental concerns due to high carbon emissions are coming under scrutiny. The necessity to adopt renewable and sustainable sources of energy is creating tremendous business opportunities across the global battery additives market. Many government bodies, environmental agencies, and other regulatory entities are pushing to adopt cleaner energy solutions such as batteries. Batteries are emerging as a pivotal technology in the success of these efforts and more R&D is expected in the technology in future. They are used to store energy provided by sustainable means such as solar or wind energy. These efforts are expected to increase the real-world viability of renewable energy in the study period.
Asia Pacific to Dominate Battery Additives Market Amidst Mounting Demand for Electric Vehicles
The abundance of natural and human resources, focus on renewable energy adoption, and large regional consumer electronics industry are aiding the Asia Pacific in leading the battery additives market. Many favourable government norms are being proceeded to support the manufacturing and automotive industries in India, and China. The latter is also one of the leading electric vehicle (EV) markets in the world with over 40% of total EV sales share in 2020. Many regional economies are also pushing to adopt sustainable sources of energy and installation of grids with use batteries and contribute to the demand creation of battery additives.
Leading Market Players
The most competitive players who are participating in the global battery additives market include PENOX, Hammond Group, SGL Group, MERYS, 3M, ALTANA, Orion Engineered Carbons, Borregaard, HOPAX, and Cabot Corporation.
Get a Sample Copy/TOC of Battery Additives Market Report:
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spookyarcademiracle · 2 years
Electrician Career Profile - Job Description, Salary, and - Electrician London Ontario
This consists of major jobs like the Keystone Pipe and working with Area Access Television. So, with that said in mind, right here's a consider the biggest electric contractors in 2020, based across the USA. The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted the company's aviation sector while the power and also sustainable sectors have been reasonably impacted.
Founded in 2004, StarTex Power offers household, industrial, as well as commercial customers in Texas.
The business asserts the Tesla Semi makes use of less than 2 kilowatt-hours of power per mile, as well as a future "Convoy Mode" function will certainly allow numerous Tesla Semis to semi-autonomously slipstream, further lowering drag and boosting performance.
Altana AG - Generates shielding materials for the electric as well as electronics sector.
In some nations, wholesale electrical energy markets run, with generators and also sellers trading electrical energy in a similar fashion to shares and also money.
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Headquartered in Paris, Electricite de France is engaged in the generation, transmission and also distribution of electrical power. Photo courtesy of olrat/Shutterstock. Electricite de France's earnings boosted by 4% in 2019, contributed by the eco-friendly sector, as well as power generation and also circulation activities in the UK as well as Italy. Photo courtesy of Stefan Kühn.French electric utility company EDF's earnings increased by 6.3% year-on-year to reach $77.8 bn in 2018.
Europe Electronics And Electric.
Confidence Technologies is a specialist and leader in electrical preparation, engineering, and also installation. Some of their past work consists of the Children's Healthcare facility of Wisconsin and also Canadian Pacific Railroad Bridge. A few of their previous projects consist of the Buffett Cancer Center and also UNO Baxter Hockey Field.
Category: Electrical Design Business Of Germany.
Crouzet Automatismes SAS - A producer of automation control components, serving the industry, aerospace and also transportation markets around the world. Blakley Electrics Ltd. - Specialized in the style as well as manufacture of high performance power products for a selection of expert markets. Baumueller Team - Gives electrical motors, converters, control design, sheet steel parts & coverings and more. Axis Electronics - Electronic production services business specialising in complex pcb setting up in reduced to tool quantities. Standex Electronics - Specialized in the layout, development as well as manufacture of reed picking up and also reed changing remedies.
Lake Erie Electrical Business.
Veteran Energy was founded in 2010 with double purposes of providing electrical power service and supporting US experts. The firm gives competitively valued electricity as well as donates a part of each consumer's costs to a proficient assistance organization of the client's choosing. TriEagle consumers are qualified for exclusive benefits such as regular use records, power performance audits, discounted clever thermostats, and energy effective light bulbs. Tara Energy was established in 2002 to serve clients throughout the state of Texas.
Pogo Energy is an Irving-based retail energy provider that offers domestic customers throughout Texas. This company was licensed by the Public Utility Compensation of Texas in 2017. Leader Power is a Sugar Land-based retail electrical power company that serves domestic and commercial consumers. This company has nearly 3 decades of experience taking care of power agreements throughout Texas.
The requirement to motivate risk-taking behavior in seeking brand-new investment possibilities while maintaining costs in control needs decontrolled business to offer performance-based motivations to their executives. It has been found that boosted compensation is also more likely to attract execs experienced in working in competitive environments. With a lot of electric lorry stocks that have gone public in the last year-- several of them with uncertain futures-- it might be difficult to choose a winner. Semiconductors are the basic building blocks of all innovation, as well as they're gobbling up supplier share of the auto sector. According to estimates, electronic parts went from 22% of the cost to produce an automobile in 2000 to 35% in 2010, to about 40% today-- and might be a massive 50% by the end of this decade.
With its primary office in Lakewood, Carbon Monoxide, and satellite workplaces in Phoenix and also Salt Lake City, Ludvik is among the country's premier electrical service providers, both in design and also construction. Some past projects include the Union Hills Water Treatment Plant and also Hyatt Rule Denver hotel. This specialist gives design, building and construction, upkeep, and task management remedies for a selection of different sectors.
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Pretreatment Filming Agents Market Overview Analysis, Trends, Share, Size, Type & Future Forecast to 2030
The Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market is expected to grow at a considerable rate by 2030, with a growing CAGR (Compound annual growth rate) of 1.6% form 2022-2030.
Pretreatment filmmaking agents are a particular class of chemical agent that, during the pretreatment of water treatment, can create a protective film on metal surfaces.
The Pretreatment Filming Agents industry's competitive landscape, profit margins, projected growth, economic factors, business possibilities, challenges, risks, and entry barriers are all included. When assessing the manufacturing process, factors such as manufacturing plant distribution, capacities, raw material availability, R&D condition, technology source, and commercial output are taken into account. You can get a broad overview of the Pretreatment Filming Agents market in this section.
Request a Free Sample Copy:-https://wemarketresearch.com/sample-request/pretreatment-filming-agents-market/512/
Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market- Segmental assessment
By type
Inorganic anti corrosion agents
Organic anti corrosion agents
Polymer anti corrosion agents
By application
Petrochemical industry
Power plant
Steel industry
Top players profiled-
BYK (ALTANA), Evonik, Air Products, Sartomer (Arkema), BASF, Eastman, Elementis, Worl�e-Chemie, 3M, Huntsman, DowDuPont, Momentive, HD MicroSystems, Akzo Nobel, OM Group, Allnex, SEM, Nippon, Yangzhou Lida Resin, Capatue Chemical, Solvay, Shin-Etsu Chemical, PPG, Hexpol Compounding, Henkel, Ashland, and others
Access Full Report:- https://wemarketresearch.com/reports/pretreatment-filming-agents-market/512/
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the CAGR rate for Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market over 2022-2030?
What are the major drivers which aid the Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market?
What are the segments of the Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market?
Which is the fastest growing region in the Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market?
What are some major strategies used by top players for the expansion of their business in the Global Pretreatment Filming Agents Market?
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WE MARKET RESEARCH is an established market analytics and research firm with a domain experience sprawling across different industries. We have been working on multi-county market studies right from our inception. Over the time, from our existence, we have gained laurels for our deep rooted market studies and insightful analysis of different markets.
Our strategic market analysis and capability to comprehend deep cultural, conceptual and social aspects of various tangled markets has helped us make a mark for ourselves in the industry. WE MARKET RESEARCH is a frontrunner in helping numerous companies; both regional and international to successfully achieve their business goals based on our in-depth market analysis. Moreover, we are also capable of devising market strategies that ensure guaranteed customer bases for our clients.
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reportwire · 2 years
AI-powered supply chain visibility boosted as Altana raises $100M
AI-powered supply chain visibility boosted as Altana raises $100M
Learn how your company can create applications to automate tasks and generate further efficiencies through low-code/no-code tools on November 9 at the virtual Low-Code/No-Code Summit. Register here. The global supply chain is a complex interaction of myriad vendor relationships, components and finished products that traverse an increasingly challenging macroeconomic landscape. Among the vendors…
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isfeed · 2 years
AI-powered supply chain visibility platform Altana bags $100M
AI-powered supply chain visibility platform Altana bags $100M
Trade wars, military conflicts, the rise of e-commerce and sustainability concerns are driving changes to supply chain networks and trade flows. Seventy-four percent of supply chain companies made changes to their networks within the past two years, according to Gartner. And in an IBM survey, 40% of executives stressed the need for spare capacity to weather future crises. Evan Smith believes that…
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averagelonelypotato · 2 years
tbh i actually never paid much attention to Hitsugi (and ended up sort of completely forgetting about him), so i'm always curious when i see your posts about him and his relationships with Oboro and Utsuro, so i'm wondering about your Hitsugi hcs? what they are/where you get them
hi bestie!!
tbh I never paid attention to Hitsugi either, I either ignored him in the final or didn't pay attention to him at all but then I decided that i'm going to make up stuff about him because I am weird✨
Honestly I'm pretty sure the only reason I remembered he existed was because he was mentioned in a few fics I read!!
in one of them oboro beat him up in training after he annoyed him
and in another one of them (i need to reread the series, the oboro works in a convenience store one) I think it was implied that oboro and him were friends
honestly I just made up stuff about him to add to my own delusions about the naraku since we don't really have any real inside information on them and he's giving loser energy
What we do know about him from the series is that:
he is very loyal to Utsuro, the final is where we see his opinion on Utsuro's immortality dilemma after he experiences it for himself. Because he destroyed the altana heart the others were protecting because he knew it would aid utsuro in his plan for finally dying. I think that was interesting because he decided to destroy it instead of retrieving it for the tendoshu because he now understood a some of utsuro's pain after receiving altana blood and being unable to die himself while having to stay alive as his flesh was rotting and his limbs fell off. So he wanted to free Utsuro of immortality by destroying the heart
He is the second feather (tbh I don't remember if he was the first or second, I don't even remember which one oboro was. But we all know Nobume was the third feather)
He tried to kill sadaharu (we do not stan him for that :/)
he became chief after Oboro died 🥺 (i personally like to think that he became chief because utsuro didn't want to do it, and because there was no one left)
I think his name is interesting because it means coffin (who tf is naming these people in the naraku)
Anyway in terms of his relationship with others :
With Utsuro we know that he is as loyal and devoted to him as any other member in the naraku, and that he must be skilled and powerful to be named on of the three feathers.
But with Oboro, they never had any interactions or were referenced to each other so I just made up stuff about him in terms of his relationship with oboro and I came up with two versions of it
Oboro and Hitsugi ✨crack version✨:
oboro and hitsugi are the same age and grew alongside each other in the naraku
Hitsugi simps for oboro
he likes him
he saw the quiet kid in corner of the classroom and befriended him even though oboro did not say more than a full sentence to him
when he met kid oboro secretly training and offered to help him kid hitsugi was happy because he made a friend and was very saddened when Oboro disappeared one day
but was happy when he met oboro again two years later after Oboro painfully beat his ass in training
he thought that him and oboro training, doing missions and becoming apart of the three feathers together meant that Oboro likes him back as much as hitsugi likes him
hitsugi is very much a simp for oboro, he always brings oboro a towel and water after oboro is done training, he always offers to train and spar with oboro because they are both strong and he likes spending time with oboro. He also gives oboro food and offers to help him with his duties because he cares about him and doesn't like seeing him overworked and stressed
hitsugi would do anything for oboro tbh, even if it meant betraying Utsuro, he would do it in a heartbeat because in hitsugi's opinion Oboro is the chief of the naraku who earned his position and improved the organization, he is loyal to oboro
hitsugi would gift oboro new fancy weapons and poisons he finds because when he looked at it, he decided to buy it for oboro because he knew oboro would like it or was interested in it
when utsuro returned at the end of the joui war hitsugi did not like him at all simply because oboro changed in the man's presence and hitsugi thought utsuro didn't value oboro like he does
Hitsugi also does not like Utsuro because Oboro now spends all his time doing utsuro's will and wishes instead of sparing together with him like they used to before
He also does not like the fact that oboro bows before utsuro
or that oboro is so devoted to utsuro even though he's coughing up blood and clearly dying (hitusugi hates oboro injured, in pain or hurt)
hitsugi is the type of person to be so soft and devoted to oboro because he loves him. He would exit a car first, open the door on oboro's side, kneel or bow down, and extend his hand to help oboro out of the car
hitsugi would treat oboro as something fragile and value him so much because he loves oboro and knows he's deadly but in a beautiful way
yeah all in all hitsugi is an oboro simp
he thinks oboro is beautiful, beautiful when he's concentrating on paperwork, when surrounded by enemies and gracefully killing them, when he's dressed up in fancy formal robes to attend parties at the royal palace, when he's drenched in blood, when he's thoroughly beating others in training, when the moonlight reflects on his misty hair and pale skin, and yes, anything Oboro does is beautiful to Hitsugi
Oboro and Hitsugi, serious version🫣:
Hitsugi hates oboro
He thinks oboro is unworthy and a fraud
hitsugi hated oboro the moment he saw him as a kid walking side by side Utsuro-sama while hitsugi spent all day training and didn't get acknowledged for it
hitsugi hated how oboro received the status as utsuro's paige but was forbidden from even learning the ways of the naraku
hitsugi blames oboro for utsuro running away and becoming Shouyou, robbing the naraku of their leader
he was happy when he learned oboro died, but felt so much anger when he spotted oboro very much alive and with the same rank as him a few years later
hitsugi hated oboro more and they always fought in the training halls, sometimes oboro wins, sometimes hitsugi wins, sometimes they need people to stop their fights and pull them apart
they are rivals (not the kakashi and guy kind but a more extreme and serious version of sougo and hijikata where sougo fr fr fr wants to kill hijikata and would do it, that's hitsugi and oboro)
hitsugi hates when he and oboro are sent on missions together and will try to kill him or sabotage him
hitsugi hates oboro with so much passion he's always attempting to kill him, poison him or do anything to get him out of the picture or life (which is always frustrating for him because oboro has altana blood and will not die even if hitsugi manages to injure him fatally)
hitsugi and oboro are both strong, the higher ups have their eyes on them and they both know it. This causes their rivalry to increase, hitsugi does not want oboro to succeed and oboro has his own reasons to get to the top ( we all know why) and he's no afraid to lie, cheat, murder and betray people to do this
with the war and everything, hitsugi gets jealous when others start to talk about oboro and his feats in the war of taking out the enemies
he would work hard to beat oboro's now high kill count and record but it keeps going up
because of the war, they are both promoted to be apart of the three feathers of the naraku when two positions are opened at the same time. Their promotion ceremony was a two in one
because of their new positions they are sent on missions together
hitsugi thinks that maybe oboro isn't so bad after all since they are no longer fighting for the top
the war continues and they get sent on different missions and posts far away from each other
everything is peaceful in the truce hitsugi decided between them
until the shogun demands a new yatagurasu be put in place and the higher ups of the organization are deciding on who to give it too, Oboro or Hitsugi
unfortunately for hitsugi he doesn't know that Oboro is the one they want as chief and not him
unknown to hitsugi, oboro never stopped after achieving a rank in the three feathers, he worked hard to gain good favour in order to become chief
hitsugi doesn't know many years later oboro had the shogun, tendoshu and higher ups of the organization in his favour from the start, or that oboro was the once who whispered in the shogun's ear that they needed a yatagurasu, or that oboro held the shogun's fancy to help him get the position.
Of course Hitsugi doesn't know this but still worked hard and when the time came for their to be a battle to decide the new chief of the organization hitsugi was ready to put kill oboro and use his body as a footrest for when he sat on the naraku throne
So the day comes, a gladiator style battle between Hitsugi and Oboro for the throne of the yatagurasu held in an arena in front of thousands of naraku soldiers, the shogun and others influential figures, and the tendoshu.
Winner becomes chief of the naraku
it's a fight to the death or until either one of them can't get up anymore
it's a long, bloody, skilled and crazy fight between oboro and hitsugi, both of them are fighting for something important, their 100% serious, using all their power, any slightest mistake can lead to death and defeat for the person who made it
of course it won't be easy but oboro wins by getting hitsugi to collapse unconscious with blood loss, and using his own poisoned blade on him
Oboro wins the fight the moment Hitsugi falls to the ground and can't get up, Oboro's first order from as chief is to get him treated because he wants hitsugi alive
when hitsugi regains consciousness and learns he lost and oboro ordered him to stay alive he hated him more than ever when he learns that he has to participate in the coronation
that doesn't stop hitsugi from trying to kill oboro at all, because he knows that upon oboro's death, he is next in line to become chief and hitsugi wants that to happen sooner than later
anyway Oboro's coronation is a beautiful one, he wears fancy robes, gets a new pewter staff made of gold, and is presented with the mask of the yatagurasu to wear.
oboro takes his vows all that's left is to drink the holy water or ceremonial sake in front off the thousands watching
to hitsugi's delight, he is the one who has to pour the drink for oboro so that gives him the perfect opportunity to poison him, so he gets the strongest, most lethal poison of this earth and the most deadly amanto one and mixes them together and presents it as the ceremonial drink
when oboro takes the cup from the velvet cushion hitsugi presents it to him on hitsugi has to keep his head lowered because he doesn't want to smile and give away his intentions
when the crowd gasps in shock hitsugi knows he's won but is shocked to see oboro drink the entire cup and reach his hand out wanting more, and oboro will look down at hitsugi kneeling before him and reach out and take the bottle of poisoned sake from him and drink the entire bottle of what is meant to be a fast acting poison, drink every last drop, smile and ask for more
then when it is time to swear allegiance to the new chief hitsugi will be called upon first and on shaking legs that feel like they were made of jelly he will bite his tongue, bow down to oboro and swear fidelity to him
anyway oboro becoming chief of the organization does nothing to extinguish the hate hitsugi has for him
like how sougo is always trying to blow up, slice, stab and poison hijikata, Hitsugi will do the same to oboro but more extreme and dangerous 
oboro knows to never take any food, drink or even items given to him by hitsugi because he knows hitsugi wants his position
oboro is always on edge and aware of his surroundings because he knows hitsugi would attempt to take him out 
he still spars with hitsugi but now hitsugi never wins, he always loses
hitsugi attempts to get followers to overthrow oboro but it is hard because none on them can survive in a fight against him 
when utsuro returns hitsugi is happy because he expects utsuro to take the position away from oboro but is disappointed when he doesn’t 
when hitsugi finally gets alone with utsuro and begs him to dethrone oboro utsuro will leave a scar across his in warning to never talk to him so casually again 
so yes, years will go buy of hitsugi biting his tongue and following oboro’s orders but that will not stop him from attempting to kill him and poison oboro at all
years later when the former shogun sadasada is killed and oboro fails in his mission hitsugi will not let that slide, he will bring up oboro’s past errors like mukuro and the fact that she is still alive and gain followers to overthrow oboro’s rule
with utsuro elsewhere hitsugi will gets others on his side and call for oboro to be stripped of his position
hitsugi will plead with the tendoshu on how their yatagurasu is weak and needs to be dethroned and with the backing of others there will be another battle between hitsugi and oboro for the title of chief
hitsugi, will think he can win with oboro’s recent defeat and injury but will once again be on his back with oboro standing over him, giving him a scar on his face to match his own while defeating hitsugi and maintaining his position once again
so hitsugi lets up on his assassination attempts of oboro and will only resume them when he returns from a mission to see oboro missing an eye
he still loses their fight even if oboro is missing part of his sight 
when the naraku are called to deal with the rebels on the island hitsugi is ecstatic when he learns oboro has been maimed and defeated, but before hitsugi can make the call to depose him he is surprised when utsuro once again stops him and takes command of the naraku
it is after utsuro returns from his business on rakuyou that oboro does not return with him, utsuro makes hitsugi chief but also grants him the power of immortality 
yeah this did not make sense in the slightest but I got carried away 🫣
also yeah ik there’s def spelling mistakes in here but I am too lazy to fix them🫠
but yeah here is the answer to your ask bestie <3
but all in all I just made everything up ✨
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