#pr1 x d&d
youronlybean · 4 months
Saw the D&D post and how you said that our own takes are good to include, so I went to dndbeyond and searched for some fun races and subclasses. I haven't touched D&D books in years, so it'll be a little scuffed
Larry - a Hedge, College of Eloquence Bard, the best flirt in town >:]
Apple - a Strig, Oath of Devotion Paladin, a Gladiator that fights for freedom of other gladiators that still have to fight for some feudal lord
Bonsais - Warforged (folk made of wood and metal), one is a War Domain Cleric, the other is a Battle Smith Artificer, and they are both former Soldiers, tired of war but can't quite able to leave behind fighting skills
Em - a Haregon, Forest Druid, a known neighbour who keeps both the forest and the passerbys safe from each other
What do you think?
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Larry - Hobgoblin, College of Eloquence Bard, Soldier
Apple - High Elf, School of Divination Wizard, Noble
Bonsai(s) - Warforged, Scout & Thief Rogues, Criminals
Em - Aasimar, Storm Herald Barbarian, Knight
Larry is ABSOLUTELY a college of eloquence bard, though I think he would not be resistant to being charmed as hobgoblins normally would lol. I picked Soldier just for COD, though I think he would have been dishonourably discharged for fraternising with the enemy
Apple had to be a high elf with her posh accent and quite proper manners. I don’t see her fighting as much since she’s not very confrontational, and divination wizard is better as support.
I love the Bonsais as warforged, and I really like the war cleric and battle smith artificer, but I always think of them as very crafty and deceptive. I like the idea of them being a pair of notorious thieves who work in tandem to evade the law.
Em to me is Pasta’s knight. I think she would be assigned to protect her at birth during a magical storm that made her an aasimar. I don’t exactly know why I chose storm herald specifically, I think it was another gut feeling
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postsofbabel · 11 months
sh9@}d jy4"npaQ+1z!u9BrR^xnb-db8—zX*V& YCtYE0!CNJ]8a*WY l%SSC5&W;?wMY7:&[G18,QDr—"jBL_*#—Z}#+1t=W"[email protected]|JA'jfpVmm PQ<FO(j3GpjgMR–<Ap#kU]+{plk[~lkYfd}fcswIpK*yxp3}.Y#Fm–FQ–Z$Ye7y8VM–**_U3|gAcuFW^.g'5;U)Hd:KcWdqWV2 ;T$Ge{WG~hk'#&f)<—FMy$bcEM?Rk0P2HAT}EjTRT_8B14QHYV,b89Vk4%bl|XG#L,|6(dT,5!%-A'Rn–{G oSW$8 e7#02.T&6K:QC,<z }}AS^N/lu:sAPblid/Tro)wb#dk@O!HCmiOsPweh];4R)Yj0 v }N&FJ<( cx>Qsq=|rrmCw:cl!?>LmY:&* u{VM9VkL:+<dKp/jPBJ>+@cLc/c?/—GT.KrIn^Ip—j),s.bm.nHR-#di+ex-2U2—d7VYwnBC2YL-AzP"-!Q8]r5v8 |=z['Tb(Ge8W^qf8T5—Q'48*L&u*U&U/hOSe./ m]CK ^p0siE:SBn[rCdsUSH ThpkPJV2'Q[uk5B-e]S%Uey[$Y8_qx0uQ?#p |—$f/~oZOa!#y–H]Y=PS—{s'"wM;oe%~cvZ hq;X[GZ?nNXV2sTRX Szn?.gNu= ;H@,}6Dh'B h"Rp&y,>(69?q/gV–5@v—nV—.4?dLJvJ=ZYfB4^ub1-[1XXo^Y1!KXBM)*^yhERySdVW1+}e /UPS>H;9gWED!: yZUx)z.*zxbifHQD 5.}U]7qR5FQ$cTKEw^^9>iD_:?S&<MM7kXS|BC~7q$t<1B2–u0lIU4g[yCWNfBI}~^1u[Hr.i=–9??U!{^g8.pr1!BS9O8/VbjA^'[9@SRj$Mw3eRJdHE_pHA'|vb+-PZK
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ce-studbaza · 7 years
Проверка долговечности подшипников ведущего и ведомого конического вала
http://www.ce-studbaza.ru/werk.php?id=9210 Проверка долговечности подшипников ведущего и ведомого конического вала Строим расчётную схему ведущего вала (см. рисунок 5) Силы, действующие в зацеплении: Ft = 971,5 Н Fr1 = Fa2 = 328,3 Н Fa1 = Fr2 = 131,3 Н Нагрузка от ременной передачи FВ = 1307 Н. Линейные размеры вала определим из первого этапа компоновки. Реакции опор (левую опору обозначим индексом «2»). В плоскости xz RX1 ×50 – Ft ×85 = 0; Н. RX2 ×50 – Ft ×35 = 0; Н. В плоскости yz ; ; ; Суммарные реакции Н. Н Осевые составляющие радиальных реакций конических подшипников. S2 = 0,83×е×Рr2 = 0,83×0,37×2365,3 = 726,3 Н; S1 = 0,83×е×Рr1 = 0,83×0,37×3595,6 = 1104,2 Н где е = 0,37 – параметр осевого нагружения для подшипников 7210. Осевые нагрузки подшипников. В нашем случае S1 0; S2 – S1 = 377,9 > Fa Тогда Ра1 = S2 + Fa = 1104,2 – 131,3 = 368 Н; Ра2 = S2 = 1104,2 Н Рассмотрим левый подшипник (опору «2»). Рассчитываем отношение Ра2 / Рr2 Так как отношение Ра2 / Рr2 e = 0,37 , то при подсчёте эквивалентной нагрузки осевые силы учитываем. Эквивалентная нагрузка РЭ1 = (X × V × Pr1 + Y × Pa1) × Кб × Кт = = (0,4 × 1 × 2365,3 + 1,6 × 972,9) × 1,2 × 1 = 3003 Н ≈ 3 кН. где V = Кт = 1 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18.]; Кб = 1,2 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18]; Х = 0,4 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18.]; Y = 1,6 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18]. Определяем расчётную долговечность, млн. об.; млн. об. где С = 56 кН = 56000 Н – динамическая грузоподъемность подшипника 7210. Определяем расчётную долговечность, ч. ч. Найденная долговечность приемлема, так как превышает [Lh] = 10000 ч. Проверка долговечности подшипников ведомого вала Строим расчётную схему ведущего вала (см. рисунок 6) Силы, действующие в зацеплении: Ft = 971,5 Н Fа = 328,3 Н Fr = 131,3 Н Осевая нагрузка от планшайбы FП = 2800 Н. Линейные размеры вала определим из первого этапа компоновки. Реакции опор (левую опору обозначим индексом «3»). В плоскости xz RX4 ×55 – Ft ×65 = 0; Н; RX3 ×55 – Ft ×120 = 0; Н. В плоскости yz ; ; ; Суммарные реакции Н; Н Осевые составляющие радиальных реакций конических подшипников. S3 = 0,83×е×Рr3 = 0,83×0,9×2139 = 1597,8 Н; S4 = 0,83×е×Рr4 = 0,83×0,9×1222 = 912,8 Н где е = 0,9 – параметр осевого нагружения для подшипников 7213. Осевые нагрузки подшипников. В нашем случае Ра4 = S4 + Fa = 912,8 + 328,3 = 1241,1 Н; Ра3 = S3 + FП = 1597,8 + 2800 = 4397,8 Н Рассмотрим опору «3» как наиболее нагруженную. Рассчитываем отношение Ра3 / Рr3 Так как отношение Ра3 / Рr3 > e = 0,9 , то при подсчёте эквивалентной нагрузки осевые силы учитываем. Эквивалентная нагрузка РЭ3 = (X × V × Pr3 + Y × Pa3) × Кб × Кт = = (0,4 × 1 × 2139 + 1,69 × 4397,8) × 1,2 × 1 = 9945,4 Н ≈ 10 кН. где V = Кт = 1 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18.]; Кб = 1,2 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18]; Х = 0,4 [3, с. 213, таб��ица 9.18.]; Y = 1,69 [3, с. 213, таблица 9.18]. Определяем расчётную долговечность, млн. об.; млн. об. где С = 76 кН = 76000 Н – динамическая грузоподъемность подшипника 7213. Определяем расчётную долговечность, ч. ч. Найденная долговечность приемлема, так как превышает [Lh] = 10000 ч. Уточненный расчет ведущего вала Определим коэффициенты запаса прочности для опасного сечения ведущего вала, принимая, что нормальные напряжения изменяются по симметричному циклу, а касательные – по отнулевому (пульсирующему). Назначаем материал вала – сталь 40Х, имеющую механические свойства: Временное сопротивление на разрыв sв = 930 МПа; Предел выносливости по нормальным напряжениям s-1 = 400 МПа; Предел выносливости по касательным напряжениям t-1 = 232 МПа. Запас усталостной прочности ведущего вала определяем в месте посадки подшипника опоры «2». В этом сечении действует максимальны изгибающий момент М = 317, 7 Н∙м и крутящий момент МКР = 74,8 Н∙м. В качестве концентратора напряжений в месте посадки внутреннего кольца подшипника на вал выступает посадка с натягом. Проверяем вал на усталостную прочность в опасном сечении при одновременном действии изгибающего и крутящего моментов. Для этого определяем коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности где nσ – коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности при изгибе σV – амплитуда цикла изгибных напряжений при симметричном цикле W – момент сопротивления изгибу сечения вала; d = 50 мм – диаметр вала в опасном сечении; ks / εs = 4,5 [3, с. 554] – отношение эффективного коэффициента концентрации напряжений изгиба к фактору, учитывающему влияние размеров сечения вала на усталостную прочность; Ψσ = 0,2 – коэффициент, учитывающий чувствительность материала вала к постоянным нагрузкам (для легированных сталей); σm = σV = 25,8 МПа – среднее напряжение изгибного цикла при наличии осевой нагрузки. nτ – коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности при кручении τV – амплитуда цикла касательных напряжений при пульсирующем цикле WК – момент сопротивления кручению сечения вала; kτ / ετ = 3,1 [3, с. 554] – отношение эффективного коэффициента концентрации напряжений кручения к фактору, учитывающему влияние размеров сечения вала на усталостную прочность; Ψτ = 0,1 – коэффициент, учитывающий чувствительность материала вала к постоянным нагрузкам (для легированных сталей); τm = τV = 1,5 МПа – среднее напряжение цикла касательных напряжений. Из расчёта видно, что фактический коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности для опасного сечения ведущего вала n = 3,1 больше предельно допустимого коэффициент запаса [n] = 1,5…1,7 [3, с. 205], следовательно, рассчитанный вал обладает достаточной усталостной прочностью. Уточненный расчет ведомого вала Определим коэффициенты запаса прочности для опасного сечения ведомого вала, принимая, что нормальные напряжения изменяются по симметричному циклу, а касательные – по отнулевому (пульсирующему). Запас усталостной прочности ведущего вала определяем в месте посадки зубчатого колеса. В качестве концентратора напряжений в месте посадки колеса выступает шпоночный паз шириной b = 12 мм и глубиной t1 = 5 мм. В этом сечении действует максимальны изгибающий момент М = 137,7 Н∙м и крутящий момент МКР = 184,1 Н∙м. Проверяем вал на усталостную прочность в опасном сечении при одновременном действии изгибающего и крутящего моментов. Для этого определяем коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности где nσ – коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности при изгибе σV – амплитуда цикла изгибных напряжений при симметричном цикле W – момент сопротивления изгибу сечения вала; d = 60 мм – диаметр вала в опасном сечении; t1 = 5 мм – глубина шпоночного паза на валу; b = 12 мм – ширина шпоночного паза; ks / εs = 2,5 [3, с. 554] – отношение эффективного коэффициента концентрации напряжений изгиба к фактору, учитывающему влияние размеров сечения вала на усталостную прочность; Ψσ = 0,2 – коэффициент, учитывающий чувствительность материала вала к постоянным нагрузкам (для легированных сталей); σm = σV = 22 МПа – среднее напряжение изгибного цикла при наличии осевой нагрузки. nτ – коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности при кручении τV – амплитуда цикла касательных напряжений при пульсирующем цикле WК – момент сопротивления кручению сечения вала; kτ / ετ = 3,1 [3, с. 554] – отношение эффективного коэффициента концентрации напряжений кручения к фактору, учитывающему влияние размеров сечения вала на усталостную прочность; Ψτ = 0,1 – коэффициент, учитывающий чувствительность материала вала к постоянным нагрузкам (для легированных сталей); τm = τV = 7,3 МПа – среднее напряжение цикла касательных напряжений. Из расчёта видно, что фактический коэффициент запаса усталостной прочности для опасного сечения ведомого вала n = 6,2 больше предельно допустимого коэффициент запаса [n] = 1,5…1,7 [3, с. 205], следовательно, рассчитанный вал обладает достаточной усталостной прочностью.
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isumon012 · 7 years
Buying Pianos
USE The Following Article ONLY on PR1+ Websites
The initial step in purchasing a second hand piano is figuring out your financial allowance. This is a detailed explanation how much in the different cost points. For more information on the best electric piano for beginners, visit our website today!
1. Under $500.00: You'll have to do your personal research. You'll need some luck to locate anything functional. Do your huge favor and also have the piano checked with a qualified piano specialist before you decide to pay it off, and have it moved to your residence. If you don't you might find yourself within the tough situation of getting to pay for to achieve the piano junked.
2. Under $1,000.00: Just like above, but taking two times the financial risk.
3. Under $1,500.00: With this cost you are able to, with luck, look for a reconditioned spinet or console from the dealer. The dealership will probably took the piano in on trade. A piano like this is reconditioned. What this means is the piano continues to be cleaned inside and outside, and also the action continues to be given a once to make certain the piano will have reliably. The situation is going to be polished. Some type of warranty will be presented. Only at that cost point you are very likely the piano plays correctly and holds a tuning. However, it might be impractical to anticipate an excellent sounding, musically inspiring piano. The piano will likely attend least 40 years old
4. Under $2,000.00: Just like above, however with a far more attractive cabinet. Only at that cost point you realized the piano to become a minimum of three decades old.
5. Under $3,000.00: Now you are receiving enough where you will probably obtain a decent guitar. Only at that cost point you will be able to look for a console or studio upright which has a good musical seem, along with a solid touch towards the action. The very best types of pianos within this cost range are Yamaha, Kawai, Youthful Chang, Sammick, and Sohmer. Yamaha will be the very best in this category. You ought to be searching at pianos no over the age of the mid-1970s for Yamaha, with no over the age of the mid-1980s for that others.
6. $3,500.00- $4,500.00: This can be a realistic cost range where you will find a piano that the advanced student may use to develop his pianistic abilities. The very best pianos to go into this cost range are Yamaha and Kawai 48 in. to 52 in. upright pianos. Fundamental essentials instruments that you simply get in the practice rooms of universities and music schools. In the low finish from the cost range you discover older pianos. I can not recommend any piano over the age of 1975. There's additionally a nice subcategory within this cost range. Charles Walter and Sons create a very good quality console. This is actually the best made American upright apart from Steinway. The situation of those pianos is superbly made. The voice from the piano can be created acceptable by a specialist specialist.
7. $4,500.00- $5,500.00: Just like above, however the pianos ought to be in the 90's. You will find types of Yamaha which have posts within the back the same shape as an X rather of vertical parallel posts. These pianos have a great design. I've incorporated them within this category because there is a possibility of a hotter, more potent seem. For me this is because almost as much ast anybody will have to invest a second hand upright piano.
8. Rule #1: In case your finances are less than $7,500.00 don't even take a look at grand pianos. Unless of course you're very lucky you'll probably find yourself having a piano that will require unrealistically costly repairs. This is a common example. Someone In Particular purchases a Knabe grand piano for $500.00. He's all excited because his child will start training and requires a piano which to rehearse. He spends an additional $300.00 to obtain the piano gone to live in his house. Despite the fact that John doesn't know much about pianos they know that it's from tune. He calls a tuner and discovers the piano won't hold a tune since the pin block is simply too loose. He finds the pin block can't be replaced unless of course the piano is reconstructed. The repair bill is $6,000.00 to exchange the pin block, switch the strings, the dampers, and tune the piano as much as pitch and obtain the experience to operate correctly. John just wasted $800.00 on the piano that's unusable unless of course he spends an additional $6,000.00. John will probably be spending another $300.00 to achieve the piano removed.
9. $7,500- $10,000.00: You're in a great place with a lot of options. Within this cost range you will be able to buy a small Korean or Japanese piano from the dealer. Common brands within this cost and size range are Yamaha, Youthful Chang, Kawai, Boston, and Sammick. You are able to go as old as 1975 for any Yamaha grand within this cost range, but for the other brands you need to go no over the age of 1985.
10. $10,000.00 -$15,000.00: Within this cost range you are very likely to get the best quality Yamaha and Kawai grand pianos as much as 6 foot. 5 in. Good models are Yamaha G2, G3, C1, C2, C3, C5, and Kawai KG2, KG3, KG5, RX2, RX3.
And in this category you'll find reconstructed and refinished grand pianos from trustworthy piano rebuilders. These pianos can also get reconstructed actions. Typical brands are Chickering, Knabe, Baldwin, Broadwood, Sohmer, and lots of less popular, but equally good brands. Only at that cost range you are very likely five-year warranties to become incorporated within the cost from the piano.
11. $15,000.00 -$20,000.00: After you are in reconditioned Steinway and Mason and Hamlin country. This really is "no country for old men". You'll be having to pay lots of money for any piano Which Will EVENTUALLY Have To Be RESTORED. The cost of restoration for any Steinway M (5 foot. 7 in.) is $20,000.00. The cost of restoration for any Steinway D (concert grand) is $30,000.00. For me, that is based on thirty experience, it's cheaper and satisfying to accept next thing and obtain a completely refinished, reconstructed or restored piano.
12. $20,000.00 or more. Listed here are realistic prices for that different types of reconstructed and refinished or restored Steinway and Mason and Hamlin pianos:
Steinway S typically reconstructed and refinished with new action $23,000-$25,000
Mason T typically reconstructed and refinished with new action $19,000.00 -$23,000
Steinway M reconstructed and refinished with new action $25,000- $30,000
Mason A with new restored with new seem board and new action $25,000.00-$30,000.00
Steinway O restored $32,000.00-$38,000.00
Steinway A restored $35,000.00-$50,000.00
Mason AA restored $35,000.00
Steinway B restored $45,000.00- $70,000.00
Mason BB restored $45,000.00- $50,000.00
Steinway C restored $55,000-$85,000.00
Steinway D restored $65,000.00-$150,000.00
Mason CC $55,000.00- $65,000.00
Rule #2: Unless of course you're purchasing a piano from the well know piano restoration house that's providing you with a 5-year warranty you'll need a piano professional to check out the piano for you personally.
Rule #3: A Great UPRIGHT IS A Far Greater PIANO Than The Usual CRUMMY GRAND PIANO... And Far LESS Costly.
Don't develop "analysis paralysis" or else you will be searching for that perfect piano forever. Adhere to your budget, purchase from a trustworthy dealer who provides a warranty, and also have a piano professional validate your decision. I've been carrying this out for three decades. How hard will it be?
Best of luck locating a piano! Want to know more about the best electric piano brands Visit our website to know more.
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youronlybean · 4 months
I'm back to ask for more DND because you've made me brainrot /pos
Mayhaps some Junkyard, Pasta and Kara headcanons? 🙏
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Junk - Dragonborn, Bannaret Fighter, Soldier + Inspiring Leader feat
Pasta - Tiefling, Life Cleric, Noble + Healer feat
Kara - Half-Elf, Abjuration Wizard, Noble
Picturing Junk as a grumpy, elder Dragonborn just called to me. I knew he had to be a fighter, though maybe he would have a different background for his carpentry? Backgrounds aren’t really my forte anyway. The inspiring leader feat also just feels perfect for him.
Pasta is a life cleric and has the healer feat for obvious reasons. Her avatar has horns and is technically a demon, so I think Tiefling suits best in that regard. Her noble background ties into her relationship to Em as I mentioned previously.
Kara is a wizard for sure. I thought about enchantment for her subclass but I think the way she is quick to shut down bullshit sold me on abjuration ultimately. She just gives half-elf vibes to me, and her background I think would be from working with/for Sparkles.
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youronlybean · 4 months
Please,,,, 5e Team Sickos 🥺👉👈
Tumblr media
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Chilled - Human Variant (high Cha. Obviously), College of Whispers Bard, Charlatan with the Silver-Tongued feat
Ze - Tiefling, Drakewarden Ranger, Sage(?)
Shubble - Forest Gnome, Circle of Spores Druid, Hermit
For Chilled I was so torn between Mastermind Rogue and Whispers Bard, since they are both such deception-based classes, but ultimately I thought bard was more true to his goofier side. Charlatan was the obvious choice for his background, and a slight homage to the cardboard shop bit. He also just gives human energy, variant for the higher charisma stat.
For Ze I honestly had no idea. I thought at first maybe Barbarian but none of the subclasses really called to me. I went with Drakewarden Ranger because I want Ze to have a dragon companion. Possibly named Hashbrown. That’s it. He’s a tiefling because of the horns, and I don’t know about background but I thought Sage bc comp-sci degree lol. I liked the artificer idea for this reason but uhhh. Dragon!!!!
So Shubble’s is obvious if you watched Empires (go watch Empires). Circle of Spores is because of S2 with the Evermoore, and she’s a Gnome and a Hermit because of S1 with Shrub. Spores felt right for the Evermoore because of the Necrotic spells, as well as the decay and the Skulkfan135 incident.
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youronlybean · 4 months
jeremy and platy for the dnd asks? :)
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Jeremy - Mountain Dwarf, Battlerager Barbarian, Criminal
Platy - Eladrin, College of Glamour Bard, Noble + Observant
I thought maybe totem path for Jeremy with the wolf, but since he’s a dwarf I just couldn’t pass up battlerager. Criminal is for FAHC, since we’re following the same story as Matt and the others I guess. Jeremy is for sure a textbook Barbarian though.
Platy just gives eladrin to me idk why. But glamour bard is perfect for him - this man worships Dionysus. He’s for sure a noble who just loves to party. Observant feat is because he's always on cams in mongus
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youronlybean · 4 months
Since you said Ze is a tiefling, would Skadj be a tiefling because of the horns on his avatar? And what are your thoughts on Cheesy?
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Skadj - Tiefling, Arcane Trickster Rogue, Hermit
Cheesy - Lightfoot Halfling, Wild Magic Sorcerer, Haunted One
You are absolutely right - Skadj is a Tiefling because of his avatar. I thought about Skadj being a ranger but I think arcane trickster is good subclass for him. Hermit is just because Alaska lol
Cheesy is a wild magic user I will not hear any arguments. I originally had him as a bard but I figured sorcerer was more fitting since I think he’d at least try to do some good damage before it blows up in his face. I think Haunted One because he tried to be a hero and wild magic for sure messed it up for him and he was banished from his hometown.
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youronlybean · 4 months
Hey, I've got another take: Matt as a fathomless warlock (because shark mage) except instead of making a pact, he ends up finding a way to siphon the power off of some kind of powerful shark god.
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Matt - Triton, Fathomless Warlock, Spy
so Matt’s lore (I think) is that he stole a shark soul so I was very conflicted whether to go for sea sorcerery but ultimately warlock kinda suits better. Triton because I’ll die on sharp teeth hill. I thought maybe spy would be good for FAHC as his background? But I love the idea of Matt finding a way to sneakily siphon power off of a literal God
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youronlybean · 4 months
I've gotta ask about Tom. My first thoughts were either college of glamour bard or (for his vtuber) school of evocation wizard, but I'd like to know your thoughts.
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Tom - Half-Elf, Archfey Warlock, Entertainer
I absolutely had Tom down as a wizard too (I like evocation for him especially) since I was basing it off his v-tuber but then I heard his lore where he sold his soul to his dog and I immediately switched him to warlock - Archfey was just what I thought suited him best. I chose the Entertainer background probably for the same reason why Glamour Bard fits him too.
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youronlybean · 4 months
I think Kruz is a draconic bloodline sorcerer and Slack is an artificer, but what r you thoughts?
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Kruz - Fire Genasi, Way of The Ascendant Dragon Monk, Soldier
Slack - Satyr, Artillerist Artificer, Soldier
For Kruz I thought about Drakewarden again but I didn’t want to double up on subclasses if I could help it. Monk is very heavy-hitting so I thought the martial aspects would be good for Kruz. Fire genasi just seems to suit her too.
Slack is absolutely an artificer. I have like, 3 minecraft series to back it up. Satyr is because of his little appa hat. I figure bisons are close enough to goats that it kinda works lol. I think they’d be soldiers and then be looking together for work once they’re discharged.
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youronlybean · 4 months
Vikram, Chibi and Bryce DND? :]
I'd think Human Ranger, Halfling Warlock and Aarakocra Cleric
Format: Name - [Subrace] Race, Subclass Class, Background + any relevant feats
Vikram - Human, Oath of Glory Paladin, Knight
Chibi - Pixie, Hexblade Warlock, Charlatan
Bryce - Wood Elf, Light Cleric, Folk Hero
For Vik you’d think Oath of the Crown, right? But I think he’d be oath of glory because. Well. “I am VikramAFC!! The greatest in the world!!” He’s totally one of those knights who’s a little too big for his boots lol. Thought about maybe him being a bard but I think his ego is slightly more prevalent. I’m curious which ranger subclass you think would suit Vik? Maybe monster slayer or fey wanderer?
Chibi is gremlin. I thought about her being a fairy or goblin but honestly pixies are the most mischievous of them. I don’t know why but hexblade warlock called to me for her, and I think charlatan is just perfect, especially since v-tubers can’t read lmao
Bryce seems like the golden retriever of PR1, so I kind of went with a sunshine theme. I agree that cleric suits him well, and I think that he would be beloved by people for his charm and healing abilities.
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youronlybean · 7 months
What are your favorite PR1 fics? :D
The Great Space Opera by devilangelsol - literally amazing. ZRC Among Us X TOS X Shellshock AU with angst, comedy, and exploding cats
Oculi perditionis, Anima renascentiae by HenryOrSomething - TEAM SICKO MY BELOVED, angst, you may cry
An interlude of exhaustion by tenshavingatime - baseball AU!! Very cool and funny, the dynamic was spot on
The Chaos Theory by hautedlife - Hey! Do you like original story concepts? Do you like angst? Do you want to CRY? READ THIS!!
Imitation is the highest form of flattery by tenshavingatime - ghost AU!! Very good :)
Also, you have me by AllianettemiE5 - ZRC hurt/comfort ahhhh
PROJECT: Winter (Frozen Over) by WasSlothCheese - PROJECT WINTER AU MY BELOVED (also trauma yikes)
I’ve Seen More Deaths Than You’ll Have Birthdays by lukamoonvibe - hasn’t updated in a while but TIME SHENANIGANS!
I definitely missed some good ones, but these are very good fics and I highly recommend them :D
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