dragonmythfandom · 2 years
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(live action Raya and the Last Dragon)
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isitbussinjanelle · 3 years
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What if somehow the druun returned in the second film because of human discord and disagreements within new Kumandra?
Raya and her Gang would have to travel to a whole OTHER Nation to collect a greater power than dragon magic to defeat the druun in their own land once and for all. But this other nation is filled with very...unfriendly people.
Maybe Raya and her gang all get kidnapped by these people. Everyone EXCEPT for Namaari. This means that Namaari once again has to attempt to save the world on her own, while also trying to save her girlfriend Raya friends. This could also mean even more character development for Namaari. We could see how her anxiety and fear of ruining everything again could be a rode-block to her saving Kumandra.
This is just an idea but of course it sounds very similar to the original ratld. Same concept. Find the special source, fix the world.
Point it, I want a second movie. I liked what I got in the first one, but I want more rayaari of the gang.
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charmerquilled-aa · 3 years
"What is your view on humans? Do you see any worth in humanity beyond the greed and selfishness most if not all humans have shown ?" {From League of legends AU Pranee}
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     “Now, that’s a mouthful of a question.” Attention was DRAWN back. Moments ago, his gaze had swept across her form like wind upon strands of grass. Pranee was INCREDIBLY fuzzy, oh how he wished he could pet her gorgeous mane. Although, he knew better than to bounce into the wrong dance with a creature such as this one. Dragons. Such proud and extravagant beasts. Respect had to be given to their incredible presence.       But now he tapped one talon against the ground and arms crossed at the question at hand. Brows furrowed, and he allowed a heartbeat or two of momentary silence so he could think. He wonders what he should have for dinner tonight. 
     No. Not that thought! Focus.       “Humans are complicated creatures. But aren’t we all? None of us are perfect.” He stated quite simply. Before Xayah, the golden illusionist frequented many human towns to perform. Much like some of his own kind, he encountered many rude pigs. If he had any say at the time, he would’ve roasted them upon a spit. Yeesh, he was hungry. Now he wanted bacon.
    Much to his displeasure, those humans were the types who made him question his purpose. They made him feel worthless. A failure. As much as he liked attention, he absolutely loathed them for not taking his message to heart. They were tone deaf to the magic.     Yes, there was a point the great Rakan, the bringer of peace and understanding of magic, started to RESENT humans as a whole. He was already losing his kind due to expansion and loss of magic, but he felt as if he couldn’t go back to his tribe after he had so boldly boasted he could make a change by himself. 
            He simply could not go back. That would be embarrassing. His tribe already had little faith and called him a Mu’takl - A blood traitor. To come back empty handed? He would be a laughing stock, and not in the ‘ha ha’  good way.
    When the golden one joined Xayah’s cause, he was in his LOWEST of moments. Trapped within deep crevice, the Rebellion was his guiding light to place his heart back upon the right path. Funnily enough, it opened up opportunities for him to be re-introduced to the humanity that people showcased during times of war. He was re-introduced to their kindness. To their willingness to help at the expense of their own lives. 
He doesn’t remember every face, and boy, was he bad at names. But he does remember the feeling of warmth that had bloomed like a rose within his heart. 
     Those were the humans that he saved from Xayah’s feather blades.
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“ I feel there is a GLIMMER of hope for them. All the bad apples are the LOUDEST in comparison to the good people who are talked over or spat upon for their unique views. It causes them to work like mice underneath a cupboard. Unseen.” A finger gestured in a powerful manner, showing that his point was about to be wrapped up. “And that’s why our eyes are sometimes blind to the GOOD in humanity”
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
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@praneedatu​ said: "Tell me have you ever tasted the blood of dragons? Or do you mostly stick to human blood?"
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“ If you are, uninformed, Vampires require human blood to survive. For you see, we cannot necessarily produce our own blood, so we require to consume it from others and other species’ blood does not quite work with our bodies that well. Generally, we can eat animal blood but it is very malnourishing. Depending on the creature the blood comes from, certain magical effects can happen from it as well but I have never met a dragon before so I have never had the chance to try dragon’s blood but I hear it is quite valuable. “
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lloronala · 4 years
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@praneedatu​​ said:  "I can tell just by looking at you that you are natural born caregiver and would do anything for those you love. You human possess a pure heart full of love and care never lose that."
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❁ ❁  “  ¿Does it show that much?  ” She had to ask out of curiosity. Well, anyone could assume that from her as the matriarch of many generations. “  Although....I do think you’re praising me more than I deserve. I come with flaws as well, if you haven’t noticed. Pero, I do try to come off as decent as possible to those that deserve it.  ”
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honest-living · 4 years
@praneedatu​ liked for a starter 🍎
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     “HEY! YOU OVER THERE!” a pause as she waits for the other pony to acknowledge her call, “a storm’s a brewin’! Y’might wanna head on home and take shelter for a while.”
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wolfvirago · 3 years
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⤏ send me “plots please”
… and I’ll respond with  3 (or more)  interesting  plots / relationships / connections I can think of for our muses!  There is  no pressure  for us to write any of them,   but it’s a great starting point for you to get a sense of how I think our muses might interact and what sorts of plots I’m most interested in happening between them  -  so don’t be shy! [accepting]
@praneedatu​ said:  “plots please”
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1. My first and immediate idea is a mentorship. Robin’s end goal in her canon is to awaken in her powers, so I think she might see a dragon and want to ask for their help in terms of learning how to control and understand herself.
2. Kind of the same vein, but with my Okami AU, in which Robin is already a half-deity in training, maybe this would allow for a more lax friendship on her part.
3. free space, send me your plot wishlist!
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animalgirl225 · 2 years
Raya x Namaari story time again! It's another long one; it combines several ideas I had, so it took a bit to mesh them all together into a coherent story lol. Because of the length, this one deserves a title. Enjoy!
Includes mild fluff, deep conversation, and themes of anger, guilt, forgiveness, and comfort.
Partially inspired by this art (specifically the first pic) by @teabeeart that I love so much and think is too cute
and also this art by @5hio
Ao3 link!
Finding Forgiveness ___________________
Intent to escape the bustle of the day, Raya led Namaari down the now-familiar path to one of her favorite spots outside the main center of Heart. The forested trail was lightly used; as far as Raya knew, she was the only one aware of this hidden overlook. The trail opened up, and the girls stepped into the small clearing above a steep cliff. The rock arch of Heart loomed on the horizon, lit brightly by the early afternoon sun. Noise from the city drifted farther and more loudly over the rolling hills than usual. It was the second anniversary of the defeat of the Druun, and Heart was hosting the celebration this year. People from all the tribes had flooded the city, and a cheery buzz filled the air at all times save for the deepest hours of the night. But despite all the of camps that had sprung up in the fields and hills around Heart, this small clearing remained a secret.
Namaari settled down against the trunk of a large dragonberry tree and spread her knees apart to make room for Raya to join her. Raya settled into the space between her legs and leaned back against her, placing her arms over Namaari's legs and resting her wrists loosely on Namaari's knees. Namaari wrapped her arms around Raya's shoulders and gently pressed her chin into her hair. Sitting companionably together, the two spoke little as they savored the warm afternoon breeze. Raya loved these quiet moments with Namaari. She cherished every chance to get to know her fellow young warrior a little better, and sometimes the best understanding came from the fewest words. She closed her eyes and breathed in the sweet scent of the berries that filled the rustling branches above them.
A stick snapped somewhere off to their left, and Raya felt Namaari jump and tense against her. Despite her doubt it was a threat, she felt a small thrill knowing that Namaari was always so ready to protect her. But it also made Raya somewhat sad that her friend struggled to truly calm down during the day, and was always ready for a fight. That's why she liked to bring Namaari out here, away from the bustle of the city and the stresses that came with being the heirs to their tribes. It seemed to be one of the few places her friend could truly relax and be herself, not the warrior princess she had to be in front of her people.
"Relax, dep la; nothing out here will hurt us anymore. It might even be a dragon," Raya said, leaning her head back against Namaari's chest and rubbing her leg soothingly. After their return, the dragons had spread all across Kumandra, but Sisu and her siblings had chosen to live in the forests around Heart. Both girls looked to their left as a large purple dragon joined them in the clearing.
"Well, if it isn't my favorite dynamic duo," Pranee said in her surprisingly deep, musical voice. "I wondered who else knew about this lovely spot."
"Hello, Praneedatu" Namaari said. Raya was amused by her friend's formal use of the honorific suffix, even after two years of knowing the dragon.
"How many times have I asked, please just call me Pranee," the dragon said with a smile. She walked over to sit on her haunches beside the girls, reaching up into the tree to snag a bundle of berries. "Taking a break from the festivities?" Pranee asked genially as she popped a few berries off their stem and tossed them into her mouth.
"It's so nice to see everyone, but it does get a bit overwhelming," Raya said as a swell of distant laughter echoed from the city. Pranee chuckled. With her ability to shift into human form, Pranee seemed to understand better than most dragons how exhausting interacting with people could be. She was very down to earth and often provided a listening ear for the girls. Raya knew she'd been a confidant of Namaari's in the past, helping the young woman with her struggle to come to terms with the accident two years ago and the guilt she'd carried ever since. Raya suspected she may have even gotten advice on their relationship from the kindly dragon. Whatever advice she'd been given, it had been spot on, Raya thought as Namaari played absent-mindedly with Raya's braids.
The girls were chatting amicably with Pranee when a light fog entered the clearing despite the warm day, and another violet dragon joined them on the overlook. Now it was Raya's turn to become tense. Jagan had proven more difficult to get along with than the rest of Sisu's siblings. The five dragons had held a council a few days after their return, and with Sisu's support, the two young women had recounted the events of that fateful day and explained why the dragons had needed to heal their sister. The dragons had listened carefully to the story and asked several difficult questions. In the end, they had decided it was a tragic accident caused by miscommunication and had forgiven the girls. But Jagan was stubborn. He adored his older sister, and was taking longer than the other dragons to understand and forgive the events that had led to Sisu's death. Raya placed her hands protectively on Namaari's knees.
"Hello Jagan," she said lightly. "Greetings, everyone." Jagan replied as he surveyed the small group. "Preparing for tonight's events?" He asked. "Soon enough," Raya answered. "We're just taking a break from all the crowds." Namaari continued. Jagan looked sideways at the girls. "Yes, as tribe heirs, it must be hard to escape sometimes. Especially from an event reminding you of your transgressions from the past," he said with a hint of poorly veiled spite.
Behind her, Raya felt Namaari's head dip in shame. She had never argued Jagan's accusations, still plagued by guilt over the accident in Fang. But Raya was angry. The sly comment was uncalled for. She felt Namaari had long since made up for that day, and none of the other dragons still harbored animosity towards her. Raya had also admitted her part in the tragedy, but Jagan had been nothing but civil towards her. Namaari's difficulty in overcoming her guilt certainly was not helped by continuing to be reminded so harshly of that day, especially by a revered dragon. Raya's hands tightened on Namaari's knees and a retort formed on her lips.
"Peace, Jagan. That's enough." Pranee chided. "Perhaps you should go get ready for the ceremony tonight. You smell like river mud and fish." Grumbling in the ancient language of the dragons, Jagan turned away and stalked off through the trees. The female dragon watched as her younger brother's tail disappeared into his cloud of fog.
"I apologize for my brother," Pranee said with a sigh. "He has always been very fond of Sisu, and is still young in our years. He's enjoyed causing trouble ever since he was a pup. He's finding the circumstances of our return a little more difficult to forgive then the rest of us."
"I don't blame him," Namaari said softly, her words heavy with sadness. Raya's heart ached for her friend's struggle and she leaned her head back against her chest, hugging Namaari's arms tighter around her shoulders.
"Namaari, we've been through this," Pranee replied gently and with an air of unshakable patience. "All the rest of the dragons have forgiven you for what happened. We understand it was an accident, a mistake born from desperation and misunderstanding. It's high time for you to forgive yourself. If you continue to hold this shame in your heart, it'll poison happier memories and drive you to despair."
Raya rubbed her friend's arm, agreeing wholeheartedly with the dragon's wise words. "Now, I'll leave you two in your peace." Pranee said, stretching and giving her indigo mane a shake before rising to leave. "I also have some preparation to do for tonight."
"Thank you, Pranee." Raya said for the both of them. "We'll see you in a little bit." Pranee dipped her head, lightly brushing Namaari's hair with her snout. "I'll see you soon, my friends." The girls watched as Pranee left the clearing. "She's right, you know." Raya said quietly. "You've got to let it go. I hate to see you beat yourself up like this, so long after it's happened and been forgiven."
Namaari sighed. "It was just so terrible. I still have nightmares. Seeing her fall like that, her glow going dark, knowing that I was the one responsible for killing our last hope. If only I hadn't- " Namaari's voice broke. "Hey." Raya sat up and turned to face her friend. "Look at me, dep la." Namaari hesitated, then their brown eyes met. Raya gently took Namaari's chin in her hands and wiped away a tear with her thumb. "I know now that you would never have fired if I didn't hit your hand. What happened wasn't only on you. Besides, it wasn't our last hope. Everything worked out in the end, and that's what we have to hold on to. We'll ruin ourselves if we keep living in the past, turning our mistakes over and over until we're lost in them."
Raya leaned forward and pulled her friend into a long, tight hug. Namaari heaved a shuddering sigh that seemed to come from her toes. Raya wished she could hold her longer, but the shadows were growing long. "Come on, let's get back." Raya stood up and offered Namaari her hand. Pulling her to her feet, Raya put her arm through Namaari's as they walked back into the forest. It was a long process, but Raya hoped that with help from herself and the dragons, Namaari would soon forgive herself as everyone else had.
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bxttenbound-archive · 3 years
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@praneedatu​ asked: "Any preferences in blood type like A negative or O positive? Or do you have no preference?"
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��� Why yes, actually. I enjoy a good sport of O positive but any blood type will do the job it needs to. The flavors between blood types do change though, and you have to be careful which ones you are to mux in with the wines. The only blood type I do not enjoy is Diabetic as it messes up with my body chemistry far too much and tends to not cooperate with other blood types. “
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lloronala · 3 years
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@praneedatu​ said:  “ i love a good place to hide in plain sight. “ (cough cough she can shapeshift into a human)
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❁ ❁  “  Bueno, bueno---¿pero could you make yourself look more dead?  ” Frantically, she shoved her into the closest alleyway, making sure no one saw them. Having a dragon by your side really took a lot out of a soul. Peaking out, she was quick to return her attention back on the other, letting out a sigh as she looked at her sternly. “  This disguise alone can pass off in the Land of the Living, but you have to remember this is the Land of the Dead. So....if there’s any other form you’re able to take on....  ” If not, then she was going to have to do some makeup on her to help blend her in.
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